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Make /pol/ hostage in exchange for $15million dollars

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Thread replies: 270
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dear Hiro,

since you have financial issues regarding running 4chan i have came up with a quick and easy solution to make money off it.

Put /pol/ as a hostage.

yes, that's right. what you need to do is simply close off /pol/ and only put one thread in there that says "to unlock this board, please donate to 4chan until the $15 million dollar amount is reached. until then, please post on /b/ for political discussions. thank you for your cooperation"

keep closing /pol/ until the amount is reached or until a month have passed.

this is the perfect way to get financial aid from many people, /pol/ is an extremely important board for the alt right and these people are addicted to it. you will not get any negative feedback off this from the media because the place is mostly associated with negative press anyways. also not to mention the many important millionaires and media personalities that browses /pol/ on a daily basis for their entertainment and more than willing to share their wealth to keep the board alive.

please do this quickly since you only got 10 days left until the elections are over.
15 million dollars is a lot of money, Hiro. once this amount is obtained, you can even throw a million to the staff so they can celebrate.
also don't worry about /pol/ spilling out to other boards. just tell the mods to ban them like usual. they spill out with or without /pol/ anyways.

do not miss this once in a lifetime opportunity, Hiro. this may not happen again.

be a man, hiro. stand your ground and do not let these freaks put you down.

you're the master of this site. control the trump supporters instead of them controlling you.

you gave birth to them.
That's stupid.
you strike them at their most vulnerable.
stop giving free heroin
They would just infest every other board.
>what is /b/
It's almost like you want them to spread to every other board.
>/qa/ whines about /pol/ episode 6 gorillion jews
Oh yes, this will certainly work!
It won't just cut down the amount of visitors by 1/3rd or so, like what happened when 2ch.hk's Hiro decided to get some cash and closed off the site but kept the passcode-only part of it up.

t. neogaf cucks
Put a noose around your neck Kike. Not everyone's as Jewish as you.
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why are you so scared?
its only for a month. its not like your life is dependent on it.
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How does it feel like to be being played by Japanese kike?
Because, it took Russian anons a few days to find out the mirrors still worked, and it already was a big dent in the visitor count.
By doing this Hiro will just first, cut down some visitors, second, have /pol/acks spread to either just /b/, or /po/ and /b/.
Great idea, faggot. Let's piss off the meme magicians so that they flood every other board on 4chan.
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This is in fact our gameplan if anything happens to /pol/. Don't be stupid.
>tfw no one to play 100% OJ with
What the heck is a meme magician?

Every day you make this thread. Hiro has already said he doesn't listen to anything on /qa/ that isn't a technical issue.
/Pol/ accidentally resurrected an ancient Egyptian deity of chaos through memes and repeating digits and used its' power to bring Trump to his current position in the race.
Either that or there have been immense coincidences.
Fuck i like dom anime girls and pol, you are fucking with my emotions dude.

But this was a creative solution.
the mods gameplan is simply ban you and tell you to fuck off to /b/
like the old days you know? before /pol/ even existed?

not to mention mods will be on high vigilance because 15 million dollar is at stake
So they summoned a God of misfortune? Sounds spooky.
It's called Kek, you mongrel
Nah, closer to a God of chaos and darkness.
That god's called Kek, Kuk in some readings.
Reminds you of any words in use on /pol/?
hiro reads the ones offering ideas to make money first technical issues later
money is very important to keep 4chan alive
otherwise he wont install new ads and create donate page
If anything, Hiro should kill first /mu/ or /fa/
see hiro? a religion came from your site and it has many followers and very dependent on /pol/
you as the prophet must charge them for using your house.

once in a lifetime chance only after elections things may be different
dont miss out!
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Dude stop being such a jerk to me!
You think that /pol/ is going to be okay after angering thus godly being?
Trump is the fucking prophet
Hiro is as much of a prophet as the owner of a fucking rock Jesus stood on once you autist

Well, so far if this thing actually got summoned it was in favor of /pol/ and helped it achieve various goals.
Kek's on their side.
You stupid gook-asskissers still don't get it, do you?

4chan has no financial issues, that jap faggot is just scaremongering you so he has excuses to trick you into buying his shitty passes and to put malicious ads on this website. He's threatening us to delete boards to save money or something when in reality HE is the one who created so many useless stupid boards, including /vip/. It's OUTRAGEOUS that such level of censorship exits on 4chan where you have to PAY in order to post on one of its boards. Cool, today it's /vip/, tomorrow will be some other board.

He pretends to be cute and confused with his shitty english but in reality he knows exactly what he's doing. He was ousted from 2ch for the very same thing he's doing now with 4chan, and that is selling user data to marketers. He will turn 4chan into rubble just like he did with 2ch.

/pol/ is actually one of the more lucrative boards for Hiro at the moment, from all the data he's giving to CTR and NSA. Only you useful idiots still think that /pol/ is somehow the problem, when in reality we've been under heavy attack for months from shills Hiro personally invited here. Mods are compromised, this whole board is compromised, and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
Fuck off ISIS
>closing any of the cestpool boards AT ALL

Listen here you fucking newfag, they closed /r9k/ down before and were forced to bring it back because they shitted every board up to an extreme level.

The shitposted they committed actually damaged boards permanently by enabling feels threads and other off-topic /r9k/ shit. Hell Pepe was barely even a thing outside of /r9k/ before that deletion happened, then it was on every board with people complaining and bloging about their lives on unrelated boards.
>muh CTR
>muh shill
This delusion man
/pol/ has a bigger victim complex than /cgl/, lolcow and /r9k/
>/pol/ is actually one of the more lucrative boards for Hiro
so im pretty sure he has no problem shutting it down for a month to encourage donations to the site?
is that ok with you?

you're not dependent on it right? there are other high traffic places where you can talk about politics on the internet i think?
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Don't stir the beast.
please do this
I don't mind if it is entertaining
I am a trump supporter
Yes, the 600 lbs hackers are a force to be reckoned with.
>hates hiro for being a "jew" and benefitting from /pol/
>panics when he genuinely wants to close /pol/ to get mad dosh so he can keep 4chan running
you should boycott the site and stop posting here.
Go suck a dick, kike.
Feel free to donate if you're so enthusiastic about Hiro selling your own data with your own money. I, nor anyone else with half of brain will be giving him a single cent.
Misspelled 400 lbs, we don't eat like liberal pigs.
you are already giving him money by posting on his site.
you are giving traffic and providing content and attention
why are you supporting hiro the jew nib?
>make /pol/harbour 2

this is the dumbest fucking idea I've seen all year
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>mfw I realise there is no board on 4chan that isn't a containment board
>there is no board you could remove that wouldn't flood every other board with the irrelevant
its for one month
no biggie its not permanent.
faster if the amount is reached.
15 million is chump change if you see the net worth of the people that posts there.
>yes, that's right. what you need to do is simply close off /pol/ and only put one thread in there that says "to unlock this board, please donate to 4chan until the $15 million dollar amount is reached.

We'd all just go to /b/ or move over the cripplechan. That's a bretty dumb solution.
Hiro, do you know how important is 4chan's /pol/ to the alt right?
Its as important as top gear to its fans
nothing can replace it.

top gear can return back to bbc and still have its old fans back the same way with /pol/.

remember this Hiro. you're sitting on a literal goldmine waiting to be harvested.
Kek's power only manifests in ways that could be coincidences, meaning he will most likely get Hiro arrested if he holds /pol/ hostage.

The question is, would you care if Hiro got arrested?
/b/ is too chaotic

/pol/acks have threathened to migrate to 8pol for many years. they're still here.

nothing can replace 4/pol/
This is one of the more creative delete /pol/ requests I've seen.
Some of us use both 4/pol/ and 8/pol/.
>Outcome 1
People simply migrate to /b/
>outcome 2
4chan as a whole will become an unusable mess

You can't win this. Those people won't just go away and nobody is going to pay money just to be able to post here, lol.
>Hiro, do you know how important is 4chan's /pol/ to the alt right?

I think the alt right is some invented term the media manufactured that basically means "anyone that isn't a neocon but resides on the right of the political spectrum," but I've been using /pol/ even since it was created because /b/ has lost its funny edginess. If it is deleted, /pol/ will just move back to /b/ and make it a halfway decent board again. /pol/ is one of the last boards that still do lulzy raids.
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Just merge /pol/ with /mlp/ for laughs.

It will be glorious.
You retard we will come back in get you too.
>t. /pol/arc
Maybe we should just shut down /qa/ since it's only purpose seems to be whining about /pol/, should save some money
its the best win win situation
/pol/ still exists but money from big donors who are impressed with the board is needed to unlock it
to make big money, you need big donations from rich people.
depending on ads is pathetic and a waste of time for 4chan. everyone use adblock its so annoying
>forcing people to post /pol/ threads on /b/
No one wants /b/ to be /pol/ 2.0, we already have enough shitty /pol/ threads 24/7.
Keep that shit off my /b/.
This idea is actually a pretty good one considering that current /pol/ has proven on multiple occasions that its users take the internet incredibly seriously, to the point that I wonder if they realize they're following in the footsteps of Chanology.

Hiro, this suggestion is actually a good financial opportunity. Don't squander it.
>shit off my /b/
/b/ is already a shithole
Couldn't have said it better. Original /b/tard who migrated to /pol/ years ago. /pol/ is one of the only decent boards left on this site, in terms of memes and general lulz.
why does /pol/ trigger people so much? if you don't like it, don't go there. seems easy enough to me.
/pol/ consists of bitter /r9k/ and /a/ crossposters, gaymergate spergs, Nazi roleplayers, and actual Redditors from /r/the_donald. Every one of those groups of people are unabashed NEETs. You won't get a single shekel from bribing /pol/.
But it wont work you retard. They would just shit up every single other board and stay on /b/. Nobody gives a shit about /pol/ itself, it's the people who post there that are important to them.

>telling the conman to con users even harder
There is lots of /pol/ posting on other boards that triggers some sensitive people. Somehow people think that getting rid of /pol/ will somehow make it less (lmao).
The rest of 4chan is filled with redditors and leftist cucks.

>People simply migrate to /b/
I wish all of the fresh off the boat unwelcome guests would fuck off whence they came from, you can be rest assured "real" /pol/acks will not go in that cesspool.
thank you all for Correcting The Recordâ„¢
Literal supression of free speech.
Pol is also a containment board you don't want us on the rest of the site.
It's an ocean of piss. If you dump a massive pile of /pol/ shit in an ocean of piss, it stands out and is annoying.
We already have too many /pol/ threads, we don't need more of them pushing every other thread off the catalog.
>The rest of 4chan is filled with redditors

Are you implying /pol/ isn't? There are tons of threads on /pol/ concerning various subreddit drama and no one calls any of the posters in those topics out on it. Everyone just starts discussing and arguing about Reddit drama as if they were using Reddit itself.

/pol/ is easily the most Reddit board by far.
Because they fear they might get offended or even worse - something from /pol/ will make sense to them.
Either way - everybody who cannot deal with other boards or controversy is for 99% redditor or other newfag and should go away.
Of course they wouldn't but we're talking about either not posting or posting on /b/. /b/ is a piece of shit any, all it would do to it is make it better.
>we're talking about either not posting or posting on /b/
Oh sweet summer child. If you lurked on /pol/ for about an hour you'd know about the contingency plan, and it's not falling back on /b/.
What the hell do you even have on /b/ these days? The last time I visited that place all I saw was /soc/ shit, porn threads, loli and rekt/ylyl. They say /pol/ was always shit but it feels like the demographic changed by 100%.
>it feels like the demographic changed by 100%.
No shit, it's because of the election.
But I know about it buddy, I'm just not a big fan of that other site and I doubt most people are, especially now since the original creator left.
didn't mean to write /pol/. Meant /b/ and the demographic change.
you dont really con anyone if it's /pol/.
even moot hated it, pretty sure Hiro hated it too but very interested in making money off it.

idea in the OP is by far the best. especially right now in this election season
I do think it's a fantastic idea. The key is getting Hiro to see it. Next time you see him posting be sure to let him know about this thread.
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I wish I could press a button to wipe all anime posters off the face of the planet.

I swear to Odin if any of you so much as thinks about removing /pol/, you will regret it immediately, mark my words. /pol/ is what defines 4chan at this point, not your jap cartoons, not /b/ 's cancer, no, we do. And if you take away our board, every board on this whole fucking website will become /pol/. You can ban us (as if it mattered), sure, but we'll just come back and do it more, and there's nothing you pathetic fucks can do about it. The Day of the Rope is coming up soon, and when it does, you sad degenerates will be first in line.
You're right, there is cancer everywhere, but I still go on here for the occasional discussion/sharing thread like >>>/b/709878376
There are still decent threads on /b/, and "you're here forever" isn't just a meme.
Except that it's not and nobody would pay a single cent. All you would get is /pol/ posting on every single goddamn board imaginable. And don't think that people on /pol/ don't know how to evade bans.
>Hiro delets Pol
>We go to qa instead
It's not just the other site.
it has never been tried and several powerful and rich people, milo, shrekli, notch, etc has expressed huge interest to buy 4chan. I genuinely believe when the lock button is pushed especially during the climax of the election season, they will flood money to Hiro to give /pol/ back.

this site is too important to american politics.
If you take away /pol/ we will shit up every one of your other pathetic low energy boards that only get 3 posts an hour.

Do you seriously want to make this mistake?
Not the guy you're responding to but are you talking about the deep web stuff?
You can't make money off of /pol/.
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>this site is too important to american politics.
>buying 4chan =//= donating 15 million to it
As said, people would simply find other means of posting, whether it be other boards or other sites.
No, don't make me laugh. Let's just say that the internet is a luxury mansion and /pol/ is a shitty old fridge in the basement, and said fridge is infested with cockroaches which happen to be immune to insecticide, are much smarter than your run of the mill cockroach and just like to chill in said fridge. What happens when you throw out that fridge?
You know 4chan isn't the only /pol/ that exists, right?
Also, 4chan's /pol/ is the one people wanna leave the most but they don't since it's the biggest one. /pol/ being deleted would fuck 4chan over and would be better for the /pol/ userbase.
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Careful what you wish for.
It probably would work surprisingly well. If there's a downside it's that it would kill user's trust in the website, but that's already at an all time low, so what exactly is there to lose? I think if Hiro wants to make money off this site he needs to stop trying to be everyone's friend - some people are going to dislike him no matter what.

If there's any barrier it's that the mods of this site are WAY too lazy to bother policing the site after a change like this. Maybe if it were voted on by the VIPs...
Hillary, please, stop doing this to yourself.
then in that case, chaces are they would fuck off to greener pastures.
Just delete /pol/ no way you can get 15Mill out of those retards, that board hurts the website more than anything else and made negative news headlines many times.
4chan has a wikipedia page, cited many times on the media and 165 on alexa, birth place of many memes and oc
ever since 2003 this place has become a very relevant site on the internet and aided in moulding its current culture,

4chan rules the internet. this is a very important site that's worth billions.

now time for the owner to claim that money
And for the record, /pol/ is what keeps a lot of unwanted trash at bay, there are people that are genuinely afraid to go on 4chan specifically because of it.
>implying banning means anything

You're not getting a cent from us, kike, /pol/ is and will always be here to stay.
The stupid cockroaches go chasing after the fridge.
No, the cockroaches shit up the rest of the mansion because you pissed them off. That is the purpose of a containment board.
/pol/ is just waiting for this to happen. the rest of the boards will turn to shit if you dont keep those asshole nazis contained in /pol/.
Uh, your analogy is fucking stupid.
Not an argument.
15 million dollars is at stake and Hiro is going to promise the mods and staff 1 million dollars thrown at them for them to share
for the first time ever on 4chan, mods got paid. very lucrative stuff.

maybe old moot will get a slice too! he made /pol/ and 4chan after all.
>the average /pol/turd
I think you're underestimating the autism of /pol/.
It'll take over every other board. Autists will dox and hack and raid and all sorts of other nonsense. Doing this is a death sentence to 4chan
They will just go back to the subreddit where they can worship their emperor dumbo, you are giving them to much credit.

These are the people who infest /pol/
Wait, sorry.


Thought I'm sure Lordkeke exists too.

are you stupid?
Reddit faggots have tried to cash in on 4chan memes since 2010. Those sites have absolutely nothing to do with /pol/.
That's like saying that /r/4chan was made by /b/ users.
>notbeing aware of ironic shitposting
>emperor dumbo
You've outed yourself as reddit
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I AM them.
my Digits are Holy, PRAISE KEK
This is exactly what we're dealing with folks, delete that board and utilize deratization asap.
Of course weeaboo liberal faggots want to stop /pol/
Kill yourself
>muh ebil racist nazis!!! xD
youre just mad you cant get laid, gtfo ctr
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They're in your head faggot we the 4chan and this site would just be porn addicts and weeb trash trying not to kill themselves on a daily
>REEE delete this board
New day same shit, but nothing will change.
Keep crying, bitch niggers.
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>implying it would solve the problem of budget
>implying fundraising ever works
>implying it wouldn't end with /pol/ blackmailing the site as a response afterwards, since they're the breadwinner among the pleb boards

Imfuckingplying there isn't just the option of 2^3chan
That'd be a fair point, if the Britbong who bought mememagic.com didn't come on /pol/ last night bragging.
>putting an EOTech on an M4 but no grip
/pol/ is the soul of 4chan.
/b/ is just cuck threads and trap porn now. /b/ has been dead for years.

If you get triggered by truth and facts go back to whatever liberal circle jerk hugbox you came from.
4chan clearly isn't for you and we don't want you here.
not my oc sorry anon. eotechs are overpriced
>being a nerd virgin
/b/ has been did since 2008 when the fur threads and diaper threads started to really take hold
there weren't anymore funny threads just endless degenerate porn
all the funny posters moved on to other boards
/pol/ has just been the most visited by the funny posters the last few years
before that /v/ and /tv/ were the most dominant boards
this is not a /pol/ deletion thread
its a thread discussing how to obtain big donations from its users.
4chan needs /pol/ as much as you need /pol/
and /pol/ can help Hiro keep up 4chan alive for decades to come
>all these redditors worshiping frogs
>these are the people that preach that "redditchan is the true place for discussion goyim"
>obtain big donations from its users
You overestimate the userbase of /pol/, I don't think you can get 15Mill out of people who believe the earth is flat.
2008-2012 /b/ was still tolerable at least. It was around 2011 where this whole site started to go down. Wanna know what caused it? It was memes becoming mainstream. Normies flooded 4chan to be part of the secret club until it no longer was.
Nobody takes the flat earth shit seriously.
milo and shrekli are interested to buy 4chan solely because of /pol/. theyre more than willing to pay half the amount to unlock it
Hiro is a dirty liar. He's paying 10k~ at max to run this site. He simply wants to make money and what better way is there to make gullible people pay?
were you always this dumb, or do you feel /pol/ further dumbed you down?
ok now I'm freaked out.
That was what moot was paying 3 years ago
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Fuck off you retard.
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I'm sure moot wasn't using the best possible solution either. Hiro even refuses to proof that he's paying big money.
But one thing they do take seriously is that everyone who has a different opinion is paid to do so, and they spread it everywhere.
That is just a coping mechanism to deal with real CTR posters. It'll stop after November 8th. You'll still get bullied to hell and back for your liberal opinion tho.
Nah, liberals are going to be the ones with power once the conservatives realize they're going to go 16 years without holding the White House.
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>it's a /qa/ pansies try to take down /pol/ again episode
you're only calling him dumb with no explanation.
projecting much?
>Put /pol/ as a hostage.
You seem to be mentally ill, what good would come out of that?
>it's a /pol/ has autism and can only read the OP episode
If you need an explanation you are either dumb or clueless and shouldn't be posting.
Even if they are, just imagine out outrage and tears from it. It would be hilarious.

What would be more reasonable would to make /pol/ pass-only. It would especially work well with the elections coming up. Just think about all the cash hiro could make from retards who want to post there so badly.
moot never proved anything neither he was demanded to do so
if you cant participate in a discussion and have to resort to name calling and putting on a tantrum, its time to leave.
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This is now a hirojewmoot thread
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youre idiots, see:
if this kike nigger hiro deletes pol we shouldn't even overwhelm other boards, we should just migrate so this slant eyed jap nigger has no capability to salvage the situation.
Fuck Hiro
8ch is much better, can post many images, webm/mp4 with sound and higher file size. List goes on.
You 4niggers need us much more than we need you, stop trying to shoah us or you'll regret it.
Fucking kikes
Seems a bit halfassed to "keep them a hostage", but I'm all for anything that silences that den toxic hatred. I was even called the "F" word there when I tried it arguing with those bafoons.
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i have a better idea. do the exact same thing, only with /qa/. and then locate where op lives, go to his house and castrate him xD
What a great idea!
You need a detailed explanation on Why Milo or Martin would be a terrible choice of owner for this website ?
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lots of adult words in this post!
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you're a faggot and probably a kike for acting with such a niggardly capacity for logic and reason
I like seeing how 4chins only got better with time :^)
Please leave then.

What you idiots don't seem to realize is that 4chan wins either way. If /pol/ leaves, that eases traffic on the rest of the site and SUDDENLY, Hiro can afford to pay for it.

/pol/ is going. One way or another.
Sup reddit?
faggot spotted
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/pol/ will flood other boards even if you permaban them.
Everyone already know how to avoid bans so there is no point in them.
/pol/ will basically infect all the other boards like they did before /pol/ was ever created
Especially the most /pol/ tier boards like /his/,/int/...etc.
The most boards are already leaking with /pol/ack like /v/,/k/,/news/

Even if you find out some magical way to fix it.
/pol/ack will just go to other chans like eight chan until the issue is resolved.

You faggots don't understand.
Because of your hatred for /pol/tards you think closing it will fix all the problems but in reality it will just create even more problems.

Moot understood it so he created "containment" meme for /pol/tards.

/pol/tards is basically on the top of the food chain on 4chan right now.
Most oldfag visit /pol/ just for laughs cuz /r9k/ became stale copypaste, /b/ became the porn board(it should just be renamed /porn/), /a/ is what it always has been... shiping animu characters board.

You can't even see how gookMoot is playing you for fuck sakes...
>/pol/ will basically infect all the other boards like they did before /pol/ was ever created
Nice revisionist history. This never happened.
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its a pain in the ass to proactively migrate and not everyone will do it until we have to.
fuck off back to David Brocks basement
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reddit spacing. youre such a kike get of here and stop impersonating /pol/acks
How about you fuck off back home on reddit you grand-standing dick riding kike.
There was no real CTR posters on that board, they don't realize that every other boards dislikes them and loves to shitpost there, even moot used to make bait threads on /pol/ and ridiculed them for their ignorance.
did you ever browse /b/ in 2010???
>doesn't even read encyclopedia dramatica
fucc u
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You will have to. You WILL have to.
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you caught me anon, I visit temple every week and post on r/2xchromosomes all the time
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>going on reddit
I'd take like 60% of /pol/ you weren't here during /pol/ harbor when you failed to even take /mlp/, not to mention the time /new/ was deleted or when /n/ was deleted back when you probably were literally a 12 year old. Your threats are only credible to newfags and other /pol/tards
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what seems to be the problem dahnald?
>impersonating plebbit
You had a better chance saying tumblr, newfriend.
>/pol/ will basically infect all the other boards like they did before /pol/ was ever created
Nope, maybe for a few hours, but you guys have the attention span of a goldfish and it's in your best interest to delete that safespace you created.
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open the skelegates cruz
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>reddit spacing.
I was double spacing my posts long before Reddit existed. The quicker this site gets rid of your kind the better off we'll be.
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I only visit /pol/ to circle jerk hitler
and shill on /r/donald threads.
Never was interested in /new/.
When i was 12 4chan didn't even exist, senpai.
>capitalizing reddit
>going on reddit
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>going on reddit
I meant Trump threads since the elections.

Never actually visited plebbit
You went on one of the reddit threads then. Ergo making you a redditor.
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>you actually quoted all those posts

have you left your room at all, buddy?
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yes sunday evening is usually the only day I have freedom.
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>you visit one /a/ thread... that makes you a weeaboo
>you visit one /k/ thread... that makes you a nra supporter
wtf is that logic ,senpai????????
kys immediately
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See that shit? That's what makes you a redditor.
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>Literal supression of free speech.
No it's not.
>Pol is also a containment board you don't want us on the rest of the site.
You can't even get the board reference fucking right. No one wants you here but your kind are painfully easy to moderate because you're so fucking oblivious of your actions and how much you stick out like a sort thumb.
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/b/ is full of shit, 24/7. Has fuck all impact on the rest of the site.
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I adopted this "kys" treand just to fit in with shitposters

fear me, senpai.
Fuck off /pol/tard.
This is the sort of shit why the rest of us would rather you and your ilk fuck off and die somewhere away from here.
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Check out the edge on this one
So? You're still using it. Adopting shit is as bad as you using it. Fucking reddit scum.
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You got me interested in plebbit
But i'm kinda lazy to register there.
>going on reddit
Fucking stop that.
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you getting triggered, senpai?
>planning on going on reddit
>thinking this is will help your case that /pol/ is a good board when you literally endorse going on reddit
>greentexting like an autistic retard
>using "kys"
>acting like you're not retarded
Please get off /pol/>>800849
you getting triggered, senpai?
I legitimately wish for you to die.
I don't want a discussion, I just want to mock clueless people
You asked me to see one of my posts
Don't play dumb.
I'm not, explain it.
Cum guzzler.
Jizz sniffer.
Why are we calling each other names? Why do you support reddit?
Penis licker.
Why do you support reddit anon?
Shit drinker.
This could actually work. Wonder why i never thought of it before
I like the idea. Make /pol/ foot the bill
We're going to build a wall around /pol/, and we're gonna make /pol/ pay for it!
/pol/ already shots everywhere
They have no leverage really get rid of it.
How about you whore yourself to /pol/ and direct the proceeds to https://www.4chan.org/donate
why is it still halloween in here?
Ooooooooooor we could make /pol/ like /vip/
kek anime libtards suck my cock hirshima luvs us

This would be fascinating. Hiro won't do shit though.

He could make it possible to post for only those that have 4chan passes. That way /pol/ has their safespace, and 4chan benefits.

He could always fuck with the format of /pol/. There are a lot of dumbasses that can't figure out around it.
there are other boards to post retard
This thread is full of
he should be doing it ASAP
this place is going down one way or another after an of the candidate wins
Thread posts: 270
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