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Village Girl Quest

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Thread replies: 106
Thread images: 44

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Village Girl.png
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You are but young woman of a small village.
you're father has left you home alone, but will be coming back shortly.
you have plenty of free time before he comes.
what are you going to do?
You know exactly what.
fug the hot village boy from across the street
adopt a radical ideology and demand he village pamper you due to your victim status
Go find a good boy to lose they virginity to.
Engage in lewd actions with table-kun
Get swoe working the fields. If there's free time work on our craftsmanship.
Do ALL THE CHORES! And be done with them at record speed.
what now?
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what now?
unzip dick
insert key
Jump out the window and steal his car.
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the boy isn't in your house anymore
the village you live in prohibits technology
you were about to get yourself dressed bun your father shows up with and arrow on his chest,
he informs you to leave the village, for it is being attacks by raiders.
this is the time to act
Fuck the raiders, non-sexually.
Acquire axe and begin spilling blood for the blood God.
Realize you are more than just young woman of a small village. Maybe you have powers of some sort that have been dormant inside you until the right moment came?

This or take your dad's advice and fucking run.
literally fuck the raiders
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your father already has the family axe,
you wish to help your father but he just wants you to leave.
you wish you knew the magical art but you father and the village burns witches.
you take your father's advice.
and leave the village pretty much naked
To Be Continued, for only a short time
stay tuned
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And we're back, with more Village Girl Quest.
You have ran so far away that you are now in the desert.
in the middle of nowhere.
what are you going to do now?
Become a witch quest confirmed, live off the land for now.
Watch anime.
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For now you decide to live off the land... and so you eat a cactus, wondering what the hell is anime?
is it a type of magic or witchcraft?
Go on a great journey across the desert in search of the mystical powers of the idealoge 'anime'
How did the blanket become a dress?
Nigger she tore that shit up like a smart resourcful woman, u discriminatin mate?

well you can either decide it's a blanket, or it was her formerly her blue dress from before just all ripped up, from the sex and running for dear life.
now it's sort of a toga
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Find a violent desert pseudo-religious warlord to put out to and join his harem.
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As you wandered the desert, you see a strange building in the distance.
What do?
Walk towards the building with arms outstretched and proclaim to have walked many leagues in the search of redemption, copious sex and the power of anime
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you walk towards the building with open arms.
do you wish to enter?
Grab two handfuls of sand before doing so.
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before entering the building, you gran to handfuls of sand, and enter.
it's pretty dark but you can still see, what is around you.
from what you can make out, there are strange box looking things in rows.
it's so quiet you can hear your footsteps.
maybe you can find something here
Spooky scary skeletons will send shivers down your spine. Do the spooky dance tonight and get powers of anime.
Pray to the gods of anime to give yourself some KAWAII eyes.
you do a spookie dance and pray to the god's for what ever the hell is kawaii eyes, but nothing happens.
although... a strange light appears, to some entrance.
maybe you should check it out.
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Run in there with eyes closed your arms spinning in circles.
Peek into the glowy entrance
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you charge inside with no fears, only to find out it's a bathing room.
you smell yourself.
you smell really bad.
maybe you should take a bath or shower.
Bath clearly, it´s comfier and a beautiful city
Go inside the bath, splashing the water around.
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And so you take a nice hot bath.
and for now, Village Girl Quest will be To Be Continued.
Stay Tuned!.. for more... tomorrow
G'night anon.
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And we're Back!
with more Village Girl Quest
After that refreshing bath, you find a pretty pink towel, and dry and cover yourself with it.
before you came in you noticed a brown door, maybe it leads to somewhere, or maybe it's a room with something you can find.
what do?
Well, nowhere else to go but over there.
Try to peek in
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you slightly open the door and take a peek.
it's a room.
there a mirror with a drawer and a dresser.
looks safe.
Watch out! Mirror's reflect is not flipped! Is a mirror-trap!
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your eyes must be playing tricks on you.
oh, go check the dresser then
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you walk tawards the dresser.
you open the dresser expecting a pretty dress inside or at least some sort of men's work clothes, you say to yourself, "whatever clothing is in this dresser is better than wearing rags and being half naked in the dessert.
this is what you see.
Feel the need to continue wearing the towel because you don't want to be mistaken for a skank
But put on those cuff links so you feel fancy.
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>half-naked in the dessert

Let's just go back in the bath for now.
Combine the clothes with the towel for maximum fashion

Wear the clothes.

Go and search for the desert warlord Prophet Muhammad.
Put the clothes on, then go search for another door
Changing my vote from >>361829 to continuing to wear the towel.
put on the clothes to see if we can summon whoever owns this magical realm
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Decide not to wear the that outfit but you'll take the cuff links since they look neat.
you feel the ground shake, and the ceiling crumbling.
the only door you see is the one you came from.
you decide maybe it's time to leave.
as you walk to the door, you feel a hard tug on your leg.
what could it be?
the mimic fully awakes and roars, dragging you to it's mouth.
you struggle to get out but it's no use.
the mimic closes it's mouth shut, with you inside.
Oh no! will the village girl get out?
will she be ok?
for now it's to be continued
Stay Tuned! for more, Village Girl Quest!
in a short time.
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>in a short time.
it won't be tomorrow
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and we're back.
you wake up.
you're head feels fuzzy and all you remember is the feeling of being eaten alive.
you look around and you see a pile of shattered up wood.
you also notice you're wearing a somewhat revealing outfit. although it feels comfortable.
now that you are dressed.
what are you going to do now?
Check that drawer for alternative clothes.
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you check the drawer.
nothing but a coin and silver brass knuckles
Let's grab them.
Do we have pockets or a bag?
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you don't have pockets or a bag, but you might as well equip the Brass knuckles and hide the coin... somewhere.
what now?
now seems to be a good time to leave.
Are there any other mysterious doors around here? Maybe we'll find a more tasteful outfit behind one of them
there's is only the door from wear you came.
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the ground is shaking again.
it's time to go.
you go back to the dark area, only to find out it's now lit up with bright lights and colors, strange boxes.
you do not know what this is.
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You know what.
fuck it.
i can understand that this is getting pretty boring and i'm taking too long, and maybe this is shit.
also it's late
i should have started a little earlier.
to be continued.
just request something now or nothing and i'll do it in another time.
although if you still want to be entertained, i'll just post this crappy comic.
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see ya later
Well okay then
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Hi, I like your quest and art style, reminds me of mine (albeit fuller in drawing). I will watch this intently.

Yes, I'm still in a hiatus for those wondering
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why hello! i saw your thread in the catalog, sadly i didn't check it out.
i like you.
and i apologize.
i don't want the quest to stop at here.
so lets continue.
the place you are in is very strange, you lived in your village all you're life, so this is all new to you.
the lights are on and you can even hear music coming from somewhere, although the place is completely empty.
this place is getting a bit spookie.
what do now?
Use the coin in the strange machine
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you observe the strange machine.
there's a small sign with instructions on how to use it.
it requires a coin for it to be used.
lucky for you, you just got a coin.
you follow the instructions.
OH! the symbols on the machine are moving really fast.
this must be the ??? part.
wait patiently, if nothing happens, proceed to dump the machine
Go to the manager of the casino and demand that the slot machines are rigged and that you deserve to be a millionaire.
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but the place is empty
you wait patiently
oh look! 3 7's
and coins came out the machine.
this must be some sort of coin cloning machine.
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Hmm. but now that i think of it, this place is all lit up. maybe i'll see if can find something here, or someone.
>Go to the manager of the casino and demand that the slot machines are rigged and that you deserve to be a millionaire.
try again the machine, this time with two coins, we must confirm our cloning machine theory
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you put in another coin.
three 7's again!
you put in another coin
the symbols are rolling
the symbols are rolling
the symbols are still rolling
ok, now it's time to make a complaint.
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you look around the entire area but this place is like a maze full of these strange machines.
although you do manage to find a door that says boss on it.
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you know what fuck it.
Killer slot machine robot appears.
what do?
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Drinky Crow.gif
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Oh man, this thread isn't going so well.
the first time was a breeze.
i apologize.
i just made a lot of fuck ups right now.
Persuade its Machine Spirit to resume worshiping the Man-Emperor of Mankind.
Rape it
Try to convince him into joining you
It's perfectly fine.

Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it in due time. I was winging it pretty hard in threads 1 & 2
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>Rape it
The Killer slot machine robot slowly walks towards you and stops saying only one word
For some reason you don't seem to be afraid of it.
the machine wonders why you are not fighting or fleeing?
you later look at the killer machine with naughty and lustful intentions.
the machine questions.
it does not like where this is going.
you push the machine to the floor, and drag it by it's foot, into to bosses room.
slam the door shut and insert your dominance on the machine and making it your bitch.
for some reason you feel a lot stronger than before.
and for now, this is going to be.
to be continued.
i'm going to take a break.
And don't forget to stay tuned
i'm thinking of finishing this chapter of the quest and moving on to actually adventure somewhere with our new robot companion.
i really don't want to stay at the casino anymore.
I feel like I´ve seen your handwriting before. Have you done any other quest?
you caught me.
if you remember rumble quest, i did that.
that was my first quest thread here, and don't worry i haven't forgotten about it, we will continue red's quest, but not now.
Village Girl Quest and Rumble Quest are the only two quest i am interested in doing. and i'm not planing in making another quest thread, that are not those two.
i like to go on and off one and the other
That rape was unexpected, good shit op.
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