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Artificer Quest Thread #3

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 450
Thread images: 19

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Character Sheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lvqwQrtQ_YFvsVdcKJbSEAgpyZi9QrfJfnh_UDzvPKw/edit?usp=sharing

Previous Threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=StorytellerQM

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Storyteller_QM

> Sorry about the delay, Anons. Was on vacation with the family for the last week, which is why I was so sporadic with the end of Part 4. Anyways, I'm back now, and we'll begin Part 5 after a quick recap of the previous parts.
Thank God. I thought you died or something.
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Dam StoryT you gave me a scare.
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[PART 1]

We began our journey in the Badlands, a neutral buffer zone between the Western and Eastern Territories that was just too shit for either side to properly claim. After dealing with some minor engine troubles, our Hero John left the ramshack transport, and his asshole 'boss', behind for the town of Bo Shan, a small trade center compmostly of Easterners and some of mixed blood. Finding the local bar, meeting/flirting with the elf owner, repairing some lanterns for a man called Goo Hwi, and then ending the night helping the bar owner Sierra clean up after a drunk group of guards trashed the place all quickly happened in sequence. John and Sierra swapped stories before heading to sleep.

The next morning resulted in a quick shopping trip and trip to a newly found Ruin to explore it.

Too bad 'Jun' was a bandit.

[PART 2]

After a short introduction, and unsuccessful negotiation, John and the group of bandits made their way into the Ruin. Some extremely lackluster loot was found, Mooks were Hyper-competent, a Toolbox was spotted, and a large main chamber was found.

Through sheer accident, John noticed that there was something drawn out on the floor of the room. Quick investigation and deduction told him that there was a Rune of sorts; one that nearly took up the entirety of the room. Aside from warning the bandits of it, John was unable to gather anymore information on it as a team of Elite Guards suddenly arrived in the chamber.

Their leader made things quite clear: "Kill 'em all".

Thinking fast, our Hero ducked behind a crate in a corner and watched the two highly trained teams of combatants lay into one another. The stalemate lasted seconds, as a quick turn of events killed one bandit; on top of the Rune.

Blood Magic surged, the fighting stopped, and everything exploded, covering the entire room in Blight. John suffered a PTSD-induced knockout, reliving his narrow escape from his doomed home city of Westmire, and woke up to find that the ancient bioweapon had already overtaken the Ruin.

Sprinting back to the town, John managed to warn Sierra of what was coming a few precious seconds before the Blight hit the outer perimeter. Belongings were grabbed, a robber's jaw was shattered, and the two made their escape to the residence of Goo Hwi.

A lightning fast funeral pyre was held, and the three began to leave. Nearly dead on his feet, John's instincts still managed to prevent an ambush by the Blight Corrupted beings that were once the Bandit Leader, 'Jun', and one of the Elite Guards from becoming deadly.

John went toe to toe with the Leader, with Sierra acting as support, long enough for Goo Hwi to take out the other two and assist you in decapitating the Bandit.

John promptly succumbed to Exhaustion, Mana Depletion, and Shock.
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[PART 3]

Waking up from a minor coma, John had a few words with Goo Hwi about the abysmal state of his body. Aside from that, he learned that the Blight that overtook Bo Shan was already in the process of being cordoned off, at least as much as possible, that they were heading for a city known as Shirahoro, and that picking up that Toolbox was a good idea.

A very good idea.

After waking up again after passing out from laughter, John went over what happened at the Ruins with Sierra, leaving out his episode, and the two enjoyed some quiet under the stars.
Plot Twist!!! He's actually a ghost

[PART 4]

The journey to Shirahoro continued, some Disassembling took place and a quick bath in a nearby river was had before Sierra contacted John about getting them a faster ride to the city.

What a shitshow that ride has turned out to be. It started out as a nice enough gig, working as a Magitech Technician to a train whose Head Engineer couldn't get anything more advanced than a Steam Engine to work properly. Things promptly nosedived as Sierra informed you that they were all running security for the Owner who believed that the Genovese Crime Syndicate was aiming to kidnap both himself and his family during the trip; the same mafia John used to work for.

Things got worse as a bit of maintenance work on a malfunctioning AC unit revealed that someone had set up datalinks on the maintenance node that allowed the user to backdoor into the manual local overrides. Over the course of the next two or so hours, John removed one from each of the carriage's maintenance nodes.

Walking back to the workshop with the first datalink in hand, John noted the groups of security guards now stationed along the train.

Back at the workshop, a bit of poking about allowed John to follow the data trail from the device back to the central computer. He accidentally overheard a comm call, in which four mercenaries by the names of Rider, Dozer, Bishop, and Creep went over a general outline of your group, made plans to take out yourself and Goo Hwi, and then declared radio silence until 0900 the next morning, when they would attempt the kidnapping.



Giving himself a moment to loath in self pity, John checked the files on the hardware of the datalink, did a bit of deduction as to what would happen in the coming hours, and then threw together a rather... saucy... plan to get Sierra in on what was happening.

Along the way to First Class, you had a quick run in with Creep, whose bloodlust was slightly worrisome. After a quick explanation to the guards blocking your way, you stopped by the maintenance node, removed the datalink, and did a quick scan to make sure the room was secure for your... rendezvous. Everything looked clear, after removing the datalink, and you went out to find Sierra.

You found her in an office, along with Goo Hwi and the Owner of Gambino Railways.
> pic related

A quick handshake was had, some bad nostalgia was experienced, and you beat feet out of the room with Sierra in tow.

The two made it to the maintenance closet, a quick lump of information was exchanged, and a half-assed attempt to make it look like you two were just making out was had.

A sandwich was grabbed while walking through the meal car, some slightly suspicious guards were spoken to, and John made it back to the workshop. A bit of digging around the merc's central computer turned up some potential blackmail material. Oh, and the man ordering the deaths of yourself and your party was none other than Gambino himself.

He seems nice.
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It's about 3:30 pm at this point. You're in the workshop, trying to think of something to do now that you know that there's still a team of four mercs, now supported by the security guards, gunning for you and your party.

Now what?
> Dismantle one of the Datalinks (You have 7)
> Talk to Naofumi
> Go check on the Main Terminal
> Leave the workshop (Go Where?)
> Other

Ah, good olde Pacific Rim. Nothing more cathartic than some Mech vs Kaiju action.


He is 'AManYouCanTrust' after all


I can only hope the afterlife has internet connection.
Yeah he just wants us dead now. Because he can't stop thinking in our callanous hands touching Sierra or he doesn't like man with a workers hand.
>> Other
Can we upgrade the gauntlet?
> Dismantle one of the Datalinks (You have 7)

You currently have the 7 Custom-made Datalinks. Though, you really haven't worked much with them. Perhaps if you had a better understanding of them you could think of something to make...
I want to disect that datalink and see if it can be usefull to us. Maybe we get a way to hack into other parts with those datalinks using our glove? Maybe their parts can be used for something else?
>> Dismantle one of the Datalinks (You have 7)
>> Other

Set up our gauntlet with a taser fist function.

Time to start picking things apart.

This is more or less what I wanted to make. Self-defense function.
If that's the only way we can mod the gauntlet right now, then let's go with it. Nothing lying around the workshop either?

You've got a lot of Datalinks to work with, so first things first you should try to get a better understanding of what you're working with.

So you grab your tools and get to work.

> Roll me three 1d100+7's
Rolled 30 + 7 (1d100 + 7)

Rolled 7 (1d100)

Rolled 98 + 7 (1d100 + 7)


This will be happening next, don't worry.
Rolled 60 + 7 (1d100 + 7)

Thanks, namefag.

105, Outstanding Success

fuck yeah!! We know so much about it it's almost like we have build it ourselfs.
When are we getting our pirate qts?
When we kill the fat man and reach the port town?
What about all the other qts? The elves, dwarves, centaurs, golems, and Exo suit qts?

Using your screwdriver, you have the datalink opened up and spread out on the table in seconds. Something catches your eye immediately and you pull it closer to you to take a look.

There's a Genovese logo on one of the chips. It stares at you and you have to take a second to think about it. At the surface, this makes things look like the Genovese are behind things.

So you think about what they would do if they were and you can't make it work. Sure, they weren't exactly the best syndicate when it came to Magitech, but if they were going to try something like kidnapping a major competitor, they'd send in a team of their best guys to do it.

And you know from experience that they wouldn't make a rookie mistake like forgetting to file away company logos. They also wouldn't be a random, free-lance mercenary team, so the contract wouldn't be renegotiated mid-mission. Plus, they'd probably have Dutch on board and you definitely didn't recognize his voice from the transmissions...

In a bit over a minute, you've got the datalink disassembled, and you did it in a way that you didn't even have to break anything. You still feel like this whole situation stinks, but at least you have something to go on.

You have obtained:
> An intimate understanding of how Datalinks work!
> You now have a permanent increase to your skill bonus while using the Maintenance, Modify, and Repair skills while working with Datalinks!

This barely took you any time at all, it's not even 3:35 yet.

Now what?:
> Modify your Gauntlet
> Talk to Naofumi
> Check the Main Terminal
> Leave the workshop (go where?)
> Other
> Modify your Gauntlet
Time to update our Gauntlet using our knowledge

>Modify your Gauntlet
>Modify the gauntlet
> Modify your Gauntlet

Shock gaunlet. Also yeah someone is trying to incriminate our old palls. So it's a attemp to make the Genovesse look guilty and start some kind of turf war?

I fucking hate trains...
>> Modify your Gauntlet
Well if we took all the data links than there's nothing implicating them to the crime. Right?

Time to get to upgrading.



Removing the datalinks has disabled their backdoor into the train's systems. However, who knows if they have anything else they'll use to incriminate the Genovese family.
Yes and if the fat man discovered we took it out that migth be the reason why he want us dead.
Nah, He's just jealous of our MANLY hands. We're too stealthy to get caught by some fat muckity muck.

You've got plenty of material to work with, mostly the datalink that you just pulled apart that still kinda works.

The impending doom of tomorrow morning strikes your mind, and you'd like to create something for self defense. Sierra's hand taser spell comes to mind, so you take a look around at what's in stock in the workshop. Unfortunately, you'll need a stronger power source and some way of rigging up an output for the actual taser portion of the device.

> You cannot create a Magitech Knuckle Taser at this time!
> Missing items: Magitech Power Source Medium Grade, Taser Head!

Perhaps someone on the train has a physical Taser that you could break down and modify.

Anyways, you turn to the parts of the datalink and decide to upgrade your Gauntlet with what you can for now.

> Roll me three 1d100+22's
Rolled 65 + 22 (1d100 + 22)

Rolled 43 + 22 (1d100 + 22)

Rolled 58 + 22 (1d100 + 22)

Rolled 3 + 22 (1d100 + 22)


87, Great Success
Let me guess, a hidden blade?
Note to self:
Acquire the itens above in the next town.

> Missing items: Magitech Power Source Medium Grade, Taser Head!

It takes you a bit, but after popping open the touch screen you have already and making some room, you manage to wire up the datalink into your Gauntlet without simply strapping the thing to the side of it.

> You can now access the datalink, and the limited portion of the mercenary's central computer, from anywhere on the train!
> Your Touch Screen's in built power conduit is now Full! If you wish to install more electronic modifications to the Gauntlet, you will need to increase the power source!

Now what?
> Access the datalink
> Talk to Naofumi
> Go check the Main Terminal
> Leave the workshop (go where?)
> Other


How would you build a hidden blade out of superconductors, wiring, and plastic?
>> Access the datalink
We have our dagger woth us can't we just pull the handle out and attach the blade to our underarm?
> Access the datalink
>Access the datalink

Doesn't sound very hidden, or convenient.
>Access the datalink

Time to test it out.


>>1771055 summarizes it pretty well.
Uh i thought it wouldn't be hard to have a cassing with the blade size and male a mechanins with a wire attached to a ring so the mechanism can.pull the blade out when we want.

But what ever maybe we manage to find something else?

Deciding to test out your handiwork, you restart the screen and pull up the datalink's hard drive and transmitter. Thankfully, the files on the hardware itself are still intact, and you can connect to the network.

You do so to take a look around. Things are quiet, as they should be, and those three files are still here.

Now what?
> Try to copy those audio files to the harddrive of your Gauntlet.
> Log off
> Other
>Copy the audio files
>> Try to copy those audio files to the harddrive of your Gauntlet.
>> Try to copy those audio files to the harddrive of your Gauntlet.
Can we even do anything else?
>> Try to copy those audio files to the harddrive of your Gauntlet.
> Try to copy those audio files to the harddrive of your Gauntlet.
Rolled 35 (1d100)


Good olde ctrl+c, ctrl+p should do the trick.

> Roll me three 1d100's


At this point in time, you've more or less exhausted your options with datalinks.
Rolled 43 (1d100)

Nat 100
Rolled 56 (1d100)

Rolled 22 (1d100)


56 versus 35, success.

Good to see the bad guys being unlucky.

It takes a while, you are copying audio files after all, but the files transfer over to your harddrive without an issue.

You have obtained:
> Audio Files containing potential blackmail against Gambino!

You're done with that, so you disconnect immediately after. It's now 3:45 pm.

Now what?
> Talk with Naofumi
> Check the Main Terminal
> Leave the workshop (go where?)
> Other
> Check the Main Terminal
> Check the Main Terminal
> Check the Main Terminal

Time to check the Main Terminal.


Getting up from the workbench you stretch your limbs, sore from sitting down for a while, and then walk over to where the Main Terminal is located. You should probably make sure that everything is working on this end as well.

Waking the screen up, everything looks to be in order.

You've got options though:
> General Diagnostics Scan
> Air Climate Control Center
> Systems Map
>> General Diagnostics Scan
>> Air Climate Control Center
This. Maybe we can lower the air where the egg man is. Make that cunt freeze.
With all that fat, he's going to get a bit chilly, while the rest of the box is freezing
> General Diagnostics Scan

Now this may sound weird but can we put a data link so we can have acess to the terminal? Because man would be super usefull to be able to use the trains breaks when we want to.

Start with a Diagnostics Scan, go from there.

Actually that's pretty smart. We just need to remove the gangster stuff from it so they can't access it.

Deciding to start with the simplest option, you start up the General Diagnostics Scan, even making sure to select the more in depth option.

You're gonna have to wait a few minutes for it to complete, and inevitably your attention returns to the pile of datalinks on the workbench. They're all wired together in the same network, and you know that they were meant to attach to a node to allow backdoor access.

Given your newly acquired intimate knowledge of how they work, you might be able rig up a backdoor access to the Main Terminal that you could use your Gauntlet to control.

However, your knowledge of datalinks does not translate to coding. You know that you if do this, whoever is running the merc's central computer will also have access to the Main Terminal's backdoor.

> Rig up a backdoor
> Leave it alone
>> Leave it alone
The Mercs can't have a back door to the main terminal
> Leave it alone

Yeah better not.
>leave it alone
>Leave it alone
Didn't even need a vote desu.

Leave it alone it is.

> Roll me three 1d100+5's please
Rolled 68 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Nat #
Rolled 34 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Rolled 51 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Rolled 26 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Rolled 16 + 5 (1d100 + 5)


73, Bare Success DC 70


It's tempting to have backdoor access to the train's systems remotely, but you can't let the mercenaries have that as well so you leave the terminal alone. Another minute passes before it chimes.

You turn back to the screen and take a look. Things are looking good; no issues from where you removed the datalinks and it doesn't appear like anything else broke while you were out and about. The entire system looks like its clear, though you're still not sure how the mercenaries are monitoring your party. The train itself does not have cameras, and you didn't find anything of the sort while working with the datalinks.

Either they're using CCTV cameras, or they're monitoring you in some other way.

Still, the system is clean. That's good.

What now?
> Air Climate Control Center
> Systems Map
> Exit Terminal
>Air Climate Control Center
Time to make some popsicles.
>> Air Climate Control Center
>> Air Climate Control Center
> Air Climate Control Center

Spell for heat vision?
StoryT, what exactly is the system map? Is it a map of the train or of the wiring runned in it?

Because John is slightly petty like that.



It gives you a general layout of each of the train's cars, and gives you a rather detailed overlay of the systems and how they connect to one another. Think of it like a digital blueprint.

It's with a slightly vindictive glee that you make your way to the Air Climate Control Center, find the dial for the Owner's Office, and turn it down a few degrees. And then a few more degrees. And then another few just to be sure.

You've got a stupid grin on your face and you know it.

Now what?
> Systems Map
> Exit Terminal
So you are saying it's a map for the wiring distribution of power and the amount used to move this train? Also can we try and copy it?
>> Systems Map
> Systems Map
> Systems Map
Why turn it down? He's a fat guy. Fat people have a worse time in hot weather. Turn it up so that he's melting.

Or better yet, alter the system so that if someone turns up the heat, it goes up twenty degrees higher then the display says it is.

>Spoken as a so called fat guy.
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You could, I suppose. It'd eat up the rest of your harddrive space and be a bit hard to read on the size of the screen you have on your Gauntlet though.


Check over the System Map it is.



I'll be honest, this really isn't going to do anything; it's more of a joke at this point than anything else.
I like the way the is guy thinks, but I think it's too late for that.
>this really isn't going to do anything

It makes me feel good at the expense of someone else who is an asshole. Isn't that a good enough reason?

You load up the Systems Map. The program has no issue, and seems to be in the same condition it was previously. It's missing the minor maintenance requests and the issue with the node where you fixed the A/C, though that just means everything is working properly now.

Making sure to refresh your memory, you wonder what to do now:
> Exit Terminal


True, that's why I included it in the first place.
>> Exit Terminal
>Emergency Breaking System
>> Exit Terminal

Time to leave.

> On that note, I'm going to pause things here for tonight. I'll be continuing things tomorrow morning, until about noon my time as I'm gonna be playing dnd with a few friends for the rest of the day. See you all around.
Hey guys, how about we talk to naofumi about his boss?

Cheers for running OP!
Just caught up in the archive

Liking this quest so far. Love me some properly done intrigue.
>I'm gonna be playing dnd with a few friends for the rest of the day.

I whish i had friends to play...
Did you catch the discussion at the tail end of the previous thread?
Anon I'll be your friend to play with you.
Seriously StoryT. Hit me with that "next thread" bull? Well, I'm glad I found the thread.
are we live?
okay who here is of the golemites? who here is of the exos?

for golems say GOLEMS
for exos say EXO
for pirates say ARRRRRRRRRRR
for centures, say stupid fucking furrys
An EXO suit is just a golem in gattai with a human.
I want Golems but I don't want to wear one like a skin suit.
With a EXO suit we can literaly wear our golem!

So a EXO suit
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it's a place to start

Good to see that we've got people from the archived threads. Glad to have you.


I read it, yeah, which part of it are you talking about?


Roll20 exists for a reason.


By the time I got around to making an update on the old thread, it was already on page 9 so didn't bother since it was probably minutes away from sliding off the board.

> Update will be coming soon, just need to take the garbage out.

Making sure everything is still working properly, you exit out of the Main Terminal and check the time again. It's just after 4 pm.

Now what?
> Talk to Naofumi
> Leave the workshop (go where?)
> Other
>Talk to Naofumi
Milk him for intel. Casually. Smooth as a cucumber.
>Leave the workshop (toilet)
When was the last time we took a shit?

Also something interesting might happen on the way?
>Talk to Naofumi
> Talk to Naofumi

Shit is fixed i will go to my break now.
Rolled 67 - 10 (1d100 - 10)


Might as well check on how Naofumi has been handling things in the engine room.


Holy shit...he broke something.
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It's been a while since you've talked to Naofumi and, considering the circumstances, you really should check up on him.

So you leave your things on the workbench and walk over to where he'd be.

The older man is inside, checking a few dials and readouts in between puffs on his pipe.

He probably can't hear you over the sound of the steam engine running right next to him, so you have to raise your voice to get his attention.

"Naofumi!" Cupping your hands seems to do the trick, as he turns to regard you.

"John, what now?"

What's your first question?:
> Ask him about Gambino
> Ask him if he's broken anything
> Ask him if anyone has tried to get into engineering
> Ask him something else
> Leave
>> Ask him if he's had to fix anything
>> Ask him if anyone has tried to get into engineering
>> Ask him if he's broken anything
>> Ask him if anyone has tried to get into engineering
>> Ask him something else
Anything else we need to do? Any suspicious fellows he might have noticed? Any explosive equipment that shouldn't be fought around?

Forgot to add one more question:

> Ask about the train schedule, specifically around 9 am tomorrow morning


First question. One at a time.
In that order of priority, then.
> Ask him if he's broken anything
> Ask him if anyone has tried to get into engineering

Add that one to mine to.

Let's see if the old timer has broken anything in our absence.


The two of you walk closer and to the side of the room so you can be heard.

His face immediately scowls as the first question leaves your mouth, however.

"So, you break anything while I was gone?"

Naofumi opens his mouth to respond when he's interrupted by the sound of a fuse blowing. Both of you turn to where you see sparks flying.

While he sprints to turn off the power, you run back to workshop to grab your tools and return to join him in quickly repairing things.

> Roll me three 1d100+7's
Rolled 8 + 7 (1d100 + 7)

Rolled 2 + 7 (1d100 + 7)

Rolled 63 (1d100)


70, Success


It's a tense half a minute as you and Naofumi frantically work to repair the overloaded system. You nearly get burned on more than one occasion from frayed wiring, but you've been through this song and dance before.

Only after Naofumi flips the breaker back on and nothing explodes do you finally relax, closing the panel you'd just been working on and sighing deeply. Getting back onto your feet, the old man is there scowling down at you.

"Not one word about this"

Guess he's a bit prickly on that subject.

Now what?
> Ask about Gambino
> Ask him if anyone has tried to get into engineering
> Ask about the train schedule, specifically around 9 am tomorrow morning
> Ask him something else
> Leave
>> Ask about the train schedule, specifically around 9 am tomorrow morning
> Ask about the train schedule, specifically around 9 am tomorrow morning
>> Ask him something else

> Ask him something else

>Seen anything unusual on the train of late?

Fishing for anything,

Ask him about the morning; and if he's seen anything weird.


Since things are mostly calmed down, you motion for Naofumi to follow you back to the workshop.

After entering, you turn back to him and start talking, "I wanted to talk to you about our travel route. Specifically how things are going to be tomorrow morning?".

"Well," Naofumi takes a puff of his pipe as he thinks over your question, "We're makin' good time right now. This section of the track runs through a pretty flat section of the Badlands. I won't have to worry much until tomorrow".

You motion for him to continue, thankfully he does so, "Early tomorrow, we're gonna get to the Highlands that are outside of Shirahoro proper. Gonna be a pain to slow the train down there when the track twists and turns all the way up that pass".

Naofumi rubs the back of his neck. giving you a moment to think things over. There's something else you should ask him.

"Naofumi, have you seen anything... unusual on the train as of late?"

He looks irritated at you again, "Look, son, I don't get much of a chance to sight see on this here train. I gotta sit in that there room and make sure that the steam engine is runnin' properly' gotta shovel the coal in there and regulate it so we don't get derailed going around a curve. Although," He cuts off the beginning of his own rant, looking off to the side thoughtfully, "Some of those 'security' hardheaded goons were tryin' to get into the workshop while you were gone. I told 'em to get the hell out before I got my wrench, and then did. Stupid punks..."

Well, that was interesting. You think about anything else you want to ask him.

> Gonna have to end things early for tonight. I'll be at work tomorrow though, as usual, I'll be updating when I can then. Keep an eye out for that. Goodnight Anons.

Against Creep alone I can see our chances being relatively good because he doesn't know that we know he's coming, so we have the element of surprise on our side.

But those goons with the rifles are going to be a bitch to deal with. Their ability to use them is limited due to the fact that this is a train, but still. At least we can do the ol' climb out the window and over the roof trick so that they never get a clear line of fire on us walking through a narrow doorway.
>I read it, yeah, which part of it are you talking about?
All of it, just hoping it gave you ideas or brought up things you hadn't considered.
You will not get QM to reveal their cards friend
Can we become a Crusader Knight that fuck the pagan bitches?

Anyone know a quest like this?

I don't mind answering questions on whether or not something is possible to be done, so long as IC you have the relevant information.


Reading over that section, things Anons considered and didn't shoot down immediately summarize down to:

- Decoupling the last train car to escape.
> The last train car is the caboose, so this is entirely possible. Getting John, Sierra, and Goo Hwi onto it without arousing suspicion maybe prove difficult. Also, Goo Hwi is not aware of anything yet.

- Someone commented that this may be connected to what the Elite Guard Leader said back before the Blight Incursion of Bo Shan began.
> I can tell you right now that these two incidents are not related. Also, he said "town" not "country".

- Contacting the Merc Team
> Entirely possible. You've got access to their comm network currently, but you don't have a mic to speak with...

All in all, nothing here is something I haven't considered. The way I write is that I create a scenario then I think of how all the people in it would interact with one another. There is no one 'right' way out of this arc, it's just that there will be benefits and consequences that you may or may not have to deal with later on depending on your actions. I will say that you guys are doing very well thus far.

You give yourself a minute to sort through your thoughts, before opening your mouth again to speak.

You say?
> Ask him about Gambino
> Ask him if he knows anything about the 'security guards'
> Ask him something else
> End the conversation
> Ask him about Gambino
>Ask him about Gambino
What sort of people does he deal with, is anyone giving him grief, what about competition, how long does this train line operate...

Time to ask about the boss.


"Hey Naofumi," You start, waiting for him to give you a grunt of acknowledgement before continuing, "What's your thoughts on Gambino?"


There's an awkward silence as you scramble to clarify yourself.

"Gambino, you know, the Owner of this Railway, and all that?"

"Oh, him," Naofumi takes another puff of his pipe, looking iritated, "I barely know anything about the current head of the Gambino family; I was hired by his father years upon years ago. His bastard of a son hasn't spoken a word to me since he took over".

Well, you guess that's to be expected.

At the mention of his career, you're reminded of something that was only mentioned in passing earlier.

Ask about 'Sarah'?
> Yes
> No
> Hell yeah.
>> Yes
Do it

You would like to know more.


"That reminds me, on the topic of employees, I remember a 'Sarah' being mentioned before. Something about her being the person I'm subbing for on this trip".

Naofumi's face darkens as you speak, and he puts his pipe aside, "What about her?"

You're a bit surprised at his attitude, but you continue on anyways, "I was just wondering who she was, and why she's not here now?"

"Sarah's my daughter," He reluctantly explains, his eyes boring into yours, "She's normally the one in charge of all the magi-whatsit one this train. As for why she's not here, she got called to help investigate a Ruin far north of Shirahoro".

Well, that explains things.

Now what?
> Ask him about the 'security' guards
> Ask about something else
> End the conversation
> Ask him about the 'security' guards
>> Ask him about the 'security' guards
>She doesn't work for Gambino then I take it? Good thing, too, he seems less than agreeable employer.

>Do these mercs get hired often? Or freelancers like us for that matter.
Guess StoryT died.

Ask about our 'friends'



Worked picked up pretty hard.

"So your daughter works for you specifically?"

He shakes his head, "We both work for the Gambino family. Also, we almost done here?"

"Alright, one last question," The two of you have been talking for a while, so you really should wrap things up here, "Do you know anything about those 'security' guards?"

Naofumi contemplates this for a bit, putting his pipe back in his mouth, "They're a group that works exclusively for the Gambino's; they've been brought on a few times in the past to guard specific trains"

"How often do they get called in? How often do freelancers like myself get hired for that matter?"

"They get brought in whenever it's likely for an attacks to take place. And folks like you are a rarity; the Gambino's have always kept outsiders to a minimum".

You really can't think of another question, so you decide to end things here, "Thanks for your time Naofumi, I'll see you around".

He just grunts, getting up and walking back to the engine room. The door closes behind him, and you're alone in the workshop once again. It's almost 4:45 at this point.

Now what?
> Go to the restroom
> Leave the workshop (go where?)
> Other
> Go to the restroom
This is where Creep will try to kill us, in the toilet, so be prepared if we see a glory hole in the stall wall.
> Go to the restroom
>> Go to the restroom
Check for traffic on merc communication.

If we have anything weaponisable in the workshop, we could work on that. Other than that we need to weight our options and pick what's most conducive to our survival.

Do we try to flee the train with our companions?
Or do we try to make a stand and ride the train to the end of the line?
We could also pull the brakes and stop the train, but unless we do this someplace civilized where authorities react quickly, we'll be more or less at mercy of the assorted goons. Of course if we managed to escape, we'd have solid case against them now... in any case we should coordinate with companions beforehands. Shame we did not make a contingency plan with Sierra back in the closet, like "if the train stops, make for the woods". Oh well.

Are the guards likely to kill us in front of witnesses? If not, we could hang out in public areas of the train for the time being. Like in the dining car. Assuming we can get there without being intercepted.
If we can't leave the engineering area normally without placing ourselves to a murderable position, we could try going below (assuming there's enough room between carriage floor and earth) or out by the roof (and hope there are no tunnels or low bridges lol)

Sooo... what exactly is between workshop and, let's say, dining car?

also make a mental note to craft communicators for our party members to mitigate this sort of situations in the future.
Gather evidence of the plot that Gambino is pulling and then blackmail him/beat the shit out of him/report him to a higher authority

Time to visit the throne room.


You didn't think about it up until now, but you really have to go to the bathroom. So, after taking a look around the workshop and realizing that there's not actually one in here for some reason, you leave most of your tools on the workbench and leave.

The guards are gone from where they were supposedly trying to get into engineering, so you easily make it to the restroom in this car unmolested and enter.

> This is something that I want to try out. So, think of a single question about this story arc; it can be anything. You guys agree to that question, then roll three 1d100's. If you get one roll above a 60, I will answer that question, through John, truthfully. You can't crit fail this roll, so don't worry about that.
This arc involves the gambinos, and not the blight, so:

"How does John's relationship with the mob affect his actions to it, and what are the ramifications of that relationship on this situation?"
This arc allow us to unlock the making of a EXO suit, so:

"What do we need to get/need to build a EXO suit, from what we can find inside the train?"
"How does John feel about a hit being place on him, just because he's superior to the egg man?"

Also this.
I want to know how badly geeking this merc squad will affect John's relationship with the mafioso

If you guys can't decide on one, roll 1d100 and we'll go with the highest roll
I'll throw in with the first one if it'll break the tie
Rolled 82 (1d100)


That works, though I'd ask for clarification on what exactly Toruc is asking about. Remember, one specific question.
I did roll high enough that it would be answered. I will support the first question it's the one I'm want to know

Here is a meme question, not to be taken serious.
When are we going to meet a Centaur qt?
Rolled 41 (1d100)

I'm fine with toruc's
I'll give it about 5 more minutes for Toruc to respond otherwise I'm going with the EXO
Rolled 77 (1d100)

Sorry, thought I had worded it well. Guess not...

I want to know John's relationship with the mob (i.e. terms left, any person he might know)
Rolled 65 (1d100)

EXO suit anons Unite!!

His relationship with the Genovese family, you mean? I could've sworn I explained that out OoC, though I guess I could expand on things.

> Alright, roll me three 1d100's
Rolled 98 (1d100)

Rolled 82 (1d100)

Rolled 39 (1d100)


That's a 98, Excellent Success

File: Dutch_SayingHello.png (13KB, 96x166px) Image search: [Google]
13KB, 96x166px

(Fitting music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uq7kyf1T_lk)

As you sit down and relax, it really hits you that you're back to being waste deep in mafia plots. The nostalgia of it flows over you, and you close your eyes as the day that you left Airgird comes to mind.


As was pretty much characteristic of the northern port city, rainy days in Airgird were cold affairs. The smell of salt water filled the air, accompanied by a damp fog.

You stand there, underneath a lamp post on a corner you routinely meet up at, wearing your heavy cloak. It's a good thing that you do, because the material keeps the rain off of you.

Your back still itches and burns periodically, but you got used to that feeling a long time ago. What actually bothers you is the long wound, stitched together and wrapped up thanks to the work of a trusted street doc, that you got during the last job. Getting double-crossed was almost a normal occurrence on the job, but you were getting tired of all the close calls.

It's why you were here in the first place.

Further down the street, you see a man about your height approaching you, the light from the end of his cigarette the only thing giving away him. He walks up to where you're standing, flicking away his spent cig, and waits for you to speak while pulling out another.

"I want out, Dutch".

Dutch nearly fumbles as he's lighting up; you don't need to see his face to know he's surprised.

"Seriously John?" Your silence answers him, "Shit, man, you are serious..."

The rain still pours, and your back still aches. Dutch finally gets the flame to catch, taking a long drag before letting the smoke mix out into the air.

"I'm not judgin' you or nothin', but where's this comin' from?"

You think of your side again before answering, "I'd like to live through the next few months, Dutch. The last week alone I've nearly died four times on our little jobs. Even you can see where I'm going with this".

Given the way he moves, Dutch considers slogging you in the shoulder for the barb against him. But he doesn't. It's just another sign that the two of you aren't kids anymore.

"Look, man, you're not the first guy to leave on us. Most of 'em didn't have half of your rep, too".

The implication of his statement isn't lost on you.


The two of you enjoy the quiet noise of rain hitting pavement before he speaks again.

"I... I'll see what I can do, I guess. The Don owes me a favor, so I could cash that in I guess," He tilts his head towards you, though you don't meet his gaze, "Do you mind if I tell him that you'll consider working for the Family again in the future? It'll probably improve your chances and all that".

You just nod numbly. It wasn't like you were going to cut and run anyways.

"Alright..." He flicks away his second cig, already burned down to a cinder, "Look, John, you're going to owe me for this. I probably won't need it for a while, but it'll still be big".

"I got it. Thanks a lot Dutch"

You offer your hand for him to shake, and he doesn't hesitate to take it.


Getting up, you clean up, wash your hands, and leave the restroom.

It's about 5 pm now.

Now what?
> Check your Gauntlet
> Go somewhere (where?)
> Other
Considering things are pretty much dead, I'm gonna end things here for tonight. I'll see you all tomorrow. Goodnight Anons.
> Check your Gauntlet

Feel free to vote on the next choice, I just need to go to sleep in a few minutes so no writing for me.
Check the gauntlet.

Also the mafia egg man is trying to frame is obviously one of the potential clients for our recordings, but we still don't know who are they being set up against.
Stake out the mercs you made, looking for a place to strike.
We need to casually take some preemptive measures. Can we use the data links and our gauntlet to eject luggage from overhead compartments as a defense mechanism when shit hits the fan? Can we cause a ruckus of some sort in eggmans car and cast him and the mercenaries off from the rest of the train? Can we for fuck's sake try to take control of this situation instead of reacting to it?
first we need to decide what exactly our objective is.

>hijack the caboose and flee the train this way?
if we could pull this off smoothly enough, we would not only lose the pursuit as the mercs would likely stay on train to pursue their main objective, but possibly also thwart them since they may not know about our countering their sabotage.
>stop the train and flee into the countryside?
this would make for noisier getaway and more confrontation with the goons
>take over the train by ourselves by neutralizing both the merc squad and the security goons
odds seem stacked against us here, and we don't know identity of the other three mercs.

am I missing something?

Maybe there's a potential ally amongst the passengers.
Eggman is clearly holding himself hostage for personal gain, getting us out of the way is a byproduct. If we can confound and perplex the hell out of his goons we shouldn't have to fight at all. Maybe we can get Sierra to lure creep somewhere under the assumption that the plans have changed and they're actually supposed to target eggman, that way we can all reach our destination safely.
> Check your Gauntlet

I believe is a turf war. Eggman wants to put blame on the Genovese so he can make then targets in a turf war. The question is if he wants the Genovese get set up to cause a war between his family and then or if he wants to try and use this to expell then from the port city, by forcing the local authorities to investigate the accident wreckge.
Rolled 56 + 10 (1d100 + 10)


Time to check the computer.

> Roll me three 1d100's please
Rolled 46 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Welcome back
Rolled 55 (1d100)

Rolled 78 (1d100)


78 versus 66, Success


Poor Rider

You check up on the datalink's connection. Nothing has changed for now. Comms are still quiet.

What now?
> Return to the workshop
> Go somewhere else (where?)
> Other
> Return to the workshop
Is there anything we can do different in the workshop?
Since I want us to get some things so we have more to work with in our workshop
If the coast is clear, we can try getting back to the gambino carriage to rejoin with friends. Perhaps opportunity will present itself to convene with them.

We can justify our presence with fixing the AC that began to cool a bit too much for "some" reason...
this is a good one i will support it.

Some Anons wanted to check what was in stock at the workshop. I forgot to do it then so I'm giving you the chance now.
I'm fine with that desu.
Although, any chance we could get the information retroactively, without having to return there? I imagine John would have surveyed available tools and materials when he first came, as well as when he was working on glove or the datalinks.

We can then decide if it's worth returning to tinker some more before we submerge ourselves in the shit creek.

I could do that, though I'd be robbing you of chance to roll to find something actually useful in the piles of spare materials
Oh okay. Let's go with the absent minded inventor then. If other anons are in accord that is.

>inb4 nat 1 roll makes our glove drop its power source into a pile of scrap or through a grate in floor and we end up unable to dig it up and subsequently operate the device

Naw, it wouldn't be that bad.

Jokes, getting a nat 1 means that a Rust Monster spawns into existence ontop of the scrap pile
File: darth vader concerned.jpg (23KB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
darth vader concerned.jpg
23KB, 640x480px
>Rust Monster on a magiteck Train

could it not have been just snakes?
Sure, I can dig it.

I'd like some better methods to defend ourselves anyway.

Time to see what's in stock



Since they've got magic in them, all the magitech on board would be fine. Everything else, however...

Giving how the situation is developing, you should really check what exactly you have in stock in the workshop.

So, you head back to engineering, making sure to close and lock the door behind you, and take a look at the material you have.

> Roll me three 1d100's
Rolled 32 (1d100)

Check Them
Rolled 49 (1d100)

Rolled 6 (1d100)

Come in clutch
nothing usefulll i guess.Do we have a scaveger skill?

49, Nothing special here


You shuffle things around, hoping to get lucky again. No dice.

There's a fair amount of scrap metal here. Not enough to really build anything substantial, but enough that if you needed to make repairs and/or modifications you could.

Upon finding a roll of duct tape, however, you snag that and toss it into your toolbox. Can't ever have too much duct tape.

Now what?
> Commence Operation 'Fix AC'
> Go somewhere else (where?)
> Other
>> Commence Operation 'Fix AC'
>> Commence Operation 'Fix AC'
> Commence Operation 'Fix AC'

Remember when I said adjusting the thermostat wouldn't matter in the long run? I lied.

I knew it was going to lead to confrontations. Being petty actually works.

You really need to update Sierra on how the situation has changed. However, the problem is that you really can't go up to the back end of the train without arousing suspicion.

Then, it hits you. The perfect excuse for getting yourself right into Gambino's office.

You can't help but cackle to yourself as you walk over to the Main Terminal and find the office's Climate Control Center. Turning the room temperature down resulted in nothing. So, logically, it was time to try turning the temperature up.

So you do. You hit the arrow up up up. And some more. And a bit more. And, just for good measure, you crank it as far as it'll go.

You only have to wait a minute before the terminal starts beeping at you, letting you know you've got an incoming call. It's hard to keep the smirk from bleeding through into your voice.

"Engineering, how may I help you?"

"John? That you? ... is this thing even working?"

It's Sierra on the line, "Yep, I'm here. What's the issue?"

"Yeah," She sounds a bit nervous, oddly enough, "I think the AC in this room broke; something went wrong and now it's getting a bit... hot... in here".

"Huh..." You try your best to sound stumped, "That's strange, I'm not getting any issue on my end. I guess I'll have to head down there and take a look at it first-hand. I'm probably going to need your help again, if you don't mind".

"Help?" There's a cut of confusion in her tone, "Yeah, I guess I can help you. I'll see you down here".

That was simple enough. It's just after 5:15 now.

Now what?
> Head down to Gambino's Office
> Do something in the workshop (what?)
> Go somewhere else (where?)
> Other


John has a hysterically vindictive streak to him.
> Do something in the workshop (what?)
Check equipment. Do we have a weapon that we can concealed carry?

> Head down to Gambino's Office
> Head down to Gambino's Office

Don't think in Sierra all sweaty, don't think in Sierra all sweaty, don't...dammit to late.
We have a dagger with us.
We have a knife. Although getting it pass the guards might be hard.
>> Head down to Gambino's Office
Oh we should increase the temperature in the guards room or in a place were we know Rider is.
>> Head down to Gambino's Office
Walk like we own the place
100% this. Also try to shake his hand again.
Look him straight in the face, and give him a strong man grip, so he can feel all the skin of our hand, while we stare into his soul.

Currently, John has a broadsword, which everyone knows about because you carried it in on your back, and a knife, which no one knows about because you haven't used it once.


Head down to the Owner's Office. Time to mess with him.

>you carried it in on your back
QM that's a meme, swords need to be worn on the hip
This is a fantasy setting with a magical plague that is created by the use of blood magic and were tech is powered by magic. So let's try to not put real world knowledge in a fantasy setting okay?
It's just I'm a history minor. And the autism of the back sword overflows throughout my veins anon. It's a curse having this knowledge.

When you're hiking through the woods, no expecting to use it, I imagine it would be a lot more comfortable to have it on your back than slapping against your leg. Either way, you had it out in plain sight when getting on the train.


You gather your belongings, try your best to wipe the shit-eating grin off your face, and leave engineering. Again, the guards aren't around, so you head out without issue.

Walking through Creep's car, you can feel that prick of bloodlust once more, though it ends oddly quickly...

Just as you're exiting the carriage, you get a notice from your modified datalink.

There's traffic on the merc's comm channel.

Listen in?
> Yes
> No
>> Yes
>> Yes
> Yes

Their boss ordered radio silence if we try to pick anything they will know we are on their tale.Or it migth be eggman talking to then

Let's see what the mercs are up to.


Stepping into the next car, you duck into the maintenance closet before connecting to the comm channel. Holding the part with the speaker up to your ear, you listen in.

"...ee how smug that guy was just now?"

"Creep. Shut. Up."

You recognize the second voice as the guy that was negotiating with Gambino. He must be Bishop.

"Seriously, though, is he going back to screw that elf chick again?"

"Rider isn't able to slap you right now, but I can. And I will. If you don't. Shut. Up."

"Fine, fine. Gods, your such a stick in the mud"

"And you're currently using our secure comms to wonder if your mark is about to go off and... have a tryst... with another one of our marks. Get off before Rider notices and chews you out"

The line goes dead there.

Well, guess your cover worked better than expected.

Wasting no more time, you disconnect and leave. Aside from the other passengers, you don't encounter anyone else until you get to the first first-class car.

There's guards here, though they step aside after seeing you.

Say something?
> "No questions this time?"
> Say something else (write in)
> Say nothing
> "No questions this time?"

These guys are to be considered assassins from now on, but it'd be good to know how well suited to the role they are.
>"No questions this time?"
>> Say something else (write in)
I got someone to talk too. *Wink*
We need to act smug ready to sex up the elf
>> Say nothing

Changing to support this:

If you're familiar with the tabletop Shadowrun, it might make things a bit more clear in terms of who is 'in charge'


Time to see how the guards are doing. And maybe act smug while we're at it.


"No questions this time?" You can't keep yourself from talking as you're about to walk by.

Neither of them seems to expect your answer either, as they both look to one another before one speaks, "Yeah, we knew you were coming this time".

There's an awkward silence, but you simply smile smugly at them, "Keep up the good work gentlemen. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some... business... to attend to".

You walk past the two of them and make your way to the Office posthaste.

> Roll me three 1d100+5's
Rolled 42 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Did we just triggered Creep?
Rolled 67 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Rolled 9 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Hope a 72 is enough.
Rolled 3 + 5 (1d100 + 5)


72, Success
So did we trigger the creep?

If you're asking if Creep is mad at you because he thinks you're screwing Sierra, the answer is no. His comment on you was more of the 'look at this mofo here' variety than jealousy.


You pass by the four guards in front of the office, who all give you a weary look, before one of them opens the door for you.

Walking in, the sight in front of you is almost comical.

Gambino is clearly beginning to sweat his ass off. Goo Hwi is sitting nearby, looking completely unaffected by anything going on around him. And Sierra is...

You cough, telling yourself that it was to get everyone's attention. It works, regardless of what you meant it to do.

"John!" Sierra looks extremely relieved to see you, "Good to see you. Do you have what you need?"

"Yeah I do"

> Go for the handshake to mess with Gambino
> Forget it
>Save the handshake for after we 'fix' the AC

Also make it extra chilly for extra fuckery. It should be far more noticeable after being steamed like a pork bun.
This here
>>Save the handshake for after we 'fix' the AC
Take Sierra with us, to "fix" the AC as well. Keep up the act add a *wink* to let Sierra know

Save the battle for dominance for later it is then.


You make sure to give everyone a good view as you turn to Sierra and smile at her.

"I've got everything I need; let's go".

The two of you leave the room without issue, though one of the guards peels off from his post at the office door to follow you over to the maintenance node. You want to shake him, but you can't afford to arouse suspicion at this time, so you don't do anything other than walk to the closet.

As you go to close the door behind the two of you, the guard's hand catches the side of it to keep it open.

You give him a look as he opens his mouth, "I'm a bit interested with what you're doing. You don't mind if I watch, right?"

"Sure, why not. Sierra, you don't mind him watching, do you?"

"Uh..." She looks extremely confused at your comment, "I guess not?"

You walk back over to the node.

Now, how to do this...

> Gotta end things here for tonight folks. Thanks for playing. Think of how you're going to get the info across to Sierra, and we'll see how it goes tomorrow. Good night everyone.
Uh should have crafted a ear piece for her using some of the scraps in the workshop. oH well.
Rolled 2 (1d4)

Time to get lewd with the elf.
Rolling to see which base we get too.

You still don't have microphones. Not to mention that the only comm network you have access to currently is the mercenaries'.


Pretty good, considering current company.
The 2nd base roll makes sense. Since 3th and 4th are more Rated R.
So Bishop went to watch? And me thinking creep was the real creep.

I think the paranoia is starting to get to you, anon. Clearly this guard just has an interest in the maintenance of the train's utilities. Nothing to see here citizen.
Tell the guard that the time has come, grab eggman.
So I'm guessing we're gonna have Sierra zap him while we tinker with the AC unit, tie him up and disarm him, have Sierra contact Goo Hwi and... decide if we're slugging it out or fleeing
Of course!
He probably told his partner what he was doing. It'd be a dead giveaway. Let's just be subtle, yeah?

Open up the wiring of the node, pretend to be doing some calculations but actually write down the information, then slip the note to Sierra when we get the chance. Hang around for a few more minutes and pretend to fix something, then act nonchalant and vanish again.
And here I was hoping for a scintillating show with a shocking finale.

Anyway yeah, obviously moving against him would mean going loud. Question is, what more do we have to accomplish before we vanish again?

Only thing that comes to mind is returning to office with Sierra and hanging out there until scheduled event, or at least close to it. But eggman would likely try and outmaneuver us there.
I was thinking we take out Creep before he's scheduled to take us out so that we don't have to deal with him when shit goes loud. We're going to have our hands full with those guards, after all.

Actually, that reminds me: Magnets. Being able to safely maneuver along the outside of the train using magnet gauntlets/boots would give us a huge advantage in fighting those guards. The rifles will be near useless in close combat, like for example if somebody busts in through a window next to you rather than walking through a door at the other end of the carriage.
Yeah that is a better plan. But it has the risk that the man to check our note so firtly we really make some pseudo math and ask him if he really wants to learn so he can come closer.
We could upgrade our gaunlet power too so we can do that kind of stuff.Maybe we can craft a second gaunlet?
Hmm... unless the magnet solution would give us spiderman tier mobility, it would only make us an easier target for any gunman leaning out of a window. I also doubt the train construction is so cushioned that we'd be able to move around silently enough.
Ever try leaning out of a moving train?

Ever try leaning out of a moving train and then hitting the widest side of a barn at twenty paces?

Doesn't need to be spiderman tier, just something to let you keep your grip while climbing. As long as we aren't stomping around on the roof I doubt it'd make much more noise than the train itself.

To use magnets in that manner, I'd rule that you'd need to be using an electromagnet.


Building a second gauntlet from scratch will require a forge.


It wouldn't make you Spider-Man. What it would do for you, crunch-wise, would be that if you attempt to hold onto something magnetic with that hand you don't need to roll to grip it.

> we'll be continuing in a minute.

You don't have many options for how you're going to pull this off.

> Attempt to knock out the guard
> Attempt to communicate with Sierra in secret
> Other
> other
Let him watch exactly what we're doing (which is fixing the AC)
Is there anything specific we want to do before taking initiative? If not, I vote
> knock him out

Keep in mind we're already marked anyway.
Rolled 57 (1d100)


The best cover is doing what you said you'd do.


You've got half a mind to just slug the guard and get things over with. But you restrain that urge and get to work.

Heading over to the node, you jack in and poke around with the interface for a moment, the sign to yourself and start removing the paneling.

Sticking yourself partially through the gap, a quick look around tells you that everything is how it seems. So, you fix that.

A quick movement and several wires fall out or outright break.

"Well, this is bad," You speak up, just to really sell thing.

Sierra unknowingly plays right along, "What's the issue?"

"Something got in here and tried to make a nest out of the wiring, I think. I'm gonna need to redo most of it; it's going to take a while"

Pulling yourself back out, you notice that the guard is still around, though he's looking extremely bored.

What now?
> Try to talk to Sierra now by having her 'help' you with the repair
> Try to keep working in hopes that the guard leaves before you run out of things to do
> Other
>> Try to keep working in hopes that the guard leaves before you run out of things to do
Work while making smalltalk I guess. Have her hold some tools for you to justify her presence here.

Innuendos optional.
>> Try to keep working in hopes that the guard leaves before you run out of things to do
Do we have a pen? Ask Sierra to "hold this for me" and then write a warning on her palm.
Do this: >>1788683 Maybe pretend to take note of something like a piece that we need to grab in the workshop and pass to Sierra.
Rolled 100 (1d100)


Keep going, see what you can do.

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>Nat 100



Thinking on your feet, you find the small flashlight you've been using and hand it to Sierra.

"Here, use this to light up what I'm going to be working on".

She nods to you and the two of you squeeze part way through the opening, where you being working on the mess you've just made.

You've barely started when you hear the guard walk right up behind you, trying to get a look at what you're doing.

What now?
> Play it cool
> Jump the fucker
> Try to tell Sierra to tase him
> Other
OP what are you planning there
That better be a roll for Sierra being a ninja... but who am I kidding it's another hypercompetent mook, isn't it?

Those rolls are for the guard's interest level. He's currently very interested in the intricacies of electrical wiring.
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>Play it cool
>Do a running commentary on your work for his benefit
>Play it cool
>Do a running commentary on your work for his benefit

I want to go loud now, but we can't really do that until Sierra can inform Goo Hwi as to what is happening
Rolled 40 (1d100)


Time to really sell things.


Lacking any other real alternative, you get to work fixing the wiring. Thinking quickly, you start talking Sierra through the process, though you make sure to speak loud enough so the guard can hear you.

A few minutes of your purposeful monotone, and the guard is out the door.

> Roll me three 1d100+5's
Rolled 49 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Rolled 83 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Rolled 9 (1d100)


there goes our potential apprentice. Oh well.

88, Great Success


As the door slides almost closed behind him, you sneak as best as you can up to it and listen in.

"-eah, some shit with rats probably. He's working on it right now.
What? No, they weren't 'making out' why the hell are you asking?"

He's clearly distracted dealing with whoever is running comms. Now's your chance.

You pull yourself and Sierra as close to the opening in the wall and start catching her up.

"I uncovered more information. Gambino's the one responsible for hiring the mercs and he's got these security goons in as backup for them"

She looks surprised at what you've said, though it's clear that she's not doubting you.

Tell her to contact Goo Hwi now?
> Yes
> No
>> Yes
>> Yes
> Yes

We still haven't decided on an objective, though. Are we just aiming to reach the station and vanish into the wind? Are we going to take Gambino out? What about the mercs? I'm still not certain what Gambino's stake in all this is. An 'official' reason to launch war on the mafia? A method to hide himself away by faking his own kidnapping?

For what it's worth, I'm down with icing the egg man. I think we should avoid killing the mercs unless it becomes absolutely necessary, though.

Time to let the old man in on things.

Rolled 59 (1d100)


"I need you to tell Goo Hwi all this. Now"

"John, I can't. That guard is going to know something is up"

That's actually rather likely, all things considered.

"Right, here," You put yourself back into the hole in the wall, "Prop yourself up like you were previously. I'll cover for you".

Sierra looks extremely worried at the plan, but does so anyways.

> Roll me three 1d100+5's
Rolled 70 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Kiss her when she sending the message. She is asleep when she does it right?
Rolled 58 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Rolled 28 + 5 (1d100 + 5)


75 versus 59, Success


The two of you wedge yourselves back into the hole in the wall, making sure that when Sierra conks out that she doesn't just collapse to the floor.

You continue fixing the mess you've made when the guard walks back in.

You can hear him sigh at how long you're supposedly taking. It's a bit distracting with your elf companion pushed up so closely next to you, but you manage to pull through.

Just as you're about to run out of wires to cross and look vaguely busy with, Sierra snaps back into consciousness and gives you a small nod to know that the deed is done. You have no idea what Goo Hwi thinks of all of this, but he knows the situation finally.

Deciding to end things here, you both pull yourselves out and, after you put the wall back together, the three of you make your ways back to the office.

Go for the dominance handshake on Gambino?
> Yes
> No
>> Yes
>> Yes
>> Yes
> Yes

His actions here basically decide his fate, in my eyes.
Rolled 95 + 5 (1d100 + 5)


John attempts diplomacy. Not.

> Roll me three 1d100+10's here please.
I'm back. I got banned but it was a mistake so I can be with the golem bros again.

That's supposed to be a -5 there oops. Let's see if you can beat a 90.
Rolled 41 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Rolled 87 + 10 (1d100 + 10)


Damn son. 97 versus 90, success.

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Manly hands.
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The three of you arrive back at Gambino's Office, with you and Sierra entering.

Goo Hwi is there, and he smiles at you. It's only the fact that you've fought alongside him that you can tell he's ready to explode into action at any second. Far more than you expected, you're extremely comforted by the idea that he won't be caught off-guard when the 'security' grunts inevitably turn on you.

Still, you have something you want to do. Squaring your shoulders, you walk straight up to the Owner himself.

"Mr. Gambino," He looks up at you, that same look of barely disguised disgust on his face, "I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity to work on your train, sir".

You put your hand out as an offer and, considering everyone is watching behind you, he really can't refuse it.

"Really," You can tell he's forcing the words out, "The pleasure is all mine".

His father, most likely, taught him to have a firm handshake. And it is a rather firm handshake. It's just a damn shame that you almost break his hand in response.

Seriously, you feel something in his hand shift as your grip goes from 'firm' to 'crush'. To his credit, you only know he's getting affected by it by the small drip of sweat going down his face. But, to everyone else in the room, he doesn't appear to react.

Still, you feel rather satisfied at this turn of events.

Without another word, you leave the office. It's after 6 pm at this point.

Now what?
> Return to the workshop
> Go grab an early dinner
> Other
>Grab an early dinner
There's nothing left to do in the workshop and knowing the first encounter with creep he might be there too.
>> Go grab an early dinner

You should probably grab an early dinner. Who knows when you'll be able to eat again...

> Roll me three 1d100's please
Rolled 36 (1d100)

> Go grab an early dinner
Rolled 91 (1d100)

Rolled 40 (1d100)

>> Go grab an early dinner
Rolled 83, 97, 58 + 10 = 248 (3d100 + 10)


It's going to be some good grub.

91 versus 107

Let's see how this goes.


You had that sandwich rather recently, but you could really go for a full meal at this point.

So, it's off to the meal car for you. You don't have any issue with the guards as you leave first-class, and you don't bother antagonizing them.

Stepping into the meal car, you note that the staff here is just beginning to set up for evening's meal, so you take a seat in a corner out of the way to let them set up.

About five minutes later, Creep walks into the car from the otherside and, despite the fact that you're in a corner not doing anything in a room full of people moving about, he immediately locks eyes with you.

Now what?
> Stare back
> Motion him to come to you
> Look away
> Leave the meal car
> Motion him to come to you

This man cleary want to talk to us.
>> Motion him to come to you
>Motion him to come to you.
Ask him what the best choice would be. Make small talk
>> Motion him to come to you

Let's invite our assailant to dinner, this'll work out fine.


Looking back at him, you motion for him to join you as you wait. He looks somewhat surprised at your actions, though he does walk over to you and sit down.

"Know what's good here?" You start with some small talk, giving Creep your best questioning look.

Really, if it wasn't for the tempered bloodlust coming off of him, he'd look like a pretty normal elf. He's wearing casual clothing, though so are you and you're armed so that really doesn't tell you much.

"I wouldn't know," His words measured and steady, "Never eaten on here before today".

Where do you want things to go from here?
> Ask about why he's traveling to Shirahoro
> Ask if he's traveling with anyone
> Ask if he really thinks he'll be able to take you out
> Other
>> Other
Offer to eat together
> Ask about why he's traveling to Shirahoro
>>> Other
>Offer to eat together
>> Ask about why he's traveling to Shirahoro

Let's actually dine with our assailant.

So...why are we doing this? What's the endgame here? I'm not necessarily opposed, just curious.

Now why would you say such things about the elf. Just because he bumped into us that one time? How rude.
We just want to know who were dealing with.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer type of deal.
Firtly make him less suspect of us. second maybe try dig something out of him. third? I dunno make him feel sorry for us to be working for gambino.
Psyche him out, maybe?

I'm not certain. We could be able to get the mercs to reconsider, but I doubt it.

It seems the dining staff are prepared, because a Eastern man comes and hands the two of you menus. As you browse, you continue the conversation.

"So, what takes you to Shirahoro?"

Creep pauses at that and looks over at you curiously. You make sure to keep looking through the menu innocently.

"... I'm meeting up with some old friends there. Catch up, do some business, that kind of thing. What about you? What brings a Westerner like yourself out here?"

You respond:
> "Same as you; catching up with old friends"
> "Needed a change of pace; looking to do some freelancer work out here"
> Write in
>> "Needed a change of pace; looking to do some freelancer work out here"
>>Going to make me a EXO golem
> "Needed a change of pace; looking to do some freelancer work out here"

kinda true wanted to change the pace of our old life and we kinda are a freelance wanderer.
>>"Needed a change of pace; looking to do some freelancer work out here"
>>Going to make me a EXO golem
>> "Needed a change of pace; looking to do some freelancer work out here"

Some fresh air, a nice city, and a distinct lack of ancient bioweapon; what a perfect place.

> Gonna pause things here for tonight. As always, I'll be on to answer any questions for a bit. Things will continue in the morning.
Thank for the run Story-T
Would geeking that guard and kickstarting the party early have been a better choice than the subtle approach?

I don't regret the decision but I am curious.

You're welcome; glad to have you.


Geeking the guard would have been interesting... You'd have caught everyone off-guard, but you'd also very quickly be in the middle of a developing combat situation with only a knife.
Probably would have taken the guard's weapons but I think this turned out for the better.

You think over his words, and you don't even need to fake it.

"The change of pace, mostly. I spent the last few months wandering the Badlands; I was out in Airgrid before that. Still, it'll be nice to be back in the city. I have a few projects I'd like to try out".

The two of you order your meals, and a relatively calm silence is between you both. Creep is simply looking off to the side, idly tapping away at the tabletop.

What now?
> Wait for your meal to arrive
> Ask if he's traveling with anyone
> Confront him about his team
> Other
>> Ask if he's traveling with anyone
We're basically reenacting a scene from a spy movie at this point.
> Ask if he's traveling with anyone

I'm kind of tempted to make him think that we're some sort of elf fetishist...
>Try to get him to say something about state of Shirahoro politics or anything newsworthy, maybe by asking if
>local trading company is preparing any large scale projects
>traffic in port is climbing/declining
>political faction we recall from there is still dominant/in decline
I'm also mildly concerned that security might poison our food.
>> Ask if he's traveling with anyone
Are you me? I was thingking about doing that. But let's not for as long as we know he hates us.

> Ask if he's traveling with anyone
The reason why I thought of it in the first place was that we could invite him someplace secluded for a "threesome", possibly getting him to back off, or having him accept so he could try to kill us, giving us a chance to ambush him.

That, and I thought it would be fun to make him deeply uncomfortable.
Yup but we would need to be real good to convince him to go into a place were it would be just us and Sierra. Because the guards are a pretty good support if he can use it against us.
ask him about chess,

"because personally my favourite piece is the bishop, it creeps through enemy lines, inspiring justice and fixing problems. and its lord sees all and knows all, bit like me in some ways don't ya think? sorry I didn't catch your name did it?"

troll to the max with a straight face
Can we please do this?
Suggestions have been noted. I'll be on writing later tonight. See you guys in about 3 hrs or so.
Cool will be right here Story-T.
>inb4 we creep tje creep so much he decide in not wanting to kill or get near us.

"So, are you traveling with anyone?" You speak up, mostly to fill the silence.

Creep slowly turns over to regard you before opening his mouth, "No, I'm alone on this trip. I'm meeting with the people I know in Shirahoro".

"Right. Just how familiar are you will Shirahoro? Here about anything interesting happening in there?"

"... Not to my knowledge".

Sounds like Creep's never been to Shirahoro before.

What now?
> Make the comment about Bishop (Note, this will make the merc's realize that you're aware of them)
> Try to steer the conversation in another direction
> Other
> Try to steer the conversation in another direction

Say that we are sorry for bumping into him earlier and that the meal is on us. Ask what he does and if he has interest in magictech or if one of his friends work with it
>> Try to steer the conversation in another direction

Start with >>1794796, then continue with creeping out the Creep.
>> Try to steer the conversation in another direction
>Say that we are sorry for bumping into him earlier and that the meal is on us. Ask what he does and if he has interest in magictech or if one of his friends work with it
> Try to steer the conversation in another direction

I have absolutely no idea where we are going with this, at this stage.

What's the play? We're not learning anything, we're not sabotaging him in any way, and I'm reasonably sure by now that he doesn't seem the type to react favourably to psyche out strategies.

Maybe roll with >>1794796, guage his response, ask if he'd like to see a bit, so that we can lure him to a place we can take him out without notice? That's the most productive avenue I can make with this. Don't kill him, just knock him out and chain him to a pipe or something.
My idea is to look like we are opening to him make him have a sense of security and so make him so confident that we don't suspect anything that he would feel safe to backstab us. And so he would dispense and not use the tugs against us and try to take us out alone.

So we can either create a fake opening or antagonize him to the point were he wants to deal woth us alone. I thing the fake opening migth give us a advantage.
Still involves taking him somewhere alone. If he thinks we are genuinely interested in talking about our profession and then goes for a stab in the back when we turn to look at a terminal, we could reverse it if we know it's coming.
That too. It's easier to avoid being stabbed if you know from which direction the knife is comming.

Steer things into safer waters.

Rolled 41 + 10 (1d100 + 10)


You really need to keep things on the safer side; don't want Creep trying to pull something here.

So you make a show to really look at his face. Just when the elf is getting a bit uncomfortable, you pull back and force realization to spread, "Ah! Now I know why you look so familiar! I almost ran into near midday. Say, how about this, I'll cover the bill for dinner; my position pays for food".

Creep really looks weirded out at your faux acting, though he doesn't make any motion to refuse your offer.

"Say, what exactly is it that you do? As I imagine you've guessed, I'm an Artificer of sorts; wondering if either you or someone you know is interested in magitech".

> Roll me three 1d100's for reasons

> Results will follow tomorrow because I'm falling asleep at my keyboard right now. Good night anons.
Rolled 34 (1d100)

Rolled 45 (1d100)

Rolled 66 (1d100)

Rolled 77, 28 + 10 = 115 (2d100 + 10)


Fucked up that roll. Fixing that.
Sorry if i'm late.

Good night Story-T

66 versus 87, Failure.

Our luck had to end at some point.

Gonna throw together a quick preview of what's to come tomorrow.

Well someone noticed something.
Oh thank Christ.
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>Just when the elf is getting a bit uncomfortable,

We managed to weird out the creep. Worth it.


A loud yawn broke the low, cold silence of the woods. Pushing herself off the hood of her beloved ride, the human known colloquially as 'Rider' rolled to her feet and check where her teammate, 'Dozer', was still out cold in the backseat.

Making sure to stretch to get all the kinks out of her back, she slid into the driver's seat and set herself up. The entire system took a moment to boot up from it's low-power mode, and she smiled to herself as it did. The OS took a while to properly get how she wanted it, but as it was there wasn't a thing she'd trad-

Alerts popped up immediately, her eyes bulging to full alertness. Her logs tracked multiple accesses to the isolated section of the mainframe from one of the datalinks, and all (all??) were reportedly offline.

"DOZER!" Her yell just barely managed to wake him, his form slowly sitting up, "I need you to get in contact with Bishop now! Someone's been busy while we've been silent; we're compromised!"

Not bothering with the man for any longer, she put in her comm link and key'd in to contact the other member of the team.

"Creep, what's your status? We've got a problem".

Oh boy. Time to go loud.
Things will get loud now

Poor Rider got quite a few shitty rolls on the 'roll luck versus cyber security' checks.


Certain individuals wanted to contact the mercs. Perhaps now is your chance.
So how much did Rider shit herself once she saw what we did?

All she knows currently is that the back doors are down and that one of the datalinks probably fritzed.

Just wait until she finds out the whole house of cards was brought down by a single loose wire oh boy
Should have been more professional about things
Which is very strange in all matters. But still this just proves how much competent John is.
Wouldn't that be meta?
Well we are talking with one of them right now, that's not meta. Although we don't know what exactly they know, Creep's response to inbound comm might betray something to John IC.

Question is, what do we want to tell them? We can apply for job, or bargain for life, or just use last vestiges of surprise to incapacitate one?

We could try bluffing that we're with mafia but I've no idea where we'd go with this. Best case we could stall until end of line.
Hey, maybe we can actually negotiate. These guys are professionals, and Gambino has already tried to stiff them on payment so they're not on great terms with him.

Here's my thinking: Rider only knows that somebody is better at her goddamn job than she is. Naturally that's going to spook her something fierce. Combine that with this exact moment, where we have calmly invited Creep to dinner, and I think Creep is going to believe we planned this all out, which is probably going to freak him the fuck out as well.

So, using this illusion of being a hypercompetent chessmaster, we calmly explain what we know about the situation, including Gambino's part of the plot, and that if they back off and let us deal with Gambino, we'll treat the whole thing as a wash. Better still, we'll owe them a favour.

They already got 50% of their payment up front, IIRC, and they can extract the rest from Gambino's corpse. If he dies, it won't nuke their reputation because Gambino has specifically advertised that there will be enemy action and kept his own involvement in that a secret. We agree to meet up with them when this whole thing is closed down and reveal that we were basically just improvising and bluffing the entire time.
Also a good time to reveal that we've been listening in on all of their comms. Maybe tell them that Dozer won't be enough to deal with Goo Hwi as an extra psyche out tactic.

Basically make them believe that the reward no longer is enough to compensate for the risk, and give them an out where everybody wins. Except Gambino. Fuck that guy.
Gambino did string them along, but I doubt he did enough in altering the parameters to justify getting doublecrossed in eyes of prospective future customers.

There's also question what the security goons will do. They are apparently not adverse to murder, but presumably are not in on Gambino's scheme which should be ruined without the mercs.

I suppose in any case it won't hurt to try talking, if nothing else, they could at least inadvertently drop more information on why is Gambino trying to vanish and/or false flag the mafia. Also we'll have to decide on nature of the bluff and whether we pose as mafia man.
Pretty much.

They already know they're compromised. Attempting negotiations at this stage loses us nothing.

I think we could imply connections to the mafia, because that isn't even false, and we do know that John said he wouldn't be averse to working for them again, even if he didn't mean it. I'd like to leave that as a last resort though.
The problem I have with implying an in with the mafia, is the fact that the mafia realizes that we're using their name, they're probably going to come in and force us to back it up. We already owe one of them a favor just for getting us out safely. Something like this is probably going to make them cash in hard.
Maybe we combine your idea with this >>1795968 we pretend we are working for the Genovese who send us to make sure Gambino wouldn't disappear. Then say we stopped their plan and got interested if we could solve this rhe easy way or the hard way.
Pretty much why I consider it a last resort thing.

That sort of thing is how somebody gets a nice new set of cement shoes, or a new career with 100% job security.
I think now is a perfect opportunity to say this, preemptively voting this in case I can't make it for the session.
Yeah, that's why I'm loathe to drop those names.
On the other hand they'll be interested in our recordings and the planted datalinks, these are likely to put us in their good books.
I dunno, it seems forced

Like John doesn't actually know how chess works
maybe not, but its along the lines of a pyke out tactic

I vote for this>>1795968
Your a fucking genius.
I vote for this. Please StoryT let it happen.
I think if we roll for it our knowledge of chess won't matter.
>inb4 Nat 1
No, I mean it's a forced metaphor that seems a little stilted, is all.
everyone still here?
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Sorry Anons about the lack of living on my part.

I, unfortunately, had to act as a semi-responsible adult for the last two days. I'll be on for a bit tonight, and much longer tomorrow.

Also, since we're on page 10 currently, I'm going to make a new thread here: >>1799708
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