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Ad blocker general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 279
Thread images: 38

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Ad blocker general

Since the ads are still here, we need to let more users to know how to bolck the ads.
Post and discuss the ad blocker you use or recommand, how to make the blockers work and the effectiveness of them.
Ad blockers
For Chromium, Firefox / Firefox for Android, Debian/Ubuntu, Microsoft Edge:
uBlock Origin

For iDevices Safari: (the one I personally use)

Feel free to add to the list.
You can copy this and post them in all threads complaining about ads.
ANDROID: Use YuBrowser, it's like Chrome but has adblocking built in.
Thanks for your suggestion. Someone else may test it because I don't have an android device.
I'm using Ad Away on my Android which requires root and I haven't seen anything since the J-List days.
Lucky you, I got a Verizon phone and apparently, they can't be rooted
i'm only getting ads on /v/
I'm on iOS right now and using Adblock Plus. Gets rid of most ads (especially those really annoying pop up ads I was experiencing here on 4chan), though today I noticed that it wasn't getting rid of a couple of ads here.

Question- would it be a good idea to use Adblock Plus and Adblock Mobile at the same time? I'm considering doing this.
depends. verizon s7 can be rooted
What, too much of a hipster to use good old AdBlockerPlus?
If they use the same filter list, then it's unnecessary to use 2 blockers at the same time.
I'm using it on my PC.
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>blocking ads on 4chan
isn't that the whole reason for this site dying? they're not intrusive at all, I just keep it disabled on 4chan
>not intrusive at all
Guess you didn't get the malware yet.
>He fell for "4chan is dying" meme.
i havent. thats a thing?
>Guess you didn't get the malware yet.

not the same person you are responding. I've been using noscript and adblockplus. The only jarring thing is the big gaps between the banner and the thread. No pop-ups so far.
>that's a thing?
Yes, any flash-based or script-based advertisement service invariably pushes malware eventually. Every time you load a page, it's just clicking the revolver until the right type of malware that is crafted for your browser, for your system, for your set of plugins is hit.

Which is why the only really safe option is to disable them. Banner ads were just fine because they didn't load in tons of scripts.
I dare you to get noscript, temporarily allow the entire page, and then watch the 'allowed' advertisement scripts flood in. Look how many there are. Then look at the lock at the top left of the page: 4chan isn't even secure anymore because it loads 3rd party advertisements that are inherently not secure advertisement services.

This isn't even counting if you're on a phone. It's apparently fucking madness over in phoneland; with people getting redirected to chinese porn and Russian malware sites.
Well, of course you won't get malware or popups if you block the scripts that call the malware or pop-ups.

I don't put it past Hiro at this point to eventually start trying to load pop-up ads, though.
Alright, makes sense.

Not the same guy, but before I downloaded Adblock plus in my phone j was getting redirected from 4chan by ads. It was really annoying and it was the primary reason I downloaded Adblock plus. Now I don't get redirected anymore.
>I'm using adblock and I'm not seeing ads
Mystery of the fucking century right there.

Right click the big gap ad-space and you can hide it through ab+
Huh, I've been running with no adblock for a while and haven't noticed a difference. Thanks for the heads up though, I didn't know it was that bad.
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>chinese porn and Russian malware sites
Be cautious. They have top-tier hackers there
This depends on the area. Try browse with a US vpn, you will see bunch of ads.
I am using Adblock Browser on my phone. Its an app in the play store for android. Blocks ads very well.
>tfw shitty old phone can't download ad blocks
For Windows Phone or Windows Mobile:
Interop Unlock it and install AdBlocker
Added. Thanks!
I thought WP is dead though.
How can I add a whitelist element in uBlock? Want to unblock banner ads (where J-list usually was).
Here is a uBlock profile copied from another thread:

ublock options > my filters

boards.4chan.org##body > .center:nth-of-type(4)
boards.4chan.org##body > .center:nth-of-type(10)
boards.4chan.org###delform > .center:nth-of-type(3)
boards.4chan.org###delform > .ad-plea-bottom.ad-plea
boards.4chan.org##body > .center:nth-of-type(3)
boards.4chan.org##body > .center:nth-of-type(8)
boards.4chan.org###content > .center:nth-of-type(7)

boards.4chan.org###blotter > thead > tr > td > .aboveMidAd

Save settings
this is nice viruse
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Hiro did this purely for milking money.
I don't even see any ads
I'm not having problems...though that's probably because I directly blocked everything suspicious manually.
It's Hiro's poor choice of ads that make me keep the adblocker active. Trust me, I'd love to disable my adblocker and support 4chan that way, but since Hiro decided to put in MALICIOUS ads, that is clearly not an option.

If Hiro could just get rid of the malware ads and go back to the good old J-list ads we used to have in the past, I'd gladly unblock the ads. But since we have to deal with auto-redirecting ads and whatnot instead, I'm going to keep it active until Hiro pulls his head out of his ass.
Adblock plus:
Kill yourself
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Installed the Adblock app you posted and allowed it, I get big empty spaces above the banners (I assume that's it working) but every so often I get an ad still.
I updated the filter list and still some slip through the net.

What a surprise, it's one of the ones Hiro replied to last night saying he'd reported it.
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I don't want to look at gigantic "find le russian sluts near you" kind of trash.

It's retarded and has nothing to do with 4chan.
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It only seems to be that ad that is appearing, I don't know if it's malicious or not but I don't want to risk clicking it to find out.
Does pic mean the ad blocker is working?
Maybe not, on my phone banner is blocked too. You have to manually enable it in settings.
And don't forget to "update filter list" in the app.
Who /finallyenabledadblockon4chan/ here?

Was fine with ads before.
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It should look like this
Updating filters now, cheers
I really like the Chrome browser, but Adblocks don't really seem to work with it.
There's the official ABP browser, but it's much slower.
How to whitelist the board specific banners?
I buy a 4han pass, thats enough contribution. Adblock stays on, and I have no idea what ads there are.
AdBlock will whitelist ads in return for a "donation", switch to uBlock Origin.
Not compatible with Chrome on android, only firefox.
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Any android adblock? I might use firefox and get an extension off of there.

Also why are there these cancer popup ads? What have you done you japjew

Bottom of pic
I came here to post about those. He actually doesn't fucking get it. He is adding the worst kinds of ads, it's so fucking disgusting. I haven't seen shit like this in years

I really don't like clover but I might just have to switch to it because this is becoming unbearable
Are there any recommended and easy-to-use adblockers for Opera or is it finally time to switch to Firefox?

I don't browse many websites besides 4chan and Youtube, so I never really needed an adblocker, I didn't mind the j-list ads and some of the user-bought ads were hilarious. But this malicious shit obviously isn't acceptable.
What's wrong with AdBlock Plus? I see a lot of people complaining about the default whitelist, but if you turn it off you can still block everything.
>open thread on mobile
>get max strength vibration
>hit back
Why does he do this? Also I thied making a thread asking about at least removing the popups that follow as you scroll, but it kept saying i was spam. Why? I tried changing uo the spacing, the word advertising, but still nothing. Anyone know why? How many ad threads are usually posted? I also just came by to complain about these new ads so i dont know whats up
There's nothing really wrong with it, it's just that a lot of people don't use something that supports it.
He claims he's removing malicious ads, but obviously not as these pop ups at the bottom are new
>you cant leave the page without killing the tab
This place literally has turned into porn site tier in regards to ads
>Any android adblock?
Firefox + ublock
I use with noscript on my firefox. Firefox is really slow though, is it because of abp? Is there a better one with a better whitelist? Keep in mind I have an emergency potato rn
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So this must be new because now I'm getting those auto scroll ads that stay on the bottom of the screen
It pains me to see what hiro is doing, why did moot leave? Couldn't there have been 2 admins?
Alright ill convert then, i read that an anon above had setup and filter problems, care to guide me through it?
Firefox for Android is one of the worst browsers out there.
Good shit with the ios blocker I couldn't find one that worked for me OP
>why did moot leave?
Why? What's wrong with it?

I used both Firefox and Chrome and didn't really notice any difference on mobile.
>Hiro adds intrusive ads to squeeze more shekels
>people otherwise not bothered by ads previously are now also using adblockers
Bravo Hiro.
It's slow as shit
It just keeps getting worse. How could you do this to your loyal community? I hate Hiro now!
Testing this, it's great. It's 1:1 Chrome but with an adblocker. I even imported all my favoourites in a whim. Thanks for the suggestion.
I'm using neverads on iOS. Seems to be working for me.
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I was super fine with the ads until I saw one of these.

Fucking hell
Really? How so? I know he got triggered so much that he filtered out some phrase to weeaboo iirc, what did pol do to our favorite basement normie?
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It's pretty fast on my shitty old Xperia.
Same, downloaded as well. Solid browser
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Same, it's getting ridicolous. What's next? An ad page you have to skip after 5 seconds when you enter a thread?
>mfw I got NSFW ads like that on blue boards
I thought 4chan was a non-profit organization.
/pol/ has a nasty habit of being absolutely retarded and bring a ton of attention to themselves, which also brings attention to 4chan.

Moot couldnt deal with being constantly under scrutiny.
Normies mang, cant disassociate
Also Git gud moot (because now that you havent, we have japjew and his cancer)
I think what actually made him leave was the fappening and all the legal trouble that shit caused, not /pol/s little campaigns.
>/pol/s little campaigns
Little? KEK.
/pol/'s dumbfuckery is what caused GG and cripple chan. That was a huge kick in the nuts for the poor moot.

[vibration intensifies]
This. Download clover. No ads anywhere.

Fuck you hiro

I want to laugh at mobile users getting hosed like this, but i know it's only a matter of time till this shit starts appearing on desktops
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Download clover.

Also everyone save and post this image
It's already happening.
According to his q&a, he had started planning to leave the site a couple of years prior, before any of the garrison shit.
*final q&a
So he can only track text? We could start communicating via images only.
I have never used an adblocker until today, thanks hiro.
So what's a good malware scanner for checking if I'm infected? Is MSE good enough or must I get a specific malware scanner?
Malware bytes
Explain this deep lore please

How do we kick him out now?
Can you post the text you tried to post to pastebin and link it?
Call me new, but whats futaba? And why would they post a blog about their jewish scheme? Im scared guys, ctr, this, females using trips and getting stuff

AdBlocker now sells ads retard. They classify them in intrusive ads and non-intrusive ads and only block the former ones. You can pay them to not block your ad provided it meets the requirements.
Ill try, i didnt save it...
Be careful using ad blockers if you frequent /adv/. The URL of that board in particular confuses most blockers, and messes things up.
It has been happening on desktops, albeit less frequently, for almost a year now. Malwarebunny has been adding malicious ads gradually, starting with the front page and spreading.
Futaba is 2chan, which is the basis of 4chan. Not to be confused with 2ch, a text board which Nagashima founded.

Basically, 2ch is Japanese reddit (text only), and 2chan is Japanese 4chan (image board).
My adblockplus on my browser was installed 2 yrs ago and has no problem disable that option.
Are they doing this thing now? Maybe someone can provide an old version.
The fappening was the straw that broke the camel's back, but moot had despised /pol/ and their antics for a long time.
Why didn't he just remove the entire board?
Yes I'd say get the premium version or get Comodo Antivirus.

I'm thinking I'm gonna fall back on Comodo at some...or I'll buy Bullguard.
You just have to add exception rules.
That doesn't allow any ads, it just fixes the non-ad stuff broken by EasyList.
Thank you so much OP
I've just used regular AdBlock for the longest time without issue, I'm curious at what uBlock does better. I'd be willing to switch if it sincerely is better, I just want to know how.

Wipr is the best add blocker by far for applefag's

>remember if you give the slightest f*ck turn off your adblocker

op/tumblr or whoever is going to kill this site because it is a basin of logical free speech. We learn by arguing and calling each other bad names.

Don't be a cuck and turn off your adblocker and have a look at the adverts with malwarebytes.

The last 2 days I have not found anything bad but >applefag IF YOU JUST DONT LIKE THE THE LOOK OF THE ADVERTS AND TURN YOUR ADBLOCKER ON YOU KILLED 4CHAN


never forgetti moms spegetti
Ah ok, is 2ch equally as scummy as reddit?
It was, since it was literally founded by the current owner of 4chan Hiroyuki Nakashima, who is considered a scumbag.
Rip us. How did they get him to leave? The image above said they kicked him out somehow
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I'll turn off Ublock for 4chan if Hiro deletes /pol/ and drives off its followers.

This is non-negotiable.
It seems the Migid ads are able to bypass adblock
Charge your phone
Why don't all you niggers have uBlock Origin?
He did illegal things and amassed a large amount of debts by not paying taxes and lying about his finances and then had to flee Japan.
The moment intrusive 3rd party RUSSIAN ads showed up was the moment I adblocked 4chan.
If I'm killing the site, so be it. Hiro's the one who loaded the gun.
Moot you goof what have you done.
Its almost like the Japanese soros
I have am Android device and wanted to use Adblock Plus, so I installed the Samsung Internet app. It's actually a little faster than Chrome, so that's nice, but I'm having trouble getting webms to play. Anyone else experience this?
Fucking use yubrowser god damn
That doesn't answer my question.

I don't want to root my phone purely to install a web browser purely for browsing 4chan. I'd sooner quit coming here altogether.
Install clover
The only thing that comes up in the Play Store is Mimi Reader, which is ad supported. Literally no fucking point.
Because play store doesn't respect your freedoms, maybe if you used google search you wouldn't have had to make an embarassing post
What do I get for an iphone?
What date did he start adding malicious ads? Image is too quality to see the dates.
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>look up zkdn after seeing noscript is blocking it
>leads to a bunch of Chinese shit
Good fucking lord, I don't remember shit being this bad before.
November 3, 2015
Will uBlock be on phones? Adblock sold out and whitelists places.
Is the default options and blocklists on ublock origin enough to block all ads on 4chan or do I need to create specific filters too?
Do I also need noscript or just ublock origin would be enough?
Do I need noscript to block ads from javascript or is ublock origin default install good enough? Sorry, I'm an idiot about these things. >>795059
ublock origin will stop the scripts from even being downloaded.

If you're paranoid about new scripts being added that might not be on your filter lists, you might try using noscript and only running whitelisted third-party JS, but you can do that with custom filters in ublock origin also. Also some people who do the whitelisting thing use umatrix instead. But so far everything he's added is blocked by the usual filters.
Can confirm this is good
Much thanks. I'll stick to just ublock origin for now.
You might really want to snag Noscript and uMatrix, to stop those shitty scripts from fucking with you.
>not intrusive
theres pop-up porn on /pol/ - and, its pretty damn intrusive, trust me.

This **** is a nightmare, hes got to go.
I feel like I'm getting baited but in these times I can't rule anything out

did you just * out a curse word?
go back to plebbit you fucking faggot
I read umatrix is more for the power user and since I'm dumb I could be making things more complicated. I'll get it if the site gets worse but I don't want to complicate matters if I don't need to atm.
You mentioned that scripts are dowbloaded
How do you "uninstall" scripts? For both android and pc?
Can people post their filter lists?
You don't need to "uninstall" them. Once the script is blocked and you have reloaded the page, it won't be executed anymore, even if it's still in your browser's cache. If you want to remove the script from your system entirely, even though there is really no need to do this unless you want to save disk space, simply clear your cache.

Downloading doesn't mean permanently saving. Everything you look at on the Internet, your computer has to download.
This shit has gotten out of hand. I even turned off adblock last week to help keep 4chan alive, but the ads are so fucking intrusive.
Had to install firefox and get ublock on it on my phone fuck that shit

Also have clover now as well
Thinking about downloading Clover, and therefore, F-Droid. Will I have to redownload any apps I currently have on my phone if I were to download it? What else should I know about the software?
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Jailbreak for fuck's sake.
Once you've done that:
>Adblocker 2
>Minimal Hosts Blocker
>Fortune http://moreinfo.thebigboss.org/moreinfo/depiction.php?file=fortuneDp shit compared to clover but the best we have
none of the safari adblockers work with iphone4s :( theyre all iphne 5 and above
wtf that tim hortons employee had the same breakdown in my city
I miss m00t.
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>get an app that will adblock in every single app with custom lists in whatever app you choose (toggleable)
>hosts file block to catch what adblock doesn't
And finally an iphone friendly client that will actually play webms as well as a user friendly design.
iOS devices must be jailbroken to have some semblance of functionality.
I get redirected to the download the Uber app when I click on a thread sometimes. Really weird. Decided to just start browsing with Clover.
How do I block these? I'm on Firefox with uBlock Origin but these show, and manually blocking them isn't working.
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forgot image
Did you whitelist the site? Double-check that first.
What filter lists are you using?
Ah, I had it whitelisted since I didn't mind the J-list ads. Simple overlook. Thanks.
>Tfw technologically illiterate
I've been phoneposting. Will deleting browsing history and cookies and staying off of here keep me fine or no?
>literally got my first smartphone today
>trying to browse 4chan is impossible buzz buzz bullshit
>this thread
Thank you, I love you faggots so much as always. I really hope we don't die as a collective, hiro's a fucking cock.
Fucking kill yourself.
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>tfw both adblock apps on ios and it's still not blocking the popups and other shit
How the fuck do I get rid of this shit?
Adblock Plus works fine on my computer but it doesn't stop them on my iphone.
how do I disable ads in opera?
I've tried using adblocker plus but it also makes you browse as a proxy, which slows down the website considerably, the report window fails to open correctly and thumbnails of images also fail show.
I installed firefox with ublock but I have to manually change where to save images in the settings everytime, instead of like a pop up window in opera opening every time you click to save an image asking where to save. It also doesnt have readily available refresh function and the new tab opens last instead of between the current tab and next tab. Also it does not have the scroll bar and I have to swipe very fast to scroll down a thread.
If I could get these things in firefox it would be great.
If I could block ads in opera without slowing it down it would also be great.
They're going to take your credit card info anon
Just a heads up guys, Hiromoot is lying to you, trying to steal your monies
We already knew, fuck off back to /pol/, slowpoke.
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>archived threads
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>Hiro works to shut down all existing archives to create less competition
The site is not dying
Hiro LIED about server costs
he sells 4chan pass users information to 3rd party companies and criminals
I can bet you hiro will evantually take down the site for a day or two, and every gullible shill will panic throw money at him, but when the site comes back up, we'll still have malicious ads.
>no opera
Wew lad.
Install a adBlock is a so hard process that need's a whole general?
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I wouldn't give him ideas, there are some easy and nasty ways of stopping the archives from functioning.

Step 1: Jailbreak. Install Minimal Hosts blocker of Cydia. Install a copy of Adblocker 2 if you are on compatible iOS.

Step 2: Add filters to Adblocker 2 like I've listed here http://i.imgur.com/QM3Nvkw.png (correct filters were checked by setting useragent on my desktop browser to mobile). Now your 4chan is adless but you can't do anything about the fucking space because tfw no element hider. Make sure that the adblocker is turned on for the apps you want.


Step 1: Jailbreak
Step 2: Install Fortune. Enjoy your adless 4chan and webms on your iPhone.

My custom setup adblock setup for 4chan on my desktop:

Blocks the sounds and partyhats:

Removes useless shit like empty gaps, banners etc
4chan-x in itself can remove every single ad by blocking from Content Security Policy, but anyway I use umatrix, Reek's antiadblock killer and ublock.

These are my quality of life filters:
boards.4chan.org###absbot > .absBotDisclaimer
boards.4chan.org###delform > .board > hr:nth-of-type(1)
boards.4chan.org###footer-links > a[href="//www.4chan.org/contact"]

To get rid of all the unnecessary shit
Le wrong pasted list meme
That's the correct one to use for iOS's Adblocker 2

>The only jarring thing is the big gaps between the banner and the thread

boards.4chan.org##.center > div
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>use oneechan
>set the configurations to not show the malicious ads
>not even being chromium or chrome canary

What's a good adblocker for Opera?
Opera have their own adBlock, newfag.
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Doesn't look like 90 pixels in height to me.
Opera is the best browser, firefox cucker.
No. This site is profiting.
Are you stupid? Read that again. I'm implying he'll fake it by taking down the site so people will throw money at him.
The site is profiting, so it's questionable whether the money people would throw at him would be more than he'd get just by operating the site.
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Have you even bothered to use Opera? It's actually a great and fast browser. I use it as my backup browser over Chrome.
I'd say yes, right now people are panicking about the site going down. There are actual delusional people who support him fervently.
I'd say the shock factor would bowl not only them but those on the middle ground as well. There's nothing like a disaster to get people moving.
not that easy to monetize a site like 4chan. Cash is cash, no conversion problems.
Explain to pleb
Just use Chrome Canary if you're a pleb
if you're a pleb why not just use google chrome?
Is there anyway to get rid of the big spaces after blocking the ads. It's annoying seeing them.
Was that?
I guess this is slightly related. Do you know any good extensions for vpn esque things for firefox? Just something to change the country it says im in.
I'm dumb. How do I get captcha to pop up now that I have adblock plus downloaded for my phone? I'm using the easy subscription.
If you're using uBlock Origin, in general you can hide blank spaced by right clicking them and selecting "Block Element". This will open an interface where you can select what you want to hide and preview the results. This generates new filters that are added to your list in the uBlock settings under "My Filters".

Here are some filters you might find useful. You would add these to the list under "My Filters" mentioned above.

! Hide blank spaces:
www.4chan.org###bd > div[style]
! Hide begging message:
boards.4chan.org##body > div.center[style]
! Hide extra horizontal rule from above ad:
! Show board banners:
Concentrated botnet
So I'm doing that, and I can close up the space for a time, but when I refresh the page, the blocks come back.
Did you save them?

You can also click on the icon > ublock origin and the in dashboard go to my filters and copy paste that block, then click save
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Thank you anon, but what is the begging message? I don't recall ever seeing that.
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What the fuck is this giant space? My ad blocker isn't even turned on. It seems to only happen on sfw boards.
>open sauce meme
Not bothering, after you retards claimed that GIMP was better than Photoshop.
Read the thread, people have already posted about 20 cosmetic filters.
>He needs his hand held just to draw a circle
So I want to allow the ads where chanbuy is now. What custom filter would I add to allow it to show them?
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That doesn't show up for me anymore, even with the filter removed.
It might not, it doesn't show up for certain user agents or if you have a pass.
>>open sauce meme
>Not bothering, after you retards claimed that GIMP was better than Photoshop.
Alo you are stupid you are using blink right now.
>those permissions
no thanks
No it seems like you are the stupid one.
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So is it impossible for me to allow the ads that show up here to go unblocked? I used to just whitelist 4chan because the ads in that space weren't intrusive and even fit the mood of the site (ie Jlist catering to weebs), but ever since we got these retarded facebook ads, that's not an option anymore.
The only reason you freetards don't realise how shit GIMP is for art is because you are artistically retarded and have never attempted to do art in your lives.

I guess it's the number one case of the blind leading the blind when it comes to open sauce - none of you have actually attempted to use the software you recommend.
That's not possible cause hiro dropped the deal with jlist ads.
/ic/ here.
Gimp is perfectly fine, it's probably the most lightweight most complete graphic editing program.
I have tried photoshop, sticked a little with corel painter, but I still go back to fucking MS paint and gimp since they are the most bloat free.
I know that, it was just an example. Is there any way to unblock that space?
Well I'm /ic/ too and I find GIMP to be quite possibly the most completely shit program I've ever come across. Fine for pixel art. Monumentally bad for everything else except perhaps the colour to alpha feature.

Lineart in SAI, colouration in PS won't go wrong. Have not tried Corel.
Yes, you could open the logger and figure out which zillion out of the bazillion third-party ad scripts Hiroyuki is loading are involved in loading the ads in that space, then add exception rules for them (you can do this easily from the logger interface by clicking the fourth column). Or you can click the "+" next to "requests blocked" (you may need to check "I am an advanced user" in the settings for this, I forget), which is an even quicker way of making exception rules, but shows fewer details.

You would NOT necessarily get unintrusive ads this way. The ads being loaded in that space now are very different from what it was like under moot. Some of the ads are the same, but now everyone and his dog seems to be involved in displaying them.
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There have been all sorts of problematic ads. Which increased the number of people running ad blockers, which resulted in friendly advertisers such as J-list not renewing their contracts with 4chan due to reduced click-through rates (can't click on ads you don't see).

I actually wish I could turn on ads in Clover. I don't mind supporting the site with ad views. I'm just not going to click on any unless Hiro does something to make me trust them again.
Cool Thread
Fuck that, it's easier just to hide the space.

You see Hiro? This is what happens when you do this shit. I used to support the site, but because of this bullshit, now I won't.
When I save the block, it doesn't do anything. When use the ublock elements and choose what to kill, it closes the block, but once it refreshes it comes back. Noticeably my filters remain in my filters.
Was browsing /a/ on my phone with the mobile browser when an ad popped up that made me close all the tabs on my browser, plus the ad had a girl's titties and something like "hot singles want to talk to you"
These new ads are fucking bs especially since I'm supposed to be on a worksafe board and I get titties popping up in my face
I was browsing on my phone on /vr/ and got a bunch of pop-up ads telling me I won something, and a some more saying my phone was infected with viruses that I needed to install something to get rid of.

As others have said, this shit is unacceptable.
I have an older phone (iPhone 5c) so I can't use the Adblock in the OP.
I can't keep browsing like this. What should I use guys?
Wtf dude?? But you WON!!
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>can actually get malicious redirects without tapping any ads
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Nice ads Mook

The real winner is Hiro, who has won my contempt.
But you got $150000 Google prize! you're very lucky
is it really time to just switch to reddit
The chink has no interest in anything but filling his pockets and the website quality is failing because of it

Like really, this wont get fixed will it?
Guys pls.
all those external sites are scraping entire boards (even the entire site in the case of a few) and requesting gigantic amounts of data every hour so they can host that data offsite.
you wonder why 4chan's bandwidth is up at about 3PB a month, well external archives that save literally everything in real time are a big part of the problem.
honestly moot should have clamped down on this a long time ago, it looked like he was going to for a while but he never did
wtf i love 4chan pass archives now
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why the fuck would anyone run an expensive site for free?
this is 4chan, its designed to make profit.
the best adblock is to stop using your phone to browse the internet
FUCKING trow that piese of shoite iToy away, and get an Android (+Clover, whatever) - its not that difficult, is it now?
Desktop/Laptop using browser adblock or host blocking should be fine.

It's mobile users who need help. For Android users, just use this guide. Side loading clover is better idea

There is also a shit ton of adblock baked browsers for Android. If you need system wide adblock consider adblockplus, dns66
>would rather get raped by play store redirects, vibrating fake Android ads, rather than grant permissions to a browser

OK bub
>isn't that the whole reason for this site dying?

If it truly is dying it's because of Hiro constantly trying to fix what wasn't broke. Also I used to not block ads here until that idiot started letting malicious ads take place of j-list.
Guys, I am worried.

Do the malware ads infect your computer when you open them, or just by having them load on 4chan?
they infect and you won't even know it
this isn't 1999 anymore
>I wouldn't give him ideas, there are some easy and nasty ways of stopping the archives from functioning.
Except he's already starting
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God, I actually want to punch some of those people in the face.
You are an idiot.

>le ebin astroturfing meme XD

y'all dun shill'd ya newfags
It's literal proof he's trying to take down the fucking archives so he can use the 4chan hosted one for profit.

These are his own fucking posts, there's no refuting this.

You fell for it, you fucking retard.
You are an idiot.
And you're choking on Hiro's cock
You are an idiot.
Not my question my negro friend.

>Do the malware ads infect your computer when you open them, or just by having them load on 4chan?
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WE need to run him down, some how, some way, he must leave.
This is not Canadian
Many of the ads open themselves now. Whether they redirect you to another site like that or not, the advertisers are running their own scripts, and can run malicious ones. Whether a malicious script infects you depends on whether your browser is vulnerable and what plugins you are using.
>not intrusive
>ads taking extra space and redirecting from actual links
>and here's a fucking picture of disfigured toenails :^)
no regrets
just use uBlock

better at handling resources and no default whitelist, that's it
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For everyone using the 4chanX extension for chrome and you want to know how to enable the banners, I have a solution.
Go into your advanced settings and paste this into the javascript area in the pic related
After you've done that you need to disable the uBlock Origin and you will be able to see the banners without malware ads.

>whitelisting ad websites
Yea, no one is that stupid.
If you dont wanna use another browser you can use adblock plus if you download it from there official site and follow the instruction.
The last will. Or you install adblock or similiar
You should keep uBlock Origin on, especially if you're using Chrome, which won't always load 4chan X in time to block the ads. You can add exceptions in uBlock Origin as well. But I think you will find that those exceptions don't allow anything but the house banners (things like "buy a pass" and "read the rules") and will leave you with a blank space most of the time.
You can get rid of the blank spots but far as I can figure must be done each time you enter or refresh a thread.
How do I filter only the shit ads? I like the banners.
It was already explained ITT.
Best thing I've done besides get an ad blocker on my iphone and turn off my whitelist on my comp, is disable the mobile view on my phone. It's a little old fashioned in moving around in it but, it works.
I don't have any adblocking software, and somehow this ad blocked itself. I have never been more apalled with g00k. If I were able to click on this ad, I'd probably end up on some government list. God dammnit Im mad.
Can't browse multiple tabs of threads, use catalog filters or even just change the theme, browser with adblock is superior
Guess you don't browse on mobile
Absolutely disgusting normalfaggots.
Why does 4chan load stuff from 2ch.sc? I get it, it's hiro's copy of 2ch but are they really linked already?
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>dumb phoneposters
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