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Thread replies: 125
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It's apparent that there is a /pol/ mod from FYROM range-banning my country for propaganda reasons. We got unbanned 3 days ago, and today we got banned again when most of /pol/'s Greek posters were on a thread about FYROM.

Mods and admins, i am the very one that made that thread 4 days ago, about boycotting the site with adblock. Indeed i disabled adblock again when the range ban stopped, but since you are letting a nobody-faggot enforce his ethinc agenda as a policy of this site

Pay your debts first
kill yourself /pol/tard
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Stay mad CTR
Mod from FYROM?
Where'd that come from?

I was pretty sure it was the gook range-banning half of Europe in order to force people to buy passes, like he did a couple of months ago.
I always wondered why we CONSTANTLY get rangebanned on /pol/. We were rangebanned on all of 4chan for a while.
I don't think there's some gigantic shitposter spamming furry or pedoshit or whatever, so WHY THE FUCK do we keep getting rangebanned?

This is just censorship for no real reason.
No it isn't the case. I got to witness it, the FYROMians got butt hurt for a /pol/ thread and the only rthng that makes sense since we got range banned during that thread, is a mod is actually a FYROMian.

I haven't seen any other European country getting range banned. Also, if you want to get more 4chan passes, you ban wealthy nations, not bankrupt ones.
20$ is still pocket change, even for our banktupr asses.

Also, half of Europe ISPs were rangebanned about a month ago. Everyone assumed it was the gook going full jew-mode, because he pulled similar shenanigans on 2chan.

Anyway, we should keep bumping this thread till we get an answer from a mod.
Also, get more greek anons to come here, there's a few of them always lurking on /int/.
Asshurt FYROMIAN mod. It's absurd to rangeban a country for just a handful of shitposters. Four days ago I made a thread here and one day after the range ban ended. I informed everyone that despite having Adblock for ages, I always had it off for 4chan and just because of the range ban I decided to put it on. Since we got off the fucking ban, I got it off again, but since half an hour ago, it's again on.

What we need is to stir up shit, post on other boards that we aren't range banned to call for all Greek anons to use their ad blocks. If they outright censore us, they will not get a fucking penny from ad revenue
CTR was never funny or interesting. Just another shitty /pol meme.
When we get banned on /pol/ we get banned on Int also. I set up a thread in /b/ and after my lunch I'll see where else I can post.

Also there are many people who genuinely can't spare €20, there are many who are stealing unprotected wifi. And extortion is the most vile and Jewish way to get revenue. But we can fight back
Just try to keep this bumped and see if we can get an answer from the mod team.

This has been going on for MONTHS. Unbanned for 2 days, then rangebanned again.

We were even rangebanned site-wide for a while.

We really need to do something, but unfortunately we aren't enough to do something massive enough to draw enough attention.
stay range banned, faggot
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>FYROMian that can't handle the bantz detected
ofc /qa/ helpful as always
>i disabled adblock
Retard detected!
What we can do is being vocal about our goycott, if this anon >>839811 is right and it's a broader phenomenon to European ISPs, then we can call for boycotts from all rangebanned countries. Do you think he's gonna be happy if he actually does it to many cuntrires as a leverage to sell passes? While miniscule it might be, there is a revenue from these lame ads and he won't be happy to lose it
Yes because I'm not a fucking kike. I enjoy this image board and as long as it accommodates me, I won't deny them the ad revenue. But since they are actively censoring my country, they can suck my balls
Stay subhuman, FYROMian

>there is no such thing as CTR, as there wasn't such a thing as JIDF go.. errrr guys!
Hahaha! Retard!
>I am so generous so I'm going to bend over and take it in the ass! Give me all your malware! Take up all my bandwidth! Oh, I like that!
Get the fuck outta here Windows pleb
Who cares ? The election is over. Why are you trying to make your cancer a meme ?
>assuming I'm using Windows
>coming from the ABSOLUTE RETARD without an ad blocker
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CTR was here and there are still a few remnants. I am not trying to make anything a meme, i just revel at their tears

>i disable my adblock for 4chan, therefore i don't have an ad blocker

fuck off FYROMian ape, go pimp your sister for a pack of peanuts
Holy fuck. Stay range banned.
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Ya got triggered lefty? I enjoy your tears tβh
Why would you disable the adblocker ever since the gook added those intrusive ads?
I was fine with it when it was only J-list, hell I even clicked on some of the J-list ads, but ever since that new intrusive shit got added I enabled adblock again.
Pay denbts
Because i routinely (i.e. every day) clean everything on my computer, so i don't give a fuck
Jlist ads work on commision of sold shit due to redirects, not CPC.
You guys would have better luck talking to a mod on IRC. They don't really check or moderate this board often and mod culture in regards to questions asked via the feedback form or on boards is to ignore them. Just look at how often moderators make public posts and how many of those replies are sarcastic /non-helpful ones.

And try to talk to one of the friendlier mods via PM, if you just ask in public you are probably going to get banned with no explanation.
Thanks man. Do you have any server/ports for IRC? Cause i have no idea desu
Having an ad blocker and not using it on a site with known malware ads makes you even more of a retard and a cuck.

Here you are, begging to get the range ban removed, offering to run Hiroyuki's shitty malware if you can only post without a proxy. That's if you used a proxy and didn't fork over $20 like a moron. You sound like enough of an idiot to pay the $20 if you had it.
Uh, what? You dont need a port, just select the server and channel. The 4chan server and channel info should be on one of 4chan's official pages (the about page or something). You will need to at least register a nick though to get into #4chan.

To register a nick, type "/msg nickserv register" without the quotes. If you need extra help try going into #help and ask how to register a nick.
Lel. Tell us, are you actually reinstalling your OS every day, or are you running some snake oil "cleaner" that is probably malware itself, given your revealed level of intelligence?
>Not realizing your OS is malware.
Ty mate

>advocating for boycott
ayy senpai, you are as stupid as they come

>not having your OS in a usb stick and booting from it

Just get the fuck out of here pleb
Keep this thread bumped guys, let's find out why this is happening.
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agreed, this concerns other range-banned countries as well
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Keep this thread bumped till a mod replies.

We need to at least know why this keeps happening.
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Why would you go to /pol/, are you a /pol/tard or are you b8ing right wing retards ;^)

Oh so you are a /pol/tard, i am responsible for the range ban in vg, pol and int and i feel no regret since scum like you get affected

MICHELLE 2020, or Bearnie if he still is there :3
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I ralph the fat homo panda or known as greek furfag in /pol/ have triggered countless people in wowg in vg and /pol/ to the point they decided to range ban greece xDdD

You see 4chan is a safe space for bigots, due to their lack of self worth they go on a board and suck that board's dick and norm and enter a hivemind losing their individuality, just like the cancer that is nationalism really

And because unlike them i am not a nationalist cuck and do only what i enjoy i ve triggered so many i get reported all the time from the cucks, and mods couldnt handle that ;^)
I hate furries as much as the next person, but rangebanning a whole country becayse of ONE shitposter is mad butthurt.
Good job anon, I may hate furries but I appreciate some good shitposting.
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#triggered ???
#stillcrying ???

WE REVEL AT YOUR TEARS. Also don't flatter yourself, you are a sad irrelevant fat faggot. Your existence means nothing even to people that actually know you. I am sorry laddy, you are just a sad excuse of a human bean
Ikr, i ve gotten greece range banned in /vg/, /int/ and /pol/ single handedly, feels good.

And i havent even used any spam or hax or even actual porn really, i mostly post gay pandas with avatarfagging and hvae intelligent anti /pol/tard beliefs
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Because i check if the range ban is still active in /vg/, /pol/ and if not i go there posting pandas, and i get mods to

I actually was late today, i didnt notice the range ban was lifted 3 days ago so i went to funpost in vg /wowg/ till some hot pocketsman did his job and activated the range ban again xD
Can't they just HWID ban you, instead of rangebanning a whole country?

My inner /b/tard tells me you're based as fuck, but my need to shitpost on /pol/ and hate for furries makes me want to murder you.
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You do realize you are asking a ban evader about what mods do right? kinda hard to know

I ve been funposting in wowg for like6 months before they decided to put a range ban, so when i got bored i moved to funpost on /pol/tards and laugh at nationalist cucks, i am a little more obvious at pol and post quality husbandos soooooooo
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>falling for a sad fat faggot's self-praise
I do like to funpost with anime and 2hus myself, but I never got our whole country rangebanned.

It is a fact that he spams furry shit on /pol/ though, I've seen it myself many times before the rangeban was put in place.
With how easy it is to ban evade, I wouldn't be surprised if he really is the reason we got rangebanned.
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As you can see from >>840079
My ability to cause butthurt is quite extensive :3
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He isn't. He has been spamming /pol/ for months before the rangeban and you should know that mods on /pol/ simply do not care if someone is actually shitting up the board. Just take a look at cuckposting and how long threads remain on catalog, despite being reported massively. No. It's absolutely nothing else than self-praise of a sad fat faggot.

>intentionally misinterpreting contempt for batthurt

k... keep me posted
Πανταρεν, η Χιλαρι εμαθα τον ρουφάει kαλα

To be honest though, nothing causes as much butthurt as furries. Maybe ponies, but that's a big maybe.
Every time this fag started spamming a thread, the thread basically died. I saw what he was doing, that's why I actually think he might be one of the main reasons for the ban.
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Nah. There are many thread killers out there that warrant a range ban for other countries. Take Canadians for example. Absolutely abhorrent posters, known for uninspired shitposting. Yet still they haven't been range-banned. And bear in mind that a Canadian range-ban would yield massive 4chan passes. A range-ban in Greece litteraly yields nothing. And the furfaggot can still shitup other boards.

I am positive that the Greek range-ban is product of FYROMian asshurt moderators
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How about ;^)

You see, when you are a known personality in 4chan you can get banned for "ban evasion" from every board as long as some mod remembers about the homo panda cute cuddly guy :3

That was at the previous range ban, the current active range ban was caused by my wowg funposted earlier this morning, you see the /pol/, /int/ and /vg/ range bans are connected, if one of the happens all of the happen ;^)

>implying contempt is different from butthurt
Literally the same thing, first one is just less obvious to you since you lack self awareness ;^)

I still like Hillary a lot, she is a based old lady, i heard she might have assassinated that homophobic judge Scalia so i am so proud of her, and the way she removes her enemies

It is so beautiful, i wish she was my mom, now that is a woman you can respect

now to reset router to be ready
Λολ ρε παπαρα, το ποσταρα αυτό για να δω εάν είσαι όντως εσύ

Ο αυτισμός σου έχει τέλος; Άσε τον λαό να σkατοποσταρει, στο kάτω kάτω kάνεις πλούσιο το χιροσιμουτ με τα μπανς
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>when you are a known personality in 4chan you can get banned for "ban evasion"

Imagine being so sad excuse of human excrement that you stand out in 4chan

Ayy lmao

>Literally the same thing, first one is just less obvious to you since you lack self awareness ;^)

Ok, we have stablished that you are mentally 12 years old

And finally: share with us your feelings about the 8 coming years of Trump reign. Did you cried along the rest of the leftist faggots? How does it feel to be put in the political oven?

ρε kαλλιτέχνη μην τρως kουτόχορτο, σιγά μην kάνουν rangeban μια χώρα για έναν άkυρο γkέτση
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too bad you aren't responsible in any way for it, faggot.

>mike obongo 2020

ayyyyyyyyyy lmaoooooooooo
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No you sad sack of shit, you are literally 24/7 furfagging, there's literally 100% chance that your tiny brain will periceve it as the actual reason of the range-ban.

You are pic related smart
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>be retarded furfag
>furpost 24/7
>your country gets rangebanned for a completely different reason
>claim that your furposting did it

ok fαm, we got it, you are a complete retard
pay ur debnts and things will be ok
Hahaha let's pray for that!
Sorry dude, I got Greece banned. I'm a far more effective shit poster desu senpai
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moishe pit.gif
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No mate, sorry

How? You are Iranian and you have never used proxies. It would defeat the purpose of name-fagging
pay debnts now
That's some pretty hot porn dude. I'm kind of touching myself
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>conspiracy theorist arent welcome.

Litteraly what? Are you an illiterate FYROMian or something?

Told ya, nope
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Keeping this thread bumped, we need an answer from a mod.
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Still waiting for a mod to explain this shit.
Why do you care, if you aren't a moderator trying to defend his actions? It literally shouldn't concern you if you aren't impacted by the range ban.
But hey, considering you were just defending shitty moderation in another thread it doesn't surprise anyone that you are doing the same thing here.
You're not the bright.
Damage control.
You are truly pathetic.
does /pol/ always resort to blindly insulting other people's countries on boards without flags?
Flags on /pol/ were a mistake.
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The range-ban got in place when (mainly) Greek and FYROMian posters were at each other's throats in an anti-FYROMian thread.

The previous range ban was from September till 3 days ago, and we got range banned again. Do you seriously believe that a whole goddamned country gets range banned because of a fat sorry as faggot's furposting?

Yeah, yeah just don't forget your medication Λάkη
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>please believe my delusions of grandeur and my persecution syndromes

Ουαααααααχαχααχαχαχαχαχαχα, ρε ούστ απο δω μωρή Λούσυ
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keeping this bumped untill we get an answer.
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We demand an answer mods.
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keep doing God's work laddies
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keeping this thread up
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I'm gonna keep bumping it.
I demand more pictures of Aqua.
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I don't think I have any more of Aqua, I was full on the Megumeme train.
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Oh, alright. She's better anyway. Keep 'em coming.
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I don't know anon, I'd rather keep playing my vidya and just post an image every time I bump. I mean, it's 6am in denbtland.
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Demanding an answer, etc etc.
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works alright for me
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No hurry. Keep them coming at a pace that satisfies you.
I am a Greek
Keeping it bumped.
Why don't you buy a 4chan pass, goy?
>pass user

Stop being a faggot
>yada yada farts-for-arguements

care to comment on the image laddy?
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>get called out on being a retarded faggot
>act as if you are superior because you have literally ZERO arguements

Ayy lmao fαm, your intellectual capacity is that of a fucking brickwall, please do continue entertaining me
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>i got completely anally devastated
>better act smug because of irrelevant factor

Ayyyyyyy lmao fαm, you have no idea how pathetic you really are.
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signomi pou eimai apo thn kifisia :3
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Dont be a faggot, your place of residence is irrelevant to your intelligence and $$$ :^)

Dont entairtain the delusions of nationalist cucks
ksodepses miso xilarioko sto wow se 3 xronia?

wow bro, giati mou grafis sta agglika omos?
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>mfw the sad sack of excrement is still here

Και από τη Βουλιαγμένη να ήσουν, δεν είναι η ένστασή μου εkεί. Είσαι γιωτάς εάν kαταφέρνει ο kιτρινιάρης να σου αποσπάσει τα φράγkα με εkβιαστιkούς όρους
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>implying writing in English isnt more comfortable
i bet you also post on greek websites you faggot :P
Plus it is techinically between the end of 2015 and start of 2016 mostly, barely a year xd
i1 bro, $20 ksodevo ti mera gia tsigara kai fagito, den ime kanena maimoudaki na lino puzzles lol. chillax

em oxi, eksakaloutho na mi katalaveno giati mou grafis sta eglezika, miso xilariko bro? wow bro, wow

giati malonete de boro na katalavo, exi toso orea mera, mera gia parti
telospadon tixea kateliksa edo irtha na tous po na me kanoun unban


ipa se ena skatodermo apo tin ollandia oti prepi na pai pis kai efaga ban.
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if BLM abortions.jpg
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Ε kαι πάλι ο kιτρινιάρης σου έφαγε τα φράγkα kαι σε banαρε kιόλας. Και σιγά τι του πες; "πρέπει να πας πίσω kουραδόδερμε". Κατάλαβες γιατί δεν υποστηρίζουμε εμπράkτως οιkονομιkά μέρη τα οποία δεν ασπάζονται τις αξίες μας; Έστω kι αν αυτό μας πρήζει λίγο τα αρχίδια για να ποστάρουμε
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It is more comfortable than greek :P
Plus greek looks and sounds ugly

And i have a hard time choosing classes, updated it with all purchases it for MAXIMUM B8 on /v/ :3
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>3 μέρες επειδή τον είπες σkατόδερμο kι ενώ έχεις πάσο
For all I care you can be Swedish or Chinese but since you stated that you are from /pol/ I totally want you to end your pathetic life and die painfully you brainwashed piece of shit faggot dickhead
Good, racism should not be tolerated, dont entertaining delusional retards who think it is

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Cry moar like the little bitch you are. Your tears are delicious.

>Kill racism plx :'(
>my mommy always tried to cry racism when she defended her genetic failure, me, so i hate racists :'(
>if my country gets flooded with inferior subhumans i am not the inferior anymore, right mommy? :'(
>am i doing it right mommy? :'(

Ayyyyyyyyyy lmaooooooooo this is fucking laughable. What a sad excuse of a human bean
daksi re anon, 20 bucks edosa, mi xaliese, tha borousa na ta ixa ksodepsi se sfinakia se gomenes

a ok tote, aplos einai ligo periergo
thes na sou paro kai sena ena, na mi malakizesai me captch, ela, on me, o anon kernai
it's amazing to think there are people like this that actually exist in society, or at least in the semblance of society that is modern Greece
What the fuck, greek is super aethestic both written and spoken, dumb selfhater.
I have an announcement to make to all Greeks.
Αγαπώ Εμίλια.
If I predict my post number, can all of 4chan ban Greece?
I will post with the number >>841625
Fuck. Ok this time
Anon learned how to quote. Good job.
>not realizing that aethestic is not a fucking word
You really are a fucking Greek.
Now we just need to range-ban the other 195 countries from /pol/ to finally save this website.
>someone pretending to be mod.
>michele or bernie

Did you guys actually try asking a mod in #4chan? Because the mods aren't going to reply here unless a miracle happens.
pay debts
Thread posts: 125
Thread images: 53

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