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Adventure Civ medieval 2

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 1262
Thread images: 99

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Welcome to Adventure Civ Medieval!

In this quest, you will help a medieval realm strive and grow as trouble arises and other nations work on their own agendas.

Last time, the Copper warlords started a huge war against each other before getting invaded by orcs. Meanwhile the Sun people made giant lenses, the Bowtie kingdom warred some rats and the people of the trees kept to themselves.

how to play:
1) choose a realm to play for. change your name to reflect your choice (ex: Bowtie Noble). Max 4 players per realm.
2)each turn, your realm has 2 actions. You can choose a cultural, technological, or immediate acion, plus one bonus action based on your realms' bonus action(if your realm has a bonus tech action, you can do any action one time per turn, plus a tech action).
3)discuss with your compatriots which actions you will take. Once you're done, reply to my recap anchor post with the recap of your actions.

if you want to join in, please consider joining the under-populated tree tribe!
Sunbros ww@
Rolled 12 (1d100)

Sun people: scouting for bodycare resources
0-30: bodyharm resources
31-60: bodycare resources
61-80: encounter
81-100: ???
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The people of the sun expanded baths everywhere into massage and bodycare centers for the weary workers and wrestlers to relax their muscles.

They also went looking for herbs and resources good for health, but only found hemlock.

The shamans got even lazier, and there's little hope of getting more magic out of them right now.

Wait, so it's not kelp? Or is it some kind of radioactive kelp?
Well we found poisonous plants apparently
Nigga Im here didnt see thread bump last time what even happened?
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The Bowtie kingdom started built a wall north between them and the rats, solving the thief problem for good.

Engineers replicated a gun just fine, but they have no idea how to make black powder.
Stuff, oranges went almost full retard apparently
previous thread: >>225068

Walls and guns. Soon we'll be America in all it's greatness.
reporting in!!
Why did opee do our lamest refugee turn and not shipbuilding and exploring rats? Whatever

Action: kick out refugees and reinforce border. It makes no sense to accept them given our nationalism and xenophobia
Tech: shipbuilding
It was because no greens were present to properly say what should be done
Dammit, my tree brother wants to integrate so instead we'll scout rats
Sure, but we had plenty of potential turns other than refugees.
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A local group of degenerate liberals petitioned to integrate the refugees into Elfland society. They were quickly exiled to the ghetto with their barbarian friends.

A continuous watch of the women has been established and organized. Though some are getting paranoid, it leaves them no time to exchange secrets.
The spy services found out the elven women in the copper tribe are gathering resources to bring as many women as they can overseas to make their own, hysterical female-centric clan!
Oh wait, checking the last thread there was one final elf post. Elf Presidente wanted to do that >>243774
So which one is a stand in for which real country again
Tree people handling the refugee crisis better than Europe.
Our goal should be getting as much comfort as possible with the least amount of effort. also we should build embassies in all countries that act as neutral meeting point where you can also relax in their spa's.
copper engie reporting in
Depends if they want to open borders to us or not.
But now what are we going to do with all these hemlock.

Plus the shamans are getting lazy so no magic. But nothing is said about the warriors. Are they not lazy? Can they replace the shamans as magic researchers? Or do they count as shamans now too?
Thank you based god ope
god damnit I cant bear paint anymore
what other drawing tool has text I can't be arsed to pirate photoshop right now
MS Paint
I just use paintbrush, it isn't anything special but okay for mac

Gimp or Paint.net?
Firealpaca is pretty nice
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The copper clans, before a moment of confusion, focused their war effort on the outsider threat. The clans' ragged troops, worn down by war and hunger and still backstabbing one another when given the chance, can't drive the green menace out, and some families' lands have fallen to their horde.

Battlefield doctors have a free supply of live candidates to learn more about the human body, and surgery advanced in strides.

turn 6 end!
Scout ratlands and learn shipbuilding
recap anchor post
We are pretty much the neutral clan and im pretty sure atleast the bowties would appreciate the gesture!
As for thelazy shamans we should indeed try to keep them from getting lazier.
Actually, we'll do shipbuilding and then send boar armies to invade copperlands in retaliation for te spy info we have. Hopefully we'll have lands claimed.
god damit, we need to retreat and focus on ourselves, fuck these clans and engineers, if we were being attacked they wouldn't do shit for us and you know it, our lives are worth far more than our alliance that will never work
Indeed but how? Spas are too comfy. Gotta motivate em somehow
Shit, there's no other bowties here and I can't be half assed to make up some long masterplan to create gunpowder.

Maybe we'll just try to kidnap a Rat engineer and try to subdue him into giving us his secrets. Worst case scenario, the queen just kills the fucker.
Hey babbeh
im here
Honestly I've got no idea. The spas weren't necissary an idea of the shamans. Maybe regulate their spa times to usage after praying? Or show them the best things you can get if they pray more. They shouldnt have to pray all day anymore due to the glass temples.

Alright. Let's invade the Ratlands again and use our tech point to do something that'll actually make the turn count. Any idea?
help fight the orcs and research more alloys
Maybe a reward/VIP membership type deal. The more devoted and hardworking a shaman is about magic, the more points he racks up and the better the treatment he gets in spas.
So guys what we doing?
If you look at this map it shows a beautiful ocean.. :D
If you look at the closest clan to the elves its The engineers
If you look at the first thread You'll find we have the strongest navy in the game
If you look at your pathetic ships you'll see we are armed to the brim
If you look at the bottom of the sea soon You'll see some retarded drowned treetards
Find a way to motivayte lazy shamans,eat kelp, try to open embassies, party alot, praise the sun, eat kelp, find use for hemlock, wrestle naked, eat kelp, get a nice tan, eat kelp

the usual
That sounds like something that would work too. After all the shamans are lazy but are also willing to work for rewards as was shown before
Nice to see you too. Just saying if you retreat to your island your ruining the nation further and leaving yourself to be enslaved by trees if we all die.
What he said, our boats actually have weapons and thier crews know how to do naval combat.
We could try using our tech to discover the basics of Chemistry so we can eventualy discover how to make black powder?

Look guys We should hold off..
Build a defensive live
Place our ballistas on the line
fire crossbows and ballistas
Destroy the orcs at range
Then in the heat of battle friendships are forged blah blah blah

Action: A united regroup. Prepare a quick fortification. Position the ballistas. Then the crossbows and ballistas destroy the orcs and the warlords and Maidens clean up the rest and the wounded.

Tech: Improve the steam engine
We'll still need to set up mines to get sulfur and coal, but yea. Let's do chemistry.
Yeah lets do that, but instead of improving the steam engine we should do something that would improve the quality of our nation like better farming techniques or better medicine since our countrys kinda in shambles right now.
yes we need food and we need it fast!
With better steam engines we could probably make some farming apparatus.
Then we make trains to provide supplies and up economy
We can get steam boats
Steam ploughs
We could try trading that stuff next turn with the coppers for food or stuff?
aye, we've had naval combat long enough to know what we're doing. plus we know how to shoot at boats with catapults and ballistae, we are tip top for naval right now. the elves aren't even a threat
focus on fighting them orcs. capitalise on our siege strength to break positions then send in troops to take out the confused and broken formations.
research something that will actually make our nations somewhere nice to liveable, like food production
So guys, actions.

One of them is Introduce a reward system for spas. THe more devoted and hardworking you are, the better treatment you'll get. Like better massages, longer bath time, happy endings, blah blah blah.

What's the other one? Try to open embassies/spas in neighboring countries?
That would take awhile and time is something were short of right now, we need to think of something food related that we could realisticly make right now.

Coppers are our natural enemies. Probably hate us more than they hate themselves. I'd stick to the Suns.
So copper nation (united) wants

Look guys We should hold off..
Build a defensive live
Place our ballistas on the line
fire crossbows and ballistas
Destroy the orcs at range
Then in the heat of battle friendships are forged blah blah blah

Action: A united regroup. Prepare a quick fortification. Position the ballistas. Then the crossbows and ballistas destroy the orcs and the warlords and Maidens clean up the rest and the wounded.

Tech: Improved Irrigation and fertilisers and more food
Im all for both. Bit adjusting though even the ones that don't do much still get good treatment. Also we'll try the embassies in all lands except coppers for now because of their war.
How about terrace farming, so we could make much more by using the hills and mountains to farm. That way we could get the quantity we need.
Copper lads, why mad? We're only looking to destroy the feminist conspiracy
i can get behind this battle plan, but we also need to have a few longbow teams to pick off any that run
smart, i'll support terrace farming, capitalise on our hills
You're still attacking our lands, we beat the shit out of each other, us and only us no one else, but really though you'll get wrecked by our navy.
Well I was kinda banking on the word "better" there. As everybody still gets the same current full course no matter who they are. Plus I didn't specify shamans there so could this be applied to every Sunperson? Anybody and everybody can get the best shit if they work hard enough in their respective field.

Of course, we should also see into rewarding the people giving out these rewards though. When everybody's getting sweet shit and you're the only one not getting it, but serving them? May cause turmoil.
You nigga
Nobody attacks us except us
After we done with the orcs You'll be invaded
and since I sell things and supplies to Your female elves. You will die a horrible death
I really just want to sail with our whole fucking army to the treetards, kill all of them and just settle there, away from the orcs
I'm probably too late to join the coppers again this thread so I'll probably go to tree tribe.

Just saying for the coppers, you've got an island away from the war with the orcs. If you want food try fishing.
Alright guys calm down, first we deal with the orcs and the famine.
For the VIPS add a happy ending to the massages ;D
Why is it a warlord is being less warmongering then people who are not warlords
terrace farming sounds good
>this nigga cant read the reply chain
Yeah I agree! Obviously they also get good treatment in spas.
... damnit
I was focused on a war
Probably need to have proper shifts for that to work.
eh... idk.. fishing sounds more reliable...
Who says they don't already work in shifts?
So is there gonna be another update today or can I slack it on the turn post?
How you gonna use your navy if you know we wont attack you?

Again, we're only dealing with golden maidens
Alright then guys, so its the engineers plan and terrace farming that we can agree on for the turn?
Are the bowties still at war with the coppers?
A lot of things that we don't explicitly state can be used by Opee my friend. We gotta be careful.
You do realize as soon as you make landing and attack you'll pretty much be trapped since their islands a literal fortress and we'll sink any who try to leave since we have a mutualunder was understand were fucked if we dont help eachother out?
According to Opee >>225150 we are, but since we have rats adn coppers have themselves, it's kind of not a big thing right now.
They have bigger fish to fry.

Or should I say, rats.
Man who cares you think Im gonna let you get away with undermining our social structure? It was only a matter of time, you started it.
We've gotta thread carefully. You got any idea so we can phrase our turn in the best way.
What did we do??

Op added that in
Linking our turn

Action: A united regroup. Prepare a quick fortification. Position the ballistas. Then the crossbows and ballistas destroy the orcs and the warlords and Maidens clean up the rest and the wounded.

Tech: Learn how to terrace farm to let us start producing greater amounts of food
Listen when op introduced the engineers it just said we trade with elves

We dindu nuttin
but if you wish to die ...

Maidens were talking about sparking revolution in our lands after retreating here as refugees last thread.
Fuck you you know exactly what you did
aye, that sounds good. anchor it
Well, how about:
-Introduce a reward system for spas. The more devoted and hardworking you are, the better treatment you'll get. Like better massages, longer bath time, happy endings, blah blah blah. This applies to all sunpeople of all fields, that includes the spa workers themselves. That's what workshifts are for.

-Try to improve foreign relations by sending diplomats to neighboring countries and ask the, if we can build embassies there.

Thing is, we neighbor the ties and the coppers. But the coppers are at war right now so can we even employ diplomacy with them? And another thing, we know they're at war, but in a meta way. Do our ingame sunpeople know about their current state? Since we're probably the only nation without a proper intelligence network. Our version most likely amounts to one dude standing at a really high place looking at things and yelling it back
Well do what you want then, just remember the only notable military tech you have is elven bows and boar calvalry while we have steel, full plate, crossbows, and seige weapons, not to forget our powerfull navy also.
Literally it was your own women planing shit, the only contact we have is the engineers trading with your tribe.
I think theres probably refugees that told stories. So we could try it at the bowties and elfs. maybe even rats as for the actions they sound pretty good!
I assume you guys know since we've had refugees go everywhere, honestly if you guys help out with our orcs you can be our new best allies since the trees feel the need to destroy an ancient friendship between us and them.
> gets btfo by orcs
> expects to win against nation with better tech than orcs

But whatever, lets see wha happens
eh, you'll rarely find us not at war so diplomacy is welcomed, we may be looking for new trade routes especially since a certain group of treehuggers are getting their panties in a bunch
So let's jsut diplomats every other nation, probably won't work with the rats though, their fur wouldn't go well with spa water, heyyo

>Be treetard
>Exploit the war of warlords with mercenaries
>Get paid and kill lots of coppers
>Find out the copper engineers make some money by selling the elves copper tools and stuff
>Not even weapons
>Rage out
>Decide try break ancient friendship with coppers
>get btfo by advanced copper navy.
>be sad treetard as the coppers turn and enslave you
>Forgetting their literally 3 times the size of a person from the pictures.
They're big guys
For you
Alright! Can you link the recap?
Right, sunbros, recap post

-Introduce a reward system for spas. The more devoted and hardworking you are, the better treatment you'll get. Like better massages, longer bath time, happy endings, blah blah blah. This applies to all sunpeople of all fields, that includes the spa workers themselves. That's what workshifts are for.

-Try to improve foreign relations by sending diplomats to neighboring countries and ask them if we can build embassies there.

When you think about it our navy would be our most intact force right now, since its been primarily used as sea side artillery. Because you know, he other factions dont have very many boats so your navy probably btfo'd them and remained mostly fine.
yea, and orcs aren't know for their sailing skills so no worries there either
tech: Discover the basics of Chemistry

Action: Send a small invading force to establish a foothold in the ratlands

this our turn?
Unless they turn out to be really good swimmers
You know tree tribes boats are literally big hollowed out trees, and we have felfire. They probably should take that into acount since we could just ignite the ballista and destroy their boats with only a single shot. We should be fine regarding them.
I see the coppers are continuing the full retard streak by not being able to tell the engineers and maidens apart. If we go to war with all the coppers do you think we should ally with the bowties and doubleteam the coppers?

It's done.
Which nation is the most in need of more people? Is it still the Tree Tribe?
Now, we wait.
I think everybody except orange is kinda equal in numbers now. But they all have open slots.
Probably yeah
yeah, orange has slightly higher. any of the others are good
Well then, let me try and clarify now that I finally have computer access

1. We still believe that the copper lands are divided, and we only seek to attack the feminists, recognizing that we trade with engineers, and claim the feminist lands in retaliation.
2. You will not know we are there for attacking when we come, because we came in the past as mercenaries and aid. It does not make sense for you to attack our fleet when we arrive when you welcomed us in the past
3. We are researching shipbuilding, so we are arriving in larger ships. Also, how can you fight a war on two fronts against two different enemies I don't know.

In any case, if you think my ideas of war are stupid I don't know why you're trying to convince me that its stupid than shutting up and watching me fail. I think you're scared because your clans are fucked on multiple fronts. But I promise you, we are only there for domestic security reasons, so that our own realm won't descend into anarchy. You should not be able to interfere with any nation's internal affairs.
We only have two people right now.
Just forgive the maidens
Me and warlord will.. sort them out
Didn't you propose making them breeding cows the last time
You can take the maiden leader
BUT DONT TAKE OUR LAND LADDIE *bagpipes play in the distance*
You Make one meme in this thread and its remembered forever
We have few players and really long wait time between actions. What else are we gonna do.
We would help defend them because we need them for the orcs and to prevent them from being captured by trees of all people. Also I said "after" you attack, you wont be able to leave as our navy has actual weapons that can destroy and burn yours while yours are unarmed saved for bowmen then theres the maidens island which is a literal fortress. Also bigger ships wont help when they dont have any weapons capable of dealing with another ship. Also about the front thing, it doesn't take very many people to use a boat while our navy would be mostly intact.
ok hold on hold on, let's try to settle this reasonably. you can't have our land. but if the golden's have transgressed against you and that is the olny reason you want to fight them, then i say we accept their help.
we're fighting on two fronts as it is, we could do with a hand really.
we go through with this we will finally have united the clans
What do you even plan to get out of this attack?
They just want to eliminate the feminists, they've been very clear with that
How many of them are there?
Theres 2 players for the tree's
I dunno, player count is not indicative of actual citizen numbers
Well why can't the engineers just blockade the feminists and then no more feminists in elf land
I dunno nigga, why didn't you do that in the myriad of turns before this one
We dont know they're gonna attack, as soon as they do though they wont be able to retreat or send more boats as our navy will be on them.
well shieet
I couldn't give a shit about anything other than the wars

Fuck I couldn't care less if they Crucified the feminists
let's let the elves do it then, a win for us with no loss of people we like
Fine then if you want to leave them by themselves. You're the ones with the boats, but if they try to take the island or we finish off the orcs and their still holding out then we interfere.
If they attempt to Take land Ill send them to the bottom of the ocean
Aye lads, they try to take the land and we fuck em up
By defecting to their side and sucking their dicks
Hows that gonna send them to the bottom of the ocean anon :D

if we're going with fortification then allocate the maidens there since they've had experience with defense
they gon be ded though well except for the maidens which are on the mainland fighting which would include their leader and most of their pop
also why are there elves in the golden maiden clan?
Female elves, ran away from the Green's mysoginist ways.
Feminist elf uprising, 3 reasons to destroy
Welcome back to nothing
Awesome, nothing has changed!
can we fucking just, smuggle them out somewhere?? we dont want more wars until we've finished kebab-ing these orcs
We're having the elves take care of them. Less fighting for us, more victories. Two birds one stone
then the maidens better bring most of its population in mainland
Most of them are already fighting the orcs on the mainland with us
that clears it up, I just hope the elves wont try to get our land though
If they do we'll just embargo them and prevent thier ships from reaching the island to resupply their forces while we recover from the wars.
slave elf waifus?? hahaha kidding, that seems sound, plus most of their offensive army will get stuck leaving their mainland defenseless
Yea I said I should put my navy around the island blocking the feminists
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Okay so Bowtie Kingdom.

We've been messing up hard since we began this time around and it's because we're looking at The Queen as if she were some sort of separate entity of the Queendom rather than a real head of it. Now you must understand that she's not just part of The State, she is The State.

We will never have splintering inheritance among the highest class, and we need not prove our faith as our god already exists where we can see her.

So in this I've written a proper guide to pleasing a Queen:

1. Abandon Magic
We don't need to develop any sort of magical prowess when we are already set up to make great technological leaps ahead. To try and waste time studying magic when we will never be able to compete with other realms that are much better at it, and in that one of these realms is our friends that we can bro up with if we ever need magic that bad.

2. No Heirs
You can't make an heir of any sort, this implies that The Queen will one day die, and she is certainly not going to like that kind of implication laying on our minds.

3. Direct her Sacrificial Need
She always need more things to kill and drain the life out of, so we should truly aim that need to something more viable. I for one say let's go Aztec Style and dip into rat lands to take giant rats for her to drink the life out of.

4. If we fuck up, Give her things
When we gave her poetry that worked out, but we'll inevitably need more things going on if we ever stray from her again. I suggest we build a temple in her honor or go on a raid to catch more people for her to eat.

5. Do not See Immortality
Living Forever is a privilege reserved for gods.
Do not try and take away what makes The Queen all powerful, there will always, always be repercussions.
I agree.
I figured we might implement some kind of witch hunt or inquisition to catch magic using heretics to both apease the goddess and get her more sacrifices. Ofcourse our flame wielding priests and our sunbros are off the list, but we could still rile up some peasant under acusations of witchcraft?
Mostly root out those trying to use spirit and death magic within the boarders. Establishing an inquisition would be a great idea.

Also if we ever wanted to we could sail over and ask The Elven Feminists if they want to come join our sexually equal society ran by a woman.
It's sexually equal because the order goes Queen > Everybody else
Alright trees, we should probably train up some sort of stormtrooper squad, specialized in taking out forts and other heavily defended places. What do you think?
I think its best to not asociate with that side of the known world for now. Im all for getting more subjects but i dont think we should get involved with all of the stuff going on over there

Well that's a pretty valid worry, though I don't see anything that could come from it but good things.
Its hell over here

Hopefully our next turn can bring a golden age
Maybe once everything stops being destroyed by the wars and orcs we could improve the steam engine enough to set up a train that goes around the country that would deliver cargo and people easy.
Once we get our spa resorts up and running I think we should send a few missionary's to offer our services to the other tribes as a tourist hotspot

Other tribes would you like to bathe in our magical healing hot springs ?
Why not.
Also e need to build a big road from Bowtie to Sun Bros. That would be cool.
We are already sending diplomats to propose embassies, if that works out then we'll continue on with that
Lets build highways and revive the industries and also invade poland
Especially invade Poland.
Make sunbros the tourist attraction that its meant to be
Every visitor will get a complimentary piece of kelp
Hell yeah
Nothing washes off orc and warlord blood like A hot bath
Special Edition Glossy Red Kelp?
Oh yes, kelpest of the kelpiest of kelps
Ey psst.
I'll trade ya two green kelps for a dried brown kelp.
No way, this is a rare limited edition kelp.
What if I throw in my first edition rat?
A tempting offer
Trading rare radioactive kelp for a twoheaded rat
How about kelp with tiny hat and matching tiny cane
They discontinued the cane accessories, that set is super rare, man.
I know that. I just bought a surplus of them before the discontinuation. I also got a bunch of slightly wrong shade of green kelp, rainbow kelp with the color order reversed and depressed kelp that has lost all will to live and is contemplating suicide
Aw shit, I've been looking for Depressed kelp everywhere!
I'll trade you for this rare bootleg taiwanese kelp for the rat with a cane, i missed out on that edition
Sweet, it'll fit right next to my vietnamese bootleg kelp that's spelled "kalp"
Anyone looking to play a game of duel-kelp?
I say we change our turn for a cultural action where everyone starts trading different kinds of kelpcards
Save it for the next turn, I gotta start getting all the rare kelps first so i can control the market.
Don't you know that you'll be sent to the oceanrealm if you lose
NOT if i summon my Blue-Eyed-White-Kelp
in defense mode
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here I am
Doing everything i can
Looks like that sun person just activated their trap kelp.
holding on to what I am
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Here we go...
pretending im a superman
Looks like a closeup of a He-Man character.
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It's close enough.
Oh fuck this is gonna be great

You bet your ass it will.
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Almost there...
No,s top, you don't understand the kind of sunburned-ness you're unleashing

The same one the legends say was indirectly responsible for the sinking of the ancient island of our ancestors.
"Oh no, not the sunburnt one... He is too strong!" I only have one chance... must make it count...
>Plays my Ra: The Kelp Dragon and Obilisk: The KelpMentor
>I end my turn by making a witty remark regarding my opponents penis size
"Your dick AND deck are small" kek

Well, my deck IS kinda small. It's like 5 fucking cards, but my balls are as huge as the Sunburnt One's themselves.
And you are
Everybody gets banished to the forgotten throne
Banishment to the forgotten throne it is

Shit, forgot to put the text on that one.
I had a counter card. you fool. Sir. Trevor McLovin always keeps shit wrapped up. *counters the sunburnt one and begins a mid seizure fap*
It's under the ocean
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There, perfect.
Haha, oh shit
The light is coming from his dick.
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You know what both Bowties and Suns hate with a burning passion? Party pissers.
He was so devout to the sun, his dick become one
An inspiration to us all
I'm a tree person. Fuck you Bowtie people.
I masturbated to an extra curvy piece of driftwood last week. you already fucked up the summoning ritual.

Maybe you should spend less time masturbating to flora and more posting turns, then.
So quick question, we are going for the whole bath house/resort thing but what are we going to do about shamans being too lazy? It's going to be a very uphill battle, any sunbros got any ideas on how to solve this?
We're trying to make them work harder for rewards
Well the current turn is to introduce a reward system based on devotion and hardworking for all the peoples. More devotion and contribution = better spa treatment. Sun knows if Opee will let us succeed though
Write a bible and tell people to stop being lazy with it.
I assume we all know how to write by now?
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turn 6 end!

spas were expanded once again. People meet at the spas every evening for relaxation, socialization and healthcare. They also have a red corner in the most populated agglomerations, where the massage parlor double as a brothel. Of course this part of the spa isn't quite free.

Ambassadors were sent overseas by the shaman councils to sell their spas as embassies.
They were allowed in the copper engineers' city, the Bowtie capital's red district, and the Ratfort. Relations have been improved with these three nations, and communication with them costs no action.
could I join the sun people... the tree people suck....
Looks like the guy in the back is about to get a happy ending
Fuck yes this is a great turn time for embassies fellow sunbros?
Yes, let all meetings be conducted in the hotsprings
What, beating up women not cool enough for you?
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>>251141 I lied, I'm good with being a nigger and beating women. sorry el presidente
hahahah, top kek
Damn straight, now go and fight those heavily armored golden women.
>no trees
Guess still haven't gotten over that one time when our ancestors killed their tree spirits and helped sink an island huh
Agreed so for cultural? Build embassies in copper bowtie and ratlands with build in spa and meeting rooms. The meetings will include sunbros as a neutral party.
Meeting rooms are of course, huge hot bath pools.

It's to encourage Diplomacy to be conducted in the nude

At least you won't have to deal with your spa whores being strangled. Political conflict averted.
Yes sir
>Armed with the extra curvy piece of driftwood from earlier
>Runs at women in golden armour
>Top kek victory screech activated
"Leedle leedle leedle leedle! Allahu Akbar!"
>They stab me
>I forgot to wear armour, and I am standing like a nigger with no clothes on
>Show them my elongated penis, they die from laughter
>Another win for the tree people
"Where to next, oh glorious leader?"
They're not whores, they're masseurs. of genitals.
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The good men of Elfland built better boats, flat, and with a large sail, ideal for transport and faster than any other ship. Their knowledge of wood helped a lot.

They went for a raid on the copper clans after learning their women were planning a rebellion from overseas. They didn't really know where to search, though, but they found a lot of villages run by women on the coasts of a small island, and burned a handful of them down, taking their women as compensation. Satisfied, and encountering no resistance, they went home.
Wow, they just "went home". With no trouble.
Of course hot steaming baths full of nakedness is the best for diplomacy!
Also I suggest scouting for that perfect spa city again we must have a cultural capital!
>Have a refuge crisis
>"lets kidnap more people"

The entire world shits on the Coppers more than I shit on my own toilet.
>I showed them my superior cuckold-ing skills, and they died.
> I fearlessly led raids against the women, not afraid to abuse them because I am a nigger
The trees just became vikings on accident from the looks of it. Next om the agenda after dealing with the orcs, early warning system across the nation.
Well naturally, most people would shit into their toilets, not onto them
barbarians honestly

You know they gonna make a new society of feminism there and then You lose all your wimmin
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trains which can move troops fucking fast
OF SHIT YOU'RE RIGHT!!! Their stealing feminists when their dealing with a feminist rebellion, their bringing in more!
Thats why I want the train, it'll improve just about every aspect of our nation.

As long has the toilet serves it's purpose, which would be taking my fat meaty shit with the occasional drops of blood from anal wounds, I can use it however I want.
>Don't mess with us, we happen to be niggers. It's why we are so tall, and handsome and so good at beating your women's asses.
Jesus man
well rip golden maidens might as well sell ourselves to the sun people to work as whores in spas...
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I imagine The Queen is a pretty shitty mom.
You and your leader is on the mainland
fighting the orcs
We proud copper will make copper land great again
Dats cold
If the orcs are dealt with this turn we can recover, you only lost a couple sea side villages.
This, no more war between us. We'll make the copper nation great again!
Dunno, the bath looks pretty hot to me
To be honest you could probably intergrate into our culture if you'd be willing to accept the sun as something great just leave the island behind
"great" I'm really losing my confident right now, but whatever
And not be allergic to kelp
You could always try to make peace with US niggers?
I'd figure it's just natural selection at work.
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The most influent doctors of the realm started messing around with the properties of the elements, and their interactions with each other. They discovered fascinating foams and wondrous toxins, but nothing worth exploiting yet.

The bold Marquis, hearing no counter order from his Queen, took the initiative and kept pushing into the ratlands with a full force.

This time, the rats were ready, and their musketeer formations gave the attackers a hard time before running away. Then, they grouped up again and waited for the attackers to advance. This has kept going on for a while, and the invasion is moving at a bloody crawl.

The Queen has left to her seaside palace with all her palace retinue. she hasn't done so in decades.
right, the people who are xenophobic and basically think women are worthless making friends with super feministic strangers, that will work out for sure..
>Sea side palace
Am I being paranoid or do I sense certain shenanigans with a certain witch that sunk a island.
she doesn't consider her progeny family anymore, they have to wear a purple tie like the rest.

Queen's at the spas? Good thing the Suns would never do such thing as plot against and murder the Queen.
She's the queen's secret lover
yeah i'll be honest and say we'd probably just interrogate you and send you off to one of our concentra- I mean refugee camps.
If the copper nation doesn't solve its problems this turn. I'll order a plate a fried disappointment
I don't think our minds are capable of thinking to murder someone
I reckon we really banded together for that one, we got this
Look deep within
We suns are terrible at plotting anything, much less the assassination of an immortal matriarch.

Mostly we just think about partying and naked wrestling, and kelp. And the destruction of the deep dark ocean and the heretical moon.
But the ocean and moon are pure evil. They deserve to get destroyed.
Dont forget you guys are also good at sinking landmasses on accident.
Lets wage war. on the sea
Was just an accident
Everyone thinks they are soo tough, but then they forget the niggers of the trees.
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Well okay then.

Princess will just have to wait at home until she gets back.
>inb4 No copper post tonight
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The Copper clans, thanks to the warlords' tactics, the engineers' contraptions, and the maidens' equipment managed to stop the green invasion. The orcs tried going past the coppers' defensive line, and were brutally defeated. They finally left the land, but not before burning it to the ground.

Terrace farming was discovered by the engineers, as they used their troops to work the lands. This couldn't stop the famine this year, but this technique should help recover from the orc event faster.

The golden maiden went home triumphantly, only to discover their villages burned and their people massacred. They swore revenge.

turn 7 start!
hell yeah revenge

So how about our turn sunbros? Cultural action: embassies with spas where meetings can be conducted and communucations with sunbros can also take place there.
Action: scouting for the best spacity place. We need that huge cultural spa city.
Well, about that... we can explain...
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recap anchor post
Well that got my vote.
Dumb tree niggers :D
wuh oh, the perky nips of deception return
>Cultural action: embassies with spas where meetings can be conducted and communucations with sunbros can also take place there.
didn't you just do that
Finally we killed the orcs. No more wars between us, our countrys bad enough at the moment.

So for this turn how about improving the steam engine so it can move more weight on tracks. Then maybe set up an early warning system using something like large bonfires around the land and should they see an invasion they light them and the rest of the torches get lit upon seeing the first one turned on so the troops can mobilize.
I got the best idea ever on how to use our amazing gears:

Torture and interrogation devices.
I thought we just asked permission to build embassies. If we already did that then cool.
We thought we had to ask them first but if we just did that we'll do something else
For this turn, I think we would like to improve our technology and develop trebuchets and catapults. (mounted onto boats of course)
Right, so let's do something else. Also Opee said dimplomacy doesn't take up our 2 actions so that's cool. Now what can we do? Maybe research something, we haven't done that in a while. But doing that would take away our scouting action...
Mainly for killing females and copper fags
How about we do something cultural as in art it can be used to make the spas and brothels even more beautiful
I want muh revenge, but I guess that can wait...
yeah steam engine seems good, but shouldn't we do something that will improve our friendship and do something useful, like scouting something together?
Lets build a wall between us and the sea.
We'll call it a dike.
Bowties and Tree people alliance...? We can kill all who do not believe what we do... we wont rape yo women. unless you're cool with that?
Coppers How about
Tech: Improve Steam engines and install it on rails
Action: Build railroads To main copper cities on mainland
YOu know what we've been neglecting, our wrestlers. Maybe we should pay some attention to their training so taht they may suplex cities
Thats a very good idea!
Hey, Princess here on their phone. Storm is running through so I can't be too active. We need to kill those rats first of all though, if I read that right, rats have muskets?
After we all nearly died I think at this point we at least gained mutual respect for each other and agreed to stop being dicks to each other.
Its not garenteed our engine will be strong enough next turn to pull the necessary amount of weight. Also I kinda want the warning system so we can btfo any trees that come back for the maidens.
Are you so desperate for an alliance?

I don't know... Is the sea a threat?
ayy, you are a priest. you can molest our children if we can abuse your non-black women.
The sea is 100% evil
What's that? We should make torture and interrogation devices and kidnap rat engineers? Why, that's a great idea. I'm in for that.
Yeah, they're gunning us down.
We could try using the new embassies to talk with the rats before sending more of our troops into rat 'nam?

I always figured our Queen was against magic users because of the sea witch and her aprentice sinking the old island?
How about
Tech: Improve steam engines
Action: We scout for sulphur and Saltpetre
-Scout again for prime spa real estate/ spa resources
-Train wrestlers harder so taht they can suplex various increasingly bigger things, starting with boulders and hopefully passing cities and ending at mountains
Sounds good to me!
what if treaty with rats and get their musket tech
She's only against other people doing Death magic. We can still have our priests practice and learn fire magic. And I figured it's just because she's a power hungry whore who can't stomach anyone else on the island knowing death magic.
Tech: Improve War Machines (Trebuchets, or Catapults)
Action: Build more ships
That could work since we can use the suns to communicate to them because of the connected embassys. What should we offer to them?
steam engines? quality maiden armor? give them more strength in battle so they can do some damage to the bowties
You're against the Bowties?
This be fucking dangerous
Like hell no
Plus we need our own source of black powder
Why the sudden hostility
No he didn't say that

Fuck off tree nigger
Told you not to invade
If they deal with rats, become a nigger.
Maybe I will

Totally unrelated, but
>not naming yourself Treevor
Rats are literally vermins. Copper fags disgust and disappoint me, and the rest of the civilized world, once again.
Das wot I'm sayin' Where deys wit wimmin at!? NIGGUH!
Whats your deal with the rats? Besides we dont need guns right now as we literally outclass just about everyother nation with our military. We could use this turn to do something more usefull.
Hey hey
You aint mad at the engineers right :D
Rats have been the Bowties' archnemesis since ancient times
I won't be if you don't devolve into such degenerate practices.
cultural things!! so we all have something in common
I was talking with another copper, I know how the rats kept attacking the bowties before.
So non-sunbros what can WE do to further accommodate your needs?

Here at PTSS (praise the sun spas) we care about your needs as long as they don't involve kidnapping and/or raping and of the other guests or staffs female associates
My mistake, deleted posts makes me confused
I dindu nuttin

Damnit My vocabulary is becoming a tree nigger

I meant to say
I haven't done anything
Real nigga shit
If you want to do culture how about this, we could create a great university that all nations could go to so we could be seen as a bastion of knowledge. Naturally our knowledge of seige equipment is to be kept a secret.
Then you ain't got shiet for us
What do you have in mind
Kill rats.
We don't have an embassy in your land so of course.
Yo my nigga. We got to devise a plan. real talk boi.
I demand this cutie

Also how about you give us some lazy sun shamans to train for you
Copper Nation is real tough and can turn your pussy Priests into men

We'll send them back
We just want good relations in return

Just send like 20 and we'll see if it works
We strive to remain neutral. We can accomodate a meeting between clans but other than that we cant help you in that department
We can at least try to convince all sides to chill out and take a nice hot bath to clam their nerves
Hey, how about you invite all the world leaders to a huuuuuuge tropical party, just the way you Sun bros like them?
sounding like some "red wedding" shit right here whitey.
So Bowties, what shall we do?
We could try expanding our lands towards the eat? maybe scout out there and find if theres stuff over there while we try to discover gunpowder?
Hold on, I'm atempting a murder plot.
I don't mean every nation in one huge bath. Just their respective embassies. PLus we haven't found the perfect spot to build the biggest spa ever. It'll be the spa capital, an entire city that's a spa.
Then we can ahve a huge party.
I have no idea, maybe something along the lines of swearing a oath to (never) do something
Hell yea, looking into that sick party, bro.

Alright, let's scout East for action. We still have a tech point, and I'm still in support of torture devices.
Go update the thread and I'll think of a cultural action..
fuck yo shit golden senpai, being a muh fuckin' pretend nigguh, then this shit
That could be cool , either that or send a few trainers over to help us out. When we get warding totems back online or if we already have them we can set some up for you in return
I already gave out an idea to create a university that every nations can send students to. However we would keep to ourselves the knoledge of our military tools and blood magic.
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Either way that's gonna be our next turn, already linked the recap for this one.

PLus we gotta find that promised land of prime real estate so we can throw the biggest party
That sounds Great

Im sure Op will allow some trainers to go to the sunbros

Could fix Your problems
ALright, obligatory ideas post.

> Fully develop navy
> Create Naval defense force on islands, reinforcing ideas of isolation against all kinds
> Develop copper into armor system
> Reward a privateer system, captains with ships have permission to loot enemy ships and coastlines, with a small percentage going to the tree nation state
> Grow great tree wall with accelerated growth

> Continue ousting the elf rebellion
> Continue rewarding loyal women
> Employ policy of land expansion (signified by the accelerated growth of the forest, which is our domain)
> Try to better integrate system of elf/human. Last thing we want is another split between other orders of our dominion. Maybe make elves magic warriors and humans regular warriors?
> Better training elves magic abilities (magic schools) and human abilities (actual fighting schools)
> Women forbidden to use weapons

> I'd advise against burning wood since it seems to piss of elves, so we need to set up mines in mountainous regions for coal and ores
> Learn from equipment we confiscated from the copper lands? I'd doubt we'll have such a large tech divide if we have so many encounters
> Metal plated ships
> Trade for techs if nations are willing, if unwilling, we'll use unconventional methods.

Treebros Discuss.
We dont have enough knowledge
Thing is, you're atheists while our shaman get powers from their devotion to the one true lord and saviour, The Sun. Those 2 schools of thinking (and magic source) probably won't work well together
The engineers are literally the smartest people in the game being only maybe tied by the bowties.
We might have enough knowledge
nah, the sun isn't a god, it exists
We just training them not to be lazy
We instilling discipline
We'll break them and rebuild them
Military best option: Tree Wall or Full Navy
Culture best options: Further develop Earth Magical powers or Women forbidden to use weapons but are made useful in crafting equipment
Tech best options: Metal PLated Ships or Create new weapons of war on ships for land based seige
How about we have a Festival every year to celebrate the uniting of the clans to defeat the orcs and end the war of the warlords

with a university we aren't doing anything to seal our new alliance
That could work, and during it can also be used to share any discoverys between the clans that would increase their standards of living.
Tech:Improved steam engines (for trains and boats)
Culture: Every Year we celebrate the unification of the clans to defeat the orcs and the engineers share tech at the first Festival
Idk about the festival, easy to anger clans and vast amounts of drink seems like a bad idea.
I'd say have a great council held once a year to share technology and ideas, something a bit less likely to turn rowdy
This pretty much but the engineers are encouraged to share their tech every year and not just the first one also its not just them but all the clans who made any discoverys are encouraged to share them.
Last time we held a council it didn't go well.
it would become a bloodbath.

Hey, this is what the spas are for!
Tree niggers being jews now too
Im cool with raping your wit wimmin and bathing in yo blood, niggueh, i already got aids.
Hrm maybe the festival would be better, how about a gladiatorial tournament as the main event of the festival to sate the bloodlust?
great more fights... animal fights would be better
or an olympic kind of event
Animal Fights is also the Sunpeople's forte
An Olympics event for the main thing sounds like it could work. Less chance of a war starting if someone important gets killed in the arena but it would still be competitive. The winner could be seen as a highly respected person and would give people the incentive not to start things on the day of the festival.
But not serious
If you win you get a keg of fine ale for your group
yeah, the price shouldn't be too big, otherwise people will do anything (kill) for the price.
So hows this sound for our turn.
Culture: A festival is held every year to celebrate the 3 clans victorys over the orcs and the wars between them ending. The main event is a sort of olympic style event where the clans can send their own contestants to compete and bring honor to their clan. During this the 3 clans are encouraged to share any technological discoverys they found over the year.

Tech: The steam engines are to be improved and enlarged to be able to move large amounts of weight when implemented on tracks or boats.
Alright, lets do
Action: Build a navy
Tech: Incorporate copper plating on ships

Women already have a role in our society as farmers and herders, maybe try to expand the role or emphasize its importance more?
Oh that's good, Olympics means we can give the clans a means to compete without killing each other. I'm good with this, reward should be just a wreath crown or something totally symbolic rather than having a real value, so no one has a reason to cheat or steal it
Sunbros I think its a bad idea to let the coppers train us. We dont want to be warmongling. We also dont know if their loyalty would change if they got copper trainers.
Linking the turn since it looks like you guys agree with it.
Indeed. Let's focus on the spa capital first
Just make us train like 10 first
If they improve we'll train some more..
I'll make the turn
I feel like they'd get the shit beat out of them by our guys since we hate gods and as long as its day they pretty much will almost always be worshiping the sun. So it probably wont work out to well for the shamans they send.
Well we probably gonna split again now thanks to your highly Competitive games

tl;dr we fucked
Doubt a war would start over losing in a sport. Besides its 3 for the Olympics and only you against.
Nice job linking
No you degenerate that way you put the olympics made it competitive. The warlords gonna kill everyone for that shit
At least we aint lazy and have still use our magic
Final copper post
Cultural: We hold a festival every year to celebrate the unification of the copper clans against the orcs and the end of all wars. There is partying and goodwill. A games is also held where clans compete in Olympic events. The prize is fine ale and glory :D. The engineers share their techs at the first festival to get everyone up to speed

Tech: Improve steam engines (for boats and trains)
Literally the only prize is honor and respect, that and everyone is encouraged to share their discoverys every year and not the first. Quit trying to hoard your tech when we already established how were going to do it.
We still use our magic. For nothing but recreational purposes.
We united
we sharing tech to get everyone up to speed
Therefore after the first festival tech goes to the nation
Op will crucify us if we dont do it properly
Also are you now the main leader of the copper nation..???
Aye, I'm for helping the whole nation have our techs, strengthen our trust and borders.
We never completely united under one nation, you're just writing it like that so afterwards you still keep your stuff and not share it with the other 2.
What made you think we became a single entity? All thats happened is we agreed to quit messing with each other and to help each other out. Were still 3 clans.
Okay, Princess is back for real, did we ever say anything about Bowtie Turn?
I though we united but we still have clans in a cultural way

BUT still Your fucking prize for the olympics gonna sink us
>Win in a sport and get respected
>This will somehow cause another world war copper.
>But the prize is just honor, why would they go to war over that?
Be a warlord fight for honour
Wars end
Be itching for fights and honour
Games where honour is prize
See the winner
Stab him
You have one honour
Start a new warlord war
You do remember the warlords still have their little fights with each other on their own land right?
All the warlord families are invited to the games..
If we didn't = war
If we do but dont change prizes = war

So you aren't changing it to something less risky?

Are you going full copper right now..
Or are you the leader of the copper nation who must make our every move..
What if you just make honor based off how much wealth you have.
Then reward people in gold and stuff.
That way even if you lose you still have as much honor as you went in with.

It'll make sense, because jews


So what do you think of torture devices?
Sounds good, but I don't know about its practical application.
We can easily torture people without having devices specifically made for it.
I'm really not seeing the part where we would literally shank the winner of the sports over winning. Do you not realize how bad they would look for being such a sore loser? It would equal dishonor. Besides 3 of us agree with how I interpreted it. You're the one not agreeing and posting your own turn. Besides it's literally to celebrate a war stopping and to be safe from the stresses of being in one of our clans. Remember its the majority vote that wins the turn actions.
Would the bowtie nation Welcome the engineers as allies..

We can trade steam engines for guns and powder. I'll also send some troops to fight the rats.
It's more effective. It worked in real life.
So you won't change one thing..
Bowties are at open war with Coppers. If anything, other Coppers would fucking hate you for it.
Ballistae and catapults too
I'm not following the "don't change the prize = war" step. Why?
We don't know gunpowder yet, only The Rats do.
Which one of The Copper Clans hates the rest of the clans now?

I'm pretty sure waterboarding works just as good as a stretcher.
It's not half as cool, admit it. Also, do we even have waterboarding?
With the warlords or something

I dont care
We are like minded people
You're free to send an embassy if you want. But I don't know what'll happen.
Please stop.. If you going to ruin the engineers jewish and roman theme then join the maidens or warlords
The engineers are smart and stubborn.
You have never had a roman theme, maybe jewish because your being greedy to the point where its dumb. Other engineer dont listen to him, he's like this often.
Okay, so the issue with rats is the fact that they have a terrain bonus in the fact that we're fighting uphill, and a tech bonus in that we CANNOT charge them. Getting guns would even the playing field only slightly, so we truly do need something more on our side.

I vote catapults or something of the sort that can break up musket lines.

As Bowties we are not skilled in range combat, and we're very much so fighting a ranged war now.

I don't think it's a technological breakthrough to hold a guy down and pour water on his face.
Just change like 3 words and you can have it all hitler
We can help.
The engineers can lend our forces with siege
Also we should only engage on rainy days
> be autistic robot
> sounds of mommy being plowed by nigger chad is too much to bear
> moves to bathroom with cheeto infested toilet seat
> go to qst
> post in every cultural evolution thread as a """""Legionnarie"""""
> hope sense of escapism makes you feel chad
> autism seeps through every post
> get shit on by teammates and treeniggers
> still seen as autist

when will it end
What are you taking about, I'm asking you to elaborate and you accuse me of ruining your headcanon. You are simply being stubborn, not smart.
Aye, I'm aware. I say don't change it and I suppose if we simply can't come to a compromise well have to appeal to the fact that we outvote him 2 to 1
I'm not changing what a majority want, tomorrow Opee will see what the majority want.
Thank you for having more common sense than your fellow engineer.
"Waterboarding" as we know it is failry recent. But I don't want waterboarding. I want huge ass fucking machines with gears and hardcore shit. We could then estabilish an inquisition system and kinky gadgets out of it.
You just offered them free techs
Steam engines = guns with powder

We dont need to share everything with the bowties
That would be nice.
Though we're not holding a siege on anything yet, we just need proper range.

Maybe you can send over some Copper Engineers and we'll collaborate together on devising something better technologically? Maybe Crossbows, or just much better catapults.
nice meme tree nigger
I still think we should try and get the Feminists to come over for a visit and aim their hate towards rats. They'll stop being a Tree People Problem and be good citizens all the same.

Then we can all worry about the real threat.

Literally Sentient Rats.
No I didn't, I said we could provide our ballistae and catapults to fight the rats with when we go over. We're of course not going to teach them the tech, they can have steam power in return for gunpowder, that's all
Also my name keeps failing to work, not sure what the deal is there
Not to mention they can teach us how to into bows.
Then we can stop charging into gunfire with spears.
Copper feminists were just attacked by Trees and taken captive. We could send our navy to rescue them and bring them to us. Trees would hate us, RNG would have to be on our side.
Where are the Orcs?
We took em out
They got rid of them already. Tree niggers attacked the Maidens tribe, or whatever they are, while their fighters were out fighting the orcs. We could get both former Tree AND Copper citizens out of this.
What about The Elf Feminists?
Just to inform you guys, you dont know ingame any of this happened.
Still ploting against the Tree patriarchy.
You would be attacking the trees and then the trees would ally with the rats..
Well shit.
We could ask The Queen to send in her Skeletons, but she's at the beach.
Guess we'd have to waste a shitload of turns scouting.

Alternatively, look for mines and expand on our chemistry to find gunpowder.
Taken by the treeniggers.
The ones back with the elves are still plotting in secrecy.
You'd be at war with the newly united coppers, niggers and rats. But go ahead if you want to die
Bowties will take them all, no problem. We have a wall, we'll be fine.

We'll need to scout or somehow get contact or news from them unless the feminist uprising is public knowlege around the island.
I think they found nothing, it just said they raided a couple villages as they didn't know where to look.
> be autistic robot
> sounds of mommy being plowed by nigger chad is too much to bear
> moves to bathroom with cheeto infested toilet seat
> go to qst
> post in Adventure Civ thread as a """Buff Elven Archer""""
> hope sense of escapism makes you feel chad for being buff and for capturing women in thread
> autism seeps through every post
> get shit on by Coppers
> still seen as artist fantasising about being a nigger

Heres a meme
And as the only nation with siege weapons, we are the best at taking them down. Rats ain't got shit on us and you've Stoll not got rid of them
It's kind of ambiguous, but I think they did take captives
I would rather ally with Bowties
Anyway They will give our wimmin back and they will be attacking the treetards
Okay so if we keep on this fighting path we're going to be losing a lot.
We truly should focus on something that will turn the tides, because basic bitching with chemistry wont make powder until we find sulfur, so we're fucked on that end.
We're seperated by a huge body of water, each of us on a diferent side of it. Also, the Trees have shit on you guys, too.
They just took the regular women I think.
Also I'm not gonna do anything about it but if you help the bowties by yourselfs just remember the 2 tribes have a history of backstabbing between the 2 nations From the original civ.
Explore the huge unknown to the east, look for mines, hopefully get coal and sulfur. The rats must have it, and they're right next to us. Also, we could... Make machines of torture and interrogation and kidnap some rats and get to work on their secrets.
They ain't giving them back buddy
You have a point, the tech trade could be good for us, but maybe we don't join their war
There was not really any backstabbing. We just found them, killed some of them and took their copper. We didn't even know each otehr existed before that.
Your right, sorry for misremembering, its just we were never on good terms. Especially when we lost a woman to one of your scouts.
Fuck guns.
I don't give two shits, I swear to god, we will have guns once we win this war, but having them doesn't mean anything unless OP has a massive hardon for thinking Black Powder is the beat all end all of early warfare.

Here's what we need to do.

We invent some catapults, and train our armies specifically for musket based combat. Think Pike Box style warfare, charging when the enemy reloads, breaking up firing lines, taking up ambushes and guerrilla warfare, stuff like that.
They ain't giving them back buddy
You have a point but I don't think they actually backstabbed us. More just total warmongering. the tech trade could be good for us too and joining the war would strengthen relations

Alright, so... Let's spend the turn creating siege engines and some shields for roman box formations, next turn we march on them.
Its up to you and the other to decide if you want to help them, the other 2 clans wont because were at war with them and maidens for obvious reasons. Just saying it might be more trouble than its worth.
We will help you with siege engines and our men who have crossbows
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>Roman Boxes
No that's not the same thing.
Roman Shield Boxes are awful for gun combat because they're slow.

Pike Boxes are fast and built for skewering rifle users. It's mostly just a bunch of guys carrying pikes in formation and scaring off people with guns.

We already have spears traditionally so it wont be a big leap.

Pic related
Alright, guess we're in agreement. Let's do it
Okay, try that. Hopefully rats don't have walls, anyway. They seem like easy targets, unless they have some other secret weapon we don't know of. Don't forget to bring our skeletons.

Don't all Coppers share their turn? I doubt they'll agree with that.

Bowtie Turn Summary:
Tech: Work on inventing catapults and siege engines.
Action: Train the military in formation and drilling specifically for fighting musket wielders.

Ex. Pike Boxes, guerrilla warfare, ambushes, charging when reloading, ect.
Also warlord
Copper Ballista Erector voted for the Ales and non honour thing

So its 2v2 for voting..
Watch out, if you end out turning in two turns you might have more internal conflict.
No, I voted for honour. Read the post you linked to, it says totally symbolic and nothing material.
It's 3v1

It's okay. I'll spice this shit up.

Also, won't they have to send some people to meet us before they can help us? Either way, Copper right now are a huge mess.
Hmm we have how many coppers

1. Golden Senpai
2. Copper Engineer Legionnaire
3. Copper Warlord
4. Golden Chan
5. Prometheus - copper one
6. Copper Ballista Erector
Copper engineers Help the bowties with our siege units and crossbowmen in the war against the rats
We wont be attacking until next turn though, keep that in mind.

Better just send an embassy right now.
To be fair, we have several clans. So that's really ~2 per clan. Presuming Prometheus is a warlord then it's an even 2 for each
You dont know about their war yet. They would have to send someone to tell you.
Aye, as we said that'll be for next turn. I think we're sending an ambassador to make the offer for tech trade and support this turn
They would have to do it, we have no idea whats going on over there. Theres also the fact we would have to sail past the trees and their building boats to mess with us.
Well The Bowties don't even know you have siege stuff.

Why would they arbitrarily sail crossed the sea to fight rats when they're bordering sun bros they can ask, or Tree Guys that have the same Rat Problem?
Because you hate the niggers, or do the nuggets hate you? One of the two
And suns are too lazy to do anything ever
You do know we have a half decent army and navy, so you might want to come over
Nah mate, we got Rats to deal with right now, and need our turn action for training troops to fight them. You gotta come to us.
We could go over with intent to trade, discover the war and then send help
Then we would have to put it in the main turn action next turn. Besides, it looks like they dont need your help.
Alright, but unless something important comes up, we use next turn to make the tech trade. Stay out of the war since they don't need us
We still don't know gunpowder.
We also need legionare to delete the post saying engineers were going to help the bowties, including the turns he posted that we didn't want. Also what do they have that would be worth a trade between us? I dont see anything we particularly need at the moment.
Huh, thought you did have gunpowder. Alright there's no point trading
I bet they're gonna try and sink the world.

No ones ganging up on you. Where would you get that? The most thats going on was us negotiating those trade deals
Hey treeclan, before we do anything else I think we should interrogate the prisoners to see what they know.

I can feel the kelp being slung at me in my bones, mark my words it's going to happen.
So, have we anchored our decision?
Olympics with honor prize and no trade deal, right?
What we have anchored is the Olympics where the winner brings honor and respect to their clan and to improve the steam engine so we can make trains and steam boats in the future.
To be fair we had no idea who was right the first time so we kinda just went with the majority so the island wouldnt sink and we got duped.
It's not that much of a stretch to think that maybe the mystical mystery mermaid might act like team aqua and try and sink the island and the elves who live on land might want to stop that. Though considering opee's was planning on ending it anyway, we probably would have been railroaded into having the island sink anyway.
Which prisoners, the wimmin? Probably a good idea to find out more about the copper feminists.

I was actually thinking of having a cultural shift from women==currency to SLAVE women==currency. That reserves our nationalist lines, encouraging women to support us, and preserves our women trading culture. Of course, slave women trade would need to be had from raiding, but thats what navy buildns for.
Yeah I was talking about the ones we captured from the raid. As for slaves why settle for only slave women? We could have slaves of any gender and put them lower on the hierarchy.
Hmm. is the thread dead???
That is the natural progressionn, but one culture at a time
I don't play in this game at all, but am I the only one who noticed that the rat people accepted a hot springs embassy?

Like there is a fort somewhere in rat territory with a nice big hotspring, with rat people doggy-paddling about in it, and only the sun people know of it.

Sunbros gotta learn how to use gunpowder from the rat people to make fireworks and battle the moon in his domain, the night sky.
I do see the engineer's point that the glory can still spark a war of sorts, although its not a straight follow through there are possibilities of it happening. but with that said, there's really no other possible reward for it that will lessen the the risk, unless you have a suggestion engineer?

I did have an idea of letting the warlords do this massive hot spring and food feat cultural party but with alcohol involved it could become scary
hot springs, food, theater arts of the copper's joint fighting against the orcs, superstitions etc etc modelling it after the chinese festivals

speaking of the east, its annoying how I always miss the update posts ugh
Good point. We must murder the moon
>I bet they're gonna try and sink the world.
wot, wat was the deleted post
It was something Elf said about the mermaid coming back.
I don't remember exactly what it was.
i was just complaining about how no one is considering the fact that veryone is trying to win at the international pissing competition by pissing all over each other and no one is trying to prepare for the second coming of the sea witch. Also everyone wants this damn womens rights rebellion to happen in our lands.
So why did you delete it ?
Did a colored version of The Queen and Princess.
Goodnight everybody, see you tomorrow!
it was linked to the anchor post and i didnt want opee to get confused. I didnt want to post it again since some people had already replied to it before i had a chance to repost it.
Alright, makes sense
Warlord you need to add in to our turn that is first and foremost a festival. With partying and bonding over how we defeated the orcs. Then a olympics

Also I really like this >>253160
We can just change our turn
Also engineers the Bowties will gain gunpowder if we help them and then we get guns

Then cannons then dead treetards for sure
>Helping the people you are officially at war with.

Are you just going to kill yourselves or something?

Also The engineers aren't at war with anyone except pirates
Aren't you allied with the warlords, and as such their enemies are your enemies?
As in you aren't allied or you aren't going to help your allies?
Their enemies aren't our enemies

If that were true
The entire copper nation is at war with you
For our turn. The tree nigg.... I mean tree people would like to
Military:Create a navy
Action: Develop Copper plating for our ships
Oh cool, copper plate.
You know whenever we invent Sonar you'll already have yourself hidden.
its actually just the kidnapped copper people nailed to their ships
Aw man, you know you could just do Naval Impressment force them yo work on your boats.

They used to do that with drunks in the old Brit days. It's just where you take a prisoner and force them to work on your boat, because it's not like they can leave the boat.
So wait are you talking about a professional navy? With officers and shit? I still think we should interrogate our captives to try and see what the feminist conspiracies next step is, buy I like the idea of developing professional military forces.
Yes sir, that is what I believe we should do, kill the wit wimmin.
Where is op?
I don't know, he better get back soon.... or else the game is over and we lose all hope
He normally appears in an hour..

Being lurking but I wanna join the copper engineers

I think we need to help to bow ties
Also if the olympics don't go well we secede and do our own shit
Why join Copper legion, when it is more rewarding to join the Tree People. We have wit wimmin. alsooo, the copper legion is kinda full :/
Copper is full, there is 6 or even 7...
In tree tribe I saw only 2 ppl.
Coppers are the most fun
Especially the engineers
Well if ballista erector can join
Then so can I
There are 4 including me, Treevor, Buff Archer, and Elf Presidente
Meh, they have a good army, but they are full, soooo, you will have to choose another domain. I will only extend the offer to join us one more time.
Isn't the max like, 4
It was supposed to be.
Opee where art thou!?
Well Op must enforce it then
RIP Opee
lol I was first to claim so I ain't becoming a treetard
He's like 2 minutes late
He should be here within 30 minutes

I was second so
We were the original 3 I believe.
You would be correct my friend

Also Golden chan
No, it is too late. We are doomed. Opee has forsaken us. Repent for your sins, for death will come shortly.
Nop updates, Opee too busy watching E3
hmmm fak de opeee
Yeah nothing tonight, I expect (or expected) most of you to be watching E3 and I want to watch it too. I'll be there tomorrow

get out of that nation man it's chaos enough already
wah wah wah
Are you gonna enforce that there only be four coppers?
weh weh weh
woo woo woo
wuh wuh wuh
alright opee! see you tomorrow. enjoy E3. any hopes for games announced?
mostly Sea of Thieves, it got me really hyped. Dead State 2 could be nice, since Dead State felt like it would have been awesome with multiplayer

also older clem!
>if you want to join in, please consider joining the under-populated tree tribe!

why does no one want to play tree tribe?
sea of thieves looked pretty fun. I'm hoping for a red dead redemption sequal myself
I've got no idea. maybe because they beat wimmin?
It's a mysteree
Because we are the best, they can't handle the fact that we beat and rape their wit wimmin. We are tree people, so naturally, we are all niggas.
Does the tree tribe have any openings
Does your mom? I want to fillthem up with my tree cock
Yeh, but you gotta be a niggur
Does it count if If my spirit animal is a nigger
stop blacking the trees already damnit
Stop not posting updates

yeah, where are this 4 updates per day?
who do you think I am? a paladin?
at least two today please

Praise Opeee
Yes, maybe
cheeky comment
You aren't even a long time player, go fuck yourself. Dont talk shit to the Opee you stupid newfag nigger.
Stop telling Opee what to do faggots. complain, then get out.
Praise be to Opee, provider of knowledge. All Hail.
You just copied my saying
Bastard tree nigger
and now you are a stupid faggot that onjl;y has 4-5 posts on this. fuck yourself.
Mad tree nigger
You only have 4
Look up, I'm the same nigger with 30+ posts fuck yourselves niggers.
If you refer to this ID >>254505
I have much more.
Also why you so mad?
He's also the same copper guy who uses the name Legionaire
ohhhh kk but still, people dont need to be pissing on Opee's fucking cornflakes, unless they want him to not post at all
Implying what I said wasn't cheeky banter
hmm. I have to check the cheekly banter levels
if he's not a paladin and your not a paladin and i'm the sheriff. then who's leading the coppers.
Sounds like you need an Emperor.
Or a Shogun.
Nobunaga Orange
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the hell is going on in there?

you guys want a bonus thread? Then you better make up! no fighting in my thread!

updates soon
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WOOO! Lets see if our action backfired like it usually does.
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Rolled 32 (1d100)

more spa scouting because we're a 1 dimensional people:
1-30: terrible revelation
31 -60: discovery
61-90: encounter
91-100: better encounter
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We like to stay consistent
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Feed us
but opee if our rolls weren't so shit we'd have tried to scout for something new. we just need that prime spa spot
Well 32 means we at least discovered something
and no terrible revelation, we really dodged a bullet here
Dodged it by 2 points
What if you got it and found out about what the sea which is planning? Or some other horrible thing.
Like the fact that racecar is racecar backwards
I really don't want to be the one to fuck up again let some other clan fuck up
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turn 7 end!
The sun people went on a holy mission to find the most radiant, shiniest spa location there is.
And they found it! it's a hot spring on a cliff, flooding a pond with hot water through a beautiful waterfall. They immediately started building. Pilgrims are already making the journey to this now holy place. territory expanded south: the Promised Resort region

The wrestlers wrestled. Nothing changed much, there's only so buff you can get.

To the rest of the world, it's yet another year where the sun people didn't do jack.
wait what
You've bestowed upon me information no mortal should know...
Awesome! Procrastination ho!

Nonsense, accidentally destroying landmass is in our blood
woo! holy spa city! also opee we're doing alot we're making prime holiday spots.
We should try getting our magic mojo back. Let's start with basics like the olden days. Have classical shamans pray to the sun atop their temples aided with giant focusing lens.
sounds good. they can rest in the evenings now so they can use the day to pray for the sun. also maybe make some kind of fortification around our land? great wall of the sun?
Wards and walls. Walls made of wards. Wards made from walls. Sunbeams.
giant walls around our lands with wards made on top of it, genius!
Maybe we should also ask the bowties on wall building tips
we can do that actually thanks to our embassy. so we can use that in our turn as extra action maybe?
Well, Opee did say that all communications costs 0 from our 2 actions
yeah exactly so we should totally use that!
Access to the promised land is only granted to the most holy shamans

Basically if they want to have the ultimate relaxation experience they gotta work, maybe them and their linked animal (crab) can make the journey after getting some buff magics

We really have to sort out our people being so lazy soon-ish because with us adding more temptation to do nothing it'll just get harder

Also anybody think it might be a good idea to delve into some basic alchemy?
Could get all sorts from it,
Does it also cost zero to the ones you're comunicating with?
Knowledge-wise we are kinda stuck which is why I proposed praying to the sun.

Well I hope so
making some kind of holy journey sounds pretty good to be honest. and yeah we should try to become less lazy. we've got a huge group of classical shamans already though. it's only a part that's still lazy. but it'd be fun if we got some more magic again. maybe more fire magic too!
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The copper clans had a great celebration after their victory against the orcs, with sports and good food. The Golden Maiden were impressed by their fellowship, and encouraged everyone to celebrate this victory every year. After a long discussion on terms, they all agreed.
The engineers still refused to deliver their tech for free, pleading it was their only protection against the other two.

Speaking of the devil, the engineers tried their spinning devices on their wheeled boats. It works, but it is awfully slow and the required wood to make it work is taking most of the ship's space.
>huge group of classical shamans
That part's debatable, Opee didn't specified which one has more numbers
Why not start praying while enjoying a nice oil bath?
Yeah we havent made any magical advancements since the medieval saga, we really need to get back to that, i say once the holy spa site is made and we have a pilgrimage set up we get back to where we were last quest in regards to magic and sunbathing and then we go from there
Goddamn, what jews
Well, so how about this turn:
-Culture: Set up that the Holy Spa can only be reached by the most devoted and best magically adept Shamans
-Action: HAve classical shamans pray to sun for guidance, preferably magic
-Communication: Ask bowties for wall building tips
oh yeah I misread. it said something else: "the widespread school system helps increase the numbers of classical shamans quickly, and they are now present in all major communities."

so we should try to make the classical shamans the overwhelming amount somehow.
sound alright to me!
I got a solution for the steam engines, we can start using coal to power them instead of wood. That way they can become more efficient and take up less space. Then as a second action we could maybe create fishing nets to drag behind our boats so we can get large amounts if fish. What do you guys think?
Sounds good
I kind of want an old school kind of obstacle course leading up to it that can only be accessed via crab ally shennanigans
Why not both, only the most devoted, most magically adept and bro-est with crabs may make the journey
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A considerable navy was built thanks to the mercenary and looting works. Some were even plated with copper, but the resource was too rare to make more than a few flagships.

The women brought back from the raids are very rebellious, and many have disappeared, killing their masters beforehand.
yeah they could have some challenge to it!
nice boat
hell yeah, go golden maidens!! kill those bastard!!
>getting killed by wymmin
are the elves vikings now?
Vikings who can't beat womenslaves apparently
Good thing that happened since they just added a bunch of skilled fighters to train the women rebellion like a bunch of tards. Since they attacked you with no idea where they were actually based.
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The Marquis retreated before the losses got too dire, to train his army against the enemy's strategy.
Tighter formations were introduced, with large pavises of wood to block the deadly shots. To support the slow advance of the shielded infantry, large mobile siege engines were built.

The strategy has only been tried in small skirmishes for now, but has shown success.

There was a terrible event at the seaside palace! it burned down one night, with everyone still inside!

Wuh oh
well fuck
this sounds bad
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Thankfully, the Queen came out of the flames unscathed! But she was... changed. As soon as her rescuers gave her something to wear, she went back to the beach, and stared at the waves with defiance.

Death magic level seven: Lichdom
By consuming ten thousand souls, the user ascends to a higher state. Should a Lich be killed, it will come back to life, be it slowly by its own soul's will, or by the calling of a potent necromancer. All their necromantic spells are also improved.

there is a global event!
Well, thats gonna be a problem. A massive problem.
i - i
im scared
wooooh booooy
She looks a bit like the sea witch. we're gonna have a bad time.
Dangit bowties.
I just got here.
Hi guys.
Sooooooooooooo.... About those walls
Yes, walls, we needs thems
We'd sure like those walls right about now
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Rolled 2 (1d4)

Global event: Courtesy Visit!
A beautiful queen came from the sea one evening, with her throne and suite of fishmen. Everyone is subjugated by her beauty and charisma, and feels drawn to obey her every demands. Only the learned and the few that personally met a sea queen know to be cautious.

She will visit a country, stay for a while, and leave. Nothing to bad. Right?
1- the Red Duel
2- the Green Armada
3- the Orange Affair
4- the Blue Sky
>visiting a nation of mysoginists
Oh no
Could this be the one woman elves deem fuckable?
well the greenbros will surely know what to do with this woman right. they won't try to kill her right?
>that one fish to the right
Maybe if she went to sun land she wouldn't be able to seduce any of the higher up.

Because they're too blind.

See? The Sun always protects.
they obey her because they dont have any learned
So hows this sound for a turn guys... we create bigger boats to compliment our navy that can hold more men and supplys including quite a bit more of ballista and such? Then we adopt a doctrine to fortify the beaches incase of an invasion from the sea?
Sun wills it
AY HOL UP *destroys an island* SO YOU BE SAYIN *smacks lips* WE WUZ FISHPEOPLE N SHEIIT?
You could do like what Greece did and make all the clans donate a number of ships to the armada.
Uh oh rape island is gonna get destroyed
And engage in homosex
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For a woman, the Queen spoke quite well, and the elves were charmed by her subtle ways. She mainly looked around the land and asked about the global poltical situation. After a month, she back to the sea, leaving many aching hearts in her wake.

Oh no! The entire fleet was sunk in a terrible storm. If only the nice queen was there. The elves could use a shoulder to cry on.

in a remote country, another Queen went back to her own capital. "I'll be there again next time", she said to the sea.
turn 8 start!

Lich Vs Sea Witch incoming boiz
>weewuz fish 'n chips

Huh, thats interesting.
>that boat
>tfw sinking
LETS FIGHT the sea
recap sunken anchor post
Does The Queen still look the same?
So are the other coppers here right now?
because her previous haircut was the best
If we could just find a way to aweken Groudon
It'd called a hime cut actually!
It's pretty much the best there is.
Alright Sun Bros, our recap:
-Set up that the Holy Spa can only be reached by the most devoted and best magically adept Shamans. Also there would be a sweet obstacle course that would require the help of the shaman's spirit crab buddy
-Classical shamans pray to the sun atop their temples in hopes of guidance. Preferably some new magic.
-Ask bowties for wall building tips through embassy
How about we work together and build a wall between us and the ocean
there was just a lot of soul wind and burning mansions and stuff
What action would that count as though, for both sides
Well heres an idea for when the others see this.

Tech: Upgrade the steam engine to use coal as fuel so it can take up less space and become more powerfull.

Tech: A train is to be constructed along with its railway using the improved steam engine to power it so it can quickly carry large amounts of things across the nation thus stimulating the nations growth and economy.
>A train
What Niggah
Thats why we've been working on making the engine for awhile now. Besides old trains used coal powered engines like that and they worked fine.
Well yeah, in the 16th century.
Same technology, we've just created much earlier.
Oh well, I guess Coppers are just more infrastructure based than real nations. Considering we've not had a long stall of colonialism to halt some scientific developments.
holy shit it didnt backfire
I know right! For once my clan didn't fuck it up.
So Sunbros, what should we do?
anyways I suggest we fortify our beach fronts then upgrade work on improving steam machine, shit's about to go down and we have to get ready

later on I suggest expounding on the sports fest
So what shall we do for our turn?
I'm thinking.
Though I think we should still try and bring those rats into our domain.
If we can conquer them correctly, we can make men out of mice.
This woman must be stopped
That sounds like a good plan if we can do it.
How do you suggest we would?
alternatively, create a bigger alliance with the sunbros, maybe we can help them train with discipline in their holy spa land in exchange for being allies and such, if shits really about to go down we need all the help we can get
That sounds good so we make sure our engine would be powerfull enough for when we make more machines with it later. So it'll be fortify the nations beaches and upgrade the engine to use coal. Now we just wait for other coppers to come and vote.
We still need to remember how much they value and worship their sun when we hate gods. They also have the embassy so should shit go down over there involving the witch we could go help out. Since we wont be in prolonged contact with all their worshipping if we just help them quickly repulse an invasion.
Since communication between civs costs not action thanks to embassies, how about we plan a mass gathering of all civs
Except the treetribe
didn't we kind of have a turn already? >>257416
Well yeah
Not exactly, still deciding the Communication part
Well we're going to need to press into the Ratlands and take their people village/burrow at a time until we can take the capital of whatever sorts they may have.

This war is one that decorates very hill-like and mountainous regions, so the ability to see and scout is everything, especially since we're fighting against people who have guns. Being able to predict paths and set ambushes will be a brutal strike against them.

I say that this turn we put out tech into discovering The Telescope, or other scouting tools.

Then this turn's action we press into The Rat Lands and see if we can conquer a settlement of any kind. Once we see these rats up close and can talk to them like men, we will see just how human they are, and if they're even worth citizenship.
ah right, what a shame. well we can just go with >>257624, we could also help the bow ties with their rat conquest seeing as we're better at fighting

although on the other hand maybe we should try to rehabilitate ourselves first, which would mean agriculture/fishing that could be exchanged within clans during the festival
That sounds good. We might also have to use a culture action later on to help integrate the rats into our society. We might also want to learn about rat culture too before we force our culture on them
I agree.
Cultural integration should be something that's done through desire, not force.
I advise that once a few generations of rats are born under Bowtie rule, we let Rats become lords over other Rat settlements.
About the bowties, warlords are at war with them while maidens wouldnt want to join because of their war hating ways. Also about the tech sharing the engineers wont share anything as discribed in our turn.
I do think it's wise to build walls and they might be willing to help us.
Maybe also establish funds for supporting and rebuilding reconquert settlements, give them insensitive that living as part of the bowties isn't so bad
I advise trying to get things better unified among your own lands before attempting to come help us. it would be rather disastrous for a clan conflict to arise and have your armies fighting rats crossed the sea.
Alright, recap poost redux:
-Set up that the Holy Spa can only be reached by the most devoted and best magically adept Shamans. Also there would be a sweet obstacle course that would require the help of the shaman's spirit crab buddy
-Classical shamans pray to the sun atop their temples in hopes of guidance. Preferably some new magic.
-Propose a meeting of all allied civs through our embassies to deal with upcoming and most likely terrible world event


Or replace that last one with : -Contact bowties and Propose a plan to build a amssive longass wall to defend against the ocean
That would be good.
We'll need to introduce them to all sorts of things, and just generally make life better for them if we want them to stat.

We can certainly share masonry tech, but I don't know if we both need to use a cultural action to do that.
We still only have two actions, right?
some sort of conference can do good to keep up on information around the world. as for the wall that sounds very good to have too. fuck the sea i hope it dies in a fire.
That's why this turn should only be communication to see if both sides agree first so that we both can deal with our own stuff first
We could also ask the Sunbros neutral ambassadors to overlook the afair, make sure no injustises are performed or help with diplomatic negotiations or something?
I don't think it would matter much over if we had a mediating party like that.
The rats should have little knowledge of the Sun Bros in the first place, so it would be a lot like sitting at a table and expecting your opponent's best friend come and play coach over your talk. We wouldn't want to give the rats anything to hang on and claim unfairness from rather such things were truly fair or not.
we've got an embassy in the rat kingdom though
Oh yeah, you do.
Though i still don't see the reasoning in it too much.
We'll grant them a mediator if The Rats ask for it, but unless that happens I'm sure the discussions will be better suited between war participants only.
So what do the other coppers think about this?

Tech: Improve the steam engines so they use coal so they become more efficient and more powerfull.

Action: The nations beaches are to be fortified to help defend against any invasions coming from the sea.
You okay with the Telescope Tech and the Invasion Action, Skellebro?

If so I'll go ahead and write up the turn.
Sounds good yeah, go ahead
Why don't we scout for sulphur and saltpeter
Bowtie Turn:

Tech: Develop Telescopes or other means of Scouting Tools for the sake of military use and better information gathering among The Rat Lands.

Action: Invade into Ratlands, our main goal should be conquering a village or burrow, whatever population of rats we can bring into The Bowtie Domain.
What do we need that for other than gun powder?
We can get cannons guns explosives
Explosives mean better mining
And the others are self explanatory
So waht's our communication? Wall or Conference?
The only practical uses of Sulfur seems to be gunpowder, and being used as an ancient form of bleach.
Explosive Based mining has never been practical until the invention of dynamite really.
Out of self defence I'd vote for the great sun wall. if we'd want some information and hopefully a way to help eachother we'd do the conference. I don't know what the right option is.
It'll still take awhile to make it and its not garenteed we'll find it, then we'll still need to make all the things to use it effectively. We also dont need it at the moment because its only real civil use right now is gunpowder so it would only be good for fighting which only the engineers would use since they would invent it. So very few actually using these instead of the whole nation.
Perhaps you lot should instate some sort of arms or military limitation mandate as to not let the balance of power suddenly shift in favor of one clan and cause a new internal disturbance.
Well everybody's got their own stuff to deal with now so let's start local and ask the bowties for help with oceanwall?
Maybe we'll accidentally discover flood barriers this way.
If we did, we could combine it with the windmills and create polders
yeah sounds good. we'd be better of with the great wall of the sun
I forgot we had Windmills.
Anything we should do considering the Red goddess and the events of the destruction of the ocean palace?
Every Rat we civilize is another soldier to assist her combat against The Sea. I'm sure once this is out of the way, we can better organize against a possible watery invasion.
Alright it's time we stop fucking around with the coppers and start dealing with shit back home.

Hey let's work together to team up on the rats, they are both of our ancestral foes anyway.
Great, Recap:
-Set up that the Holy Spa can only be reached by the most devoted and best magically adept Shamans. Also there would be a sweet obstacle course that would require the help of the shaman's spirit crab buddy
-Classical shamans pray to the sun atop their temples in hopes of guidance. Preferably some new magic.
-Contact bowties and Propose a plan to build a amssive longass wall to defend against the ocean
Maybe send some explorers towards the forgotten throne or the street of treecoppbar
Sure, we've got The South Boarder, Can you take the north, Elf Bros?
sounds good!
I thought The Throne was a big sinkhole?
I always speculated it was the resting place of the old island
Well yeah, but the old island sank into the sea.
I think The Sun Bros know how to dive.
Aren't they of the believe that the sea is evil?
tfw no point in playing anymore
we might be able to dive. but we only do that in spa's these days. the sea is pretty evil bruh
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Oh my, is that an Orange wearing a bowtie?

You know, with your current military set up, you should really start ambushing and fighting Rats guerrilla style. You'd be good at it considering your elf bows and how fast your boars can probably move.

Yeah, but I think they posses animals and walk them down to the sea floor.
Yes, it must be destroyed. Except for kelp though, that can stay.
Isn't our whole navy and fleet gone?
Maybe The Sea Witch is using our ruins as a place for her fishmen.

I know The Bowtie Tribe had brick buildings, so those are probably still around.
OK so we'll start harassing the northern borders while you guys come in from the south and if all goes well, we can meet up and destroy the rats once and for all.
What do the other coppers think about interrogating any coppers with bowties to find out if their connected to the bowties somehow then execute them to replace our fortify action for this turn? Just incase that copper wearing a bow was a clue.
We share a land border with the ratlands so we don't need boats to get there.
>Bowties and Treetribe team up to invade Ratlands
>Plan to build an ocean fortification
>A building gets destroyed, strenghtening our leader's power
>its actualy 1939
That'll be good.
I don't know how much conquering force a guerrilla assault has, but even if we can just get them to retreat further inland we can still pinch them into submission.

Maybe you should spend a tech turn developing some better melee weapons, or do you have any worth while?
Alright, I say we don't send our main forces. I say we send the Warrior Maiden wimmin we got and tell them we will set them free if they obtain victory for us?
let's invade poland
What if they flip sides and join The Rats?
Or just flat out run away.
Since we have an embassy there we could try..talking to the rats and see what's their deal
Yeah i'd say give that a go, as a neutral third arty we meet up with them and chat some shit out
Well maybe, but I'd rather the more human lands take dominion over The Rats rather than letting them be their own independent faction.

I would say talking to them diplomatically could be good for understanding them better as people, but making peace wouldn't make too much of a good deal.

And plus if everyone in the world is at peace and allies, even the NPCs, things are gonna get a little boring.
We stalk them in the Trees and tell them if they don't fight the rats, we slay them. and the rats wou8ld slay them before they could join.
Either way, the wit wimmin or the rats are dying today, plus our elven legionaires can fire the arrows from a LONG ass way away.
Well that could work, but also you could do a thing called Army impressment, it's what The Mongols did.

You send out a fighting force, and don't send out all the people you want to force to fight.
What you do instead is you send some of them so the ratio is 1 Woman to 3 Loyalists. That way they could never revolt or turn, since they will be overwhelmed anyway.
I don't think we have enough to make significant advances against the rats. We could have them as screening troops for our regular soldiers, so they know they can't get away, and they'd be the first ones to get attacked.
Hmm. Sounds good, but I'd rather we not waste the unnecessary Elven lives. But I do like your idea, it would work if the wit wimmin didn't value their honour so much.
Alright, screening troops... or as a distrqaction... lead a large portion of the rats away, tehn they get led right into us.... ambush and take out a few hundred rats?
The coppers are barely talking and this has 2 votes already. So I'm linking this unless the other coppers come back and suggest something else that gets more votes.
Sounds like a good plan. So for our other action should we try and learn some more magic? Maybe we could set up sentries in the trees to search for attacking elf women?
I think more Magic would be good, enhance our tree wall that surrounds our towns, make it's regeneration and fire resistance increase or something.
>Grow great tree wall with accelerated growth
forget last post
Well, that last turn went well, good things happen when we ignore the legionnaire.
I reckon we should use our action for another thing to improve quality of life instead of the fortifications
We learned a lot about surgery here >>246972 , how about we use it to set up some sort of early hospitals or doctors offices. Improve health for the civilians and survivability of our soldiers
Maybe you should start a Clan Court to help prevent infighting and establish better diplomatic authority in the region?
Last time we tried a council it ended in the biggest bloodbath in our history.
I'm thinking bad idea
Well yeah, but a court instead is a seperate entity from the clans that is entrusted with deeming what is and isn't appropriate to do against other members of The Copper Clans, as opposed to a council which is an organization of leaders that have their own interests in mind.
We could do that but remember theres a sea witch most likely planning something under the ocean. By making the fortifications we wont be caught with our pants down like with the orcs. This way we wont go back into famine and lose more lives. That and we can deal with raids easier like when the trees decided to raid the maidens.
That means a judge would have to be from a certain clan. Which would then lead to any disputes to escalate because favoritism would be thought to happen.
Well actually it would be better off if it were many judges from all the clans. If you look at The US Supreme Court system there are 9 judges looking out for the well being of the country rather than their states.

The difference is that when judges fight, they still have to work with each other, as opposed to clan leaders which can abandon a council seat when they get angered, and take their clan with them.
Our navy is the strongest in the world, and our tech research will take care of improving it, coal fueled steam powered boats are a big deal. I reckon we'll be ok for an invasion.
It seems the witch is that powerful only the bowtie queen has any chance to stop her, fortifications would just be crushed either way.
An established medical system would speed recovery from whatever she does though
okay so the trees and the sea witch use boats, so we need something to counter that, maybe underwater 'pikes' that we pull up when the boats come to close to important cities
Sea Witch doesn't use boat, she's a fishperson. She and the rest of her fishy cronies just swim
Just hear me out here, in the first thread she sent fish men out to attack the tribes. But they could be fought off with conventional weapons easily enough. theres also that the entirety of the trees navy got destroyed by a storm she just summoned. We cant just rely on it.
I picture it being a sort of d-day scenarios where as soon as anything gets past the navy they have to deal with a rain of arrows and ballista bolts. While they have to somehow break into the forts and other defenses.
Remember to assume anything that any tribe had in the old island, The Mermaid is probably aware of it by now considering she can live underwater.
mh... we would have to ask opee what kind of beaches we have, dunes are pretty good, even better are cliffs but even if we have a small beach with a forest behind it we can do sneaky attacks
All we had in the old island was kelp
Oh no
What if there's kelp monsters down there?
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and boy did we have a good life
Fish D-day does sound cool. But our armies are more than ready, and our defences are extremely good at our shores already. It took even our own siege weapons two turns just to break the tiny golden maiden island and even then we only got a tiny bit of land at the tip, I think we're well prepped already
This is important, if we have no decent natural defences we should go with the fortifications. I reckon we must have some though, considering how hard it was to take your island
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no, it can't be
reminder that this is not that far from the truth
I think its only the maidens that already have defenses built on their island while the engineers and warlords are mainly just undefended beaches.
I think our island is like the 7 sisters, big cliffs, rough terrain with mountains for mines...
Because it is the truth
Just because we invent it
Doesn't mean we dont distribute it
We just dont share how to make it otherwise It renders us powerless
I think only The Coppers and The Trees still need to make their turns.

Though I think The Trees already made their turns, just never turned it in.
Hey i think we need trains and tech...
I vote trains and tech and the other tech instead of fortifications
Well in the last recap none of the engineers shared anything, so people get kinda suspicious ya know. And then there's the orange bowtie
If they distributed it, other tribes could easily reverse engineer it.
It's all jut mechanical work so far.
That bowtie was Fucking suspicious
Dont worry about those. Infact, dont even think about those. Just forget they are there. Who are where?
Well we take it back after battles gg
Guys I support Warlords first plan

Tech: Upgrade the steam engine to use coal as fuel so it can take up less space and become more powerfull.

Tech: A train is to be constructed along with its railway using the improved steam engine to power it so it can quickly carry large amounts of things across the nation thus stimulating the nations growth and economy.

With trains we dont need fortifications when we can move troops fucking fast
Well OP did say the steam motors weren't fast.
I switched my vote for instead of trains we just fortify our lands. We can make them next turn so we make sure the engines are powerfull enough.
They're getting upgraded this turn so they're actually usefull.
why do we need trains? do we even have normal wagons? I say we fortify the beaches...
Well I reckon medicine, but trains are a no this turn from me too. Get the engines good first.
Depends on whether we have natural defences or not. If no then reinforce, if yes medicine
Action: join bow tie invasion of the ratlands using captured maidens as cannon fodder.
Tech: research more magic
It was mentioned in one of the earlier threads, the plan was to make a transcontinental railroad across our nation so we can carry everything from troops to food across the nation really fast. It was for when when our engines got good enough though.
This is just like when people were trying to force Crossbows into the game.

It's too advanced and there's no reason for it except people like to think it's important.
Well it's time you learned that trains on their own aren't of much use at all unless you're already in the middle of some kind of industrial revolution. It's just slightly faster than horses, and restricted to wherever you waste time putting rails, which will take eons to make without industrial smithing.
Yeah, it does seem like a huge leap.
If you want to worry about making great scientific leaps in industry, try inventing metal casting or something more civil. I'm having a hard time figuring out how people are making trains when they're still so technologically behind they're not even writing on paper.

Do you even have a written language?
oh, hell no,
okay golden maidens please go to the rats, fight for them, make allies bring tech and friends back to you to the copper lands
I'm fairly certain every nation as at least the basics down such as writing.
Sorry about your maidens as you dont know their doing it so you cant interfere. But on the brightside there rebellion will probably get started soon since many of your captured maidens escaped and joined it.
>Cannon Fodder
I told you that you should have used them like warriors instead of pawns.

Now they're going to turn hot bitch on you and murder everyone for the rats.
Even so, only Sun Bros even know paper can be made.

Good luck drawing up diagrams on clay tablets.
The reason our people are so smart is because we got those engineering blueprints in the original civ. I'm fairly certain we have an alternative otherwise we wouldn't have been able to recreate the schematics for our ballistas and crossbows including our engine which multiple have been made and put in more than one ship.
ok maybe i should have used the term frontline troops and specified that they would be freed if they survive the campaign. Hopefully, Opee understood that. but just in case >>257527.
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>our people are so smart
>continues to fight themselves for 1000 years
You don't need advanced diagrams to make wooden structures, they don't involve pipes, flames, and boiling water to operate.
That's a lot better.
I'm just fearful of things turning out bad because of ill wording.
well you guys took your time, I'm going to sleep now
see you next time
RIP in pieces
Night, Opee.
goodnight Opee
sleep tight Opee
So you're telling me the engineers have been building all these things by memory? When they would need very specific mathematical measurments to not break it? Including the engines themselves?
Night Opee
No, nigger, I'm saying they've been building them out of apprentice born teachings and that things like catapults and ballistas don't need demanding mathematical precision to create. Armies used to make that shit at the war site all the time. It's just wood and rope dammit.
Damn, bump limit reached
don't let the bedbugs bite Opee
f they do remember to bite back
Next turn Our engines will be great

Have you seen a train steam engine
Its pretty simple
Trains aren't simple in the slightest.
we don't have rails
we don't have basic wagons
we don't have wheels
no we are not wasting 4 turns just so your autism can be pleased
So they would build them out of the resources around or pre built parts? Also what about the strings and pulleys and gears those are made on site also? You also forgot how we've been recreating the engines since you seem to think they're the most advanced thing we can create when we've seem to be doing it out of out of apprentices without charts.
Dont let the bedkelps bite
What the fuck is your problem dude?
That's golden senpai
We have to have wheels
We have siege weapons like catapults and shit
So you guys agree with building fortifications and improving the steam engine to use coal right? So we can find out and someone can link the turn if we agree.
Simple catapults have no pulley system.
Armies always carry rope for the sake of siege craft and binding covers over travel wagons.
If you have prior knowledge of how to make a simple siege engine you 100% do not need to fuck around with diagrams to get one running.
If you create trains this early in the game, you're going to be out a multitude of turns for the fact of "We gets to go fastah" from one place to another, and provide no great benefit aside from the small chance that you don't happen to have an army at any given place, which considering the fact that clans have their own military forces ther's little to no fuck of a reason why you wouldn't have a boarder locked down like a clenched ass in case a fish pops out of the water.
You're not moving massive amounts of iron and copper to industrial smithies, you're not transporting massive amounts of wood to do literally anything, you're not even shuffling around rocks, and even if you were doing any of that it's not like that improved speed is going to do anything but give you an extra line of dialogue in a turn report that says "They did it fast because trains helped"

You're not getting any bonus from the fact a train even exists, and any competing kingdom would be better off letting you waste your time building autistic machines. The only reason I'm fighting against it is because the sheer amount of idiocy that comes out of letting a set of player build a train when that's a 1600's technology and we're still basic ass dirt people that only recently discovered we can wear things besides loin cloths and basket hats.

Stop fucking your own nation and actually be productive instead of putting yourself in a death spiral for the sake of getting one thing that doesn't make a damn difference in the slightest.
Using coal isn't really a tech
Just say improve it and also rather just coal or charcoal instead of wood
I can see the part about catapults but ballistas haven't been explained. You also once again didn't say how we have been recreating the engines. Also quit saying its all my idea when 2 other coppers already said they're cool with it and would build it if we could.
You're not even in our nation, fuck off and let us fail if you think it will. Sorry we rumbled your autism, jesus.
Aye, that's the plan, train ho
They just make them out of memory and practiced intuition. You seriously do not need a diagram to make any of the simple wooden war machines once you see how they're made first hand by a mentor.

And ballistas were probably never made on War Sites, as string isn't a common carry along. For sure trebuchets and catapults were though, all the way back to historical greek conflicts. ballistas in themselves were often only about as long as a man is tall in most historical cases anyway, so they were transported on wagon by most Roman Legions.

Well sorry I ranted on your autism too then.
Tech: Improve the steam engine so it becomes more efficient and powerfull while using coal as fuel.

Action: The copper clans are going to fortify their beaches so they will be prepared incase of an invasion by sea.

If I missed anything tell me guys.
Still haven't explained our engine. Also not even going to bother how we kept knowledge of the engineers tech all this time without writing like you say no one has,Without any of it being forgotten to time.
I dont give a shit
Fuck that response
A bit late for that now. There's always next turn.

Or a revision of recap post
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I said the engine...
>>>>>>>Have you seen a train steam engine
Well if there's an entire clan dedicated to engineering expertise and the clan have been in war for centuries before hand of course the practice of creating war machines would be in constant use.

As for your engine, it's just an engine. Steam itself only need a boiler and a piston to turn something. The complex part comes out of trying to move a bunch of things at the same time.

People frankly had steam power for a long, long time, but it was never useful until The Industrial Revolution.

I believe they used to use it to pump water out of caves while mining though.
Its the middle ages
If we dont have wheels we must be the most retarded humans to ever live on the planet.
Literally everyone will have like down syndrome and extreme retardation..
Still ignoring the steam engine issue which CAN NOT be made without diagrams. You're clearly dodging the flaw in your argument. Face it, you're wrong.
I'm not continuing this autistic argument until you can pull a reason for us having eons long memory and innate knowledge of mathematics, as well as the ability to build steam engines without knowing how to write, from somewhere other than your ass
its the middle ages, everyone fucks their cousin, we are all retarded
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Yeah, I have.
How would you make the rest of it though, we're in medieval times n shieeet
Also, in our turn picture inside the stalls you can literally see signs hanging from their ceiling inside. Not on top but inside the stall itself. You also just admitted yourself that steam power isnt that advanced which the coppers are already using it to move things around.
I said engine not controls

Get rekt :D
I'm not wrong just because you insist that I'm wrong.
If you're trying to hinge your argument on the fact that I said it'll be hard to write a diagram then you're avoiding the actual point all together.

The actual point is here.
Steam engines in themselves are not hard to make, but their application in mass movement is hard as balls to do without exploding.

Captcha: select all images of Train Stations
>coppers right after their unification against the orcs start arguing with eachother over what to do, with the golden at odds with the rest
>also arguing with bowties, a callback to their ancient rivalry since the island times

It's like pottery
So your controls are just gonna be rather your fire is going or not?
I mean if you want to go off the rails, do what you want, mate.
We can make a crude one
The one in >>258394
Has been perfected
We can make ours crude as fuck and but we will just need more crew

Like a team to shovel coal and another to use brakes..

You guys are real pessimists :D
Dont let your dreams be dreams
You're that same guy that wanted crossbows in The Tribal Stage, aren't ya?
We already off the fucking rails
More like you have no rails to begin with
And I mean that literally, no rails were invented yet.
>Off the rails
>Not having rails

Might as well be the same thing
This is what coppers actually believe
What do you think we've been doing this whole time upgrading them? Working on making the whole thing better as a whole. Just quit bothering us about our own tech in the future. If it works it works, if not then oh well we'll use our turns to fix it.
Well if that's what ya wanna do then that's what ya wanna do. I can't stop you lot, even though I really don't think a train fits the more medieval setting.

I only really wonder what incentives the clans have to build it at this point.
"gotta go fast"
But I thought addiction to speed was an ork thing!
It's secretly an addiction everybody has
I think speedy boats are a better idea.
Doesn't matter when we MURDER THE OCEAN
But even if we murder the ocean we'll still have to float on its corpse!
I've got a good idea. Why don't we drown the ocean?
Sink it like we did with the island
Good man, you're promoted
Have you guys noticed The Ocean is never sleeping?
Pretty creepy huh?
Exactly, this creepiness cannot stand.
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I heard the ocean is.... wet
that slut
So coppers I just want to fix our turn up
I think trains be too early since we need brakes and rails
we can instead use the new fast steam boats to ferry items. It also works better since it can deliver items to the golden maidens too.
Also I would like to help the bowtie war with rats
We can also pick up our golden maidens

Tech: Upgrade the steam engine to be more powerful and use pistons. Instead of using wood ,use coal

Action: Attack the rats with the bowties and the golden maidens. We use our siege and crossbows to destroy them from range since their muskets can't be too advanced.
>Its better down where its wetter
How did The Trees end out with a bunch of Maidens anyway?
They raided the maidens island
.. Some escaped and now the feminists in tree land are stronger..

The trees have some serious issues to deal with regarding the fairer sex
They kidnapped them during their raid on copper soil while the orcs were attacking
Yeah they always sorta have.
The funny part is historically speaking The Women they stole are probably anywhere between 1/6 and 1/2 tree tribe, since in the tribal days a lot of Tree Women were traded off to Coppers anyway.
It's the circle of life
Didnt most of those women or their decendants atleast move back to the treetribe during the war period the coppers just got out of?
Nah They were killed in the wars
Anyway we helping you with the rats if We vote on my turn >>258528
I wouldn't think so.
A lot of the women prayed to be sent to The Coppers because they weren't slaves.
I'd be surprised if you could have made a Tree Girl go home back then.
Oh my. That reminds me that The Trees don't have any boats.
You gonna do anything to them while their waters are empty?
Nah The elven women and copper maidens will attack them in guerrilla style
I'm amused at the fact that the sheer lack of melee weapons has made every conflict in The North only able to be solved by guerrilla conflict.
Maybe The Maidens will gift the knowledge of swords to The Elves.
It was just refugees that left to find a better life away from war.
Remember in the final battle almost all of our volunteers were former tree women just to fight the trees since they hated them?
I kinda want to raid them next turn.
Raiding them is pointless
They have nothing of value and we have better things to do
Just putting it out there, it would be mainly be in retaliation for attacking one of us while we were fighting orcs. That and we would get a load of women that would voluntarily leave with us if its done which would help the popuation.
Is there anything that helps population grow faster naturally?
Does food do that?
Food helps a bit like when you made the windmills and they gave you a larger population growth.
Food and mostly a prosperious period where things are going well. stable economy, no losing wars, wealth distributed among the social classes
Muskets and gunpowder Or some women who really want feminism and will probably form a new feminist wing inspired by the maidens...

We need to keep them contained
And no sea mosnters
Also good health practice, like vacines and a sewage system, trained doctors and measures to prevent epindemics
Attacking the rats inherently wont give anyone the ability to make or use gunpowder until we can actually find some rat chemists or something to teach us.
Unless we just use what we get off dead rats, but it's not like you can reverse engineer chemical compositions of powder.
Oh my fucking tree spirits, what are you doing?

Why would we intervene in a military affair when both our navy and internal security is compromised? Fuck the rats man, we don't need to look for trouble when we got plenty at home. Don't you realize all of our troubles are due to women?

> Feministfag coppers
> Rebellious Elves
> Sea Witch

And now we're supposed to help the ONE kingdom with a woman leader? I don't think so.

Our position should be strategically defensive, not offensive, Unfortunately, our policies towards women make too many enemies itself, so to protect our ideology its in our best interests to engage very little in foreign affairs.


I propose we either:
1. expand spy networks more
2. Implement harsher discipline amongst women. By the way OP, do we not threaten to cut womens tongues anymore, or is that not harsh enough to keep them in line?
3. We have the largest population, so we are naturally prone to rebellion and internal divisions. The only way to deal with it in national interests at heart is to negotiate with the rebellious women. If they truly are unwilling to negotiate, they are traitors and must justifily be killed, but otherwise they are free to negotiate terms limited within our societal structure.
6. Magic aint happening boys, its a wasted effort that gives our enemies tech turn advantages. I'm telling you, we gotta secure our sea border.

Please delete your suggestions linked to OP
We should just wait then, soon the women rebellion will explode and start a war in their lands anyways since they've been neglecting to get rid of it lately.

I hope for your sake you don't get two turns posted to Opee

Last time that happened for Bowties shit went sideways.
Thats exactly my plan.
we help attack the rats and steer clear of the treetards.

We build a alliance with bowties and soon gunpowder :D
You all do what you do.
I'm mainly in this Rat War to annex Ratlands.
PSSSSSSSSST you guys should archive the threads at http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Opee
I've been doing it but I am also still not caught up so all of the descriptions are crappy.
I still really dont want to deal with the rats though, or the bowties. I think they said they'd trade the powder though if they get it. I doubt it though as they wont be able to see what its made of just by messing with the rats powder. Also a war clear across the ocean would also be annoying to supply and then only engineers would participate anyways since the other clans dont like them.
How about a small taskforce to capture weapons and some rats to torture
We're not gonna be able to get Powder for ourselves until we actually conquer enough Rat Lands to start having them make it for us.
Then we'd be stuck like the bowties not being able to use them, and a bunch of rats who's language we probably dont know. I just feel it wouldn't be worth it to get involved over there since we cant recreate the powder.
I have no idea how that would turn out but its your plan not ours.
Maybe I could just talk to the rats and ask for gun knowledge
We're gonna make citizens out of them eventually.
This war is probably gonna be a bit of a long process.
I truly wish Opee wouldn't make it that easy.
But I know they probably would.
Unless the rats are just scared of other getting guns.
I don't know, literally nobody has put any research into trying to see if The Rats have a language, so I'm not sure why we could talk to them in the first place to establish embassies.
I would like to see that happen and the bowties reaction to it.
Well what should we do?
We have the tech action agreed on

We need a second action

maybe fortify the beaches
Maybe Build m0re farms
Maybe Scout for sulphur and saltpetre
I mean, we sunpeople must have done something right that they let us build an entire spa/embassy in their land
I was talking about the next turn this whole time, were you talking about this ones actions?
Create new thread guys.
Have you?
We can't tell, the closest we've ever gotten to communication has been violent biting and hissing about three centuries ago

You're not Opee
Only Opee is allowed such a power.
See >>251121
>Ambassadors were sent overseas by the shaman councils to sell their spas as embassies.
>They were allowed in the copper engineers' city, the Bowtie capital's red district, and the Ratfort
>and the Ratfort
>Bowtie Red District
I bet that means the whore houses.
Yeah well the train is guaranteed to make us lose engineer lives we need more pieces to make trains. Also we haven't placed rails....
Spas are already half brothels so yeah
Sex with rats
Were not doing it this turn, whats linked to it right is us upgrading our engine and to fortify the copper clans beaches right now. Also remember we already have the weaker engines built into boats so they'll get upgraded too.
I don't think I want to.
Rat orgy

Inside a huge steaming bath


Just imagine

Rat dicks and vaginas everywhere

The smell of rat semen mixed with the smell of wet rat

And the sounds the rat make

The unholy screams of pleasure

k, I'll stop

But think about it

About the wet slopppy sounds of rat bodies slapping against eachother when then bump uglies
This just in, suns are sexually attracted to rats. They never made an embassy, its just a giant brothel.
K, this is for realz this time

Alllll of our embassies are also spas and brothels. Where a client's sexual needs can be sated by an expert masseur named Eleanor or a massage expert named Tyrone
Nigguh, I know Tyrone, you got elves workin for you nigguh? Where da wit wimmin doe?
At the very pretegious and very exclusive "No Elves Allowed" lounge
Nice, I was saving them manually. Good job!
This just in
The southern degenerates get even more degenerate and order their women to engage in beastiality
Is it late to join the Trees by now?
they begging for more people
Alright, so I just make up a name and go for it then?
yeah just pick a name that includes something with elf or tree or whatever. something that shows you're from the treetribe
yep its easy
how could you be so degenerate
You are literally fucking rats....
Tree wall is actually great, keep everyone out until we've figured out how to deal with our own shit first.

Then I'd say building on the spy network's 2nd priority
just Imagine
I-I D-d-dont wanna
Imagine the glistering skin of the rats while they are enjoying our brothels
Imagine defeating the lich queen and giving her to the rats as payment
What are you, a sea lover???
Tree wall it is... I guess we can't help against the rart people.
Nah we don't need to, let's focus on our own country before branching out again.

We need time to rebuild the fleet anyway.
Just get your trees and shit in order
Morning, everyone.
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Imagination is a wonderful thing
I love to imagine
Don't we all
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imagination room.png
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Everybody's invited
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It's a mystery where the tree tribe's necks came from
More like where they vanished to.
Actually, they started out with no necks and somehow developed necks later. It's a mystery
Actually they started out with necks, then developed no necks, then developed beards.
I saw it happen!
We're a beautiful and mysterious kin
Ancient images unearthed from the ruins of the ancestral islands depict tree tribes with no necks dating back before the time that hey have necks
Maybe the neck gene just skips a generation.
Truly, a mysterious tribe
>tree tribe has no necks
>trees have no necks
What if Trees are mostly neck?
Holy fuck

You have stumbled upon ancient forbidden knowledge that is not meant for mortal minds
But do you know why kids love cinnamon toast crunch
No, not even the immortal know that.
All I know is how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop.
But what is so hot it's cool, so cool it's hot
You know to much.
But, what is cooler than cold?
Probably like, cold -1 or something.
Ice Cold?
Alright alright alright alright alright alright
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kill the sea.png
36KB, 800x600px

thankfully we have you bowties as our friends in this cause
We shall kill the sea together for its crimes.
If you find our ships while at it, let us know
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Will do
I bet Sea Bitch stole them.
She's a Pearl Digger if I've ever seen one.
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War Prisoners.png
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No mercy
Nooooo Not spongenigga!
We're going to waterboard all of bikini bottom
Time to waterboard those dirty seacreatures
Would that work?
Is the torture part when we don't pour water on them?
Looks like guatamano bay bowtie edition.
The Queen's dungeon

But who is archiving the memes, and where?
The memes belong to the memevoid now
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Some cool facts
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got ya covered
This whole game is a ploy to fill Opee's meme folders with inside jokes.
Yo, take a dump. I mean, dump the... You know what I mean.
Soon Opee will morphm into his true form: Memelord Opee
Not The Memes!
Not The Original Dankness!
Got most of the art of the first civ in a folder including the memes
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This is what has become o0f me....
His meme is too supreme! We can only scream.
Still no necks
I smell a TOP MEME cooking
You almost look like a fishpeople
Why are the treepeople niggers now. Weren't they treehugging hippies that beat their wives?
I lost my Cult Civ Memes folder between last edition and now because new computer.
PLus Opee was trying to make them look sorta kinda like vikings with their ships n shieet
I could dump them tomorrow if you want.
They've always been big while dudes with no necks to me.
I think all this niggerocity is just newest propaganda.
Guess we ran out of native treepeople to beat our wives so we had some imported.. Maybe?
let slip the memes of war



it's just this guy. I aint even saving his poor quality memes
>I aint even saving his poor quality memes

Damn, stone cold.
>stone cold
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I remember this
I'm laughing so hard I can't breath, holy shit
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niggers beat their wives too.
also, you know what else climbs trees? Monkeys. Case and point. >>261700
Fish people wish they had elongated penises
>1082 Replies
We hit bump limit a long time ago.
We must be like on page 9 or something.
Turns out it's 5 apparently. According to the counter on my end.
When will we vanish, Sun-Kun?
What time does the game start again?
When the memes run out
Whenever Opee does turns most of the time is when action debate starts.
We're always sorta just here otherwise.

So never!
bumpity boo
Is the almighty Opee eu or na?
He's French
Should be back tomorrow around the usual time he starts.
Neat, thanks.
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I just personally believe that at least one race should at LEAST be asian or sum shiet
The oranges are kinda sorta jap inspired
>Not realizing were as japanese as you can get.
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Apparently, We wuz VIKINGZ N SHIEEEET
>no sudokus
>no katanas folded over wan mirrion tiems
not quite there yet
Could be worse, we could've had necks.
What would you guys even be considered aztecs? The bowties seem to be the Europeans.
I'm not actually sure which real life culture we're supposed to resemble. Kinda sorta aztecs, we got pyramids and stuff.

Bowties are definitely the Europeans though, even got knight armors
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Then why don't they look like thiiiiis.
Too obvious, Opee is a subtle memelord
i thought this was top kek but whatevs
Well Coppers did invent swords.

Bowties are pretty Monarchical Euro
Suns look pretty Greek, but act like Tibet
Trees are mostly Native Americans, such as Cherokee.
Coppers are pretty obviously Feudal Japan, but have yet to declare an emperor or Shogun.
Post Test
for some reason my posts don't seem to go through on my end.
Ohp, never mind there it is.
Oh, but Coppers could also be China.
The only identifiers we have to their inspiration is the fact that they have patty hats and are clans after all.

For all we know The Warlords could turn full Qin dynasty on the others and declare their head The Emperor.
Well that almost happened but then the orcs ruined any plans for that.
Hope they have enough ambition to go around
Hey man, The Mongolians came knocking at China's door and that didn't stop them for too long.
If History repeats itself The Qin should be popping up any day now.l
Hey, The Orcs came by boat, right?
That must mean they came from The North.
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It's been fun guys
Thanks for making my life better for a few days
>quitting game
>not needed in game
>opinion is redundant
>newfagging too much
thanks again... good luck I suppose.
Hey see ya man.
Thanks for the laughs. Hope to see you later on down the road.
Your memes...end here
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See ya dude

This is the best goodbye I could make.
Nonecked treepeople are the best
Only good tree person
Is a drowned Tree person (preferably from an island sinking)
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I have returned from the dead to kill this here nigga
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we have necks
That's your nipple
Sir "if it has a stick give it a kick" anonymous
Sir "Elves should go kill themselves" Anonymous
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What biatch?
>he doesn't know about the double nips
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Sir "if it lives in a tree never set it free" anonymous
Sir "Killing spree among the trees" Anonymous
This is why we need that wall

No one else understands us.
Not even your wimmyn
mfw its a wall to keep the thieves and degenerates in

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How long has this been a thing by the way

And when does new civs enter?
This is the second season, started in about end of May i think. New civs enter when opee wants them too. Last time orange was made because there was too many players and no free slots.
Who's ready for their plans to backfire?
Naw I'm real excited for our wall of trees to fall in love with our wimmen and enslave us all.
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Keep all the sex money in*
You didn't draw the part where they're building a rebellion in the background.
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feels good to be copper
Didn't draw no rats either
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Sweet ignorance
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Treefags, when will they learn?
hahaha oh wow, this is top tier
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you should do one for all clans
>most technologically advanced
Hahahaha you're joking right?
You don't even have bows

Also the coppers are your friends aren't they?
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Sure, why not.
This was made by bowties during the island days when coppers were just introduced and haven't done much yet
The suns are a very consistent people it seems
At the time that was made, Bowties were undeniably the most advanced. And Bowties have always been at war with Coppers.
We've never been friend with the bowties ever since the island days.
There was this very temporary truce that ended with the sinking of the island
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They come for the wymmin
hey, in our defence how could we have known that we'd be the ones sinking the island
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They're still a bunch of wussies envious of our superior technology (and walls).
Fighting on the beaches is highly patrician
damn you're right
And here I thought you were friends
what do you mean you guys don't sit in the spa all day?
And here we are with our superior nippon tech, gotta give credit for the wall though. Since it seems you're people are good at making trump walls whenever you feel threatened.
We sometimes bathe
In our own blood
and in orc blood
and soon.. Treetard blood
Stop swimming in period water
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Hard to do one for the Suns when they did nothing but build spas the whole time.
well i mean, you're not wrong
The coppers think they mate with rats but yeah...
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10/10 would sink an island again
Walls, Clothes, and Full Plate Armor.
We may have image issues.
What are you talking about? We have clothes and plate armour also,although our plate is built to just cover certain parts unless your a maiden.
I thought you all still wore robes and wrappings.
I considered those to be clothes in our culture like in ancient japan. Just like the suns sort of have togas while you guys wear those dapper suits.
Well yeah, it's just that Bowties have finely made clothes, more advanced things like shirts, jackets, pants, ect, all because we put tech into inventing it.
So while every nation does have their own means of making clothes, Bowties likely make the best and widest array of clothing options.

In a lot of ways Bowties are to art and personal comforts the same as Coppers are to machines and metal.
We dont actually wear clothes. They're just extantions of our bowties
But do they have hats made of leaf?
Those are sooooo last season
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Opee said we were lacking in the memes department compared to the previous civ
Sun trube has the best memes
Artists are sparce in the Elfland right now
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Wheres this artist

I miss these pics
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when the trials to the promised land are too hard
Lost in the waifu wars
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this artist was great too are you still here artbro? if so, thanks for your contributions to the last civ!
next thread when
When Opee comes around.
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this expands the dong
This is what happens if you leave us alone for to long opee, please save us.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm IMAGINE
But we are not in danger, friend
We must invade The Rat Lands.
This counts as Monster Girls.
No, go with it.
In danger of becoming Rat Fuckers.
No more

The coppers are not degenerates

but coppers were emos who cut themselves
It was ritual scarring and its COOL YOU CASUAL
Yeah but c'mon, there's gonna be at least one dude who cut it in the shape of a penis.

Plus self inflicted scars are way less cool than actual battle scars
Do they still do that?
Will we one day have a bunch of Copper Yakuza that are covered in scars?
After the orcs and the 3 clans wars I think almost every soldier would have battle scarring from all the fighting. Also surgery scars from the surgeons.
yeah they still scar themselves.
Muh Heritage
Of course we scar ourselves like the maori

Not having scars is beta
k emo
k emo
k emo
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k emo
Savages can't into culture
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Since when THE FUCK do we have necks?
Innaccurate post.
No necked tree hippies truly are a blessing
k emo
k emo
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Watch it betas
k emo
there's nothing gay about two dudes being manly and wrestling eachother
See this guy's ok
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I reworked the old one
Alright, buddy. The moment you start manipulating my own memes against me, it's official meme warfare.
I was just updating it :DD
Bring out the memes
I really think we need a new nation to pop up to take all the other posters who want to join
nah they can shit it up in tree nation, they're empty anyway
There was 60 posters in this thread
maybe 20 of them are the same
so like 40 people for 4 clans ....
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Go back to your shithole, copperboi.
Fresh memes :DDD
tfw even though we're bros we're still in shit tier. also how can you even question our loyalty to the sun
You kinda stopped laying naked in the sand and staring at it, over the years. Shameful, really.
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reminder that we've got this now
>Natural-born warriors
>Saviours of human race
Gets raped by rats

>Gods' chosen people
Gets raped by rats

>State-of-the-art engineers
I did >>265915
you do realise one of their gods is the eternal queen. they are literally chosen by their gods.
If she had her way. She'd be the only god.
Perhaps we'll kill their queen

But she actually causes more problems for them alive
You do realise the Goddess is literaly imortal, right?
If she gets killed shell come back, on her own or in due to another necromancer
We could do other things than kill then

I think the other necromancer part bringing her back implys that it would take years for her to reform back naturally.
not to mention the severe lack of necromancers, due to a certain
Give her to us and we'll make a real wimman out of her
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Like this?
What if this whole time skeletons were her fetish and thats why she has so many of them.
You can't even control your own women. How are you gonna deal with an amazing immortal much queen.
The same way they did the last time a powerful immortal woman came to them
become her bitch?
Anyone know if opee is continuing today?
No idea
We might never know
Probs not
Its already 8...
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Meanwhile, in a parallel universe
Imagination is a powerful thing
so is the game over?....
only this thread. now we wait for part 3
No just no updates on wednesday and opee is sick and forgot to update yesterday. Its just been on pause for a couple of days.
So quest is dead and so is Opee..
check twitter
Whats his twitter...
Thread posts: 1262
Thread images: 99

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