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The Legend of Peter Titmouse

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Previous Thread: 29401
Twitter: brianraddatz
Chat: http://darksquid.org/chat

I have Wednesdays and Thursdays off, so I'll probably get more done on this than I have the past few days. Also Saturdays.
Good thing blue is our color
Also play up the Nightelf angle with some babes
Gib root to Gnat for safety, scoot out of town ASAP.
crabwalk out of town because wizard
[You ain't never had a friend like me starts playing]
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Start humming a song that we can't quite remember the name of, but know if was by some weird tower band.

Hand the root the Gnat since we're probably capable of reacting with at this point anyway. Attempt to sneak out of town since there's no way we could explain to a healer why we're in this state.
The closest exit is past the Magitek Department
Oops I forgot to link the archive on my webspace
If it is not immediately fatal you can worry about it later, get the fuck out of town, preferably with Gnat laughing the whole way
Ha ha, now you've got blue balls.
Good time for puns!
Tell Gnat that her laughter is making you BLUE.
Maybe it will make her forget you did something stupid.
Silver can turn your skin blue - and we're a master thief. We should steal that silver out of our own body.

Keep running.
Also, wipe the silly fake facial hair off your face.
Yeah, this place is for losers.

Like Chad.

Let's bounce.
propose to her
he really blue it
Stop laughing, Gnat! Do you want to be detected? Also, does Gnat have any teleportation magic?
I could just put the root back into storage you know. Wouldn't THAT be funny.
Oh no! My glamour has been removed!
Now you can see that I'm actually a djinn.

Peter Titmouse, actual Djinn.

(Not a djinn)
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I guess we really blue it, huh. Hah. Ahah.

This made my day.
Thank you.

I'm starting to get the feeling we are bad influence.

You're Blue Now.
You are now a smurf...rejoice!
At least you're not green.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

"Don't be so negative, you've really got me feeling blue. I'd rather not have this situation colour your opinion of my skills. I mean, it could be worse. I could've blue the whole thing."
Excellent update. Someone might want to archive last thread on suptg though, to save it for those that don't know of your site.
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Undress, less weight makes you run faster

Maybe ask about not being blue anymore

Unless she likes us better Blue
Peter drinks the medicine

He turns into an actual titmouse
Then let's hurry. To the slums!
A mouse with tits?

that's kind of hot.
To the Titmouse-mobile!

Steal a horse for rapid transport.
The slums, as it so happens, are being attacked by a headless Skvrkt.
The same one.
Turns out that wasn't a vital organ.
Set a meet-up point outside of town since we kinda stick out.

Also so you change it for posterity, Gnat's right eye in Panel 4 is the same as background color.
Let's hurry over to the PLOT SLUMS, with a sidebar about if Gnat knows anything on how to reverse our new skin condition later.
Ask the witch if she has a spell of speed up.
If not, use your ability to "Run the Fuck Away" to get to the slums quickly, Peter.
Be careful. Maybe I'm paranoid, but maybe Chad set up the whole "peasant lady needs this" in order to trick gnat into getting expelled for stealing it the first time.
Please don't sexualise the Gnat.
He changes colors every panel as it gets worse
This please
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dang gnat im a bird
You know the slums like the back of your hand. Hold out your arm to escort her.
Do this but then look at the back of your outstretched hand
"Looks like the whole place just flooded"

>going to the slums

We must put on rags and wrap most of our face.

Everyone will ignore a beggar with messed up skin in the slums.

pic vaugely related (I think they used to make leapers wear masks and bells in some parts of the world in the old days, the bells to announce their presence so that people could avoid them, the mask so people wouldn't have to look at the body horror their face would sometimes become.)
This sounds very plausible to me.
It isn't, he was allergic to getting stabbed in the eyes.

Hold out your arm to escort her after snatching back the bottle of medicine and promising to keep it and her safe from the denizens of the slums
Maybe it took some antihistamine and now need to recover lost fluids in the slums?
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Get in on that hug

Get some good feelings
Now it's time to CELEBRATE!
With a date!
Let her have her moment.

>everyone gets a fondue date
Anon it's like 2AM. Also I think there's a sick child somewhere? Lady at the door doesn't seem like she'd keel over if she didn't get the potion asap.

I think we outa get that potion to a sick child before we start celebrating. And maybe ask her if we could crash since we're bound to be caught blue handed.
Quest Complete!

Now take Gnat on another surprise date!
get all in on it
Try to get in on it but then back off when the awkward stares kick in. Play it off smoothly.

Now pressure gnat to be our accomplice in a life of crime and splendor
Can't we just steal her back into wizard school? Also we cast bag explosion so that makes us a spell thief right?
"steal her back into wizard school" ?

Also we didn't cast a spell

We just mixed a bunch of chemicals inside a robe resulting in an explosion
Don't get distracted! It's a trap!
We really should leave the town at once. I don't think the magic council is too happy about our little escapade.
Entertain the child while she takes the medicine, chicks dig guys who are good with kids.
I can also dig this option desu
This and >>63334
another one
We are now the Lone Blue Man.
>the child
You mean Gnat?
Stop it, Chad.
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It's mostly vodka....
So are we getting the double, or should we get two singles so I can surprise you in the middle of the night
How is the little girl not surprised at the blue man?
Well ok see ya later Gnat

Let her ask us to stay, it'll be funnier
Let's go with her. It's sure to be an adventure!
Offer her a place in our hovel that we've been living in on Bandit Road
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this one
Blue men clearly aren't that unusual around here.
A dinner would probably be good for mana regeneration as well.
A dinner of fondue.
We already ate.
I support this plan
She's been dying for a while now. Why should she care about something that doesn't really impact her or her family?
I have a feeling this will backfire and she might just send us away. It would be embarrassing to have to ask to stay with her after doing that. Although could use some extra manpower to go to Spat and Chad is going to be extra pissed when he gets expelled for breaking into the reagent storage and destroying all the contents.
>I have a feeling this will backfire and she might just send us away.
Honestly that would be even funnier, and then much much sadder

But what's life without risks
Inform that if Gnat that if we wait to long Chad is going to come for us at the drop of a hat.
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webm coming soon
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what a memer
Wouldn't it be best to lie low after the explosion? If Gnat gets seen, she's already tried to break in before so she'll be suspect, and we're a new stranger in the town so we will be too.
We should probably just ask if we can stay in the peasants' house for tonight

would fug
Since she CLEARLY needs our help, we shall unite and adventure across the lands! Between her magic and our thievery, so little could go wrong!

Literally everything can and will go wrong, but let's pretend it wont.
Do your Victory dance.
Just found this. It's awesome.
+1 Anon!

See /qst/, we'll build up a userbase.
Good artist gains new fans easly, thats natural. Right know I'm discovering his PokeQuest, and this is awsome.
Btw. anyone know what is with http://darksquid.org/ ? Will it be available, or not, or anything? Side website ~/pokequest/ works, but main don't
Make her work for it.
tfw i read all of that in one day and then there wasn't any more of it ;_;
I also got sad that I couldn't have been involved
Maybe it was best you never got involved, Satan.
Be nice to him After all, there's a satan for every 1000 posts. So he's the 65th /qst/ satan.
He is the 66th satan.
Fuck off Fatty.
Huh I was wondering about the mean comment. Then I saw that their ID was "iknuiFAT". Still no need to be rude. We have to support baby satan as a group to make sure they have a good upbringing.
>Hello and welcome to we are under construction
Not very informative, I know.
That giant rainbow potion monster/spirit is going to bite them in the ass, isn't it?
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But she owes us for the fondue, we can't let her leave just like that
Leave and sell all the extra magic ingredients in another town and continue on the journey to wherever.
We know she's leaving through bandit road, and we know where she's going. Nothing too wrong with a little "What a coincidence, I'm heading this way too!"
Tail her then 'accidentally' meet her in the inn.
What's a contrived reason for us to leave and meet up with her again.
It can't be because of the theft, because how can we be caught when our hands are blue?

She's going to Thief Road right?
Sounds like a place where people might want to buy knives. Let's go there immediately.
Well that's the end of that chapter.
What else is going on in this crazy city?
Re-affirm your status as a bachelor for life and do not pursue Gnat. Instead, find other cool dudes such as yourself and form a group, a "blue" man group, if you will. Because blue is a "cool" color, you see.
Go back to Bandit Road. When you see her tomorrow morning make some joke about how she can't resist you.
Point out that she never paid us for our services as Thief. And that her services as mage partner would even the score.
Seconding these.
Just by chance meet her again tomorrow, and suggest that they make a great team together.
Good thing we stole her something she needs.
Than way she comes back and we can pretend she was missing us.
And stealthly give her back
follow her down bandit road where she's bound to be attacked and robbed or worse. save her as the last second like the chad-thief you are
>hide out on Bandit Road waiting for Gnat to be attacked
>watch her slowly walk down the road
>nothing is happening
>she gets to the next town
>it is at this point you realise you're the bandit of Bandit Road
Are you forgetting that there were monsters on the road as well?
Stalk her.
There are no monsters on Bandit Road.
Not anymore, no.
Funny story actually, this was an actual story I heard while I was in the navy.
Peter follows her

And finds out she's an actual titmouse when its full moon
under fucking rated post
Go back to bandit road, we know she's heading that way anyway.

The plan has to work this time!
Hey! Why don't you stay at my place near bandit road? It's free.
I say we get in a convoluted plan to rob something and have a need to get out of town for awhile. We can't let ourselves look desperate can we?
Maybe Chad will have to get out of town too, we could end up travelling with him instead
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Vague sacks with a dollar sign on them are a form of currency, right?
Sure hope the inn didn't just have it's last room booked. That would be very unfortunate...unless of course our room had a spare bed.
Seconding, the paths must never separate!
Rest up and regain stamina.
Couldn't she apply to another magic school if need be?

Such a shame we booked the last open room, Good thing it was a double
One room with two beds costs less then two rooms.
"One room with one bed would be even better, but we need to be realistic on some level.
One room with one bed would just lead to Titmouse on the floor anyway.
this. let the awkward situation begin
That would be the truly nice thing to do, assuming we only have the one bed.
We could always use the chance to try to steal some more stuff from around the inn too, i suppose
That's an idea. We save the money, and show an ability to sacrifice(if could name sleeping on the floor such high word), so we could somhow impress her(she probably don't supose that thief can be like that).
We're becoming worryingly creepy
She was totally hoping we'd come with her.

Not that the girl ain't cute, cuz she is, but why are we getting so oneitis with her already? We barely know her.
You'd think so, but considering her face when she spotted us, I actually don't think she minds all that much.
One room, one bed. Cue shenanigans
You barely know anyone when you first meet them. That's just common sense. It's not a matter of declaring her our forever waifu, it's wanting to get to know her because A: she seems like a chill gal, and B: she's cute.
And C) She's our forever Waifu
I assumed that was a given
And I just realised, that before she saw us, she was looking around intesely, like she was checking if someone didn't follow her(or us, or guards).
She see's right through our bullshit, doesn't she?
Nah, she's looking back to see if we've changed our mind I reckon. Looks like she likes having us around
She probably does, after what we just did for her. Not a lot of men would go blue in the face just for her
She does look kind of happy to see us though.
Ask about any sort of side effects other than Blue Skin for a day mixing all those raw magical materials could have made.
Hopefully we don't dabadeedabaDie
all about how
A Gnat got flip-turned upside down!
And I'd like to take a shit on a couple of guys and my mom
and tell you how i became the prince of a town called vietnam
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They have to sleep on the same room because reasons.
Gnat is suspicious of Titmouse´s mankey face
I think it's probably also better for Peter's self-preservation. He couldn't have taken the monster on Bandit road all by himself. The bounty on it's head was likely way more than whatever he gets stealing from people dumb enough to go to "bandit road." (or selling by knives)
Gone for the weekend. Can't make crops and webms until Monday. Cheers until then.
How conveniently contrived
ditch unpure waifu and find a better one
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Get back in our room and masturbate furiously.
Whilst she's asleep, sneak into her room, take her hat and leave.
Don't do anything else, just take her hat and go.
Make sure that bitch don't give us the slip.
switch between the other two rooms once every two hours so you're not wasting them
Tell the Innkeeper who is actually your mother to try not to mess it up for me next time.
Go to rest but stay vigilant, we're not safe until we leave the town.
These seem like the best courses of action.


And watch our back, we're not out of the town just yet.

Look inside the keyhole of her door before turning in for the night
Value and prudence go hand in hand.
>She's happy

oh my god all of my yes
Definitely >>68880, and in the morning we should act like we scared away Chad who was coming to harass us, like the manly man we are
>switch between the other two rooms once every two hours so you're not wasting them

Mate, we bought the rooms, we've gotta use them
We don't want to waste money
You can call Peter Titmouse many things, but wasteful is not one of them.
What about that huge amount of magical reagents he wasted?
Don't talk about it. It's making me blue.
Rainbows are never wasteful, they bring joy to the innocent!
That was more lack of knowledge on what not to do with them, rather than purposefully wasting them
Most importantly, I suppose it'll mean we're tired out in the morning because of us getting top value for money
They'll come back eventually
Look at it this way Okk, you can now create two updates for the price of one where you copy paste him traveling from room to room!
As a thief, it is his duty to steal her panties at least once in the journey. Maybe not this night, but maybe once she trusts him enough
If we don't end this story with us reusing the "Stole your heart" line we are failures.
I think it's a safe bet, that we will assuredly back that happening, whenever it does.
How do you do it? I'm actually becoming invested in whether they'll get together. This hasn't happened to me in ten years.
Look man, the logic is there, we gotta do it.
I think it would be better we ended it with Gnat saying it.
I'm curious, what do you do with a girls panties once you've stolen them? do you wear them?
Does this place serve breakfest
From what anime has taught me, you smell them and wear them like a mask...
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You smell them and use them to fap.
I didn't know Teddie had a sister.

A kinky one at that.
Tell me, why does he wear the mask?
A lot of loyalty for a panty-snatcher.
Nobody knew what a perv I was until I put on the panties.
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We can't let her take the fall for this
She needs someone to bust her out of jail

Good thing she personally knows a good thief.

Actually try posting bail, and if that fails bust her out

O SHIT. Intervene you bandit trash!
Ruh roh.

Clearly this is a wacky misunderstanding, let's talk to him and clear all this up.

And by clear all this up I mean pickpocket the keys, set gnat free, and use our special thief skill: "Run from the feds"
The only correct course of action is to steal Gnat out of the cuffs.
Yeah no we're a thief we can escape, turn ourselves in now.
Gather our bandito friendos.

Tell em we need em for one last job.

Cue a super awesome jailbreak.
Jailbreak time!
Find a suit we are her lawyer!
Expanding the cast is a good move!
All of these actions can be summed up to.

Save The Bae.
Wait, no, do this instead:

Time to raise some OBJECTIONS in court because clearly our client is being framed by notorious sun-wizard 'Chad'!

Dress us up as Miles Edgeworth, phoenix is lame

Steal the handcuffs.
Pocket the guard.
This, we need some Phoenix Wright esque clothing and defending.
ask what this is about. if he mentions anything about crimes last night say that that is impossible since she was with you last night.
If we fuck up with any of our plans we can at least turn ourselves in to take the fall.
Oi, what's all this, then? What might be the charges, 'ere?

Gnat dind du nuthin.
Hide a lockpick deep in Peter's rectum, then confess to the crime.
This. I'm guessing this is something along the lines of the nerd saying that Gnat was with Chad the night "Chad" committed the crime. If that's the case just confess to him that the Nerd was actually just shortsighted and was fooled by your disguise. You were dressed as Gnat when you and Chad stole those ingredients. She can go free while we meet up with Chad in a prison cell that won't hold us for more than a few hours at most.
>You were dressed as Gnat when you and Chad stole those ingredients
So much this. It's too hilarious not too, and we get to cast more aspersions on Chad.

Plus, it turns out Pete and Gnat wear the same size!
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>moucheron is french for gnat
>nat gnat

Agreed, I support this all the way
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do this one
the coppers will never catch us alive
no wonder she gave us that look just then. It wasn't because of her getting jailed. But because we found out her full name!
Indeed, time to for us to gather our crew!

It's just going to be Peter having drawn faces on all his fingers
that brings new meaning to "friends and family discount"
Do this but also gather a crack team of thieves to steal Gnat using the trial as a distraction, right from under the judge's nose.
This as backup.
I am disappointed.
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Mood music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLYOZUPE6o0
Now to use that law degree that our dad forced us to get before we left home to become a bandit/part-time knife salesman to good use
Chad is an arrogant dick, right?

"Chad, do you admit, in your own words, that a sun wizard is too lame and useless to appear in two places at once?"

Alternatively, steal the other lawyers tie without anyone noticing, then be offended he would come to court in such a shabby condition, I mean, really, what kind of lawyer doesn't have a tie?
Tell the GM that you have "extensive law experience" on page 39 of your character backstory.
Then use it.
We must first establish that the witness is practically blind. This will throw into question if it really was Gnat and in any sane legal system the case will be thrown out right there.
Secondly we must point out that Gnat and Chad have separated and Gnat personally cannot stand Chad. This will throw into question who both of them are since Gnat was shown to be close to the alleged "Chad"
I guess we can not be the buttmonkey for a change

Both of these. Question though; what happens when they ask 'well, who was it?' We're just taking the fall for her entirely?
Clearly the real culprits are still somewhere out there. Our job isn't to find out who did it but to show it couldn't have been Gnat.
Well, we're already a thief with a road named after us. It's no real issue for us to be blamed for another theft. Especially when it's a theft we legitimately committed.
Have you never played a phoenix wright game? It's always the dickish witness. I'm all for still trying to pin this on chad somehow.

Maybe get him to admit that he was totally capable of stealing that shit, he's a sun wizard, he can do anything.
Good point.
Trying to pin things on Chad and it backfiring is like half the reason Gnat is already in this mess though. I don't think it's a route we should continue to blindly pursue at this point.
Glassesbro is poor and insecure about that fact, and the fact that he can't afford up-to-date glasses, so he insists that his vision is perfect and that he definitely saw Chad.
An illusion spell would explain away his alibi AND why he was so low and mana as well...
At the very least try to get the case thrown on account of the lack of evidence. The only "witness" is someone with poor eyesight, and is only circumstantial. The wards and defenses could probably only be surpassed by someone with exceptional magic ability which means it couldn't have been gnat.
we are going to end both on jail arent we?
Wouldn't be the first time for us, I imagine.
Has no one heard the testimony of the accused yet? this court is a farce!
Get Natalie on the stand and ask her if she was with Chad at the time of the incident. She wasn't in multiple ways. She wasn't with the real Chad who was playing Lightning Ball... or so he says, nor was she with Peter in Disguise because he had to leave her behind due to the wards.
Flatter/mock Chad until he admits that he's totally powerful enough to appear to be in two places at once

Get Gnat to admit she never entered the magical reagent pantry (also to testify that her lawyer is both handsome and intelligent)

Get Nerd Wizard to admit he's blind as a bat and has no right to be identifying anyone

Get the Prosecutor to admit he's actually a bandit trying to pose as a lawyer just to save a wizard who's pants he wants to get into.
Now that I think about it we need to come up with an acceptable alibi. Possibly a date with some gentleman that many people can confirm Gnat was with that day. Perhaps in some kind of restaurant that has fondue? After leaving the restaurant things got intimate.
Question the nerd. Use his attraction to Gnat to subtly get him to change his testimony.
>Flatter/mock Chad until he admits that he's totally powerful enough to appear to be in two places at once

100% this.
I have to agree with the 'avoid trying to implicate Chad' tactic. Let's just try to get the case thrown out on lack of/bad evidence.
>Flatter/mock Chad until he admits that he's totally powerful enough to appear to be in two places at once
>Get Nerd Wizard to admit he's blind as a bat and has no right to be identifying anyone
terrible idea, these contradict each other completely!
no idea how the magic system works but illusion spell seems to be the best answer, as it explains 2 in one
As a last resort we could put all blame to Peter and pull off Zak Gramarye.
I will add that If nerd couln'd not recongnize Chad properly, why we are claiming that he can do perfectly recognizing Gnat?
Since you're a master of talking, the case is easily won
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we're trying to establish reasonable doubt, anything that undermines evidence against Gnat is useful

Going for a mistrial would also work, just get the whole thing thrown out.
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Blah blah blah blaaaaaaaahh!!!!
Why did we call the dean as a witness? He's too smart!
N... uh... Mmmmmm
Is there any evidence to support this? Do you have a witness who saw my client talking to a thief? Did she have bloodroot on here when she was arrested?

Where is the bloodroot now?
Hold on why did she even get expelled in the first place since it sounds like he was willing to let her use the root if she did the paper work. Filling out the paperwork would have taken less time than trying to steal it at night. We are made for each other.
If blood locust root was one of many things that were stolen,then you cannot prove it was the main objective of the teft.
Listen here wise guy, do you honestly expect us to believe that a college student was able to hire a thief? If you'll notice, she didn't even pay for her hotel room last night.
"The witness is clearly senile, his memory is faded. For example, do you remember putting your hat on today?"
"Objection! You gave me your hat!"
You took his hat same as with Chad
Filling the form out probably wouldn't have taken long, but actually getting the Root in time to make the medicine would've been a problem.

This is a pretty solid answer.
So currently we have a motive, an invalid testimony and a bunch of speculation. Do we have any actual evidence?
"Are you saying that there is absolutely no way whatsoever that those reagents could have been combined into something useful? If they could, then how can you prove that that wasn't the main purpose of the theft?"

What are we going to do if when the answer to that question is yes?
Steal it before anyone sees it obviously.
We can probably break her out even if this goes south. This is mostly trying to protect her reputation, at least from my perspective.
The glasses wizard's name is Riley, obviously. Peter needs to channel his inner Pesci to win this case!
That is pure speculation! While my client may have previously attempted gaining access to the Lotus Root there is no evidence she was implicated in this attempt. Clearly the theft was coincidental and orchestrated by someone without inside knowledge of the storage of magical goods which any proper mage would have known.
This is pretty much lost. It's only a matter of time until Chad notices it's us.
it couldn't possibly be the devilishly handsome peter titmouse, look at those silly glasses
Not to mention the lack of roguish headgear! We are a respectable lawyer.
The defendant clearly doesn't have money even for decent sleeves, all the more so for a thief's services.


And also claim she can't even afford a lawyer, we're a junior acting pro bono.
steal his hat
Both these seem logical. Might get a bit tricky if we have to explain how we know she didn't pay for her room, and then maybe how we know her
Our client was expelled from the college, and news of this had travelled.
Is it possible that someone used such a recent event as an excuse?
It may not have been the root was stolen and a bunch of other things, rather the other things were stolen and the root as well to shift suspicion.

Can you explain what could have been made with the reagents? And why they would have been mixed together at all?
Call the hotel clerk to the stand, go over records.
We don't prosecute people based solely on suspicions.

And if my client had enough money to hire a professional thief, then why wouldn't she simply buy a blood lotus root legally?
Hiring a skilled professional to take on such a difficult and challenging job would require a large sum of gold; much more than the cost of a mere alchemy ingredient, especially if said ingredient merely "looked fancy," and was not part of a truly valuable collection.
Is there a folder for this incase I missed anything?
It's clear this is some sort of student prank gone out of hand. Likely they're brewing up some nonsense right now for the second part of it.
Looks like we're in autosage already? Or is it possible for OP to bump it?
we're on page 1
So we are, the page counter didn't update for me properly.
Hell, we could even say that Gnat was blackmailed into trying to steal in the first place and when she failed the blackmailer decided to swoop in and take everything anyways
We Ace Attorney now.
Technically, she didn't do anything and a thief would have to be very kind hearted and good willed to do it for an affordable price.

The law is decided with technicalities, no proof of theif purchase, plausible deniability and also this chad guy has a personal grudge against his ex
Honestly, I blame that game so much for making this exciting.
That said, I agree with shedding light on the 'can she even afford it?' angle. Be somewhat vague about it, though, since we were seen speaking to her, and DO NOT want to implicate ourselves proving the Dean correct.
I would say that Chad could have duplicated himself but that might be too high level for him.
Isn't it so that a witness called by the defendant cannot incriminate the defendant while testifying for them?

Wouldn't that just invalidate his entire testimony against Gnat and render it unusable?

I'm not a lawyer tho
Also point out someone else could have easily afforded it, who has a grudge against the accused, has a perfect alibi, and whose belonging were found at the scene.

Gentlemen of the jury, no one would have left evidence that obvious at the scene, at least not if they didn't want it to be found! Chad knew that Miss Natalie was seen with the hat, he could have easily stolen it back, and then had a hired thief place it at the scene of the crime! Obviously incriminating the accused. I CALL CHAD BACK TO THE STAND!
What if we call Gnat herself to the stand? Might be risk a cross-examination, but we maybe can get her to admit that she had no money that night- and therefore couldn't have afforded it? I dunno, just spitballing. Any opinions on that tactic?
I don't how much this is going to work because we met Chad while hauling Skrvkt's head.
>Ah, damn, you're right. There's a possibility, there. So that IS something to avoid. Hm...

This is all made SO much more challenging due to the fact we actually did it. Sorry for all the posts, by the way. I keep thinking of things after I post and want to add to it.
Listen if push comes to shove we admit to stealing it because we know how much that stuff sells for and we were planning on extorting Nat, then we make our escape with our Thief skills.
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>That turnabout sisters at the end

There's nothing that makes me feel more comfy and excited for a case than AA.

I'm ready to destroy Chad and start a comfy law firm with gnat afterward
The only reasonable 100% success rate way out I see is pushing all the guilt on Titmouse. Paint him off as someone who abused her naivety, violated her trust, set her up in order to steal the lotus root to save his [family member].

In the end, when the judge is not entirely convinced, Titmouse undoes his disguise and says "I know it's true, because it's ME!" He then uses his special thief skill and runs out of the court hall, Gnat gets acquitted but still expelled, and the only thing she can do is try to find him.

If you go with this, don't uncover the spoiler before the first panel, but wait until the moment.
When in doubt, smoke bomb.
But she would still be connected to crime so still can still be convicted and what you are saying would give a lot of evidence to convicting her. What we should do instead if we fuck up is just break out of there with Gnat.
So in other words, >>72562 ?

We still had some magical ingredients left from last time, we could try making one of those gay clouds again.
Would she? I'd think that if it was played off as someone who tricked her, she'd be released due to not knowing what he was up to.
Being tricked isn't a good enough reason to be acquitted from the crime.
We really fucked up on deciding to be her lawyer because
1. We committed the crime
2. We have a relationship to Natalie
If any other people are called as witnesses like the Inn Keeper we are screwed.
...hm. Blah. Well, I'm not sure, really. I still think, then, that the best course of action is to get the case thrown out due to lack of real evidence. Let's not try to pin it on anyone, just try to prove there's a solid possibility it's not her.
We should fug her when we had the chanse.
Your Honor, this evidence is circumstantial as fuck.
I think we can get her out of this jam, and even if the inn keeper is called up, we are somewhat in a disguise, and- very importantly- we were BLUE for that event. We ain't blue now.
Do you have any real proof? This is all very far fetched.
>we were BLUE for that event
That's even worse. It shows that we invoked a bad magical reaction.
Or it could've just been paint or something, is what I was getting at. But fine, I'll acquiesce the point that it's risky bringing it up.
I told you hiding a lockpick in Peter's rectum and confessing to the crime was our only hope.
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Holy fuck, this is my new favorite OC.
Okk, you are a god among men.
Alright so we have 3 known suspects right now

1. Natalie
2. Glasses guy
3. Person who was impersonating Chad, NotChad

Natalie was described walking with NotChad near the reagent storage. Glasses guy talked to Natalie and NotChad with NotChad treating it like he was Chad. If the suspect is NotChad it would be safe to say that Natalie is in on the crime. The chromatic burst shows that it was someone without an understanding of the reagents but the security seals show that it was probably some one who was a caster or a high-level thief. So if there was also a sorcerer nearby they could have done the crime if this sort of setting has sorcerers not needing reagents. Natalie has shown that she needed the blood lotus root and the blood lotus root was stolen among other fancy reagents.

Did I miss anything?
seriously this case can be thrown out as easily as saying "the witness is blind and cannot be certain the defendant was on campus"
A wizard only shows up when they're needed. That sick kid needed a wizard's help. C'mon dean you should know that.
Well NotChad responded to Glasses Guy when he asked him what he was doing with Gnat. I don't think he said that in the courtroom though, so we are safe.
It was obviously two people disguised as Chad and Gnat not knowing they had broken up previously.
Then cameo from other lawyer Farfetch'd.
Wait, that nerd that was blind.
He could detect magic? Could he be mistaken because of his blindness and mistaken Gnat for herself BASED on the magic detection?
And wouldn't she have to be there to help the thief know WHAT a blood root Lotus looked like? The thief couldn't have possibly known
The reagents are labeled.
Well still, the blind guy could of mistaken Gnat for someone else.
Or it could of been the blind guy, who can't read labels
Question glasses guy on what he was doing near Merton Hall.
Clearly this was the work of some incompetent thieves
They thought they could disguise themselves as a student couple and then grab what they could and run. However they were unaware of the fact that Gnat and Chad were no longer together and that Gnat had been expelled. Also they had no proper way of transporting the regiments causing the burst.
That seems farfetched but it's better than most of the plans we've made here.
But nerd sense some magic from "couple", then one of two must be magic-talented of some sort....or have some magic-disguise amulet.
pose the question as to why this is even a case.
like the posts before me have stated, there is no concrete evidence - only the shaky testimony of a myopic rando and speculation.
if this court has any sense of reason, this case will be closed.
It's not our job to find out the culprit. Only to prove Gnat couldn't have been responsible.
Is there any way to prove that she hired a local thief?
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I have work today. But I'm off again tomorrow.
It's the Skvrkt brother
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wait to see if gnat will rat you out or not, then brake her out. having our heroes as fugitives will be good plot development.

As a mage Ms Nate is obviously quite inteligent! Therefore there's no way she'd be stupid enough to leave incrimnating evidence in such an obvious place! Clearly she's being framed!

And what's this of an accomplice? More baseless fearmongering? YOUR HONER I DEMAND THAT THIS MAN IS HELD IN CONTEMPT OF COURT!
Admit you did it, but imply it was entirely your outside manipulation that caused her to go for the root in the first place. You can get out of jail.
Something like this is the only thing that can save our asses now.
OBJECTION! How can you prove those magical reagents weren't in my clients posession before the theft occurred? Also my client would know how to handle magical reagents and thus would never store them in a sack!
If we plead guilty, it is possibele, that not her will get lower punishment, but us. We could send her sugestive look or something like that, so she wouldn't hesitate to say that we were the thief.
Anyway, I would go with >>73555 post.
Chad was mad that gnat broke up with him and then used his magic to frame her.
Your Honor, my client bought those ingredients with her own money she got from defeating the Skrvkt.
As for that bathrobe - is there any evidence it was used as a sack? Recently she broke up with Chad. Maybe she was just feeling lonely and made something that reminded her of Chad.
Rolled 58 (1d100)

I was originally going to go with the lonely Gnat defense too.
OBJECTION! This bathrobe barely looks like Chad's robes. In fact, it's maker must have been nearly blind to think so.
Of note is also the fact that half the prosecutor's case hinges on a testimony of a witness who alleges to have seen Miss de Moucheron in the campus at the night of the crime... An almost blind witness!
This entire case was fabricated by the nerd in glasses to frame my client!
Clearly this is the work of a Stand User, Your Honor! My client was enjoying a meal at the Fondue Shop with a handsome and clearly-more-awesome-than-Chad Rogue. It would’ve been impossible for her to rob the academy!
Requesting someone who can art to do a JoJo styled Gnat.
There is a contradiction between the facts of the case and the evidence provided!

The facts of the case say that the containers for the items are marked so as to prevent theft, yet this bottle is unmarked!
Furthermore, if the contents where placed into a new bottle at the time of the theft, this shows some degree of understanding of storing reagents!
So if this is the case why did the aforementioned chromatic burst occur, and furthermore what witnesses are there to the burst, and exactly what time did it occur?
Miss Nate was clearly framed, as someone else put the reagents in the room, then paid for the room. She had no way to know they were in there as she had never intended to stay at that inn.
Obviously only someone blind enough to believe that robe looks halfway convincing could have done this, someone like.
Point to Chad in the kind of bluff only phoenix himself could think of
Also second point
For a container that supposedly had a bunch of magical reagents that exploded contained in it, that sack is looking very intact.

There's one key piece of info being forgotten: where the items were found. Were they in her personal room at her home, guilt would be undeniable. At an inn, though? It's entirely plausible the actual thief was there and bailed, leaving his items behind. Unless they have some evidence to prove this isn't the case, they cannot prosecute your client.
You know, it's not like it'd be our first time breaking out of prison.
But has Peter Titmouse ever been to a magic prison?
I'm sure we could spin a bluff out of "But if there were only two people, why did they book THREE rooms?" at some point.
Kek that's true. Clearly there's still one more on the loose. Possibly the true mastermind and thus the court will need to be adjourned to find this third person.
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Muh MSPaint Skillz
...I'm not sure how to feel about this now. It doesn't FEEL like this should be that hard to get this thrown on shaky evidence. Then again, I know jack shit about lawyering.

If she REALLY needs to, give her the 'do it' look. We don't mind taking the fall- and we'll just break out anyway.
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Art and music to support objection.

And to (yet again) tack something onto it, maybe she could explain why the theft was done.
That latest evidence is actually pretty hard against us. We lost the initiative when we didn't capitalize on the blindness on the prosecutions witness so we've been on the defensive since the beginning. We managed to discredit the other claims otherwise this case would already be over so the prosecutor is trying to bluff his way to victory.
>no beard
I'm mad that Peter is now beardless, hope it'll revert to normal after the case
Never admit to any guilt. "Deals" are never good for you no matter what they say or who says it.
In a last ditch effort, we should at least give a rousing speech to sway the jury or judge to tears. If anything at all, smoke bomb and book it.
If we use the innkeeper as a witness, we can win.
We met her when we are blue and we bought 3 room.
Point case is that we can pretend that the culprit frame her and escape
OBJECTION! Those items were located in a room adjacent to Miss de Moucheron's room and should be disregarded entirely.

We obviously didn't leave our disguise & stuff in the room Gnat rested in when we had 2 for ourself.

As sated before my Client was in a previous relationship with Chad! Is there any proof these robes where used in the theft! I say name me one girlfriend that doesn't steal you fucking shirts!

Secondly my client is a wizard, it would not be odd for her to have reagents of her own! And if I may bring the court back to the deans testimony.

>"Furthermore, a chromatic burst was released during the incident, mostly likely by mistakenly mixing the reagents"

If the reagents were wasted in such a way why would there be any left!
I think the implication here is that she pulled the same stunt we did but at different times.
I love the fact that this lighthearted adventure comedy about a shortstack wizard and a part-time knifesalesman has such a dramatic court scene.
That would be incredibly stupid on the prosecutors side since not only would that be speculation it does not pertain to the current charges at all.
I still don't feel like everything's solid. I do feel like she should go ahead and pin it on us.
to be a shortstack you need to actually be stacked
Come on now, in AA it always winds up being the calm, certain of himself witness. Press the shit out of the dean
that means....shes a loli?
She has a magic bra of holding, she's actually stacked
I'm sure there's a spell for that.
I can still see a few avenues we can pursue to confuse the court.
Getting 3 rooms
The Deans statement that the reagents were seen to cause a chromatic burst thus presumably consuming them
The possibility that the reagents were in Gnats posession before the theft
Also you should never admit to guilt before a verdict has been given. Ideally you shouldn't admit even then.
>part-time knife salesman
THAT'S IT! Peter using his charm, charisma, and salesmanship distracts the entire proceeding and turns it into a big Knife Sale Showcase!
We must have an actual lawyer here somewhere.
Suddenly a Rakklakk flies through the ceiling and snatches the prosecutor. The judge orders that the trial be postponed until the monster ravaging the courthouse is dealt with.
He didn't have a beard in the first place.
Again, new to this, but why is that such a bad thing to try and get a softer sentence? Is it one of those 'they say they will but then they don't' things?
Generally they won't actually give you a lighter sentence and admittance of guilt will pretty much remove any possibility of retrial
What!? Why did she have those in her room?
Except he totally did, but Okk forgot it somewhere
He wiped it off next page, it's fake. He drew it on.
Since he stops having one here >>60788
I guess he wiped off. Maybe.
they were a part of our Chad disguise. They were painted on.

That was a fake Chad beard that was drawn on.

This. Gnat would never put all that stuff in one bag and why, if she was with a thief, would she leave the thief's disguise AND the thief's loot with her if she was intending to let the thief take whatever he wanted.
I feel so stupid right now
We could frame Chad and pretend that settles the case!
Signs points he was the accomplice.

Then try to sneak in and get her out.
Also, if the theory is that she hired a thief to disguise himself and steal the reagents, then the thief is the one who should be in possession of the stolen reagents as well as the disguise.
If there was no hired thief, then she would have known not to store the reagents in a sac.
The discrepancy should cast doubt on the prosecution.
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This is actually a pretty good defense.
And sun mages only get their powers from the sun, correct?
The crime would most likely have happened at night! In which such mages got no way to recharge their mana.
Chad could've exhausted all his mana to sneak in and get what he needed.
Before we OBJECT, give Gnat a moment to snitch on us if she so desires. If that's what she wants to do then so be it.
Nahhh Gnat wouldnt snitch. We stole her heart after all.
Agreed. Give it like, a solid 5 or so seconds.
Why would we do that?
Because we should at least give HER the option. We've done that a lot.
But that'd just be fucking us over if she did snitch.
As her legal counsel we shouldn't let her admit to anything no matter how much she wants to.
She'd still be implicated, the point of this farse is to remove all of that.
I think the key difference is that she'd have a harder time unfucking herself over as opposed to us.
In a moment of desperation gnat channels her older, dead sister nia.
"Take a look at that bottle, doesn't something seem off Mousey? Or at least not wright uhm, I mean right" she whispers to us
the only difference would be that both of us would be stuck in prison. it would be a lot easier to break Gnat out of prison from outside with a couple of old buddies than from inside without any resources.
Enter sneak, then sell a knife at high velocity to the judge's heart.

Preferably from a distance.

With a cool spin effect.

Use the commotion to run.
>sell a knife at high velocity to the judge's heart.
"Who the fuck are you?"
Some more defenses: Since the only way the fire creature could be formed is through the random jostling of the sack, then why aren't any of the reagents contaminated.
Also, the solution is still in the bottle which would have triggered the alarm if taken out of storage. If Gnat (or the thief) had taken the solution out of the original bottle and into a new one, then she would have done so with all the soluble reagents instead of just that one reagent.
Then you can possible proceed to dismiss all the "evidence" as just meaningless speculation.

Also, their whole prosecution is speculation based on some one time character evidence and blind stupid witness without the "evidence."
Oh shit, is that reagent in a bottle? Weren't all bottle marked with magical detection things? This is all a conspiracy! Someones setting her up!
Glassesbro is NOT stupid.
But he should be. For the Greater Good (of us).
We can call him naive for mistaking a common thief for Chad the sun Wizard.
I still think we should frame him for framing us.

It doesn't count as framing us when it's a thing we actually did.
But framing is exactly about things the framed person didn't do, so if he didn't frame us, this means we can frame him for it.
This is a good point. The reagents were using the schools bottles and liquid reagents were emptied.
While I don't think we're being framed t is possible to attempt to frame someone for something they did do by planting evidence.
Framing people would be stupid. All we need to do is cast doubt and show that Gnat would have never have done this crime. If we need to blame somebody we should just blame some dirty thieves from the slums near the school who know nothing about magic.
Frame the prosecutor instead, just for giggles.
I didn't say anything about us framing someone. Only that it is possible to frame someone who has committed the crime they are accused of.
The only thing that needs framing is a picture of Gnat.

We should do this later when we have time.
It's been a few days, he should have some beautiful stubble by now. Please make it happen OP.
You know, this trial would be going a lot better if Gnat weren't guilty or was a better thief.

Hell, this would be easier if WE weren't guilty or were a better thief.

Ask for a fifteen minute recess to discuss things with your client, then smoke bomb.
Right, but, if you asked the inn keeper, she could attest that it wasn't "Miss de Moucheron's inn room", but it was in fact a generous benefactor who bought the room, who could have planted those there to conceal his own involvement
A generous /blue/ benefactor.
One without glasses or a suit, one that could never have been forced to become a lawyer by his father, since his father must have been a punk, too.
We're a great thief, we're just not used to involving others in our mischief. If it was just us we would have gotten away scott free.
Aren't we part time?
No. We're part time knife sellers.
Oh wait, might want to avoid bringing the innkeeper into it at all, since Gnat literally said our full name out loud in front of her, so the innkeeper knows the name of the other person who was involved
Yes, but that person is blue.
We are currently Lawyer L. Lawyerson, of the Lawyerson & Lawyerson firm.
But the dean could connect the dots.
Consider pleading insanity in a misguided and panicked attempt to buy time before attempting one of the better ideas
Quick! See if there's anyway we can invoke double jeopardy!
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I TOLD you all last thread that we needed to ignore the temptation to frame Chad and just focus on the thieving because Chad would just remember where he lost his hat and it would be traced back to Gnat

Play dirty. Ask for a brief recess. Call up the mother of the girl you saved. Have her give false testimony that Gnat was with her during the time of the robbery.

As for the items found in her room. The only logical conclusion is that they were planted, probably by Chad. Or, they were left behind by the real thief.
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The person that impersonated Chad is clearly clever and deceptive, but at the same time, he was also clearly someone that knew Gnat and Chad long before the theft, to know that they had been in a relationship. Therefore, the thief is a student. If the thief is willing to impersonate Chad and implicate Gnat, why would Gnat agree to go along with that? It would be a horrible plan to travel with the person you're intending to blackmail. In fact, who was even present to witness "Gnat and Chad" together at all? Pic related, that's who. While everyone else was watching Chad be a badass and tailgating with magical ale, this sad lonely fuck was walking around campus by himself at night at the time of the theft. Call him back to the stand and ask of his relation with Chad and Gnat.
And as he's already said he doesn't follow sports. He thought he could impersonate chad because he was too ignorant to know Chad would have a few hundred witnesses to give an alibi.
That could just be him covering his tracks, an obvious lie.
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Goddamn man
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I see a resemblance.
Thank you! She looks wonderful!

Don't you mean it looks 'Okk'?
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Hey okk, which timezone are you from?
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I'm currently in mountain time.
So the ingredients stolen were used for a... luck potion?
Say, what is the use of such a concoction?
Oh shit we got planted evidence.

Call in a forensic mage to study the fingerprints on the bottle!
This is definitely how we can turn the trial around.
The sick girl and friends storm in to stand up for Gnat
We are going to blow this case wide open!

Mister Dean Sir! You could very easily be held in contempt of court if you don't reveal this case necessary information!
Call the dean's mother to the stand, she's pissed at him because he hasn't called in months.
oh oh, here's one. "if gnat's goal was the blood lotus root, then where IS this alleged blood lotus root right now?"
That would work against them imo, obviously since the dean says it was the intended target, he'll say it was consumed already.
For what, a luck potion? Some luck potion that is, she's getting creamed in this trial.

Of course, if we use that defense, the court may decide that it was the luck potion that made them come to this conclusion and go back against her, but then we can use the luck potion defense again, but then the same thing would happen again and again until everyone is skeletons.
jeez i hate court and lawyer related stuff, its get boring pretty fast.

let her go to jail and save her, that way she will be forced to run aways with us.
Figures we'd miss some evidence that was displayed earlier due to us being late. Would it be possible to ask for a court record on all the evidence that's been displayed so far, or at least a recounting of the aforementioned?
Who could possibly use a luck potion right then and there? OH WAIT CHAD'S IN A SPORTS GAME.

Obviously Chad's less innocent than initially assumed. It seems very likely that Gnat looking so suspicious could all be the result of Chad viciously framing his ex-gf.
Oh my god. Did Chad ACTUALLY steal shit to make a luck potion to fix his game, and we just coincidentally stole shit later/earlier on?

Also, try casting doubt on whether or not gnat even is able to MAKE a luck potion
this, or better yet take the blame and then escape yourself

Listen, if anything we can get this trial delayed by a day, that's when we can make our move, setting up evidence, removing anything that could lead the court to us, etcetera.
Of course!
If the stolen root was to make a luck potion, then my client cannot possibly be the culprit.
Getting caught with all this seemingly conclusive evidence is the opposite of lucky, in fact it IS very lucky for whoever actually did it as all suspicion has been thrown off of them!
Wait, no, I just thought of a theory

Maybe Chad paid off the peasant woman to convince Gnat to steal the lotus root for her, so that he would have someone to blame when things went missing after he stole things to make a luck potion?

Maybe the dean is making all this shit up, and made a luck potion himself to ensure his team won the SportsBall game! And is using our own crime to cover up his own work!
What was the score for the Lightning Ball, and who were they playing?
Oh shit we onto something, firstly oddly specific about making a luck potion.

Also, what motive could Gnat have, compared to CHAD who was at the big game and wanted to win.

Just saying

In a game where points are only worth 1 point maximum
Oh shit, nice.
Chad totally stole the ingredients to make himself a luck potion coincidentally the same day. The dean's in on it as fuck
Probably a Lightning Ball win is the only thing that can save the prestige of their shitty magic school now.

What happens if they lost? They could have lost.
Do you see Chad crying while drinking vodka from the bottle?
If they lost, it would be because the ingredients they needed exploded due to CHAD not us CHAD carrying them in a fucking sack
Rolled 86, 37, 29, 22, 21 = 195 (5d100)

>Drink luck potion
>Shout random numbers
>Just luckily follow up on whatever happens
>Walk away free

What could possibly go wrong?
kek, is this a reference to the recent iphone security thing?
I got called in to work today, so again I won't have very much time to draw.
On the upside, I get overtime.
Mr Dean, is it possible that the thief had a luck potion, which not only made his theft successful but also pinned the blame on someone else?
Expanding on this: note that the salient blood lotus roots are absent from the seized goods. If the theft were, as you postulate, motivated by the intent to produce a luck potion, why would the key component be missing? It clearly could not have been used; arrest and theft charges could not be considered "lucky" by almost anyone.
Unless, of course, the charges were filed against an innocent, affording the perpetrator a "lucky break."

Work on weekend?
Take yer time bruh
the Deans response is quite similiar to Apples response to FBI demanding Apple to crack their own security in the name of national security.

to-tomorrow maybe?
Alternatively it could be a reference to FBI's response to Apple asking for the vulnerability FBI used to later crack the phone.
I'll try to get a page done tonight before I go to bed. If not, I should be off work tomorrow.
Hmmm not really. The Dean isn't asked to break his campus's security, he's asked to explain the protocols. This is only ever a problem if they're relying on security by obscurity (for example, door alarm only doesn't sound if you turn the knob left-right three times first).

Apple was asked to help authorities break into their own security, which amounts to dedicating considerable effort to destroy one of the main features of your own product.
Apple did in fact explain how the protocols work, but they're sufficiently secure that even with this knowledge breaking in is very hard.
Thanks senpai. Have a nice day at work
We need a "Hold it!" or "Objection!" Phoenix Wright style
Nah, we should give 'em the old sore wa chigau yo.

Or in english... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e53HfowZCdI
I know. I was only referring to the media circus around the legal battle not the technical reasons why Apple was justified in not breaking a security system protecting everyone.
you're doing gods work
This and Fallout: Kamen Rider are the best things on this board right now.
Fallout what now. You can't just tease my dick like that man!


It's maybe not as good as Questy's stuff, but he updates fast and it's the same kind of humor. Maybe a little closer to Pokequest humor, but still good shit.

I feel bad for all the smaller quests that fall to the wayside while the standouts get all the love.

Wait, was he just watching the game or competing in it?
Chad's the star Quarterfront in the local SportsBall team
If possible we should request a scan for traces of luck enchantments on Chad, as having such during a trial will foul the result.
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So does Gnat hate us since she got arrested? She gave us a proper dirty look at first, and she seemed really unhappy to see us when we turned up
She was able to help that girl, so I don't think she hates us. Maybe just frustrated because she thinks we'll make things worse by acting as her lawyer.

More reason to win this trial
Indeed. We mustn't let Gnat down. We're the ones that went "Hey sounds like a great idea to break into your old school and steal a bunch of stuff!" and now she risks doing time for that.
This is unacceptable.
The real question is, if it comes down to it, would she reveal that it was in fact Peter T. Titmouse that was doing it for her?
Would that mean anything to anybody? Do we have that big of a reputation, or would it just make everyone go "uh... who?".

All things considered, would it be that bad to frame Peter Titmouse as the criminal, provided we don't reveal that it's actually us in the first place?
clearly we must pull the biggest heist ever and steal the spotlight from gnat!
Or we could just break her out of prison.
Not sure the court will buy the whole Chad making a luck potion story.

>Also, try casting doubt on whether or not gnat even is able to MAKE a luck potion
But this might help.
Gnat should grow a big boner that shatters the judge's bench
doh it truncated my suggestion.

Anyways the boner shoudl be the dean's and it should explode the bench and get splinters in everyone's eyes
Amazing. This is the best idea I've ever seen.
We are her lawyer!
i... what?
Get the dean to have a boner, leaving us Guilty and leaving.
Dean thinks we were making A luck potion, we need to tell him we were helping a sick child. Not that. CHAD might be doing luck potions.
Admitting to a crime to prove we didn't do another one is not a good idea.
Yeah the splinters in the eyes bit is so Natalie and Peter can escape.
There have been cases where juries have refused to convict people who were clearly guilty because they commited the crime for a justifiable reason. Maybe we could try that?
you mean like Jury Nullification?
He would have to drop the case.
Are we even being tried by jury?
Only way to find out is to get the Judge to slam his gavel
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