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The Water Protectors just took a severe!

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Thread replies: 307
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Fucking help! Why is this Fucking allowed!? They were not fighting any battle at the time and it was a ceasefire! They keep bringing in more troopses!


Sophia Wilansky was a key leader and Chief Logistics Officer. The Statists fired a shockwave bomb at her, like something out of Star Trek such as Jango Boba's space vessel used in that one movie, and it ripped through her arm. She wasn't wearing any Fucking armor!

She's Fucking hurt and is going to lose her arm! This was a targeted assassination attack against a leader!

This is a warcrime against humanities that needs to be Fucking executed all the way up to the top level of the U.N geneva convention world courts! Fucking send U.N. officers to arrest the government military police!
Here is what her father has provided in information:

>“My daughter was shot numerous times with bullets, she’s got bullet wounds all over her body, rubber bullets, or… plastic bullets… they’re made of something that’s less than lethal. But could maim somebody. The police were shooting directly at people’s faces and trying to hit the men in the groin. Sophia was hit in the groin."

>"The police intentionally left the blockade on the bridge halting local traffic, not merely a burden but an impediment when emergency services are needed."

>"Sophia’s prognosis is harmed by the fact that it took 6-8 hours before she could have surgery, and time was paramount. It’s upsetting that emergency vehicles were prevented from reaching her," her father said. “This is a human rights violation.”

>“The radius bone is significantly missing and all of the arteries are gone. The main nerve is missing. And most of the muscle, 80 percent of the muscle is gone.”

>“Surgeons have taken a vein out of her left thigh to replace her left arm artery with success, but her ulnar artery replacement could not produce a pulse. They’re working on nerves and tendons...”

>“She’s devastated. She looks at her arm and it’s not there.”

>“She’s in America! She’s not in Iraq or Afghanistan! This is like the wound of someone who is a warrior fighting in a war. This is not a war, she’s just trying to peacefully get people to not destroy the water supply. And they’re trying to kill her.”

>“She’s afraid right now. She’s worried that someone from [pipeline builder] Energy Transfers Partnership is going to send someone to kill her. She’s actually fearful of her life now. She wants me to stay and make sure she’s protected.
Fuck indians
she looks so comfy. some one post a comfy kek

You Motherfucker.
Sadly, our era is one deep in its own ignorance. This idea of respecting age old treaties is only as effective as it doesn't impede on disposable consumerism. To those on the lines you have my heartfelt prayers, for you will need them.
Time for Obama war crime tribunal
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>Rigging IED
>Shit literally blows up in her face

At least she suffered for 8 hours before receiving treatment.
lol, dumb fucking indians
The Water Protectors started a Go_Fund_Me page and have raised $329K so far out of 500K!
Yep...like I said...sign of the times....most of the people here are nothing more then ignorant children. Those who do not realize the profound implications of what's going on.
>The Statists fired a shockwave bomb at her, like something out of Star Trek such as Jango Boba's space vessel used in that one movie,
I'm sorry, I wasn't taking you seriously to begin with and this didn't help. Go watch Dr. Who and cry.
What happens at $500k?
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>Fucking send U.N. officers to arrest the government military police!

"Dear Santa Clause..."
It's just a single woman for christ sake.
>Chief Logistics Officer

damn that is an odd tribal name. what tribe is that kind of name from?
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Wow this is tragic.
Quit protesting and try to find a solution that doesn't include "no pipeline".
It's getting built whether you want it or not. If you're worried about the water supply you should try to find ways to protect it better from potential leaks.
Only stupid niggers stand around bitching instead of finding solutions.
The solution was to petition for the pipeline not to be built, wasn't it? Did they do that in the first place?
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>Star Trek such as Jango Boba's space vessel used in that one movie
The Jew gets it, then makes another one for even more gibs
>the solution is I get my way

This is why you lost 2016.
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It's not allowed she was trespassing and rigging up explosives.

If that's ok with you then a couple of weeks from now me and a couple of buddies are going to occupy your house and shoot off fireworks.
Fuck you and quit impeding hard working men from doing their job. They offered to trench it in around the lake. You asked for it you slacker piece of shit.
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Serves the bitch right
But I voted for Trump.
My point is that there's an institutional procedure in place for making objections to things like this, which are planned out long in advance, and the protests are childish.

They will have raised enough to take care of her initial medical care and rehab.
"No pipeline" Won't work.
A better solution is maybe finding a way for the company building it to be forced to take extra precautions for them. Maybe including water sensors and a thicker pipe with material layering that would hold up in different situations.
The pipeline is getting built. Work with it.

I read your title and thought Alex Jones was hurt. Fuck you.

They just need to build enough critical mass to get our president to shut it down via executive order.

They aren't going to make any money with this pipeline with oil as cheap as it is. Why are they Fucking building it!?
Fuck chugs.
May they all die.
Hillary will win
>They just need to build enough critical mass to get our president to shut it down via executive order.
Is that a realistic goal?
>They aren't going to make any money with this pipeline with oil as cheap as it is. Why are they Fucking building it!?
How much do you know about the logistics of oil pipelines? I've got a lot of questions for you and people who talk about the causes of the Syrian and Ukrainian conflicts.
but anon she was 1 1/4 cherokee on her mother's side!

It was her rank you stupid motherfucker.
Although people shouldn't be defending the police here, especially after what they did with the water cannons the other day, the protesters have been inundated with retard anarchist types that are just there to start shit, be aggressive towards the police, and escalate the situation in general. At one point this was a peaceful protest.

They likely used a Stinger grenade, so the claim that she was hit with / caught a grenade likely has credibility to it. However, it was NOT a concussion grenade, as concussion grenades are lethal, military grade grenades designed to kill. She likely got hit by the stinger grenade, which is a rubber ball grenade which the Sheriff's office admitted they have been using, and it detonated close to her arm with enough force to maim her arm like that. It's definitely possible, as the rubber bullets are propelled by a small explosive charge of 8g, and the rubber shrapnel itself can riochet off the ground / off other objects propelling them with enough force to cause that type of trauma.

I don't know the full story though, whether she was an agitator or not, I do believe that the police have been throwing stinger grenades to disperse the rioters and this woman was a victim of getting hit by one, or being hit by shrapnel created by the grenade itself.

Fuck the police and their tactics in this whole situation, but also fuck these moron anarchist types co-opting this protest with their bullshit as well. Honestly, this whole situation is so goddamn stupid.

It was her rank you stupid motherfucker!
The police said they were rigging those small camping propane canisters to explode and she got fucked by one

I fucking knew it! War crimes against humanities and violations of every Geneva convention laws!

So the police admitted that they are rigging the Water Protector's propane canisters to explode on them and setting booby traps! And they are taking away their energy source!

This is a violation of the land mines treaty and multiple war crimes against humanities!

Why are they Fucking being allowed to get away with this!?
You don't even know what a war crime is or what the Geneva Convention is, do you

bumping this post. not sure what i can do to help but that sounds like something worth looking into by someone more capable
Got damn America really doesn't fuck around when it comes to indians.

If the central american migrants flooding the country could be rebranded as injuns the illegal immigration problem in America would sort itself out in no time.
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Why should I care? A leftist getting BTFO is a good a day as any.
>The crowd funding for these protestors is barely inching, while the recount drive for Jill Stein is hitting 2,5 million by tonight...

Fuck the left.

She didn't Fucking do anything wrong and her government tried to kill her!

What the FUCK did she do wrong!?
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>"the police were shooting directly at people's faces and trying to hit men in the groin"
Being a leftie
Protesting like a bunch of children over a pipeline. She got off easy, because if it were any of our calls they'd be gunned down in that field by morning.

You don't start shit and then get to act all surprised and looking for pity when you get wrecked.
She dindu nuffin?
>Why are they Fucking building it!?
To connect oil to refineries.
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>some one post a comfy kek
>Sophia was hit in the groin

I guess they couldn't tell.


she blew herself up with her own ied- a propane tank
Where are the proofs?
Eco-terrorism is terrorism. She chose to fight like a man, she can take her licks like a man.
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She was trying to set up a fucking propane heater to keep warm.

Like a fucking liberal and a woman combined together, she had no fucking clue how things outside of a man controlled and run city works and the god damned heater exploded.

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OP you're a fucking faggot. No one cares about the fucking Indians you nigger loving spaz. Fuck this cunt she got what she deserved.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Wait for retaliation.
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Logic suggests that Sophia Wilansky may have been the female authorities saw wounded in the explosion of a propane canister-based improvised explosive device (IED).

If the shrapnel recovered from Sophia Wilansky’s body matches that from the evidence recovered from the scene, then there seems to be sufficient evidence to >bring charges of attempted murder and domestic terrorism against her for attempting to use a bomb against law enforcement officers.
it was her rank you stupid motherfucker!

You are at higher risk for depression!
>“The doctor just said she may need as many as 20 surgeries over very many months to have any hope of saving her arm and her hand”
Good. Fuck injuns.
The Government military is also using 40mm Grenade Launchers!
>Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

This is what's going to be written in wrought iron over the gates of the FEMA camp that all the collaborating city pigs around the country are going into when The Day of the Beret finally kicks in.

Praise Guevarra

She's not Native American, she's Jewish you Motherfucker!

There was an article about her in the Forward!
>Water Protectors
you mean insurrectionists
Bitch is going to jail for life when they match the blood found on the propane tank to her.
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just chop it off and call it a day.
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Lol that isn't evidence she set up a bomb, just that she got blown up by one.
wahhhh, we can't impose our wills on other people!

wahhh, we can't control what other people do on their own fucking property!

wahhhh, the authorities are doing exactly what they are supposed to do!
the fact that her hand is spaghetti while noone else is injured speaks to that
Kek<------- This one
Stop samefaging idiot.
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They were shooting high!

They were shooting low!

>They were shooting just right
Time to break it down:

>>"The police intentionally left the blockade on the bridge halting local traffic, not merely a burden but an impediment when emergency services are needed."

You mean they maintained positive control of their AO? What a novel concept.

>>"Sophia’s prognosis is harmed by the fact that it took 6-8 hours before she could have surgery, and time was paramount. It’s upsetting that emergency vehicles were prevented from reaching her," her father said. “This is a human rights violation.”
That's actually pretty fast given the circumstances. I've seen dying people wait longer.

>>“She’s in America! She’s not in Iraq or Afghanistan! This is like the wound of someone who is a warrior fighting in a war. This is not a war, she’s just trying to peacefully get people to not destroy the water supply. And they’re trying to kill her.”
Grenade injuries period are pretty rare. And even then IEDs are a bigger problem. So this isn't really anything like what you see in a war.
comments being yelled by protesters included, “We are willing to die for this,” and “We get paid for this.”
Why didn't anyone care about the pipeline when they were accepting public comments to oppose the pipeline?
Was there not a thread just yesterday about people who willingly want to have their limbs amputated?
>Lol that isn't evidence she set up a bomb, just that she got blown up by one.
Not on it's own; But it is a fact that a women and two men were hiding behind a barricade doing unspecified actions, the police ordered them to move back then shot at them with foam shot rounds. The police saw the propane canisters rolling around and were about to take action when their was an explosion. Protestors then extracted a the female back to the protestor lines before the police would react out of fear of more bombs.

If the blood is hers then that matches her to the canister which are totally safe to handle unless you are attempting to modify it into an explosive device. Which then becomes a very good case for attempted murder on police and terrorism.

So if that is her blood she's more or less ended her life. Hope it was worth it.
Daily reminder that oil is a completely natural substance and that oil spills are the most natural occurrence possible - the oil is just returning to the ground.
>fathima gassem
>fucking lost

The police fired one of their shockwave bombs and blew up that propane tank against Sophia!

That's her Fucking name Motherfucker, so use it!
as someone who often carries a lucky propane tank in my hand, this terrifies me
I don't know what to think anymore...
So she was the person with the propane canisters?

Also what device do you claim was used by the police? Because the police will have serial numbers and counts for all the pyrotechnic devices they have been issued and I'm somewhat doubtful that she was hit by a police device and not her own failed IED.
no proof?
sorry but I don't feel sorry whatsoever. the pipeline is NOT on reservation land. the tribal leaders want a cut of the revenue but aren't getting it. that's why we have protests and all you leftists are eating that shit up.

Protest on federal land un armed. Win stupid prizes. They should have weapons if they wanted to keep cops off
you sound schizophrenic OP
How are the Government military police using so much force against these peaceful protestors, but they couldn't Fucking do nothing about The Oregon or Nevada protestors that were Fucking armed!

New fbi poster eh?
If you think that's bad, wait until the right wing death squads come. There's a list with all of your names in it.
>Your votes

They'll make Stalin's purges look humane in comparison. Be afraid.

Fucking how!? You Stupid Motherfucker. You are so Fucking stupid!
>He was a big guy
>for me
Isn't this a bit too late to finish what Andrew Jackson, Ulysses Grant, and Sherman has done.
Why is this still going on

Why are these police literally trying to kill people but nothing is done about

Why wont obama get off his nigger ass and deal with it

Why are they wasting so much money when they could just build around the area and get on with it
>so much force
i know this whole thread is bait, but she allahu akbar'd her own hand into paradise
Why are these commies protesting on private property again? And why hasn't the police or NG cleared them out yet?
lol, I bet one of them dropped a flashbang into one of their smoke launchers and shot it at them
>someone throws a grenade at you
>hey i'm gonna throw it right back at them!
BIG-BADA-BOOM multi-fail
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Seriously, re-read what you have written and then re-write it into something that is more articulate, please.
>Sophia Wilansky
>Slav, possibly (((Slav)))

Definitely deserves whatever justice the right wing death squads would deliver.
>Painful death

Crypto-(((Soviets))) need to die.
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There's reports out there where the police state that some of the protesters have been rigging explosive using propane, the police believe she may have been a victim of her own kind.

Obviously I can't verify, but it certainly isn't out of the realm of possibility.
Concussion grenades are not designed to kill you goon.
You're thinking of shrapnel grenades.
Also, commies had it coming.
maybe they should get the fuck off federal land when they've already been asked
>bring charges of attempted murder and domestic terrorism against her for attempting to use a bomb against law enforcement officers

Oh god please charge her with this I want to laugh my cock off.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggvQdZXMGLw [Embed] Jean Benoit Ramsey 'pizza' reference at 4:18.
Fucking back to /X/
dont give a shit about this just wanted to see the gets
Why should I care what happens to people who didn't vote for my President?

I feel no sympathy for those who choose the wrong side.
Christ I almost died laughing
I don't care about them, they aren't white.
We all know what happened right?

She literally must have picked up the grenade.

>fucking leftie

I rest my case.
>how are they using so much force
>they're unarmed
>they couldnt do anything to the Oregon and Nevada protesters... who where armed
Think about your question. There's a reason the 2A exists.
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shes faking

plus she shouldn't of been wearing that i mean look at her shes totes asking for it
Im crying lmfao
That's not her, that's some random little girl from the show toddler's and tiara's.

Please kill me for knowing that.
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>Protest a pipeline
>That doesn't go on tribal land
>That was routed around every site remotely possible to be of cultural significance
>That would run parallel to an already existing pipeline
>Literally 30 feet next to it
>Failed to prove any of their claims in court in favor of "boycotting the whole process"
>All actual landowners want it put in

Plains niggers are literally mad that they aren't putting it on tribal land where they can make gibs. Note the lack of any real external support, just redskins and fb virtue signalling because everyone else knows they don't have a leg to stand on.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
>Don't bring drum circles and chronic alcoholism to a gun fight injuns, bring guns if you actually stand by your cause
The money is distributed fairy amongst tribal members and they immediately spend it on alcohol
>mfw I try to rig a propane bomb to throw at LEO for protecting a 100% safe and 100% in their laws to do so pipeline but instead it backfires big time and I have to sit here for 8 hours pondering why the fuck I majored into Women's Gender Studies and how I'm now going to struggle for a lifetime typing with only one hand on tumblr about my new found paraplegic sexuality.

fuck hippies
jewess blew her own ass up

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Her arm blew off because she and other protestors were rolling fucking propane tanks onto a burning bridge, and the tank she was moving blew up in her hand.






As someone who has literally jammed a propane canister open, lit it as a 20ft pilot light, and shot it with a rifle for shits and giggles to be supremely disappointed
>Accidentally exploded
>Just setting up a propane heater guys
lol I sincerely doubt eye-witness accounts of 'unspecified actions' immediately prior to the police lobbing devices with explosive mechanisms at a gas canister that then exploded would be enough to convince any grand jury that they have a case.
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Well she's going to be a lefty now!
That's why they have the blood to match her to the location and item. Then it is a simple question what possible legitimate action would any person have for rolling propane canisters towards a fire near the police?

The state says it was attempted murder and terrorism.

So the grand jury then has the facts of her being the person, the canisters being a potential weapon.

That's enough to satisfy charges and a trial.

The average grand jury spends less than 30s per case they review and vote on.
Her blood being on the propane tank indicates that she was injured before it rolled away towards the cops and blew up. If anything her blood being on it lends credibility to her claim that it was the police's grenades which fucked her up so bad.
shes a 4.4 at best

happy thanksgiving
Sir, this is not how you use that maymay.

It was entirely too clever, to the point of audible laughter
>Her blood being on the propane tank indicates that she was injured before it rolled away towards the cops and blew up. If anything her blood being on it lends credibility to her claim that it was the police's grenades which fucked her up so bad.

How would her blood be on it if the rolled away before it exploded?
Also what grenade was used?

And again what was she doing with the canisters at that location?
yep they will send her jewy ass to prison for terrorism

i hope they waterboard her
>what was she doing with the canisters at that location?
jew subversion, there's footage

literally anyone against the protestors is a fucking cuck to corporations. Not even shit posting - only a real man would stand up for them since they'd be standing up for freedom
Freedom to what?
paid jewish protester might lose her arm
sounds like a happy ending
I want cheap oil you retard, I don't give a fuck about indians.
>standing up for freedom
the drunk indian chiefs were too lazy to even show up to the meetings to plan the pipeline route
Freedom is a full tank of gasoline!
indians need to be tossed over the wall with mexicans so all the brown savages can live together
>How would her blood be on it if the rolled away before it exploded?
Because the plastic bead grenade exploded and fucked up her arm, splattering it all over the propane tank as it rolled away.
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Reminds me of the bundy standoff. Where were the leftist then? Oh ya they were calling for them to be drone striked. Eat shit faggot
>Because the plastic bead grenade exploded and fucked up her arm
Those don't explode, you know being plastic bean bags.

They are shot from a grenade launcher but that's just because it's the most common large bore launcher.
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You have no clue how a bomb works do you? Bombs under great pressure will cause limbs to literally rip apart. There will be a fuck ton of blood sprayed everywhere when this happens. That blood, then spews onto the remains of the canister.

The dumb cunt blew herself up. Its a shame that she was the only one hurt. Would of been great if it killed her and maybe ripped through a few other turkeyniggers.

Why are the Government Military Police firing Grenade Launchers at protestors!?

How is that not a Fucking war crimes against humanities!?
this, one million times.
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You dense motherfucker, they use the launcher because of its large bore size to fit the bean bag.
They should go full durka durka
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>firing Grenade Launchers
Because this is what you do to niggers who don't listen. You fuck with the government, the government fucks with you right back.
Because a bean bag is larger than a bullet, and therefore requires a larger diameter barrel. A grenade launcher is 40mm, which allows for a beanbag to pass through
T. Army guy
Also wtf is a "government military police"? It's redundant, as we don't have "private military police"
Its the land of Sioux that's going to be ruined not government property
If the UN shows up on US soil and tries enforcing international law on Americans of any kind, on any issue, and for any reason, we will be sending Jaques home in a bodybag. We will simply not stand for having armed foreigners from corrupt and royally fucked parts of the world, and I'm looking at you faggots in Europoor, infringing on Americans for any reason.

She picked up a flashbang and tried to throw it back. They have a 2.5 second fuse and I assume she thought it was a smoke or CS/OC so when she picked it up, BANG.

Don't pick up flashbangs.
Dont throw them in the first place
Does anybody know what time JC Penneys will open for black friday?
The government fucked with them first
Who gives a FUCK.
Fuck these protesters they're all faggot left leaning liberals. This dumb bitch probably voted for Hillary Clinton. FUCK her arm.
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>post yfw Trump declares open season on these red fucks on January 20th
We conquered them. Their land is our property.
>let tree niggers nig out plz
No thanks
Why would they vote for someone that doesn't care at all about their rights? Its their land.
Chief logistics officer, lmao, didn't realize Wal-Mart ran this protest!
Technically is adjacent to "thier land"

Really makes you think who the real Savages are....

almonds fully activated right now desu fampai
What's yours is only yours so long as you can defend it.
About what? The pipeline that isn't even crossing their reservation?
All the other land aside you signed a treaty giving them that reserve and letting them take water from that lake and now it risks contamination.
Nig out? Black people rioted over nothing. How would you real if your homeland was trashed?
What the fuck are you talking about?
>Sophia Wilansky

A fucking white suburban women's studies major... "their land" It's not her fucking land. what the fuck are you talking about.
good question
there will be once less jewish hoe there to beat yiu on black friday deals sinve her arm is damaged

Why the fuck were they throwing flashbangs? The cops fucked up big time on that one. I'm pretty sure you are going to see some serious lawsuits come out of this.
It starts with the left then slowly the rights of the right are infringed upon. then it becomes all americans and before you know you are facing a complete militarization of your police for any protest.

This is setting a precedent for the kind of force police are willing to use on Americans
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>thinking this is a new thing
what was it?
The pollution caused by it will move over into their land
Funny how so many people here cry about Constantinople.
And yet the government still brutalized peaceful protesters. Your kind only cries police brutality when its convenient for you. So like I said before, eat shit faggot
That's fine, I prefer live ammunition anyway.
>All the other land aside you signed a treaty giving them that reserve and letting them take water from that lake and now it risks contamination.
Okay? It's just paper. I bet we signed a few treaties that said we wouldn't wreck their shit in the 1700s as well.
I'm not Canadian I am Cree
What do these idiots expect to happen when they start throwing molotov cocktails at police?

When protesters become rioters the police respond in kind.
>Funny how so many people here cry about Constantinople.
Taking the moral high ground is the first step towards getting what you want.
We have bigger fish to fry, kemosabe. Hold the line until Trump and his army can fix the situation. Trump means it when he says he's for every American, he just isn't going to tolerate crybaby bullshit.
What you're saying tells me you're a liberal faggot. probably a genderqueer transgender alien too.
t. Injun
she was not peaceful
her arm got blown off with her own propane tank bomb

glad it was a jew thats injured
The pipeline is not on their land for starter
Then why didn't they protest the existing pipeline 30 feet over from the new one?
Because they took over government property. I can't come into your home and protest.
I hope they do too soon.
Going by that all of the USA belongs to indigenous tribes
this whole thread is cringe.
>be a leftist with incoherent political views
>try to blow stuff up 'cause protest
>literally btfo yourself
>go to federal prison
life is beautiful
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More like they were shooting just left.
Ya I know. I was referring to the bundy stand off
Those forces were being geared for the Hillary administration. They aren't our friends, but they can be turned into assets for good.
Maybe because this one is 30 feet closer?
Fuck leftists
There will be no pollution, it takes years of approvals to get this shit even off the drawing board

The USACE held meetings with the sioux tribe but the drunk injuns were too lazy to send a representative
No they can't. Fucking exterminate them.
>Going by that all of the USA belongs to indigenous tribes
No it doesn't, we took their land.
>Why the fuck were they throwing flashbangs?
They were not.
She was literally throwing an IED at the police and it blew her arm off...
The Lone Ranger and tanto pull up to a saloon.
"Tanto, the horses are hot. I want you to runs circles around them to provide a breeze to cool them off"
The Lone Ranger goes in and orders a beer. As he's drinking an old vacarro saunters in.
"Hey, amigo, I think you left your injun running."
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Okay that was funny
yeah so instead fight for BNSF
>Fuck chugs

You from sask or maniscroda?
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>protester injured by bass


Seems legit.
This entire post reeks of autism
>Because they took over government property. I can't come into your home and protest.

I dont know what its like in maplenigger land but here it is legal to peacefully protest on government property. And even if it were illegal you're now advocating for police brutality that you were just bitching about. Day of the rake soon retard

Then how the fuck did that happen? No reports of any explosives coming from the protestors so it has to have been the cops.

It's possible it could be a false flag but I doubt a white chick like her would have put her body on the line.
Nice ad hominem
also i'm a conservative but even I'm not retarded enough to ignore basic rights being fucked with.

Haven't seen any reports of that. Links?
>I doubt a white chick like her would have put her body on the line.

I dont know man hippy chicks are fucking nuts
The protesters didn't tweet out that they were using IEDs?!
You don't
>t. Principled Conservative(tm)

Nah, fuck 'em. Shoot every last one of them.
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But anon, won't that cut into the bottom line?
what am I looking at here
We just voted in a major election if pipelines like this will be built.

Your side has lost every election world wide (But canada) since 2012. You guys need to get your shit together because its starting to get pathetic
Looks like a 3rd nut
It shouldn't be up to everyone else. Only natives should get a say in this case.
Why? Its not on their land.

They refused to attend meetings
>only natives should have a say about infrastructure that's not even in thier reservation
he sat in some gum
There is no such thing as a native.

They had no immunities to any virus or bacteria from Africa, Europe or Asia. They all died, the people who you are calling natives are the offspring of Europeans and natives mating.

>building a pipeline
>ignoring basic rights

pick one faggot.

you'll have to wait a couple days and see if the left eats their own by reporting if she gets arrested.
they did it on purpose. dakota got bought by hillarys deep pockets . republicans switched sides in that state and are controlled opposition.

they threw a grenade at a jew. let that sink in. they threw a grenade at a (((jew))) on native american land

some one should be fired over this shit
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It's nobody's business but the Turks.

Fuck leftists

There would have been a police report about it if the protestors had done that. All I've seen so far from the police is that the protestors may have tried to throw a LPG canister at them, but there are 0 fucking reports of it actually happening.

I would have expected fireworks or even molotov cocktails but there has been no reports of that at all from the protestors. The cops are the only ones bringing the bang having admitted to using tear gas and rubber bullets. Them using concussion grenades is not a stretch.
Are we all gonna pretend that this is in fact not a troll thread?
I've lit a candle and set in front of a closed tiny Mr heater propane tank, then shot it. it was a massive explosion the size of a good sized work van. would definitely do more than just maim an arm. we're talking 3rd degree burns the body over, if you survived.
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The protest in itself is a farce

>Pipeline going around protected area
>95% of landowners in area agreed to have it built
>389 meetings with tribes finished in agreement
>Over 22% of it is already built
She got what she deserved
Good. Hope she gets done for that. Stupid fucking bitch, its not even her fight and I've heard its not even indian land the pipe's going through. Hope the cops kick arse and send those chucklefucks packing.
So you agree that runs with propane was making an IED then
Listen leaf, you're not here. I fucking live here and have to deal with these faggots.

I'd like it if they threw actual grenades at the protesters and culled some Hillary voters because they fucking sure wouldn't be killing anyone who actually lives here.

All the protesters are from Minneapolis. The natives here want a cut, but aren't looking for a fight. They just want drinking monies. The liberal fucks are a bunch of rioters who should be shot for some of the shit they're pulling. The other faggots are Natives from Minneapolis like the shit eating Bellecourts who try to cash in on everything.

If you're throwing molotovs at the police, simply throwing a flashbang at you is being nice. They should have just shot the stupid bitch.

Are all Canafaggots as stupid as you, or is it a profession for you fucking morons up there? Now shut the fuck up and go back to watching ice boxing.
>her name
Hmmm. She needs a media re-christening: how about Retard McCuntface? Cunty O'Bomber? C'mon, the list is endless.
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Frieda of the Nine Fingers
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Just a reminder that the Indians are protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline because it does _NOT_ cross over either Indian reservations and thus they can't extort money out of it.
This is three ours old but just incase

You should get this story to Alex Jones, I'm not even shitting you. Email him, Email Jesse Ventura.

Get this in the hands of the libertarians and they will lose their fucking shit
Shut the fuck up. She's a filthy commie blocking progress on public land. It's about water rights to which they were given amble time to voice their concerns and they didn't. It's going under the river whether you faggots like it or not.
Why are they protesting?
Why are they protesting, then?

Exploded propane canister on site. The commies were trying to injure police.
>protest illegally
>get shit on

nothing to see here
They aren't building it trough injun land because they wanted too much money so they went around and that made them upset and they summoned self hating white libs to help protest for protest sake.
Oh no poor Squanto missed his alcoholics anonymous meeting fighting off the government from hammering a pipeline onto the ground
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i have no idea why any of you can justify the shit happening with this pipeline.
We dont need oil
many engines have all been bough and patented by oil companies to ensure they are the top cheese.
We don't need oil. oil just makes business and control.
The lack of water= more control.
We have all the solutions. We. as a race are too dumb to realize we can all help eachother ditch the old ways and progress towards more efficient power.
But then again, free energy= less control. doesn't it?
Hey B9Fu/7XW, I just wanted to let you know that you're a massive faggot.

Quit sticking up for a literal terrorist who very likely blew herself up.
>blow off arm with homemade bomb
>felony weapon charges
>terrorism and attempted murder charges

I thought they said Jews were smart?

everyone is so caught up in shit-tier energy sources that we don't progress to god tier antimatter/free energy.

Lots of classic liberals here

private property = do what you will with it
Hi underage fag

How is high school?

why is it always the washington post with this shit?
do you not know how waterways work? the fear is that any oil spilled into that river will travel downstream and fuck their water supply.
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Thank you.
Why the fuck hasn't people realized this?
Why haven't more humans looked at all the information on youtube. and started building there own free energy machines? Too used to being on the grid? to use to being controlled?
I sound like a dumb cunt. But all im trying to say is. If people in third world countrys can build there own shitty little machines in the current state of our connection as a race. What could we do if we shared the knowledge better. Came together. and tried to work on this stuff. without the help of people in power that can control the flow of resources?
All im saying is. Imagine our potential as a whole. without daddy government telling us what to do.
>That's actually pretty fast given the circumstances. I've seen dying people wait longer.
but that's because you're Canadian
We don't want UN coming here! Obama signed an executive order for the UN to use military force against civilians and also just gave our military stand down orders for some reason. The UN are the same people that went to assist in Haiti and shit in their water supply for laughs and killed hundreds of people. These are filthy ape commies we do not want or need them here
Sorry, human. You're need to categorize and label things don't concern me. nothing personal kid.
Also no man owns the land. another label invented by humans.
see >>100023089
the goal becomes 1 mil
lol fuck people trying to do anything.

what has your fatass done thats worthwhile? not a damn thing
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> People who are shit talking these "faggot protesters" defended Bundy Ranch

If this is you kill yourself. Also If you don't think that there isn't a problem with the militarization of police you're a retard.
>Why are the Government Military Police firing Grenade Launchers at protestors!?
they are not, thats the point
say what you want but the day government becomes far too overreaching and controlling do then you will finally realize that it was about more than just a pipeline but use of militarized police against americans wishing these dumb indians were helping to fight the good fight to protect this nation for ALL americans.
Do you expect anons to actually use common sense ??
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checked and kek'd

funny i see these protests over "maybe our water might someday be tainted" but not over "our fucking water is tainted in flint MI"
May she live in the star teepee, Sophia Spaghetti Hands
If nobody owns land why do the injuns demand we recognize their reservation

they were taunting police "we get paid for this"

nice trips

our rivers get poisoned all the time here in pennsyltucky, how can i make a career out of it? kek
>>"The police intentionally left the blockade on the bridge halting local traffic, not merely a burden but an impediment when emergency services are needed."
>>"Sophia’s prognosis is harmed by the fact that it took 6-8 hours before she could have surgery, and time was paramount. It’s upsetting that emergency vehicles were prevented from reaching her," her father said. “This is a human rights violation.”

>injuns have powow with jews and burn barricade of garbage and propane cylinders
>evil white man refuses to clear burning, bomb-laden barricade to save heroic jewess
>oh the humanity
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My thoughts on tbe pipeline shit and indians as a whole
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Pretty safe unless they explode directly against your person, such as if you picked one up or it lands on your feet
Is this OP serious? Is he genuinely thinking like this? Does he seriously expect sympathy for some retard from /pol/?


Good job
>t. 14 year old edgemeister

The government should be so small that you could barely see it. Fuck off.
>no man owns the land
If you can defend it you own it. Having laws means you can defend it without force don't like it leave.
Because they can't extort money out of it
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that's what jews get, learn your place scum
>Chief Logistics
>If /pol/ ran The Onion
you sound like such a fucking faggot
Is this satire or are you retarded
>concussion grenade

What fucking timeline is this again?
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