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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 333
Thread images: 21

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sorry for your loss
BASED /qa/ddit fighting the racist cissexist patriarchy!
Le evil pol bogeymon
Mod approved thread right here
/qa/ on suicide watch
How will /qa/ recover?
Thanks, mod.
You're cool sometimes.
/qa/ btfo
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FUCK WAAAaaaAAAAAaAAaaaaAaAAaaaaaaaaaaaa!

I'm floating!

Damn xeno warp fuckery!
I'm floating!

...at least there are no more walls...

>Proven wrong


Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot, I hope you hang yourself.
>never show a MC get raped

>show the MC get raped

Just...just leave it alone, OP.
The FFG Netrunner redesign is, frankly, one of the best card games out there right now. It's easily got the most choices-per-game of any card game I've ever played, and the most player interaction. It's in a little bit of a slump just now, mechanically (Sifr is utter bullshit), but fundamentally it's still very good.
It's still on new nyaa
>double standard

Really?! No waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?!

Took this long to get it?

Do you know what "shilling" means? What could he possibly be trying to shill with this post?
Babe, why don't you let those puppies breathe.

Does anybody know this source?

How many scoops a day are you on anon?

Also general proton powder discussion thread. Best brands/flavours? Got any shake recipes you'd like to share?
im good... she got prollems
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slugs +choke = perfectly fine
slugs + improperly installed or loose choke = kb
anyone claiming slugs ruined their shotgun is an idiot who didnt maintain their gun.
slugs deforming to fit through a choke with no problems is true
when loose theres a gap between the choke and barrel which is what fucks you or the choke is off center
Ah, bugger.

What was the image you sent them?
This thread again...
>I tried the stuff

check the connections to the drive, unplug and plug back in, try again

if that doesn't do anything, take the drive and see if it will work with another computer....either attach to a desktop, put it in an enclosure, or use a usb adapter

if it doesn't work, the drive is the problem, if it does work, there is something else wrong

check to see if the MB battery still has a charge
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happy bday
Kids out there are just like you and me, hanging out talking about bitches and being degens. I could tell he was gonna troll by his accent/voice, Saudi street teen just having a laff

Looks better than modern VF desu
I've been dicking around with emulators and what not. Figured I'd ask what the best pokemon rom-hacks are. What's the point of the vanilla games on PC if I actually own em'?

I'm looking for a new region/story but no fakemons. Difficulty/nuzlocke rules are w/e. Pref GBA/DS, but I'll do old school (like Prism) also.

Also ROM-hack discussion thread I guess.
(Not sure if there's a different thread to post this in?) I bought this dress from a friend and I don't know a thing about it. She says she bought it when she was 14 (now 20-something) and sold it to me a while back. If anybody knows where it might be from I'd like to know!
kot thread?
you dont know that youre chad, because the concept is unknown to you. this is just how life is for you, day in and day out
rate me
I didnt see any thread so decided to open one
post your best pics
I drove this. See >>1069889. How is it to walk it? Can you possibly do a google maps highlight of the trail you took or is that not really possible?

Did you do that in the summer or winter?
You don't have the name of the link?
Then let pussy out of the basement and stop fingering him while you watch anime.

How much experience do you have reading cursive hand writing?

At least it isn't the minim hell of gothic.
Build a pergola
I made a hotdog chasing a purple thing
What did he mean by this?

I make my own origami ( I tend to pop up with a thread every couple months and design a few things). The last model I made only took five minutes to get the basic form of, and a day or so to make the final piece. But I honestly have no idea how I did it.

Typically if I have an idea, it trial and error, but I do have at least a few tips if you're interested.
TwoKinds General

One Butt To End Them All Edition

Newest Page: http://twokinds.keenspot.com/index.php

Comic: http://twokinds.keenspot.com/?p=archive

TwoKinds Content Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/0AJ2A5ad

Census: http://pastebin.com/WCY6ayKM

Previous Thread: >>10558682
>"hmm...she checks out, untie her rarity."
>"Are you sure?"
>"Sigh... yes I'm sure."
>"WHo else could have that description though.? Rarity... do you know of anyone around these parts who recently got their hair colored?"
>"why yes actually, rainbow dash just went blonde."
>"well that doesn't help, who else has that kind of mane?"
>"should we just call the police about this?"
>"shut up spike."
>mfw you're all wrong
No clue what the fuck a MN$ is supposed to be, but those templates are $6.14 in Murricamonies or around €5.50.


Probably this one, OP. Enjoy.

If you have a mc licence and want 100 mpg and dont mind not going on highways and other expressways, then go for it. Park up on curbs and invent new parking spaces. ++ if youre in a city. Comfy, very nimble, and simple motors that will run forever on none to little upkeep.

Beware cheap shitty scooters, stick to name brands. Honda, vespa, yamaha.

Idiots will say the low speed is a danger to you. They are wrong. If you need to floor it to avoid an accident, you are driving in a terrible way. Also, a dumb reason to avoid fun alternative forms of transportation. Some people think if it's not a car, it's not worth having. Also, buy a real helmet that protects your jaw, not a 'scooter helmet.' Those people are idiooots.

Also, if you have a car, you will never take the scooter to work, you will always take the car instead.

Thrifty and poor people people only!

Richfags get the hell out, or ride it as a toy for a few weekends before it sits in your garage.
Above us ? Above who ? Asians? Are you the black guy who was bragging about fucking white girls ?
I Will go back to university, I will follow a language/buisness degree of buisness in Korean and english and then study international buisness in master with finance as a speciality of possible but I'm not sure about what speciality I want to get yet.

Nice things to see ? I love anguk and gwanghwamun in Seoul, outside of Seoul Busan was great, with some cool views on rooftops and many things to do, for nice views go hicking. I didn't really like Kyeongju except for a very cool temple but I forgot the name.


Some clubs/bar also refuse whites but that's more rare.

Well what, girls don't look at that first anyway since they can't tell. They will just be disapointed i guess, i don't know.
Where did OP go?
...but we did get the Sol Tekkamen. Both of them.

lost my collection so i'm looking for some anime reaction pics
would some kind anon mind dumping their collection

Redpill me on https://www.instagram.com/curvy.berlin
It's time to fill the time capsule. It's set to open in 1000 years.

Only dubs and trips can put a thing in it.

Im a 5/10 31 year old who had sex last night and this morning with a 7/10 22 year old. AMA.
Let's get a Megaman thread going. Haven't seen anything like that in a long time.

well brute forcing with money and a team does create good results


Requesting sauce, although prospects look unlikely.
Already checked with all the usual methods
Rate my home screen layout aesthetic

>inb4 charge your phone
I am right now
>inb4 iPhone
You're just mad android will never look this sleek

And yes that is Jordan Peterson
Mmmm pakistans are hot.
they didn't specify if he did both at the same time right?

and no doujin of that (if true) exists?

cute, soft, Ancient Greek
whoa dude you can drive ??
>Non Non Byori and Flying Witch are the most boring anime ev-


We still have some food, lets try to find better hunting grounds, so we can be sure that we get food when we want to.
Science says "energy can not be created or destroyed." How true is this?
That's more what I thought of when you said exhibitionism.

Was probing you to tell a story like that haha, oh well I guess there's still time

Round 2

Link to the game: https://spnati.net/
How to make your own characters: http://imgur.com/a/Wai7z
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>accuses someone else of racism
>makes a racist comment himself

> straight fire
> Becky Balboa
> that hand thing at the end


I made this guy over a year and haven't done any papercraft since. Gimme some links to some more gundams to make, preferably in a normal scale.
You can, though.
I watch the Negative Feedback videos, but the guy who does them just seems like a super try-hard.

I don't find the images he makes are that good really, some of the portrait ones are decent though.

He's a just a bulbous-headed hipster really.
No New OP Image Until This Shit Stops Being Bumped Off Edition

Slablands: https://mega.nz/#F!BgcgBRxD!iTqbr5QmQ5IwUOAEZSBpyQ

Slablands Design Document:

Slablands Bug and Typo Reports:

Slablands changelog:

The demo ends at the desert. More to come soon.

>F.A.Q s
History of /slabg/

>Variable reference and style FAQ

Sheepies guide to writing mobs

Hey, you, browsing this shit! Consider writing/editing for Slablands to COMBAT THE ANTHROPOMORPHIC, FUTA, FEMDOM MENACE! (note: writing a submission is actually a pretty huge undertaking! Consider adding content for existing contributions or joining other people's projects first before starting your own, we don't need 6576534 half-finished unique NPCs.)
Writing is nice, but if you don't feel up to that task, try editing for one of the projects! Every comment helps!

Project Lists:
General: pastebin.com/qMvXVtXw
Slablands: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WHpHx_mZ0lV9r-I9XdsgyLuN5Yiaf61v3IhaDbSuvQs/edit

http://slablands.wikia.com/ It's brand new, please consider adding to it.

Slablands maps:

Friends of Slablands

Music to listen to while browsing the thread:
[YouTube] Ultimate Glitch Hop Gaming Mix 2017 - Best Of Glitch Hop Music 2017 & All Time (embed)

Previously >>182279885
>Manuals were never popular in the US
Why is that though?

Don't pay for camping. You can camp on people's property if you ask nicely, but most places have plenty of open space where nobody will give a shit if you camp away from roads.

If your ass hurts, get a bead mat or airhawk. You'll get used to wind. A small windscreen can go a long way if you really can't grow a set of neck muscles. Or take back roads, they're more fun anyway.

I rode to Alaska from California and down to Costa Rica. Plan to go on to Patagonia.

The current arc has honestly been pretty weak, but everything before it is great. I really like how the whole idea of civilized society is basically a house of cards predicated on predators curbing their natural hunting instincts by eating prey meat from black/grey markets.

GOAT tits.
Where can I find some cute fuzzy leg warmers for fairy kei? I'm at a complete loss.

Too cool
The SaPu people are trolls and you retards keep biting on it
i wish i was a freight train baby
wish i was a diesel locomotive
i'd come whistling down my track
and crashing in your door
i wish i was a freight train baby
wish i didn't have a heart
you'd need a shovel full of coal
just to get me started

LITERALLY confirmed for europeans will never understand mode

>how could this thread possibly go wrong
204 vs 120

1309 us vs 868 them

As the flames spread, a lone gnoll reaches for the ankle of his brother. Claws grip around a furry foot, and that is all it takes. A spark, and the keg is lit. The flames engulf the main body of the gnoll army - no one is escaping this unharmed. The trickier of the gnolls attempt to rush into the village, and burn the houses of their enemies, but they are stopped by the spears prepared beforehand, and the defenses within the village itself. Only a handful or so even make it into the village proper. This victory will go down in history for securing the first major tactical battle for the Ierans, led by Gaer Tor, Khop Trot, and Lar Khazirson, the leaders and strategicians of the battle.

Tonight, the women need to do no preparing. For the men - or, eh, Lakh - have done the cooking themselves.

However, a scattering of gnolls escape - to tell of the terror of the ghouls, perhaps. Or perhaps they have a darker purpose...

Looking for
Anime or manga with female lead to be not the type to fall in love but instead falls for someone, can be a side character too

basically a strong or cold female character who falls in love and shows unexpected sides to her

I'm not gay tho.
>Men are often the source of problems for other people.

but you can see where light isnt

Post them all please
I could get 3 guys in mine with a roof gun
have a nice afterlife, pretty lady

does getting an answer from you change anything
>pleasing in that cubist sort of way.

this. saved
People don't have to meet your IQ level requirements. Get over it.
Cos I have boobs from gyno

it wouldn't be broken if you properly cared for your equipment.
Can we lay our hands on the movie?

Ever see a muscovy duck violently rape three other ducks and then proceed to gulp down a 2ft long, live and struggling rat?
Ducks are fucking savage, and good god do they shit everywhere, it's not like a little sparrow shit either, it's a stinking puddle
Fitness Edition

Previous thread: >>2918338

Watamote Moonrune: http://www.ganganonline.com/comic/watashiga/

Watamote Translated: http://www.slide.world-three.org/series/its_not_my_fault_that_im_not_popular/

Animu Website:http://www.watamote.jp/

Where to buy animu DVD/BD and mango: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/series_list.html?sid=3725

Older Threads:http://pastebin.com/znGvWmBA

Want a Tomoko trip,go here:http://pastebin.com/LYsdMFHs

Tomokofags Folder: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/zc2ycq2mx5d58/Tomoko_Folder

Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/tomokofags
Hey /trv/, first time visitor here. I'm looking to do 2 weeks of traveling next month and I'd really like to visit someplace where I can do some cool adventurous things. Caving, diving, hiking, snorkeling, maybe see some sights like the aurora borealis or a world heritage site.

I can go anywhere and I have about 3000$ to burn. Do any kind anons have suggestions that might fit? What places have you been that really touched you? I would be leaving from the southeast USA, and would like to avoid France/Spain/England as I've been to these places already.
One of my favs !
The dude really has an unbelievebable stamina !
And when you think he's finished... he switch to anal !
Brilliant !
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>Star will never force you to fuck her
why even keep doing this 6 figure job at all?
Add YOUR kik userid if you want others to send you dick pics :3

Make a few friends, send a dick pic to some others on the list and please be sure to send me, your horny, curious Broanon* host one too! Bonus points for cum videos :3

KIK: ggsunia

*Broanon means Male
Any need for Giant Robo tv raws or the old [ASS] Southern Cross?
I had a VERY intense dream last night, I saw a Big Foot, boy was he hairy and about 8 feet tall. As I watched two Men showed up and took a shot at him and hit him but it was not a fatal shot. I was trying to explain it so hard in my dream that I woke up my poor Wife to explain in detail! What does it mean? Most likely nothing. Very intense though.

Arms and legs are supposed to be covered by wires
Adding to this, they also have an unnatural aversion to giving Bemani crossovers difficult charts. The only DDR 18s that didn't debut in DDR are IX, Elemental Creation, Mei and Nageki no Ki, and the former two debuted across multiple games simultaneously, leaving only two clear exceptions to the rule. Knowing them no crossover will ever get a 19.

As with all design software, I make the interface irrelevant by learning hotkeys, bitch.

>what can I do with that ISBN?
While book names can be duplicate ISBN is unique. It'd be easier to refer for purchasing.
Anal Train Thread anyone?

I am sorry
it truly is horrific that western culture is being supplanted in the country that spawned it
you really should look into headdress though
I want to _be_ Kobayashi!

Thanks for the blog update faggot

Mark my words, the slave mulatto and the dickless wonder are the proverbial and unironical niggers in the woodpile - ready to pounce on the Iron Throne once the chemically-enhanced blonde bint gets chucked into a volcano or dies locked in the ice-cold embrace of the Night King.

Would be entirely in keeping with Rape Rape's now glaringly obvious femino-untermensch philosophy.

My dad "taught" me to drive and it's basically traumatized me from ever wanting to drive ever again.
I'll be 40 be I ever get a license
Former dealers have admitted they saw their buyers as “pawns in a chess game.”

>this might be true for the doujin
First game available in English on PS4 and Windows
How to get all five endings: http://www.jrpgreview.com/blog/nights-of-azure-true-ending-guide

Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon releases August 2017 in Japan, October 2017 worldwide

Prequel manga has started: http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/watch/mg236885

Will it be a lily paradise, or will they ruin everything?

Is a dog?

Or is a wolf?
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why not buzz that off? would look much better

I really think this is a positive for all of the sporting world. It's similar to the Kyrie Irving wanting to leave Cleveland and Lebron situation. It seems superstars are getting sick of superteams and having to live under the shadow of other superstars, instead choosing to forge their own independent legacies, as it should be. A real winner wants to win on his own, not be carried to championships by an all-star team.

You can claim this is all about the money, but it really isn't since Barca has enough money to match his new salary if they wanted. It's about superstars wanting to lead their own team. This is only a positive thing.
Realistically speaking, how can this show go on now that Chuck is dead? He was the backbone of the entire series. The whole show revolved around him. It's like killing Walter White off in Breaking Bad.
No Vineyard Vines, Polo Ralph Lauren, or Southern edition

Um that game already has a translation you realize that right?

If by cleaned up you mean literally no oc ever again and youtube rips through the ass

Sure it was all reposts back then but you can't even compare 2010 to todays mainstream 4chan.

"if the game cannot end in a draw"
read your own links mate
So...we all do agree that Imaginext has the most fun toys right now?
>dino riders
>planes that have mouths
>boats that can eat other boats
>pirate mechs operated by Shark-People

lets talk about it

Please sage if you're going to reply to obvious bait, thanks!

i even found the specific version of the song.

>All you need are the LAV filters that come with MPC-HC by default, rendered with MadVR
It doesn't matter how simple or not it might be, I was just getting at the guy's shite attitude. He assumes everyone just knows everything about stuff most people don't care about. To 99% of people a movie is fine so long as it's 720p or higher and doesn't "get them blotchy square things".
I am a man of constant sorrow,
I've seen trouble all my day
I bid farewell to old Kentucky,
The place where I was born and raised

Nice grip.
Kudos to whoever-the-fuck drew this.

It's so nice to be able to browse without using the VPN!

I killed last thread
I love how it's been almost 5 days and only 1 request has been done, and it wasn't even done by OP.

Oh bandai
Is woocommerce on the same level as magento? For a simple product line.

I have built a magento website in the past that was great. Put 6 months of my life into it moving over from a pay monthly platform, one of the most rewarding things I've done computer wise, learning to host emails, deal with processors etc... but our current prime minister decided I wasn't allowed to run my business anymore so I had to shut up shop.

Anyway I'm going to be building another magento site over the next year and starting a new business that will most definitely require magentos functionality. HOWEVER... In the time being I have a nice somewhat e-cig related product which I can get up for sale immediately via ebay, amazon (when I decide on whether to open up a ltd). Going to buy a domain and some hosting in the next few days but I remember getting in a bit of a discussion flinging shit with someone over wordpress sites being a joke.

My point is, I was completely unaware how woocommerce came out of nowhere and now dominates joomla/drupal and opencart is dying etc... I have no doubt it's not on the same level as magento, but since it's so popular learning it can't be the worst thing in the world.

Can anyone recommend resources for learning woocommerce, any nice free template and extensions for postage etc... to keep costs down. Also are there any other good marketplaces other than amazon/ebay I may be missing out on? Any good ways to integrate ebay/amazon orders other than something as pricey as linnworks. Am I expected to become a little instagram whore forking out for models to take photos of my bottles between their cheeks hashtag phatcloweds

What about a crypto processor... Bitpay good or are there some new ways to get payments up for bitcoin where I can automate them into the site without emailing the address and having them pay when the price tanks a day later.
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It is autism that transcends time and space anon.
>Hey Harrison. I need to practice my big kiss scene
>But I've read the script there's no bi...
>[Tom throws himself forward]
and that's what definitely happened.
Pre-nerf nuke-eject edition


>/tfg/-created Helpful Videos, Tutorials & Mods
https://syampuuh.github.io/mods (currently outdated)

PC: https://www.titanfall.com/en_us/networks/pc/11942/
Xbox One: https://www.titanfall.com/en_us/networks/xbox/445674/
PS4: http://www.titanfall.com/en_us/networks/playstation/63/
Searching 'the fast guys' will bring it up in game for PS4; for PC, you have to join using the link, and for XBone, you need to request entry in the thread first.

>Steam Group

>PSN Community
Search PSN community for "Titanfall General", request membership, and state you are from the thread. It helps us add you to our friends lists, and that makes stacking easier.

FNN 17: http://www.respawn.com/frontier-news-network-07-18-2017-operation-frontier-shield
Operation Frontier Shield patch notes: https://forums.titanfall.com/en-us/discussion/13502/operation-frontier-shield-the-patch-notes
Aegis Rank upgrades detailed: http://i.imgur.com/KyOAzls.jpg

>Titanfall Spinoffs/Side Projects

Doomed Thread: >>184213224
This is horrible.
It made me kek hard.
OR for this..
Thanks. There is a lack of this.
I live near where L.M.Montgomery lived before she went to the east coast and her diaries are here.
Soft miko

wasn't she in some show set in orange county in la?

Ooh lala
What does /vip/ think of his new game?
cute z'gok
the correct answer was:

Is Clownpiece a metalhead?
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Last 2. Leave comments with any ideas for pics to CUM!
Can we have an actual discussion about the U.S. and Russia. The more I learn about the two countries the more it seems that the two countries becoming rivals is just natural.
Okay /d/

You get to create one object that can do whatever you want. What do you create and what does it do?

I would be the proud owner of a mirror that turns people into bimbos (pic related)
Who is she

Yeah,they're real though most modern ones spotting them is like spotting vegans. Anyone can be a witch anyone can practice magic but usually its alternative types that are witches,or academics.

where can I download x-particles 2.5?
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People turning into someone's twin or clone.

Preferably TG, but non TG is fine.
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Nice blog
Feels good to snag this Norinco paratrooper "cowboys companion" for $250 otd still in cosmoline this week.
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"They still exists?" Edition

Previous thread: >>2924106
This thread is funny because all you have to do to understand hyperfocal is to look at a lens with DoF markings for different apertures. Or, you know, use it once.the fact there are 9 people arguing over this topic is very telling :^)
Never change, /p/.
I would
Yeah, it's me.

I would, but only if she threw in some cuddling and hand holding as well. My soul doesn't come cheap.

yeah that john cage was a total hack

Besides the full auto/burst features and a few quirks, there is no general difference between military and civilian rifles.
For shooting, surplus bolt action rifles are inferior to civilian rifles in every way except perhaps robustness.
Read up on calibres and common firearms before you ask any more questions.

I wonder if they care. I don't think they really need to. /w/ is full of NSFW stuff and it doesn't seem to be a problem.
Come to think of it, Hiro allows one meta thread per board. I think /w/ should discuss and rewrite the rules regarding NSFW material.
/w/'s topic in general doesn't seem like a very workplace-safe one anyways.

>I do respect the way black people mercilessly ostracize their gays
blacks have the highest % of gays.
Thank you very much, anons. I'll be picking up Nocturne and DDS1 for the time being. I should be able to pick up DDS2 soon enough. Much appreciated from ya'll.
lel I gotst access to a cnc plasma cutter, I could burn that out in like 2 minutes. Steel, stainless, brass or aluminum what ever you want. I can do up to like 3" thick if you pre drill the pierce point.
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>Compared to how its traffic used to be, the site is dead.
If only this were true.
West Berlin was not part of West Germany?
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That's fine.
Best part of Sticker Star.
I don't know what you want us to say, you're not attracted to her (anymore or were you ever?). Just end the relationship, you'll be able to try satisfy your sexual needs and she will find someone who actually finds her attractive.

Sasuga GNU/Redhat/Apple/Linux user.

Furries are less sexual then normal people study shows.
However, not all is lost. There is a proposal that would offer a quick but effective fix to this. It's not perfect but it could work.
The idea would be to use the multiple gauge in the Tarragona central station to allow high speed trains to stop there. For this it would be necessary to build a flying junction where the line to the central station branches off the HS main line. And then another branch between the central station and the HS line to Barcelona.

>tfw Nicky died 3 billion seconds ago
why live?
Post your best Historical comics /his/
aand it's done

I hope you liked it :3
DO NOT be afraid to walk up to people and just start talking. I learned freshman year that you have to make an effort to make friends, they won't just come and find you. Everyone in college is on a new place full of strangers, so just approach people and bullshit with them.

Also once you find a couple good friends you can use them and their connections to make other friends. After that, you're set. Remember that uni is a fresh start, so don't be afraid to be different/ more extroverted. Nobody knows anything about you or your past so you can be whoever you want to be.

MTF here

I showed signs of transexuality in childhood, bot those were faint

I'm naturally effeminate, but not as much as most transkids

I don't want to get SRS

The onset of my dysphoria was at 13-14

I show no signs of AGP. I asked mysefl wether I was attracted to myself as female and found the idea gross, very gross.

I repressed hard, would've transitioned on my early 20's but here I am, transitioning at 32 y.o., not because I wouldn't wanted, but because of repression and fear of my environment

I have interest in makeup, hairdressing, fashion... My dream job would've been working at a clothing shop or owning one

I don't like manly things, like sports, cars, shooters, violence...

I played more with girls than with boys, with girls toys like ponies and dollhouses, I was a delicate and talkative child, never violent, disliked boys games, but when asked, I said I was a boy (until dysphoria hit me in the face)

I just want to lead a stealth life while conserving the original genitalia.

I'm bi, my sexual preference is stronger towards men, but I do recognize i'd have no problem loving a woman

I've had sex with both men and women, enjoyed both genuinely. I prefer cawks over pucci (I find pucci a bit disgusting, although girls can be hot to me)

I socialize more with HSTS because I feel more at ease with them, I find they're more like me than transbians.

My bisexuality is not "pseudobisexuality": my interest in both women and men is real. I don't have any kind of meta-atraction

I have been in love with men and women, enjoyed having sex with them.

¿WHAT THE HELL AM I? I don't fit in any of the Blanchard's categories.

I'm tired of feeling like a weird exception in the trans world
The spinning reel that came on my pole. It's a mitchell Avocat if that helps. I believe it holds 205 yards of 14lb line.
Heart = art, it was an auto correct mistake
I need friends :(
This asymmetry is triggering me

>almost as wide as the corridor
Jesus fucking christ how disgusting. She's probably 5 founds away from using a scooter because her knees can barely handle her weight.

Lauri "from the Finnish lakes, into Germany and USA" Törni

i will tomorrow. Sorry guys and gals. Had some complications with family going to hospital. I will be streaming tomorrow the same times as I was going to tonight
do you guys really have to do this every time
she a mantis maybe
B-but muh consensual, passionate handholding missionary position intercource scene, we almoat had that full combo
How can you have sweet scenes without handholding?

Went to the three museums on google maps and haven't found anything. Am I totally off on that OP? Rosenbach was a rare book collector though. Is there a link between the initial book and rosenbach?
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Thanks, buddy. Image you posted is a tad small but zooming in I can tell what you mean.

Thankfully, the two studs I'm using are not above or inline with the outlets. I should be safe. Now to just get it done.

Appreciate those who posted. Best of luck with your projects this week.
What went wrong ?

Met a Londoner today. He was nice so I'll vote London since it's more relevant in my life than NY
>a new contender appears
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/pol/ what the fuck happened to the happenings? Ramadan was a disappointment, now about 2 months left of Summer.

When is the next happening? What will happen?!
Are there any teachers here? Would you recommend it as a career path?
Last thread: >>30565234

Goblin tribe in mountains of available

>1 point towards finding a simple unoccupied cave
>2 points in developing a decent door for said cave

Cyber 8 is a CG shitposter.
Extra points for amateurs
osukian atigusu awnimda
Let's meet up in Galaxy Tower Caffe bene Mongolian 4chans. Hurry madafakas
It's time for this thread again. Let's get it started.


d jak
nie wiem co
New thread

Raised to deal in cold blooded death, the teenage assassin girl Azumi must defeat three evil warlords while also battling her own heart.

Someone who wants to do some blow and get naked with a 36-year old bi-curious guy.
Telephone thread.

Last one hit image limit.

Rules are simple; post a pic that has something in common with the previous pic.
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>Lived in NY as a kid
>Dad would bring this shit home from various markets all the time

I still don't know what it even is, but it's so good.

If it's a rootkit you're out of luck unless you can pick out which drivers shouldn't be there for regular malware observe suspicious traffic and connections out of strange ports
She looks as good (if not better) as before imo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah he'll go berserk again when watching Kuriowa getting gutted.

You don't have terrible taste in music, everyone else does.

Why would personal ownership of a consumer item be info of public record?
I look to do katahdin soon
"That's what I thought." came the cold reply to her silence, and she swore she could hear a smirk behind that voice. "Now, are you going to bend over the bed like a good little filly, or do I need to call the kitchen and have your midnight snack cancelled?"

Caught at a crossroads, Celestia whined a little before obeying her caretaker, slowly pulling her ear free and crawling across her bed, leaving her bottom sticking out and with her tail held high.

"That's a good princess. I think we can take a couple swats off for that. However, because you neglected to fetch the switch you were ordered to bring...I'm going to be using this." they said, and the instrument of her doom floated into her view.

It was a regulation prison strap. The same kind used on guards who misbehaved and prisoners convicted of minor crimes.

Immediately surging up, Celestia found herself gently held down by a hoof on her back. "Y..You can't use that on me!" she begged, shaking her rump from side to side. "I..I'm..."

"You're a naughty little pony who needs her flank spanked. Nothing more. And if this strap is good enough for minor vandals and shoplifters, then it's certainly good enough for the princess of the nation. Now...hold still. You're getting thirty."

Whining, Celestia stayed still, the threat of losing her cakes looming in her mind, only to be eclipsed by the feeling of the fake leather being laid against her plump rump. "P...Please be gentle?" she begged.

"No. Your actions don't deserve my being gentle." came the response, as she heard the swish of leather through the air.
Last one went quite well
Post any girl from Idolmaster
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first draft of Astral Doll by Ryo Yoshida

let's see how this goes and what is the response

not done scanning the book
This logic makes no sense because if the Austrian defense hadn't failed they would advanced.
Thanks I just read 56, and thought they were having a time skip or a secret history they were leaving out, and then I went back and realized I hadn't read 53 and 55 (but not 54)....


Suffering a slipped or herniated disc is no joke. It can be excruciatingly painful and, in severe cases, it requires spine surgery and months of recovery. But for one chiropractor in Malaysia, fixing a slipped disc is as easy as knocking it back into position with a hammer.

Md Rosdi Hasan has a very unconventional way of dealing with slipped discs and back pain in general. Instead of relying on MRIs or X-rays to diagnose his patients’ back problems, he just uses his fingers to check if all the bones and vertebrae are in the right place, and draws a diagram of all the discs directly on the back of his patients, with a black marker. Once he learns everything he needs to know, Hasan grabs a hammer and a piece of wood and starts knocking the discs back into place.

Watching Rosdi Hasan taking a hammer to his patients’ spine like it’s no big deal is painful to watch, especially knowing that it could leave them paralyzed, but he claims no one has ever had any problems after his treatment. In fact, he is so proud of his method that he regularly posts videos of his “spinal tap” routine on his Facebook page. Some of them have tens of thousands of views, and despite the obvious joke comments, some people actually believe he can fix their spine problems.

One of Hasan’s videos went viral in Malaysian media back in March, and left actual doctors horrified. “Slipped discs CANNOT be treated by knocking,” Dr. Mahyuddin, an orthopedic surgeon, wrote on his Facebook page. “You can’t ‘see’ a slipped disc without an MRI or X-Ray.”
Mahyuddin also warns people willing to go under Rosdi Hasan’s hammer that his marker drawings of spinal discs on patients’ back are completely inaccurate and that a single wrong tap could leave them paralyzed.


How does one go about making these? These are fucking sick!
Aren't all the audio files tied into the individual maps? As far as I remember from the ol Halo modding days, there aren't any shared resources - each map was standalone.

Dankest of them all
Feminists despise white-cis male so they would do anything to hurt them.
(pic better version)

They'd still run into issues with ab and arm muscle definition for most girls
It would usually make more sense to use a binder and then get a muscle shirt to wear over


Thanks a lot!
Holy fuck. Haven't you anything better to do than talk to a suicidal druggie loser on the internet? That even makes a site as vapid as 4chan seem like a responsible use of time in comparison.

18 jobbed to this. Waifufags will defend this.
Hi, could somebody help me and turn the background black please. Thanks.
>people are showing off their top 100000k badges.

It definitely seems like it has no chance of becoming a reality, but maybe they don't think they're bluffing. Trump is so hyper-concerned with bombarding opposition that he might be dumb enough to sign off on an underhand blow like that. But the administration seems more concerned with stabbing cabinet members than whipping votes, and I doubt their ability to focus on something as arbitrary as this. And GOP leadership isn't going to be moronic enough to think that they can twist arms by threatening to harm a senator's constituents. When Trump and co. started sniping Heller, the leadership intervened.

Besides, Murkowski is a force of nature. Her name wasn't even on the ballot when she won her seat, enough people wrote her name in. On top of that, rural healthcare being more expensive means that the Obamacare subsidies are vital for Alaska. She's a popular senator doing what's right for her constituents, and the right's cries of bloody murder aren't going to change that.

dubs speek truth

quads say this thread is to be bumped
Anything Nationalist or Right-wing also welcome.
hey guys i'm from /p/

anyone wanna be friends?
>DU isn't radioactive
It was to make room for the search feature.
I hope you use it well, op.
Are you guys serious? She wore skimpy revealing clothes in front of him in a flirtatious manner and then asked about him at work.

So what if she talked about other dudes? All that tells me is she's a sexually open person. I know chicks like that and 99% of the time they're dtf.

OP your instincts were right to avoid her, as a friend or gf. But if you want a booty call GO FOR IT. She's basically begging for your dick.
This think make me gag so bad. Why this nigger is still here!? It's horrible that it makes me angry!


Kakuseijin and Tyran were so good.

>Kakuseijin literally just flips sideways to transform
>Tyran forward rolls in a way that I'm sure to some degree inspired Guard/Opposite Armor just a little later

Eh that sounds more like a "forgot to change the dialogue for the male character" to me.
Inkling girls are cute as fuck
>Why the fuck are you white knighting this Novel no one gives a fucking shit about?
Maybe I still like Gundam? Maybe I genuinely enjoyed the novel as a standalone work? Maybe I like to self-insert as Danton and imagine that I have my own little Arlette daughteru to sit between my thighs and configure my custom white R-Jarja so I can re-live my days as a Knight of Axis and fly off into the sunset?

Honestly pretty rare but the internet imho makes it seem common. It happens but i think it's only common if you're hanging with a bunch of drunk exhibitionists. Most women don't feel comfortable being naked in a group Much less having their photo taken.

But I guess that's what makes these scenes glorious.

Damn, great detective work.

Hey /po/, any idea of how to do a paper gun that don't look like shit?, some friends of mine want to craft some for cosplay purposes.
Get all kinds even in the hub

Ahh, fuck, we hit autosage. New thread?

New thread.
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If it were possible, I would smack you upside the head with a cheap stack of paper plates.
long lines
I order 2-3 sizes and return the ones that don't fit best.
sorry - previous one isnt from the artbook
Old thread was archived. Post giant male stuff here. :P

Post 3 random files from your webm folder.

An omnipotent moustache appears from the void and claims that God is dead, therefore the post above is obsolete.
Looking for actual advice.
I just found out today that I'm going to be a Morning Show Radio Host in a small town of about 6000. It's surrounded by other small towns. Here's the thing; I've just graduated from a Broadcasting School a few months ago, and 21 y/o born and raised in a big city. How do I acclimatize to a smaller town, and any other radio host advice.

She was being groomed to blast Ganon with light beams, when she'd rather have been nerding it out with the Sheikah of the royal research division, studying autonomous walker tanks. And she was absolutely terrible at blasting Ganon with light beams. She didn't manage a single one, until the invasion wad already been mostly lost. Of course she's going to get excited over a rare frog. She loves rare frogs, and being out alone in the wilderness with Link is the only time she's allowed to show any enthusiasm for anything but her religious studies.

>pointing something out is automatically complaining about it

>what are mtfs
>what is jealousy of ftms

This is a depressing thread
Those cars are somewhat rare actually, they're the most commonly newly bought cars.
Buying a car new is only done by women or fucktards who can't recognise when a mechanic fucks them over and thus want a car that's still in the guarantee period. Most new cars are company leased as a job benefit or in lesser extent privately leased. And those often are Audis, VWs, Volvos and large Renaults.
The average car in my county is over 15 years old due to retarded taxation and laws making them the cheapest to own. Cars over 25 years old get tax reductions due to being oldtimers and 45 year old ones get exempted. The old cars have a large share of luxobarges, even some retard on benefits can afford a riced bmw. The pm even needed to ask the people to finally buy a new car.
For example, a fiat 500 in Italy starts at €9k, while in my country they start at €16k.
Any car from after feb '98 needs to get a full reinspection for noise and emissions after you swap in a new engine. If it's older you can swap in any engine that was at some point approved (even if that was 50 years ago) and isn't stolen.
Late 90's cars often get comparable fuel mileage to new ones. The ones in the picture of >>17637531 are actually terrible on the highway. Had to drive a Citroën c1 for work, it got 10km/l, while my '97 volvo 940 gets 11km/l. Though I evade the high fuel taxations on it by using lpg.
Some countries like Italy and Spain tax anything over 2.0L, Netherlands fortunately don't.
Work vehicles are practically all vans since we have them in every configuration, including flatbed.
The only ones getting a pickup are usually white trash and gypsies. They're practically all raised models, completely clean, and have tires unfit for off-roading. People who actually off-road get some small 4wd beater like a panda 4x4, or for more serious off-roading a defender 1st gen or an old hilux.
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Episode 15 raw is out.
Sorry to hear, bro. And OP, stop being a fatass.

"OAK-a-reena" is correct, an ocarina is an instrument dating back to the earliest civilizations, not Japanese. Though I still call it OCK-a-reena.

It makes sense when you understand later on that these names are made by Japanese people, so they use the phoneme system they have instead of ours.

But you also have times where they choose an English or Western word and then try to replicate it with Japanese phonemes, like Cloud (Kuraodo) and Zidane (Jitan).

panty dropper
>your face when Chester B bought his family a 2.5 million dollar home before he offed himself
It really is appalling how fucking black and white you people think history is. You'll decry the six milliom one moment and ignore the 20-30 million that were murdered in the Soviet Union in the next. You are a potent mix of ideologically driven virtue signalers, and historically ignorant buffoons pushing propaganda that you don't understand. It's really quite revolting.
>tfw you seriously have to wonder how many of those Allied soldiers would still have been willing to fight the Axis powers if they knew that this rotting society we have now would be their legacy

oh and Hitler was right all this time
Post em up, also dumping from ones I've collected
not op but isnt that for UI only? How do you expect to have a solid identity if your shadow will look like shit or you will just remove it for small formats.


>looks down on others for disparaging anything
its been 6 Months already since Trump is President, and nobody asked about Puerto Rico yet. what will Trump do with those worthless subhuman Beaners? stay as a Territory? Statehood? Independence?

and what will Trump do with the other U.S Territories?
amber rose's hairy pussy

charcoal mizuki best mizuki
are touhou's gay

Isn't his whole reason for liking RE6 literally "It's a good game but not a good x game"?
Let's have a gashapon/capsule toys thread, shall we?
What have you got lately or want to get?


Just wanted to let you know I saved that thumbnail.
One of these, it's been a while

You could weave them! It's super easy actually.
Just place half of them vertical and half horizontal, with the rule 1 above, 1 under, 1 above, 1 under, and so on.
I usually dispose of my crafts after a wile, so pic is the only one i have at hand. In this case I used strips with different width, but the concept is the same.
What do you consider your sexual orientation to be? What sexes have you had intercourse with?

Do you have any desires that you haven't acted on? What's stopping you?
>/pol/ is cancer
>/pol/ violates board rules daily
>/pol/ actively recruits redditors for their political cause and invites them back to this website
>/pol/ appropriates anime characters for use as political mascots, ruining them
>/pol/ lowers the level of discussion on other boards through osmosis
>/pol/ incites riots, hatred, violence and doxing
>/pol/ engages in illegal activity
>/pol/ is a liability to the future of this website and drives advertisers away
>/pol/ needs to be deleted

Why is this cesspool still here? Are we really pandering to imbeciles who don't care about anime or this site's culture but want to use the anonymity to spread their edgy worldview around?

The person running the Wendy's twitter account posted a few snarky responses to someone so fanart of the mascot as a smug anime girl started popping up and the rest is history.

Shhh Shhh
Sit down grandpa, war is over
I was going to post that, but you beat me to it.
How terrifying that something written in 1961 is slowly coming to fruition.
Diana Moon Glampers even sounds like a fat, blue-haired, cat eye glasses wearing Tumblrina name.
Wow anon are you retarded? Have you not sucked enough dicks today or what? Need some water, you whore?
Kindly go choke on a dick and kill yourself. Cherry picking hypocritical whores like you deserve to die. Why are you even posting.
Build a wall,
Do walls work? ask Israel!, what about drones? ask the countries we tested them on!
we can have people come into out country BUT THEY HAVE TO COME IN LEGALLY


Maybe telling her your fav band is named Prostitute Disfigurement turned her off...
How does every Marylander manage to come off as such a know- nothing idiot, I ask myself. Then I realize that they all come from the center of the state.
Here's your answer:
>West Virginia, Virginia, or Pennsylvania
>20+ acres bordering National Forestland
>Never run out of space to run around on.
also Jimmy Neutron was animated in it

checkmate, atheists

Fuck off you falseflagging bara
/qa/ is for 2Dposting
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The only way to be a digital nomad is to write college papers for rich Gulf Arabs remotely
Tewi is a POOP

fuqq this is a classic. it's been a while since I've seen it reposted. le song of unsauce
Any jungle in guy?
Thread posts: 333
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