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Blacksmith Quest: Part 3

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Thread replies: 121
Thread images: 20

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Dvorak the Dwarven Blacksmith and Adlap the Elven Enchantress stand at the end of the Abandoned Mine right outside of Drump City. They've finally washed Potato Sack Jerry, so that he doesn't stink anymore. He's still sitting outside the cave in the water basin, tripping on the not-quite-hyper-addictive Vub Berry Duck Soap. Now only a lingering odor sits at the front of the cave.

It's kinda dark in here. Adlap casts a light spell. There's some wooden support beams in front of them, a spooky skull off to the side, and what looks like some half-buried mine tracks up ahead.

Adlap complains that the cave is probably dangerous from being abandoned so long, probably from monsters inside and also from collapsing.

Previous thread: >>184063
Make post on town bulletin board requesting adventures to clear out the mine of hostiles with a reward of a free +2 modifier to any item.
Go to sleep and worry about that tomorrow.

When you wake up, upgrade dat ass to +5: >>206820
Keep advancing inside
Upgrade Adlap's face to a +3 at least. She looks like she was beaten with a +10 ugly uprooted tree.
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Dvorak's majyck chisel is out of charges for the day! It gains another charge tonight at midnight.

It's only 2pm!

Dvorak is having trouble deciding: go post a notice at the public board at Flub Pub, or venture deeper and rely on her hammer and Adlap's magick?

Basically, should she stay or should she go? If she stays there might be trouble, but if she goes there might be uh... no trouble?
Also, Adlap might take offense and turn her into a dung newt!
Lets go deeper.
Let's post a note and have a drink as well.
I think Adlap is cute.

The votes are still even, 2 for going inside and 2 for going to the pub to do something else!

Somebody roll 1d2:

1: Dvorak and Adlap go inside, braving the dank darkness of the Abandoned Mine, and seeing what lies ahead.

2: Dvorak and Adlap head back to the pub and put up a note asking to hire adventures! (Note that Dvorak only has 56 coins left, and adventures will probably want to get paid, so D&A probably have to make some money just in case.)
Let's go in ourselves. The notice is devious but it will waste all our upgrade slots, be hard to judge who gets the reward, and we'll lose loot and EXP!
Votes are uneven now.

Okay, tie broken! We'll do that!

Go in with Adlap. If we encounter anything too difficult for us, let her be the one to die to it.
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Dvorak and Adlap move into the cave.

The natural cave thins for a bit and then opens up into an area that seems to start the manmade section.

Dvorak and Adlap come upon an opening where there is a dug in area. In the centre of the wall, there seems to be a bit of ore left. There are two chests in the inset area, a left one and a right one.
Whack each with your hammer. I'm betting mimics.
Open the chests without smacking them. I am sure these are just normal, non-trapped/monster chests. Stick your head really close to the crack of the chest to try to immediately get a peek at what's inside.
Rolled 10 (1d10)

If it comes to a stand-off between this and the above post, I'm rolling now.
10 outta 10
Check if the chests are breathing or making noises on their own as well.
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The 10 wins it!

Dvorak and Adlap open the left one first, getting their faces as close to the chest as possible before opening it.

It's a box full of ore! Iron ore if the rusty smell in the air is any indicator!

Or maybe the rusty smell is coming from the other container? "Smells a bit like blood, doesn't it?" quips Adlap.

The other container looks completely harmless. Dvorak and Adlap prepare to put their faces as close as possible to the opening.

There is a gurgly drippy sound coming from somewhere. It gets louder as D&A approach the other chest.
It looks sexy. Use your boobs to seduce the box. Acquire pet mimic... err... I mean, pet completely non-suspicious box.
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Introduce hammer to gurgling box. Preemptive roll I guess
Rolled 10 (1d10)

I found the Dice God, guys.
Based BHxTLBah
Fun fact:
I was the one who got us our +5 butt (still waiting on that) and boobs.
Wonder if it can mimic armor, then maybe we could wear it?
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Dvorak strikes a pose for the ages, taking inspiration from all those pseudo-pornographic scrolls from that far eastern country that Adlap keeps under her bed and totally thinks are still a secret from Dvorak.

The boob magic makes her pose extravagant and supernaturally endearing, even causing Adlap's heart to go doki-doki.

The totally harmless chest doesn't respond. D&A aren't moving any closer to it, but the goopy drippy sound is still getting louder.
Your in a cave... and you are a dwarf... smash it with a rock
>those heart shaped pupils
>dat adorable pose
It was all worth it in the end. Pack it up boys, we've won this quest.

Begin to get teary-eyed, look at Adlap, and say "It didn't work. That mimic doesn't even care". Hopefully she's the type of anime nerd that will take charge, seeing how that mimic just made a cute girl cry.
why you hatin' on adlap
Rolled 2 (1d10)

I don't hate on Adlap, I just know that if sacrifices have to be made, it shouldn't be us dying.

I'ma preemptively roll again for tie breaker if it happens. Inb4 the nat 1.
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Being a dwarf in a cave, Dvorak throws a rock at it, it bonks off the top and the totally harmless chest opens up...

It has a sack with 20 coins and a ring with an inset gem. Adlap, with her enchantment skill, notices that the gem is an enchantment of discguise!

It appears to be a chest that was disguised as a mimic to ward off people who might try to take it's treasure.

But there's no water or anything. Where's that drippy sound coming from?

(last post for the day, be back tomorrow)
i for one would die for our homely elf waifu
>But there's no water or anything. Where's that drippy sound coming from?
Adlap's panties. Our seductive form was too effective.

Wink at Adlap and say "What? Did I lay it on too thick?". Gotta give your partner some fanservice.
Shit dude.
Smooth as hell.
Do the ass upgrade
did I lay it on too thicc
Shame we're out of charges, coulda been funny

Ask Adlap if she has an echolocation magic and use it to find a water source. Or if there's no such nonsense as echolocation magic, do it the old fashioned way try to use your ears to feel where the dripping sound comes from
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Asking about the dripping sound, Dvorak points at Adlap's crotch and asks if she laid it on a little too thick.

Adlap is slightly offended by the suggestion that her loins are so naturally lubricated in preparation for sex that they're dripping through her pants and onto the ground. She responds with a cordial "shut up, shorty!"

Dvorak then asks if Adlap knows any dowsing spells or anything to find the source of the drip. Adlap, still pouting, says pretty much all she knows is Detect Enchantment, Detect Birds, Astral Honk, and Magic Mizzile.
Look up
Um...how about you just look up?
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Dvorak and Adlap both notice the dripping coming from above. They look up.

A cave slime is crawling on the roof above them, it's tendrils reaching out at Dvorak!

It drops off the roof and lands on Dvorak's head! She screams and scratches at it. The nucleus lazily munches at her hair, probably thinking it's some sort of snack.
Drink the slime. You haven't eaten all day, this will be good for your nutrients.
Rolled 82 (1d100)

Cast Glock.
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Dvorak purses her lips and sucks up the Slime goo, not having eaten all day. It tastes like lukewarm dirt and intestinal juices. Adlap makes a kinda gross "why are you doing that" face.

The Slime is terrified, having been subjected to the ultimate body horror: being eaten alive while still concious and aware of what's happening.

Dvorak's face and scalp begin to tingle as the slime juices begin to digest her head.
Rolled 41 (1d100)

Since it's core is right on top of her head, head bang the wall, or just reach up and pluck the core out of the goo.
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Dvorak is a little reluctant to aim a weapon at her head, even one where she doesn't know how it works. Speaking of which, this thing is kinda like a crossbow, right?

(This is the last post for the night, vote overnight on what Dvorak should do!)
What are we doing to this poor creature?
So the slime juices are acidic, I take it? Do we still have any soap with us to maybe cancel that out?
Seconding this.
Finish eating it, save the core
This is an enemy we can literally eat for breakfast just scrape the damn thing off.
Intimidate the slime. Join or die
Voting for this
Threaten it. Join or die
stop samefagging.
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Stop it. (You)
I think it's his first time on 4chan. He doesn't seem to know what IDs are.
Jump now that we aren't in danger of suffocating. That, or....begin headbanging violently, unleash your inner metalhead.
This is an awesome suggestion. Tell adlap to take care as well, we don't want to stain our elf.
I never got why people sometimes write (You) within their posts. What is this supposed to mean? Is it just to confuse people?
If you see someone quoting your post on mobile it says (You) next to the post number.
Yeah, but then why is (You) written in your actual post? I get it when it's red and next to the post numbers, that's automatic, but I don't see why it was where it was in your post. You weren't responding to me, it wasn't next to your post numbers, and it wasn't red. It seems to me that you must have written it, so why? Am I missing something here?
It's some kind of shitty meme, that I'm pretty sure came from /r9k/ or /b/ or something, but I'm not quite sure what it means either
It means that anon is being called out for samefagging
Usually to call out shitposting.
Ended up being out late, no update tonight lads/lasses.

See you tomorrow!
I wonder, if we upgrade our hair to fix the damage the slime is doing to it, will future hair growth also be upgraded, or will it only effect the hair we currently have?
RIP thread?
>one off from
Op here, nah, I'll be on in a bit.
post never ever
>a bit

OP, I really really love this quest, but this one or two posst every four days business is not very cool. Also this not having a twitter business isn't either, because it means I'm never on in the few hours every few days you are

plz fix oh-pee
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Looks like finish eating slime came first, followed by soap to cancel the acid.

Dvorak slurps up the rest of the slime on her head, until the slime fits into her hand. It takes a minute or two to consolidate all the slime from around her head, but she does it.

Dvorak offers Adlap some slime. "It doesn't taste terrible, kinda like dirt and acid."

Adlap declines, and mentions Dvorak's hair.

Dvorak says "my hair? what about it?"
My bad, senpai

I was gonna make an excuse about my work schedule, but basically I'll try and update more. Also, I run another quest called piglass quest, and the twitter for that is @pl_quest. I'll just use it for blacksmith quest too.
Get angry and squish the slime. Then ask Adlap to shave the rest of your head. Better bald than... that.
Ask for some of hers
This gives you a business idea: slime based hair care products. Contract an alchemist to create shampoo slimes.
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Dvorak squashes the slime in a rage! How dare it eat her hair?!?!

Dvorak asks if Adlap can shave her head? Adlap says they didn't bring any shaving supplies, but that she could take her to a barber. Dvorak asks if she can have some of Adlap's hair? Adlap says no, but we can go run by the shops to pick up a wig or maybe a headscarf. Since Dvorak is a dwarf, Adlap says, her natural hair should regrow pretty quick.

Dvorak isn't sure if "care" is the correct term to describe what has happened to her hair. Although where there's a will, there's a profit.

We have a ring of disguise, so let's just slip that baby on and disguise our head to have hair. We should press on in the mine and see if there's anything else worth checking out.
Afterwards we can have a relaxing girls day out with Adlap. Get our hair did, manipedi, forge some swords, the usual.
I ended up updating late, and now I can't finish this current panel because I keep dozing off. I'll be on most of the day tomorrow and we'll have a proper update then.
Because some people (I sure do it) will do a ctrl-f for "(you)" which let's them quickly and easily flip through any replies they've gotten.

Typing out a "(you)" in your post fucks with people that do that.
Neat, I'll be sure to keep an eye on it
Enter mine.
Well let us continue onward. What's the worst that could happen?
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Dvorak has an idea. "Oh, I can put the ring on to disguise my jacked up hair!"

She takes the ring and slips it on her finger.

Adlap tries to clarify, "it's not a ring of DIS-guise, it's a ring of DISC-guise...", but it's too late.

Dvorak takes the illusory form of a dwarf-sized stone disc. She would totally blend in if they were like in a wheel factory or something.


Dvorak and Adlap press deeper into the cave. It's pretty deep, but for the most part uninteresting. There are some more excavated areas, but none with any interesting loot.

At the end of the tunnel, the cave opens up into an excavated area, but this one is different. There are candles along the wall, and in the darkness at the end, there seems to be a simple altar with a spooky statuette at the end.


If Dvorak upgrades her scalp, it would probably be permanent. But her magic chisel is out of charges for the day, and upgrading won't repair broken stuff. Dvorak doesn't have any supernatural repair items, although she can repair metal stuff the mundane way if she brings it to her workshop.
immediately desecrate the altar with reckless abandon.
Have Adlap Detect Enchantment on the spooky statuette.
Steal all the candles. Question how they came to be lit.
Ask adlap if she can figure this stuff out while we look around
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Dvorak asks if Adlap will Detect Enchantment on the statuette. Adlap says she's way ahead of you.

The statuette isn't enchanted, but the candle sticks seem to have some small enchantments to keep the candles lit forever.

Dvorak jumps up on the altar and walks all over it with her dirty boots. She pushes the statue of Chunt off the altar, and it lands with a thunk in the dirt.
split the candles between the two of you, then search the altar for hidden switches.
Check out that chunt
>some small enchantments to keep the candles lit forever.
Jesus christ we've obtained an infinite energy source already. Steal the fuck out of those candles.
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Dvorak and Adlap give the altar a patdown, looking for hidden things. No switches or secret panels or drawers. Although, despite the lack of enchantments, it does have some sort of holy or unholy aura. But with the statue of Chunt knocked off, it's just a normal unaligned footprint-covered altar.


The statue of Chunt lays face down in the dirt. Adlap notes that Chunt was an old devil who was rumored to give people really nice toe hygiene in exchange for their souls. Scholars agree that this is kind of a dumb thing to trade for one's soul, but apparently Chunt had a pretty large following at one time.

Chunt, along with many other pagan gods were banned by the King after the Religion Crisis 10 years ago.

When D&A takes off the candles from the candlesticks, the candles go out. It appears the candlesticks are actually the ones with the enchantment.
then take the candlesticks. or pull one like a lever to open up a secret passage, whatever.

otherwise this is a dead end, so we loot the sticks, ore and the mimic mimic chest and get outta here.
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D&A pull on all the candlesticks and no secret doors open. They take all the enchanted candlesticks and leave the unaligned altar desecrated and the Chunt statue laying face down in the dirt.

They reach the end of the cave. The sun is getting low, it seems to be about 6 pm.

They bring the stuff and the two chests up to the entrance and load em on the cart. PSJ seems to have wandered off, and the two girls dump the Vub Berry water out in the woods, and load the empty tub into the back of the cart as well.

Should they bring their stuff back to the smithy? Or go somewhere else?
smithy sounds good. you can divvy up the loot there.
Yeah, do it
butt in the morning, don't forget about the +5
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Dvorak and Adlap head back to the Smithy and dump the contents of the cart on the floor of their stockroom. They have two new chests, a pile of 20 iron ore (which Dvorak estimates should become 4 iron ingots), and 4 enchanted candlesticks. Adlap looks up the enchantments on the candlesticks in her enchantment tome, and notes that it's a kind of common enchantment, but they could still fetch a good bit of money if they decide to sell them. They decide to have the items belong to the enterprise and they'll divide the profit as they sell the stuff/use it.

Dvorak is still bummed about her hair. It's 7pm by the time they get back and have everything sorted out, but Drump City does have a decent night life if they want to go get some stuff done. Adlap votes to stay in for the rest of the night: she's got some slice-of-life scrolls from the far east to read. Also, on the counter, there are some crafting requests that customers put in throughout the day, if they want to knock some of those out.

I'll let the +5 go, but I think we should stick to rolling as Dvorak is doing the upgrade. Keep things in the moment, you know? Also, so people don't do rolls between sessions and assume bad ones don't count since the quest isn't currently going.
By let it go do ya mean count the +5 but put that rule in for future stuff? That's fair enough
Also, voting to do those crafting jobs
Yeah, we can do the +5, although I might throw in an extra little challenge roll in the moment since it's a hard place for her to reach.
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Dude I'm fresh from the Kara thread I don't think I could deal with that
Fuck, Jara thread
See what I mean, I'm shit at stuff
What the fuck?
jesus christ bananas, that should be less likely than 1 in 30 million
I'm serious, what the fuck happened here >>227570?
Dang, is that from the part 6 thread? I knew Jara threads were cursed, but that roll is crazy.
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Dvorak looks at the three requests.

There's a request for a simple mundane Iron Greatsword. Dvorak would probably knock that one out without Adlap. It would cost about 2 iron ingots to finish, and net you two 20 coins.

There's also a request for a Silver Amulet of Minty Breath. This would mostly be something for Adlap. It would be pretty simple for Dvorak to push out an amulet base, and there is scrap silver around the workshop she can use. This would net about 25 coins.

Finally, there's a request for an Iron Shield of Fart Smell. This would probably require equal amounts of effort from Dvorak and Adlap, and Dvorak would require a single iron ingot. This would net about 50 coins.

Only Dvorak and Adlap can each only do one job at a time, and they wouldn't be able to finish the whole thing tonight.
Let's do the Greatsword and the Amulet.
I don't want that shield traced back to us, as an item like that can only be used for evil.
I agree, the amount of dosh paid for the minimal effort is suspicious too
4th-ing, implying that makes a difference at all
I like this, this is nice.
We're in autosage, please make new thread
Gonna be out late tonight, I'm gonna update (and make a new thread) tomorrow.
I sure hope.
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