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>This is real. Are you joking, Hiro? ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING?

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 399
Thread images: 50

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>This is real.
Are you joking, Hiro? ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING? WHY do we need a board like this? WHERE do we need a board like this? HOW do we need a board like this? I'm trying to go through the mental gymnastics to comprehend this shit.

This site is running out of money and Hiro makes a fucking dickwaving board? I looked at the date and see that it's not April 1st. It's not April Fool's day. We're already past that, It's fucking October now, so what the fuck? Hiro needs to leave. NOW. He has no idea how to run this site.
>4chan is having money problems
>give and incentive for people to pay
>In no way effects any other board

Talk about fox and grapes here.
stop telling hiro how to save the site if you wont even fork over a 20 to save it
Quality /vip/ threads:


You too can join in and talk with 3DPD attention whore slut for the low price of 15$
truly we are in hell
Most other chans have a VIP board that only people who donate to the site can post on you fucking newfag
There's nothing odd about this being added
4chan gold soon comrade.
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What are you going to do when le ebin based hiro only makes stickies on /vip/ to ask pass users for feedback? A time where shitposters will be able to pay to change the fate of this site for the worse(even still) and hiro will listen because he has no idea what the fuck to do due to not knowing any better?
>/vip/ as a texboard died
>now brought back as an imageboard
>pay to post

As a VIPPER I'm outraged by this cultural appropriation.
7chan isn't "most other chans" and most other chans are dead vanity exercises.
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Admittedly moot said he'd never do this, but is there really anything wrong with turning 4chan into a SomethingAwful style pay-to-post (and pay to download) situation?

No lurkers, no noobs, no cross-site visitors, no casuals, no raids, no people who spam inane boards with garbage.

Name a single con to this plan besides that your jew ass who won't shell out 20 bucks a year to participate in area code slut threads on /b/
Hiro is stupid.

>2channel = 2ch
Why don't we just get accounts and a post rating system while we're at it, friendo.
Please anon, im already scared. That could be the unironic nail in the coffin
>say that X isn't a bad idea
>hahaha you must think A and B are good ideas too
Not what I was talking about. Refute X or fuck off.
>No lurkers, no noobs, no cross-site visitors, no casuals, no raids, no people who spam inane boards with garbage.
>No new users

And that's why it's a failed business model. The /vip/ board isn't a failed business model, it's just a dickwaving board that is unlikely to encourage anyone to buy a pass.
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> but is there really anything wrong with turning 4chan into a SomethingAwful style pay-to-post (and pay to download) situation?

Other than SomethingAwful's creative heyday being a decade behind it and now being known almost exclusively for retarded eve online shenanigans and retarded echo chamber politics?

>no raids
I remember better days...
l2crossboard post
isn't a paywall board entirely against what 4chan was about?
no, says what?
as if hiro cares

in reality, the only thing that matters is money and that is all that everything is about
You'd be sacrificing profit for quality, maybe even content.
Who would want to pay to post in a ghost-town anyway?
I can't wait until all porn boards are locked behind pass access and listed as a premium feature with the site loaded with ads inbetween posts and back at the bottom and sides of the page.
my shortsighted jewish ally
are you fucking retarded
only the worst of the worst will stay, everyone with half a brain will just fuck off and go somewhere else
I'm going to make my own 4chan that isn't shit like this one. fuck you gookmoot.
>WHY do we need a board like this?
To encourage people buying passes, to make more money, to be able to pay for our servers, bandwidth, cdn, etv.

Where have you been in the last 72 hours?
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I can't wait for this site to die.
not entirely, there is still pseudo-anonymity
>and the millionth 4chan clone was born...
This isn't the way. It's a clever tactic but it's setting up 4chan for the worst.
already done, they are mostly shit.
Try to do a decentralized 4chan, that would be nice.
you fucking ignorant bastards

>It's always been my desire to provide 4chan for free to as many people as possible, for as long as possible

>Many people have asked why I decided to start Canvas as a separate project instead of modernizing 4chan. The answer is simple: I, like you, enjoy 4chan the way it is. I thought it inappropriate and incompatible to change 4chan solely because I wanted to work on something new, and so Canvas spun off while 4chan remained the same.

>I think of 4chan as a hobby and not a business. To that end, I don't operate it in a way that any sane business person would. I am proud of the fact that I've been able to provide the site free of charge, with minimal advertising and without annoying donation campaigns for almost seven years now. As I've said in the past, we do a lot with very little, and despite being constantly resource constrained, the site has flourished. None of this would have ever been possible without the thousands of hours of time generously given by our dedicated volunteers, and support of our loyal community.I think of 4chan as a hobby and not a business. To that end, I don't operate it in a way that any sane business person would. I am proud of the fact that I've been able to provide the site free of charge, with minimal advertising and without annoying donation campaigns for almost seven years now. As I've said in the past, we do a lot with very little, and despite being constantly resource constrained, the site has flourished. None of this would have ever been possible without the thousands of hours of time generously given by our dedicated volunteers, and support of our loyal community.
next thing you know 4chan is advertiser friendly and filled with 4chan heroes
heck why not add the voting system ? why not fuck it up all at once and get done with it ?
You realize how much people will fuck off to 8-chan and 7chan, right? The board will be half as active as it currently is, which I guess is hiro's money saving plan, and there are people who will pay to shitpost/find ways to post without paying just to ruin whatever remains.
You people will whine about everything he does.
4chan's content is already near the "worse", and right now the site is failing. This may be a terrible solution but it's still a solution and won't make the situation worse.

Anyway I'm kinda interested in the /vip/ board, I want to see if paying users are actually better than the average shitposter (aka average anon).
He still had to pay for it in the end. The money didn't come from nowhere. Nothing says that was sustainable, Moot probably jumped ship precisely because he saw the writing was on the wall and didn't want to get blamed for 4chan's death (or it having to change to adapt).
4chan has no ideological background, it's just another internet community made popular by its two or three "selling" points: no registration, the anonymity (and pseudonymity) of its users and the ephemerality of its content.
>hiro: hmm I could delete porn boards... reduce the file size limit... merge some boards... ban mobile posters....
>hiro: wait, I know! I'll just make /vip/, that'll solve everything!
The only issue I can think about is how much is that new board gonna cost, if it makes a profit out of it then it's all good.
>implying he won't do both things
The other two options are halving the traffic costs which implies deleting several boards and raping the site with pop-up ads.

imo this is certainly better than option 3 at least.
>doing anything good

he broke ads
he scammed 2ch out of all their cc info and get ousted, 2ch now hates him

some retarded frog being posted on /pol/ does a ton more damage to the servers than a porn dump because of how many more people will view the frog
>yfw 4chan will die by the end of this decade
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hehe





boy i sure do love my wepsi
Yeah but that has nothing to do with whether a paywall (in any form) was within the scope of what 4chan was about.

>Moot probably jumped ship precisely because he saw the writing was on the wall and didn't want to get blamed for 4chan's death (or it having to change to adapt).

If only he had, for once, left a message to the community talking about the state of 4chan on his stepping down as administrator 21ish months ago...
>I've spent the past two years working behind the scenes to address these challenges, and to provide 4chan with the foundation it needs to survive me by bolstering its finances, strengthening its infrastructure, and expanding and empowering its team of volunteers. And for the most part, I've succeeded. The site isn't in danger of going under financially any time soon, and it's as fast and stable as ever thanks to continued development and recent server upgrades. Team 4chan is also at its largest, and while I've still been calling the shots, I've delegated many of my responsibilities to a handful of trusted volunteers, most of whom have served the site for years.
Those news posts were made when the site was breaking even, before that moot was in deep debt
wonder if it is possible to make money by harvesting user data with 4chan
>This site is running out of money
Don't believe Hiro's lies, we're nowhere near that point yet.

>The site isn't in danger of going under financially any time soon, and it's as fast and stable as ever thanks to continued development and recent server upgrades.
We're being jewed by Hiroshimoot for the promise of special snowflake icons and a private board, nothing more.
I just don't understand. How could Hiro fuck up so badly? Moot said the finance was sufficient and stable. How one man be so shitty at money management?
How the fuck did he break ads and why hasn't he fixed them yet?
>believing moot's lies
Please make /mu/ a pass only board now
It's not only possible but profitable. We're arguably one of the largest internet demographics that advertisers know the least about.
And that negates the ethos how, exactly?

4chan hadn't begged or otherwise readily accepted money from its users from 2005-2012 which includes those bad years where moot went into debt to keep the ship afloat. If anything doesn't that reinforce the idea that moot wanted the site to not require financial investment from its users?
maybe he is simply trying to scam us like is so good at doing, like >>741335 is suggesting
You forget Moot is a known liar
why doesn't this retarded gook allow donations, instead of this retarded shit? notch said he would personally donate up to 100k if he could.
>hmm I could delete porn boards... reduce the file size limit... merge some boards...
how are those not retarded ideas
>how are those not retarded ideas
Please leave.
Probably he just wants to sell passes, for whatever reason, and the finances aren't so bad. I highly doubt any boards are getting removed.
I don't mind the board, it'll probably become a self-contained shitpile that I won't remember exists soon enough.
The little leaf icon thing next to the name being visible on any board seems like much more of a problem to me, though. Anything that allows pass users to visually distinguish themselves from non-pass users will inevitably lead to people flinging shit at each other. It's like having a tripcode, but worse.
Notch could just buy the website. And he should, in fact. Couldn't be any worse than the gook.
Hiro's not interested in selling.
That alone should tell you this is all a fucking scam.
I've literally been saying that in basically every thread defending this shit.
I don't care what it is as long as the site stays around.
> which was his big idea for the site.

So you're saying he's an idiot.
I want to punch most of the people in the /jp/ threads there posting with horrendously-obvious crossboarding style.
Nothing says old /jp/ like people that pay to post, huh? Lots of expendable money, right?
4chan ethos is the one of its owner, moot himself called this a mootocracy. The refusal to ask for donations is the perfect example of the admin's ethos trumping over that of the community's (which doesn't see a problem with them). I don't think Hiro wanted to come to this either, but he deemed it necessary only after failing to make ads more profitable, which was his big idea for the site.
neet culture is dead
>The possibility of Hiro scamming us right now.
It would be glorified extortion.
Honestly while I don't like the idea of paywall'd board, I can't deny /vip/ is less shitty than the other boards. People are less willing to shitpost when their 20bux is on the line.

Keep it I guess, not like the other boards will become paywall'd.
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>I can't deny /vip/ is less shitty than the other boards
Huh, damn, you know that does makes sense (in theory).
You break rules or shitpost heavily enough to get banned there, well, you just wasted money
And that applies to everyone there.

Still as far as I can see it is no less shittier than the rest of the 4ourth channel
He's not. He's trying to use 4chan to offset his other debts.
I'm saying he tried and failed, there's no shame in that, he just needs to find other way.

I do believe he is clueless when dealing personally with the community.
It's actually shittier. With no topic it's just skin-deep threads of little interest.
Sorry, I made a typo and I'm autismal enough to delete my posts because of them.
That's not how it works in practice. When things are that way people become paranoid and only make "safe" posts. It's a board destined to have no substance.
To expand on my post, I predict it's going to become a 2D/random board because posts without substance thrive in such an environment. I already recognize some of /qa/'s "lol cute anime girl" shitpost personalities there.
I'm done looking and will just pretend it doesn't exist.
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>I can't deny /vip/ is less shitty than the other boards
That's a possibility, but I can't remember the last time I saw someone get banned for something "unsafe" other than excessive shitposting or thread spamming. I don't see much of that on /vip/ (yet), that's what I meant by "less shitty".
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>The site isn't in danger of going under financially any time soon
>moot, 1/21/15
You realize that was nearly two years ago. Two years is not "soon."
It pretty damn certainly counts as "any time soon" when talking about a website's finances. What, you think he meant the next month while talking about handing it over?
It's certainly not a long time either, and if Hiro was being honest about the finances of the site, we'd have gotten plenty of forewarning that we were hemorrhaging funds. That, and again, if we were actually in real financial trouble, donations would be open. This shit's all just a ploy to line Hiro's coffers, anon.
I hate to mention /jp/ again, but... /jp/.
Note that I'm not one of the people that romanticizes that shitpost cabal, but this has been the current environment in /jp/ for a while now. I still enjoy /jp/, but empty cuteposting threads dominate it these days.
Some of those threads deserve rapid deletion, but some of them did not.
what a gay css
/vip/ might just be a Reddit containment board. There might be a silver lining to this, after all.
Actually now that I look again, most deserve deletion. However, some of them were decent.
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Yeah, but this is neo-4chan.

Pretty soon pass users will have the ability to delete non-pass users' posts.
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>mfw a 4chan class-war breaks out
Don't give the gook more ideas
>I can't deny /vip/ is less shitty than the other boards
It's literally nothing but shitposts and tripfag circlejerk garbage. Go to Reddit if that is your idea of quality.
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>Pass users make a thread.
>They are able delete posts within their created thread.
>tfw you kinda want to buy a pass now because /vip/ seems like a nice comfy board to post on
Just realized something.

Why the fuck did they call it /vip/? That's way too close to /vp/.

Perhaps it's foreshadowing /vp/'s deletion?
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It's obviously a board for posting cats sitting on tables
If 1%of /vip/ knows of tablecat I would be amazed.
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It's literally 4chan gold.

Hiro might be smart af honestly. Everything he does seems to have a purpose that comes to light later. He told us things were going to shit and mentioned financial issues, we exhaust all our shitposting as he then disappears again and continue exhausting out shitposting over worry and concern and then he does this out of nowhere and we can't even be arsed flinging shit his way for it anymore.

The Youtube video on the 404 page was a similar thing, by the end of it he had people thanking him for putting it in the state that it is despite the fact Yotsuba was gone for a bit.

I don't know. Where are you Hiro? Are you just playing us all for fools? Is the site really in trouble?
SomethingAwful is garbage so yes.
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This is pretty disgusting.

>there's enough money for ages. Relax -mootles
>keep the money coming. I'll fuck the site otherwise -Hiroshima Nagasaki
Gee I wonder what is going on.

>4chanGold becomes real
>associating yourself financially with 4chan (and consistently to boot)
>having an ACCOUNT on 4chan
Populated clone chan that isn't run by /pol/acks when?

>no noobs
Kek. I'd rather no shills like you

The site's not in trouble at all, anyone with a brain can see that, otherwise it'd be open for donations. Hiro's just embracing his inner jew and trying to line his pockets.
To be fair the board is 7hours old and it only has 5k posts, with all this shilling I would expect it to have much more with 210k users
That's what makes me wonder, people posted in droves to support the site and he doesn't listen to a single word of it and instead does this despite all the outcry he likely saw
Cry moar faggot
>implying it won't lead to filtering pass users
It's just the same as when spamming was a thing. Filters will show us the way.
>site possesses good infrastructure
>gets sold
>money troubles IMMEDIATELY
>I don't want to shut it down please help
>rich person approaches
>say you don't want to sell but would do it for 11 mil
Yeah such a money sink
>Are you just playing us all for fools?
Yep. He also speaks great English. People bought into the "silly Japanese man no understand internet" persona despite the fact that he went to college in the US and created 2chan.
most pass users are rich Americans and those with jobs aren't home yet
NEETs don't buy passes
I dunno, /vip/ seems to have many /jp/sies
Fucking gook is going to sell our data just like what he did on 2ch. Sad!
Too many users really don't appreciate the real level of egalitarian spirit from moot, free as in freedom and beer were both important to him and the wellbeing of this site.

Hiro's payboard is sickeningly disgusting.
I wonder why he still isn't getting called out on this.
It's just a joke right?
>4chan gold is real

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>you will NEVER post on /vip/
and other assorted broken engrish is too charming for the userbase to give a damn.
Some people said that a hidden secret board that only pass users could access existed before, is this actually true or are they just shitposting?
How could it not be profitable? It's literally a board where every single poster has given 4chan at least 20bux.
Before /vip/, just shitposts.

>>>/j/ is a thing though
Why isn't it a textboard?
where the fuck is the vip quality?
Back to >>>Rev/vip/
Who fucking cares. A precedent doesn't make this activity more acceptable. That they believed that people were sedimentary enough to reveal it publicly now is all the more insulting.

Given how drastically the site is changing with new management nothing is consistent with 4chan anymore. We're posting on the world's most popular clonechan.
If you're happy to post on this clone chan that is turning to shit why not make or find one that is worth a damn?
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>"the servers can't handle all these posts and we're struggling to keep the site afloat"

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this. Its a fucking scam.
The problem is money, retard, they are testing new ways of encouragins people to post.
Are you seriously bitching that Hiro didn't hand the site over to fucking notch and Shkreli?
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>Hiroyuki just shitposts the thread to oblivion to derail the conversation when shit hits the fan, but that's probably not going to work on 4chan users.
It worked great. Especially his stupid fake engrish.
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The site is too far gone and the owner has proven that he's too passive to just jerk the ship in whatever direction.

Just let it end. I personally blame the users who all seem to think they know best, and will throw tantrums with every decision. It's a byproduct of time and cannot be avoided at this scale. People have grown entitled. I mean you can't change /a/ which has been here forever along with it's respective issues, but you ALSO can't change/remove a board like /pol/ which hasn't even been around long because the users are such crybabies.

Thats the main issue. This community, across all boards are just filled with the brim with big ass crybabies.
We never were in danger
Gook just wants extra money to pay his debts
>they thought too much of us
Thanks for the support Nips. Please put us out of our misery now.
literally a reddit feature
>I wonder if he can derail conversations in English as well as he can in Japanese
>Hiroyuki just shitposts the thread to oblivion to derail the conversation when shit hits the fan
Fucking nailed it
Notch would make for a great admin; he's rich and super chill.
Shkreli would be kinda neat too, but I think he would fuck with us a lot.
friendly reminder that buzzword meme faggots such as this guy is what has ruined modern 4chan.
Why is anonymous "Toshiaki" over there? What does that name mean?
;-; fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
If you prefer other forums like something awful, reddit, etc, then this is great.

If you prefer 4chan, then this is terrible.
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>People used to joke about Pay2Post
>People warned us about Hiro
>We didn't listen
friendly reminder that I was drawing parallels between /vip/ and reddit and their reddit gold subreddit
or else you're baiting
If memory serves it's basically the nip equivalent of John Smith over there, basically just anon by another name.
reddit isn't the only one with special features for paying assholes

You know this, hence why you're clearly a memeing tard.
literally a SA feature

happy now?
Shrek would just be Hiroshima Nagasaki in terms of money squeeze and site longevity. The only difference is he'd be up front about it and make the ride wild all the way down.
Notch would fuck with a HEAP of shit without understanding it but things would ultimately endure as they ever have.
Neither are interested in the site, however. Please stop bringing them up.
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>You will never post on /vip/
Only faggots buy passes
Only faggots bought into this shit
This makes me genuinely sad.

The reason people use 4chan is being able to post as equals without being judged, facing any real repercussions or being silenced. Only in such an environment people can be their most genuine.

And that is only possible due to anonymity, lax rules and the knowledge of having nothing to lose.

I don't like where this is going. If Hiro wants pass adaption to rise he will need to put actual content boards behind the paywall, and it seems like he really wants get hold of that money.

As soon as people need to fear loss of their pass they will censor themselves and those who do not pay cannot talk to them, creating a closed of community with different "standards"

Moot please come back
>2ch still think we are all evil hackers

Sorry 2ch but we are nothing more than trash.
How much would you have to save up to buy 4chan form Hiro?
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They tried to warn us. I thought I remembered the japs laughing at us when Hiro was announced as the new admin. Don't think this is the same cap, but in itself its pretty telling.
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Where does Hiro live?
Has /vip/ inspired anyone to buy a pass?
You can't just draw parallels to shit people hate and expect to come out with a valid point.
>responding to someone saying noobs unironically
Kill yourself.

There needs to be a solution. Where are the popular board clonechans? I know /a/ and /pol/ have ones.

I was so close to leaving when the sale was announced. I should have just pulled the trigger then. All waiting has done is make it hurt more.
Underage posters who want to be special snowflakes, I'd assume.
Honestly seems like it's just going to promote elitism. It really goes against the core of the site seeing as though you don't have a special snowflake status here because you've made over 100000 posts here or signed up since 2005 or have a fancy signature that everyone just loves. All your posts are judged by their content, this is one step in removing that
No. It's the perfect 'writing on the wall' moment. We're approaching the event horizon.
Those who do nothing will be sucked in and consumed without reprieve or mercy.
I think Pass sales are undoubtedly up at the moment.

What with the sale, the 4chan pass signature, the financial support for the site and now /vip/. There's the banner contest too
How long until they limit non-pass owners posting amount?
>50 posts a week or pay up
You know well there are enough naive idiots who will think this is a great idea.
I heard it was a namefag on Futaba years ago. They changed everyone's name to toshiaki to fuck with him, and it stuck. I may be wrong though.
whats the point of this board
this is just going to be another board where the novelty will wear off. there's no topic of interest, it will be shitposting until the end.
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>all these pass sales right before voting for banner on /r9k/
Man why can't we have a server cost meter instead? If it reaches 0 lights out and no posting till enough is there to fuel them for another month. Why.
The site shouldn't be in trouble, Hiro is just trying to jew more money out of us
I think we should call for /vip/ to be deleted or hidden and only accessible to pass posters, it would work like /j/. It's existence would only divide this community.
>Pass signatures are back

Holy fuck that joke picture of future 4chan is really happening isn't it
>hiding the evidence of their shitposting and giving them an even more exclusive board
How about no.
hidden != not existent
Isn't the post limit like 500 every 24 hours or something already?
Years. He's playing it slow.
If we assume moot had the money set up as he said and the servers decked out then, unless the model changed (which it didn't) Hiroshima Nagasaki should be fine.
The production of new boards in the name of site improvement and the cancelling of advertisements actively changed the model. These actions are either intentioned or ignorant, you choose.
Anyway, with the stability of the site now in question on the site (and abroad in the media for no reason) he asks for solutions. He hears many and chooses none instead opting to promote 4chanpass. Signatures, icons and an exclusive board. All counter to the 4chan culture, spoken and unspoken.

He's either stumbled into the perfect sabotage or he's playing the long game. My money is on long game. If you can imagine it, it's probably somewhere on the list a few years from now just waiting for the site to be 'ready' for it.
Hiding it would be even worse.
That's why I gave deletion as an option. But the board looks like a shekel goldmine for Hiroyuki since people love to be special snowflakes within a community and Passes do just that here.
Hiding it will never happen. They want you to lurk it and not be able to post so you can "see what you're missing out on!" and join in
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Should be something like that.

He won't sell the site for less than 11 mil.
The only conceivable reason for this other than him screwing us is that he loves the place and doesn't want to relinquish it despite money issues. If you think that he wants to burden the 'financial strain' of 4chan as it 'becomes too expensive' then that's up to you.

The site isn't in trouble. You're being rused extremely fucking hard
Facebook like button on every post when
ITT: People who dont have a pass getting butthurt.
We are already on the first day of Hirogeddon it seems.
Shut up and go swim in your swimming pool within your swimming pool
>hiding it fixes the issue
Sure and just like /j/ it will fester into self aggrandising circle jerks. Just like the IRC it will spawn members trying to fuck with the lowly and lesser 'posters'
No, transparency is key. Both to the stability of the site and to Hiroshima Nagasaki advertising it for shekles.
People like this >>742488 are going to start popping up in every board.
ITP: A guy who dont have a pass getting butthurt
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I thought I was only one.
Says a lot about the userbase that he has to lie to implement changes.
Just send us to hell already.
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>4chan gold account is real
Say hello to the new incentive to buy a 4chan pass goyim.
There already is one zeronet -> 0chan

>only /pol/ and /b/
Yeah no thanks. I like the idea and acknowledge it's in the early stages though.
Hope you guys can flesh it out soon. I'm keeping an eye on it.
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If you're genuinely upset over a VIP board, it would be meaningful to re-evaluate your life, especially if you're over 25.
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Anonymity was the reason I came to this site. I wanted to avoid the circle-jerk and dick measuring of regular forums. You were judged by what you posted instead of how much. This was the spirit of 4chan, and Hiro killed it.
Just switch to the old one and stop complaining.
t. Pass Sympathizer.
Or taking donations.

>but if you want to donate just buy a pass!
what if i'm rich and i already have a pass?
>buy someone else a pass!
>buy it and give it away on /b/
look, i don't want to buy a fucking product and artificially prop up the market, i just want to hand over money.
I'm serious. How old are you? Why are you so upset over a site?
And why are you defending it?
Exactly. That is what set this site apart from all the others.
Because he's saving up to get a pass of his own so he could be a special snowflake too.
Yeah, how dare anyone express or hold an opinion contrary to your own.
>i don't want to buy a fucking product and artificially prop up the market
>teaching people how not to be retarded
>this late in the game
It's like you're content with the current situation or something

>if you do something I don't like you need to re-evaluate
Or instead how about: if you're PAYING for an ACCOUNT on an anonymous image board you can rethink your life instead.
I'm not. I just find it hilarious, not infuriating.

If you're just pretending to be mad, ok, but if this genuinely makes you angry, you should re-evaluate yourself.

Again, why haven't you answered my question? How old are you?
>over a site
This is how I know you're from Reddit,
All the poor miners should leave. It would make 4chan a better place.
I don't browse reddit. I've been on 4chan for about 7 years, but plenty of things happened.

How old are you? Why are you afraid to answer this?
You make me sick
Sup, Hiro. Dropped the engrish to shitpost a bit?
And you me.
>Or instead how about: if you're PAYING for an ACCOUNT on an anonymous image board you can rethink your life instead.
If you would have to rethink your life over $15 then I'm sorry for your position and pray you'll do better in the future

Have strength, brother
I'm serious. What makes you so mad over a site having a VIP section? How old are you?
I'll do whatever I want with my time.

You on the other hand could stop being a high and mighty faggot just because you're indifferent about things other people aren't.
>i-it's just fifteen d-dollars
Why don't you buy one for everyone here then? I pay my bills, how else would I still have net. Having 'the money' for it doesn't make it a good idea, chuckle fuck.

And so it begins
Hiro pls this is embarassing
The site was never breaking even and he constantly had money problems the entire time he ran it.
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this desu
4chan class war begins.
>I'll do whatever I want with my time.
Sure, but you'll regret it at a later stage in your life.
>I pay my bills, how else would I still have net.
You can't take credit for your parents hard work. Go order a pizza instead if that makes you feel better. Enjoy that captcha.
>class war
More like pass war.
I thought 4chan was a place where we were all equals, a place where everyone was an anon just like the rest. But now there's fucking badges in your posts? why would you do that

Where did 4chan go
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I don't have 15 dollars for everyone here, I'm not that rich.

I'm just happy that for the first time in almost a decade I can enjoy a reasonably paced general purpose board, especially one with a good old VIP flair. $15 after all this wait and frustration was worth it.

It's a good thing most of 4chan is against it, helps keep them out.
And what's it to you? How could you possibly even be so certain?

It's really amazing how people come here to posture about living life the "correct" way on 4chan on all places. Christ.
>y-you're not old enough
>y-you're too poor
This is starting to look real desperate here fellers.
All bark and no bite. You can't even address the criticisms.
>i-it's not s-shit I-I swer!
Typical cuckpass user
>No lurkers, no noobs, no cross-site visitors, no casuals, no raids, no people who spam inane boards with garbage.

And no users.
What app did you use to record that?
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>you're just lying if you don't like Pass you simply cannot afford it
OOOOOH GOSH, I didn't know. Who wants to buy some Passes with me guys?
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I-it's okay! I-it's not like I r-regret it one bit...!
All this will do is cause an even bigger schism on a website where pretty much every board already hates each other.

This will literally kill 4chan.
What fucking good old VIP flair? It's not even a goddamn text board.
Down the shitter clearly

I hope to see you around shill-kun
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It's not nearly the same, true, but it is as much as I can ask from an imageboard ITYOOL 2016

If you must know it's because I made them myself around 2009
This thread has gone to shit.
It went with moot. Anyone can run an image board. moot ran 4chan. We're currently using the worlds most popular clonechan (nipchans not included).

Let that sink in. Now that moot is gone the only difference in chans is traffic and what no-name is pulling strings and squeezing pennies in the background.

There is no 'real' chans anymore just clones. When they're all clones, none of them are.
>especially one with a good old VIP flair.
What does this even fucking mean? It was literally created today, and the ideas behind it have absolutely no backing in prior 4chan history or culture.
I'm not an oldfag, but I think 7 years on 4chan is enough for me. Don't waste your breath on what some nip decided to do with a mongolian tapestry forum. Good things aren't supposed to last forever.
Shut up and appreciate some good old fashion VIP(tm) just like Mom used to make.
what was /vip/'s first post?
i guess it was the "test" thread by hiro
Upload folder.
Imagine hating a site so much you try to sabotage any attempt to keep it financially sustainable. Good thing /q/-I mean /qa/ is just a garbage collector for all the complainers.
What is it though?
2ch warned us.
Passfag go and stay go.

These two posts mark the most concerning part of this entire fuck up.
If anyone here can offer a rational basis for this behaviour that doesn't indicate skeevy shit is happening unseen I am all ears.
t. cuck
Fag and cuck. Well done, lads.
>He admits it
>not being a fag
>not being a cuck
Do you even enjoy life?
Passfriend go and stay go

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I make a lot of money. Reply to this post with a throwaway email address, get dubs, and I'll buy you a 4chan pass. 10 passes maximum to be handed out.
Genuinely asking for insight on this one here, folks.
Since I'm among friends I think I'll stay. Thanks, anon. Good to know there are people I can count on.
Dubs and you explain your interpretation of this behaviour
>The site was never breaking even
moot used those exact same words to describe 4chan's financial situation circa 2012
I think mook is having some fun at our expense.
I don't think you understand. I nor anyone I know of is actually opposed to passes. [In fact I would have, if given the opportunity; not anymore obviously] What I am opposed to is the circlejerkery and elitism that Hiro unleashed.

this is why I fear ever releasing a product to the public at large, some people are just unconditioned retards
I can't see why he couldn't do both that and take massive donations but you did answer, cheers.
It really makes you think doesn't it.


Funny how this site has become super serious the past few years. Reminds me of some other place. moot was always fucking around, guess Hiro can't do the same.

Remember when moot added the inline extension and how people flipped out?

4chan X removes the pass leaf with anonymize on. Plus this shit only goes on here.
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I can't just lay bare a waifu folder for all the world to see, that's embarrassing

There's not much you wouldn't find in boorus nowadays anyway
It would set a bad precedent to open donations because this is not a site that can live off donations. People will give once or twice and the issue will come out again at some point.

Also this is just me assuming but I don't think the site is on it's last legs to the point where it desperately needs money. I think Hiro just wants to plan ahead since maybe the current way of things won't last forever.
Literally just [s4s] 1st Class edition.
He IS in /qa/, fuck off.
Just fuck off.
I expect nothing but dolphin porn but that's cool as well I guess.

[email protected]

now check 'em
That is a telling use of words. I myself am greatly looking forward to releasing a product. With transparency of service and quality of product it will sell itself assuming you have the demographic.
You're clearly a scamming little Grabler.
>He IS in /qa/
Damn son, you smart.
>linking to current board
wew lad
Pretty much this. I guess it won't be such a bad thing if it raises some money and doesn't increase site wide shitposting too much.
Unlike you can I can keep two tabs open at the same time.
Anonymize doesn't stop the circlejerk.
I miss /5/ and /z/
That's a good point. I wonder how this will influence the banner costers if a bunch of people bought passes recently.
There have been donations before. There is already a precedent. It was set, the site continued and we avoid any and all egregious fuck ups like neo-/vip/

I have to acknowledge the idea of it being a 'long term' solution. On the other hand deny a private donation when offered, without anything like a donation drive doesn't match up with your logic or reasoning and is still questionable at best and evidently suspicious otherwise.
It's a localized circlejerk. It's nothing compared to certain tripfag/board personalities.
[email protected]
If you think this is Hiro's prank that'll go away tomorrow haha no harm done just kidding, you are genuinely retarded.
If on the other hand you think permanent paywall boards are harmless fucking around, you're even dumber.
His big scary post was just him fucking around. Focusing more on Passes was always going to happen seeing as it makes money.
Do /vip/pers get a "That was VIP quality!" message when they post?
How are donations a bad precedent?
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Hiroyuki range banned people en masse in 2ch to make them buy 2ch passes (ronin).
The most popular boards require you to have a 2ch pass to start new threads.
Hiro fakes not knowing English well and makes dumb posts on purpose when people make legitimate questions.
Despite supposedly having money problems he's already refused two millionaires wanting to buy the website.

2ch and Futaba warned us, but you didn't listen.
Why deny massive private donations if we're in need of money? Why refuse to sell a 'financially draining' site for less than 11 mil?

There is an inconsistency to all of this that needs to be addressed.
Donations then and now are inherently different desu~; moot actually used the money to make 4chan better.

Hiroshima's just whoring 4chan for money like Wikipedia.
>Hiro fakes not knowing English well and makes dumb posts on purpose when people make legitimate questions.
he makes it too obvious
You are the on who told him to go on /qa/, you special fucking snowflake, kys
You need a way to take these donations. Which service to you suggest that is willing to deal with 4chan?

Unlike moot Hiro isn't in this doing this out of the goodness of his heart. But he has been a responsible admin thus far and pretty much kept in the background not messing about with established boards.

I'm unique and pretty. Not sure what kys means however. Some Facebook term?
And it's ironic that both Jews and Japs start with the letter J.
Do not ever insult /jp/ like that again.
Those are underage circlejerkers that belong on /trash/. There are imgur and funnyjunk images in their threads.
Jesus Christ please do not think so poorly of /jp/, even today's /jp/.
Except that he isn't. He was offered money and refused it.
Were he do receive a donation publicly he couldn't keep the poor me song and dance up.

It is the same poor me dance that is selling passes. He doesn't want quick cash, he got the offer of that already. For some reason, yet to be defined, he wants those passes sold. He's done this before apparently:
Explain why this might be or at least give me your opinion. It requires addressing.
check your email, spam folder too
[email protected]
Hiro is a fucking cunt. Nothing more needs to be said, really.
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It's been some time since the last time I saw a public ban
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Wow le epic trolle xDxDDD
>But he has been a responsible admin thus far and pretty much kept in the background not messing about with established boards.
This is wrong.
>I'm unique and pretty. Not sure what kys means however. Some Facebook term?
Ah, a shill.
I already have a 4chan pass :)

if dubs give it to anyone who hits a 42
The way the issue is presented is a lot different now. Hiro is saying the site is intrinsically fucked in a way that doesn't allow for the funds needed. You would have to tie people's bank accounts down a la Kickstarter in order to guarantee that they keep donating. This won't happen of course.
>Explain why this might be or at least give me your opinion.
Because it's already happened on the first website he was admin of? Are you retarded?
>This is wrong.
Tell me how he has messed with /pol/? /a/? /v/? /g/?
>proud cuck since 2016

Anyone who buys a pass, you're being scammed. It's just a big fucking scam. Enjoy throwing money away, retards.
>You need a way to take these donations. Which service to you suggest that is willing to deal with 4chan?
Lel Stripe is willing to do 4chan pass, pretty sure you could find a company to handle donations.
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kek, it's a throwaway account, it doesn't even have a fucking spam folder, and I still haven't got anything

Oh well, don't think it'd be seeing much use given that I'm a rabid shitposter so I'd probably get permed after the first few days.
>Hiro is saying the site is intrinsically fucked in a way that doesn't allow for the funds needed. You would have to tie people's bank accounts down a la Kickstarter in order to guarantee that they keep donating.
Just allow for donations and do donation drives like wikipedia every so often.
Just like moot scammed us when he first introduced them. Oh wait.
>Hiro is saying the site is intrinsically fucked in a way that doesn't allow for the funds needed
Which is directly counter to what moot was saying. Whom to trust. The faggot that kept the ship a float or the gook who sank a different one?

What I mean to say is why not take the donation and establish Pass exclusive features? Why would he shirk the donation just to shill passes harder? Does he think that the long term pay out weighs a huge donation now?
I wonder at what has led to that decision. His previous admin activity is an indicator but it doesn't explain everything.
hmm, i'd check it occasionally.. i did send it
If Hiro allows for donations, that means people have a stake in how the website operates. It's the exact same line of reasoning moot had for refusing donations.
Investments are not donations.
>that means people have a stake in how the website operates
No it doesn't.
If they act like they do tell them to fuck off.
Donations aren't shares.
I got exactly what I paid for though
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What would [vip]'s board tan would look like?
Tell that to Hiro and mootykins. See how far it gets you.
I mean your claim "that means people have a stake in how the website operates" is objectively wrong.
Moot was just a cuck who didn't know how to tell people to fuck off.
To be fair, while I think his response was incoherent it COULD be argued that if donations were established long term that the finance would become dependant on those who contribute high numbers often. In such a model their willingness to donate would be paramount to continuation.

A massive one time donation from a millionaire, as I was talking about, doesn't have these factors involved and so the argument is irrelevant.
Wew, it's pretty rare for /qa/ thread to reach bump limit.
Someone drew a picture of anime girl shkreli before he was denied 4chan by hiro.

I'd imagine something like that.
>I mean your claim "that means people have a stake in how the website operates" is objectively wrong.

Right. And it's the line of reasoning moot and Hiro are using. I'm not speaking in tongues here, my man.
When has Hiro said that?
>And it's the line of reasoning moot and Hiro are using
No it's your interpretation of their reasoning. Hiro is saying what ever he can to push narrative. moot was likely talking about avoiding financial dependency on donations

Also this:

You never told us you felt that way Hiro. Perhaps you should make a public post sometime to cover your ass?
[email protected]
Tried to send an email from my account, still nothing. What a load of bullshit, should've just used my regular account, it's not like I use it for anything.

Cheers anyway.
[email protected]
CHek em.
Here's my email. Thanks.
[email protected]
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>tfw too much of a miser to buy a pass
>tfw they have a thread to mock non-pass people browsing /vip/
h-here goes
[email protected]
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>Konton and Chaos (tl note: Konton means Chaos)
Fuck off
[email protected]
Nice timing on that reply. Did you try begging on the corner for enough to buy a Pass?
>the ephemerality of its content.
Irrelevant since there are archives.
I know this may come as a surprise to you, but some people have things to do.
That is a surprise.
Passes result in self censorship. If I'd get banned now, I could return with a new IP in 60 seconds.

With a pass, I'd lose this freedom.

So please fuck off, and stay fucked off.
What's this shit about getting banned? I haven't been banned in years and even that only covered one board.
You should buy a pass to contribute to the site not because you get things
Yeah, right. Nobody ever gets banned on 4chan

Hello Hiro
Maybe you should stop shilling for Nintendo on /v/. What other reason is there to get banned?
Look at all the oldfags on /vip/
only if you blatantly break the rules

You still here?

Fuck off already and go play with your poop hole.
I'm always here.
i'm going to be sick
Go play in traffic, just like your mom told you.
>Claim website is dying for various reasons
>Make a new board lol
Hiro for troll 2017
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It's a good thing none of us are stupid enough to fall for his bullshit.
Whoops, that was meant for
>why doesn't this retarded gook allow donations, instead of this retarded shit?
He probably can't take from the donations?
>I wonder if he can derail conversations in English as well as he can in Japanese
This fucker played us all.
They're mostly shit because moot was always more or less true to the core principles of the site so there were never enough discontent posters to populate a straight clone made by an attention whore admin.

Now that Hiro has set the site down a new path, it's possible for a new site to fill the niche that 4chan used to.
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Neat. Didn't expect that sort of generosity here.
[email protected]
>tfw no alternatives
moot left because he joined Google. He couldn't be affiliated with a place like 4chan if he wanted in.
Well fuck me sideways, they got the retards actually MAKING new captchas for people who have the common sense to use the easier legacy version.
[email protected]
Hope that works. Haven't even bothered adding the account to my mail client yet.
pls hurry

[email protected]
I'd rather the site die than see it betray its principles and users so that a newfag can make a few bucks.

It literally is. He owns the site and he's threatening to kill it unless we give him money. Expect the servers to go down temporarily in the near future followed by Hiro claiming it's proof of money troubles and asking for people to buy more passes because he's "been listening and don't want to delet boards."
>Expect the servers to go down temporarily in the near future followed by Hiro claiming it's proof of money troubles and asking for people to buy more passes because he's "been listening and don't want to delet boards."
It's like looking into a crystal ball
Aw sweet!
My email is [email protected]
[email protected]
may the KoG be with me
[email protected] because you didn't say anything about rolling more than once.
Why haven't you emailed me my pass yet?
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>he thought this guy was going to deliver
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>we start bashing on hiro in this thread
>[This thread has been pruned or deleted]
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Sure is VIP Quality in there.
>now there are a bunch of reddit tier psuedo-liberals all over the place

Based Nip knows whats up.
There was one on /s/ not too long ago because OP posted a thread titles "questionable age girls"
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That oldfag deserves his 1000.
Have some related pasta.

I am the imouto of my onii-chan

Flat is my chest and smooth is my skin

I have hugged over a thousand onii-chans

Unknown to purity, nor known to lewdness

Have withstood pain to wear many pantsu

Yet these little hips will never move on their own

So as I pray, Unlimited Loli Works
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A jew face.
Someone explain to me the difference between 2ch, 2chan and futaba please.
what is /j/
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