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WELCOME BACK, TO CULTURAL EVOLUTION, THE GAME OF CULTURAL EVOLUTION. In Cultural Evolution (Cevo for short), you will control both a small but growing village, interact with other villages, and watch as your village's culture grows and changes with the years as events force them to grapple with new introductions to their worldview.

In Cevo 2.0 patch, we have prepared for you:
A fleshed out combat system! (Kinda)
Actual keeping track of tech!
Less of a clusterfuck, but also, more of a clusterfuck!
Resource Management!

Please, take a seat and relax, while I prepare your Culture Sheets. Feel free to claim the tribes while you wait. There are 5, yes, 5 people per tribe. Enjoy!
Join the Rainforest tribe!
I would like to suggest a new culture if it is alright.
Imma go tundra
Last time, part of the reason things fell apart were an overload of tribes. We are sticking with five in this particular iteration, with maybe a new tribe appearing much, much later.
Mountain tribe
Claiming a place in the Mountains where I belong.
Is the mountain tribe the only one that is neighbors with everyone or are the icons more like the location of the tribe?

>God is plants
>Plant more god
my fucking sides
Joining to beach tribe.
Here is the first culture sheet, for the Savannah Tribe. The rest will take me about 8-10 minutes each to make, to give you a guesstimate of time until we begin, but this is being posted immediately so you can see some of the fun PATCH NOTES we have implemented!

For example, there are now three COMBAT STATS assigned to each tribe! The flow of Tribal Combat occurs as such.

Both leaders roll (X+1)d100, where X is their tribe's Mobility stat. Whichever tribe rolls higher is the one that attacks, and the other tribe is forced onto the defensive, regardless of who initiated the attack.

The attacking tribe rolls XdY - X is their Offense stat, and Y is the number of tribespeople engaged in combat.

The defending tribe rolls XdY as well, where X is their Defense stat, and Y is the number of tribespeople they are anteing in the combat.

Offense vs Defense - whoever has the lower roll loses the number of tribesmen they ante'd into the combat. If the winner has ante'd half or less of the loser's ante, the loser also halves their current population count (not counting the Ante), to represent either CRUSHING RETALIATION, or CRUSHING VICTORY.

This is not as complicated as it sounds, I've play tested it extensively, but it does sound very complicated.

Outside of that, there are three other stats.
CNTM Rate is the Cultural Contamination rate. It begins at 0 by default, and increases by 1 for each trade route you make. Certain trade agreements can increase it further. At the beginning of each turn, I will do some rolls behind a screen (Xd100 vs Xd100, where X is the cultural contamination rate of the two connected tribes) - for every 300 that a tribe beats the other tribe by, the lower-rolled tribe will adopt one of their traits.
INCDT BR is Incidental Birthrate. It is 1 by default for every tribe, and increases by 1 per 25 people. Of course, as always, certain cultural traits and technologies can increase it further.


They are all where their icons are, roughly. The big separate part in the middle is a mountainous forest/marsh that leads up to an active volcano with a massive caldera.
If the speedsters arent completely addicted to coffee already then thats my goal
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I am a fucking clown.
Sweet, this 2.0 looks vastly better and gives me renewed faith in your GMing. The previous clusterfuck of literally 3 hours of banter and maybe a single turn done no more!

Love the new 4 sections like >>108240

I claim ore tribe.
It's mountain tribe now, and it's probably not the same.

My game plan is to be a trade town devoid of it's own culture and focus heavy on combat ability to improve relations/fear/good reason to trade. Also to cope with Richards shenanigans.
Why not become this world Switzerland and become a neutral mercenary country.
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Thank you, I put much effort into this.

Let's explain some more things, specifically, resource management!

Incidental Birthrate is a pretty simple stat to take care of to begin with, right? 1 new Incidental Birth per 25 people, with a base of 1. But you have to feed these new people, or your tribe will go hungry.

Resources come in 4 levels - Abundant, Steady, Unsteady, and Rare. You can equate these to numbers - 4, 3, 2, 1. Every 1 Incidental Birthrate needs 2 of some kind of food resource, 2 of some kind of water resource, and 2 of some kind of clothing AND/OR shelter resource.

What are the consequences of failing this benchmark? The first turn you can't, your Incidental Birthrate will drop immediately to zero, regardless of cultural benefits or otherwise. After that, it will decrease exponentially, -1 the first turn past starvation, -4 the second, -9 the third, and so on, until your population returns to a sustainable baseline.

What else is important? Well, you can trade away resources at a determined level now. You can trade, for example, 1 unit of an Abundant resource to another group, decreasing your supply to Steady, and increasing theirs to Rare (if they don't have said resource).

Additionally, cultural contamination only counts per trade connection, not per level of product. You roll for cultural contamination twice if you're trading two things to another tribe, but even if you're trading all 4 units of an abundant resource to one tribe, and then 1 unit of a rare resource to the same tribe, you still only roll twice.

Does that all make sense? I'm willing to clarify if anyone has any questions.
Also whoops forgot to change the thing in the top left. That's the Mountain Tribe, obviously.
Joining the beach tribe !

Beach brother ! Let's ready everyone to the upcoming destruction !
I'm going to sleep.
see you tomorrow.
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Anyway, I h*cked up, so let's try that sheet again.

Anyway, anyway, TECH TRADING! Tech is important! The person sending the tech receives an increase of 2 to their Contamination Rate, rather than 1. The person receiving the tech needs to hold the trade for at least one turn to cement their gaining of knowledge - it's not immediate.

Anything else I should go over while I'm here?
Something happened to that picture and I can't open it. Or is that just me?
What about moves. Is it still one action and one culture move that can be interchanged?
Claiming beach tribe
Another ! Good !
As a game plan since we fear the apocalypse we should try to be as defendable and as heavily armed as possible. That way the people will feel safer and we can deal with threats.
or become hedonists because anything else is futile and will end anyway
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balleted because I messed up

Almost ready to begin. Can I have a roll call?
We can build a huge forteress of a big ship where everyone can be safe ! But why heavily armed ? We won't fight disaster ! We have to gather as much food and supply as possible !
But what if the apocalypse brings horrible abominations? We need to defend the obelisk to insure our safety!
OR a big ship*
(I figured it out.)
Mountain tribe. Here.
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A link to all the culture posts and...


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Example of how CULTURAL EVOLUTION works

Also I almost forgot

Every tribe receives one Tribe Action, one Research Action, and one Culture Action per turn. Culture and Research Actions can be exchanged into Tribe Actions, but not vice versa.
I suggest as tech we research basic stone tools, as a tribe action people build basic huts out of ancient bricks.
I think our cultural action must be all free time must be spent training your body or your time. Tech wise we should research rope to make Bows and our action should be to explore for new food sources
Pleas try to indicate which tribe you are in when you make a post :3
Cultural: games are allowed to exist, but they are reserved as rewards for accomplishing impressive or important feats/works/discoveries.

Research action: boiling unclean water so that we have purified water supply.

Tribe Action: protect the goats that produce the most amount of milk and fur and breed them together.
My bad forgot my trip
I can't decide if I want to join Jungle or Savannah tribe. Which one needs another member more?
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As the only Savannah dude

Tribe Action: Scout the local area for anything of use, let the speed spirit guide you
Hoping for coffee or better yet cocain

Research: Look into how local soils/sands react when mixed with water
Trying to find something cohesive

Culture: Every 5th day is a celebration of mobility and speed, all day you must be moving in some way, failure to do this results in you being buried up to your for a day, deprived of the speed spirits love
I think that
>all free time must be spent training your body or your time
because it would make us stronger and smarter
We dig a deep foundation for a snow village. We dig until we reach compact frozen dirt/ice/whatever, and pile the snow up on the walls. The dogs help us dig.
Every third dog born is eligible to be a food supply.
Making ice structures with bone tools
Im off in a bit so i'd say Savannah

This auto post things shit
Let me suggest me make huts out of ancient bricks as a action. As a tech we figure out basic stone tools. As a culture action the people must prepare for the end of the world in order to insure there survival.
I don't want to do any culture because I think we are going to become a trade town. Let's just build around that and turn the contamination into a positive.

How about
Research: Burning rocks for metals.
Action1: Build goat pens.
Action2: Dig homes.
Tie to develop more advanced Tooles
Start to build hut near the monolith
Start to instore a fear of inactivity - hardest the effort the better
Snow tribe rep
Someone should take over for me, i gtg and i've posted nothing else.

Anyways, i say we begin researching how to create makeshift thatch huts in the jungle, and begin small farming operations and plant shit
Any room in sand tribe

I'll play for Jungle for now since I dont see anyone one their team.

Culture: The oldest member of the tribe is the leader with a small group of elders consisting of the next oldest in the tribe making up a counsel who advise the leader.

Tech: Begin work on some type of weaponry for protection and hunting of other sources of food.

Tribe: Experiment with the strange herb to find out more information about it.
pls no becoming silly trade town.

Your decisions are okay though.

and achieving new personal benchmarks is rewarded with games of some kind.
Later we should think how to make Our own bricks.
+alcohol from cactu
does anyone have a open tribe? An OG civ fag would appreciate you wipper snappers help.
Join savannah please, mainly because i gotta go soon
Do you know how to draw?
If Yes. welcome in beach tribe.
I don't think it's going to be easy to avoid becoming a trade town. We are right in the middle. It's that or a war town I think, but I'm not the king so whatever.

I don't think we should boil water because we have enough for the next population boost already. I'm not sure we have anything to turn into rope. Otherwise I'm happy.

Is this a good middle ground:
Research: Metal. Burn ore and try to make something better than stone.
Culture: All free time must be spent training.
Action: Protect the goats that produce the most amount of milk and fur and breed them together.
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This good?
Sand tribe the original monolith builders. Building a monolith.
Culture - ???
Tribe - ???
Tech - Reverse engineer bricks
sounds good. I support this.
What makes beach believe the apocalypse is coming the monolith?
They attempted to decipher some of the words on it and that's what they think it says.
Culture- Every monolith built delays the apocalypse
Tribe find a better water source

These work?
I think that will just make your people think monoliths help, but Richard has a plan. Whatever it is he's going to do it no matter how many monoliths you make.
Richard gives pretty good hints to most of what happens. Just pay attention to the wording of what he tells you.
If the people think monoliths will help then they think monoliths will help. Just because they believe something doesn't make it true
It's our tribe mess with after all, they think it'll work then we have a field of monoliths
My point. So why do it?
someone's been paying attention
Hey Richard
Can we discover new animals and shit in biomes?
Why do people do a lot of things. We merely guide the tribe we are not the tribe.
Yes. There are many animals in each of the biomes.
So yeah we should probably go make a self sufficient impenetrable fortress. What say the rest of the beach bros?
For Culture, Eugenics based around speed and dexterity?
That or/and try and translate more of the monolith
We should do both so maybe we can get some info on what we should prepare for.
I was going to introduce a system with reward next turn, trying to think of something other than the standard ones though
Giant game of tag to decide who gets first breeding rights?
No time for games!
I could get behind that, maybe not breeding rights necessarily because it'd be more genetically beneficial to have both the men and women be faster, so maybe some sort of rank which will influence breeding habits naturally
Is there room for me in the beach bros?
So how about this for the first turn?culture: the oldest member of the tribe is charged with maintaining and translating the monolith. Action: make some homes using the ancient bricks. Tech: basic stone tools.
I say speed eugenics. The fastest and dexterous gets to breed the most.
Sounds good.
Yeah I don't mid reading ancient texts. At least the kids won't bother me.
Our action.

If you're active and playing, just link to this post once, make one response to it, and I'll tally up things. That's it.

Also, while we're here, thoughts on the new ruleset and whatnot?
Yeah but thats typically only a male only reward, getting to fuck as many women as he wants

But it's better if the men and women are fast so what do we give the women?

So either they all get something more, rank is a type of eugenics in that people of higher rank get with people of higher rank and in this case they will all be fast.

Or alternatively men get to fuck whoever they want, and women get some sort of rank, maybe speed shaman? They get impregnated by only the fastest man at the time
Also, if you don't have a name, PLEASE GET ONE so we can keep track.
Sand bro here. About the rules I'd like to see what becomes of it later in the civ as this is the most advanced rule set I've seen in a civ thread.

I love the new stuff you have done.
Rank based on speed for breeding sounds good to me.
I like the new ruleset personally
I'm glad I waited for this and am staying up to play. Looks good. Only thing I can think so far is that I'm a little worried things like "language" will not account for much given there's no place for it in the rules.
The only acceptable response


Also i do like the idea of the x fastest women becoming speed shamans, who basically all get knocked up by the current fastest man. Which due to old age will get slower and replaced, avoiding any chance of incest bizz.
Codified languages make trading technologies easier when done in mass amounts.
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I like the sound of that.
Shit, had WiFi off.
So we meet again old friend.
I'll be leaving after first post but SavannahBros

I'm thinking we should try and find coffee/cocain/ect as we are all about speed and these would pretty much be physical embodiments of speed, we mass produce it and we can trade it with the other tribes as a high value commodity if need be

And if cultural contamination gets anybody hooked that'd be an incredible bagaining chip

Just a thought to consider
We should also think about an efficient and fast to learn, write and speak language

Jungle tribe

sorry was getting some food





Lurkers, if you would be so kind - the Tundra Tribe requires members urgently. If someone wants to move into the Tundra Tribe, that would also be appreciated. Rainforest Tribe is also looking rather empty :<

Rainforest I mean
I think that all five tribes have made their decisions.

>Mountain Tribe's choices
Claiming tundra
One question is the setting in anyway magical? Or is it a plain old group of tribes just trying to make a place for themselves in the world?
Maybe we should leave it ambiguous for maximum culture building.
I wish to know this as well
I would think that it's more the case that magic exists but requires gigantic effort and consistent focus. Anything is possible, but every turn is 1 year so don't expect anything for a while.

Also we need turns coming in faster, we need to make decisions faster too.
We should invent fire (tribe) and research basic production tools (hoes, axes, hammers, etc) next turn
I already predict the apocalypse is just the ancient sand bros telling us about the dragons.
Great, now I want ballistas when we dont even have a proper home. Guess we'll see whats happens after 50 years.

Fire may not be quite so easy to just invent.

I am down for tools though. I was going to suggest starting to cultivate the berries to increase our food supply.

Any other ideas? Did you see our first round choices?
Magic is just things science couldn't explain at the time they were discovered
I just want some god damn music in our lives.

We also need to work on a better water supply and some short of shelter
If se invent fire we can burn shit down for agriculture (space+fertilizer)
I think this deserves a more appropriate name
Fire may allow us to estirilize water by boiling
Any suggestions for next turn guy's? I propose we search for a growable food item to farm.

What I'm saying is I'm not sure Richard will let us just invent fire with out having some way of acquiring it first.

I could be wrong though. If he will let us use an option one turn to discover fire I'm down for that.


Yea I know, I understand how important it is. I think you are underestimating how easy OP will make it for us to obtain is what i'm saying.
I would like to search for other tribes early on, but we do need food...
Growable food is the action.
Tech how about irrigation or agriculture,
and Culture should be the old are tasked with decoding the monolith?
it's very very low magic
is close enough for further elaboration to be irrelevant
correct, i will not. you need to have something that can burn, and then something that you can hit together to make things burn. if it takes too long i might take pity on you and toss a bolt of lightning your way.

I'd rather us not live off spiky cacti and dirty sea water.
Knowing richard, if de provide enough context he'll probably allow it.
Im kinda writing some for the tools

I'm thinking we should explore up towards the volcano, hopefully find a lava flow and boom, we got fire.
Where are we going to get fresh water?
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>Research: Metal. Burn ore and try to make something better than stone.
>Culture: All free time must be spent training.
>Action: Protect the goats that produce the most amount of milk and fur and breed them together.

Are you good with these actions, if so I'll link them to Richard for our turn.

Culture: The oldest member of the tribe is the leader with a small group of elders consisting of the next oldest in the tribe making up a counsel who advise the leader.

Tech: Begin work on some type of weaponry for protection and hunting of other sources of food.

Tribe: Experiment with the strange herb to find out more information about it.
Good question, where could you possiblyfind water in a desert?
Think we'll have to find it untill then its cactus juice for us.
Yeah seems appropiate, maybe incorporate dried vines (ropes?) in the tool part
Changed culture, nothing else was mentioned

Tribe Action: Scout the local area for anything of use, let the speed spirit guide you
Hoping for coffee or better yet cocain

Research: Look into how local soils/sands react when mixed with water
Trying to find something cohesive

Culture: Have regular tournaments where tag is played to encourage agility and speed. The top 3 men who win get their choice of women and the top 5 women become speed shaman who will be impregnated by the current fastest man when the time comes.
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Lets get digging boys

Rainforest actions

Culture: The oldest member of the tribe is the leader with a small group of elders consisting of the next oldest in the tribe making up a counsel who advise the leader.

Tech: Begin work on some type of weaponry for protection and hunting of other sources of food.

Tribe: Experiment with the strange herb to find out more information about it.

If you are talking about making rope we already have it.

Did you look over the culture sheet?
Better wait untill we get some better tools as I doubt some rocks attached to a stick is gonna cut it.
I did. However fighting tools can be created w/o ropes (pointy sticks) and by specifiying the prescence of ropes in them we make sure richard gives us better weapons (axe/hammer thingies made out of sticks tied to old log pieces)
Yea sure I'll tundra, gimem a sec to find out who they are

I was hoping he would take into account our ropes when we were working on weapons but yea, specifying that may not be a bad idea.


If you didn't see our discussion we would like to incorporate the link above into our tech action if its not to late.
Well im off to sleep, stayed up 2 hours too long as is

We could try to find an oasis of some sort. and settle near there, but that is kind of random chance...
What do you say we do next turn?
We could but we need to be near the obelisk to worship it. We could try cultivating large amounts of the cactus near it perhaps?
If those other dudes who said they were Tundra come back, I'll follow their lead, but otherwise:

Cultural: Killing dogs under the age of 7 is punishable by death.

Action: Work on breeding dogs to create a more steady population.

Action (2nd): Dig into the earth to begin construction of subterranean homes.

Sup mate. Thoughts?
Well I will jump into the tundra
Not a bad idea at all
I dunno if you're still around but if you are I'd say

Action: Explore territory (aim to find a better supply of water and meat)

Culture: Dogs are as important as people

Research: Fire
The fire might be hard since sticks and twigs are rare supply, but its kind of needed for the rest of our advances.

Alternative, research internal heating (i.e. build special snow houses that get extremely warm inside by sunpower during the day)

ah you're here

I like the culture idea but I'd suggest trying to get our basic neccessities sorted
sounds like a good idea. Or maybe become migratory. spend some time at the monolith some time at the oasis.
Are there any slots left for a tribe?
Like one or two in each friend
Savanah has some I believe, tundra also.
Last count I saw there was space in every tribe. We only have 3 here now.
Any tribes want a member then?
They need it
My advice is to see how the first turn plays out and just join the tribe you like.
I agree that the dogs are too important for food. At this point, until we can obtain something like whale blubber or trade for wood, investigating fire should probably be on the back burner (heh) for a turn or two. In terms of heating, if we have built subterranean homes and have a stable heat source, we should be set. Underhouses are easier to heat than any snow structure.

Cultural: Dogs have an equal right to life as humans.

Action: Assign people to become "boilers" whose job is to boil snow and ice to become water.

Research: Investigate methods to fish fish and other sea life.
Tundra could use another guy.

From what I can tell we got crap land and not a lot of resources besides our dogs, lets put them to use
Do we have any info on what season it is right now? Or is this just a perpetually frozen shithole we got

Culture: Ensure the good treatment of healthy dogs

Research: Dog Sleds. Using what wood and bone we have we could try making dog sleds to get to richer areas of the tundra or keep up with game

Action: Migrate westward. Might be more resources along major river
Going to need a tundra consensus in the next 10 minutes or so and then I will begin posting the turn.
Each turn takes through 1 year, and there are seasons, but they are relatively mild for the time being and don't noticeably effect many things in the depths of the tundra except freeing up some of the water.
Sounds good

Just saw the major river, not sure how far we can get to it but migrating there would solve our water problems.

With our limited wood/bone sleds probably aren't happenin tho

We got 10 mins so
I'll say mix em

Cultural: Dogs have an equal right to life as humans.

Action; Migrate west towards the major river

Research: Fishing
>they are relatively mild for the time being

I don't like this.
Well, claiming the Rainforest tribe. I know culturaly isnt and wont be anything like the grass one but I am soft for tribes with bandages.
I am totally ok with this. But I dont see the point in that culture trait. We could exchange it for an action, like exploring, or start farming our own berries
Ok I support this
Ya wood is gonna be a problem for us in the future
I agree with this. Sleds and Underhouses definitely need to be on the future docket. Link the summery to the summary post, Bird.

It goes along with the avoiding dying theme and it gives us some system of leadership.

We have to advance culturally too
I did promise at the end of the last thread that in this time, the events would be much more rapid.

Basically, remember the frequency of new tribes in the first game? That frequency will roughly be the frequency of world events on this volcanic island.
Rich this

consensus get
>volcanic island
uh oh

Found the anchor post. Dis
That sounds pretty cool
Yeah. I guess you are right
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No world event.
Sorry I was gone for so long, had to take a massive shit in the ocean ;)
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Any open slots?
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Pretty much all tribes have open slots I think
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Beach and Tundra are full, I believe.
Where did the other sandbros go?
Alright guys at the moment we have jack shit, anyone want to cultivate cactus, also maybe have some people dig in the ground for something good like water or clay?
Thanks Richard

Alright, we got rare fish as an added resource now
Do you think we can make the rest of the trip this year?

Our cultural suggestions last turn all rotated around TREAT DOG GOOD so I don't think we have any hanging over

Maybe Culture: Dogs must be trained (?)
It'll help in case we get attacked and other various ways.

and then to support it Research: Dog training

This is if we make the rest of the trip. The tribe building actions would resume on that end.
Cultural: Berry gatherers are to teach ThE young ones if they can no longer work (Elderness, injury)
Tribe: Invest in rudimentary tools, axe, hammers, hoes, etc
Research: Vines are to be stretched and tensed,used to move heavy things. (May lead to bows, that lead to fire [ill explain later])
Lets get clay and build makeshift clay tools to improve our efficiency, unless there is any other resource we can use for tools around here.
Alright then dig for clay, that way we can keep pumping out bricks. Any other suggestions?

Well my ideas for the next turn are:
Trait: There's no time for love. Breeding is forced and regulated to maximize population.
Or use this for a action and start trading with someone.
Tribe: Get them goats.
Tech: Metal tools.

I'm off to bed. Night.
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Here comes sum fresh meme boi
Sweet. Now that everyone knows that rules we can power through turns a lot faster.

Culture: Productivity and hard work can include making things that are pretty, provided the objects of beauty are also useful in some way.

Action: throw spare seeds of vegetation in an specific area, along with dumping organic waste there. (basically making an area that is fertile and has higher biomass, which will help selectively breed goats with higher food supply)

Research: upgraded tools with the poor purity copper.

I say we have your cultural idea but a bit modified so that anything that productivity=pleasurable.

So being successful feels good, doing job is fun even if others might not think so...

that type of thing.

So is there another Mountain tribe person or am I now the only one?

Yea I get where you are going, like a bow drill? I still think we can better get fire from exploring near the volcano or trading with another tribe. It would be alot easier

I'm down for making tools but I think we need brainstorm and see if we can get more in the action.

What exactly are you talking about with the berry gatherers? Like start having teachers so our children are smarter?

I think we should explore our rainforest for new resources. Possibly hunt some animals that we find for new food sources/usable parts.
Rainforest is closer to jungle, forest, mire (swamp) than to grass...
B-but muh bandages
Other than search for clay maybe we could cultivate some cacti near out homes and people could begin collecting drift wood so we can eventually get fire and make bricks?
If you're talking resources, fishing nets arent really complex and are a stable food source, we can always "upgrade" our newfound ones. Eldest citizens as teachers seem like a smart move, kinda like a pre-guild artisan system, but w/ farmers/gatherers.

Alright snowmen, some propsals for what we do next
Action: Get to that river, the river is life
Tech: If we get to the river this turn then maybe canoes? Feel like the nomadic lifestyle might be fun and these would compliment that
Culture: Teach our people more survivalism skills? not sure what to do for culture. we could just do more dog shit
It wasn't written on the sheet, but I assumed we already had "trained" dogs. If Richard says we don't, I support that, but if not, maybe now is the time for sleds? It could help the second leg of trek west.

Assuming the dogs are already trained:

Cultural: The "lorekeeper" passes down tales of our antiquity orally to the next generation.

Research: Dogs sleds (and the requisite training).

Action: Continue west towards the mouth of the river.

If they are, I support your plan, Bird.
Also we got medicine. But yes.
I think our priority is more food now, also discovering fire with the volcano should be much faster. So I propose:
Cultural: Elder people are to gather and teach the young ones the way of living (we education now)
Tribe: Invest in rudimentary tools
Tribe2: Explore rainforest and volcano OR start to develop farming technics to make our own berries.
Perhaps a better way to phrase that cultural action would be "the ideal person can be self sufficient in the wild"? That could be cool, I guess. Canoes could also be good, but let's wait till we actually at water. We can't actually test canoes without water to put them in.
They're domesticated enough that you can snuggle up with them, but not really enough to give them orders. They just are under control enough to not murder humans.
In that case, I'm for >>109801

Thoughts, Dan?
Any sandbros still here?
Fishing would be quicker tho, se already have nets.
Mire had better medicine tho

Not just food, we dont know anything really about the rainforest. Once we find animals maybe it will be some that are more useful than just for food.

I'm down for teacher option for our cultural action

Exploring our surroundings for our regular action

I thinking our tech should be to work on agriculture. Plant more berry bushes, etc.

Also we should think about shelter for next turn potentially.
yup, our elder seems to have had a stroke or something though...
culture: dog training
tech: sleds
action: west to river

this seems like what we need
Alright I can support this.
Not sure we have the mats for sleds yet but with luck we'll get it on this journey

I want to suggest something in advance tho
When we get to the river


see >>109933
for what I think we should do this turn.


I'm ok with subbing out fishing with our nets instead of agriculture for now, but I still think we should do it soon. A surplus of food isn't bad, if we get an abundant amount we can start trading it.
So what do you think of my proposition, or maybe you have a better idea I didnt think of?
Nope, sounds good
Locked and loaded. I support this. God speed, intrepid snowmen.
fuck ya, hopefully with plenty of fish to eat and sticks to fetch
Mire had shit on our medicine.
Also you are right. Fishing nets is the thing. So my new propose is:
Cultural: Elder people are to gather and teach the young ones the way of living (we education now)
Tribe: Invest in making a fishing net... for fishing
Tribe2: Explore rainforest and volcano

Yea, this is basically what I said. Lets lock it in.

Maybe we should add in the culture that after evaluation the elders divide the children into what they seem to be most talented in for specialized training.

We may have to make that a separate cultural action.

We should think about shelter building in the next turn or two. What type of shelter do you think we should build?
So. You locking in our turn?
How are shitty medicinal herbs better than neutralised venom
Changing my name.

Culture: Productivity and hard work can include making things that are pretty, provided the objects of beauty are also useful in some way.

Action: throw spare seeds of vegetation in an specific area, along with dumping organic waste there. (basically making an area that is fertile and has higher biomass, which will help selectively breed goats with higher food supply)

Research: upgraded tools with the poor purity copper.
Considering that our new BoO will be pretty close to mountain territory, perhaps we could happen upon some of their natural resources like copper and goats? This would be very helpful for future tool tech. Hopefully this doesn't bring us into conflict.
I'm waiting for the recap post.
Alrighty then.
Tech: Cultivate cacti near the brick huts for food and cactus juice.

Action: Begin collection of drift wood to use as fuel in the future.

Action: begin digging for clay.
Am I the only Savannah tribesmen?
Can we convert actions into different ones?
Should be able to live in peace but if we can't, well
Well, we have the dogs :U
Shelter building must be after begin farming
Hanging houses fron trees would be fun, not practical, but fun

I was thinking some sort of shelters in the trees. It would raise our defense and we already have ropes. There are bound to be good trees for building shelters in in the rain forest.
You can convert Culture and Tech actions into Tribal actions, but not any other conversions.
Shelters should probably take lot of resources. So first we must have materials and tools to make these things
Both in the same turn?
I'm not sure, but for now, no.
Can I get an update of existing tribe members?

Yea, I didn't mean right this minute, but we will need to in the next few turns most likely.

If we don't have more shelter, food and water we wont sustain a larger population.
Tribe: Begin domesticating the lion
Tech: Begin developing rope via leather
Tribe: Harden mud into bricks
>Domesticating the lion

HAHA good luck with that
>Want to domesticate lions
>friking lions
>only weapons are stone knives
You want to die a lot right?
The Mire domesticated crocodiles.
How about tumble weed houses?
Whns next turn
Train first, then domesticate, it's faster, trust me.
We must acquire more speed then.
12 hours
we could also do zebra
Why do that when we have bricks to make sturdy houses
They began to domesticate baby crocodiles 15 turns into the game.




I'm not sure about all the tribes.

I think Rainforest and Savannah have room. Not sure about the others.
Unlike lions, crocodiles are and have been domesticated outside of zoos
Bricks aren't fast nigga.

Rain forest
Bullshit. Tamed maybe but if they were domesticated it would be all over the Internet right now.

Tundra is doing this >>109935
A zebra's fine too.
We had cat-sized spiders and domesticated crocodile mounts. I'm sure we'll have the equipment to domesticate later.
Nor are houses.
Crocodile farms exist
More importantly, where the rats at?
There were also never cat-sized spiders, and nobody rode any crocodiles. Please stop causing trouble.
If your house is rolling across the savanah it is.
Those were simplier, wilder times. Now we actualy know that the only weapons you have are knives. And 20 people...
Rainforest here
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droping this. Hopefully for the last time. Probably not.
Nevermind, I looked it up.
Rainforest Bros here I come!
Crocodiles were more like buffaloes than horses
Hey ho.
If we wanted mobile houses, why not tents.
And notice how they don't ride the crocodiles
>equivalent to giant scorpions
We're domesticating zebras.
Also, may I suggest we train a few of those oh so intelligent rats?
I look away to play dark souls for like 10 minutes and all of a sudden people are talking about hyperinteligent rats and mounts... what happened?
Domesticated =\= rideable
Because that's boring. But I guess we can go tents instead.
I am making fun that you wanted to domesticate lions. And that about riding crocodiles or giant spiders.
Also zebras are difficult to domesticate
Not hyperinttelligent, but rats are roughly the same intelligence as dogs.






also, SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT DOMESTICATING THINGS. if they aren't a thing that are commonly (or relatively commonly: see: goat) domesticated in real life, don't consider that i'm going to make domesticating them easy for you. there are no hyper-intelligent rats, just normal intelligent rats. the zebras will kick you because they're assholes and zebras do that.

chill your tits and, while you're at it, give me your turn summaries
They could easily be trained, using the service methods, to say, retrieve edible berries.
Can we domesticate the river

Tundra is doing this
fuck yeah so relieved the hammer is falling. So many fuckers thinking that we could have intelligent exotic animals in first few turns.


Culture: Productivity and hard work can include making things that are pretty, provided the objects of beauty are also useful in some way.

Action: throw spare seeds of vegetation in an specific area, along with dumping organic waste there. (basically making an area that is fertile and has higher biomass, which will help selectively breed goats with higher food supply)

Research: upgraded tools with the poor purity copper.
They are actually quite commonly trained, it's simply that the negative thoughts on them make such practices obscure. Look it up, multiple sources will back up my claim.
It would be much more common if it weren't for a certain plague that shall remain unamed.
yare yare
>Cultural: Elder people are to gather and teach the young ones the way of living (we education now)
>Tribe: Invest in making a fishing net... for fishing
>Tribe2: Explore rainforest and volcano

Rainforest actions.

Cultural: Elder people are to gather and teach the young ones the way of living (we education now). After an evaluation period youngsters are grouped and taught the skill they are most adept at.
Tech: Work on improving nets for fishing and begin fishing for a few food source
Tribe2: Explore rainforest and volcano area
Can we research stands?
That's called "irrigation" all the kids are doing it these days.
Culture - Zebras are dicks.

Research - mix different dirt with water to try to make different colors.

Action - kill some fucking zebras.
Since elder is well, the eldest in the tribe I think they should be the claimer, king
Not much more than a big decision guy I hope.
What? I really dont understand what you want to say at all.Maybe it is because my english is rusty
We aren't training our rats yet. Don't you worry.
What'cha doin' guys?
I mean that I hope that you decide on problems brought to you, not decide things willy nilly.
What chu doin?
Lookin' at you game.
Wonderin' what spots are open still.
Mountain and beach could use more people

We set up an elder council, not sure we want to go with a king since they would change alot. The council should do fine for now
Mountain tribe looks a tad under maned.
Lmao i was trying to tell jungle king gassy that only one of us should claim turn actions, that one being you.
At least one mountain and savannah are open.
Sandbros = Best bros
Yeah. Council is fine. My name doesnt have a relation to an actual person in the tribe.

I assume Richard is working on the updated turns?

oh haha, my bad. I'm high

No worries, that was just a misunderstanding on my part.
Hi Lord.
What're we doin'?
Turn actions are voted by all of Us, so it doesnt matter if he does or i do, or you. Contrary to my name i am against of that kind of "priviledge"
Also it is Rainforest
We will face the apocalypse as brothers in arms.
Trying to decide what of the many choices we can make that we should make and priorities.

We have advanced our goat-stuff and got basic metalworking and a bit of other progress which will be seen once the next turns are posted.

I would recommend having our tribe and the normal map on different tabs so that we can look at things without scrolling so much.
Km bad at words. We all need to discuss, i meant the final claim, that is made after discussing it as a tribe, should be postes by a single person, so richard doesnt get confused.
"What's the difference?" You might ask?
A jungle is brighter with more plants at ground level. A rainforest has a denser upper canopy, and thus it is easier to traverse at ground level, assuming you can see your way.
Counsel sounds wiser.
Hey there, how do I join in the fun? Do I just reply to the roll call post?
Please dont. I misnamed ir bc its3 am.
No,no I simply saw an opportunity to make sure everyone new the difference. some people assume they are the same thing.
Make a name pick a tribe.
Up above there is a not so recent roll call, sense then there have been one more rainforest and one more mountain. I think there is still room in all tribes tho.
hey guys, mind if i join the Savannah tribe?
i just finished reading the thread
Just pick a tribe, however mountain tribe needs members more than anyone else.
You just have to claim a tribe. Thats it.
Yove done more than I have, haha.
Yeah man.
Don't you think we should try and get a steady supply of food of any sort?
Need to sleep. Tomorrow collegue. Goodnight everybody. See you all in 5 hours or so
I've drunk my chamomile and it's starting to kick in, bad, but I want to play so much.

are there any open spaces?

Yea I believe there are still a few openings. I know we have 1 spot, maybe 2 with Grassy King going to bed.
we have enough for at least 4 more turns, (which is when population reaches 25), and we have enough food to cover that increase too, since our various foods total around +2 net gain.

We are also going to get better goats through the past couple of turns with the selective breeding and putting all biological waste in a specific land area where it will become fertile and proper dirt (later we can remove rocks from it,but goats don't need proper grass paddocks really. Just need grazing rocky outcrops or something.

Pretty sure resources mentioned in the civ cards are what we can spare/net-gain.
is this actually the savannah vote?

last one I have to do before I post them.
Welp here goes nothing.

My lord I am here to join your magnificent clan of the big rock.
what are the tribes with openings?

I'm not entirely sure. This was not long ago but a few people have joined since then I think

Tech - Rope out of Tumbleweed
Tribe - Mud out of bricks
Tribe - Begin wearing skins for armor and warmth
i guess, i was gonna wait for the next turn to start to be active in decisions
fuck yeah.

We wait until Richard finishes the turn, he's working on them right now. Takes like 10 minutes each tribe so probs another 45 minutes.
never mind i agree with this more
Yeah what's wrong with it?
2 Savannah agree over 1.
>3 actions unrelated to what we discussed out of nowhere


What do you guys think about studying/experimenting with the pretty flowers we have. Maybe there is more to them than what they appear.
Just checking, these are our actions for the turn right?

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World Event!
The volcano in the center of the island does not erupt yet, but it spews this year a healthy amount of ash into the sky, making everything colder. Tribes who do not have enough clothing or shelter will experience anywhere from 2-4 deaths.

Additionally, ash falls, granting Volcanic Ash at a Rare Supply level to all tribes and limiting travel. Volcanic Ash can be used as fertilizer or ignited, and perhaps could have other uses.
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When everyone is drinking dirty water
Nobody is drinking dirty water
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Did we find anything in particular in our explorations?

Also what about our fishing tech?
You see we dont drink water, our "water" is cactus juice.
You have better nets. You can attempt to use nets for whatever you think nets can be used for.
Such a sad thing.
Hello Mountain Tribe, do you wish to trade? Our crude leather armor for your ores?
The flower thing, catching fish, and training rats(possibly as something to test for poison before we do as a cultural thing?)
I suggest we send a scouting party to the forests for useable materials. Then begin construction of crude weapons. While we keep digging out clay.
The farm to sex ratio is a lie created by a statistical anomaly. As farms increase, kids die less, which seems like more kids are born, but in reality it's just less kids are dying.
Same amount of sex.
And, unfortunately, I do believe that was the last update I'll be able to spit out tonight.

We will return tomorrow.

Good night, everyone! Meme well!
ok with that sorted, i think we should start developing weapons and being more aggressive also start developing shoes to protect our feet and increase our speed
Night, Richard
Don't let the bois bite.
How should we go about it? I'm not sure we can do much more unless we hit water underground.
Meteor Hammers?
Two rocks or copper balls attached to each other via copper chains or rope?
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Okay vassals of mine, the Mountain Tribe reply to this while we make our choices and then we can link it to Richard's Bold Post when he posts it.

My ideas:
Culture: The small tree that is growing in the refuse area is the representation of one of the five gods and spare time is allowed to be spent working on making the Tree have fellow spirits/more trees/bushes around it. This basically means that the area changes in purpose from being originally an agricultural area and waste to a forest area and natural-waste dump.
This will also mean that in maybe 20 turns we will have a reliable supply of really good wood, let's say that the wood from the forest we are slowly building is for Holy Objects.

Research: architecture

Action: build houses, so that volcanic shit doesn't harm us as much. Also eventually we need something to redirect lava flows from our village and forest-to-be.
yeah, that sounds great
Well, we sort of made it
We might need to set sleds aside for a bit till we find better building materials.
Not sure if its worth three turns of investment at the moment (but if ya want it ill do it)

Suggestion for this turn
Research: Water filtration
Action: Construct Water filters

Basic water filters can be made from rocks and sand so I'm confident we can get at least rudimentary

Alternative turn suggestion

Gather the event ash and research farming this turn.
It can also be ignited so we could kickstart a fire action (which would allow us many advantages but limited supply of ash)
Rainforest peeps?

That was last turn, I think i'm going to bed. I'll be back tomorrow to discuss our next turn.
Houses would be nice my lord, but I fear that they promote too much decadence.

I would suggest simply using the caves already present in the mountains as shelter and researching more ways to improve our productivity like furthering our knowledge of tools. We have the advantage of natural fire-proof dwellings after all.
Also I'll be using a tripcode since I'll be jumping devices a lot.
I need to go to sleep shortly, but before I go, might I suggest some ideas for my fellow snowmen:

Culture:Other than "dogs r gud" we don't really have a clear path to move forward yet. The previously mentioned "loremaster" teaching or survivalism ideals might be good, but suggestions would help.

Research: We can continue with improving our sleds, but that might not be helpful until we have better materials. Considering we're fairly close to the ocean, we should maybe try to develop a way to get blubber from some kind of sea creature or (if we can get more wood) get fire. Whales or seals could be important if we can find them in the nearby sea.

Action: We have more water than any other tribe currently. We should probably focus on finding more sources of food by increasing our fishing or searching for new game in those beach and mountain biomes. We could also train our dogs for hunting/combat.

Just saw this. It may be dirty, but we have a decent amount of water now. Our only source of food currently is a small amount of dog meat (which we should really try to abandon considering our culture). Food is probably more important right now.

Anyway, night guys.
We should also think about armor and mounts. Desert horses are a thing, and if we spent a bit on researching weaponry and armor along with speed eugenics.
Yea im gonna tap out myself in a bit.
Wonder if Dan is still around.

With that in mind

Research: Fishing (improve)
Action: Explore our new territory
Culture(action): Celebrate the end of the journey

Improving our fishing tech should get us a better supply
Exploring our territory can find us new resources fauna
Culture celebration is, partly thematic, partly a way to increase happiness (and perhaps birth rate)
pretty sure Richard said we only found lions and zebras so we might need to take a turn exploring our surroundings more first

also i like the idea of becoming more military based but to do something like that we would need more people so that means more food, maybe start looking for some kind of small animal like a hare or a meerkat that have litters of babies for maximum food production?
oh my god scorpiongirl is still here
i might join in formally tomorrow, i gotta sleeps now
Oh look, it's some jungletard that can't read. :^)
We also have Gazelle and Vultures.
Yeah that works, we should try diplomacy with the Mountain Tribe to get some sweet metal to use as armor and weapons.
Who is the leader? I'm Grass Philosopher from last round.
There are no leaders, save those you put over yourself.
You are a collective that must work together to survive. Each member has as much a say as any other.
There really isn't a need for a leader in any tribe currently
Oh wait snap, screw exploration, we need good houses. The ash hinders movement things anyway.
We have the clothes on lock tho.

Research: Fishing (improve)
Action: Build enough houses to ensure everyone has a safe place to stay
Culture(action): Celebrate the end of the journey.
we would need to actually travel to the mountains to trade with them i think (maybe while we're doing that we can also look for tiny animals, then maybe we can fit it into a single turn)

also should we settle on what we're going to do for the next turn now or wait till Richard comes back tomorrow?
Settling sounds like a good idea.
Where my grass-tribers at?
ok how about
>Research: Meteor hammers, armor improvement (specifically footware)
>Action: begin to walk to the mountain (while looking for small animals that breed a lot)
>Culture: ??????
You know, last game I came up with scorpion armor. Emperor Scorpions live in the Savannah and also have high gestation rates. The problem is lack of meat and their armor isn't really that protective.
But then again, armor's armor, you can't just call it a half armor. We could have it be stacked together several times, and it could be for more intimidation.
We should also discuss trade with ores for the Mountain Tribe before walking there.
i woke up specifically to tell you to stop.
hahaha, i think we'll just leave it for tomorrow then
Anyways we should also think about copper armor over leather armor if the Mountain Tribes advance in their metallurgy.
Richard are there any small islands near the continent?
If there are, nobody can see them yet, for one reason or another.
I gotchu ;)
Any other questions before I return to my fitful slumber?
fuck off and sleep so that we can get a few turns tomorrow.

Oops. Mountain, not savannah.
We wont be fucking taming rats. I dont want to be the sandfag of this world.
Now we need more tools. Know how ti mine and farming. Those are our priorities
Also you forgot to show Us in our resource square what shit we found. Like what animals were in the volcanos feet and what planta/animales were in the rainforest. Could you put that in the next update pretty please?
Also Forgot my new trip
Hey brother can I join?
5 players for each tribe.
We used to have only 3 people in each tribe.
And now we have a maximum of 5.
I'm back bitches, come up with any cool ideas yet?
Ok nice progress, but the mountain tribe has 4 food things 4 water things and 2 house things.
Working on the farm anymore will just waist our time.

We should be digging uphill cave homes (to protect us from lava running in) and researching goat leather. I'd even go so far as to say we should use all three turns on shelter related things in case one fails.

Otherwise we can work on basic armor or more goat breeding for more goat wool clothing/food.
What is our current goal?
I say next turn we:
Research: find how to farm
Action: make tools (specially for mining and farm if posible)
Culture: Once a month we celebrate not dying with the "Life festival". Here lot of people have unprotected sex
I suggest we do a bit of eugenics and try and make our people stronger and quicker.
Eughenics? How?
One turn we use our culture to make the strongest and quickest are the most desirable therefore making the weak unable to reproduce with anyone leading to a stronger future.
What's going on?
Sounds good too me, still say some rodent taste testers would be a good idea.
Mmh. I think now we need better tech. So I propose:
>Culture: The best tool makers are the most atractive and have all the pussy
>Tribal: making better tools for farming/mining
>research: learn how to farm
If that makes you happy we can use rats MUCH later for medicine research
I don't really see why we should make the tool-makers breed so much. They are good at a trade that is not hereditary, size on the other hand is.
But that would encorage people to be better tool makers. Kids want to get pussy, so kids will try to make better tools
I suppose, but why not, later, say that skilled tool makers receive some other reward.
But then we have a tribe of great tool-makers who can't do anything with them. If we try to make our people big the smaller ones will naturally turn to other professions such as medicine and tool-making. Whichever one we choose there will be black-smiths but only one will yield great warriors.
Oops name anyways, we do need Strang and fast tribesmen.
I meant that as a start to our relationship with the rats, as I said before, they are as easy to train as a dog.
Ok. I propose:
>Culture: stronger and faster people gets all the pussy. (Later we make weak people are only desired if they are good tool makers, and then woman studying medicine is the proper thing to do)
Thats fine with you?
The reproduce quickly and have very sensitive noses, they can manipulate the world around them as we can and they can get to areas we would simply be to big for.
If they become a problem we can even kill and eat a few.
Stop it. No rat taming for now
They also serve as vectors for the most deadly plagues, no doubt they will soon infect us all.
Well sure not now, but keep it in mind if we ever build up enough recorces
That is a common misconception, they are typically very clean. That one time was fleas, which even the humans had then.
If the rats have it, other animals already do.
Today they may carry a wide range of deseases but those deseases had to come from somewhere. Our rats are rather isolated, so I would venture to say we are in the clear as far as desease goes.
dude stop talking about rats
I would say,
Culture: For breeding, the best should be the ones to reproduce, but the best at whatever they're good at. So not JUST the best tool builders, or JUST the strongest, but the best at whatever they're good at can reproduce.
Tech: Figure out which plants yield the best fruits and what not, and start farming.
Tribe: Explore the forest all the way to the edge on all sides.
I also really don't understand what we gain from domesticating rats
People keep acting on modern concepts, rather than biological facts. I'm just trying to help these people understand. If you have a problem then I'll be quiet for a while. But I will keep suggesting this course of action.
But why? What is the point of domestic rats?
I put the facts out there, a small, intelligent and agile ally. They can keep us safe from poison. Their meat is as good as other meat.
I ask you, what is a dog's resume?
Hey dont bring our precious doggos into your crazy rat fantasies
Well, dogs can help track, hunt, guard places, pull small carts even. And they have more meat than rats if we decide to eat them. But either way, we should explore the forest to see what animals are even here
Track check
Alarm check (most dogs don't do much more than alert their humans)
More of gatherers tho.
Hey guys I just realized... LETS FIND CAMELS.
Excellent point, we need to know whether there even are rats. Or dogs. I think the tundra or savanna tribes have a better chance of having dogs thi.
the tundra tribe started with dogs
Okay so after a little research, apparently there should be a bunch of cat-like animals in the rainforest like caracals and shit- so we can domesticate them when we get the chance
*ocelots, not caracals, same shit tho. Also capybaras- the fucking biggest rodents on planet earth. Basically giant rats. Let's go
Rats are where the food is, which for the rats, would be the rainforest. Everything else is a bit lacking in vegetation.
Fuck yea!
Intelligence, social behavior, size, there like extra loyal dogs from what I've read. They are herbavore, but I don't think that would be a big issue.
>plants are God
>capybaras eat plants
>capybaras have God in them
Your supposed to spend every waking hour with your capybara, they feel separation anxiety more intensely than a dog.
I'm loving this plan more and more every second.
Stupid names.
Alright well the capybara owners can stay at camp, and ocelot owners can explore.
But also, let's do this in a few more turns, cause there's other stuff to be done rn
Yeah, it'd be kinda stupid to get those before we have an abundance of food.
capybaras are herd animals. We could have capybara herders.
>Culture: Strong and fast man get more pussy
>Tribal: make more tools (farm and mining)
>Research: learn how to farm
That culture should be good at profession not, strong and fast.
No. We better have stronger people with eughenics. Next trait will be "second most atractivo thing is being a better tool makers. Weak people work hard to be better tool makers and have the pussy"
Oops, I forgot that ash thing as well.

I support this line of action.

Research: Improve fishing

Action: Build snow houses for the the entire population in our new territory.

Culture: An annual festival is held to celebrate the end of the arduous journey to the river. Feasts, games and merriment go on for 4 days.
Sounds good
Name. Grr
Allright. I support this action.
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woops posted the wrong one
any room in beach?
There is room.
ok then ill join
I hope their is still room youngun
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Why not join the Mountain tribe? We have so many nice rocks, we work hard, we're honest, what's not to like?
Fuck I forgot my tripcode
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The startling lack of these things
just for that art ill leave the beach and join you
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so whats the plan have we done turns?
Here's our current turn idea but our Lord is asleep right now I think.

Feel free to contribute! We're not done iterating yet!
i think the 5 gods should be
if we do this we can make a huge amount of culture options to do so we can limit resource use
No one voted him lord. He just named himself that.

I'm for two home improvement moves so we can get our INCDT birth to the next level.

Start digging uphill homes where lava can't run into them and working on metal armors or something like that.
yeah make up a turn sheet for us as in what we give to richard
Why not crafstman, and strong men get to reproduce???
We just give Richard our moves. He makes the turn sheet, not us. It's just there to track our turns and actions.
Here's what i think we should do.
Tech:create basic weapons with what we have.

Action: search for camels.

Action: keep digging out clay.
We just had this conversation.
I'm not sure if you Rainforest bros read the event or not but we really should work on shelter or clothing this turn or we may regret it..
i meant that
I won't be here reliably for a couple hours, so I leave it in your care Astro and Dan.

Watch out for bears
Fine, we collect leaves for a warm shut in area.

I think we will need better shelter than a leaf nest
Culture:the more you work the higher you are in the social system
Research:improve metallurgy
action: any ideas for this one?
We already have a plan at the moment bro:

Gotcha, mate.

You around, Richard?
Anyone know when richard will be back?
I like this culture move.
I'm for building houses and this guy said it well.

But I don't care at all for this 20 turn plan to maybe get wood. Terraforming rocks into fertile soil and growing trees is not only not easy but goes against the tribe land we have.

We should spend our research getting armor or goat leather or something else that might help us get population up.
when he wakes up i guess
I think we need to start explore the savanah.
Hey I have an idea for a cultural trait : All games, if any, must be educational, fun and teach our young about the 5 gods
Write up a new turn action list that does the things.
read this stuff and tell me what you think
Is the meteor hammer like a bola?
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Can I join a tribe? Top notch strategist from the lands of firaxis.
Tundra can always use more beards.
Yeah sounds good boots or sandals first. Then we should start exploring our lands before we start trading.
We should also think about conquering the desert for horses. It wouldn't be genocide, we'd just be speeding up the apocalypse.
yeah looking around would be great, right now i feel like we are one of the weaker tribes so i'll like to grow our food resources so our numbers increase, and then start to be a more military based tribe

We need to build shelter of some sort, still open for ideas on the specifics. We need to figure out some answer to our clothing problem as well.

We should gather as much volcanic ash as we can and use it to begin cultivating more berries and plants. We may even get lucky and get fire out of it. He hinted at other possible uses so we should also experiment with it to try to find out what.

I would say we should use our improved nets for fishing or capturing other wildlife but with limited travel I think we should hold off on that.

Maybe something to do with the more plants you eat (since they are gods) the closer you get to them. Also the people that are good agriculturalist should be our priest or whatever since they are best at bringing new gods into the world. Something along these lines, open to suggestions.
I would like to stay away from metal armors to keep our speed.
Have fun conquering a largely empty wastetland unless you guys really like cactus based food
We have desert in our land.
what about a mix of the two
Culture:The more you work the higher you are in the social system
Action: make better houses so that "volcanic shit" cant hurt us
Tundras cold, but not cold enough to get past my beard sweater.

Where do I sign up?
more land
Although I don't think we should invade the Beach Tribe.
Leather armor with scorpion carapace for that fear factor?
i think that would be for the best, but have better weapons and great numbers

the meteor hammer is a great idea for a weapon for focusing on speed maybe spears too
Can I amend this a bit so that we are clear?

Culture:The more you work the higher you are in the social system.
Research: Architecture.
Action: Dig rock houses so that volcanic ash and lava will not kill people.
Bows, Meteor Hammers and Spears/Javelin?
You kind of have. Kind of.
As long as your relatively active in discussion. That's all you need. Sometimes Richard calls for a rollcall, in which case, speak up. I guess that's when you'd be "official", but as long as there aren't more than five dudes per tribe running around, you're fine.

We're mostly set for our actions for this turn (>>111458), but if you have any thoughts on it or future ideas, don't be afraid to weigh in.
Something about string and weaving it into clothhing.
We already have knifes and rope so we just tie a kife to a stick.
this looks perfect link it
We be scorpion herders now.
The current turn strategy seems solid, but in regards to next turn we should research yucca plant, that should be native to our area. With it we can make rope, and rope leads to bows, bows to fire, ECT.
Posting to get the thread active again but busy IRL. Turn summary in 47 minutes.
Do we have any indication that yucca is in the area other than it "should" be? Until we know we have access to the raw plant, we probably can't do any research related to it.
I am in favor of the rope plan, but we can't jump the gun.
Research: Meteor Hammers and Armor Improvement (Focus on footware
Action: Search desert snd savannah for small animals that breed a lot or birth large amounts of young
Action: Finish Tumbleweed Rope
i'm for this, Kenyan?
We may have to trade tech with another tribe that has it then.

Just as a side note, if we combine rope, sled, & dogs...

Shoot, didn't finish post, just imagine the culturally isn't there.
Action: make clothes
Culture: stronger man have all the pussy
Research: Learn how to farm. Maybe with the ashes
Hey mountain how does a alliance sound? In exchange for metals we could provide military support as were pretty much going for a impenetrable fortress but need metal to let us make weapons needed to protect us when the apocalypse happens.
Sleds are coming. We're just waiting until we have better materials to continue working on our prototype. Next turn, assuming volcanic activity subsides, we're probably going to scout the river and close by biomes for new resources.

I'm thinking shelter before clothing, we dont really have the resources for clothes atm.

What exactly is the point of the cultural action you are suggesting? Raise our population? Eugenics?

Strength isn't what we have been striving for so far in our culture. We have embraces knowledge more than strength so I don't really understand where you are going with that action.
Alright pals link me your turn summaries
That seems like an awful turn desu. I dont see the point of that cultural action at all.
We do need tools, but thats what the tribe action is for
Using vines/ropes to make clothes does seem like a practical solution tho

What are you talking about? I didnt make any suggestions for any actions. I was asking questions about actions the other guy proposed.
We already discuss this. I wanted to make people better tool makers, but someone else convince me to make people stronger so we can have better hunters and shit.
Also,m yes. Shelter before clothing sounds nice. but how we make shelter?
this i guess


god dammit

Well like I said it seems counter productive to what we have already started. Why would we want to breed for strength when our teachers and education is the path we went down?

Also we are more about plants then hunting, we are more about defense then offense. I do not see at all the point in breeding for strength only.

Its a rainforest, there are resources for shelter all around us.
Tech: make spears using stone and driftwood.

Action: find a animal like camels out the desert.

Action: keep digging clay.
Union's gonna like the celebration.
Yeah. Sorry. Sometimes I am stupid.
So I propose:
>Cultural: Better tool makers get all the pussy. So everyone wants to make better tools.
>Tribal: Find/make shelter in the Rainforest
>Research: learn how to farm, maybe with the help of ashes
Is that ok?
>Culture:The more you work the higher you are in the social system.
>Research: Architecture.
>Action: Dig rock houses so that volcanic ash and lava will not kill people.
Thanks for being active. I'm going to finish my dinner now.
The whole breeding aspect seems stupid, we shouldn't really focus on that until we have a stable food source.
We don't even have tools yet, thats what we're trying to achieve this turn.
We could try mixing ash with the strange plant to make medicine, but I think tools are a priority right now, tools and fire (agriculture and water purification)

Rain forest actions

Action: Begin work on basic shelters using sticks, rope, large leaves, anything we can find from the resources around us.

Tech: Gather as much volcanic ash as possible and begin using it to cultivate and fertilize the land. Begin planting seeds from the berries and other useful plants in these areas.

Culture: Our best agriculturalist become priest since they are the best at bringing new gods into the world. The priest along with the other talented tribe members in their respective areas get first breeding rights in order to advance the tribe.


We have worked on tools the last two turns. We need to actually start using some of the items we have acquired before we continue work on more tools. The actions above are the best I could do incorporating everything from our suggestions.
ok ill be here till you get back
bleh, I'm sorry to do this to you guys, but real life has suddenly snatched my nuts and tugged me kicking and screaming away.

I will have the next turn up as soon as I can, I promise!
We don't have any agricultural tools.
Just spears and nets

We dont have the resources for a hoe, shovel or rake.

We have pointed sticks. They can be used for a basic agriculture tool. They can dig, make a row for planting, etc.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't at some point. But we have spent two turns making spears and nets. We need to focus on using what we have instead of making more and more tools to put in the corner and look at.
Remember to put the ashes in everyones resources. Also we did two expeditions in the last turn, but you didnt update our resources even when you yourself said that we found dangerous animals and the rainforest have lot of things. Please update this things
That culture traits wont make more birthrate. It just will make more people want to make better tools. But thats fine, we can make our Cuilture trait more agriculture or medicine especific if you want.
Okey. But fuck you. I really dont appreciate you already posting to Rich without knowing what I have to say to make the two of us happy. I agree with bthat Culture trait, it just feels like you wanted to impose it instead of waiting for me to say something that can amke the two of us happy.
Okey dokey. How much until you start making kinky stuff with our tribes?
no worry's, it'll give rainforest tribe some time to work stuff out
I mean its two against one,grassy
Seems fair.
I'm cool with this. Except only 1 priest right now, cause there're only 22 of us. Also, it shouldn't be strong ppl reproducing vs tool-builders reproducing- it should be the best at both get to reproduce so some are hunters and some are craftsman. It's called different professions motherfucker

Everyone else had posted, I was just trying to get it in with out him having to ask again for it.

And if i'm not mistaken you did the same thing last night then said it doesn't matter who lets Richard know the turns actions.

Dont be upset with me because you spent all morning working on actions that make no sense so they dont get used.

Maybe if you were following along with the tribe the entire game you would have a better idea of what we were actually doing as a group. I'm sorry if we don't just want to completely change direction and let the King take over decision making for the tribe..

That's basically the same thing I said, just worded different.

The other guy was the one wanting to breed for strength.
Okey. Sorry. I see you are right
yeah lmao, we talked about this king
Profesions arent genetical traits, breeding based on stupid shit like that is pointless
We may need to start working on farming next turn to get our population up.
Rainforest guys, we have way too much hostility in this tribe. We gotta be on the same page. Plant more God, remember?

We must plant more God, this is true
Plant the God is the way of the tribe
is algae jesus
It is positive reinforcement to be good at your job, I don't see a better plan.
what kind of things can we cultivate in the Savannah?
A savannah supports a wide range of wildlife and plants. Cataloging lots of wildlife could give you a good start to a high production of foods and animal goods.
In the options field, mate.
I live again, bring forth the tiddies.
awesome, thanks
i'll look into it more
any beach bros here?
Im here
What are we doing for this turn.
sounds good
was sleeping
Im thinking next turn we have the elders teach kids our writing using small slabs of clay that they reuse by smoothing it with a rock when their done. Any thoughts about it?
Just gonna say that my tribesmembers are not really realizing that the tribe has to dump their shit and other biodegradable waste somewhere anyway so it may as well have a permanent benefit that will pay off over time.

Richard had a tree grow there, so it makes sense to expand upon it and make it religious and then steer the Work Ethic to be more useful and fun.

We are going to need farms sooner or later, may as well have the foundation of one. Taking 20 turns to have a forest of some kind is perfectly acceptable, since it doesn't need any more than a couple of turns to set up rituals/practices of the tribe to auto progress it.

Just please put one of the 3 choices for it early then we don't need to think of it again for ages.
I get it, but that's only maybe 20 years. It's not all that easy to turn stone into soil plants can grow in. I don't mind this plan and I'm sure it will help some, but we can focus on farming when we don't have twice as many points in food as we do in our housing situation.

We can just as well focus on digging homes that will help us not only stay alive and have more kids, but also lay the groundwork for a mining system that will get us better ores and give us powerful advantages 20 turns from now.

Or we can focus on goat leather and allow us to have leather padded metal armors 20 turns from now.

Or we can focus on cutting stone allowing us to have better structures and giving us a more secure fortress 20 turns from now.

And so on.
yeah, sounds good.

I am just obsessed with making shitty land become bountiful for farming and trees.
But we have a bountiful land of rocks!
Fuck this tripcode business
Did Richard died?

There's been a family emergency.

I might need to take a couple of days off, I'm really sorry guys.
I think he said something about getting neutered, but as long as he doesn't get his fingers chopped off he should be back sooner or later.
I hope everything is ok. Good luck with whatever it is.
Welp, who wants to run a new game in Richards absence?
Why new games dying So fast?
it's not dead, it's just on hold.

also, everyone has permission to use this ruleset or modify it if they want to use it for another Cevo game or Cevo-styled game. its made for sharing.
Sorry to hear that Richard. Take all the time you need.

Yea, I was just talking about someone running something while you had to take your time off.

I hope things work out for ya
I can play.
but 1 turn per Day or 1 turn per 2 days is a waste of time.
It should be minimum 4 turns per Day.
Also, is anyone here good with PDF creation? I'd like to turn this into semi-official ruleset thing if someone wouldn't mind helping me make a PDF for it.
No problem, man. I can definitely sympathize. I'm sure most would agree that we're happy to wait for you, as long as it takes.
Be well Rich
Don't worry
Edit it in ms Word and Save as pdf
Really? I would think this kind of thing is made for spreadsheets.
For more setting building, check out this new game. >>114001
Meant to delete the hash, whatever.
Is anybody here?
suh dude
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Not good with PDFs, you could try LaTeX.
Hell, even just a standard RTF deal would be fine, you can embed images in RTF files.
Images are still best IMO, more flexible and less overhead in creating them.

Also, a suggestion on the tribe update images.
You know how you currently have the Actions in the Culture pane?
Make a new pane under Relationships for Actions.
Culture is going to grow more than Relationships likely will, so it makes sense to have them under there.
Example picture. Will spoiler so I don't get peoples hopes up for the next update.

Mind you, I guess it depends on how you intend to implement Relationships.
I am assuming it will be simple trade-related stuff, like for every X goat we breed, we give Y to tribe Z?
It hasn't really came up much probably because of how early on things are.

Loving this quest everyone. Keep it up.
Please don't die thread.
If it does rich will make a new one over time
i hope so
Could I join the ranks of the beach tribe?
I have an idea m'lord
heey bitchezzz so i was apart of the proud mire tribe in a world far away... (i was mire tribe tribe whore btw) can i join ye peeps I know what im doing and i know richards technic rather well, hey richard long time no see!!
This game will die unless Richard starts doing the turns.
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