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Lace and Tux Quest

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Lace and Tux OP.jpg
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“Do you have everything memorized, Young Master?”

“Of course, it’s only the most important night of my life, you know.” The fresh eighteen-year-old boy, nay, man all dressed up in front of you quips as you close up on him and fix his collar.

“You really don’t need to baby me so much, Lacy. I’m a man now, you know.” He says as you spot a stray button unfastened, and you pinch him by the ear, an act that summons an indignant pout from his face.

“Okay, okay! It’s done! You can let go now!” he yelps as you fix him with a glare as he buttons everything up properly once more, looking presentable for maybe the first time in his life.

“You aren’t a young man until I say so, master. Now go on, shoo! Make your poor parents proud!” you smile as you gently push him out of the dressing room, watching him stride confidently outside and closing the door with a miraculous shred of politeness from his fruitless etiquette lessons with you.

Sitting down in one of the many chairs and resting your head against the polished wood, simply enjoying the momentary pride of watching a young boy turning into a man, by way of an overly fancy, disgustingly gaudy ceremony of course, but such is life when dealing with corporation families. You hear a knock at the door, and you snap your head back up, flashing a hand at the USP you keep strapped to your thigh. “Come in!” you shout as you slow your breathing down and narrow your eyes at the door.

Slowly, the door opens to reveal Tex, your immaculately dressed partner and the head butler of the Cerulean house to your head maid. You relax your body as fast as you can and fling your hand back to your side, but you can’t fool him, never really could. “Wary as ever, I see.” He chuckles as he pulls up his hand from his back to reveal a fist, the imprint of a weapon handle still visible on the skin.

“Never really leaves you, huh?” you ask as your smile fades a little, and Tex pulls up a chair next to you and puts one of his meaty hands on your shoulder. “No,” he admits slowly, before his little smile forces you to break your own out, the infectious bastard, “not a bad thing for our line of work, you know.”

You nod in agreement; at this level of the game, the real killers only came in two flavors, undercover, and full-on armored death-squad. And if the latter, serious shit was about to hit the fan. Those sunglass-wearing schmucks with the earpieces and fancy handguns out in the lobby and with the high-rollers were all fodder in a real fight, they just didn’t know it, and most never figured it out until it was too late.

“How are you doing, by the way?” he asks carefully, referring to your little…problem.

“Better,” you admit with difficulty, “Sometimes I still need to pop a few pills now and there…but it’s been getting a little better the last couple of weeks.

“Umm…thanks, by the way.” You say as you drop your head to your knees and look away from his face.

“For what?” he says in a puzzled tone, but you can read him well enough to tell he knows what you’re getting at.

“You know what for, Tux. For everything. I was- “

“You don’t need to thank me for anything, Lace. Anybody else would have done the sa- “

Jumping up, you jab him in the shoulder and wipe a tear away with your sleeve. “You’re a shit liar, Tux. Always have been.”

You pull up your sleeve and roll it up to your wrist, where a mishmash of scar tissue sticks out clearly around the artery.

“Was almost done when you found me, you know. Almost had it at the end there, but the razor almost broke and the booze fucked up my aim. I owe you everything, for my life and my job an- “you choke out slowly until Tex gets up and hugs you to shut you up.

“You don’t owe me anything, Lace. People like us, we’re family, you know. If we don’t look out for each other, who will? Now take a deep breath and get yourself together, we’ve got a ceremony to attend, and we can’t look like a bunch of scuffed-up lovebirds out there.”

You sob it out on his shoulder for a little longer, before finally managing to hold it together, and you stumble back into your chair and wipe your eyes off with a tissue on one of the desks. Tex sits down and waits for you to compose yourself properly before checking his watch and taking out his phone.

“Ceremony starts in ten, and the chief of security is asking me for a contingency plan in case the place gets shot up, been a few years since the last attempted coup, but he’s still a little jumpy. You’ve got more experience with this kind of stuff, what do you think Lace?”

>Reseve the helipad, get one of the corpsec ones and have the pilot on standby. Might not be able to get away by ground if they cut us off from the lobby.

>Call up one of the corpsec APC drivers, have it wait a few blocks away, can’t scare any of the other families here or things will get messy quick. Might take a little to get here, but it definitely beats the Limo for a safe getaway.

>Organize security to maintain a clear path to the Limo on the street at all times. We’ll get to that if things get hot, and it’ll be ready to go.

>Organize security to maintain a clear path to the Limo on the street at all times. We’ll get to that if things get hot, and it’ll be ready to go.
>Organize security to maintain a clear path to the Limo on the street at all times. We’ll get to that if things get hot, and it’ll be ready to go.
>Call up one of the corpsec APC drivers, have it wait a few blocks away, can’t scare any of the other families here or things will get messy quick.
>Have the APC carry a couple fast-response personnel and equipment. Gas masks, Riot Shields, focus on adaptability over number of men.
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“Tell the chief to get the men to make a direct line to the Limo, if things get hot we’ll have a clear exit, and it’ll be running when we need it to.”

“Roger, I’ll work it out with him. Meanwhile, you should head out to the ceremony, wouldn’t want you to miss it, after all.”

You give him a brief nod, before exiting the dressing room and into the nearby maze of hallways that lead to the auditorium. Once you get there, you take your place among the other corporation family lackeys at the back, where you get a moderate quality view of the stage, and you stick it out through all the boring speeches, the stuffy, overly-praised heirs to family lines and other pointless shit for the next hour or so. Fiddling your thumbs about as you daydream, you eventually come across the Young Master’s speech, close to the end, of course, fate enjoys being fickle.

He steps up to the podium, and bathed in the various lights of the stage, he looks absolutely grand. You smile, he looks every bit the heir to the family as he projects an air of confidence about him, slowly getting into his speech. Memorize his speech indeed, he manages to get through it with some kind of ingrained fervor, electrifying the previously bored audience. It is, however, only at the apex of the speech, when he raises a gloved hand to his proud parents sitting in the front row, that you notice the faint sounds of a helicopter rotor nearby.

Gradually, the noise becomes louder and louder, finally becoming clear to the untrained ears of the masses of Corp execs and their children, and mobilizing the security teams with a burst of static and raised handguns. Suddenly, a whoosh is heard from the left side of the building, and an explosion blossoms in the vaunted walls of the auditorium. Shrapnel and fragments of building tear horrendous red streaks through the crowd, who utter a simultaneous scream of terror, like so many prey animals being cornered.

Drawing your USP, you watch in horror as another whoosh reveals the interloper, an assault helicopter that promptly wastes no time opening up its cannons on the crowd, pulping and gibbing great swathes of indiscriminate human flesh. You wince and grimace as a few rounds hit your Master and Mistress, quite literally exploding them to pieces The last casualties you’re going to be idle for, you think, as you begin to sprint through the remnants of the crowd, suddenly glad that you’re currently wearing a loose-fitting cocktail dress instead of the usual maid outfit, to secure the Young Master, crouching and ducking his head by the podium.

He looks up at you as you call his name, but his response is drowned out by the roar of cannon fire, and even more explosions being stitched into the building with pinpoint precision. An altogether too large piece of loose masonry slams into the Young Master, and you scream in helpless fury as his body rolls backward loosely.

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Diving to his position, you crawl up to him and check his pulse, hoping against hope that he’s still alive. As you feel a slight thump, you tick off the safety on your pistol and drag him behind the wooden podium.

“Lace! Are you there, please respond!” you hear Tex desperately yelling from the earpiece you’re currently wearing.

“Lace here! I repeat, Lace here!” you scream into your end as the sound of cannon fire manages to die down, revealing an eerie scene in the auditorium. Amidst the strewn wreckage of bodies, and what had been bodies, Corpsec officers begin to pour in and assist the few wounded personnel still alive. As you gaze at the devastation, you’re interrupted by the sharp CRACK of gunfire coming from the hole in the wall. Silent, black-armored men with rifles have begun to rappel into the gap, some busting through windows to engage the Corpsec officers.

The sound of screaming men and pistols shots begins to become the dominant noise in the air, as the armored squad begins to mow them down with high firepower and advanced tactics, as if their actions were being monitored from afar. “Lace, what the hell is going on! I can’t get a read on the situation, more than half of the officers aren’t responding and the cameras are being jammed!” you hear Tex roar from your earpiece.

“Death-squad! We just got hit by a fucking death-squad, Tux! And they’re good!” you manage to shout back as a burst of gunfire flies your way, tearing through the space your head had just occupied before you’d ducked it under the podium.

“Lace, who’s still alive? They get any of ours?”

Grimacing, you lean out and fire a few blind-shots at your assailant, forcing him to take cover under a fallen pillar as his comrades continue their one-sided slaughter of the Officers.

“Master and Mistress are down! Young Master is barely alive, but not for long if we don’t get him some help,” you spit out as you and your foe trade shots from cover, “We’re all going to be dead soon if we don’t get some backup down here!”

“Alright,” Tex replies almost unnaturally calmly, his specialty trait, really, “Can you hold out for twenty seconds?”

“Going to have to, you know.” You say as you snap off the last shot in your magazine, burying it deep in shoulder of your opponent, giving you a minute perhaps of respite.

“Stand by, Lace. Reinforcements arriving in ten seconds…once we bust in we’re going for an instant extraction, the Limo is still working, they only hit the second floor.”

“Roger that.” Reloading, you hear the last of the Corpsec officers go down, you can tell because no other handguns are fired within the next few seconds.

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[ONE BEHIND THE PODIUM.] You hear buzzed out in static from your erstwhile foe, behind the pillar.

[UNDERSTOOD. FLANKING NOW.] The response comes out, and you hear the shuffling of feet from the other side of the auditorium.


Laying yourself flat, you cover the Young Master as bullets begin to slam into their targets all around you, from bodies to walls, chunks of objects are torn asunder.

As you accept your fate, your attention is turned to the middle of the auditorium, specifically the floor, as it literally explodes. Masonry, bodies, and deathsquad members all fall into the collapsing hole in the literal floor, and from the first floor, you hear gunfire and screams mirrored into echoing static. More Corpsec officers arrive from the auditorium entrance, probably from the security station via the stairs, and a concerted effort to contain the attack is initiated.

Provided with a distraction, you peek up and see four deathsquad troops in your immediate vicinity, all within thirty yards and ducking behind fallen pillars and trading fire with the Corpsec. You narrow your eyes and analyze the situation.

>Five heavily-armored troopers. Spaced ten feet or so from each other in varying pieces of cover. Rifles, all military grade, some attachments like grenade launchers, but primarily consisting of EOTech sights. You spot a few grenades on a few of them, assumed frag grenades.

Your pistol might have trouble penetrating that armor on a single shot basis, you think to yourself.


>Plan out a series of actions. Roll 3d10 for each action. As taken from Fall Guy and Deniable Assets Quest, "Every time you pass a DC check in an action chain, the amount you beat the DC divided by half is added to a failed check later in the action chain. "

Forgot to add, max of 4-5 actions per phase.

Specific actions like [Movement] - [Taking Cover] are easier to pass than actions like [Shoot] or [Melee].
thirty yards? damn, that's pretty far.

>Drag Young Master to a different hiding place, out of the way of any crossfire and unknown to the troopers
>Run along the edge to reposition somewhere where they risk friendly fire if they shoot you. Leave Young Master so no stray bullets go for him
>Assuming they're on rotation, fire on a trooper who is reloading. Use most of your ammo.
>Duck back in and use the rest of the ammo for covering fire. Stall for a few precious seconds.
Seconded desu
It seems like the timezones are suboptimal for people, right now. I will check back when I wake up again, in the sad existence of meatspace.

Feel free to vote and do other shit and play and keep this fucking thing alive.


> If possible, grab heavier weaponry /explosives from any downed troopers.
Not sure if we'll actually be able to take anything but sure, we can go with this as a target of opportunity.
This is good, though would adding:

>Attempt to aim for the explosives on their belts help?

If we can set some off and have them do the work for us we could conserve ammo.
So hate to run way off topic here, but are you still going to run Dungeon Customs?
Is this a new quest?
I can't tell if its new or ongoing.
It's new, I think. I've never seen it before. Besides it seems clear from the story posts so far that they're just introducing us to these characters.
Ah, i thought it might be connected to that one maid quest with gunplay.
Yessir, this is just a short break from it. Might alternate or something, because I do enjoy writing this too.

I'm friends with the guy who us running that, since he's busy for most of November, I figured I'd try my hand at it.

Looks like this is consensus?

>Pick off reloader
>Duck and Suppress

(If any Troopers killed, effort made to recover weapon on a final movement roll?)

Could do this, but it would take a pretty good roll to do so. Igniting a grenade with a bullet means it has to hit in an exact spot, not the easiest to do in this situation.

Sounds like a good plan. How will the 3d10 for each action work? Will it be one player makes all three rolls for one action?
Originally the system basically had each 3d10 rolled by a different player, but this being /qst/ I'm not exactly sure how long it will take for that to happen.

Maybe I'll give each player two rolls?
Yeah I think I'll work with that.

If you're rolling, please do two 3d10s.
Rolled 10, 1, 7 = 18 (3d10)

Rolled 9, 1, 1 = 11 (3d10)

Rolled 5, 3, 4 = 12 (3d10)

Rolled 6, 9, 2 = 17 (3d10)


DRAG : 18

Rolled 10, 7 = 17 (2d10)


You aren’t letting this opportunity go to waste, a little too much on the line for you to fuck this up. Locking two arms around the Young Master’s limp body, you heave with all your might to pull him around the flank of the soldiers and to the other side of the battlefield. Luckily, it seems none of your enemies noticed the move, seeing as the two of you aren't ventilated as soon as you exit cover. Dragging him to the other end of the auditorium, one of the Officer’s recognizes the Young Master and directs his fellows to cover him, one of them picking up the body and running off with it to the first floor under the cover of a veritable hail of pistol fire created by the Officers.

Satisfied that at least the VIP is taken care of, you start your run back to flank the pinned soldiers, and you manage to take a decent position on their side near where you began, until one of them notices you and fires off a quick burst, forcing you to take cover. Peeking out again, you find a soldier reloading, and you stabilize your pistol against the fallen pillar marking your cover. You narrow your eyes and slow your breathing, before eventually taking the shot, which, unfortunately, doesn’t kill the bastard, only slamming him back as the bullet doesn’t manage to penetrate his armor the whole way.

In retaliation, several rifle bursts fly your way, chewing and blasting apart pieces of masonry and wall all around you, forcing you to hug your cover for dear life. When it stops, you stick your head out lightning-quick and bait out a few more bursts. Noting the expended ammo, you drag your USP over the side of your cover and blind fire the entire magazine, suppressing the squad down.

You hear another burst of static, and see that a trooper lying down, bleeding and broken from a pistol shot to the throat. The *click* of empty rifles is heard, and a scramble to reload becomes the main objective of the troopers, which unfortunately becomes made a tad more difficult as a new wave of Corpsec enters the shattered ruins of the auditorium, armed with rifles, shotguns, and riot gear. The resulting storm of lead tears open the scant ruins of trooper cover, and some of them have to lay flat on their backs to avoid getting hit with penetration fire.

Things aren’t looking so good for your enemies, it looks. Looking at them, you see a desperate air around them, veterans cursed with the knowledge that this will be their final fight. Maybe…maybe you can try and end this differently?

>Try and convince them to surrender (d100)

>Do another action phase sequence to finish them off (Standard rules apply)

>Ditch them, get to the first floor, group up with Tex
Rolled 6 (1d100)


>Try and convince them to surrender (d100)
>>Do another action phase sequence to finish them off (Standard rules apply)
Rolled 74 (1d100)

>Try and convince them to surrender (d100)
>Ditch them, get to the first floor, group up with Tex
it's probably not over yet

>Ditch them, get to the first floor, group up with Tex

Actually yeah. Priority is to ensure master's safety.
On second thought, swapping to this.
To hell with them, bastards knew what they signed up for, and your sympathy is cut a teensy bit short by the amount of blood and gore laying around everywhere. You grab the last magazine you’d stowed on you earlier today, and reload your USP. Listening for a particularly nasty exchange of gunfire, you burst out of cover like a lightning bolt and heading for the hole in the floor, getting past the last couple yards under fire with a raw slide that scrapes your legs raw, but it’s nothing you aren’t used to.

Looking at the hole, you pull yourself down to the edge and lower yourself to the first floor with the help of some torn rebar pipes and a stack of bodies. After you plant both feet down on the ground, you almost worry about the bloodstains before you remember the Young Master, well shit, just the Master now, is still in need of evacuation.

“Tux, I gave the Young Master, uhh, Master now I guess, to a some of the Corpsec guys you sent.”

Tex replies in a pant, “Yeah, he’s awake now in the Limo. They dropped another squad on the street, but I managed to keep them out long enough for Corpsec to bring in reinforcements. I’m with the driver, head outside and we’ll get going.”

“We headed anywhere in particular? I don’t think the Penthouse is the safest place to be right now, especially if these assholes were tipped off.”

Tex remains silent for a few seconds, clearly lost in thought, “The summer house, I can get the remaining staff to head there by tonight. It’s safe enough, I checked the defences myself a couple years ago.”

“Sounds good, I’ll be there in a few. Lace, out.”

You look around you, noting the prevalent theme of smashed rocks and corpses everywhere. Holstering your USP, you note that the breach seemed to have been made directly on top of the security station. A few Corpsec in heavy armor and rifles manage to suddenly appear from nowhere until you notice a few chipped corners and pillars that serve as both cover and entrances/exits to the rest of the building, ostensibly made by the original explosion.

Looking up at you, the one with the shiny shoulder plate raises a finger to his helmet before receiving some confirmation, as he lowers his rifle and the group follows immediately.

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“Sorry ma'am, it’s been a hectic couple minutes.” He says in a gruff, stereotypically soldierly voice, probably the result of being gene-modded like so many of the elite corp soldiers so often are.

“None taken, soldier.” You look at the broken bodies of several Deathsquad troopers nearby and nod with respect. “You boys did some good work, blowing open the floor and all. Took almost half of them.”

“Was the Chief’s idea, he’s good at thinking on his feet like that. Anyways, ma’am, orders are to escort you to the street to your ride.”

Sounds good, you think to yourself until something strange tingles in your head. If you were a Deathsquad trooper...(again)…how would you take out any stragglers? Suddenly an idea becomes clear, and you look up at the Corpsec officer.

“Has the helicopter been taken care of yet?” you ask slowly.

“Not yet, we’ve called in our own to hunt it down, and at the least secure the area.”

“Any more Deathsquad sightings?”

“After they attacked through the lobby, no.”


“Do you guys have an armory? I mean aside from this one.” You ask hopefully.

“We do have some equipment over there,” he says as he points to a corner where some gun lockers and crates lay miraculously undisturbed.

Making your way over, the Officer produces a key and unlocks them all, allowing you to rummage through the containers. You find some interesting pieces, but you’re guessing you’ll only be able to keep one.

>Two MP7 PDWs

>An HK416 with an underslung AG-C/ELGM 40mm grenade launcher

>An AT4/CS recoilless anti-tank weapon

i don't know what these are, but I'm guessing:
>double subs/handguns with actual armor penetration
>grenade launcher

Gonna go with
>An AT4/CS recoilless anti-tank weapon
>>An AT4/CS recoilless anti-tank weapon
Have something to do, will be back in an hour or two.

Leave votes if you're still around, I'll get back to it.
Google results in
> submachine guns
> assault rifle with grenade launcher attachment
> rocket launcher

still gonna go with
>An AT4/CS recoilless anti-tank weapon
>An AT4/CS recoilless anti-tank weapon

If the chopper shows up, the other 2 won't really be able to hit it.
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You grab the AT4, at fourteen, almost fifteen pounds, the bloody thing isn’t the lightest thing around, but if they’re coming back, you’ll be glad to have it. Slinging it with you, you follow your escort out past the lobby, where the signs of a desperate gunfight are still visible. You find Tex leaning against the side of the black Limo in front of the building, his eyes closed, and his face relaxed.

Nodding your goodbye to your escort, you walk up to him and wait as your footsteps stir to attention. “Brought a toy with you?” he asks with a grin as he opens the door to the Limo for you. “It’ll come in handy if they come after us.” You reply grimly as you take a seat inside on the smooth black leather of the Limo.

Tex rides shotgun, and leans in to face you, “You think they’ll try it?” You nod, before stowing the AT4 by your feet, “They just took out the entire second floor, I’d be surprised if they didn’t have a way to take stragglers like us out.” A sobbing at your side catches your attention, and you see the Young Master with his face in his hands, probably still trying to comprehend the events of the last couple minutes.

Sliding over to his side, you pull him into a hug, and let him cry into your unfortunately bloodstained dress. “There, there, Youn-….err Master, it’ll be alright. We’re going to the summer house right now; we’ll figure things out from there okay?” you whisper into his ear as you caress his head with your hands.

The Limo begins to move, and you notice a few armored cars with the Corpsec insignia following the vehicle. “Corpsec offered to escort us there, the second floor is secure and we might have the last Corp exec member left with us.” Tex explains as he taps away on his phone, no doubt calling up the staff to arrive at the summer house as soon as possible.

The next ten minutes’ pass by quietly, but despite this, you keep your eyes at the windows scanning for threats, just in case. Then, as the Limo manages to finally get into an intersection, and the skyscrapers disappear, you spy something suspicious. A night-black truck with tinted windows suddenly swerves in the path of the Limo, and the driver brakes into a hard right. You keep your eyes on the truck, and then on the horizon you spot a few more trucks show up, all of them cutting off incoming traffic by slamming themselves into each corner of the intersection

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Without thinking, you grab the Master and throw the two of you straight downwards, to the floor of the Limo. Bullets begin to slam into the vehicle, shattering the windows and punching holes in the metal of the Limo, your sudden dive saving the both of you from being torn to pieces. You hear more vehicles burning out nearby, and make them out as the Corpsec cars stop and engage the enemy.

Dragging the Master along the floor as soon as the shots at the vehicle stop, the enemy being preoccupied with Corpsec, you kick the door open on the opposite side and get the two of you on the asphalt and lean against the Limo. Tex joins you, a tilt of his head at the driver seat telling you the man was dead, before drawing his M1911. You leave the Master huddled up against the Limo and turn around as the sound of a drifting vehicle draws your attention away from the frantic gun battle happening between Corpsec and yet more black armored Deathsquad.

Another black truck drifts brutally against the concrete, slamming into one of the Corpsec trucks and knocking a few officers down with the impact. Without even thinking, time slows down for you as you draw your USP, your mind races, and your heart pumps like it did back in the old days.

Before you can even try getting away, you need to take care of that flanking truck, and you can see at least four troopers getting out with rifles. Your advantage, however, is that you and Tex are going to be taking care of this.

(Four troopers within ten yards, rifles, grenades, armor, the works.)

(You have an AT4 in your Limo still; at this range, you won’t need to even roll to hit if you can manage to get it.)

(Five Corpsec officers are on the ground near the flanking truck, most only momentarily stunned, if you can pull fire off them for a few seconds they can assist you.)

(Magdumping your USP on one trooper will instantly kill, guaranteed success but still costs an action and you only have one magazine left.)


>Yellow is the Limo

>Blue is your Corpsec escort

>Red is the Deathsquad ambushers

>Grey are the unlucky cars caught in the crossfire before the fight started.

>[Detail a plan of action first before we roll for anything, ask questions if you need things clarified.]


At this point I'm wondering why we didn't prep an APC at the start. Something was guaranteed to happen :P

If we use the AT4 on one of the blocking trucks, will it be blown out of the way?
What are the corpsec officers packing in terms of weapons? They should have at least one or two grenade launchers I hope.
If you hit anything with the AT4, it and pretty much everything next to it is going to be blown to kingdom come.

Corpsec officers have shotguns and assault rifles, unlike their colleagues who were massacred on the second floor, these guys have been able to arm themselves. Imagine them like a SWAT team, highly-trained and dangerous in their own right.
>Ram one of the troopers getting out of the flanking truck
>Magdump him
I'm guessing our MC doesn't have enough raw physical power to throw an armored trooper. Shame.
>Keep moving forward, using dead trooper as shield until the 3 troopers are surrounded.
A good fraction of a second to turn around to target all of us.
>Grab that rifle and see if there are any grenades
>Tex will take care of the flanking truck.
> Grab an AT4 and destroy the three trucks in front.

Hmm, how much AT4 ammo do we have?

Either way:
> Provide covering fire for the disorientated CorpSec officers, pinning the death squad in their truck before they fully dismount
> Once CorpSec officers have recovered, use the AT4 to target the blocking vehicles.
> Call for suppressing fire to pin the deathsquads at their vehicles (so they'll be taken out by the blast too)
> For the AT4, If ammo is limited, fire on the one blocking the main getaway path and use the explosion as cover to slip away. If not, take out all of them so the corpsec escort can follow unhindered.

Oh and:
> Be wary of friendly fire with the AT4 (i.e. don't use it on the flanking vehicle thats close), call for Tex to focus on the flanking death squad.
The AT4 is a one-use weapon, it only comes with one 88mm projectile. That being said, it'll destroy plenty, just watch out for the backblast on it.
[84* mm projectile, my bad]

Action plan seems to be.

>Fire/melee/suppress into the flanking truck until the Officers recover

+ Tex doing his own thing on the flanking truck

>Grab the AT4 and take out a truck to exit with the Limo (still functional, thanks to bulletproofing, with shattered windows and a few extra holes.)

If this is the case, we just need clarification for the first three actions, as the last one will just be taking out a truck with the AT4.

Be aware that you do have the drop on the soldiers, thanks to your reflexes, so you and Tex will have an easier time in combat roll for the first 1-2 combat actions you ask for.
Are we actually superhuman enough to pull off the melee option without undue risk to ourselves?
Possible, but you will need a good roll to pull the complete thing off. On an average roll, I'd put it to getting half or slightly more of the maneuver done.

So basically, it's a risky move but it has it's rewards.
Hmm. I'll rather not risk it then, especially since we didn't bring any heavy duty body protection.

On second thought how feasible is using the AT4 against the attack heli? Cause we could just scavenge some grenades to take out the truck troopers and just drive through the gaps in the blockade. (There's literally one right infront of the limo)
More of a hassle but we get to save the precious shot of the AT4.
The AT4 would absolutely knock it out of the sky, but it's an unguided rocket, so you'd need to get closer or bait it into hovering. This is a moot point right now, however, because the heli isn't around right now.

You could stick around and fight it out, or you could clear your way out in one direction and drive through.

Or you could hijack a truck and drive straight back where you came from and take a different route.

Really, it's up to you. But only after you take out this flanking truck, because they're not currently engaged with Corpsec and would make escape impossible.

Alright I'll vote for taking out a truck with the AT4 and booking it, after covering the corpsec / suppressing the deathsquad to (hopefully) pin them by their vehicle.

Since the corpsec's have shotguns, they'll be pretty devastating at such close range, once they recover.
Noted. And with that I'm going to sleep because it's way too late.
l'll check tomorrow to see if the other votes swing that way.

See ya in the afternoon (for me)
Alright, This sounds be good.

The cramp spaces and limited cover from the cars also favors the shotgun nicely.

And if the helicopter is hovering, the cars probably been blown to bits by then, so we might not even have the AT4 on hand.
So the action plan will look like this.

>Shoot / fight

>Shoot / fight

>Shoot / fight

>Grab the AT4 and fire at the truck and get out

With that, please provide four rolls of 3d10.
Rolled 2, 8, 5 = 15 (3d10)

Rolled 1, 2, 10 = 13 (3d10)

Rolled 3, 4, 5 = 12 (3d10)

Rolled 6, 1, 8 = 15 (3d10)

Very well.

We have...

SHOOT = 15
SHOOT = 12
Fire the AT4 and Evac = 15

Writing now...
Okay update is almost done but I will be busy for a bit because college :l

Stuck as usual. Fucking hell I hate this place.
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Backing up against the hood of the Limo, you slide backward across the windshield to take cover before bracing your pistol against the vehicle, aiming at the first trooper you see coming out. Your target kicks his door open and plants the barrel of his rifle on the helmet plate of the fallen Corpsec officer in front of him, finger on the trigger. Unfortunately for him, you drop two rounds to his chest and send him backward in a bloody pile.

Switching targets, you take aim at another Trooper, his rifle aimed at you, and fire. Unluckily, you miss by a few inches, burying your next two shots in the metal of the truck next to his head. By reflex, the Trooper returns fire with almost inhuman accuracy, his burst sending you ducking even as you feel a shot graze your cheek. Tex fires next, taking your opponent in the neck with a precise shot from his 1911, sending the Trooper sprawling to the concrete with his hands writhing at his throat as blood leaks from his armor.

Wiping the blood off your face with your sleeve, you pop up and spot the last two Troopers taking cover behind their truck, one by the trunk, and the other at the window. Taking careful aim again, you pull the trigger and fire off another three shots at the Trooper in the window. You miss your shots again, punching more holes around the bastard but not actually hitting him before you duck back into cover. Tex sticks out to try his luck but is forced back behind the Limo as the two remaining Deathsquad Troopers fill the air with lead, suppressing the shit out of the two of you.

Cringing, you hold your pistol tightly as the thunderous sounds of shredded metal continue to report the murderous three-round bursts of your foes. Eventually, you and Tex both notice the gunfire fall silent, and after a quick peek, the two of you see a throng of Corpsec officers beating your opponents to the ground with vicious ferocity. Between nightstick and gun butts, the two black-armored Troopers are thoroughly whipped, so badly in fact, that you imagine the two of them aren’t going to be getting back up for a while.

“Should we call them off?” Tex asks you nervously as the two Troopers are beaten six ways from Sunday in front of the two of you.

“Probably, we could use some leads once we get back, you know.” You say as you walk over to the Master, who is rolled up into a ball with his hands over his ears, and his eyes closed. “Come on, Master. We’ll get you out of here yet, just follow me.” Looking up fearfully, he recognizes your face and grabs your outstretched hand and follows you meekly as you head over to the Corpsec stomping by the truck.

The Corpsec officers look up from their bloody work as they notice you, Master, and Tex walk over by the mess of bullet casings and blood that make up the patch of street around the black truck. Backing off, they grab their weapons off the ground and stand at crisp attention as you crouch to examine the Troopers.

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Holstering your USP, you check the pulses of the two, and find them barely alive, somehow. “Tie them up, and then regroup by the intersection.” You command as you turn around and check on the status of the gunfight between the Corpsec and Deathsquad at the intersection. Like the last time, the Deathsquad were putting up a tremendous fight against their Corpsec foes but were in the process of being slowly overrun as Corpsec called in more and more reinforcements from every single available unit in the city.

Checking the Limo, you find it rather unsuited for prisoner transport, and so you grab your AT4 and Tex jumps in the driver seat of the truck. Watching the prisoners hauled into the back of the truck by your Corpsec escorts, you climb to the top of the Limo and pull out the AT4, aiming at the Deathsquad truck immediately in front you, blocking the intersection. Taking off the safety pin, you sight the fucking thing and scope that black truck between your sights. Pressing down on the safety and trigger, you unleash the 84mm projectile with a blossom of flame. The truck explodes in a blazing inferno of shredded steel and flesh, and the momentary pause given by many of the remaining Troopers take advantage of by their opponents.

Pushing the Master into the backseat of the truck, you get in with him and shut the door as Tex starts the engine up. Stirring into a fury, the truck barrels through the intersection, passing by the flaming corpse of your previous target and attracting light fire from the remaining Troopers still alive.

In the truck, you glance at the tied-up troopers paired up with you and the Master in the backseat as Tex adjusts his fiddle with his earpiece at the next intersection, this one thankfully combat-free. “We made it out,” you hear him say into his earpiece, “has the helicopter been sighted yet?” He clearly gets his answer judging by his relieved expression, and you, too, sigh in relief.

“We won’t be needing an escort this time, they’ve lost too much to try and push for it again today,” Tex says to you as he switches off his earpiece with his finger, “Looks like we’re safe, for now.” You nod and go back to staring at the prisoners, eventually making your way to the closest one and fiddling with his helmet seal. Popping it open with a click, you make your way past the unnaturally pale head and run your fingers behind the man’s neck. Black cabling sticks out of a central port in the skin, and you can make out the mess of scar tissue from the surgery around it.

By reflex, you run your other hand to the nape of your neck, feeling the familiar scarring of flesh, and of course, the steel port installed within. You shudder as you quickly stick the helmet back on the trooper, diverting your attention back to Tex once you notice the worried look on his face in the rear-view mirror. Nodding at him, you turn to check out the Master, who, after a quick check, seems to be more hurt emotionally and psychologically, rather than in the physical sense. Instead of interacting with him, you let him be for the time being, you remember your first gunfight and the effect it had on you well.

“Ought to figure out what to do with do with these assholes, Lace. I was figuring we’d squeeze some answers out and off ‘em right after, but I want to hear your thoughts on it.” Tex says nonchalantly as he continues driving out of the city.

You once again rub your hands against your old control port and look at the battered bodies of the two soldiers. Had things turned out differently, one of those two sorry bastards could be you right now. You wonder if you might be able to save two more poor souls from what you went through those years ago.

>Volunteer to try and convert them to your side

>Agree with Tex’s plan, but only if you get a chance to swing them to your side, if they don’t you’ll kill them yourself



On another note, I took so fucking long to get anything done because of my garbage time management (It is literally 5am right now and I have class in hours AGAIN) should I make a new thread later when I wake up and continue on from there or use this thread?

Also in the off chance that you aren't notified already by this. https://twitter.com/Leave_QM
>Agree with Tex’s plan, but only if you get a chance to swing them to your side, if they don’t you’ll kill them yourself
Just use this thread
>>Volunteer to try and convert them to your side
>But even if they don't, they'll act as bait. On the off chance they have tracking devices or means to contact their boss, reinforcements will be converging on a fake Master
>>Agree with Tex’s plan, but only if you get a chance to swing them to your side, if they don’t you’ll kill them yourself
>Agree with Tex’s plan, but only if you get a chance to swing them to your side, if they don’t you’ll kill them yourself

Welp. Let's just hope our control port doesn't see any use in the future.
Stuck out on family business for now. Tomorrow I will continue with another thread.

Apologies for going dark, but it's not really unusual behavior for me. To my eternal shame.

Will notify on twitter when new thread is made, and archiving now, because I took so fucking long to get back to it that the damn thing is going to fall off the board before I return.

Thread posts: 76
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