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Among the Mist quest: Part 2

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 40
Thread images: 10

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Bleary eyed, you awaken from your uncomtorable rest in the back of the carriage; It's your favorite time of the day, the twilight morning hours, where the dew on the grass is fresh and sky is a peaceful light-blue. You sit up straight and the cabby takes notice of you, "Hey there mate!" He says cheerfully despite his tired demeanor. "We'll be arriving at Imperium city shortly."

"Have you been up all night?" You ask the cabby quizzically.

"Yeah, I have. It's the least I can do for you, considering you helped me by taking back my money from those thugs." He replies, yawning. "Once I drop you off I'm probably going to find a stable to rent so my steeds and I can rest. But hey, If you're ever back in town just look for me, I'll have my wife cook us up a meal." He chuckles. The cabby drops you off and waves goodbye, he insisted that the ride today was free, in gratitude of your service for him. As you walk through the commerce district of Imperium City you find your self lost in thought, you keep remembering the message you recieved. Is it bullshit? you wonder, If I haden't met Rexford I feel as if I would write this silly message off as a joke. But somethings just stick out too much... The sender knew exactly where I would be, those mongrels, and that 'Necromancer'. Lost in thought, you failed to realize that you already arrived at the Magus Complex within Imperium City. You open the arcane lock and head towards the center building of the Magus Complex.

You open the doors of the central building and walk along a red velvet carpet towards the Grand Magus Apex's throne room. Upon entering the throne room you notice that the Grand Magus Apex is nowhere in sight, you shout aloud "Where has the Grand Magus Apex gone?" From a distance you hear loud footsteps coming from towards you. Coming from the archway to your left, a large stone golem emerges from the dimly lit hallway.

>"What the hell are you?"

>"Where's the Grand Magus Apex?!"

>[Let the golem speak first]
The following links are optional reading, only read if you wish.

Character sheet: http://pastebin.com/ALkB0WHY

Codex: http://pastebin.com/AgS59JyV

Info: http://pastebin.com/kD2xCDsq

Rules: http://pastebin.com/DcFnBnUb

Story so far: http://pastebin.com/52Bm2qHb

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Zett_QM
>>[Let the golem speak first]
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The golem, towering over you walks even closer, but you sense no hostility from it.

"Greetings, I am Jeeves" The golem says. "Welcome back to the Magus Complex, Vander. I would be happy to relenquish the tomes from you, and deliver them to the Grand Magus Apex's study." It's voice cold and robotic; you can barely makeout a tone in it's voice, it sounds that of an elderly man.

"Uh... Hello... Have we ever met before?" You awkwardly ask Jeeves. "Pardon my rudeness sir, I was recently constructed to assist the Grand Magus Apex with mundane chores and general assistance. He informed me of your mission and what to do upon your return."

"I see," You reply to jeeves. "where is the Grand Magus Apex at this moment?"

Jeeves discloses to you, "The Grand Magus Apex is currently in a meeting of the upmost importance with King Donquixote."

"Do you know when he'll be out of the meeting?"

"My best estimate would not be for another couple of hours, now would be the best time to complete any tasks or errands you may have at hand." Jeeves informs you, as you hand him the musty tomes.

Jeeves heads towards the Grand Magus Apex's study to deliver the tomes. You decide this is a good time to head back to your chambers.

On your way to your chambers, you begin pondering to yourself, What could the king and the Grand Magus Apex be discussing? Is it about the mist? Damnit! Am I really being kept in the dark about something? Or am I over thinking this...?

You arrive at your chambers and decide you should do something productive while the Grand Magus Apex is busy in his meeting.

>Improve an existing spell
>>Arcane Sentry
>>Arcane Eruption

>Develop a new spell
>>Conjure refreshments
>>Arcane Singularity

>Take a long rest
>>Taking a long rest will end the cooldowns on your abillites that are on cooldown. Long rests also restore your HP
>>>Arcane Singularity
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In your chambers you decide to improve upon your 'Blink' spell.

You study a scroll and after a couple hours of practice you can now: Cast blink to any location of your choosing within a 20ft radius instead of only blinking you forward. But using it too many times consecutively will leave you with the debuff [Arcane Exhaustion]

After a few hours of improving your spell, you feel as if you should rest, so you grab something to eat and drink to refresh yourself and fall asleep on your bed, Awaking several hours later, feeling refreshed.

[HP is restored, and any debuffs have been removed]

Upon awakening you head over to the Grand Magus Apex's throne, ready to speak to him. You enter his throne room once again, and are delighted to see him perched on his levitating throne. He takes immediate notice of you, "Ah... Vander, It's nice to see that you've returned safely from your last endeavor, I take it everything went well?" His low voice rumbled and echoed throughout the throne room.

You take a knee and bow down to the Grand Magus Apex, "Aye sir, I retrieved the tome without too much of a hassle, sorry about the delay." I don't think it's wise to go into too much detail about my tardieness to him, perhaps i can learn more about the mist on my own. You think to yourself.

"Rise, Vander..." The Grand Magus Apex, requests of you. "I have been informed of a new location of a tome. On the morrow, you will leave to the northern hold of Glacium and discover the location of this tome, and bring it to me." The Grand Magus Apex hovers over to you on his throne, "I had our arcane-o-smiths craft you a new staff, and currently have my best arcane-weavers preparing your new set of inquisitor robes." The Grand Magus Apex, uses his telekinesis to hand you your new staff. "I'll have jeeves bring your robes in the morning, I'll once again be attending a meeting with King Donquixote."

You rise up and accept his gift, "Thank you, sir"

"With your new staff, you may enter focus points in each of the major cities and teleport between them, using the arcane ley lines."

"Teleportaion?" You ask, "Is teleportaion only possible throughout the four ley lines, or is it possible to teleport anywhere?"

The Grand Magus Apex replies to you, "Teleportation takes a massive ammount of arcane power and mental fortitude to accomplish, but thanks to the arcane ley lines I've established in the major holds and Imperium City, which taps into the Arcane Fathoms itself, to make possible." The Grand Magus Apex returns to his original spot within his throne room, "Vander, do you have any inquiries about your mission?"

>"No, sir."

>"Can you offer more information on the whereabouts of the tomes location?"

>"Are there any customs I should be aware of up north?"
Sorry, you were a bit late.

If you haven't noticed. I also included the rest choice to reward players who go for other options instead of always trying to forcefully continue the story. So you get an upgraded spell and full rest.
>>"Are there any customs I should be aware of up north?"
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"Yes sir, I do. Do the northerners of Glacium have any customs I should be aware of?"

"Wise Question, Vander. The people of the north are very skilled warriors and respect brute strength over any other trait, but

do not take them for simpletons. respect their culture and all will go smooth. But, they still not be accepting of magi. They

follow the ways of the god of winter 'Hothur'. Do not speak ill of their diety." The Grand Magus Apex returns to his original

location in his throne room and dismisses you.

You head back to your chamber, on your way back to your chamber to sleep, on your way thinking about the teleportation.

How did the necromancer teleport, Theres no way that lake was even remotely connected to one of the ley lines. You

arrive at your chamber and sleep comftorably through the night, luckily, you didn't have another nightmare.

You wake up the next morning and deposit the moonshine and copper bars into your personal chest, you figure these would

slow you down in the snow. A voice yells in to your room, behind your door; it's Jeeves, "Good morning sir, I have your new

inquisitor robes here for you." You open the door and Jeeves hands you your new robes. The robes are of the softest silk,

purple in color, and outlined with gold velvet. "Thank you, Jeeves" You say with a smile.

"Weaved with arcane imbued silk, these robes will adapt to your current climate, and expand or constrain itself, to better keep

you warmer or colder." Jeeves explains. "Is there anything else I may assist you with before you depart, Sir Vander?"

"No Jeeves, thank you."

"Very well, sir." Jeeves states as he departs, to continue with his duties for the day. Meanwhile, you don your new robes,

wield your staff and prepare for the snowy climate, once your done you make your way to the focus point within the Magus

Complex. You use your staff to lead you in the direction of the focus point, once there you step in the center of it and begin to

channel your arcane energy into your new staff. As you focus energy into it, a white light overtakes all of your senses and you

slowly feel yourself getting lighter; when you regain your vision you find yourself outside of your body, hovering in the sky.

Despite being so high in the atmosphere, you don't feel a single thing, You have no problems breathing the thin air, nor do you

feel the wind on your skin.

No time to take in the view of the area, you point your staff north towards Glacium Hold. Suddenly the white light appears

beforth you again but this time you can feel yourself getting heavier, colder and slightly nauseous. When your senses return,

you see yourself in a completely new location, your now right in front of Glacium Hold. With no information on the tome's

whereabouts, you decide you should...

>Head to the inn to gather information

>Explore around the town
>>"Are there any customs I should be aware of up north?"
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Stupid copy and paste error. Here's the raw text file as a screenshot if you wish to read this in better formatting.
>>Explore around the town
The arcane imbued fibers of your new inquisitor robes begin to expand, you feel yourself getting warmer. While it's definitely not the warmth of a fire it is better than nothing. As you move further into town you take notice of the locales, they seem un-phased by the frigid temperature, they must be used to it. As you walk through the town, you sense that the guards are leering at you, they must not be too fond of the arcane up here, Just like Grand Magus Apex warned you of.

"Mommy! Mommy! Can we visit the museum today? We just walked past it!" A child begs to his mother, pulling on her fur coat. "Not today, Eric. You know we need to help your father with the mammoths today." The mother replies to her child. The child looks down at his feet, with a sorrowful expression, "Okay mommy..." as they continue forward.

A museum? That should be an excellent place to begin my search! You think to yourself, as you walk towards the building the young lad was pointing at. As you approach the entrance of the museum, the doors fly open, slamming against the concrete walls of the foundation. A woman is being escorted out by what appears to the museum's curator.

"Let go of me! you cunt!" She yells with hostility towards the curator, "I told you, I wasn't trying to steal the pendant, I was just getting a hands on look at it! How do you expect people to appreciate antique relics, if they can only stare from a distance at them?!"

"Iona, You've been warned multiple times not to return on museum grounds!" The curator informs her, while pinching his eyebrows together. "Return again to this property, and I'll see to it that you are imprisoned, and forced into labor for the remainder of your days!" The curator slams the museum doors closed, you don't even think he noticed you in his fit of rage.

Iona turns to you, her braided brunette hair, flowing in the harsh breeze. She points her thumb over her shoulder, in the direction of where the curator was standing, expressing a puzzled look, "Can you fuckin' believe that guy!?" she yells. "Imprisoned for trying to learn about history?" Iona throws her arms into the air, "Did a wyvern bite at his dick or something!? Such a fuckin' prude, am I right?"

>"Uh..." [stare at her, confused]

>"I agree, he's a jerk. All knowledge should be available to anybody who seeks it."

>"Quite frankly, if you weren't such a bitch, he may be more inclined to let you see the artifacts".
Only down to one pre-written prompt. After the next story post i'll begin to go with the flow.
>>"I agree, he's a jerk. All knowledge should be available to anybody who seeks it."
>>"Uh..." [stare at her, confused]
"Uh..." You reply to the woman as you stare at her awkwardly and confused.

She looks at you, annoyed, "What? Is this your first time ever meeting a woman?"

You reply, "No, its not that, I just didn't expect such abrasive behavior, that's all."

She chuckles and mockingly states, "Oh, I get it. You're one of those fancy-shmancy city folk, ain't ya? You won't last a damn day up here, I can tell you that much."

"I digress; I do agree, he's a jerk. All knowledge should be available to anybody who seeks it." You inform Iona.

Letting out a sigh, she says, "Thank you... Finally, somebody else who understands this. Unlike the fuckin' mongoloids here in Glacium Hold!. All these savages seem to pride themselves on is combat and strength. Scholars in our society are viewed as outcasts, never getting the credit we really deserve." she walks down the museum stairs, onto the icy road below, "What brings a city folk like you around these parts?"

"I was walking around the hold when I overheard a child talk about the museum, I figured it would be a good place to start my search for an ancient tome of knowledge." you reply.

Iona's eyes widen and she busts out laughing, gripping the sides of her abdomen, "You think the mongoloids of this hold can read?! I'm surprised they can even count their own money!" she giggles, "Aw man, you're pretty fuckin' funny you know that?"

"So there's no literature in the museum whatsoever?" You ask.

"The only thing that museum contains are, tools of war, and artifacts of our god Hothur. The only haven for scholars such as I, were the old ruins, but thanks to an avalanche the area is now forbidden. That's the only place you'll find literature within our hold." Iona replies.

>"You said you were a scholar?"

>"Could you tell me more about Hothur?"

>"Well, I guess it's time to enter those ruins, mind pointing the way?"

>"How does one gain permission to enter the ruins?"
>>"Well, I guess it's time to enter those ruins, mind pointing the way?"
>>"How does one gain permission to enter the ruins?"
"Well, Guess it's time to go break into those ruins, mind pointing the way?" you ask nonchalantly

Her face twists into an expression that screams, are you serious? "Do you know what would happen if the guards catch you? Disobeying a direct order from Jarl Asger is freakin' nuts! I've certainly thought about it too, don't get me wrong, I don't want me or my family ending up in a labor camp for the next five generations!"

"Well I don't see any other way, I have my mission to complete and I will get it done, one way or another" You tell Iona, sternly.

"Listen, I think your alright for a member of that magic society or whatever, but heed my warning; do not get on the jarl's bad side. He's a good leader, but if you piss him off he'll fuckin' ruin ya. Perhaps if I request a sermon on your behalf he may allow us passage but there's no guarantee." She warns you. "I would like to get back into the ruins too, but I'm certainly not gonna cross the Jarl to do so."

>Ignore the warnings and sneak into the ruins

>Heed the warnings and seek a presence with the Jarl
fuck, I dont even remember typing the italic syntax
>>Ignore the warnings and sneak into the ruins
I'm gonna go make some food, I'm starving, Shouldn't be long though
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"I'm aware of the danger, thank you. My mission is of the utmost importance right now." you let Iona know.

"That's how it is then... Very well, don't say I didn't warn you if you fuck up." Iona scoffs. "The guards will change shifts at noon, then is your best time to enter, and tread lightly, There's many undocumented rooms within the ruins that are booby trapped. And remember, you didn't hear this from me."

You nod your head, and follow the direction Iona points toward. On your way to the ruins you stop buy a general store and purchase a torch for five gold.

You arrive near the entrance to the ruins, It's just about to be noon. you see the guard leave his post, slightly ahead of schedule. Now's my chance! you think to yourself.

>Blink torward the ruins

>Run quickly into the entrance
>>Requires stealth check. Roll 1d20

>Write in (always encouraged, think of something I didn't or modify an existing option)
Eh, forgot my name and tripcode. Luckily there are IDs.

Well I'm calling it here, gonna let it sit over night. My dog is whimpering for attention, gonna go spend some time with him. I'll still answer some meta questions if anybody is interested.

I'll also enjoy feedback if anybody has any.

Once again my twitter is: https://twitter.com/Zett_QM

I'm also going to update the optional reading, the codex and the character sheet.

Blink torward the ruins
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You channel your arcane energy into the palm of your hand until your hand is swarming with blue and purple arcane gasses, orbiting around it. You launch the arcane power towards the temple and quickly you begin to feel your body deconstruct. For a moment you become nothing, before you re-materialize at the entrance of the temple. You look back and luckily the guard who is changing shifts hasn't taken notice yet.

You quickly enter into the temple, it's cold stone walls freeze your hand to the touch. You can see the notworthy damage caused by the avalanche, and you slowly begin to realize why the Jarl of Glacium barred entrance from here. But, theres no going back, You know what you must do. You walk deeper into the ruins and it's exactly as Iona described it, a haven of knowledge the scholarly. Curved walls adorned with books, a glass opening in the roof to study the constellations and some odd sphere under the roof window.

You quickly browse around the curved wall, where a plethora of old books rest on shelves. With haste, you glance over every book but you cannot find the tome of which you seek. Where could the tome be? You begin to wonder. This appears to be some sort of book depository but, all of the books here just relate to folklore, almanacs and guides to farming in this harsh climate. You decide to make your way deeper into the ruins, the hall way splits into two other halls.

>Take the left path

>Take the right path
>>Take the right path
The following links are optional reading, only read if you wish.

Character sheet: http://pastebin.com/XmJas26A (updated)

Codex: http://pastebin.com/AgS59JyV

Info: http://pastebin.com/kD2xCDsq

Rules: http://pastebin.com/DcFnBnUb

Story so far: http://pastebin.com/52Bm2qHb

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Zett_QM
You choose to head right. As you walk down the hallway, you expected to head further down into the ruins but to your surprise it's actually heading upward, you estimate your on the second story of the ruins, but there's no way to be sure.

Along the walls of the hallway there's not a single door, no windows or even lit braziers. You decide to decide to pull out the torch you purchased earlier and light it, as it is getting darker the further you walk into the ruins. "Leave, outssssider... You hear from your left ear as you quickly turn around to see that there is nothing behind you. "There isss nothing here for you, in our forssssaken temple..." You hear from behind you again.

A cool breeze passes through you, seemingly out of nowhere; your torch extinguishes. With your light source out, the only thing that's distinguishable is the darkness in front of you, and the dim, natural lighting from the way you came.

>"Who goes there?!"

>"Show yourself, trickster!"

>[Continue forward into the darkness]

>[Retreat to the light]

Other = write in. I figure it's best to start reminding people its an option

>[Continue forward into the darkness
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Must just be my imagination. You reassure yourself.

You walk further down the hallway, the darkness encroaching your vision ever so slowly. The further you walk into the darkness the colder the hallway gets, the ominous feeling sends a chill down your spine. You hear another whisper in your left ear, "I tried warning you...." Then again in your right ear, " You reap... What you ssssow."

A sudden deep chill fills the hallway as it begins to shake, from the center an eerie light-blue almost white light materializes into view, and from below the floor an apparition rises from the ground, the hooded apparition hovers in front of you, points at you and says, "You are passsst... The point of return. I ssssshall not.... let you trek further."

The apparition launches a bolt of pure frost towards you, you manage to doge but this did not deter the spirit from backing off, the translucent apparition slowly levitates towards you, you can see the end of the hallway through it.

>>Dagger (roll 2d6-1)
>>Arcane Ley staff (roll 1d8-1)

>>Arcane Eruption (1d12+2)
>>Arcane Drought
>>Arcane Sentry

>>Arcane Sentry
With hardly anytime to react, you face your palms together and begin to channel arcane energy into a sphere, all the while dodging bolts of pure frost. You bob and weave to dodge the apparition's assault and after a minute of channeling your arcane energy, you successfully summon your arcane sentry from the arcane fathoms.

"Greetings master, How may I----" The sentry began to say, "Never mind, I see this is no time for customs." The arcane sentry goes from a calming blue and purple color to a dark red, readying itself for combat.

"Sentry! Distract the apparition while I get to the end of the hall!" You shout to it.

"Understood sir." The sentry replies as it launches a flurry of arcane bolts towards the apparition.

As the apparition loses focus on you and begins battle with your arcane sentry you use this time to make a dash towards the end of the hallway. Slowly losing visibility, the further away you get from the battle, only able to see flashes of red and white light in the distance. You begin to feel for anything, in the darkness, you feel a door knob and enter it, a bright light assaults your vision. You continue further into the room you had just opened and slowly a silhouette comes into focus.

"Aw shit..." You mutter to yourself. It's another apparition, but something is different about it.

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You slowly approach the apparition, you can feel its chilling presence grow stronger as you walk closer. The apparition turns toward you, "I'm surprisssed you have made it thisss far, foreinger." The apparition circles you, inspecting you. "I'm afraid there isssn't anything here of value for you, what do you sssseeek?" The apparition asks, it's voice cold and echoing through the room.

You reply, "My name is Vander Delatreu, I'm an arcane inquisitor of the Magus Society and I seek an ancient tome that I believe may be in these ruins."

The apparition replies, "Yesss, I know of which you ssseek. For yearsss my colleagues and I could not decipher it."

"Your 'colleagues' you say? You mean those smaller apparitions?" You ask with an eyebrow raised.

"Correct... At one time, my fellow scholars roamed these ruins, sssstudying everything we could. Until... The avalanche hit usss. We became trapped within the ruinsss. Ironic isss'nt it? The place we never wanted to leave, became the place we couldn't leave. For weeksss we were trapped in the ruins, sssome of usss already perished from ssstarvation, the others on the brink." The apparition replied to you, despite the somber explanation you hear no break in it's cold voice.

The apparition comes even closer to you, "Allow me to ssshow you... From my pressspective."

Hesitantly, you agree. The apparition raises it's arm and points it's finger on your forehead, you're vision becomes blurry before fixing itself, but your not in your body anymore, you're reliving the memory of the apparition prior to his death, his voice echoing through your mind, "Hass you can see, it wasss not a fortunate sssight to behold." You see through the apparitions memory, fellow scholars starving to death, and with every passing minute they expect the worst. "We we're trapped for very long... The thick blanket of sssnow blocking our only exit."

Suddenly in the memory of the apparition, sunlight was beaming through the thick blanket of snow that blocked the exit. The scholars, slowly got up the best they could, tears in their eyes as for the first time in many days they were smiling. "What we thought wasss our salvation, was only our reckoning." The happy faces quickly became sorrowful and terrified, as a large hairy white beast broke through the thick veil of snow and began to attack the scholars one by one. The memories end there as the apparition removes his finger from your forehead, and you find yourself back in your body.

"Now we are restless, unable to accept our fate. We roam the ruinsss as incorporeal spiritsss, We cannot physssically harm the beast, nor does our frossst magic work against it." The apparition informs you.

>"What if I slay the beast for you? Would you tell me where to find the tome?"

>"Is there any way I can put you and the spirits to rest?"
>>"What if I slay the beast for you? Would you tell me where to find the tome?"

For added immersion, think of the apparition's voices as this:

"Now... What if we strike up a deal?" you prompt the apparition. "What if I slay the beast for you? Would you be willing to offer the tome in exchange for that service?

"These termsss... I can agree to." Replies the apparition, "I will call off my colleagues and inform them of your duty, they will hinder you no further. I will accompany you as well, for I know the way around the ruins, but I will be of no use in combat against the beast."

"Very well then. Let's trek onward." You reply to the apparition.

You and the apparition venture into the hallway and cease the fighting between the smaller apparition and your arcane sentry. You make your way back to the center of the ruins, and head left this time. You, along with your arcane sentry and the icy apparition head deeper into the ruins, thanks to the apparitions knowledge the ruin's layout you avoid traps that otherwise would have proven deadly. The three of you arrive at a giant closed door, locked by a magical force. sitting in the middle of the door is a giant sculpture head.

"Thisss iss odd..." The apparition says to you, "The beassst must have locked itself on the otherssside."

You ask, "Surely, you must know how to enter this door?"

"I wasss not present during the opening of thisss door." He replies.

You place your hand on the door and the head's eyes light up a chilling blue color, it's voice bellows through the hall, I am the begging of eternity, the end of time and space. The beginning of every end and the end of every place. What am I?"

You answer.....

>Write in the answer to solve the riddle.
Thread posts: 40
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