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4chan is doing some new shady stuff on some boards. /v/ is on

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Thread replies: 347
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4chan is doing some new shady stuff on some boards. /v/ is on the list.

This is a bump to keep anons safe,
also, if you have Ublock installed (and you should) Do this
Is this all I need to do?
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for now, yeah. Be assured, hiroshimoot will try to sell your data in some other way.
Thanks for keeping us posted /g/
4chan is a honeypot.
Rev up the sandboxed browsers

You didn't really think they wouldn't sell you out, did you?
thanks /g/-sempai
Oh bother
>ever trusting mook

Not remotely surprising desu
>some gook wants to sell my tranny porn playlists and favorites
>some other fag wants to buy it
I don't know which is worse
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Add this to your uBlock Origin filters:


If you're not using uBlock Origin, then what the hell is wrong with you?
I use Adblock plus
I don't see what the big deal is.
Has been for quite some time, your point?
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>I use Adblock plus
Just checked 2 different firefox versions. None show me the url in ublock (tested several boards)
I guess this is only targeting people in some locations and not Europe for example
Poland here >>1380896
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>yfw people can find where you live from a simple google search
Noticed this earlier. Noscript blocked the attempt and ate my sent post in the process.
so is this going to lead to the australian fbi busting me for looking at non-titcow porn or is my adblocker just going to have to filter targeted ads about video games
Yes, that was a good program in 2014.
>tfw you're off the grid because you've been a missing person since 2005
Thanks hacker-kun.
How do I get away with this while also having access to my money.
4chan is indeed a hacker after all
Welp, I donĀ“t know then. They could still be targeting browser / OS versions.
I have 3rd party urls and cookies blocked anyways and so do most other people here.
my point is it's a honeypot
Fake name and don't live in America
Ok how do I do it in Canada.
>off the grid
>posting on the internet
My friend is working on being "off the grid".

Basically it's impossible to be 100% off the grid. Ultimately you want/need electricity, don't tell me you don't, life is fucking unbearable without it.

You will generate your own, but it takes a significant financial investment to build the infrastructure to avoid the utilities. It's so expensive in fact, that the best way to justify paying for it is to hook yourself up to the grid and get paid to pump your excess electricity into it. There isn't enough reliable sun in Canada to implement a solar system to be completely self-reliant.
Sucks having a one-of-a-kind last name, establishing an internet presence would have been a lot easier if I was called John Smith or something.
>what is incognito mode
Hah look at you
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>Sucks having a one-of-a-kind last name, establishing an internet presence would have been a lot easier if I was called John Smith or something.

Try living with a literal unique first and last name. I am confident that there is no other person in this world with my first and last name combination. I don't even know the origin of my last name, that is how snowflake it is.
Giving gookmoot past history, probably selling personal information.
Clash Royale is an expensive game after all
hello Batman bin Suparman
totally opposite here
my name is so generic that i frequently get hit with parking tickets, loan sharks, and delayed background checks
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>and delayed background checks

Funny, whenever I'm doing a background check for a gun, I pass them within minutes

>go to gunshop
>six people are waiting nearly 30 minutes for their background check to clear
>do my paperwork
>wait for 5 minutes
>okay anon, you are back and approved
>give monies
>walk out the door with gun in 6 minutes
>everyone else is still waiting

Go WWOOFING, Workaway etc to get free food and accommodation. Obviously you have to fucking work but its generally 5 hrs a day and if its off season work on a farm it's literally just light house cleaning duties or feeding animals.

Once you do your trial sometimes its 2 days or a week or so, ask to stay as long as you can, i've done 4 months at one place once. After that you can easily find real work while doing this at places like hostels or picking fruit. I hear canada has some sort of tree planting thing where you get awesome cash but you only get paid X amount per tree planted so its tough work.

If you're a smart fucker you will take a laptop and wireless broadband dongle as some places dont have wifi and work doing freelance coding or some nerd shit online.

Personally If you want to go full off the grid and don't need technology go find someone with a boat as most will teach you how to sail and you get to explore tons of awesome islands. Though get used to fucking eating nothing but carrots, cabbage and fish forever and having to listen to guys jerk off the deck at 3 am in the morning if you're on a yacht

FYI anon you can do this even if you are a NEET because they will teach you it all
Mine are on a whole other level and I get false positives on my background checks. I almost got arrested a couple times before they realized I'm not 40 or black.
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>tfw still live on my old address according to google
>I almost got arrested a couple times before they realized I'm not 40 or black.

As in cops coming in?
>tfw you went as far as emailing Google about removing your name from their search etc. so that you don't show up at all even though your name is super specific

feels good.
There are people with my name that have a warrant out for their arrest, the shop owner says 'hey i'm having some trouble its gonna be a while' which is normal but then a couple cops show up and they almost arrest me but then look at my id and find out I haven't done shit.
Cops are overworked and unless they're new or a golden boy tend to give less shits than you'd think they should.
"Let's get this guy to the pen and clock out, I've been working 16 hours."
Alright, went through the /g/ thread, haven't stopped reading the entire thread but they're thinking that it's possibly done to track /pol/ users, hackers, and pedos. So if you're neither of those, no problem, but still may want to avoid typing keywords related to those stuff?
Is this actually true for some people? My name just brings up an old MySpace account and some related pictures. Did you people put your address on your facebook or something?
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So what? There's nothing shady about it. I'd rather my government keep an eye on me and others if it prevents another Manchester bombing, or Boston Bombing.

If you have nothing to hide then what are you worried about?
There's websites specifically for these services it seems.

>they've been monitoring us for roughly a decade
>shit still keeps happening
Terrible track record, they should be fired.
>I'd rather my government keep an eye on me and others if it prevents another Manchester bombing, or Boston Bombing.
I wouldn't, and I was less than a mile from the San Bernardino terrorist attack.
>If you have nothing to hide then what are you worried about?
You're a fucking shit head
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Liberty or death etc.
i dont really give a shit
That site is not on my list. Tried even blocking it just to be sure and it's not appearing under "requests blocked".
Some anon's said they had to browse pol for a good 10 minutes before it showed up.
/g/ thread says this >>1380947, however the reply to that post was "I've been fucking around on
/pol/ for the past six months" and he still doesn't have it. Some anons think it might also be related to your physical location.
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Ehh, if I google my first name I only get 4 relevant results that I knew are in public space anyway, like my thesis and me winning some grants and shit. I was surprised to find out there are at least 3 people with the same name as me though
Just like my anxiety!
>If you have nothing to hide then what are you worried about?

Here's the deal, the reason why motherfuckers do horrible shit is because the world is a shit place. The solution to this is to make the world a less shit place because once the world stops being a shit place, it's not because you have a bloated government watching absolutely everything everyone is doing but because you've made violence no longer a solution to anything.

So whatever short-term gains we have to making the world temporarily less shit by monitoring everything it's not going to be good in the long-term nor does monitoring everyone solve the problem that there are segments of the world that are utterly and completely horrible. Because the moment we start monitoring everyone it might seem okay now while we have responsible overseers but in the future technology only allows corrupt assholes to abuse it and that is a world we don't want nor should we enable that behavior today - the collateral damage and loss of freedoms is significantly worse than some prevented terrorist attacks today and in the short term future.

The solution, to keeping you and everyone else safe, while not compromising the freedom and safety of people today, is to solve the problems that lead to such bombings.

I'm not going to offer how we address the source of the bombings. But your idea of surveillance is beyond what we have today is not okay.
I mean full name
>name is so generic even adding my middle name yields nothing

>the reason why motherfuckers do horrible shit is because the world is a shit place
Rousseau pls
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>look up my name
>look up my brother's name
>we both show up with our phone numbers and exact adress shown on google maps


Why the fuck does this even exist? Holy shit.
Serial killers got tired of hobos I guess
Why if I just check /pol/ to see updates on news?
I thought we used self destructing cookies here?
You made a uBlocker out of me.
I know this feel.
Good post fammillia, screencapped.
You'll get fucked either way, since the thread says /v/ has it too.
Ha only works in murrica
same, ublock origin doesnt work on a lot of random video players
Fugg. Time to get uBlock I guess
Does this matter if I'm a phone lurker?
you got iphone you fucked
Apparently yes, unless you have that thing they call Clover.
get back under your stairs freak
God forbid they watch me play Tekken and jerk off to Fairy Fighting. Seriously though, this kinda shit will eventually implode on itself or it'll go full dystopian.
wrong. iphone has self destructing cookies and adblockers/tracker blockers
Take that to /g/ then.
how come ublock doesn't show me any of that shit? my log is always empty. is it because of private mode?

Damn, glad I found this. When I become a famous video game celebrity I don't want people finding me.
>if you wish to opt out just give us your information even if it's not listed

Haha! Not falling for that one, no sir, not today.
>tfw I'm off the grid
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>try to opt out of the info
>pls give us your info : )
>they already have everything listed
I don't see this thing on my umatrix
Well I'm already on the damn site it's not as if giving them the exact information they already know can hurt me.
So more Hiro shit

Hope the guy goes away soon
Dunno, I clicked the refresh button. By default it was empty
Just installed this ublock thingy
Damn I feel secure
Only found my dad. Coincidentally, only one in the family who recklessly enters online contests and gets tons of useless magazines and catalogs
>solve the problems that lead to such bombings.

unless you can go back in time and stop the crusades, the invasion and subsequent expulsion of the moors, the molotov ribbentrop pact, the proxy wars in the middle east during the cold war, the bosnian civil war, the oil wars of the bush administrations etc etc etc basically a thousand years of conflict between muslims and the west, largely started or stoked directly by western powers or via their influence, then the only solution left on the table is:


thats why nobody wants to put their name on the middle east/muslim solution. its too distasteful. its either physical genocide for them or cultural genocide for us. theres no talking our way out of this one. theres no hippy bullshit, flowers in gun barrels. the situation is too fucked.
>be UK
>sacrifice liberty for safety
>cameras capture every square inch of your country
>watching your every move
>still get beheaded and raped by pakis every saturday
It's a better adblocker than Adblock Plus since it's open source and not subject to advertisers paying them to whitelist their ads
Pooh pls
it's just hiroyuki selling user data
>only US
Oh well, whatever
Not going to do your dirty work robot-kun. As far as you know, I'm still anonymous. You might have my porn history, torrent logs, music tastes, geolocation and MAC address, but never my name.
it's not the government but advertisers you idiot
I've just been using the regular not-plus adblocker, but there was some javashit that randomized the name every time it loaded so the ez mode manual block didn't do anything.
I should probably move the custom list over to ub and uninstall, but I'm too lazy for that right now.
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>US only
phew, I was scared for a moment.

btw, is this Mark from Classic Game Room?
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What does this mean?
What's blocked and what's not? Red = block?
Thanks, cambodian moot.
yellow means its bypassed the filter and you're already infected
How would you go about blocking Google's and Facebook's ads that circumvent adblock?
green = allowed
red = blocked
yellow = partial block

each of those lists multiple associated subdomains. some are vital and others are not or are tracky or ad-based so they're not blocked yet the entire domain isn't. red means all of it's blocked. green means none of it's blocked.
Huh? I have all the filters installed and I don't see any ads on my Goybook
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Why is anyone surprised by this? Hiroshimoot was well known for doing shady stuff with 2chan.
I want moot back :(
uBlock gets those IIRC, and if they bypass it uBlock has optional filters for killing anti-adblock or adblock-bypassing ads. These are turned off by default from what I can tell because they can disrupt site functionality.

>using facebook and being concerned about privacy and data collection
I'm cool with genociding the muslims.
Is all of it basically unwanted then? What's up with gstatic? Should that be blocked?

godspeed anon
>check every state I've ever lived in
>not found
checkmate jews
where do you even find this info? I fucking googled and I couldn't find shit. don't know what all the symybols mean, like what the fuck is that little wedge thing that looks like an eraser? you'd think they'd be labeled or have hover text, but no.
I'm not a programmer, but I'm guessing some portions of the domains are needed for the site to actually function. These sometimes come with ad-based or tracking extras that aren't needed, so it's only partially blocked.

Usually things related to "static" are part of images displaying. Considering this is a Democratic Republic of the Congo airsoft board, you probably want image hosting and display services unblocked.
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britbongs, when will they learn?
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I'm a computer illiterate. What does this mean and how do I fix it?
nah anon-bro. the key is to genocide them culturally. barring physiological influence, once people adopt proper ideologies, then maybe things can get better
install gentoo
Sounds pragmatic, but I kinda get what you're coming from. Human resource is a resource, after all.
>is it because of private mode?

If you're using Incognito, yes: It won't run your extensions. If you mean another "private mode" I'm not sure what you mean.
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Nice meme, Google "people killed by niggers Detroit" and "people killed by niggers London" :^)
>American advertising agency is potentially spying on you without you knowing
>Your information, such as who you are, what you buy and what you look at, will be sold to Amazon and others
>This is all without you being notified of it, something which, in Europe at least, is against the law
Install uBlock and add *.ekansovi.com to the filter.
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>have both adblock and ublock
bow beneath your god
I don't care.
I hope the yellow jew gets run over in traffic
Divinity feels p. gud right now

its almost impossible now. in ages passed it was easy to spread culture to savages through christian missionaries bearing gifts of medicine and our technological advances in agriculture and building

now we have nothing to offer to islamic extremists that they havent seen before. what do we show them to prove our way of life is better? reruns of the kardashians? buzzfeed articles? trump memes? our culture is as bankrupt as their own, it just isnt as overtly violent

thats besides the point. you could argue the merits of the one or the other endlessly, the bottom line is that i dont want to die and i dont want to live in fear of terror attacks. so the only solution is cultural genocide for us, or literal genocide for them
The answer is 0. There are just browns and blacks in London and Detroit and they arent people.
It doesn't prevent jack shit, jihadist likely don't even use facebook because some goatfucker luddite issued a fatqa against it. You traded your rights over for nothing britcuck. Such a sad day, you guys were usually the most politically aware. Whatever happened to punk?
poe's law man.
Might as well post this.
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why doesn't uBlock Origin block websockets?
They do use the hell outta social media, some of the victims of the SB terrorist attack are even suing FaceBook because of it.
Because chrome is shit and you need ab additional addon to block it, ublock origin extra

I had to switch from adblock to ublock since it slowed down my browser immensely lately.

I use firefox so might be other problem
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Thanks /g/, you guys are alright.
uBlock doesn't start saving block logs or data until around 4 or 5 minutes after you launch your browser to avoid writing unnecessary data. Also if you're running a private mode you need to make sure you allow extensions in it, or at least enable uBlock Origin in it.

>works on youtube
>works on bing
>works on dailymotion
>works on yahoo
>works on twitch

What kinda bumfuck Mongolian video player are you using anon?
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>called this shit day 1 when moot said he was selling the site to the chuckle fuck litterally famoua for ruining 2ch and selling the info of sites he ownes
>people did nothing
>site gets worse
>literal 4chan gold board now exist as well as shitty clutter like /bant/
>now its finally comming full circle with data selling spyware built into the site
You cant even post anymore from a mobile browser with ublock, because the capatcha stops appearing.
8chain was right, hotwheels was trying to save us.
I bet you also run five AVs.
google ublock origin
get it
click on it and go to settings
in the filters section put in the filter near the top of this thread for the ekans pokemon thing
enjoy cruising the web with cruise control
>list making

this is literally judaism 101

in elementary school there was a jewish kid who gave a list to the teacher of every kid who made fun of him and what they said

list making is literal jews
what if you make a grocery list
Literally half of Leviticus.
This piece of shit thing has my thrown out felony arrest record (or probably does). Why do these things exist?
lists for items are okay

when you start making lists of people or humans thats when you turn into a jew
So that others might know you are a danger to them Tyrone.
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> tfw dumb phoneposter

Am I safe? Or do phones also get tracked?
Why would you tell lies on the internet?
>Having a smartphone and being worried about being tracked by the gubbermens and advertisers
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>people or humans
Does this undermine anonymity?
by this logic, hitler was a jew for making a jew list
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who cares lol they can monitor me and my activity
sometimes letting the enemy know what you are doing makes them more predictable
No kidding, what retard thought /bant/ was a good idea? It's another fucking /b/ when there's already four other /b/s.
jews did lists first in russia before their revolution

they would make lists of whoever said anything mean about jews or went to the pogroms and then after the revolution they went and got them all killed

shitposting about jews on 4chan could literally get you killed in the future just saying
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>sticking the knife in mobile shitters
I take it back, Hiroshimoot the the hero we need
>implying (((he))) wasn't
in a way but so does everything
you start blocking everything on the site? that stands out
if you want to hide a tree hide it in a forest
Was his name Randall?
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Use Clover or any other reader.
more like
>post on 4chan a place where you literally need to fill a fucking capcha to do anything
>being worried about being tracked by the gubbermens and advertisers
the mods delete non-/int/ threads from /int/ so it's a board where you can have general discussion while still having flags
it's fine imo
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My generic named nigga

>Find myself and everyone in my family

>Can't find any of the e-celebs I watch

It's a doggy-dog world out there anon
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>enable legacy captcha
>can phone post
>mfw I'm phone posting right now
Just throw flags on /s4s/ then.
people like you are a diamond dozen
Cheers lad, dunno what all this miff is about but if it's invading my privacy I'm more than happy to expell it

>Watch random Youtube Video
>uBlock Origin blocks more than ONE HUNDRED requests

What went wrong with that website?
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If I do nothing about it, how fucked am I?
I'm too tech-illiterate about this kinda stuff.
ahhh...so you have a plan up your sleeve then eh
nice to know we've got you on our side then...heh heh
>my first and last name are a joke if said fast enough
>so i got banned on facebook when it first came out for having an "inappropriate" name
I dunno, I think youtube tries to reload an ad if it detects it was blocked or some timer ran out.
When I've had mimikaki going on there for a few hours it gets to 1k+
seriously, what the fuck is this
Youtube's pages and ads "stack" so if you go through 5 or so videos you'll end up with potentially hundreds of blocked items.
You really don't understand that it is a uBlock shilling? Damned you be, sheep.
I've been using uBlock for a long ass time ever since Ghostery and ABP lost my trust.

>Wrong address
>unlisted phone number
>no age
>wrong email blanked out

Good luck kikes
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Nothing for me.
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>mom, dad, brother are huge facebook people
>don't show up
>neither do I
Try searching for your name on whitepages.com or something. Google is actually pretty terrible for getting details on your unless you're (in)famous.
getting killed by niggers is the price one pays for freedom

Thing is, this isn't the only website of its kind. There are dozens of them.
Is that you Mike Hunter?
Is this serious? I can't tell?
give him a break, two ears is human
Because that chan is so much better in terms of freedom and not being filled with bullshit
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Having both uMatrix and Ublock Origin enabled is fucking with Chrome in a werid way for me, I cant access the catalog or post replies..
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You can do that? Please tell me how my friend.
Oh wow /g/ did something useful for once

I was wrongly arrested. But yes I'm a Tyrone.
Don't use uMatrix if you don't know what it does. Just use uBlock Origin.
Seems like every day now I'm installing some new extension to keep my computer from getting fucked up by everything.
thread on g died
It was on autosage.
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a double block should be sufficient
I wonder who could be behind this post.
>google search my name
>find all the cringy shit I posted on internet forums as a kid


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thank you for reminding me.
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molten fury wojak.png
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>Google my name
>it's some asshole scientist Chad who has accomplished more than I ever will

Just imagine anon, there's an entire generation of kids like that, but even worse. All those twitter accounts, all the youtube channels filled with stupid bullshit.

All of it. To be looked back on when they're 20-30. And how much of it is with their real names and faces? At least you used a screen name.
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got his ip.png
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Guess I have some reason to post this now
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>only work in america


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angry joy mutant.png
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>first site had their archive crash, difficult to find anything there
>second removes history of changed usernames after a month so it's long gone
>third is hopefully dead and forgotten except for the one friend I made on there
>still wind up having to live with all those memories
That stuff will/is getting deleted quite easily. Imagine someone who has written 10,000s of posts on a public gaming forum? The media could shred you to pieces because I bet there's something offensive in the bullshit you wrote.
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>google my name
>only my linkinid and soundcloud comes up
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vomit dog.jpg
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I knew that nip wasn't up to any good
>tfw freaked out when i saw people getting fired for offensive posts made online and edited well over 50,000 posts i made on a public gaming forum by hand

took me well over half a year to remove everything
I actually had my info there, but apparently it just collects data from people search websites you can opt out of. I did all of this shit >>1381099 and now I'm off that site.
>implying hyper autists of /pol/ and tumblr aren't cataloging all the racist (to them) posts on social media to later post against anyone who may one day rise to power
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>search my name
>see a twitter account I made in 2012
>don't even remember having it
>somehow it's filled with Minions shit
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just starts with my one thing up.jpg
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>tfw when I'm not a thirld worder burgerclap
Feels good man. Enjoy being spied on, cuckaroos.
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9KB, 252x244px
>computer classes in elementary school around the turn of the millennium
>teacher repeatedly drills the importance of anonymity into everyone's head
>parents are really vocal about it as well
I might've done some dumb shit as a kid on the internet, but it's all associated with usernames I don't even remember and free throwaway emails from providers that don't even exist anymore. Searching my own name just digs out some news articles for a local paper in bumfuck nowhere and a couple brief mentions on some professional websites. Sucks for the gen Z fags who were encouraged to plaster their real names onto everything though, that shit sticks and hard.
4chan.org 4cdn.org * allow
4chan.org 4cdn.org frame allow
4chan.org google.com frame allow
4chan.org google.com script allow
4chan.org google.com xhr allow
4chan.org gstatic.com * allow
4chan.org gstatic.com script allow
So uBlock and Noscript is all you need to not have your data harvested by gookmoot and not get served up malware ads right
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Miku Pizza.gif
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>tfw don't live in america
no they open your gibson to further vulnerabilities
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>tfw want to live in Americ.
I guess I'm lucky my name is pretty common. Just looked it up then and there were so many different results. searching with my middle name made it even worse and brought up a lot of unrelated shit.
Don't you mean Blinkin?
Can someone tell me why AdBlockPlus is discredited?

Aside from the fact that it has a built-in whitelist for ad companies that support it. I knew that for years but I'm wondering what else is wrong with it.
It won't stop absolutely everything, but it's still basically the single best security measure you can adopt and it makes browsing the regular web far less annoying as well. News sites suddenly load in half a second instead of waiting eons for that 5 megabyte clusterfuck of JS to finish loading all that tracking bullshit and several screenfuls of ads, and those malvertisements get cockblocked right from the start.
>Search my name
>None of these people with the same name have anything to do with me

Feelsgoodman. I never use my name online. Just made up usernames.
I really want to know what black magic MySpace used to overthrow all that thinking. Literally the same experience as you, being told for years and years about how to be safe online and then boom, completely different mindset almost overnight.
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>google search my name
>a empty google plus page
Not bad
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14KB, 221x120px
>Yes goy, we'll "remove" your name from our search database.

Oh anon, stay pure.
want to get into teaching IT just so I can give this singular lesson.
It was a fucking important lesson to me about 18 years ago, and with today's internet climate, I think it's pretty important to hammer home now.
>It was a fucking important lesson to me about 18 years ago, and with today's internet climate, I think it's pretty important to hammer home now.

Teaching practical and very important knowledge to the youth? Not in my school! But that is really a good idea anon.
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>This posted in the other thread
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>Only ever made a social media account on some national niche website years ago
>Deleted it later on
>Searching my name brings up nothing, even on sites like peoplefinder and such
>Mfw all those people willingly giving away their personal info on the internet
Who knew Turkey loves free speech more than America?
Feels good to be Canadian.

Shit would be fine if it wasn't for that ending. How do people have so much trouble grasping the importance of completely free speech?
>name is extremely common in any spanish speaking country
feels good
the thing that worries me about my plan is what I was told by a teacher I know. It's that the curriculum is becoming more and more rigid, meaning that teachers are being told to teach only from a book, rather than including their relevant experience. So there might not be an opportunity to even sneak it into a lesson, assuming I ever became a teacher.
>answers given by 18-21
>that last question
It's too late for this world
Dunning-Kruger. If you've ever used youtube or google maps your name and address are part of google's portfolio and it's really simple getting the rest from there.
Based Japan making a stand against feminist cancer.
really disappointed that Australia even came close to that red line as it went down.
Only a matter of time before the youth start shouting people down for having an opinion.
>meaning that teachers are being told to teach only from a book, rather than including their relevant experience.

This is really unfortunate.
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junkrat triggered.jpg
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This shit really makes you slightly worried about your future

Like fuck it's not like I'm not already.
Don't worry. I don't think he resembles those remarks in the slightest.
>stoked by western powers
The crusades were a response to muslim invasion.
>Google releases its ""game"" that encourages reporting people online that you don't like
Is there really any way for me to use the internet and NOT get jew'd?
The retarded shit I thought at 18 vs how I think now are fairly drastic. I think that's fairly true for most people.
Start your own internet
What the fuck is that supposed to mean you retarded child?

Or are you too stupid to articulate your concerns in a concise and specific way?
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++Fire Resistance.webm
3MB, 714x396px
>Australian youth
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What the fuck
nice bait schlomo

And in North America you do have free speech, despite 4chan and Reddit memes that you don't. You can say whatever the fuck you want and no-one will stop you. Free speech laws protect you from the government, not other people treating you like a cunty knobbler if you deserve it. Especially during a time where people's actual rights and freedoms are more at risk than ever before.
my country is becoming a lost cause
Do you have a webm of the recent video of the two young guys going to attack some old conservative commentator, and the old guy ends up knocking them out? Think they were Australian as well.
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>be a 3rd
>my dad and granddad are listed
>I'm not
>tfw no civilized country with conservative values
It really makes you think.
>It's so expensive in fact, that the best way to justify paying for it is to hook yourself up to the grid and get paid to pump your excess electricity into it.
In Texas here letting them pay you for your excess is a total fucking racket.

They just harvest most of your electricity themselves, pay you a paltry sum for it, and you still have to pay for it when you run out. There's a whole lot of fake bullshit circulating in this state that storing your fucking power for yourself instead of letting the electric company have it for basically free is somehow worse in every way, which is total horseshit.

Store as much as you possibly can. Don't fucking sell it.

kek, that's redundant when you have ublock. Remove it, and if you're paranoid, get noscript.
thanks for the heads up
Here's the thing.

You're comparing some light datamining to CCTV cameras tracking your circulation 24/7
I agree that we shouldn't breach the privacy of out populace to keep people safe, but you're a complete retard if you think they're killing us because the world is shit.

They're killing us because they are Islamic Extremists and they believe it is their fucking doctrine to do so. Unless you consider "Islam exists." to be part of the shit world we need to solve, than being le nicer to everyone is not going to fucking solve anything.

The fact of the matter is there's no solution to this shit. I'm against surveillance because it impinges freedom and barely fucking works as it can be worked around relatively easily, but at the same time I don't think there's ANY alternate solution. There's either the fucked up solution we have that barely works and introduces privacy issues, or no solution at all.
no datamining is light
So, I put that site on my rules in uBlock.
Haven't seen it in the logger, nor have I gotten it as a cookie yet.
Is it over already? Are we good?
Even if it's heavy, I see zero reason to be concerned.

I fucking hate the idiotic slippery slope arguments privacyfags use. I'll lock down my privacy when people are doing something I find to be a violation or unethical. I literally don't give a fuck if somebody sells some information about my habits so that a marketing firm or other group can more effectively sell stuff.
>Store power
I can't say much about the Texas situation, which sounds pretty shit, but as far as I know we haven't had the technology to have affordable storage cells until now with those Tesla cells. And I'm not aware of any way to charge them any other way besides solar, but I suppose modifications are easy if they allow for it.

Like, before Tesla, exactly what the fuck were you supposed to do with the excess energy besides sell it?

Of course you had excess and of course they were going to take it; until now there was no other place for it to go besides wasting it.

Look, I said I wouldn't talk about the solutions because the solutions would just derail the conversation on account of how monstrous they are. Just because I didn't mention them doesn't mean I am an advocate for playing nice with fanatics.

I'm still not going to mention them. It's just not something that is healthy to discuss in a place like that on account of how people will just get it wrong.
thanks OP
keep spreading the word guys
>typed my name and city into this
>some other guy's info was all that popped up
Looks like I'm safe, my doppleganger is going to soak it all up for me.
>I fucking hate the idiotic slippery slope arguments privacyfags use. I'll lock down my privacy when people are doing something I find to be a violation or unethical.
Why do you hate other people being concerned over their privacy while being a dumbass about it?
It's just an adblocker which you should already have.
What about a tablet?
will the adblocker also remove these terribly dumb ads at the bottom?
shut the fuck up
i don't want to remember
File: ads.png (24KB, 1894x234px) Image search: [Google]
24KB, 1894x234px
I'm looking at the bottom of the thread but don't see any ads and I forget where the ads were on this website so I guess it does.
Part of me wants to see what happens if I try to type their name unaltered. The other part wouldn't be surprised if the site just straight up banned me for trying.
ok, I'm switching
adblock seems to be doing a terrible job lately
retard alert
I'd expect to see this bait on /pol/ not on /v/
uBlock is far more superior, you've made the right choice
Why not both adblockers?
Not the guy you were talking to, but religious extremism feeds off economic insecurity. In general, as a society becomes more prosperous, it becomes more secular. It's not going to fix everything, but continued economic growth in developing countries and the third world is going to go a long way to making the world a safer place.
Woah now the ads get blocked twice as hard

These Captchas are getting creative
File: Fucking captcha 5.png (227KB, 405x585px) Image search: [Google]
Fucking captcha 5.png
227KB, 405x585px
>These Captchas are getting creative
File: rom.jpg (6KB, 340x94px)
6KB, 340x94px

Dummy here, what does this mean?
Can somebody boil it down?
>tfw they merge captcha and ads
>Select all the squares that match the label: The cool taste of Coca Cola, available now
Install addon, apply filter.
Link me senpai. Need a way to control headers and user-agent too.
Some Russian site is monitoring what you're doing

Say "fuck you" to them by installing uBlock and follow this guide
I don't think you know how dumb I am
>Some Russian site is monitoring what you're doing
Doing here, or other places on the internet also?
Others sites pretty much do that already.
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Fucking captcha.png
347KB, 403x616px
>"Select all cars"
>*selects all cars*
>Captcha won't accept it
>Select mountain

We're already halfway there.
i cant even get the page to resolve in my browser i just get a 404 error
I'm honestly unsure, but better to be safe than sorry, as they say.
>he doesn't know about clover
oh but pinging it sure as fuck works
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68KB, 1128x1064px
Really blinks my HDD leds. Hmm...
If I'm using adblock plus, how do I block this?
By uninstalling it and installing uBlock
File: FreeShrugs.jpg (74KB, 600x856px) Image search: [Google]
74KB, 600x856px
>Use Adblock Edge
>Blocks all the things
>Never get ads for videos, pop ups, sponsored links on google, nothing
>Also double down with NoScript, just because.
When this thread eventually dies, please go to
>>>/pol/129020602 or the new thread on ekansovi >>>/g/60809138. The old /g/ thread died and questions can be answered there.

read the thread, use ublock or uMatrix
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12KB, 320x240px
Why even panic over this if you use Google anyway?
it's true for everyone who's registered to vote, for one
Adblock edge? Is it on Firefox?
ekansovi is NOT google
>Adblock Edge
Edge? What's wrong with ublock?
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These Captchas are making me sweat
Adblock was literally compromised and allows people to whtielist their ads by paying money. Switch to uBlock now.
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992KB, 267x200px
>Had a joke last name when I was on facebook in highschool with the rest of my cross country team
>Forgot to ever change it
>Eventually deleted my account
>Username I've used for across a billion accounts for years was a throwaway WoW NPC's name (The orc in durotar priests have to heal) and means something in another language
>No amount of middle name, current town, old towns, or other identifiers pull me up in Google or that people finder thing
>Closest thing to an online presence you can find of me is my short lived 7.0-7.1 Havoc Demon Hunter having all of page 1 on Google to herself
I remember downloading and installing ublock but it didn't work

How do you configure it?
never registered to vote?
never owned property?
never rented property?
>search my name
>old twitter account I don't even remember using pops up, all it had was like 5 tweets ever
>Account Suspended
The fuck happened there
>Why do you hate other people being concerned over their privacy while being a dumbass about it?
Because they're always far too worked up. It's always some sort of big crisis but it's never about something rational.

If I had a dollar for every time I've seen some idiot shit himself because a marketing firm bought information about him from somewhere, I'd be fucking rich.

>here in Texas

texas is the reason why I will never like conservatives.
>preventing terrorism
Oh shit nigga. I can't find it anymore. When AdBlock started allowing google ads they released AdBlock Edge and that blocked everything and.. I guess it got took down.

But mods we were talking about video games I swear!
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>Not a containment board
This shit is well above the rules. This needs to be on every board on the site.
>Moved to /qa/
Well whatever it is, 4chan is in on it.
You're cute but /v/ is the main board and /vg/ and /vp/ and /vr/ were made to contain people.
there's already a thread about this here, you fucking retarded mod: >>1380490
you sound buttdevastated
yeah, i'm mad that this retard moved a thread past the bump limit here for no reason. if Hiro is going to address this then it shouldn't be in one that's already past the limit.
Is there still the problem where legacy won't load when trying to create new threads? I remember that being an issue, but I use legacy for normal posting.
It's because /qa/ is the meta board and this is a meta thread, silly. Hiro is not going to address this or he would have alreadty.
Well he's the one that added it in the first place. The only time it's going to get removed is when he switches it out for a new one since everyone is going to block the old one now that it's been found out.
Thread posts: 347
Thread images: 73

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