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Kodros... game 2

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prev thread: >>1091214

You're Astanos the warrior, son of Koragos, and your great grandfather, Kodros killed Thantios the immortal, son of Hades, and was in turn slain by the beast.
On the spot were the two killed each other now stands a temple to Hades, which your family has vowed to honour as recompense.
Since the death of your brother, you've been on this island between Crete and Greece which now wears the name of your great grandfather.

Four weeks now you've been here, and the fifth is starting.
The week before was sacrifice week, and you slaughtered one of the goats you'd found to honour Hades. His flames devoured the supple animal hungrily. You expect the king of the underworld to be pleased.

Also this week, you finished up your smoke house.

>What's next? [Keep in mind, you can either build 1 large and 1 small building or 2 small buildings simultaneously. Other actions are free according to what you have available to you.]

There are now stats! from top to bottom: drachma(money), luxury items, food/consumption+production, building material, slaves. And on the vase of Hades - favour!
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to recap your person:

You're Astanos, and you do not have a profession other than doing your civic duty as a Hoplite.

You have six slaves as well as, in your care, the childboy Mentes and your dead brother's wife. He was Atys, she is Protage.

You currently honour Hades alone, and under the temple, the corpse of the cyclops Thantios lies.
>start a ritual of morning worship to Hades at the temple if this is not already done
>Have slave begin work on building their own quarters
>Go to town and see if you cannot purchase more live stock
>>Have slave begin work on building their own quarters
the manor house has quarters for them already. I understand however, if you want some of them to live segregated to you, as the Spartans would do it.
We need grape seeds, to grow grapes for wines.
We should also prepare more of our lands for farming.
Ah. I didn't realize they already had quarters.
I'll change the build suggestion to
>Have the slaves begin work on expanding our crops and working the field
and add buying some seeds to the last part too.
so it seems we will take the journey to one of the towns this week.

There are two in a reasonable distance, though both of them will require quite some time to reach on foot.

is, you are told, a town of merchants - Profiteers that pray to Hermes and Hera, fat and decadent and on bad standing with the descendants of Kodros because of their secluded nature

, further south, is the home of warmongers. A city of warriors and scoundrels that have rejected Athena in favour of Hades and pray to Poseidon wholly for their galleys not to sink. They are murderous and dangerous, surely not as well stocked as the markets of Vedina, but also less cunning buisnesspeople.

Where do you intend to make the travel to?
This could be a good chance to bury the hatchet at least. We're going to need a good reputation with the merchants if we want to thrive.
Also whats up op. Ready and hyped
Seconded. Gotta sell our wares someplace, and the Peresites might try to steal it outright.
Yeah, the only thing Peres has over Vedina is open worship of Hades, but I feel like that wouldn't keep them from fucking us anyways.
We should consider rivaling them tbqh. They seem like dicks, we should be trying to support pur patron god not hurt his repputation from being uncivilized
Also ill be having changing ids throughout the thread. Sorry about that.
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The journey to vedina will take some time, though you could reach it and be back within a fortnight.

After morning worship to Hades, your slaves begin tiling a new field, though it most likely wont be suitable for the expected seeds of grape. For them to yield any sizeable harvest you'd need a proper sloped hillside.

>This week you will be able to leave commands, but not do anything yourself until you're at Vedina.
I don't think it would look good for Hades if his worshipers were set against each other. Not to mention it's a battle we'd lose.
I think the best course of action is to distinguish ourselves from them entirely and expand without bothering with them.
>Make a fence surrounding the main complex
>Begin to slash and burn some undergrowth in the forrest

Good point
Command the slaves to do the follow;
>Continue to till the field
>Begin looking for a sloped hillside to claim as well
As for us when we reach Vedina;
>Look for seeds, livestock, and possibly new slaves.
Btw the reason i say to get rid of the undergrowth is to make humting and timber farming easier. The alternative would be herb collecting and identifying before we destroy the ground layer stuff, but we dont really have the knowledge anyways.
Supporting the vedina stuff, as for livestock i suggest we get more female goats.
Could you Elaborate a bit more on the specifics of the fence?
Should it be wooden or Stone? Knee-high or higher, and most importantly, where exactly would you place it?
Not saying i'm taking this one, just interested how it should be if this reaches consensus
Wooden, shoulder hieght, thick enough to not be knocked over, small spikes at the top. Not a palisade mind you, moreso a mini one. To prevent theives really.
Actually screw this, just fence off the second field with an animal pen instead.
You intend to purchase Seeds, Slaves and livestock (particularly female goats) in Vedina.

Is there a Consensus what the slaves are to do while you're gone?
Well i personally stand by my votes. Roll 2d2 to decide ic its still a stalemate.
I'll go with >>1115827
as for what the slaves are to do while we're out.
Don't forget to tell Mentes to keep a watchful eye on the property.
Alright, will update shortly.

Once more a question, do you mean surrounding the second field with an animal pen, or just have another animal pen adjacent to it?
Well mabye extend the fence we already have to the second one, or just make an entirely seperate one. And yes i nean surrounding the field
Actually extending it would be better because we can plant olive trees in the space between the fields to seperate them
Yes. Olives are important.
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So you arrive in Vedina.

The town is a sprawling one, with an outter wall surrounding the houses of its people and another for the palace. Statues to Hermes line the streets and the whole town appears to be a market.

You're greeted as if an ambassador to another city - with distain, but respect, and instead of letting you browse the market, a delegate of the town speaks to you, asking you what you are planning to spend your coin on.
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and the right version too
Mostly agriculteral produce, seeds and the like. Along with some animals. I plan on expanding my manor. Additionally some slaves wouldnt hurt
Back at the Villa your slaves make haste to finish the field before your return, which leaves them with a little time to look for a suitable place to grow the Grapes.

Can you roll me a d100 for finding an ideal sloped hillside. (best of first 2)
Sure, we can tell him the truth, as >>1115846
But also, ask, diplomatically, what business it is of his what a free man spends his coin on.
Rolled 82 (1d100)

Rolled 60 (1d100)

We will figure out soon enough.
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The Councilman seems offended by your initial hesitation to declare your intentions. Flustered he begins spitting about how they intended to please Zeus by showing hospitality, which they needn't do at all with the likes of you.
He rambles on about how a free city can refuse anyone, even a free man entrance if they wish it.

You patiently wait for his fit to subside and explain that you simply intended to meet with the merchants directly. Mistaking his hospitality for intrigue.

He nods thoughtfully and you soon reach a common ground and begin talking about your wares and prices
Roll for negotiations. Beat the roll. 1d100, Bo2

Meanwhile, a suitable place for the grapevines is found, pointing almost directely south, and the fences are expanded.
Rolled 33 (1d100)

Beat what roll?
Rolled 25 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

didn't roll for some reason
this roll >>1115861

which is a 45, I have no idea what this dice roller requires of me to display what I want it to
Awww i wanna roll too

>Alright lets start to clear the undergrowth in the forest
>And mabye... dunno a 3rd field? Yeah lets go for a 3rd field
Rolled 33 (1d100)

Oh so i can roll
it's a best of 2. You can still roll.
Rolled 82 (1d100)

God damnit
This hurts.
It's what I get for falling asleep for a minute
Sleep is for the weak my dude
So you try and haggle with the man, but he brings some convincing arguments about the state of the market and prices of wine, that you end up agreeing on these prices:

A slave would be: 750
enough grape seeds for a vinyard: 300
Grain for a regular field: 200
One week worth of food: 150
a goat: 400
A cow: 600
A house at the city: 3000
some shiny armour (to add to what you already have): 1500

>what do you buy?


>what do you build for next week?
>3 goats
>2 slaves
>grape seeds
need more slaves to work the fields
Oh, and we should expand the pens for the animals a bit.
2 slaves, seeds for 3 grain fields and 2 female goats. We should have 100 leftover fron the 3000 we started with.
Actually cut one grain off and add a grape, thatle get rid of all the money, we already have one field growing anyways.
Good point
I want at least three grain fields going, its exessive but sacrifices are important.

Supporting this.
Goat x2: 800
Grains x2: 400
Grapes x1: 300
Slave x1: 750
Week of food x1: 150
Total: 2400

We don't really produce enough food yet to be at able to support more than one extra slave

see the price of a horse (so this trip can be shorter in the future)

buy seeds for a vineyard and a regular field, 3 goats

don't buy slaves for now, we have enough and another mouth to feed might strain us
One of the first things i wanna do is slash and burn the undergrowth to make hunting easier and make a third field.
See >>1115869
If we follow this plan of action no one goes hungry and we can still sacrifice.

guys, don't buy slaves now, we are dependant on hunting to feed them until the fields grow, we should invest on food production before more mouths unless we want a famine on our hands
a horse is 1500
Its fiiiiine, food just needs to be top priority thats all. And it already was, really
The way I'm figuring it, we have 2 slaves/grainfield, a slave and a sister-in-law for the vineyard, and two boys for the goats.

why don't we change the 2 slaves for a horse so we can make more regular trips to this town to eventually pick up the slaves later?
I realize its difficult to reach a Consensus with this many available Options.
What i gathered so far is:
>2 Slaves
>2 Grain
>2 Female Goats
>1 Grape

However because of numerous other opinions i'd like to call for a vote. Either Support this, or discuss amongst yourself a bit further.
If you bring in new suggestions it would help a bunch to list them using >

also ask him when is the next trade caravan scheduled to pass around that region?
A real small thing we should consider getting in addition to more fields:
>a quern
And perhaps expanding the smokehouse to have a little bakery oven
So we dont have to eat just damn grain
Take the goat down to one we have enough manpower
Well get a horse next time we visit
Do we really need that one slave guys?

>2 grains
>2 female goats
>2 grapes
> a horse
> a slave

I don't want slaves but anons want so I added one,
The horse is to make the trip to town easier so we can bring wine to sell when we have
Grains and goats for food cheese
Why 2 grapes? We only have one field and if we were to find another one we could just buy an extra with the horse
2 slaves a field is pretty efficient. Two fields and hunting will absolutly be enough

This is good, i justwant two slaves.

Can we forego the wine right now?
Hmm, with a horse to help plow, we probably wouldn't need the extra slave.
Thats a really good point, they dont need grain for feeding and making a post for it should be free.

But we dont have a plow
We need wine posthaste, for the satyr if nothing else. But also because it'll boost morale, and is very marketable.

the grapes and wine will be our source of income, so we can expand the temple town further.

we should get two now and focus ourselfs on hunting, we stay put and produce food until they are ready

I can let go of the horse as I don't see us doing much traveling with all the hunting we are going to have to do to feed all these people
And we would only need to plow one or two extra fields, at least immediately.

Okay, good points. We can sell the grapes for a horse or two later
>2 Grain
>2 Goat
>1 Grape
Totals to 3000
The issue is the wine press... oh bloody hell ill make a plan right now.

so, how about this...

>2 grains
>2 goats
>2 grapes
>1 slave
Alright it appears we have general agreement on:
> 2 Grain
> 2 Goat (female)

Discussion seems only about
> slaves
> horse
> grapes.
Post what you want as a reply to this post, i'll take what gets the most votes
>1 slave
>2 grapes
>make wine field
>make 3rd grain field
>if possible personal action hunt

>quern (should be a tiny project)
>fence off the grapes
>extend the grain fence

>slash and burn undergrowth
>harvest and proccess available crops

Obviously open for disscussion. Just wanted to outline some short term goals

2 grape is excessive
We can get the horse on our second visit
I prefer 2 slaves
I am this dude btw
>Wine press
Also if the female goats get pregnant which they probably will, they will passively produce milk
Thats 3 goats making milk
I dont get the famine meme
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for the sake of my sanity, this is what I'm taking.

So you are traveling back with 2 goats, 2 grape seed barrels, 1 slave and 2 grain seed barrels. you're on your way home

You begin to expand your pen anyways, as your first field starts bearing fruit.

It is sacrifice week.

And you are not at the temple. What should Protage sacrifice in your stead?
we consume 3 food and produce only one, the fields won't produce food instantly, and the milk won't come until at least 2 weeks (one for travel one for goatfucking) so the risk is very real if our hunts are not succesful

Luxury unit? and one food unit?
Fair enough, but its one week with insufficient food. Not a biggie if we ration.

Can the protige bleed himself by the palm?
you have the potential to produce more luxury units and food units, not actual ones.

>Can the protige bleed himself by the palm?
I don't get this reference. But your sister in law is named Protage.
Actually this is good

Its not a reference. I though our protige was our son. And if pur sister can sacrifice a bit of her blood to sweeten the deal i would be down with that
also, that money should read 1450
sure, either her or the boy you brought might cut themselves, but it won't make for an impressive sacrifice. The goat of last month was a pretty damn strong sacrifice, and you wouldn't need to sacrifice this strongly again. But just a bit of blood is the other extreme.
Pay the ferryman. 200drachma
Im adjusting this

>make wine field
>finish pen
>if possible personal action hunt

>quern (should be a tiny project)
>fence off the grapes
>make 3rd grain field

>slash and burn undergrowth
>extend fence to 3rd field

>Wine press
... what? The ferryman that got us here? Was there a ferryman? Please elaborate
How about the antlers and fur from the stag with food and our families blood on the side?
Charon. The ferryman that works for our patron, Hades.
I assume he means Charon, ferryman over the river styx. a fine sacrifice that would be.

this is around what one would expect from an average sacrifice. or a unit of food, for example.
I 100 support your suggestion then
>inb4 winter
Fuckin id change again. Told ya it would happen
take a name I'd suggest

Yeah supporting this too, pay the man
List of things to consider buying.

I just wanna highlight this stuff so we have less wasted time debating. Lets debate this kind of stuff like >>1115959
On the side, seperate to ops posts

>olive tree seeds

Will add stuff on when relevant
Good point since my id >>1115973
changed again

Protage, awaiting your arrival sees the sun set on the last day of sacrifice week, and so she takes Mentes and two slaves, gathers the iron reserve you have left back at home, 200 drachma in silver, and travels up the hill, to the temple of Hades.

Inside, the light coming from the window above the black statue of the underworld king colours everything red, harmonizing the white marble with the ever roaring fire.

She calls to Hades "I bring a sacrfice to you, that Charon may bring you souls too unfortunate to pay the toll!" and throws the bag of money into the fire.

Immediately, the cloth evaporates in the heat, and like parchment, the silver coins follow suit, becoming bright and wrinkled, then ash, then nothing at all. No smoke is emitted throughout.
Alright, roll me a 1d100, best of 2, to see how Hades liked it!
Rolled 97 (1d100)

Theres enough people to make it best of three op
Rolled 67 (1d100)

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yeah but I don't like you enough for a bo3. This roll (with >>1115978 as runner up) makes that a moot point however.

On the last day of the week, on your way home, you sleep uneasily.

In your dreams, you are enveloped by a dense mist, a smoke that obscures the world around you. There is nothing tangible, and even yourself seem to have lost all object like qualities, a breath more than a man.

And there in the distance, a figure appears.

A god calls out to you.

"Astanos" you hear. "Come, Astanos, that I may reveal to you the game of the gods."

>what do you do
Walk towards the figure, say 'quite the honor, i thank thee'
go for it! hades our lord is calling
Bow and obey. None disobey Death for long.
Oh there is no figure, misread. Still say that anyways in addition >>1115987 to bowing
show respect, like anon said

try to catch a glimpse of his divine glory
Also since we have 2 grapes ill modify this a bit

>make wine field
>finish pen
>if possible personal action hunt

>quern (should be a tiny project)
>fence off the grapes
>make 3rd grain field

>make 2nd grape field
>extend fence to 3rd field
>personal action to scout new grape location if needed

>extend grape fence to 2nd field
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Through some movement of what you are, you close the distance, but instead of finding yourself any closer to the spectre, it merely gains clarity.

Not Hades appears to you.

Instead, there is a woman, on a throne sits there, a fruit in the one hand, and a torch in another.

The void speaks: "I am Persephone, Queen of the underworld, herald of winter and mother of spring. You have favour with my husband as you honour the memory of his basterd son justly.
As a favoured subject of this brother of Zeus however, you have gained the attention of other Olympians, some favourable - as I am - and some vengefully, such as my mother, Demeter.
I come to you to tell you that Hades will reward you, but his rewards are cold and deathly. If you seek to advance your station in the world, devotion and sacrifice to other gods is in your highest interest. Rewards of gods manifold will assure your dominance upon Kodros.
And dominance you shall have.
Only remember: Every ally you make will bring enemies, and even abstaining is a decision."

The goddess, the only thing in this world of yours, looks coldly from a faceless visage. You know you could wake up.

>do you wake up?
>Or do you stay and try to attain more information?

I think our personal action should be hunt every week, and on the last 2 weeks we should hunt with snares to try and catch a live animal for sacrifice

Witch gods may view my alliance with Hades as positivew? so I can honor them properly too
'I very much appreciate your kindness. Indeed i shall take your advice to heart, for my patron is hades and you know him quite well'
Then exchange pleasantries and wake up
Ask what we could do to please her, and ease the wrath of her mother, Demeter.
Most gods dont like hades if i remember correctly. Thats why there is disdain for hades worshipers

Also so much this
"His brothers will see you fondly, but might want to tempt you away from him. Be cautious however to follow their call, as the brothers on the thrones play a game of oneupmanship that might spell your doom.
Ares however, Artemis and Aphrodite might be more safer divines to favour, albeit less mighty.
I, as all gods, appreciate sacrifices, but above all, a temple, a mark of mine upon the world. During the winter, I may hear your prayers to Hades even, as that is the time when I am with my husband.
My mother I fear you could only appease by rejecting Hades. Anything else would be therapy not cure.

And thus you wake up.

You arrive at your homestead at the start of week 9.

>Reply to this with what you're gonna do next


Make a grapefield on the new discovered hill

Ask our sister-in-law to make a small altar for Persephone to mark where we will erect a temple for her in the future

Hunt while the slaves build, take our son with us

Also, I'm loving it and I hope our shopping list discussion didn't bother you much, we are anons we are bound to argue.

I really like your stuuf and hope to see more of it.
And plant our second field, if that hasn'tneen done yet.
Fuck ye. Its good shit

Alright anons thoughts on >>1115994 ?

I understand one anon wants to put an emphasis on hunting as personal actions.

Ok theres a temple as well, ill slot it in a bit gimme a moment
one thing I want you to make clear is where to put that altar.

Don't forget that it doesn't have to be in the discovered area.
Theres an elevated bit to the right of it on the map. If thats not possible than between the grapes and grain would be fine
Near (but not on) the coast at the base of the cliff south of the temple of Hades. It is right that the wife is below her husband (silly Greeks), but with a fine view of both the ocean and our fields.
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Ok I thought of three options

Red one is on a part of the map near the mountains where the land may not be suatable to farming so it wont get in the way

orange is on a prime spot near the road and on fertile land, but this spot could be used for other more powerful gods

and light blue is on the demeter's gate where we would erect a shrine for her doughter as a big fuck you.

there is another option too, on our hunting trip we could look for a glade full of flowers, that die on the winter (underworld) and are born again on the spring when persephone leaves her husband's side
>make wine field
>finish pen
>if possible personal action hunt

>quern (should be a tiny project)
>fence off the grapes
>make 3rd grain field

>make 2nd grape field
>extend fence to 3rd field
>personal action to scout new grape location if needed

>extend grape fence to 2nd field
>temple to persephone

>wine press

I thought it was more appropriate to put the temple at our 4th set of actions right now. Review and critique please.
Oh forgot to add hunting if possible on the 3rd, 4th and 5th
It being the temple of hades
Orange is nice. We can plant things for Her there, to capture the same effect as the field of wildflowers.
Also reminder we have one more slave so construction should be slightly easier.

Does everyone aprove of biulding the temple asap? If so i have to move finishing the pen down or remove hunting for this week. Then that puts the quern in jeapordy, but i can move it down to the 5th. That does mean we'll only be eating straight up grain.

We all need to be on the same page people, come on
Change to this?

>make wine field
>biuld temple to persephone
>finish pen

>fence off the grapes
>make 3rd grain field
>hunt if possible

>make 2nd grape field
>extend fence to 3rd field
>personal action to scout new grape location if needed
>hunt if possible

>extend grape fence to 2nd field
>slash and burn nearby undergrowth in forest
>hunt if possible

>wine press
>quern (tiny project)

not a temple, just an altar, a temple would require a lot of work(and marble if we are doing it properly), lets focus on the field now while we dedicate our sister-in-law to buil the altar and clear the imediate area around it

for position I will go with this>>1116032 and red position on the map>>1116035 if it doesn't work out
building it up there would first need you to carve in stairs to move up there effectively.

That'd be it's own small building project but can be done.

(still on break tho)
Alright i switch my vote to the red position.
Yup, got it switched to altar

>make wine field
>biuld altar to persephone
>finish pen

>fence off the grapes
>make 3rd grain field
>hunt if possible

>make 2nd grape field
>extend fence to 3rd field
>personal action to scout new grape location if needed
>hunt if possible

>extend grape fence to 2nd field
>slash and burn nearby undergrowth in forest
>hunt if possible

>quern (tiny project)

So everyone is at least in agreement with the immediate stuff?

lets leave that spot for a more air oriented god

I vote for looking for a glade during the hunting trip

please direct your votes guys to give a better picture to the QM
He could just do a final destination vote
this is ok
and I will

Post here where to put the shrine to Persephone. But even if you doN't do me the curtesy, I will count all the votes so far

Game's gonna start back up in a bit, I will use the responses to this comment as an indicator when there are enough people around again.
putting trip back on
Red, between the grapes and grain

I'll go with red if we don't find someplace better on the hunting trip
Weeeell we have a plan. >>1116075
If we go on the trip now we cant finish the pen. The goats will be overcrowded.

Unless you can convince me and this >>1116126 bro otherwise
please don't overdo it with the plan. If everything's preprogrammed for the next five turns there's not much for me to interact with.
Unless op says otherwise, we do have an extra slave after all.
Well this is really subject to change due to random events and such. The plan is there to avoid excessive bickering

For example succesful hunting on multiple occasions might warp it to include a celebration instead of continued hunting.

You can easily throw wrenches into the plan btw with major events, which i encourage, so the plan doesnt become blatent chargen defacto

I thought the actions were this>>1116018

but I can postpone the hunting trip for next week, more than hunting I want to explore and open the map around us while we don't have an overwhelming amount of work on our hands
Its really for organization is all im saying.
So you want to explore. Noted, however im not convinced thats the most important thing to do
Actually mabye if the hunt goes well then we will explore, who knows
While we wait, have any of you guys played Rimworld?

it's a space colony sim where you can juggle resourse administration colonists moods and random disasters, it's pretty funny

that works, but the hunt inevitably opens up the map as we have to brave the wilds to find game
Yeah, having future plans is okay but this plan takes the fun away,
Also loose anon I don't want to be a dick but your playstyle is kinda ruining this game and you should calm down a bit
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Reinvigorated by the dream you had, you return home, with goats and slave and all.
Quickly you have the slaves start construction on a shrine to the goddess, while the rest of them begin putting up the frames for the wine to grow upon.

You also complete the pen.

You yourself, after having paid respects to Hades at the temple, make a further hunting trip, deeper into the forest this time.
You note that the grass grows thicker here, the vegitation lusher, and the bird cries more beautiful.

And I would you guys to roll 2d100 for me please - one's for hunting, the second one is for the construction of the shrine.
Feels bad

Plan scrapped then

Autistic ramblings may commence

Yeah its pretty fun, i tend to god mode it cause im lazy and easily bored.
Rolled 7, 56 = 63 (2d100)

Rolled 82, 28 = 110 (2d100)

>Feels bad
>Plan scrapped then
>Autistic ramblings may commence

lets maybe find a happy medium, eh?

do your plan, so we have something people can orientate themselves after, but lets not present "this goes counter to the plan" as a valid argument against something.
Rolled 60, 74 = 134 (2d100)

You stalk the greener pastures until you find a boar digging for mushrooms in the forest floor.

With a quick throw of your spear you dispatch of the beast, but as you go forward to take your prey with you - the boar is indeed marvelous, one of the largest you have ever encountered - you see that there, hidden in the mud, the tusks of the pig are gold. Solid gold, just growing out of this animal's mouth.

>What do you plan to do for next week? (shrine is still hogging a building spot)
File: boar.png (2KB, 276x172px) Image search: [Google]
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forgot pic

Is the wineyard finished?If it is send those slaves to make a 3rd regular field

is the gold on the ground or did it actually came out of the beasts mouth? if it's the later we should smoke his meat and put his fur on the rack to make a fabulous coat.

If its on the ground we should start digging asap
>is the gold on the ground or did it actually came out of the beasts mouth? if it's the later we should smoke his meat and put his fur on the rack to make a fabulous coat.

It's a literal boar with golden tusks.
noice.. I guess we could make a 3rd (grain)field
otherwise maybe tell a few slaves to start cut wood since our building supplies is quite low..

Yeah, I only saw the pic after I posted.

we surely made an enemy of a god that gave those tusks to the boar
also, how do you want to proceed with the boar? Smoke it, eat it, salt it..?

Let's eat it fresh, we save on our food stocks and keep a tradition going.

save the fur to a tough week where we can't find sacrifices
are we actually the only one besides the merchant to use the road?
which road are you refering to?

you're the only one to travel to the temple in the last nine weeks.
no I meant the one south of our home and farm, at the road post thingy
Ill support this
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Map 10.png
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You continue construction of the shrine to Persephone, and start a third field.

The slaves split up between doing these tasks, cutting more trees down and smoking the bore. The tusks you keep for yourself, inside the villa, in a sealed box. You feel uneasy displaying them as trophies.

On the last day of the week, your new slave, Politheus, does not return from the forest. You search the woods for the evening, but find nothing before nightfall.
Alright, due to lowered interest I will call it quits for today. I probably will pick it up again over the next two weeks some time. I will announce over twitter here:


I apologize if this is an abrupt or inconvenient end to the thread, I hope you'll join me again next time. Tell me here or on twitter which time frames you prefer and I see if I might be able to accommodate (I probably won't).

Hope you liked my flailing!
and loose, i didn't think you ruined the game. Please don't mix up what I said with what this guy >>1116165 who at no point posted anything constructive said. I'd love to have you back
Its all good my man. I dont ussually do civ stuff cause i can just play eu4 and shit. But whatever your quest is cool dude

Awww, damn, had to make a trip to the market, that's why I was quiet for some time.

will be here when you continue

can we spend next weeks action looking for the missing slave? either he was eaten by something or he tried to run, and if he tried to run I think I already have an idea for the next sacrifice
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