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Tribe Evo Eight: The Gang's All Here

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 133
Thread images: 22

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Welcome to Tribes Evo, a game where you take control of a tribe and evolve it culturally, technologically, and historically through time. Previously, a war came and went, a new tribe is introduced, and something is threatening the bunnies.

Previous Threads (please read if new): http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=tribevo
Discord: https://discord.gg/r36b7By
Art: http://imgur.com/a/5CW4z

POTT: http://www.strawpoll.me/13123099

New Players Guide:
>Every turn is a new day
>Every turn each tribe can do one action and research
>Research - Laws, Technologies, Arts, Customs
>Action - Trading, Hunting, Scouting, Organizing
>At least one player per tribe, no upper limit on tribe members
> Only ONE action and ONE research PER TRIBE, must be agreed by majority
> Please read sheet to verify 1) whether a tech/culture has already been researched and 2) whether OP fucked up in updating sheets

Other Mechanics:
> Combat (NPC) - one commander per tribe, roll xd100 where x is the number of GROUPS of units you wish to fight (ask oldfag or OP if unclear)
> Culture - After exposure to other cultures, rolls can be made to determine how foreign cultures can affect your civilization's society
> Nationhood - Once a tribe reaches 1000+ population, they are eligible for nationhood. They will then need a constitution, flag, currency, formal military, and more than one town. The constitution MUST include established geographic borders, name of your state, and governing body.
> Economy - One a civ implements a tax, there will be a stream of income to your treasury. You will be able to purchase additional actions with this income. Too high a tax, however, will affect mood.

ANNOUNCEMENT: I will most likely be limited to posting once per day for this session, once the weekend hits I will be able to fully commit.

Posting new turns next.
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ducks make the wheel and scout for resources

> 1-25: nothing
> 26-75: something ok
> 76-100: something terrific
Rolled 98 (1d100)

forgot roll
ducks find a hot spring where about 45 ducks live. These ducks farm algae in their springs and have plenty to spare for the duck tribe. They eventually are won over by the duck king's evangelism.
(Hopefully) My final name change
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aardvarks invent war songs and officially declare war on the aggro aards. They can use war actions to engage with the enemy.
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Rolled 31 (1d100)

Bunnies make a loom and start production of pipes, but its halted with the mole intrusion, along with mining.

Bunny deaths:
> 1-25: 15% of pop
> 26-75: 25% of pop
> 76-100: 50% of pop
WOO the bunnies face massiv casualties, collectively 1,266 bunnies die.
Holy shit
Bunnycaust is starting
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Frogs make more efficient ships and improve sailing
they also make a founding holiday I mean
i thought maybe it was too harsh but man, these moles are real bitches.
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chickens make a weapon and start fireproofing
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FINALLY torts make boarding school, finish minecarts, and plant potatoes. Two of those things help bring pop growth up.

I have to leave but i am entrusting Mill and cuntus to lead our people to our destiny
But i suggest an action
Have preist go with the army and preach to the soldiers and bless them before eacj battle to keep army morale high
Action: Create a mining colony north of New Duckberg

Research: Reform the military. Begin harder training troops and in combat mainly air based while having another division focused solely one ground combat.
Research: A young tortoise named Yuddha meditated on a mountaintop for 21 days. On the 21st day, he is given a vison of Yamantaka. He praises Yuddha and his people for following the most noble pursuit, of obtaining knowledge and keeping peace to achieve moksha. But he tells Buddha he must spread Yamantakas word to the tortoises so they can follow the Middle Path. Yuddha embarks on his journey.

Action: Yuddha spreads the word of Yamantaka to the tortoises. Be fruitful and multiply and fill the word and The Four Noble Truths andThe Eightfold path.
Research: We'll to find better ranged weapon for our dragonfly mounted cavalry , bows might be good.

Action: We'll start deforesting heavily and create woodcutting camps to fuel our new and growing Naval industry, it is vital to our interest and to the pride of our ancestors that we go beyond our natural limitation and conquer the salty sea.
OP. As a bunny, I would to state that these moles seem far too dangerous a threat considering that in 1 turn (without even being the highest potential damage) they managed to kill a quarter of our people. Essentially the entire population of our capital in one go.

I can't force you to change this but seriously, they are a fucking nation killing monster. I can't see us recovering from the loss of a 25% of our population in any reasonable time scale.

However I will take actions to deal with this fact. Assuming no bunnies oppose my actions.

Action: Begin reequipping a group the surface guard with picks, axes, shovels and other such tools but sharpened so they can fight under ground and have them patrol the colonies.

Research: Begin developing a steel short-sword for our military of similar design to the Roman gladius. A light stabbing blade so it can be used most easily in tight tunnels and in large formations and can be produced in large numbers reliably thanks to it's simplistic nature.
Hey OP, considering the moles are attacking us does this mean we get a military action against them each turn?

IF we do then make this following move a military action & do >>1543303 as well, IF not then replace that action with this next 1

Action: There is something deadly in the tunnels, Position all our troops at the deep tunnel exits and then have the bunnies flood it with sea water... Whatever's down there will either drown or try to escape, if it tries to escape it'll run single file into the armed bunnies waiting for them. Capture 1 if possible
Action: Expand the mines get all the ores find more ores we need ore you oreo

Culture: Arranged Marriages, and marriages arranged between the aards in youth. Help our pop grow. We need more.

War Action: Our elite stealth unit infiltrates and kills the king aggro aard whilst our main army does battle with his. Showing his army his head will force them to surrender
We already have arranged marriage
Need chicken now
Action: Rebuild minetown, we will be needing those ores

Research: improvement to our pick axes, we need more ore
Fuck wait,
Research: Stone shingles, for our roofing efforts
If you aren't a bunny please ignore this spoiler!

We only attract the moles on our starting continent and only when digging. What if we start our expansion efforts across the ocean again now and intensify our colonial efforts on the home island in new regions?

We arguably have a reason to try and create some new colonies and shit to see if we can create safe places for our population but another idea might be to increase the population of bunnies in non-bunny / shared lands.

Failing this we can focus on military solutions (which would usually be my solution but they just killed 25% of us, how in the fuck do we recover from that or even fight back?) or even moving to the surface if worst comes to worst.
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torts go full yuddhist and as a result become more 'fruitful'
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frogs make bows and start gettn wood
Alright change Culture to Tech
Tech: Aqueducts
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chickens make better roofing and spped up Minetowns recovery
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Rolled 30 (1d100)

aardies make aqueducts and engage in combat with the aggro aards. They send a team of 15 aards to infiltrate the capital and kill the king, while they battle the army outside.

1. QM roll for assassination
> 1-25: caught and killed by guards
> 26-75: manage to get inside ziggurat but captured
> 76-100: Assassinated
2. player roll for combat
> 700 aarthurs warriors
> City gaards and wall (near 850)
Rolled 98 (1d100)

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Rolled 95 (1d100)

bunnies mood dampers by the many massacres happening. They begin making a long steel blade and attempt flooding the burrows with seawater. They are only able to do this at Kelp Cove.

> 1-50: Operation does not help kill menace
> 51-85: Operation drives out moles in the east, no survivors
> 86-100: Operation drives out moles in the east, one captured survivor
Rolled 90 (1d100)

bunny casualty rate decreases, and whats more, they managed to capture a live mole! He is kept in a holding burrow at Kelp Cove

> 1-25: 7% pop
> 26-75: 12% pop
> 76-100: 25% pop
another 1k bunnies die cumulatively across the burrows. Sad!
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ducks choose to use a military action in the still ongoing Fowl War. They also make a mining colony and train in ground combat, for those whose wings do not allow them to fly under the stresses of combat.

Stockpile is added due to seaweed farm and hot spring algae.

anchor here, gonna do aardies war turn next.
Should we try to assist the bun buns? Actually, I doubt we could do much...
If you were more accepting towards these poor mole people instead of radicalising them with all your hatespeech and racism, we could all learn to live together in harmony.
Aardvark assassins get captured. However, the outside warriors manage to infiltrate the town with acceptable casualties. Through war songs, they manage to push through the toil and sunshine and smash through the walled off city, slinging many wallmen and slaying the infantry until many ceased and surrendered. Aarthur marched up to the capital trampling over the slayed bodies of the pitied, and the fidgety king nervously quivered before he tasted the steel going through his antskin armor and out his back. The king is dead. Long live the king!

Casualties: 150 dead, 288 injured.

Aardvarks can now control their conquered city, who after the bloodbath, has 450 citizens.
OP what the fuck.

You have just killed, in 2 turns, more than 2000 bunnies or about two fifths of our population. Literally, I can't understand how is this is meant to be fair to us?

It's not like you gave us a chance to defend ourselves this time either, even though we have a actual military and were aware of the threat.

This is the equivalent of "rocks fall, everybody dies" on the scale of a civilisation.

I mean, the chickens and frogs aren't getting fucked up the ass out of nowhere. So what the fuck is this.

It's fine to say "oh you just got bad rolls senpai" but we just lost in 2 turns what we gain in 10 assuming the growth rates on turn 81 are right. Even having these fucks take 1d100 bunnies per turn would have made them a serious problem equal to 50% of our growth.
moles are quite serious business
The mole rape train has no brakes

Also, if the moles genocide all the bunnies, i would expect them to go after everyone else
Neither of us have mines as deep or extensive as your burrows.
In the end he is doing a good thing, the bunny power creep was real, and it's painfully obvious that they were gearing for a crabclaw offensive (You guys proposed a awful deal to us in discord, basically "let us get and keep you in debt forever and we will set up a trade town with you ok? PS. We are not going to help you at all in matters of military ;)" )
To be fair, your growth is still pretty fucking insane.
In 2 turns, you've lost 10 turns worth of growth, which isn't that huge.

It'll take us a lot longer to recover from our war than you will from your tragedy.
They really aren't considering when you introduced them they apparently were relying on stone tools. That shit is so much worse than what we are using it isn't funny.

It's almost as if playing well means we were winning...and as if OP shouldn't then intervene to trip us up, assuming that is what this is which is what it looks and feels like, with a fucking land mine because we could have killed any other tribe at a moments notice if we decided to.

However, this means I now have reason for my military plans and for many other things. I will eliminate this threat and then the other tribes, outright. Just to spite this event. Then you may complain of "power creep".
You didn't play well, you got a extremely advantageous position because of op. You picked the easiest faction and now you whine about it starting to get hard, meanwhile us other tribes had to deal with bees fucking us, ducks fucking with us, and I assume OP is going to flood our mines with moles because you will bitch and moan so much.
Proper stone weaponry is still quite lethal against anything not clad in armor, and these fellas were attacking civilians weren't they?

Flint works much the same way as obsidian when it comes to sharpness.
Not that I assume OP really thought that far.
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>still not fucking floosind the tunnels
>literally not knowing how to kill a mole
>instead fucking living with civilians underground where they can make hits and run and kill hundreds everyday easily
We dealt with the bees too and by no means was or is ours the easiest faction. I would point out we couldn't hunt during the winter and thus our food stocks were much more static.

True for the first round except for the fact the surface guard also acts as our police force but even ignoring that I doubt they can kill 1 in every 5 people without someone alerting the military.

The second time round? We were aware they existed, we should have had troops in the tunnels waiting for them.
We did flood the tunnels ya fool. It did fuck all to help really seeing as they then killed 25% of our people or 1000 more bunnies afterwards.
Well, who is to say they're not just collapsing the caverns on top of your bunnies, isolating them from any help and killing them before they can dig their way back in?
>Nation with bonus to farming on plains next to a river far away from any outside threats and have them live in bunkers
>"We aren't the easy Nation, guise!"
I'd like to point out that I now believe it was an extremely smart move to kill the bunnies when they arrived on our Island.

They could have caused a refugee crisis if they showed up on our doorstep, fleeing from the moles.
Because it would be easy to hear, would be mentioned in OP's description, seeing as that would fuck over the infrastructure of our civilisation. Not to mention it would be slow as hell and near impossible for them to do that to our colonies: they are just some surface level burrows and farms.

The only place that deep or expansive you could do such a method of attack is our capital which OP has left alone seemingly.
To be fair, rivers are really fucking good as far as developing civilizations are concerned.
There is so many uses for rivers.
1) We had no farming.

2) We didn't live in bunkers, we made them into this and you could have done similar things to your towns. We still had to deal with the Bees when we went to the surface.

3) We weren't far away from you guys, you just gave up on finding us eventually and we didn't bother to start coming for you until recently.

4) Seemingly we had predators in the tall grass or our bunnies get lost far easier than it seems. So not exactly far away from outside threats.

5) We had no trees.

Living up to your name sake I see.
For a race that can subsist on grass, farming doesn't seem like that much of necessity to be honest initially.

Bunnies are still pretty much the top dog due to their ridiculous spawn rate.
I really wanna help the bunnies now...

(Sure hope I can get surplus too...)
Fine i'll be willing to assist you in flodding the Tunnels in exchange for some of your minerals then.
But only because we really ought to help desperate neighboors.
Yeah but our spawn rate isn't that much more than the rest of the tribes, we just invested into it and focused down on growth / medicine stuff.

Thanks, expect no payment at least until the disaster passes.

Hell no.
Fine keep dying then
No problem. I mean our population will recover entirely in about 10 turns assuming we do nothing to augment our growth rate. Which I can already think of a few ways to do.
You're still spawning rabbits by the hundreds every turn though.
Just go full soviet union on the Moles.
>implying they're not going to keep killing you next turn
We really can't but I have plans that will solve these problems.

They only hit the colonies. We can just flood those from the river and a few weeks before un-flooding them and getting back into them.
Thats also implying the moles won't see this coming after the first flooding snd just plan around it
Inorder to kill the moles i think you should go full subterranian warfare
Nah, not if we do the flooding all at once.
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Culture: Victory Parade
Action: Find a nation
Name of state: Kingdom of Aavalon
Kingdom of Aavalon Constitution:
- Constitutional Hereditary Feudal Monarchy
- Military: Royal Military of Aavalon and the lordly armies of her subjects, which are obligated to answer the call to arms at their liege's pleasure.
- Currency: Ants (Later to be replaced by a proper silver currency as we begin minting it)
- State Religion: Mithrism or whatever it was called
Not yet
We should capture the jewbarks and then become a nation
o-oh ok
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updated flag
So, what is our action then?
Have that military parade and start rounding up enough silver to buy out the shekelmasters?
Have military parade and then start the rebuilding process of the city
We should then just pressure the jewaards into giving their city.
If they don't lower the price or just back down we start training elite stealth units who will go under cover to kill the king
We do also have those siege weapons coming up soon. Just saying.
War, war never changes...

Unless you ask Solid Snake...
Action: Move all citizens to Kelp cove & it's beaches

Research: Oil

Military action: Surface guard and armed bunnies work through each colony tunnels thouraly. Sticking in large groups & lighting the way to show they've cleared it. Kill all moles they come across. Once a colony is clear, the citizens move back there from kelp cove
Research: With Iron and Coal, we will begin experimenting on making new, stronger alloys. Perhaps something that could steel up our defenses?

Action: We will begin work on a new foundry for making this theoretical wonderful new metal in large quantities.

Also, OP, if we want to trade some of our knowledge for Frog knowledge, how should it be handled? Would we need to spend an action or could it happen automatically?
If you trade for a butterfly express first you can get a third action just for trade so you dont have to waste actions.
Dragonfly Express****
Butterflies on the brain
missing others
Our action isn't capturing the jewvarks its pressuring them into giving up the city or lowering the price of their city
Action: Send boats out to explore the ocean
Research: learn how to make some sort of wine or rum that we can trade to other tribes
Action: Speed up minetown and port town resettlement
Research: Piping.
Action: Mine in mineberg for valuable resources

Research: Ducks start working on cartography
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Rolled 22 (1d100)

Aards throw a military parade in the conquered city. The tradition is so popular that its established as a custom. THey send armies outside the other city's walls so that they can pressure the aardvark into dropping the price.

> 1-25: No effect, 300 silver
> 26-75: Reduced to 100 silver
> 76-100: Reduced to 50 silver
The pressuring doesn't work, war is brewing on the frontiers, aards can choose to attack if they wish.

> 700 Aarthurs' aards
> Wall, 1200 money aards
Rolled 22 (1d100)

No attack
>attempts to re-roll
>same number
>wouldn't have worked any way
what actually just happened
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Rolled 2 (1d100)

ducks mine and establish cartography as an art. They have preserved their migration path into paper.

> 1-15: Nothing
> 16-40: Common Ores
> 41-85: Uncommor Ores
> 86-100: Rare minerals
I don't know
I saw new replies and replied no attack
But apparnetly mill already rolled
Its fine though
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Rolled 2 (1d100)

bunes move citizens to kelp cove, temporarily stunting pop growth. They also make veg. oil. FInally, they send in troops to drive out the mole menace.

> 1-25: no impact
> 25-75: 2 colonies cleansed
> 76-100: 4 colonies cleansed

ducks dont find quack
Bunnies manage to kill many moles, but don't seem to make a dent in cleaning out the burrows. They lose about 65 bunny cross bowers.
We already have piping so instead
research: The Chickens in the guild of arts begin mixing, matching, and separating things. Eventually, they find that sulfur is useful for other things than torches, and when mixed with the right things it makes a mighty explosion!
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Chickens speed up recovery, finishing up Minetown, and begin experimenting with sulfur.
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Rolled 26 (1d100)

Frogs learn how to make wine from leftover bee honey, and explore the ocean once more.
(+10 to roll)

>1-10: Shark Tribe attacks and sinks ship
>11-25: Ship is wrecked in a storm
>26-50: Ship is lost at sea, may return to Kelp Cove in a few days with thinning crew.
>51-80: Arrive on a shore, ship wrecked
>80-100: Arrive on a shore, ship in good condition
I meant Poddles Port, not kelp cove, but the ship does return minus ten frogs from salt poisoning.
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Finally, tortoises make steel and foundries to produce many steels. Ducks also use another war move.

Action: start training elite stealth aards
Research: a new major tenet of mythrism is the unity of the aardish effore under one king and one god. Use this to try and refresh our conversion effort
Action: Set up a piping system over all our farms to ease the labour of watering the plants.
Research: Perhaps this exploding shit is more useful than damaging equipment and scientists. We begin conducting field tests to determine these uses, coming to the conclusion that, when put in a wooden casing along with a small wick, they can do serious damage at close ranges, but not much besides denting any serious amount of armor.
Action: With the new Steel Gladius research done, they produce as many as they can to arm the burrow cleansing bunnies

Research: Wind Boarding
With a large amount of citizens now at the beach waiting for their colonies to be cleansed so they can return home, many are treating this as a fun holiday for the family. Bunnies are sunbathing and building sand castles and running around. Some adventurous bunnies try to attach paper sails to long string and planks of wood to catch some waves. Everybody is having a great time and forgets about the insidious moles, raising the mood

Military action: The bunnies attempt to cleanse the burrows again. It should be easier this time since alot of moles are dead from the last attempt, alot of burrow ground has been checked, and they now have steel gladius' which should be extra effective in the confined tunnels
OP's shitty sheet mislead me
Research: Tower Shields.
Aard turn:
Culture: Marital law, with the hopes of increasing the child survilability as well as birth rates through a stable enviroment to grow up in.
Action: Construct a hospital for the wounded veterans.
Chicks eyes only
We need the knowledge of charcoal and potassium nitrate for that...
We have celestial knowledge passes down from the Great Rooster and the mother hen.
How do you reckon going about making gunpowder when you've got no chemistry?
wait, so what was the point in sending frogs out to explore?... what?

you know what I'm not going to question it

Research: make faster ships by combining our dragon fly technology with our catamaran technology
Action: send out a crew to explore the inland swamps
Trade routes, new resources, lands to colonize... take your pick.
Inventing gunpowder right when buns are right about to enter an industrial revolution is a bad idea
The rabbits don't have to know, infact, they don't know much about us Chickens.
OP and player poll has deemed we kill this thread. go home. or better yet, go to the other thread I made >>1549076
Like tribe evo? want something new to move onto? Try new world evo!

(heading to bed now but will be posting tommorrow)
Dang it...
sorry to disappoint sanders, feel free to join the gangs evo, many of the same players are there!
Can confirm, join air gang for Slavic gunruns and illegal vodka distilleries.
since we didnt consult with threadanons, tribes evo is still alive for the moment. vote here if you think we should kill it. I will wait until tomorrow.


I will process turns once everyone posts int he meantime.
Also I voted yes to delet, but now I realize there are still rabbits and ducks to kill, I change my vote from Yee to No.
Well, if it's alright. I will join yer crew...

Research: The Tortoises have always loved wisdom. This should be more then just simply the way we do things; it should be our whole underlying Philosophy. Philosophical Scientific principles should be embraced.

Action: Tortoise Iron Tools will be upgraded using our new steel into Steel Tools, to improve the performance and efficiency of our mines and manafacturing.
I assume that by kill tribesevo you mean stop it all together
If we do that i ask one thing
Make a roll to see if the chicks and frogs ever wipe out the ducks
Make a roll to see if the aardvarks are able to unite
Make a roll to see if all the bunnies die to moles
And make a roll to see who wins the world in the end
Rolled 22, 11, 20, 51, 39 = 143 (5d100)

1. chickens + frogs vs ducks
a. chickens + frogs
b. ducks
2. aardvarks unite?
3. bunnies vs moles
a. bunnies
b. moles
We are the dominant race of Fowl or Poultry!
Ducks get genocided after an extreemly bloody war
Aardvarks never unite
Bunnies deal with the mole problem but still lose another 1000
But who wins?

Bunnies, plagued with the mole problem after many months, finally emerge onto the surface after flooding the burrows and flushing out the menace. They live in stone castles, their numbers paling in comparison to their former strength.

The chickens fill their forest out with multiple colonies. The Alpha Hen's finest progress in artillery technology, experimenting with fecal explosives. They maintain their steadfast alliance with the frogs, and use their artillery every time a duck attack creeps up.

The ducks, meanwhile, build up their kingdom in the north, far from the frog and chicken aggressors. They have wood and reed villages and face a harsh winter, but bounce back in the spring to spread all over their lake, far from any threat. The angry duck heir continues to send duck terrorists to attack and ravage chicken towns.

The frogs slowly begin to advance their sailing technology. They have half their population each on both islands. The southern islanders maintain their dragonfly brigade to help destroy duck terrorist attacks in chicken towns. The north islanders maintain a friendly relationship with the tortoises, trading their extensive water oriented traits to help gather lake and river resources to the reclusive tortoises in exchange for a lot of knowledge.
The tortoises advance their scientific knowledge so that they can automate bringing in food, water, and minerals into each of their homes. They employ frogs to help gather what can't be automated in exchange for allowing them to live near the foothills lake and for the occasional mineral or two. They basically depend on the frogs for outside contact, but continue to develop technologically.

The aardvarks, after uniting their cities, sweep over the island. Their nocturnal domain swallows half the island up, and they begin to send ships out south and east. The first aardie colony is established, close to Kelp Cove...
Which island?
Most likely the native aardvark island
From what i can guess the aardvarks a going to go full nazi orcs and try to purify the world
They would probably get their ass kicked by a coalition force and lose their colonies
Well, considering how this just died...

You wanna join this thread?
Why did it die?
Thread posts: 133
Thread images: 22

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