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Vault Hunter Quest 3

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The days of Pandora are unreliable at best. So, too, is your QM. Welcome back to Vault Hunter Quest!

>The previous thread: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/1314992/

>And a reminder of the rules:
>Roll low for combat.
>Roll high for social skills and loot.

You are Baal: former Dahl middle manager and current Vault Hunter. You have formed a rag-tag quartet of with other Hunters hoping to find a vault and stick it to the invading Hyperion Corporation. Your companions are Henrietta: The Gunbunny, Flora: The Siren Bounty Hunter, and Simeon: The Klepto-kinetic Rat. After a dazzling intro cinematic, you and your team managed to wander your way into the murdered town of Shin Splinter. The town itself is quite literally under the occupation of a massive Hyperion robot called TR1-UMV-1R8 (Triumvirate as you have taken to calling it). In the bullet-strewn streets, you learned of the painful similarities Flora sees in the devastated town to her own bloody history with Hyperion. You find the potentially only surviving citizen- a doctor named Pierce- who informs you of the patterns of the Loader patrols that prowl the abandoned buildings.

You have come up with a plan to lure out a group of using Claptrap as bait. His conditions for the plan are ridiculous, but you pretend to agree to them to ease things over.


"We don't really have a leader, so that point is moot." You tell him, "But I promise you'll receive loot equal to your output. Keep what you kill and all that."

"And what about singing my praises afterwards?" You reminds you.

"I make no promises." You state flatly.

"I can live with that." His digital voice sounds jubilant. "Where do you want me to set up?"

>In the middle of town
>On the western edge of town.
>At the Van/Bus
>Right here.
>>On the western edge of town.
>On the western edge of town.
Where have you been?
(Good Question. I have been swamped with art school and being the overnight manager for a certain fast food chain. I'll put up some character art for our Hunters here at some point.)

You think for a moment and answer.

"I need you to go all the way to the other side of town. As soon as you get there, patch into the Hyperion frequencies and grace them with your dulcet tones."

"You got it, mi amigo! They'll be so enraptured by my amazing dubstep talents they'll have no choice but to see me IN CONCERT!" Claptrap is really starting to get into this plan. "Little do they know that you'll be there to ambush them and get me out of there before they murder me!"

"Right." You say. His rescue really isn't in your plan at the moment. "Keep them... entertained as long as you can so we can sneak onto the Triumvirate and ruin their day. We can disable the Loaders from there. If you want to kill them while you're down there, that's more loot for you."

"A-Alright." He nervously laughs. "You can count on me, friendo!"

With that out of the way, you return to your compatriots and choose your ambush spot.

>Near one of the Triumvirate's legs.
>At the center of town.
>Right here.
>Back at the Van/Bus
>Somewhere else?
>In the logical route for them to get to clappy.
>Set up a killzone and end them fast.

You might not be a fan of the little robot, but he's a decent enough distraction you'd hate to lose. Henrietta and Flora point out some areas on the gargantuan robotic body where troop might be dispensed from. From there, Simeon suggests three spots where, logically, the Loaders would march through on their way to obliterate Claptrap. One by a half-destroyed statue of what you assume was the town's founder, another at the garage where you found the execution site and another fairly close to the Van/Bus. Any one of these points could potentially send down human troops on a lift that you could hijack back into the body.

>Set up at the statue
>Set up at the garage
>Set up near the Van/Bus
>Divide your forces so there's one of you at every spot as well as one to save Claptrap. (Allocated at will)
>>Set up at the garage
>I have been swamped with art school and being the overnight manager for a certain fast food chain. I'll put up some character art for our Hunters here at some point.

Sounds like hell my man. Welcome back.

>>Set up at the garage
>Set up at the garage

Well then you better draw fag up in here for the intros

Wellcome back
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(Here's a quick sketch of Baal for you. I'm more of a traditionalist and haven't really mastered my tablet enough to be confident showing off anything that great.)

There isn't much deliberation among the group. You all concur that the Garage is the most tactically sound location for an ambush. With haste, all of you move to the abandoned building. Simeon elects to set up shop on the roof, moving before anyone can issue an argument. It seems he's bent on killing something with that sniper rifle of his regardless on whether fire damage will actually bother a Loader. Maybe he's just relying on actual meat targets.

Henrietta looks a little lost. She is looking back and forth between the battered in glass door or the pile of concrete a little closer to the road.

Flora has taken position on the other side of the garage door. You are still worried about her, however. You know that right behind her are the corpses of men and women that were executed by these Jack-booted Hyperion thugs.

You yourself have several options for cover. There is a large dumpster near the alleyway you could hide behind. Or potentially you could hide behind the fuel tank on the other side of the garage. Alternately, You could join one of the others as support.

>Get to the dumpster.
>Your shield can handle any potential explosion, you're sure. Hide behind the tank.
>Guide Henrietta. She's not used to tactics outside "Shoot'em a whole bunch til they're nothing but giblets."
>Check on Flora. Make sure she's of sound mind at the moment.
>Play spotter for Simeon. You're starting to get used to the smell anyway.
>>Guide Henrietta. She's not used to tactics outside "Shoot'em a whole bunch til they're nothing but giblets."
>>Guide Henrietta. She's not used to tactics outside "Shoot'em a whole bunch til they're nothing but giblets."
Guide Henrietta. She's not used to tactics outside "Shoot'em a whole bunch til they're nothing but giblets."

Its a mangers job to help theres employees to both grown and do work

Thanks thats still way more then i can do
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You basest instincts as a manager kick in and you move to Henrietta's location. "With a shotgun like that, I think you'd find a closer position is ideal. Less time for them to react to the explosions and your shield can just absorb the splash back. You'll absolutely wreck their day be it Loader or Engineer." With your hand on the back of her jacket, you steadily guide her into an optimal shooting position. If there's anything you can thank the Dahl Corporation for, its the required tactics classes and combat training. You rub the metal chevron on the side of your forehead.

"Thanks Baal." She smiles sheepishly; a bit embarrassed at her hesitation.

"Its no problem." You smile back warmly and wave off the gratitude. Now that she is situated, you need to decide what you're going to use.

>Stick you your handgun. Higher damage and surgical guarantee of Dahl-branded vengeance!
>Use the nASSty Mashine Gun. More Dakka and corrosive potential if its Loaders.
>>Stick you your handgun. Higher damage and surgical guarantee of Dahl-branded vengeance!
>Use the nASSty Mashine Gun. More Dakka and corrosive potential if its Loaders
She can be our nasty girl
>>Use the nASSty Mashine Gun. More Dakka and corrosive potential if its Loaders.

You take out your Bandit Machine gun. The digital readout calls its a nASSty mashine gun. You can't help but cringe at the poor spelling and grammar, but corrosive damage would be infinitely helpful against mechanized units like Hyperion likes to rely on. The slightly inferior damage is more than made up for in the insane ammo capacity. You can almost store your entire supply of rifle ammo in it!

With Henrietta and you set, you check on your ECHO with your other two Hunters. "All set up here. How is everyone?"

"All sssset here, sssuit." Simeon hisses. You can see the barrel of his Maliwan sniper stick out over the rooftop. It doesn't move save for the pulsing red lights indicative of the elemental damage type.

"All good here. Ready for action." Flora answers next her voice is cold and sharp. You are certain she hasn't fully regained her composure from earlier, but she seems to be channeling that trauma into hatred for Hyperion. You're still worried, but it isn't a liability at the moment.

"Great. Now we just wait for Clapt-" You don't even get the words out before the a loud screech from above crashes the tension. Claptrap must have patched into the intercom of Triumvirate.


>Roll d100 to avoid earbleeding

Your face scrunches up at the terrible impression of sound equipment. Another voice scratches through over the open ECHO frequency.

"Oh GOD! Someone shut him up before we all lose it! Send down everyone! I can hear my braincells dying from this abomination of electronic music!" Their voice is squeaky and desperate. Good. The large disk descends from the bottom of the Triumvirate. It takes a few seconds, but it slams into the ground with a crashing thud. Two GUN-Loaders and three Combat Engineers step off the platform and instantly start to sprint off towards Claptrap.

>Save the robot, open fire!
>He can fend for himself. Let them leave and sneak onto the platform while no one notices you.
>Destroy everything!
>Other options?
Rolled 71 (1d100)

>Save the robot, open fire!
Rolled 27 (1d100)

>>Save the robot, open fire!
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He might be an irritating, perverted, ego-centric, loud, obnoxious Hyperion robot, but he's YOUR irritating, perverted, ego-centric, loud, obnoxious Hyperion robot and technically part of your team. Your inner manager will not let you abide by letting an employee suffer because of your negligence.

"Now!" You shout as you stand up out of your hiding spot and open fire.

Next to you, Henrietta shouts a battle cry and unloads her shotgun. From the garage door, you hear the steady fire of a Vladof rifle. From above, the crack of the sniper rifle and sight the orange lance of its bullet.

>Roll 6d100s. Choose three of the following targets and hope for low numbers.

>Gun-Loader 1
>Gun-Loader 2
>Combat Engineer 1
>Combat Engineer 2
>Combat Engineer 3
Rolled 72, 70, 84, 90, 90, 87 = 493 (6d100)


Is that 6 rolls from each player?

>Gun-Loader 1
>Gun-Loader 2
>Combat Engineer 1
Rolled 88, 15, 21, 6, 24, 80 = 234 (6d100)

>Gun-Loader 1
>Gun-Loader 2
>Combat Engineer 1
Rolled 1, 13, 57, 30, 3, 51 = 155 (6d100)

Rolled 73, 62, 19, 99, 34, 67 = 354 (6d100)

>>Gun-Loader 1
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The five enemies are surprised by your appearance as you spray acidic death across three of them. One of the Loaders goes down instantly, taking critical hits in the optics and a leg joint. It slowly sizzles on the ground wailing in its synthetic voice pitifully. Another sustains heavy damage, only to be finished off by Henrietta's shotgun. It explodes into several bits like a pinata filled with dynamite and robot parts. The Combat Engineer you targeted takes a couple shots to the torso, but is still standing.

The Engineer Simeon shot is still alive, but is too busy being on fire to take notice of his surroundings or fire effectively. The last Hyperion foe was flung to the ground by a headshot from Flora's rifle, but is still alive. It appears that this one actually was important enough to have a shield. He fires back at Flora with aim typical of Hyperion weaponry in their opening few bullets. You cannot help but sneer indignantly at the waste of ammo. Surprisingly, one of the bullets manage to hit the Siren, damaging her shield. She makes a grunting noise from the impact but is ultimately fine.

>Say something to your allies?

>Roll 6d100 and choose another 1 to 3 targets.
>Would you like to use Quick Wit to double your attack dice? (12d100 instead of 6)

>Combat Engineer 1
>Combat Engineer 2 (on fire)
>Combat Engineer 3 (Shielded)
Rolled 68, 92, 36, 62, 55, 3 = 316 (6d100)

>keep it up we got this!
>switch to handgun
>Combat Engineer 1
>Combat Engineer 2 (on fire)
>Combat Engineer 3 (Shielded)
A reminder that Dahl weapons operate on a 3 round burst with a few Unique exceptions. Your damage rolls would only be 3d100. If you'd like I would choose the 3 lowest rolls you made or you can roll 3 new dice.
Rolled 75, 15, 55 = 145 (3d100)

I remember a gatling gun I had that shot 3 round burst of 6 in pre-sequel.
Rolled 15, 39, 86 = 140 (3d100)

>>keep it up we got this!
>>switch to handgun
>>Combat Engineer 1
>>Combat Engineer 2 (on fire)
>>Combat Engineer 3 (Shielded)

"They're on the ropes!" You shout out as you switch to your trusty Dahl pistol. "Keep it up!" You again jerk the pistol to the side as you fire, spreading the bullets between the three engineers. You manage to pop the shield of the third one and do damage to the other two. Flora continues to focus down the formerly shielded Engineer while Simeon moves targets to Engineer 1. Again his target ignites like he was covered in rocket fuel. However the damage you caused him as well as the splash damage from Henrietta's explosive shotgun left only a shred of life in him. The man screams breifly before collapsing into a pile of burning flesh and yellow mechanical exosuit parts. You look up to the spot where Simeon had nested and he sticks out a long, thin, thumbs-up to you. You grin and return the motion. When you turn back, you see that Flora has emerged from the garage and is currently unloading her weapon into the incredibly dead corpse of Engineer 3. When she finally runs out, she ejects the magazine and reloads swiftly. With a sigh, she calmly walks onto the disk.

"There's a button we can press to start moving up. I'd suggest we go before Claptrap renders us all deaf." Her voice is barely carried above the harsh notes from the tiny robot on the PA system.

You reload your weapons and step on the plate. The two of you are joined by Henrietta. Simeon hesitates.

"Don't get me wrong. I hate that tiny robot as much as the next guy." He starts. "But itssss a bit cruel to leave him defensssselesss against all those Hyperion goonsss."

>He'll be fine. He's a Vault Hunter, too, remember?
>You're right. Are you volunteering to rescue him?
>You're right. Henrietta, can you get to him?
>You're right. Flora, can you extract him?
>You're right. You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up.
>>You're right. Are you volunteering to rescue him?
>>You're right. You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up.
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AdaptiveShield loot.png
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Whoops forgot about auto loot.

You gain $150 and restock all ammo.

You have picked up an Anshin Adaptive Shield. Would you like to replace your basic shield with it?

I totally forgot to save the picture for the Basic Shield's stats, but I'm sure this new shield is better in every way
>>You're right. You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up.
Sure, new shield it is.

You pause for a moment and make a face. For someone who works for a mega corporation like Dahl, you have a lot of trouble tangling with your conscience. And, worse still, you keep losing. You quickly equip your new shield and step off the platform.

"Baal-" Flora speaks up first, you're sure its in protest of going off.

"Don't worry. Simeon is right. We leave him like this and we're no better than Jack. You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up after I make sure Claptrap doesn't die." You smile like you always do to reassure your comrades. You still can't see any expression behind the Simeon's mask, but you feel like he's giving you an approving stare. Flora looks concerned. Henrietta nods confidently and grabs Flora's shoulder.

"Yeah. Have faith in him. Go save that creepy little robot and meet us up there. You don't want to miss all the loot now do you?" She laughs a little.

You nod and turn to head to where Claptrap was supposed to set up his distraction. He's still doing the dubstep thing, but he's sounding a bit more frantic and panicked now. Most likely, other Hyperion troops have found him and are attempting to destroy him.

>Come in with the pistol. Quality above Quantity. Roll 3d100
>Come in with the mashine gun. Corrosion+Dakka=Hell Yeah! Roll 6d100
>Sneak in and get a view of the situation before lighting things up. Roll d100 to sneaky sneaks.
Rolled 50, 10, 42, 9, 66, 14 = 191 (6d100)

>>Come in with the mashine gun. Corrosion+Dakka=Hell Yeah! Roll 6d100
Guns blazing!
>>Sneak in and get a view of the situation before lighting things up. Roll d100 to sneaky sneaks.
Rolled 2, 39, 37, 79, 12, 62 = 231 (6d100)

>>Come in with the mashine gun. Corrosion+Dakka=Hell Yeah! Roll 6d100
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When the 3 turn into 20.gif
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Your light jog turns into a run and, turns into a sprint as you switch back to the Bandit gun. Down the roads, twisting left... right... left again, then straight on as you begin to hear the sounds of combat and shrieking robot. You skid to a stop and slam back against the corner of a building to catch your breath before spinning out and unloading hot, corrosive lead all over whatever Hyperion goons are unlucky enough to be caught in the line of fire. As your eyes finally register your firing range, you realize that Claptrap had been overwhelmed by another 10 Hyperion troops. 5 GUN-Loaders, 1 EXP-Loader, 3 Combat Engineers, a Surveyor and, most terrifying of all, a Constructor.

Well, there WERE 5 GUN-Loaders and an EXP-Loader, but your random spray managed to demolish one of the GUN-Loaders and take the leg off the EXP-Loader. A Combat Engineer was also shot, but you didn't do any lasting damage.

>GUN-Loader 1
>GUN-Loader 2
>GUN-Loader 3
>GUN-Loader 4
>EXP-Loader 1(Crippled)
>Surveyor 1
>Combat Engineer 1
>Combat Engineer 2
>Combat Engineer 3
>Constructor 1

Choose 1-3 targets

>Oh shit.
>Well I tried Clappy. Good luck, Mr. Vault Hunter.
>Keep firing. Pray for success. 6d100
>You can do this. Just think. (Activate Quick Wit with the mashine gun for 12d100)
Rolled 58, 98, 29, 96, 53, 72, 20, 87, 46, 1, 96, 55 = 711 (12d100)

>>You can do this. Just think. (Activate Quick Wit with the mashine gun for 12d100)
Rolled 61, 27, 9, 51, 16, 76, 97, 78, 74, 34, 13, 51 = 587 (12d100)

>You can do this. Just think. (Activate Quick Wit with the mashine gun for 12d100)
Don't forget to pick your targets. 1-3 of them. Otherwise, I'll have to randomly choose targets.
>>Constructor 1
>EXP-Loader 1(Crippled)
>Surveyor 1
Rolled 77, 94, 83, 77, 61, 5, 85, 98, 23, 73, 20, 54 = 750 (12d100)

>You can do this. Just think. (Activate Quick Wit with the mashine gun for 12d100)

>>Constructor 1
>EXP-Loader 1(Crippled)
>Surveyor 1
Rolled 61, 23, 7, 64, 66, 11, 7, 97, 96, 36, 88, 97 = 653 (12d100)

>>GUN-Loader 3
>>GUN-Loader 4
>>EXP-Loader 1(Crippled)
>You can do this. Just think. (Activate Quick Wit with the mashine gun for 12d100)
>Constuctor 1
>Combat Engineer 1
>Combat Engineer 2

This isn't a situation you really though you'd walk into. Sure, you aren't a fan of Claptrap or the abomination he calls music, but this seems like overkill for a nuisance like him. A voice in the back of your mind pipes up with soothing words. Just calm down and think about this. You're smarter, stronger and tougher than all of these guys combined. It might take some time and a lot of bullets, but you can do this.


Your eyes flutter for a moment as your mind begins to race. You calculate and visualize just how your enemies are going to move next, allowing you to place more rounds where they need to go with greater efficiency. You decide to aim for the smarter enemies as well as the Constructor.

The Engineers melt in the hail of bullets, but the Constructor still stands. Its shields are low and you managed to coat it in a fine layer of corrosive. Even at your distance, you can hear it eating away at the metal casing.

While you enjoy your small victory a hail of enemy fire comes your way. You shield eats most of the damage, but it pops with an electric blast from the Surveyor. It stings, but not as much as the bullet that punches a hole through your right calf. The health regulator bar on your HUD dips significantly, but you aren't even below half health yet.

>Strafe and Fire! (12d100)
>Get behind cover and fire (12d100)
>Switch Weapons and strafe fire (6d100)
>Cover and Pistol (6d100)
Rolled 77, 58, 62, 86, 31, 52, 48, 19, 52, 55, 23, 64 = 627 (12d100)

>>Strafe and Fire! (12d100)
Rolled 37, 8, 77, 57, 69, 42, 61, 77, 82, 73, 2, 11 = 596 (12d100)

>>Get behind cover and fire (12d100)
Rolled 81, 36, 88, 88, 93, 34, 90, 21, 67, 76, 58, 63 = 795 (12d100)

>>Get behind cover and fire (12d100)
Again I forget things. Please pick your targets again.

>GUN-Loader 1
>GUN-Loader 2
>GUN-Loader 3
>GUN-Loader 4
>EXP-Loader 1(Crippled)
>Surveyor 1
>Combat Engineer 3
>Constructor 1 (Corroded)
>>Surveyor 1
>GUN-Loader 1
>Constructor 1 (Corroded)
>>Constructor 1 (Corroded)
>EXP-Loader 1(Crippled)
>GUN-Loader 4
surveyor heals remember?
>>EXP-Loader 1(Crippled)
>>Surveyor 1
>Constructor 1 (Corroded)

You release a small cry of pain as you duck back behind the corner you had come out from. More bullets hit the concrete and steel building, but nothing hits you as your shields begin to recharge. You can't just hide here, though. You peek around the corner again and resume firing. Your projectiles make contact with the Constructor again as well as a GUN-Loader and the EXP-Loader. There wasn't much left to the EXP-Loader, and one of your shots manages to hit it in its exposed core, detonating it instantly. The heavy damage you caused the other Loader combined with the blast from the EXP-Loader jostles it enough to force it to shut down. Another two down, you think to yourself as you narrowly avoid another shocking blast from the Surveyor. You watch the drone fly back around, making a bee line for the wounded Constructor. A beam of energy connects it to the much larger, land-bound machine. As you watch it, you see the pock marks left from the corrosion start to repair itself with a micronized version of the digistruct technology Hyperion is most famous for.

More bullets and lasers fly at you but nothing is able to penetrate your shields this time.

>Last turn with Quick Wit. Make it count!

Choose 1-3 targets.

>Keep firing with the mashine gun (12d100)
>Switch to the pistol (6d100)
>Change locations and fire with mashine gun (12d100)
>Change locations and fire with pistol (6d100)
>Other tactics?
>>Keep firing with the mashine gun (12d100)
>>Surveyor 1
>Constructor 1 (Corroded
Rolled 65, 90, 56, 26, 75, 40, 28, 40, 59, 71, 73, 51 = 674 (12d100)

>>Change locations and fire with mashine gun (12d100)
>>Surveyor 1
Seriously kill the god damn bat medic
>Constructor 1 (Corroded)
>GUN-Loader 1
Rolled 2, 5, 29, 27, 13, 77, 49, 26, 34, 29, 36, 79 = 406 (12d100)

Rolled 69, 31, 100, 9, 22, 39, 89, 49, 39, 65, 20, 58 = 590 (12d100)

>Change locations and fire with mashine gun (12d100)
>Constructor 1 (Corroded)
>GUN-Loader 1

You make a dissatisfied face as all your hard work on the Constructor is being undone by that god damned bat medic robot. You focus your sights and annihilate the bastard before any more healing can be done. With him gone, you focus down the Constructor. With such a large target, its nearly impossible for your shots to miss their mark. Its shields falter and you are able to deal massive damage and again envelope it in a layer of corrosive. This time, there is no savior for this machine. You watch with satisfaction as it slowly collapses on its three legs, the corrosion eating large holes through its hull and optics.

Another series of bullets bounce harmlessly off your shields, but another lucky shot pops the barrier, forcing you to hide again.

Your mind calms down and your cognitive abilities return to their normal state, but the toughest and most dangerous enemies are gone now. A quick clean up of the remaining loaders and engineer shouldn't even force you to break a sweat.

>GUN-Loader 1
>GUN-Loader 2
>GUN-Loader 3
>Combat Engineer 3

Choose 1-3 targets

>Keep firing with the mashine gun (6d100)
>Switch to the pistol (3d100)
>Change locations and fire with mashine gun (6d100)
>Change locations and fire with pistol (3d100)
>Other tactics?
Rolled 29, 15, 66, 76, 5, 43 = 234 (6d100)

>GUN-Loader 1
>GUN-Loader 2
>GUN-Loader 3
>Change locations and fire with mashine gun (6d100)
Rolled 65, 22, 64, 27, 39, 57 = 274 (6d100)

>>GUN-Loader 1
>>GUN-Loader 2
>>GUN-Loader 3
>Keep firing with the mashine gun (6d100)
Rolled 20, 54, 30, 54, 5, 16 = 179 (6d100)

>>GUN-Loader 1
>>GUN-Loader 2
>>GUN-Loader 3
>Keep firing with the mashine gun (6d100)
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First Unique drop.png
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You keeps spreading the love around and finish mowing down the Loaders with great efficiency, leaving only one, incredibly terrified Engineer.

"Oh shit!" He exclaims in a high pitched tone. "No way! One... One guy? One guy wiped out everyone! No! NO! I DON'T WANNA DIE! THEY DON'T PAY ME ENOUGH FOR THIS!" Slowly the man shuffles back, no longer firing at you. Panic has clearly overtaken him and left him a non-threat to you.

For the first time since you sent him off on this task, you decide to look for Claptrap. You see him lying very still in the dust, all limbs and wheel pulled back into his main chassis.

Congrats on an exciting victory, you crazy urban Rambo!
>You find $1000 and a Slising RokSalt!
>You replenish all rifle ammo.

>Come out and check on Claptrap
>Check on Claptrap and casually execute the Engineer. Working for Hyperion is a capital crime to a Dahl worker.
>Execute the Engineer and find a new way up Triumvirate. Claptrap can take care of himself.
>Gather Claptrap and find a way up Triumvirate.
>Check on Clappy and spare the Engineer.
>>Check on Claptrap and casually execute the Engineer. Working for Hyperion is a capital crime to a Dahl worker.
also how do you work out the loot?
just random of do you pick them out?
>Come out and check on Claptrap
>You have about ten seconds to strip out of that atrocious Hyperion Yellow kit before I execute you for working for Hyperion. ...... One ....

Its a combination of an RNG machine and customly building weapons using this BL2 gear generator http://thegearcalculator.appspot.com/

But in events like this, which was totally optional, I feel like a much larger reward was in order. So I picked a unique out specially.

While I didn't expect a death, even my secret enemy dice were rolling in Baal's favor.

Also how do you feel about this as a theme for the Quest?

i dig it
oh nice
hmm should we give it to claptrap?

You put away the rifle and retrieve your trusty Dahl pistol. You saunter out, adjusting your tie with a couple of fingers of your gun hand. Your briefcase sways slightly with each step. The terrified Engineer looks on as you kneel next to the robot. You glance at him sideways and in a rough, threatening voice you issue your warning.

"You have about ten seconds to strip off that disgusting yellow kit before I execute you for working for Hyperion." For a moment he is paralyzed with fear of you. "One." You shout at him. He squeaks and starts ripping off the exosuit and the underlying jumpsuit. The guys is scrawny. Obviously the threat of an engineer is mostly from the suit. Outside of that, they're just huge nerds. Still whimpering, he scurries away, leaving you and his dignity behind... and maybe a trail of urine as well. You return your attention to Claptrap.

"You okay there, buddy?" You wince as the words leave your lips, waiting for him to take it too far. But nothing happens. "Claptrap?" Your voice is a little more worried. "You wake up now. We don't have time to play games. We have Hyperion to shut down."

>Oh no.
>There's gotta be something around here...
>Oh no Claptrap is dead. Well, too bad.
>>There's gotta be something around here...
>>There's gotta be something around here...
Use the exosuit to carry him to the other and see if they can fix him?
File: guardian angel.gif (650KB, 500x169px) Image search: [Google]
guardian angel.gif
650KB, 500x169px

Shit. SHIT. This wasn't supposed to happen. I mean, sure he's annoying and all those other things you called him earlier and you can't really stand him, but you didn't want him to DIE. Your head moves on a swivel as your mind races for solutions. You aren't very technologically minded outside of some Dahl equipment you were responsible for back at the dig site, but you are WAY out of your league with a CL4P-TP steward bot. You think you could maybe put on the abandoned exosuit and carry the poor robot up to Triumvirate where your friends are. You know all of them are fairly competent mechanics. They managed to get the Bus/Van here despite the damage to the engine. You take two steps towards the suit when a strange tingle fills the back of your mind. A bizzare image of an ethereal looking woman peeks through a window of static on your HUD.

"There's no cause for alarm, please! I'm here to help you."

>Be alarmed.
>"Who the hell are you?! How'd you get this frequency?"
>"I don't know who you are, but can you help me?"

The sudden appearance spooks you. You nearly jump out your skin and shout. "AH GHOST!"

The woman rolls her eyes. "Well... that's a new reaction, but... not calculated for. No I'm not a ghost. I'm... an AI, but you can think of me as your guardian angel. Listen I believe I can help you. The poor little robot is hurt, but I know how you can get it fixed."

That catches your attention fast. You don't know how this AI found its way to you and got on your ECHO, but right now you're a little short on options with Claptrap.

>Hear her out.
>Ignore her and stick with your exosuit strategy.
>Do both?
>>Do both?
>Hear her out.
Lets see all our options, I'm afraid the exosuit may have more yellow on/in it than just the paint from how frightened that engineer was.
>>Hear her out.
>Hear her out.

You move towards the exosuit, but stop before putting it on. You debate on it for a minute, but decide to hear this 'guardian angel' out.

"You have 1 minute." You relent, impatience adding steel your words. "Then I'm putting this dumb thing on and taking it to people I KNOW can help."

"You sound confident." She notes, her eyes betray her sarcasm. "Anyway. I know the ins and outs of just about every piece of tech on this planet. There are some very minor shorts in that Claptrap's power source. Luckily you can hook him into another one to bring him back online again temporarily. Its not a permanent fix, but it'll keep you out of that... soiled suit over there." You glance down at the suit and, sure enough, there is a small puddle of something on the crotch region.


She continues, "All you have to do, remove the old battery and hook him up to the larger pack from the exosuit."

You think about calling your team over the ECHO, but you hesitate since you don't know if this AI would attach to them through your connection.

>Okay, how do I do that?
>Momma taught me not to take deals from strange AIs. A wet crotch is a sacrifice I am willing to make.
>Confer with your team. You still don't trust this Angel character.
>Confer with your team. You still don't trust this Angel character.
>>Okay, how do I do that?
While not willing to trust totally from an IC point of view it is just switching out a battery ostensibly
>>Okay, how do I do that?
Well, then walk me through the steps.

You set a hand on your ECHO and think about calling your team regardless of what this AI might be capable of, but decide against it. With a sigh, you address the mysterious 'angel' in the middle of your field of vision.

"Fine. How do I do this? Can you walk me through the steps?" Your voice is still steeping in suspicion, but you're running out of options.

"Wonderful!" She says with a certain level of relief. "First get the battery out of the suit. It should be one of those easy quick release kind."

You find it on the back of the belt and quickly pop that sucker out.

"Okay next you need to bring it back to the Claptrap unit." You follow her orders easily enough. "On his back should be a panel you can pop off." This part takes some effort, but you eventually flip him over. There is a large, boot-shaped dent on the panel, but it comes off with a bit of effort. "Next, you need to undo the wires connecting the old battery to the circuitry and dispose of the cell quickly."

"Why quickly?" You question as you follow her instructions.

"Because its a miniature fission battery and it'll go off like a grenade in about 30 seconds." Your eyes goes wide at her responds and, after a tiny bit of fumbling, hurl the batter as far away as you can. I tiny mushroom cloud rises above the buildings you threw it over.


"Honestly, would you have removed it if I had told you?"

"Fair point."

"Now all you have to do is attach the wires to the corresponding terminals of the new battery. Red is Positive, Black is Negative. The battery won't fit in the socket for the actual battery, but you can just kind of stick it in there and bend the panel back in place for now. Maybe put some tape on it if you have some. That Claptrap should be able to stay powered on for around 30 days provided he doesn't waste all his power on some frivolous activities." She concludes. You stare at her expectantly for that last statement.

"You're right he will do that. In that case, he has about 2 weeks; give or take. Now you can boot him back up with just a swift knock to the top of the chassis."

>Thank her.
>Just boot up Claptrap and pretend this never happened.
>>Thank her.
Things have quieted down, so I'll be taking a sleep break. I'll have things back up tomorrow.
>Thank her.
Hey glad to have you back QM
>>Thank her.
I'd like to think that the engineer who ran away happened to be standing where the battery exploded.
>Thank her.
"What's with the sudden charity?"

"Thanks." You state as you smack the robot on top of his head. Claptrap slowly starts booting back up. "But what's with the sudden charity? What's your angle, Angel?"

"Can't an AI just want to do her good deed for the day?" You smiles in your HUD. "I have quite a vested interest in Vault Hunters, so I like to check in with them if they start having troubles. Good luck finding a vault!" And as suddenly as she arrived, she disappears. You have a mysterious, quiet moment before Claptrap wakes up.

"AAAGH! HYPERION GOONS EVERYWHERE! WH- Huh? Where'd they all go? Did I black out? I must have had some residual scripts left over from VaultHunter.exe! HAHA! Take that you corporate assholes!" He starts congratulating himself, still unaware of your presence.

>Ruin his day
>Play along and just get going
>>Ruin his day
>>Ruin his day

You place a hand on top of the chattering robot and grin.

"Tell that to your dented backside and new battery." You smirk at the robot as he looks up at you with his single optic lens.


"All me."

"Did I at least take any of them down with me?"


"Well shucks." His voice still sounds chipper, but your sure he's disappointed in himself.

"Anyway, we're behind schedule now. The controls on these lifts are manual, so we can probably just take one of them that these idiot rode down." You motion for the robot to follow you.

"Okay! Don't worry, my friend. I'll be sure to prove how valuable I am!" He's back to trying to impress you, it seems.

You walk to one of the other areas where the elevators would have come down. This one by the statue. As expected, its still there, waiting for the dead raiding party to return.

You use your ECHO and call your friends.

"Cleared out the peanut gallery down here and rescued the robot. We're on our way up now." There a short pause between your message and the return. It's Flora, and she sounds like she's in the middle of a firefight.

"Good to hear. We've encountered some stiff resistance, but nothing we can't handle. If you like to come join the party, you're more than welcome." The distant sound of gunfire continues as Henrietta pipes in on her own ECHO device.

"Leave Claptrap down there, though. I don't want him near my while I'm trying to have some fun. Make him hang out with the Doctor or something."

You look down at the small robot who, likewise, looks up at you.

"So? What did they say?" You forgot he's not keyed into your ECHO frequency, but that's probably for the best.

>Leave Claptrap behind. He isn't a fighter anymore.
>Take him with you. Maybe there's a door he can open for you.
>>Leave Claptrap behind. He isn't a fighter anymore.
>We'll call you if we need a door open. That battery is too much a target, wouldn't want some jackass getting you with a lucky shot.
This >>1644132

"We need you to stay down here for now and hold down the fort. We'll call you if we need you to open a door or something. Besides, we don't want some jackass to get a lucky shot on that battery."

"You got it, compadre! I await your word with baited breath! Or I would if I had to breathe!" He salutes you as you hit the button to ascend into the belly of Triumvirate. You call your friends back on the ECHO.

"Okay I ditched the robot and I'm on my way up. How's everyone holding up?" You ask. Simeon is the one to answer now.

"We managed to find a couple of Constructorsssss up here. Big onesssss. They've got ussssss pinned down with turretsssss at the moment, but we're making progressssss. Found sssssome decent loot, too. We'll keep your share warm while you catch up."

"We'll wait for you at the base of the massive tower up here. You'll know which one when you see it." Flora's voice pipes in next with the sounds of her rifle firing in the background.

"Sounds good." You confirm as the disk finally reaches the its destination. The housing is dark for a moment, but the door open to reveal what appears to be a small armory housed around the entry point. Small lockers, lockboxes, ammo boxes, a couple of safes and two loot chests sit against the walls.

>Loot powers: ACTIVATE!
>No time, gotta reach my partners!
>Take the big stuff and run. I'll sort it out later.
>Take the big stuff and run. I'll sort it out later.
>>Take the big stuff and run. I'll sort it out later.
>>Loot powers: ACTIVATE!
guys iv found something
we can come backthenext day
File: Loot Compilation 1.jpg (155KB, 648x864px) Image search: [Google]
Loot Compilation 1.jpg
155KB, 648x864px

There's a lot of ammunition and you easily recover anything you were lacking before. On top of that, you manage to find three Protean Grenades AND a Tesla Grenade Mod! Its nothing very special, but it does decent Shock damage! You'll decide that you'll come back for the rest after you have looted an armful of gear.

You walk out the door and are greeted to the sight of carnage similar to what you remember from the crossfire with the bandits and Loaders out in the wastes. Good to know you're friends are capable even without your supervision. That just means you can act with a bit more autonomy than before. You remember what Flora said about the tower and look up to the skyline. Yeah... that's a massive tower alright. You can't see the top through the clouds. And you were already pretty far up thanks to the giant robot. You are starting to wonder what purpose this Triumvirate serves for Hyperion other than a mobile fortress. They already have that gaudy H in the sky for that, don't they?

The place has been picked clean before you got here, though; most likely through Simeon's efforts, but there are a few buildings nearby that don't look touched.

>Continue on towards the tower.
>Break into one of the buildings.
>Do something else?
>Play with your inventory.
>>Continue on towards the tower.
>Equip the nade mod
>>>Continue on towards the tower.
>>Equip the nade mod

No time for detours. You decide to head straight for the tower. Maybe you could help the others out with a few more Hyperion troops. You find your way through the twists and turns of the streets and corridors of the Triumvirate's top level. In the distance you think you can hear gunfire just ahead. You decide to head towards and, as you thought, its your fellow Hunters.

>Shout a greeting.
>Ask for a status report.
>Just start shooting at whatever they're shooting at (Choose one of your guns from your inventory: https://pastebin.com/pKRKaiQD)
>>Just start shooting at whatever they're shooting at
>>Just start shooting at whatever they're shooting at (Choose one of your guns from your inventory: https://pastebin.com/pKRKaiQD)

Mashine gun

The good thing about fighting Hyperion is they rely on machines and armored soldiers and you have a corrosive weapon. You whip out your nASSty mashine gun and dash into the fray.

"Baal! You made it!" Henrietta is the first to notice you as you run past and into cover behind a well worn wall.

"Was there any doubt?" You give a confident smile as you pop up and start firing. You notice that they are still working on those Constructors. For a second you are confused by the lack of progress, but you see, just behind them, a couple of Digistruction kiosks working overtime. Every 5 seconds it pumps out another Loader. Most of them seem to be simply GUN-Loaders, but they're starting to build up. And there's another two of those damned Surveyors.

>GUN-Loader horde
>Constructor 1 (Shielded)
>Constructor 2 (Shielded, Damaged)
>Turret 1 (Shielded)
>Surveyor 1
>Surveyor 2

Choose 1-3 targets and roll 6d100s
Rolled 35, 86, 85, 96, 9, 41 = 352 (6d100)

>>Surveyor 1
>>Surveyor 2
>Constructor 2 (Shielded, Damaged)
Rolled 38, 29, 5, 17, 51, 33 = 173 (6d100)

>>Surveyor 1
>>Surveyor 2
>Constructor 2 (Shielded, Damaged)
medics die first
Rolled 20, 36, 100, 70, 42, 56 = 324 (6d100)

>Surveyor 1
>>Surveyor 2
>Constructor 2 (Shielded, Damaged)

You seen how annoying those Surveyors could be. Between healing robots and sapping shields and electrocuting people, you're sure Jack designed these things to suck the most. Luckily for you they're frail. Just a couple of shots each pop them like balloons. The damaged Constructor takes a bit more work. You've done substantial damage to the shield, but the corrosive didn't take hold like you wanted to.

"Good to see you Baal. Hope you didn't get lost on the way here." Flora's voice pops in over your ECHO. You take a moment to scan over your side of this battlefield. You see Flora's tattooed arm pop out of a building to your left briefly before she brings it in and starts firing again at the horde of Loaders. "Thanks for taking those things out. Simeon ran out of sniper rounds trying to pick those nimble sons of bitches off."

"Thanksss for rubbing it in." Simeon hisses over the ECHO in response. You hear his smig buzzing off to your right intermittently.

>GUN-Loader horde
>Constructor 1 (Shielded)
>Constructor 2 (Shielded, Damaged)
>Turret 1 (Shielded)

Choose 1-3 targets

>Keep using the mashine gun (6d100)
>Switch to the handgun (3d100)
>Switch to another gun from the inventory (https://pastebin.com/pKRKaiQD)

>Communicate with a member of your party while fight? (Simeon, Henrietta, or Flora)
Rolled 97, 89, 61, 23, 55, 48 = 373 (6d100)

>Constructor 1 (Shielded)
>Constructor 2 (Shielded, Damaged)
>Turret 1 (Shielded)

>Ask if Henrietta's been keeping busy.
Rolled 3, 98, 7, 71, 23, 63 = 265 (6d100)

>Constructor 1 (Shielded)
>Constructor 2 (Shielded, Damaged)

>Anyone else got an acid gun, or acid grenade? We need those constructors down or else we're going to get over run.
Rolled 39, 55, 45, 79, 95, 32 = 345 (6d100)

>>GUN-Loader horde
>Keep using the mashine gun (6d100)
thow a nad at the
>Constructor 2 (Shielded, Damaged)
>Ask if Henrietta's been keeping busy.

>Ask if Henrietta's been keeping busy.
>Also grenade them first to bust shields down.

"Has anyone picked up a corrosive weapon yet? Or a Nade mod? It'd be infinitely helpful if we could start melting those bastards down." You call out over the ECHO.

"If we had, do you think we'd be in this ssssituation?" Simeon snarks back at you.

"Hey, just asking." You defend yourself. You decide you're going to change topics for now. "How're holding up there, Henrietta? Staying busy?" You look over at her position just ahead of you. She isn't on her ECHO, but you can hear her maniacal laughter as she continually is firing explosive shots into the horde of Loaders. "Aw she's having fun." you think out loud.

You quickly toss a grenade at the Constructors as you return your attention to the battle. As you expected, the Tesla field completely disrupts the shields covering those damned machines. That leaves them wide open for you to bring the hurt. You zero your rifle on them and open fire. The previously untouched Constructor takes a massive amount of damage and is coated in a layer of the corrosive. The second one crumples and self-destructs under the strain of your bullets. You hear cheers from your companions as they keep working on the now-thinning horde of Loaders. With the one Constructor out of the way, you have a clear shot at one of the Digistruct Kiosks.

>GUN-Loader horde
>Constructor 1 (Shielded, Heavily Damage, Corroded)
>Turret 1 (Shielded)
>Digistruct Kiosk 1

Target 1-3 enemies

>Keep using the mashine gun (6d100)
>Switch to the handgun (3d100)
>Switch to another gun from the inventory (https://pastebin.com/pKRKaiQD)

>Keep bantering?
I keep forgetting to put in the option for grenades.

>Throw a grenade?
>Digistruct Kiosk 1
>GUN-Loader horde
>Keep using the mashine gun (6d100)
>Keep bantering?
Rolled 32, 83, 78, 35, 71, 89 = 388 (6d100)

Rolled 63, 86, 91, 15, 28, 93 = 376 (6d100)

Same targets
Rolled 14, 26, 45, 4, 24, 92 = 205 (6d100)

>>Digistruct Kiosk 1
>GUN-Loader horde
>Constructor 1 (Shielded, Heavily Damage, Corroded)
Nade the kiosk

Focus on that kiosk unless, you know, you like getting butt raped by loaders.

You narrow your aim at the the kiosk before you throw another grenade. It does some significant damage, but you need to help it along a little more. You steady your rifle and unload it across the enemies. The Kiosk is still standing but just barely.

"Focus down those Kiosks. That group won't get any thinner til we remove them from the equation." You shout out your command.

"I've got your back." Simeon responds first and switches targets to the Kiosk you damaged. You hear the buzz of his smig and, finally the installation goes dark, leaving a partially constructed Loader to lament its abomination of a life. You continue your firing while cross targets, hitting a few of the Loaders in the horde while on your way to your real target: the last Constructor. You re-pop its shield and and a couple more shots. It looks like its on its last legs. As does the Loader horde. There are maybe 3 GUN-Loaders left remaining.

Between Flora's rifle and Henrietta's shotgun, you think they can handle the horde. The Turret that you've been ignoring has been destroyed by Simeon.

>Keep using the mashine gun (6d100)
>Switch to the handgun for the execution (3d100)
>Switch to another gun from the inventory (https://pastebin.com/pKRKaiQD)
Rolled 44, 51, 98, 79, 94, 53 = 419 (6d100)


>Keep using the mashine gun (6d100)
Rolled 59, 75, 5 = 139 (3d100)

>>Switch to the handgun for the execution (3d100)
Rolled 43, 32, 17 = 92 (3d100)

>Switch to the handgun for the execution (3d100)

You come out from around the corner, the Constructor almost completely disabled. As your fellow Hunters do in the last of the Loaders, you switch to your trusty Dahl pistol for the final shot on this machine. You raise it up and squeeze the trigger for the all too familiar sound of the trio of bullets. The Constructor lists over and collapses before exploding like every broken machine Hyperion makes. Honestly, Hyperion tech might be the third most explosive behind Tediore and Torgue, save for the fact that they do it on purpose.

You regroup with your friends and assess the scene, scavenging while conversing, of course.

>You find another $1000 and replenish your ammo.

>Talk with your group about your next step.
>Check in with a single member of your group.
>Play with your inventory.
>Talk with your group about your next step.
>>Talk with your group about your next step.
>>Talk with your group about your next step.
high 5 allaround
>Talk with your group about your next step.
>show off you sweet ass shotgun
So outta curiosity, what are Baal's skill trees?
So team boosts and general buffs?
...and the other 2?

With a job well done, the four of you reconvene to discuss your next step.

"Great job!" You're the first one to speak. "What's our next step?"

"Well, we're still a little ways out from the tower. From what we've been able to tell from the signs, that tower is a comms station for Triumvirate with the Hyperion satellite. If we can take that down we can cripple their ability to call in reinforcements with those moon shots." Flora provides you with the first part of the summary. Henrietta continues from there.

"And once we blow that sky high, we can get this Triumvirobot-thing's schematics and whatnot from security just up the road. We grab those and we can find all the other important bits to explode!"

"But to do that, we need to get ssssome explosssivesss with a timer. We don't want to be up here when every thing goessss boom." Simeon tags on at the end. "I'm ssssure we've dealt with a ssssignificant portion of their standing forcesss on this thing, but they can call in more in the sssstation. Sssso that should be our firsssst target, like Flora ssssaid."

"Sounds like we have a plan." You place your hand confidently on your hips before remembering something. "Oh! And check out what I found when I rescued Claptrap!" You bring out your Roksalt Shotgun to show your friends. Flora looks moderately impressed with your luck.

"Nice find! What all were you up against down there?" She asks.

"About 8 bots and 3 engineers. No big deal." You play it humble. Henrietta looks absolutely star struck.

"WOOOOAH! That's a Roksalt! So cool~!" She steps in close, her hands hovering above the gun as if an invisible barrier was preventing her from touching it. She makes little whimpering noises and mutters to herself about the specifics of the gun as she fangirls over it. You're a little weirded out, but at the same time you find it kind of cute.

>Do you have any addition to the plan or amendments you'd like to make?
I've actually been working on skill trees for the characters for different kinds of builds you might take. None of them are completed yet, but you'll have a chance to customize the skills of all four Vault Hunters near the end of the thread.
>Let her touch the gun.
>We passed by some unopened buildings on our way here. Maybe one of them has some explosives?
This is just my personal option but I hope we go down a mixed team manager and workplace psycho build
>"WOOOOAH! That's a Roksalt! So cool~!" She steps in close, her hands hovering above the gun as if an invisible barrier was preventing her from touching it. She makes little whimpering noises and mutters to herself about the specifics of the gun as she fangirls over it. You're a little weirded out, but at the same time you find it kind of cute.

...is it weird that I want to make her our girlfriend and have a scene down the line where we throw guns back and forth in the middle of combat?
>>Let her touch the gun.
Sorry but I just thought of a great Baal/Henrietta epilogue. They open up an arms company that rivals Marcus'. Baal runs the numbers side and Henrietta runs the design/vetting/advertising part.
Salesman might be a better name. Baal doesn't strike me as a Sellout.
was just names
salesman is nice too
but what about the others?
Well the best names Ihave come up with are Workplace Psyco, Team Manager, and Salesman.

"You know if you want, you can hold it." You offer the shotgun to Henrietta. Her eyes widen and shine with delight as the quickly, yet gently takes the gun from your hands. She quickly takes in into firing stances facing away from you or any of your other allies. She's clearly having fun with it. While she does, you are reminded of some of the buildings you had passed on the way in. "There were some unopened buildings I passed on the way here. There's a chance those could have explosives in it."

"Thatsss definitely a posssssibility, but it'd be more efficient to grab the planssss and know for ccccertain where they are." Simeon offers as rebuttal.

"Either way," Flora interrupts, "That comms tower needs to be put out of commission first. Last thing we need is to get shot while carrying something as volatile as a bomb."

"True." Simeon concedes. "We could ssssplit up and take the sssssecurity building at the ssssame time asss the commsss. Itssss more effiecient that way. Lessss time for Hyperion to notice ussss."

>That sounds like a good idea.
>I don't think we should split the party.
>>That sounds like a good idea.
>That sounds like a good idea.
Baal & Henrietta
Flora & Simon
I forget are we tied into the respawn system yet?

Right now for Baal, the category names I have are

>Company Man, Corporate Commando, and Ladder Climber

The Company Man tree is about innate bonuses to with Dahl equipment and team synergy.

Corporate Commando covers daring action and more solo play.

Ladder Climber puts debuff on enemies as well as allies for the sake of buffs for you.

Of course those are just broad categories and the individuals skills will vary. Like I said, its still kind of rough and I only have the opening skills for them.
Technically no. The NewU system canonically doesn't exist in the story. Its purely the video game mechanic. I'm not sure if I want to remove the risk of dying from the quest.
Also, when we get to a safe place, preferably a bar. I would find an interaction like this funny
>Baal: Ok, Simeon, I know you are probably tired of this question, but I want to test something. Are you or are you not a cannibal?
>Simeon: Fine I'm*barfight starts*
>Baal: I was right! There is a cosmic power stoping you from asking that question! I wonder if we can use that some how...?
Err, answering that question was what I ment...
Company Man/ Corporate Commando it is then.

"Sounds good to me. The less time we spend up here; the better, in my opinion." You agree with Simeon's suggestion. "Henrietta and I will take the security station. Flora, you and Simeon should be able to disable communication with Hyperion HQ with little trouble. You two are probably the most adept with electronics, if I'm honest."

Flora and Simeon share a glance at each other and blink as you bark out orders.

"Sorry. Force of habit from the Mine. Is that pairing good for you guys?" You apologize. When you're used to making the decisions for a group, its hard to stop sometimes.

"No that's fine. Its probably the most effective use of us. We don't want the people in Comms to be aware of us until we're on top of them. And if we're being honestly, Henrietta..." She takes a pause and looks at the younger girl. Henrietta is taking test fires with the RokSalt on the remains of one of the Digistruct Kiosk. If it wasn't Hyperion or an inanimate object, you'd probably feel a little bad for it. "Henrietta isn't what I'd call stealthy." Simeon nods his head in agreement and you are apt to do the same.

"Sssssounds like we're in agreement then." Simeon speaks first. "Henrietta, we have a plan. Ssstop playing around for a second and get caught up." The girl does as instructed and the three of you fill her in on the plan.

"Awesome!" She exclaims. "We'll get those plans and blow that place sky high!" She put her hand up for a high five and you confidently oblige her. High fives are standard fare for managers, after all.
Mid tree Company Man skill idea: Makes Dhal weapon drops more likely /Lv 2 Replaces most Unique drops with Special Dhal Arms.
Expanding on the Lv 2 of the skill, Uniques we would have got go to team members.
Now seems like an excellent break point to cover


Like I said before, Baal has three categories.

>Company Man
>Corporate Commando
>Ladder Climber

Each level up grants you one skill point to spend in the trees as long as you have at least 5 points on a tier of the tree, you can move to the next layer down. Some skills can be bought into up to 5 times while some are one-off Kill Skills that add effects when certain conditions are met.

The Tier 1 skills are:

>Company Man
-Brand Loyalty (Dahl weaponry deal +10% more damage) 0/5
-Employee Discount (Dahl gear cost 10% less at stores) 0/5

>Corporate Commando
-Briefcase Battler (Using melee causes +5% more damage and can be done twice in a round) 0/5
-Entrepreneur (Risky actions gets get a +5% increase to their success rates) 0/5

>Ladder Climber
-No Such Thing as Bad PR (Killing an enemy has an chance to reduce accuracy of enemies) 0/5
-Cut-throat Business (Reduce damage on allies to increase your own by +20%) 0/5
-Cut-throat Business (Reduce damage on allies to increase your own by +20%) 0/5

Just to clarify this reduces our allies damage to enemies to buff our own, right?
Assuming this is a vote, I'd say put a point in Entrepeneur
At this point in time, you have one skill point to spend on Baal.

Unlike your main character, Simeon, Flora and Henrietta only have two categories. Their trees are as follows

>Slag Rat
Focus on Slag elemental damage and Sniper weaponry

>Rat Burglar
Focus on improvements to Klepto-kinesis ability and SMGs

Focus on Phase Build ability and related skills

>Vengeance Incarnate
Focus on Gunplay and rolls related to certain enemies

>Full Frontal
Focus on non-critical damage with Shotguns and Rocket Lauchers

>Burning Passion
Focus on Fire and Explosive elemental damage
Which of our other three hunter's skills would you like to hear about first?

Oh god the only one I can decide on is
For Flora
Ladder Climber
-No Such Thing as Bad PR (Killing an enemy has an chance to reduce accuracy of enemies) 0/5
>Burning Passion
Focus on Fire and Explosive elemental damage
Flora: The Siren
Ability: Phase Build
Skill Tree:
-Wall (Phase Build creates larger blocks that last twice as long) 0/5
-Foundation (Phase Build can create solid platforms +1 for every point) 0/5

>Vengeance Incarnate
-Anti-Corporation (+10% damage against enemies with a business affiliation) 0/5
-Dead or Alive (+10% damage against enemies with Bandit affiliation) 0/5

You have one point to spend on the trees
-Foundation (Phase Build can create solid platforms +1 for every point) 0/5
So, class mods are gonna be interest. Hope we get something with team healt regen.
Class Mods will be interesting when I get around to designing them.

There will be a team health regen skill somewhere in the Company Man tree. Either Tier 2 or Tier 3
Things have died down some, so I'll take a sleep break and see you all again in a few hours.
Are the above votes for the Skill trees closed?
a few hours he said.
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