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Starborn Quest #15: The Dogs of War

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You are Purps; an amnesiac starborn. Things have been pretty hectic since you woke up on a random hill - thus far you have killed a midget rebel, had a dance off with a foxman, went undercover with your new friend to find who mugged your new boss, had a weird dream, fought a crazy cannibal priest, died, came back at the cost of some memories and emotions, killed the cannibal priest who killed you - then you decided that you're going to get your maimed friend a new magical eye. You trained a time stopping snipergot into a fight with his Dad, taunted him with his dead wife, then ran when he snapped, now you Hona and Luc are bedding down in Rono Pass Tavern, which seems to be frequented by a lot of Darnites.

Previous thread: 673177
Tw: @StarbornQ
Cs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1csg7vC-Yz10aAqk9ZwdCNv24obLGTtM5p6bKkPq1Pgc/edit#heading=h.74gk3dg6mvjp
Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Starborn
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Sgt Honamurei post black 2.gif
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You recover quickly from the fall getting to a knee and staring up at your room's window in anger. Most of the wall is blown out, and standing wielding his greatsword in one hand is the imposing barbaric figure of the blonde bearded Darnite.

He leaps down at you and Hona opens fire with her gun. Bursts of bullets flying thorugh the tulmutous wind at the oncoming figure. You meet him, your polesaw clashing with his claymore time and again. He is strong, but you are making up for your disadvantage with technique.

Your footwork is excellent despite the slippery terrain, but he catches your saw with his blade and the two of you are in direct competition. You grit your teeth and your red eyes meet his bloodshot blue. The both of you growl in the back of your throats at the stalemate as you push.


The growling reaches roaring as your feet beging to falter on the slick cobbles and he forces you back and down. His sword begins to move down as you lose ground, the barbarian's weight and strength becoming too much to resist. He is about to cleave you in two when you lean back and flip him over with his own momentum.

Hona cries your name and you feel he back press into yours as swords clash. Looking over your shoulder you see her clashing the Mercenary leader you spoke to earlier. IT is hard to track their swift strikes, but you see her rapier hold against his two blades.

The Barbarian is being helped to his feet by a black haired warrior. He puts aside the strange headed halberd and some magic heals the consequences of your interrogation.

Sniper bitch takes an assault rifle from Halberd guy's back, nodding to words that are stolen by the wind before she pulls down her goggles and shooting a grappling hook off into the darkness of the storm.

Honamurei's frantic duel stops as her opponent disengages. The dual sword mercenary and her both panting from their stalemate. You see him walk off to the side and join his squad, careful never to face away from the two of you.

The Barbarian, The Leader and The Halberd guy form a line even as Hona steps up besides you with sword and gun drawn. She spits into the ground as you rotate your neck.

You face off against each other, fire filling your whole body with a new life you haven't felt before. "Let's do this Purps!" Hona shouts with a grin.You don't take your eyes off your oponents. Nodding as you replace your polearm with claws.


> [MINERVA's LANTERN] + Pick Target

> Keep switching Targets to keep them on their toes

> Both focus on one target

> Write-In
>> Keep switching Targets to keep them on their toes
>> Both focus on one target
>> Keep switching Targets to keep them on their toes

You dash in and duck under the claymore. Letting your claws hang loose from their wires. A stab comes in from two swords and you force him to pull back by swiping your claws at his face in the same movement.

As you lock with Swords, you hear Barbarian cursing and the sound of blood spilling. Hona then opens fire, forcing Halberd into your line of sight. You kick Swords, sending him stumbling and letting you use the seperation to form a polesaw to backhand slash Halberd.

You find purchase and part of his mail falls to the ground with a deep splash as he tumbles off into the dark rain. You duck under Claymore's back slash before your counter swing is blocked sending him sliding across the ground.

Hona smirks at you as you crack your neck.

BOSS FIGHT: Knuckle Squad

It's then that assault rifle shots ring out from the dakrness.

> Scatter

> [CURIOSITY] Double Saw Deflect

> [GRATITUDE] Send the bullets back 1d20 opposed.

> Write-In
>> [CURIOSITY] Double Saw Deflect
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>> [GRATITUDE] Send the bullets back 1d20 opposed.
Back to sender
*gulp* looks like we are going to find out the answer to our questions one way or another.

> scatter
Don't wanna get pinned down.
1 v 1 v1 on vote front.

Fight amongst yourselves and remember Daddy loves you when you get salty.
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I'll switch to this one to prevent a tie.

This land is made of love and peace, senpai.
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Writing Pinkanon
Rolled 10 (1d20)

> [GRATITUDE] Send the bullets back 1d20 opposed.
Don't waste that 18.
Rolled 1 (1d20)


I'll need 1 more roll in case its a 1. 18 is highest right now.

HAHAHA Knuckle Squad Critfails. Oh jesus, I need to think this out.
Rolled 4 (1d20)

I'll add in my roll.
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Oh man, the Knuckle Squad is about to have a bad day.
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> 18vs1 Knuckle Squad Critfail

You inhale and raise your hands as the shots continue to ring out throughout the night. You feel tiny impacts on some deep part of your soul as more and more bullets ring out. You try to count them but cannot. Eventually you hear the rest of your foes charging through the rain, three throats roaring as they come.

In a blur of golden hair Hona meets, them. Her sword parries the barbarian and her gun rings out a fully automatic burst.

You let all your captured bullets fly.

The air is bright with purple bullets and the lines streak out like tiny little beacons in the sotrmy murk. You see Barbarian get taken in the throat and both sides of his chest. Swords has to retreatwith frantic attempts at deflecting saving him.

A Magical barrier springs up around Halberd as he continues to press Honamurei with his range. His breathing is laboured though and his legs are buckling beneath the gunfire hammering his shield.

A scream rings out from the darkness, your puple lights briefly letting you see Sniper Bitch being cut to ribbons as she is perched on a rooftop on a rooftop. He face contorts and collapses like a bad pastry from the sheer weight of her own gunfire, a magazine of high caliber bullets and added starborn oomph making her mincemeat.

Her coprse slumps to the streets as Hona sends Halberd retretaing as his shield flickers and dies. Swords joins him and the two pant. Readying their weapons, the begin to pace in operate directions. Attempting to circle aorund you both.

"2 down to to go." You inform Hona

> [CRUELTY] Taunt

> [DETERMINATION] Back to Back Hold the Line

> [CURIOSITY] Charge

> Write-In

Mag is on cooldown for 2 posts. Minvera's Lantern or insta recharge can be used in conjunction with any vote.
>> [CURIOSITY] Charge
>> [CURIOSITY] Charge
> Minerva's Flame
Come on, Minerva wants a piece of this fight too! Dual flaming buzzsaws go!

Locking in Charge.

> Minerva's Lantern

Need a Yes/No quote this post.

This is me, trip dropped.
Sure. Let's lantern these boys.
Rolled 6, 10 = 16 (2d20)


2d20 +2 on each for lantern please. Need to beat these to hit and every 18+ is an insta kill.
Rolled 14, 9 = 23 (2d20)

Rolled 4, 13 + 2 = 19 (2d20 + 2)

Time to die.

We got two hits. Last roll gets to see if insta kill... or crit fail.
Rolled 2, 12 + 2 = 16 (2d20 + 2)


No instant kills. 14 vs 6 and 13 vs 10.

Will write after dog is walked and I piss.
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Your skin erupts into purple flames instantly as you cry out, "MINERVA's LANTERN SHINE ON ME!"

You feel different than the other times you've used this ability. You feel stronger, faster, tougher. You feel like you just got better in every way, yet somehow Hona is ahead of you. Barely perceptable to the eye she starts laying into Swords with a flurry of blows.

You see slashes landing and followed up before the blood can even begin to well. Swords tries a lunge only for his arm to be be hacked to pieces at the wrist from the sheerr number of retaliatory strikes.

"GARRETT SWITCH!" He screams as his sword falls to the floor.

His ally comes forward with two wide sweeps of his weapon, Honamurei barely even having to exert any effort in dodging. She reloads her weapon while under assault.

All that happens in the three seconds before you arrive, Minerva's power surrounds you in a midst of cloud of hissing, rising steam. "Hona duck." You say calmly.

She's already behind you as you breathe in.

And exhale a torrent of steaming purple fire.

He tries to bring up that magical field and it just does not suceed. He goes down screaming as the flames cook him inside what remains of his armour. The mail bubbles and warps under your breath and you feel Minerva positively glow inside you even whilst the fire surrounding you recedes.

You look up in time to see Swords charging at you. Hona steps in front of you and stabs him through the gut. He tenses on the blade and stiffens.

As he looked at his killer in her eye, you both notice the pins of three grenades in his mouth.

"Shit." is all you say before the world flashes blue.

The next moment three explosions ring out on the far side of the street, near the sniper's corpse. And you see the man's head resemble a donut.

Luc is pressed against the wall, wheezing for breath as his giant rifle smokes. Poor kid looks like he was tossed ten meteres by the godamn thing.

Reward to be voted on when makes sense.

"There's no guards responding to the fighting." Hona notes in confusion.

"I fucking hate this place."

> [CRUELTY] You did say you would add to the collection. Have to confirm kills too.

> [WORRY] There's a Temple of Minerva in this town. You can hide out there

> [RELIEF] Check on everyone, you're just glad we got through that.

> Write-In
>> [RELIEF] Check on everyone, you're just glad we got through that.
>[WORRY] hide like a coward
I don't want to go full khornite, I'm happy with rip and tear if someone pisses us of by going on a religious clensing is a bit much.
But mostly in worried about Hona's massive murder boner for these cultists. Why did she bring that guy upstairs in the first place?
And check Luc isn't traumatised

So yeah I'm going to need more than 2 votes and them to not be tied.
> [RELIEF] Check on everyone, you're just glad we got through that.
Well if no-one else turns up I'll be happy to switch to check on everyone

Time to check up.
Witing in a bit. Got another 45 minutes in me.
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You let your saw come back to normal form and jog over to Luc. "Are you okay?" You ask as you haul the big sniper off of him.

Honamurei takes it off your hands and straps it to her own back. "Very good shot Luc!" She beams, you can't help but mile too. "Ve are both very proud of you!"

"Thanks Hona." He wheezes. You notice he still has his normal rifle on his back. Good. He's not getting the big boy rifle for a while yet.

"Good work Luc. Now come on we have to get somewhere safe." He nod and gets to his feet but you pick him up again. This time you adjust him to piggyback style.

you grapple you way up to a nearby roof, Hona sprinting up and leaping after you. She manages to reach your outsretched arm and you drag her up. The two of you jump far away from the Tavern closer to the centre of town. But Hona's suspciions are right, the many armed guards on the wall haven't even turned from their posts. Torches are still lit, no patrols or mobs have come to investigate the battle.

This place is fucking weird.

You come to a stop on a rooftop with an overhang, shielding you from the horrible chilling rian that lashes down from the sky. You step off the slick tiled roof to shelter beneath the overhang for a quick discussion; "Vhere to?" Hona asks.

> We need to move the Wagon someplace nobody will find it.

> The Wagon blends in with all the other merchant stuff. We need to head to the temple of Minerva

> Write-In
>> We need to move the Wagon someplace nobody will find it.
It may blend in, but there are plenty of wagon thieves in the world.
Um ok, I'll take that wagon bait. Not really any reason to go to the temple if no-one is after us I guess. Is Hona surprised that we have a patron good now?
> Move the wagon
Pull some SKIDS!!!

[yellow] test [/yellow]

Hona: "I guess it makes some kind ov sense! I mean if a girl danced for my honour at my religious festival I'd reward her too! It's so cool though, I vonder vhat over tricks she has!"
If anyone wants character reactions or Out of contect Q and A I'm down for it right now, I'm making some food.
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Ok guys, food devoursed and heading to bed. Quest will continue afternoon GMT.

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"We're moving the wagon." You say as you make a detour on your way back to the inn. You leap over slick roofs, the rain stinging your eyes and reducing visibility.

You come at the tavern from behind, avoiding the street you turned into a battle ground. Pulling the coin from your pocket you drop to the ground and slip inside the comfortable cabin. Each of you exhales as you begin focusing on the coin and slowly wheeling your way through the storm.

Luc clambers down from your back and heads for his room to change out of his soaked underarmour. Hona says she's going to get you a change of clothes while you focus on the road, besides the huge full moon blasting through the storm clouds the night is pitch black. No lanterns are lit and no torches visible except on the outer walls.

But what the moonlight does reveal...

The street is clear. No bodies, no blood. The Tavern wall is still blown out and there are still bullets lodged into the walls of the nearest buildings. You feel cold and your stomach twists with worry. This place really doesn't sit right with you.

You pull out your last cigarette, bent out of shape and crushed from the day's events.

Where to?

> Temple of Minerva

> Murder your way to the bridge out of town, Fuck this place

> Write-In

>> Temple of Minerva
Expect an ambush, cleanse her temple if necessary!
> Temple of Minerva
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Calling it for temple.

Not going to be able to write before Work since I'm eating dinner right now BUT.


> I can show you what has become of Lex, I believe you will find it particularly import.

> I can Ordain you in the church of Minerva

> In your darkest hour expect an act of God (Reroll)

> Write-In IF Blanaced
>> I can show you what has become of Lex, I believe you will find it particularly import.

> In your darkest hour expect an act of God (Reroll)
> what happened to Lex, nigga?
How long did his fight take anyway?
I'm back. Going to tally in 10 minutes.


Thread time is different to in universe time. Whereas our Knuckle Squad fight was like 4 minutes, Lex vs Remy was 50minutes-ish
> I can show you what has become of Lex, I believe you will find it particularly import.

The blessing upgrade is a vision of Lex.

Sweet, getting writing on the moving to the temple.
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Lighting up the cigarette does little to calm your nerves and the howling of dogs around Rono Pass are definently not helping.

The wind howling is your only companion for half an hour. Luc delivers some tea and some kind of pastry he found in the cabin which heats you right up.

But the animals in this dman village just will not shut up. Really, it's a chorus of beasts in here. Though you are almost at the strange mountainlike clifface that leads into the temple.

You notice movement, large movement.

The kind of movement that a hunter would call "Oh shit there's a bear movement."

The howling has gone quiet and the wind is doing it's best to hide the movements of whatever it is now.

> Luc, check it out with Scope

> Fuck it, I'm not stopping

> Hona we're checking this out together.

> Write-In
> Luc, check it out with Scope

> Fuck it, I'm not stopping
> Luc, check it out with Scope

> Fuck it, I'm not stopping
Heading to bed guys. I'll try and run after college tomorrow, but I'm running my campaign.
>Luc, check out with the scope.

Fuck it, I'm not stopping

Thats what i told my gf last night as it went in her butt
I'm in college until later. I'll write up for Luc & Keep rolling when I'm home.
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Rolled 18 (1d20)

"Luc get your rifle out. Some stuff's moving up there and I want your scope up." It takes a second for him to come out with his old trusty rifle. Hona comes out behind him and picks him up under his shoulders.

"What are you..." You begin.

"(Vun) One, Two Three!" They count before Honamurei throw him into the air. You hear him land with a thwump on the top of the wagon and it's almost immediatly after his gun barrel pokes out from up ahead.

You keep rolling, concentrating on the black coin harder. Trying to remember it's every nick groove and scratch - to your surprise the wagon picks up a lot of speed. Though the sponge scrubbing sensation is making you physically cringe now.

"We've got dogs!" Luc shouts from above. You keep concentrating on your coin to maintain your pace but Hona comes up alongside with sword drawn.

You risk a look up and what you see is... well like somebody really loved the local giant wolves. Five of them ahead, eyes glowing in the torrid night's weather, you can't be sure but the smallest looks like it's eating. The small patches of armour covering a burnt and mangled arm make you think it's one of your kills he's chowing down on.

When the pack makes your group the lader howls. Which is then answered by the others. Another pack elsewhere responds. Then Another and another. Soon the pass rings with the echoes and howls of wolf-men. The numbers that ust be in the town... you're not sure how people here survive.

Your wagon thunders past the wolf-men as they finish howling and they begin to give chase as a silver moonbeam from the full moon casts it's eye on your group.


Roll a1d20 best of 2 for how well you guys run. My roll is for chasing.

> Luc opened fire

> Hona moved to the back plank

> Purps tries something (What?)

> Write-In
Rolled 7 (1d20)

> Luc opened fire
Rolled 10 (1d20)

> Luc opened fire
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> Luc opened fire
Do we have any silver?

roll with that?
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolling for silver bullet

Writing. There are no silver bullets though. That nice roll means you're still ahead

19 vs 18.
You said best of two.
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You feel rain stinging your eyes as you smell gunfire in the air. The crack of Luc's rifle is biting amidst the tumultous night. You hear another shot ring out and Luc makes a strange half gasp half yell of fear. "They're not dying!" He shouts

"Vhat of course they're dying! That von doesn't have a face anymore!" Hona replies, but she goes to the back and begins adding some of her own bullets to the chase. "Okay, you're right Luc. They won't die Purps we need a plan!"

You're almost there. But these dogs are going to be right on your ass - at this rate you'll be there in a minute or two.

> [BRAVERY GET] Hold on to something! We're riding right in the front door!

> [PRIDE] Hona take the wheel; MINERVAS LANTERN!

> [DETERMINATION] Stop and make a stand

> Write-In
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Shhhhh I am infallible and totally not half asleep and forgetful.
>[PRIDE] Hona, take the wheel; MINERVA'S LANTERN!
The firefly isn't going to run from any mangy mutt!
>> [PRIDE] Hona take the wheel; MINERVAS LANTERN!
>> [PRIDE] Hona take the wheel; MINERVAS LANTERN!
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Rolled 16 (1d20)


Undying wolfmen? Fine you got this. You got this. You're the goddamn Purple Firefly. You get up from you driver's position and yank Hona back into the cabin. Slapping the coin in her hand you walk towards the back entrance, where you can see around ten of the creatures chasing your wagon.

"How do I-" Hona asks.

"Just concentrate on the coin. I got this!" You shout back, the wagon shudders to a crawl before it starts rolling again. Not quite as quick, but still fast enough.

Taking out your saw, your loop it around the peg that would be used to attach the wagon to a convoy. once Twice Thrice. You can hear the wolves approaching even as you tie your wire securely.

You take two big steps back and exhale. Concentrating your every fibre into one moment. You let your relief wash away your doubts as you cry "MINERVA'S LANTERN!"

You leap out of the back of the wagon, attached only by a thread of wire, out of a hurlting breakneck chase you leap at a bunch of psychotic, bloodthirsty wolfmen. With purple fire covering you, they descend upon you; lead by a huge red eyed creature who drools at you like an offering on a feast.

You hear Luc scream your name and several bullets fly past you into the wolves. But his was your plan....

Rolled 14 (1d20)

You who are wicked, evil and mean,
I'm the nastiest creep you've ever seen!
Come one, come all, put up a fight
I'll pound your butts with Minerva's light! Yowza."
3 rolls will get us to last post of this thread.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

4 more minutes before I say fuck it and write.
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You fly through the air like an unladen swallow and land on the soaked streets with an ear ringing explosion. Purple fire darts out of you in every direction.

Fur, blood, claws and teeth are forced loose from their natural place as you explode the street. Cobbling is thrown into the air and through the aforementioned flesh, bone, teeth and claw. You are a purple bomb of divine magic and you just detonated.

Your impact point is now a crater, filled with dead wolfmen. Well, the alpha is definently dead since he's just red mist. The other four are singed bags of flesh and fur. You yank yourself back to the wagon as the wire goes taut, landing there with authority and smugness on overdrive.

Until you hear a howl, and see shambling masses of definently not dead wolfmen corpse begin slowly chasing the wagon as you close in on The Temple of Minerva.

"Shit." You and Hona both say together.

Next Thread: We reach the temple and get our Godly vision.

I gotta sleep now, Ask any questions for the QM or characters and I'll respond.

Here or Twatter.

Catch me on MK Quest Discord or Wolfgan Jumpquest Discord.

Previous thread: 673177
Tw: @StarbornQ
Cs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1csg7vC-Yz10aAqk9ZwdCNv24obLGTtM5p6bKkPq1Pgc/edit#heading=h.74gk3dg6mvjp
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