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an actually 'hard' civ evo part IV

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okay so welcome to part 4 of this civ evo, the last time gator humanoids attacked and the water trolls found small smart monkeys...

>pick a tribe (no more then 4 members)
>choose up to 5 actions/cultural things
>the more things you choose the smaller the chance of succeeding is
>every turn is 1 month
>you can expand your land but it will take 2 turns for 1 patch of land, after getting that piece of land i will be randomizing the resources
>you can place a town and later expand it to a city if you have enough citizens
>survive and have fun

ask me anything you want to know about the tribes and stuff! also advice is very welcome!!
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okay so last time a drought began, all the rivers, lakes and sea's are poisoned by a new deadly virus, act fast ;)
Action: Build roads connecting the capital and the city next to the trade town together.
Action:Explore sector 17

I agreed this. We need a proper clean water fast!
after the summer I will post a new BIG event....muahahahaha
Yeah, we don't have wells though, but we do a mountain, natural reservoirs are sometimes found inside mountains but thats too much of a gamble I think.

We also have alcohol, and plenty of jungle fruits to make booze with. I believe throughout most of the middle ages nobles and royalty drank more mead than water because it was cleaner.
We will build a dedicated water purification chamber in our cities. We will collect water and deliver them to this facility via wooden barrels. The body of the filter itself will be built with a metal tank made out of the black metal. Inside it will hold a layer of different materials to filter the water. Finer sand on the top layer, rough sand on the middle layer, pebbles in the bottom layer and multiple layers of fiber sheets at the very bottom. At the bottom of the tank is funnel shaped with a metal drain (solid metal poked with small holes) with a metal lid at the very tip where the water comes out. The filtered water then drips on tubes and is pushed by gravity and poured to a large sealed metal cauldron where it is boiled. Water vapor will travel to a series of wooden tubes where the water drips and collected in wooden barrels. These barrels of purified water are then delivered to each Gnoll homes. Travellers will be given glass or wooden bottles of purified water on their travels.

We will forbid any gnolls from directly touching (without proper water-proof protection) or directly drinking on any bodies of water found inside and outside of the tunnel.

Maybe we can make our own variation of grogs but with lemon/lime juice, cinnamon and less alcohol (to prevent from getting too drunk).
are there any lurkers that would like to join the water troll tribe???
Action: I think we make our slave gnolls drink the water and do tests on them to find a cure..
Action: Make beer with our grain and fermentation tech
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we do
Tech:Water storage (clay pots)
Action:Boil All drinking Water
Tech: Research wells and dig large holes in every town and city to get water from using wells.
Tech: Add the alcohol we fermented earlier to water/juice from crushed fruits to make weak alcoholic drinks - ciders mead etc. - Distribute it amongst the towns for people to drink.
>Implying being drunk all the time is a problem

Action: Boil Water before Consumption.
Tech: Combine Bat guano and The smelly spring powder with coal to make GUNPOWDER
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Send 101 gnolls to the 3rd island and build city there.
Send boats to explore the sea caves on the southern island.
Scout the 3rd region of the 2nd island.
okay so after this turn I will post a really big event, prepare yourself cuz it gonna be brutal

Fudge! Gator!
I'm going to guess it's a natural disaster like an Earthquake or a huge volcanic eruption which I'm going to guess is that small island at the center.
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okay no drawings this time, but within 10 min i will be posting the event
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Did they die from the virus or the alcohol?
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o oops forgot to delete that
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big earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis have changed the continent drastically. each nation has 2 cities that have not been destroyed. ruins of settlements are scattered around the place, if you succeed to rebuild a ruin you are rewarded with people and tech... the nations still have their knowledge but may not have every resource they had before... you should probably start by rebuilding the destroyed houses as around 30% of your population are homeless... this is the beginning of a new era!!
I knew it.
Well, partially. Didn't expect a disaster of this magnitude.
What are the grey lines across some region borders?

Also can we get a rundown of what tech we still have, number of ships etc?
Mountain ranges I assume
ravines and sure I will make a list
everyone has at least 10 ships or so (if they had any) you have all your knowledge, you still have enough farmland to not die, you have small amounts of resources like metal and you will have to start a mine again to get it (gnollish town are 30% destroyed due to earthquakes) you still have almost all of your animals. you have a small amount resource that are exclusive to one region if you don't have that region anymore. hope this clarifies everything a little bit
Do we have to scout a region with a ruin first or can we send people there right away?
WE LOST 10 REGIONS AND 300 PEOPLE but lizards lost less
Send 200 Snakin east of our main city to colonize that zone.

Send Most of our ships to the marked island to colonize it, holding 200 Snakin.
You made gunpowder
You caused this
Action: Recolonise Karth which is next to Trinston.
Action: Recolonise the ruins nearest to our Western City.
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Send X number of gnolls here. (see pic)
Rebuild the tunnels.
you can first arrive in the ruins then rebuild them (if you want) and then colonize the region or the other way around
what is the marked island?
Action: Rebuild Newhaven and Edginton.
Action: Fix/use ostrich plows to fast farm the land we have and be more efficient compared to other civs.
Action:Explore the land directly south of my Capitol with the ravine.
edginton it your capital right?
Fine. Keep it.
then trinston will colonize it
Newhaven is my Capitol. That's when I got here but I guess I would like to rename the Capitol to Radishia and Edginton to Edgeville. I'll be making my own map with city names and resources per tile.
but you meant the cities not the ruins right?
Implying You have my war tech
implying you will attack us
Yes I'm renaming the town and city I currently still have. If they are ruins then I am covering that in my action cause I am rebuilding what I have.
You don't want to make that bet
You really don't wanna make that bet

(ask sprinting tunnel mouse why)
what is the marked island?????
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just too late... well i gave you something you like i hope
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Yeah that's a good enough trade.

More cat people teasers eh?
Action: Recolonise the city to the North west of our Capital of rome.
Tech: Blunderbuss
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if you have explored a ruin the dots will turn black,
trinston went to a radish ruin and found 40 radishes there (they will be send back next turn) they also rebuilt their city and their walls
Rebuild both ruins.
Start fishing the sea with fishing baskets and plant fiber nets.
Action: Explore the ruins south of my capitol.
Action: begin farming the plains on the ravine tile.
Action: Rebuild wells.
Sail to the island I neglected to specify last turn.

Rebuild the town on the mainland

Maybe we can declare the ruin as holy site of feline faith.

Plus it possibly boost our spirits that is currently Meh.
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Holy shit...! That pretty much explain why we worship the cats.... That is one of the greatest discovery of Snakins history!

We must declare this cat city as either our new capital city or holy city!
Act: Colonize the region we've sailed to and start rebuilding the ruined town there.

Culture: The feline city is a holy place, as are all its artifacts. Snakin should make a pilgrimage once in their life there. Every year a festival is held at the end of summer where the people wear the ''Kawai cat ear'' helmets.

The best monks are armed with the superior claw weapons.
That would count as two acts though I suppose, don't colonize the region yet, just rebuild the town.
Explore ruins at north from us.>>199869
And build city between Our provinces.
That sounds a bit like islam m8 be careful
Action: I would like to rebuild the ruins. This is a great discovery.
Action: Explore ruins in the land mass south of the map.
Action: mine the ravines to find the ores we once had and hopefully find new ones as well.
Action:Go recolonise the Our port fort. The one that was a conquered town of the Gnolls.
Action: Retake the region to the south of Rome
Wait what? Who are you?
Thats a water troll city mate See>>199681
I was thinking more along the lines of a massive carnival once per year, and solitary pilgrimages, but yeah I see the similarities now.
Explore the rebuilt regions.
Build railway networks inside the tunnels using the black metal and wood.
Lurker from last thread.
what is your idea?
The post above yours. >>199912
What did you end up doing with the 150 snakin you found? Are they slaves now?
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Shhhh no they just residents of the town
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So they can't settle that close to our capital city?
omg you almost were the 200000st lol, no they can but you can see each other on a clear day... I was just saying it since im predicting another war
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Oh my masked God..
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trinston sailed to the island in the north-west and built a small fort there with 50 soldiers
(the other town is also a small fortress with around 50 soldiers) we also started to train the small monkey race to be assassins
That was 200000st post.
This is really cool to watch.
you can also join tho
Since another Gnoll player is here, I'll post my proposal first before we make an official decision.

We should begin exploring the island between two of our settlements.

Also we should try making weapons and armor from the black ore soon. Make them them thinner than usual to compensate for the weight. It'll probably make for a good mace, hammer or axe.

>Monkey Assassins
That is not cute at all...

We should send out scouts to unknown regions in the mainland.
Pick a team to join then change your name into something related to your chosen team.
Action: Excavate/research the ruins.
Action: Make a new town close to the ruins and move 80 radish there. (I want to keep the ruins intact)
Tech: Use our farmed cotton from the plains and feathers from our ostriches to create parkas for the cold.
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Ok so i'm back guys.
I see we had "reset" here. Big tsunami etc.
Can you add colors to legend on map?

Action: Create jewelry from shiny ore
Action: Create weapons (mace, two handed battle axe, hammer from black ore)
Action: Send explorers to this lands on map.

what about this?
>(the other town is also a small fortress with around 50 soldiers) we also started to train the small monkey race to be assassins
That region I believe was once was a Trinstonian province. I'm not sure how the Tristonites would react if we capture one of their former settlements so I'm pretty indecisive if we should go there or not.
We will just search and take stuff from there.
They was always one province city so...
That ruins can give us some nice bonus +population.
And if we will settle there, we will get one province on main continent(that will be better for our trade).
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btw what is that?
The Snakin are the red in the north, aren't they?
That's a ravine. A long deep crack on the Earth. We cannot travel to the other side without building a massive bridge on it or a really deep tunnel underneath it.
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So that is better to us.
We should colonise provinces near it.
I think this is natural borders.

btw what kind of ships we have?
In case you're still here, I propose we send Snakin to colonize the new northern continent, maybe fifty to each province. Perhaps we can explore the ruins up there for more feline artifacts.
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Was just thinking the same, want to get a foothold on these islands as well though.

Action: Begin colonizing both the zones marked in pink in pic

Action: Scout the northern landmass, see if we can land anywhere, and if there is any civilization near the coast
>So that is better to us.
>We should colonise provinces near it.
>I think this is natural borders.
The ravines will most likely protect us from conventional land invasions for a while but it won't protect us from a naval and aerial assault.

Capturing Edgington will definitely provoke the water trolls into attacking us again.

>btw what kind of ships we have?
All of them have been upgraded with plant-fiber loomed sails. All of them are made out of wood. Unfortunately all of them are unarmed. We don't have any decent ranged weapons besides the bolas.
You mean Edgeville that I renamed. It's the one on the coast in yellow. Attacking it would fuck you up.
we have 2 edgingtons... yours and the one that was first gnollish then trollish and now trollish again at the most eastern point near the gnollish capital
But anyway they can't settle in that province near our capital city... look what op said>>199985

In my opinion in this turn we should try to explore that ruins >>200105 and maybe colonise that province (later).
And in this turn we should:
>Action: Create jewelry from shiny ore
>Action: Create weapons (mace, two handed battle axe, hammer from black ore)

Later we should focus on exploring and colonising islands and that continent on south. We should leave north and main continent to other races.

Good thing I renamed it. The new town by the ruins will be named Imp
No, OP just meant that our islands are so close to each other that the gnolls and trolls can see each other from each side. Meaning the trolls there now know that there are gnolls on the other island. >>200013
na nigga it was the monkeys their lands and you took it!!! (but it was like 1/4 your land the rest is the middle part...
which ruins? you rebuilt the horse city and when your were rebuilding it you found the books
Well the troll empire has been destroyed. We were literally split into pieces.

Its literally rome 2.0
Action: Retake the land to the west of the capital
Action: Send some faggot sailors west to find demon troll bros
Action: Retake land East of capital
Those were muh monkeys nigga
And the settlement was called Da'hood
Wheres the survivors
um.. you don't know anything about the trolls tho
the city sunk and some troll were able to sail to the mainland
Can Raddish bros tell us about them?
So sorry forgot about those ruins. Rebuild the ones where I found the books with the imps. Which is the one located on the cold land mass.
I think expansion to the north in future is safer, and probably doesn't infringe on others.
Tell us about da trolls bro
Since they appear to be your kin I think it's totally fair to share this knowledge. We will give you a copy of our findings. But we would like to keep the original artifacts in our great library.
Whatever I find out from further investigating (OP) the Imp ruins is what you will know.
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Oh. But they our friends right now yeah?

Here is my plan of colonisation.
Fine we'll just do some exploring for now.
We at peace. Open to trade
um... if im right you knowingly poisoned and killed around 70 gnolls 5 months ago or something
is this your finally choice?
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Yeah you're right, I'll do this instead.

Action: colonize the region around the ruined town we are rebuilding.

Action: sail to and colonize the northernmost region on the map

As always, just proposals, discuss if you have a suggestion or think i'm doing something stupid
Could we bump up the exploration priority of that small central island over there? I'm really curious what's over there for the longest time.
Here >>200312
Also Info from >>200344
So we can find demons to help us
Not my finest moment...
But you dont know about that.
They deep in our mines
Also not all of them. Just 10
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Probably ships of their own design.
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um some of your trolls decided to join our crafting guild and may or may not gave us the information to build one
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Why is my population not growing. I would like to catch up to the others. Trinston population is ridiculous. And they are colonizing when they said they were a gonna be a central peaceful city. Now they are training assassins too. I understand having an army but assassins spell out untrustworthy to me. How about the rest of my fellow nations? What do you think?
Holy fucking ship
See what I did there

Why is trinston literally jews..
I hate it
I should have never agreed to a trade village.
Tech: Refine Cannons
Tech: TNT
Action: Retake Regions to the West of the capital

Also keep me informed on the Demon troll situation
I know exactly whats coming
Action: Use reverse engineering on that ships, learn how they made that ships, learn their weakness and upgrade our ships (or create some battleships ?)

Action: Colonise that land with ruins, from last turn.

Action: Explore big island number 3, and that small islands near it. >>200355
I propose to my fellow gnolls that we colonize the central island right now while we still have the chance. Send 101 gnolls there right now then build a city there in the next turn.

Also we should research better ranged weapons starting with the slingbow.
Somehow we lost 300 people and we can't find any while the other races get their people back.. We're fucked
I was thinking about harpoons and later balistas with big harpoons on fast ships.
Those troll traitors in trinston will pay
Tech:Mine coal to make steel with our iron.
Tech: Edgeville will upgrade our boats for my kingdom smells trouble.
1. Large Ships reinforced hull of steel and wood for trade and cargo.
2.Prioritize speed on smaller ships so that they may be the fastest although lack in durability and cargo potential.
You have to find the coal first
Why not ballistas first then mount those harpoons on the ballistas.

But later we should make slingbows for our infantry. I chose to have these instead of bows because bows don't work well in cramped environments like our tunnels or inside ships.
Ok, but smaller version of balistas(scorpio-balista), so we can place it on smaller ships like catamarans and place more of them on bigger ships.
It should be in the ravine like al my other ores.
You specially have to find it
Your turn would be
Action: Search for coal
Then you roll 1d100
Then for steel
Tech: Steel
you know that you still have one ruin unexplored?
and I want to be the air nation and have small bases around the world, the assassins are for if another troll hitler comes up
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Send more Snakin to the northern continent to colonize, and finish colonizing the island.
you don't need to roll i usually do it myself but you can still do it if you want
Action: Begin Taking land in the continent to the north
Tech: Large scale farming of fruit
Just cancel this
Action: Look for coal
Tech: My builders guild should make plans for a ship that is mathematically faster in its build. It will be built later so focus solely on the fastest design.
Action: Search for gun powder or gunpowder like substances.
Okay bub
Thats a complete fail
It took many turns to set up gunpowder
We don't have normal ores in this world.
There is no coal, iron etc. this is different world.
Also add
Action: Explore ruins west of Trinston (still red dots so this is prob what you mean) My ostrich riders should be pretty swift in getting there.
Op said coal is pretty abundant.
coal and copper are the only ones that exist in this world, coal is just dead plants and stuff and copper was the first ore before i decided to make this world less like ours
Action: Look for coal
Tech: My builders guild should make plans for a ship that is mathematically faster in its build. It will be built later so focus solely on the fastest design.
Action: Explore ruins west of Trinston
We need to give them spiky shoes or hooks to climb the cold mountain OP said it was too cold for them.
Idk seemed like the trolls magically got gunpowder.
omg looooooook at the summary
So what we doing?
This is our final actions? >>200464
forget about this do
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Let's just get a move on. Pick whatever you want rad radish.
Let's just colonize one part of that island, let's say the eastern part, and colonize the northernmost zone of the map, we have ships, we can bypass the other regions.
Sure, that's fine. We can go back to the nearby archipelago once we have the north done. We will have to do something other than colonization soon I suppose.
Yeah, I want to get blacksmiths and mines built, and start developing weapons, and shipyards again.

Op, next time we have a map, can we have the regions numbered? will make things a lot easier.
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Has anyone been archiving our threads? We might need those for future references.
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Are you going to reimburse us and beg forgiveness for this monstrous breach of peace?
You know a compass is
This turn we should research ballistas and make black metal armor.

And please can we go to center island now?
welp i fucked up thinking you fucked up that didn't happen lol
But also You going into our previous land
Yeah that's true, alright from now on I won't encroach on any of your mainland cities, All i'm interested in is the north, and the islands that surround it.

But still, if the gnolls ever want revenge on you, they'll have to go through our colony first, so this isn't a terrible thing.
Tech:Steel from coal and iron
Action:sail to the bean shaped island near The eastern trade town (i don't remember what the nations called
Action: Troll Spies go into Trinston Troll part and plant Tnt in the area where all Troll tech and shit is As well as where the trolls live. We blow it up. Also Op if you think its us That'll be META.
Tech: Handheld Blunderbuss

Need updates on Demon trolls
Tech: Use wood and black metal to create balista/ harpoon ballista.
Something like this
with rotating mechanism and seat. (and also create ammo for it)

Tech: Create heavy armors and helmets from black metal. (with some scary design and spikes)

Colonise that island on center (between our cities and main continent) and find some resources there.
that will be the crafter guild and around 100 people will be there....
Also leave fur from our knoll slaves fur in the scene of the terrorist attacks
Wow for someone called hitler your being harsh
No map this turn? Would you be up for numbering the regions by the way?
Why would you call meta on trinston when your sending spies to blow up ships when you wouldnt know they got them in the first place.
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He never told me trolls went to the fucking trade academy after we split...
I hate Trinston
They took my people.
I archived our last threads here: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html
Vote for them so they can exist there and stuff.
don't bother trolls are the only one with tnt
>They took my people.
They left on their own accord and think of themselves as Trinsions not water trolls
The trolls who went and shared troll secrets are still under muh control..
Are you approving?

Balistas, badass black armor and colonisation.
Thats why I'm blowing them up..

But the ship tech was after trinston was founded.
What happened with the expedition to the northern landmass? The topmost zone is surrounded by mountains by sea right, So we'll have to make landfall further south?
No they arnt they are senpais they are npc not player controlled Entities
if your killing them you're starting a war with your own race and all the other races that live in trinson

Why are you so opposed
They training Monkey assassins
do it blow it up, the only thing you will be blowing up is you reign
Your the only one with tnt and there (probably) be lots of in game clues to point towards your nation
Ok so we(rats) are ready for next turn.

What about other tribes?
Yeah were ready
Its gonna be hilarious to see the watertrolls get wrecked by trinston and the knolls after they talked so much shit.
Ok so we waiting for war turns of water trolles, and dino ppl who was attacked.
Replace the 9/11 attack with
Tech: Full plate armour. Like knights
I guess the ice limits us. We're gonna need a way through it if we want to live there.

Besides that, we need to develop our naval technology for further exploration, and for defense and transit in the north.
maybe some pay back for the rat people and maybe the first Nation out of the game
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Start colonizing the red zones.

Also I believe I sent a full 200 snakin to the region containing the felinid town? Start expanding the town, to make a full city with a population of over 100.
They weren't Op just fucked up because he forgot his directions
Im just saying whats on everyones minds
Trinston turning evil will be an event ...
We need to start work on naval technology, longer range and faster ships if possible.
Cant be worse than the nation that tried to genocide the knolls for no reason.
>Trinston turning evil will be an event ...
nah its a democracy of all of our races and is probably the best bet of early new game resources and tech from trading other resources and tech
We'll need to build a shipyard, preferably more than one. We'll need sails too, we can either trade for the radishes for them (alcohol maybe?) or spend a few turns researching plant fibers.

Our wood and stoneworkers are apparently the best of any civ here, so we can make trebuchets I believe. We can also start reinforcing ships with iron or steel once we have mines, but i'm out of ideas to make them faster.
I have sails
Let's also make spiky boots and grapples so they can climb the cold mountain. We can't get to the ruins otherwise. And I dig a mountain top town. We'll see what we find though.
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We'll later learn that magic exists in this world after all and they're probably planning on turning all of us into one big philosopher's stone or something.
*adjusts tin foil hat*
I think you are the best stone worker and us the woodworkers. We've been using a lot of trees from the start and have been around longer. But it's up to OP's stats.

We would gladly trade sail technology for alcohol.
that can be next turn then we can reconnect
like i said don't put to much in one turn the more you put in the less chance it happens
If we need to rely on charity we don't deserve to live. What do you want in return? We can sell you alcohol, stoaks (bird-stags we use as mounts) one turns worth of builders off the top of my head.
Yeah, we've been neglecting our woodworking since we invented the ballista actually.

We'll gladly trade booze and the knowledge to make it for textile tech. We'll sail straight your main city if that's okay with you, drink in moderation.
My people have their own guild that's why I put more on their plate because I know they are more capable than others besides Trinston and maybe the gnolls.
Could we twist your arm and get paints as well for this trade? One aspiring race of artists to another, of course.
Teach us how to ride bird stags
So we still waiting for water trolls and snakes actions.
Just post your final turns people
Argue about trade next turn
Done, we'll meet trade stoaks and the knowledge to ride them for sails tech

Radishes, want to buy alcohol the technique to make it in exchange for paints?
My paints are made from my birds colorful feathers. We can teach you so that you may be able to make dyes from your own sources. Our birds are not up for negotiation though.
Tech: handheld blunderbuss
Tech: full plate steel armour, like Knights
We'll do that next turn great
This is our turn.
Deal, alright senpai
Colonize those two zones and do these two trade deals one with trolls, one with the radishes, nothing else.
so what are you doing again?
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okay im really fking tired so im going to bed after the snakins
Nice armour dudes
Does it come with a trench coat?
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Should have blown up trinston
Stock riding as well
We already have 50 stoaks
and killed your nation in a bloody war
A fun war
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Alright snake bros, gonna dump out a quick draft of a long-term plan of sorts before I hit the hay.

For snek and saurus eyes only
I don't think we'll ever have the mightiest land based army, the trolls and gnolls just build bigger and better weapons too quickly, so we'll have to play defensively, should open war ever become a reality.

So, I want to make sure any region we take, will be ours for eternity. We can build sturdier walls than anyone else, we have the strongest civilian population, everyone is fit and trained to fight. I also want to get a more varied army, with specialist units each for a certain role - here's a list of actions I want us to make eventually to get an impenetrable defense up

Crete Paints and dyes from plant matter, then apply it to all current and future armour, and the snakin soldiers themselves - with camouflage we blend in with our home jungles and forests.

Research ambush tactics, specifically the forest and jungle variety and teach them to our soldiers.
Create wooden traps for us to use, viet cong style.

Build walls with emplaced siege weapons around every town and city.
Build a mixture of mines, blacksmiths or shipyards in most regions

More siege weapons, bigger ballista as well as catapults and trebuchets
Bigger ships, reinforced with iron or steel, and mounted with ballistae, trebuchets etc, we always should have the strongest navy

Start using the skin of dead livestock/stoaks to make light, leather armour for our monks, cavalry and civilians to use.

Selectively breed the strongest stoaks, I want them to be able to wear metal armour, and armoured riders into battle, these can be our heavy cavalry, 'Cataphracts'

Develop throwing spear like the ones used by roman legionaries, they will weigh down anyone they strike but don't kill, making them worse fighters.
Develop 'punch daggers' heavy, metal daggers that can pierce heavy armour.
And distribute both of these weapons to our warriors.

And finally, once magic is harnessed we ought to create an order of sorcerer-priests of faeles in our holy city - we're already very close to nature, we should be able to access natural magics rather quickly, like transforming our bodies, healing or bending the elements

Alright I think I've sperged enough, see you tomorrow.
I should mention 'Faeles' is the name of our primary feline-god another player named in the last thread.
Action: Build Great advanced metal working forges.
Tech: Better barrels for Cannons (high quality steel). The barrels are rifled. They have groves which make the projectile spin and therefore more accurate.
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Tech: create new ship - battle catamaran - smallest and fastest of the gnolls ships.
Designed to carry a few gnolls and balista.
Armored on sides and prow of ship.
When ballista and soldiers are out of ammo, sharp metal on prow enable to making holes in enemy ships (on banzai mode :^) ). Nets are good for boarding or storage of booty.
Action: Send explorers to southern continent

Action: Repair and rebuild old trinston port. Create port in new colony
Please for the love of everything call it a battlemaran
Wait so we're pirates now?

I fine with it. I think we should let our shamans and monks try to develop their magic first. Shaman for contacting and summoning the cat spirits. Monk focus on wuxia style magic.
Nah, but we need to dominate the sea, because we are island nation.
What you going to do when you dominate the seas?
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I'm naming our City Teztek, and our holy 'city' Felinidae, actions for this turn

Rebuild the mines that were around Teztek
Colonize the zone south of the trinston fort
Colonize the remaining region of our island west of teztek
This planet is unstable. We would like to have more naval maneuverability just in case another mega-disaster happens.

And just in case for some reason all of the islands sinks under the ocean and we're all forced to live in a water world we would like to have sufficient enough naval technology to survive.
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Do your guys even have shields? I don't remember you researching them
Literally second thread. We even have patterns on them

We have every war tech you can think of.. during the Iron ages and pieces of Renaissance
and A lot of middle ages
Where you guys gonna get magics from?
I was wrong, I saw someone mention magic earlier and post a map and thought it was OP
I mentioned magic. I though the masked God had made an actual appearance and I wanted to ask God for magics.
Woah wheres OP?
okay so about magic, I have not thought about it and im scared that it would just make things too complex
It does
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I can see it now. Someone researching "
Avada Kedavra" and start insta-killing everyone.
I think Cat people is better than magics :D
that would a lot of sense
you got our turns?
yo arfter noon
yeah but I can make a small magic skill tree with small spells, and you can only unlock a skill if you do something cultural like finding the holy cat city or something thoughts? also ill be starting in 35 mins i think
So my faction would already have access to some magic before anyone else?

Tempting, but i'd vote no, we shouldn't make things too complex or overblown.
yeah i think just like one spell no skill tree just like
Only one spell per element
No early battlemages and magitek. We've just discovered magic. Pioneers of the art would be spending numerous amounts of turns and most of their lifetime studying the thing and building the necessary infrastructure (like temples, magic schools and spellbook libraries) before reaching that level of proficiency. At this stage only priests and shamans would have access to early magic and they're mostly elders.

What about necromancy and divine magic? You know those types of spells that are not elemental in nature.
I can also do things like summoning spirits, magic runes, reading ash (future sight) and switching souls (controlling animals)
thats way to much this will make the game to complicated just do what opee did
That IS op you're replying to.
he meant the opee the guy that was running the island civ evo thread
yeah i meant him his civ thread is one of the best ive been in so far.
yeah I agree the drawing were really good and the story was awesome, too bad he ended it
are there any people from richards civ thread here?
He's restarting it in medieval times next week(i think.
I was part of richards thread but i left because it became to computed and joined another civ thread (plus this one).
yeah it was really boring at the end (just spamming commands) and there were too many tribes (I was mire tribe whore btw)
i was part of the mountain tribe I was also Bowtie Guard in opee thread and Sky priest in the "Yet another Culture civ thread
Do you have a specific date? I was in the island civ since it started and I want to get in the next one. Also, copper master race
From his twitter(https://twitter.com/Opee_adventures) He says "No thread this weekend but I'll make preparations" so im just guessing its next weekend.Hes got a job now so he cant do weekdays
Oh. I thought that Rad-ish Radish has mistaken senpai for someone else because of the fact that he's currently posting anonymously. I was not aware that there was actually someone called "opee" around here. Sorry about that.
do you still want a twitter, cuz i don't know what i should post on it...
No problem
what are your decisions for this turn?
Player drawings and fan art (like the ones legionnaire and radish have been posting) and new thread link updates.
And also your own drawings.
Tech:Molding of metal ores (if we have this Steel Swords
Action: explore the bean shaped island again
This one: >>202260

https://twitter.com/senpaiQST << okay this is a twitter account i quickly made, I will be tweeting ideas, updated, fan drawings and just my doodles

Also update on demon trolls
Nice ill follow it now
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the mine is dark and full of terrors
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this thread needs more GoT easter eggs
H-Hold the door
When we find the tiger people, and we will, and bring them back to life we'll make sure you all know who the one true god is.
Why can't we find some white walkers....
Action: Send 150 To the bean island to create "Bean town"
Action Scout the mountain ruin (if we dont have the tech Make Spike boots
What we need is internal issues to help the civs feel more alive and give us more of a ruling role.
Maybe the tiger people are dothraki or Valyrians (Valyrians are based on rome) :D
Are you going to the islands we found?
Because ya can't... You dont know they exist
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Action: Retake land to the West of the capital even more.
Action: Retake land to the West of Trinston

keep those updates on the new world coming
That would mean my best monks have claws made from Valyrian Steel

Senpai, do the giant monkeys on the snakins island still exist?
do we have scouts or slaves to send in to check the mines
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Explore the central island. (see pic)
Send 101 Gnolls to this region to build a city there. (see pic)
Build foundries.
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Build a town with a shipyard south of Teztek
Rebuild our blacksmiths, forges etc.
Use the techniques shown to us by the radishes to make paints from the leaves, flowers and fruits of plants.
and grapples they can stick into the snow so they don't fall.
yep they are still chilling there
But we colonised that island.
We all got turns
can you add a color key for tribes so if any noobs join they know what tribe own what
I'm still here Rad-ish, letting you take over for now cause I'm observing my rafish artists.
Not updating the number of regions/settlements?
oh that 9 is supposed to be an 8 thnx m8
sorry was fapping
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I think this may be the island that the masked god books told us about maybe we should ask for access to research the island
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ok so what about
Tech:Steel armor
Action:send a expedition to the ruins near truinson(sorry forgot what its called im not good with names)
Tech: Begin making sails, like the water trolls showed us
Action: Fit all existing ships with sails
Action: Reinforce all existing ships with Iron
And I want all future ships to be fitted with both sails and Iron plating as well.
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Send 101 gnolls to colonize that island into a city.
Build workshops for making smaller or more intricate tools, utensils and parts out of metal and other useful materials.
Build shipyards.
Action: Retake where we rebuilt that lizard town
Action: Retake the Place with the big crevice thing
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Keep updating with troll demon
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And so the brave adventurer waits on the order to climb the great snow mountains.
what does that mean?
hahaha so cute
He looks fucked up
If only I was that high
Op gives me updates on my sailors
I just did
sorry didn't know if you find a radish ancestor or something tell us and we will do a expiation for them or at least ruins of their society
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Will the order ever come?
Has he been forgotten?
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Constant updates
water, ocean nothingness
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Can you use this as the template water troll
I hate that we have a leaf on our balls in that pic
Why do you hate the trolls now??
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For Snakin and OP's eyes only I think we should fortify our borders(as seen in grey on the map) so that we are more protected. Also we should have "weak points" that actually have murder holes in them(see bottom of picture).
[spoilers] if I were you I would concentrate on tiyr 4 northern provinces since the wall can be very small and effective but whatever [/spoilers]
Both the water trolls and trinston are our allies though, and we are protected from the east by the ravine, which we still cant cross either. The only people that may want to make war with us are the gnolls, and They would be attacking by sea, which is why I want to focus on ships and colonizing the roof first.
lol hahahahahaha

https://twitter.com/senpaiQST for anyone who didn't know this is my twitter, i will be tweeting small maps and drawings
i don't know, the trolls are expanding really fast and I have the felling that they are up to no good
So we jews now
Just as a safety precaution, building walls could protect us from Troll hitler.
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hey I've been lurking since the last thread, this seems pretty neat is there a tribe with space for me?
we have room but you should join snakes or rats
You aren't even gonna comment on my beautiful piece of art >>205082
You can join the water trolls.. They need a new leader
Op hates them
You could try... joining the red demon troll tribe.
you mean troll hurler I keep seeing
Wait, have you always been able to join them?
look calm down we all are kinda sick of your shit but we put up with it because this is just a game he's just probably afk or making up our turn posts
I thought they were extinct
No he's just making it up(i think)
The water trolls (i think) found a tribe of them on a far away archipelago.
would that be ok with op to make a new tribe that was "discovered"?
No they are looking for them we found ruins and a book saying they left 5 years before the game started and they are trying to explore to find them
Oh okay. No red trolls then.
What about the crocs? Are they still alive?
So a possible tribe I could use? or should I join rats or sneks?
dunno we haven't found any i think
join rat snakes or trolls this games to in late game to make a new tribe
so possible course of action? I feel it's rude to come in this late...
My faction has the biggest population, If OP is up for it I could give you a few hundred lizardmen to control and a few ships, you could set up an allied nation somehwere.
its fine to join a tribe we need more people and we need a straight man for the trolls so they don't go all hitler agian
I would love to. Maybe a sub species?
Listen up you fuck
I invaded the gnolls because back then the thread was starting to die

Only fucking 53 of them died
I made peace with them now

So you can just fuck off.
I haven't made another single violent move
im not trying to pick a fight you literally called yourself "WATERTROLL HITLER"as seen in
im just a bit on edge with you. you have the best weaponry in the game and have the power to kill us all if you want to.
I gotta call bullshit there because the knolls were way more active early on than you and radishes, they even planned long after a turn was submitted and while waiting for op to come back. Your just genocidal m8, the other civs have every right to act this way.
Afk for an hour or so.
anon still here join snakes to fill the gap please or the thread will grind to a halt
lol niggu 4 summaries are enough, and the croc and little monkey live peacefully in trinston..
Don't worry, I'm still here.
are the turn sheets done
Actually scratch that, I'm about to leave here in less than 30 minutes
working on them
I would like to take 250 snakes and sail to the northern island
Also, can we explore east of the map?
you can do how many actions you like but the more you do the less chance it happens. so the best chance is doing 2 a turn
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Here is a Snakin template to use.
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>implying mine isn't beautiful... :(
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saving the best for last
Do I have permission from the other snekin to take 150 snekin to explore the nortern ilsnad and 100 to explore east?
And now we have officially discovered magic via the Radish nation's archeologists. Well, just them. They haven't exactly told the other nations yet.
I wouldn't say you discovered magic
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Tech: These ships with cannons
We researched advanced wood working and masonry so this boat should be easy.
Our cities are the most immaculate on the island.

Action: Go find the ruins in the north.

Demon troll update ...
Yeah, that's why I said "just them" as in "just the radish people". I am fully aware that the tribes we players are controlling do not see the world as omnisciently as we do.
I'm just saying that magic is now officially confirmed in-canon to the game's lore.
Actually at the time the thread was beginning to dip..
>>205331and by northern lands I mean the ruins
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I'm too late to have properly used this image.
Also what is the level of our navy? I know we have reinforced ships with sails. How is our crafting skill
You guys should name that adventurer dude of yours. Maybe even make him a national hero or at least a historical figure in your history records.
Action: explore this the sector the ruins are again
Action:Research the ruins again rebuild anything broke

I don't see much problem with that.
Holy shit guys
>almost expelled the beasts of this land
Evacuate ...
We should really make a town here. This discovery is too important to bring back to the mainland. Longer term we should colonize the whole land mass. I don't even want to send copied of our discoveries to the National Library.
if you want to find the northern ruins i suggest you ask the radishes for equipment or make it yourself, and hurry up I don't want it to fall in the hands of the trolls
I meant that they almost did it and they did after that battle
Then I will clarify my turn. Take 250 snekin to the northern island a research exploration gear

Wha... Holy shit...! It is look like we need to prepare the fight with the dragon...

We properly need to form adventure guilds or finding heroes.
Rad-Ish should we help them? I trust them so much more over the trolls. A trade would have to be made though.
My band of snekin can be the exploration band>>205434 We could share exploration gear as we research it? You could use the gear we research and vice versa
i think we need copies i think another tribe may try to destroy the ruins we need to store the information in the capital
yeah we can do that what do sneks have?
We have a better navy. You have climbing gear. I believe we have other equipment but I do not know specifics
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Remember OP we have Air balloons which we can use to get over the mountains.. We'll have to ship them there but thats easy.
If there is mountains..

Also Im going to build a wall to keep out everyones hate

You why I was angry about trinston..
Tech is all we have
No other people gave tech to trinston
It just seemed highly unfair

You guys say its nothing but it didn't happen to you. I have worked so hard to get advanced tech. You guys still live in huts ( except lizards)
We have multiple story building
Beautiful Roads
Advanced masonry and wood working
You guys never focused on architecture Like i have..
But they must be kept in secret then, and not in the National Library.
we will take a high level battleship for all of our expedition equipment
OP Snekin have already colonized the northern island I forgot to mention this
>No other people gave tech to trinston
we gave tech all of us did
We have stone and wood houses. Have not tried multiple floors but this is not a hut. My National Library is not a hut. That's more stone than wood.
Also you gave it willingly
I got nothing in return
OP I did not see that we already colonized the northern island can I change my turn

It is completely depending what we find. But any histories about the ancient dragon should be shared because it is gonna involved with all tribes.


Good question, I don't have good check what we have. But I know we have developed banks and personal identification system that involve tattoos.
>Remember OP we have Air balloons which we can use to get over the mountains.. We'll have to ship them there but thats easy.
If there is mountains..
yes you do but they are fking bad you can't go in one and if you're lucky you can go 300 feets (remember you have to go over something like the alps)
>You why I was angry about trinston..
Tech is all we have
No other people gave tech to trinston
It just seemed highly unfair
everyone gave tech to it
>You guys say its nothing but it didn't happen to you. I have worked so hard to get advanced tech. You guys still live in huts ( except lizards)
no the radishes have stone and wooden houses
I literally gave them a ship(s?).
Until you research it Thats in your imagination.
I went throw 3 techs to get this stuff
We have dyes. paints, alchahol an advanced navy advanced masonary/ building, mines, armor weapons...... anything else Im missing
remember people went to the trinsotn guild to study and bring back knowledge
we can do more advanced houses later i want to know if we can harness the power of this temple
Do you mean the magics or the architecture?
These people seem more advanced than us if they could make something that stood the test of time and create a spell.
Since the snekin already have a colony on the northern island........ Action: take 250 snekin with the radishes exploration equipment to explore the northern island. The radishes were given ship technology for this
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Explore this island. (see pic)
Dig for coal.
Make gears from black metal.

Oh yeah! I forgot about the water wheels tech, it allow us to build advanced forge and other stuff.
>Do you mean the magics or the architecture?
both this culture seems so advanced they may have high tech potential.
I didn't send people
I checked the 2 threads back when the radish people sent.
No troll action for that.
Yeah we used that for our advanced boats. When will op tell of what happened to our brave snekin exploration party? Have they gone missing?!?!
So you destroyed our allies trust of us

we will give you our tech for the water wheel
I thought we gave you advanced boats for the tech?
autism peak at all tie high
let it go dude, you don't have power over all your trolls
Troll leader, it seems your horned and red skinned cousins left the land I explored because a dragon drove them away. We will share this info with you as part of a warning to us all.
do the boats have water wheels on them i dunno im thinking yeah lets just do advanced boats
add it to the shared info bank at the turinson library
What do your boats look like just so i have a mental image and save a photo on my folder dedicated to this.
When will the fate of the snekin exploration party be told? I want to know whats in those ruins!
You got Triangular Sails yet?
They let you sail into the wind.
no the dragon skull was just a dragon skull nothing more

Let see here.... The Radish have aqueduct while we have not.

We could trade the water wheels tech for the aqueduct tech if both Snakins and Radish agreed upon it.
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Something with a lateen sail like this, which would make them the fasts boats of the tribes. We reinforced ours with metal, but Im not sure what weapons we mounted
do they also have water wheels
you guys im going to bed now, c u tomorrow!! check my twitter for when I will start again https://twitter.com/senpaiQST
Op When will the next update come out?
NOOO what of the exploration party?
The water wheels is the tech that allows us to build ships n shit
Our ships have huge siege crossbows - ballistas mounted on them, these ballistae also have alternate ammunition that can set objects on fire, all our ranged weaponry has fire arrows.
Action: Develop Larger, iron pickaxes for our miners.
Action: Send 200 snakin, comprised mostly of soldiers and miners to the northern landmass (the bottom right region of it) and start mining through the mountains to the north.
Well then stop hating on us
Literally everyone hates us now because of this
IF the ship includes all of that tech then i feel the trade was not even. All I can think of right now is giving you our stronger than iron Tensen pickaxes.
I don't think you have our ballista tech, they were designed separately to ships and just pushed onto them later, we did the same with the ballista on our castle walls
If you guys want we can give a ride to the north on our cannon ships?
100% sincere
Cool if we get pickaxes then we dont need to research them. We can start gunpowder research. Sending miners to the northern landmass is a good plan

Yeah Then it seems fair. Could you give us the ability of metal swords/aqueducts maybe? We should also sign some sort off snekin-Radish Treaty

Also still no word of my 250 exploration party that set off for the ruins.
Its ok the expedition is already on the northern landmass. Thank you for your showing of kindness though, I was kind of worried that you guys were going to try to genocide us.
We'll all get updates for our guys when OP is back tomorrow, he always does them all at the same time
Just team up with the knolls and Raddish and wipe us out please

We have no future
A quick recap of the Snekin actions real quick.

A Snekin/Radish Treat was signed promising equal trade of tech and peace.

The Snekin trades exploration gear, iron tools, and I think aqueduct tech from the Radishes in exchange for naval tech. (ship along with weapons and sails)

A Snekin exploration force of I believe 250 delved into the northern landmass, with no reports so far.

An extra 200 went North aftwards to begin mining materials from the landmass and colonize it.

Any edits of snekin numbers/details Im missing?
I feel so bad now. :(
We have to move on from this. My plant people were just worried about you.
You have the most advanced Military tech in the game as well as beautiful cities. of course you have a future! Just because you had one bad leader doesn't mean anything.
My lot is mining through the mountains to get north, want to get my hands on those ruins.
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I am the leader
I tried to apologise

I have my exploration party that is already over the mountains thanks to the Radishes equipment. So you should focus on settlements and resources on the Northern Continent.
Such is life.
Also did you research gunpowder? Rember you can use all the cool stuff the radishes traded with us. Iron tools, aqueducts.
Action: Explore the land space where the ruins are located.

Action:Research the ruins (architecture and anything else we can find)

Trade: The Snekin receive exploration gear consisting of: parkas,spiky boots, and grapples, Tensen pickaxes, and aqueducts from the Radish. The Radish receive naval technology consisting of their ship design, ballistas, fire arrows and sails.

We agree to a peace treaty. The sharing of this technology is a one time transaction. Further transactions can be made in the future.
Tensen tools. Tensen is stronger than the iron ore, not sure if stronger than steel. You will have to look for your own tensen ore in the future but I gave you enough for your current explorers. You still have the knowledge to make them out of iron though.
Alright, i'll edit my action to colonising the landing zone rather than mining.
Yeah the on agreement basis for trade is what I was thinking of. I think there will be Tensen in the northern landmass.
You can mine and colonize the area at the same time right?
Yes but that would count as an extra action, increasing the chance of failure, I don't want to risk a failed action in case it causes deaths or a lost ship or something
Cool So My party explores the ruins, your colonizes the land nice.
Are we full in here?
Would you like to trade cannon tech for something?
Idk I think you can join the Gnoll
You can join the trolls since it seems the leader offed himself.
Then Trolls it is.
Just listening to the song makes me cry
you dont want to join them
Op has it out for them
Just lurk or Join Gnolls
Or try join TRINSTON

Just a warning from a lurker
Even better.
finally someone I can trust
We'll get through this, together. Nowhere to go but up.
What's this? OP has it out for the glorious Water Troll Empire?
This will not stand!
I come forth from the shadows of lurking to turn the tides!
You guys want some tech for cannons
reminder that there cannot be more then 4 people per tribe
As our ancestors told us
we do not share tech

well not Very important tech
You guys dont have much to trade for such a tech even if you are our allies
I believe there are only three water trolls at the moment.
I will recede if needed. BUT, in the meantime, what is your progress on magic?
For WaterTroll Eyes only:
Hmm Welcome gents
I have been the emperor of the water trolls since the beginning when we ate some of our younglings to survive.

We are the most technologically advanced nation there is.
We have no qualms with anyone and I suggest we keep researching Tech until an Enemy rises against us.

Since The radish and snakes are cool bros we have nothing to fear from them and their deals.

They dont trust us though. Thats because of Op

But we will persevere and be great again.
I just noticed how segregated the gnolls are.
Gnolls, what do you think of my Radish people?

So what's our most pressing matter right now?
We don't have very high spirits I see.
That translates into bad morale.
This is our most pressing matter

Our next tech: matchlock Muskets
Yes, to tell the truth I have been hiding in the shadows since even before YOU existed!
We may need to focus on... religion! And I suggest the worship of a god of storms!
Never I was the first Leader.. unless...

'Kay, but we should put public happiness on the back burner at least.
Keep minded that if we don't have happy citizens we could get negative events or even bad work ethic.

Some religion might be good, but let's worship something that's not based off the big thing that sinks ships and causes tidal waves. Angry Gods aren't good for people's opinions on life.
Why dont we just hold festivals
We are the atheists
We never had gods
Introducing gods will Bring an uproar
I came from BEFORE the races were even posted.
I have lurked since the dawn of time. The ultimate lurker one would say!
But if we are able to please such a god then they will make it so our ships are invincible on the waters!
And, we could possibly develop magic.
And then... with the help of our god of the sky... We could have flying ships!
We must move away from the traditions of Rome lest we repeat the same mistakes they did many years ago.
When times got tough they introduced bread and circus.
This was a grand sign of downfall.

And soon after that they introduced Christianity.
We're following the exact path that killed the very people we emulate.
Really no magic in the game yet it is un researchable
I got it.
We need to build something.
Something big, a structure to show the people we're still mighty.
We increase public works
Create Sports or Games
All races compete
A coliseum
Then... what about a god of smithing and inventions?
That's also... a cat!
Curses. Well thank you.
Also, if I may ask that you support the Water Trolls and we shall do the same for you. With your defense and our offense we should never have to fear for the safety of our citizens.
Next Stop, Olympics.
very Well
First this turn >>205357
Tech: Matchlocks
Action: Construct Grand Coliseum

Im going to bed
Try to get a treaty and friendship with snakes back

No tech trading guys
Got it!
How would it work?
Since we are all different races and not equal in physical ability? OP will have to help clear this. I support this idea though.
I dont know if this can work... Snekins can "slither" at high speeds, Trolls are stupidly strong, Gnoms would be really good at digging>>206083 what are radish bonuses?
We'll have a wide array of challenges, but it's also an opportunity for different clans to all trade together in one city and for everyone to increase spirits over what victories they can take home.
Festivities are always good.
Yes, though we should keep an eye out on the Gnolls.
Not because I don't trust them, but because no matter what people, there are extremists and we have caused the Gnolls harm in the past.
Well Trinston is kind of a neutral trade city. We could have it there
Where's that?
I'm a newfag.
Ah, that sounds like a good idea.
We sorta surround it. It's the sorta pinkish tan territory in the middle of the island that has a big city.
It is made up of people from all tribes and is considered a separate faction.
An ideal place to hold the new sporting events.
They are the white territories. They are a neutral trade citystate that has multiple races
Well it would be better if it were in Troll territory since we're building it.
Yeah true. But then that means you build it. Put it in a trollish ports city/
Of course.
Yes, but it may have the impact of shouting "join our games and follow our rules". Which can be seen as a weaker way of telling them to submit.
That sounds good. But I fear the Gnolls will have a hard time getting there. Even with their ships.
Well that's the cost of The Games.
You don't travel places and not follow people's rules, and nobody is being forced to join the games.
Well they are basically pirates now, they will get around fine.
Now I'm really curious to know!
Well, if they don't have any problems with it.
. . .Though we should tighten security checks and have "random" searches.
radushes are how tall?
I have no idea. I just scaled them according to what OP put them next to like our ostriches. Real ostriches and mine could be different sizes too.
Hm, would the universal measurement of "enough" apply here?
The average height of an ostrich is 8ft and by OP's drawing i was about half an ostrich's height minus leaves.
When will op roll out the next update
when is op active
The snakes are the tallest I think
Trolls are second by like a tiny bit
Radish people
My people are smol. My people are cute. <3
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No denying that. The Radish people are currently the cutest looking race in this world in my opinion.
2nd: Snakin - They're cooling with their Aztec themed civ. The fact that they wear cat themed clothes makes them cute.
3rd: Water Trolls - They just look like regular people but with a weird skin color and pointy ears.
4th: Gnolls - I have to admit we look god damn ugly in comparison. We kinda look like rats with a bat's face.
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Weird SKIN


I'm quit surprised that we become pretty large. Maybe because we had build hospitals and we are quit pacifist (less murdering).


Well... Gnolls is may not look cute but they are cute in their own ways...
Well we dont even know
OP never specified heights
snakins are the tallest then water trolls then radishes and gnolls, btw I'm kinda busy so I might be starting later than I normally do
what's the eta?
um I guess 21:00 (+1)
4 hours then
Why not 7:30...
is this Bst or Gmt?
+1 GMT
roll call whos here
I'm here.
Lurking while I get to grips with the new total war
im here!!!! I will be making summaries now, can you givr them ones more cuz I don't feel like going through 90 posts for them lol

wait what ruins?
the frozen ruins where the skull was
o right i thought that you were a snakin lol idk why

This is snakes
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what about the eastern exploration for the trolls
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o right they found a very interesting things called nothing
With a look of sadness We share the discovery of nothing with the radishes and snakes...

Tech: Matchlock Muskets ( its real simple)
Action: Build a Coliseum in rome.
can we have the map?
srry didnt want to do 2 big things at ones ;)
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trinston gave up his previous 4 forts and built 2 small port towns on the continent
Well then begin Construct
We can finish it next turn
Build a dock at the side of the giant mountain.
Begin experimenting on distillation by boiling sea water inside metal distillation tanks.
Action:Explore the area where the un yellow shaded city resides (below the capital)
Action:Explore the one sector island near the bean island
i wasn't talking bout that lol
Tech: Muskets
Action: Build Coliseum

Action: Build more ships
Action: Send expedition to east.
Tech: Simple machines (use our gears and tools to create machines. Machines will upgrade our production goods, building stuff and creating new ships )
no he can I was talking about the searchers
We seem to have posted an action for the gnolls twice. >>208472
north or south of beanville?
I return, and I support Winged Sun's proposal.
I see. So it is decided then.

OP, we have reached a consensus. Do Winged Sun's actions instead. >>208510
um, what kinds of machines need to be more specific
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Something like this?
Basically mechanical tools.

That is quit interesting. Maybe we could declare the second holy site and try keep on digging more information.
Conveyor belts and dumb waiters aught to save hours in a day carrying goods from place to place.
Have you tried a drill on rock?
If you want to dig for ores and such it won't worked
It works great for sedimentary rock types. And it hand cranked drills are nice for wood
But not this
Pickaxes are the way until electricity
We're just at the early stages of development. As soon as we find a more powerful power source we'll replace good old gnoll powered machines with a more efficient ones. For now this tool will make us dig faster on softer material like soil and softer rocks. This will help us make tunnels more efficiently than traditional digging by claws and shovels.
I do believe that moving goods around is taking more of our time than digging is. We need accelerate the transport of everything from stone to corn and everything in between.
what are your decisions
We are discussing our priorities.
I was asking the snakins
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I'm still waiting for my fellow snakins. Otherwise here is my actions.

Action: Colonize the area with cat pyramid.
Tech: Develop repeating crossbow (like the one in the picture).
We already have a railway system constructed. All we need to do now is to upgrade it somehow with gears. Maybe making a paddle or mousewheel powered cart powered by a team of gnolls to pull or push the minecarts along the railroads.

And yes, Dumbwaiters would be a boon in vertically transporting material from place to place. And conveyor belts would be really helpful as well.

But we can't do all of those in one go. OP seems to want for us to construct those mechanisms one by one per turn. We should set up building priorities.

And keep in mind that all of these machines are powered by gnolls. We should look for ways of powering those machines afterwards. I suggest that we start with windmills and waterwheels since those are the quickest to acquire.
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I was thinking about this mechanism.

As second propulsion in small ships.
And propulsion in carts.
Yes, functions to power stationary clockworks cores. For now it will just grind corn into meal, but in the future, who knows what it may power.
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I've ridden one of these, it's surprisingly easy to get it going at impressive speeds for a man powered craft.
Action:Make the hew island A huge tree biome.
Tech:Un Engineer the water wheel to make gears
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okay people im going to go sleep rn, i promise that there will be more turns tomorrow, i was just kinda busy today
Tech: Pedal mechanism and pedal powered machines.
-Second propulsion in small ships (if ship mast will be damaged, or when we need speed booster)
-Propulsion in railway carts
-machines like this http://www.lowtechmagazine.com/2011/05/history-of-pedal-powered-machines.html
Damn these muskets
Tech: Take the stock off our cross bows and place a long small cannon on it.
Action: Send a ship back to the mainland and get the new big fast cannon ships. The crew of the other exploration vessel set up camp in the demon troll camp and search for stuff
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I agree. We should do those on a larger scale. Ships propelled by propellers and paddlewheels powered by a team of gnolls to crank the mechanism.

Also I would like for us to build a dock at the sides of that giant mountain island and dig a hole through it. There might be something valuable inside. Perhaps even an ancient buried ruin or at the very least more types of ore. At worst a surge of lava coming out of the mine if that mountain is actually a dormant volcano.
I think we have gold. OP said we found a soft yellow ore in the ravine close to the capitol of Rashidia. Anything you want to do with it? Heard its great at conducting electricity? ;)
What up Radish peeps, I gess Im late to the party and you guys preaty much take controll of this so Im just gonna leave some suggestions.

>Try to colonize the entire west side of the main island
>Change politics to comunism
>Build a stronguer allience with the trolls
Not gold Gears what the hell are you talking about
Hello I am back!
Nice to see we have discovered more of our ancestors.
I have a question on turns do you regard each tribe member as one turn or does the whole tribe only get one turn.

Action:Colonise Northern Landmass and that little area south of Felinadae
Research: Fortifying our cities
its a turn for the whole group
We have the water wheel tech if you would like to trade something
Like discover electricity at least while messing around with gold rods or something. :(
lets do that next we need machines to harness it first
I can see this leading to steampunk.
Meant to or add research:refine our advanced navy I want the other snakis input in ideas
We could work together to research electricity We have the ores needed in the north
my laptops about to die so i'm gonna lay out next turn now
Action: collab with the snekins to create electricity
dunno do this please bye
I agree to this.
What would you like to get from us in return?

This is pretty sweet. All of us are about to reach the industrial age.

I wonder what tribal civ thread that you guys know of that has reached the farthest in terms of tech?
Doodz, we need to scrounge that peninsula, the one the trolls used to have (and was ours before that.) I'd like to pretend I don't have meta reasons for suggesting this, but the trolls developed gunpowder before they lost that city, what the gnolls do know is that the trolls did have advanced military tech, some of which may still lay in those ruins.
Question is are there water trolls stationed there?
Not at the moment. The ruins appear empty. (remember when we were chased off the continent, the last piece of land we held there) just send a party of scientists and warriors to search the ruins for the secrets to the trolls military success.
You dont know what it is
Also we didn't have military application for it yet
Since each turn is a month
The gunpowder would still be in labs in the capital
Also I already retook it
Its empty and destroyed
Thats why the dots are black not red

Also thats one hell of a meta.
Even if you found some gunpowder you would think nothing of it
The town was destroyed by tsunamis and earthquakes. The town is just debris
I said myself that it was meta. I was just hoping to find something there, anything to maybe avoid being steamrolled by the incredible cheese that is gun. But if you insist. Gnolls! Prepare the boilers, we shall not sit idly by while these "guns" bite through our armour. We shall build, the Omnibus Supreme! First, we shall need to research steam power, of course, also, see what happens when you set fire to purified sugar. Perhaps we could use this conflagration against the trolls should we be faced with there fury again.
Action: Colonize the Northern Continent and thatlittle area south of
Research: Machinery with radishes

since I'm kind of the leader of the navy and exploration forces and our navy is very good, could I take 250 snekin exploring? Maybe to the islands or East beyond the map.
we can teach you steam tech for Metal gears

On a sidenote
Will you join our olympics?
Looks like there is going to be a war between the trolls and Gnolls. You worried radishes? Since you are our closest allies we should declare neutrality or mutual defense.
Where the trolls the only one with slaves
You have steam tech. This is total bullshit. I can't even get mad anymore.
Certainly my good sir! We will be glad to be on our way to a glorious future. As for the Olympics, this sounds splendid, perhaps this could mark the beginning of a new Era of peace and prosperity for both our people. (If you betray us again I will gut you :) )
Sadly no one has steam tech yet
>You have steam tech. This is total bullshit. I can't even get mad anymore.
I believe it's basically just metal kettles that blow pressurized steam at things like sails and hot air balloons if I remember right.
Check back a few threads
We have thermodynamics and Knowledge of steam
They had to spend a tech to learn that steam is a thing. Wow. Just, wow. Still, it's a step in the right direction.
We all have knowledge of steam but no machines that we can build.
Also I just realized that we could have just loomed fabric from our own gnoll fur instead of plant fibers. But then again it's kind of gross if you think about it. It's like equivalent to humans making sails from their own hair.
I recommend that we do my distillation tank plan last turn as a stepping stone for steam engines. >>208472

We'll get a useful water purification tech along the way and we get to have salt as a new resource.
No you dont
This is a civ thread
Also Hot air balloons
The machines we could build will range
I wanted the steam tech out of the way.
All right. Sounds good. Would still like to engage in the "peace event" with the trolls. Not to be hosted in any gnoll city of course. Wouldn't want to bother our new allies with our holes, now would we?
I will sign a blood contract to be allies

For Gnoll and Water Troll eyes only:
The radish people and the snakes are starting to scare me with all their deals and talk of attacking/defending against the trolls, They also actively tried to stop us from exploring ruins

I think we should team up and let bygones be bygones
We will give you Our ship tech as a sign of collaboration and a new age of peace
We need to keep researching tech
Well then, I wonder what else might be shared. Let bygones be bygones. Dirty, Sun, please note the need for some gnoll spies. Final turn needs to be decided.
Why not at the Neutral territory Trinston? The multicultural society there is sure to add more international glory to our competing champions.

Alliances are good but we don't want to become the aggressors here. I would like to prevent a world war between the races as much as I can. Especially with the potential threat of giant monsters/dragons coming back. We'll need to unite as one when that time comes. There won't be any a convenient Dragonborn to save us from them.

Espionage will be difficult to accomplish especially towards other races. They'll be spotted right away due to their distinct appearance compared to the local population. Perhaps in Trinston, since it's a multi-racial nation, it's possible but not on their own turfs.
The moons domain is the sea and secrets, those that master these things, are themselves closer to the moon
The suns domain is war and famine if you avoid these, you are further from evil.
Make this a culture and all else will fall into place.
Speaking of which we haven't been paying respects to our gods since the beginning. We should build temples for each of the two gods and some new culture based around our religion when we have the time to spare.
You forget, the sun god is evil.
We already built a coliseum
Also Because its our idea and I want relations to improve with the troll nation
Have you forgten when the trolls used Gnoll slaves as guinea pigs to the water virus? >>209073
Also trolls i'm just trying to protect my people and my ally the radishes. Look at the stats for snekin we dont attack unless provoked. Im think there will be a war between you and the Gnolls.
Thats so jewish
Also bygones are bygones
We were your original allies
You think we lack loyalty?

You insult us
Of course I haven't. But holding a grudge and burning at the trolls is the way of the sun god, the firey one shall not force us to give up a chance for peace, and neither shall you, serpent.
Other religions have evil gods too yet they still sculpt statues of them build shrines dedicated to them because they know the other half is important to keep the balance of nature and the cosmic universe. Unless of course you want to aim for a more God/Satan-ish relationship between the two?

A part of me is saying that this is some kind of trap to capture some gnolls for interrogation since the other races don't seem to be going to participate. Another part of me is saying that this is a great opportunity to, like you said, improve the relationship between our nations.

I'm going to accept your offer since that is the path to peace but if you betray us then our trust in you will be shattered.
The snekin are not jews there is no jewish religion our world. You insult our loyalty and pride as question us. You hold secret meetings with the Gnolls behind our backs. We are noble and loyal. How dare you treat a "ally" with contempt.
Name. Dear sweet merciful moon why is this so hard.
The Snekin wanted to participate in the Olympics, they seemed like a bridge towards regaining trust. But now you treat us like barbarians.
>Of course its a trap
>We have so many uses for gnolls

We just offered you the most advanced ship tech in the game. You can place ballistas where the cannons would be but still could fuck a radish or snake vessel anyday.

Also the other nations are invited
You mean as in a temple, not to praise the burning one, but to appease his blinding rays? Yeah, that sounds like a fine plan, brilliant.
You guys literally turned your backs on us and stopped us from exploring ruins

Then you begin conspiring plans to build walls and armies against us while we did nothing
We gave you sails.

We were you're allies and you treated us like neutrals or savages.
I do hope you will not hold it against us should some impoverished trolls decided to sell themselves into slavery with us gnolls, we will place laws that will keep certain activities illegal to command of these slaves.
The ruins were our sacred homeland!!! Home of temples that told us of our beginning! We have not gone searching for demon trolls, we respected you. We discovered our own sails. We only conspired to build walls because you were building Cannons! WE are a peaceful race who do not attack unless threatened, how did we turn our backs? We never attacked you
Speaking of wealth. Our shiny blue ores are a potential candidate for a national currency. Shape them into coins and such and kick start a legit economy.
You have no respect for us do you?
Hey, let's all calm our respective tits (or lack thereof) and play some feet ball!
True snekin have no tiddies which is a great loss. I am only angry that a ally insults us about our temples and honor.
We all need a vacation (and some refreshments) from all of this political tension going on right now. I think an olympics would be the right therapeutic activity to cool our heads.
When did we insult your temples?
Sweet, perhaps Gnolls could learn about ale while we are there, that would be perhaps the best thing.
We would the trolls want us to participate if they think we are such barbaric and deceitful savages.
You were angered by the fact that we went to explore the temples and "stopped you" from doing so. The temple was religiously important to the snekin.
Let's just hope OP doesn't alcohol-block us again like what happened to Part 1 when we were about to make mushroom ale.
Hey the snekin have the ability to make it. As a gesture of good will towards all the other races we will share the recipe with everyone.
Exploring ruins doesn't mean I want to destroy them

And also we didn't even know the ruins belonged to you.
I wanted more troll demon artifacts

Hey calm down
You guys aren't being proper allies if you dont even allow some of us to come on the expedition to the ruins.
We just think we were allies first and now all you guys do is talk to the radish people
We have ale
Proper Grain ale.
Soon all races will have their own unique vintage that many races will want to try, I think the Gnolls should produce 2 or 3 different brews, a sweet mushroom wine, a stronger surgeons whiskey, and something fairly weak, more in common with the trolls beer. (Yes, even sweet wines contain more alcohol than beer)
Well the radish helped us with the expedition and we traded. .
We didnt try to purposely block you. Its just that we were the only ones there that had the exploration gear. I didnt really talk with you guys because I was suspicious after the whole troll hitler thing. When the Olympics came I thought Troll hitler would use it to his advantage which I was suspicious of.
Come on many no need to insult our wines and mead. They are high quality. We have "true" grape wine.
bring all the alcohols

You guys will get to stay in buildings with multiple floors and beautiful architecture.
and then get hammered on wine and ale.
every race welcome
We got multiple floors and our own architecture too!... there is just more cats.

Trust me we get hammered just fine in our cities haha
Ok, so action, attend epic peace tournament thing
Culture: dis>>209132
Action: build temples.
Dirt, don't worry about a thing, cause every little thing, gonna be all right.
where is op?
As a gesture of peace with the Snekin you guys should come visit the capital, it s got some monuments on a size that even the mighty Trolls would appreciate.
something about "sleep". I couldn't make any sense of it.
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How sad it is to have missed a diplomatic meeting due to sleep,
Is there anything my fellow leaders would like to ask me?
Radish People are invited
Just spend an action to get to the games and compete

Also festivals after the games. Bring some of your cuisine and we can i have multicultural thing
hey everyone! I will be making summaries again, pls give me your decisions!
lol so cute

Tech: Take the stock off our cross bows and place a long small cannon on it. making muskets (culverins though)
Action: Send a ship back to the mainland and get the new big fast cannon ships. The crew of the other exploration vessel set up camp in the demon troll camp and search for stuff
Also Olympics.jpg
Knolls >>209375


Radish >>208937
Action: Mine the yellow soft ore in the ravines near Rashidia.
Make: Roof ornaments from it for important buildings.
okay just gonna take this one since there is no way im giving electricity out this early
We will collab with the Snakins next turn.
Also, I will allow my citizens to go to the Troll Olympics. How many go depends on what OP rolls.
Events of the Olympics
1. Track race
2. Wrestling
3. Hammer Throw
4. Triple Jump

Break with jesters and dancers

5. Boat race. Like rowboats which we made long ago.
6. Eating contest..
7. Drinking Contest

More entertainment.
Tours around rome

Then huge party in the forum
is it this turn or next?
This turn
File: water trolls.png (69KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
water trolls.png
69KB, 1024x768px
File: radish copy.png (67KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
radish copy.png
67KB, 1024x768px
File: gnolls.png (58KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
58KB, 1024x768px
File: snakins.png (51KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
51KB, 1024x768px
hello what did i miss
Tech: Matchlock Muskets
Action: Start mining in the Ravine near us

New ships are faster
Also estimate how long ago they left that camp. Troll demons
so what about:
Action:Rebuild the ruins in the yellow pocket on the lower island
Tech:Steel Armor In the shape of the armor the masked god wore without the mask
Thread is in auto sage OP
We have been 3 days
and we above 750 posts
lets make a new thread
yeah sure
also new people may come in and fill in the blanks
new thread!!!
Thread posts: 758
Thread images: 116

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