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Hillary won VA by 5 points what went wrong with this previously

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Hillary won VA by 5 points

what went wrong with this previously so Republican state?

governor restoring nigger ex con voter rights
Government workers and Niggers in the north.

Also VP candidate was a Virginia bitch
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fucking overpopulated jungle that is norva
Metastasizing cancer of DC
what was his name again?
fairfax county

Smart people moved there and old white idiots died.

Its called demographics.
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cwc is a massive hillshill
That was struck down retard.

Pay attention to the news once in awhile.

It was dumb to think the governor even had that power.
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White Liberals are overrunning NoVa.

Pic related
It really was struck down? Neat. Fuck that faggot.
>government employees
Uhhh Tim Kaine? I thought this was obvious. However the fact that there was that much red tells me even his own state didn't like him all that much.
Vafag here. It's NOVA and liberal hellhole cities.
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Don't mind me, just being the best part of Virginia.
>94.1% white
>pepperoni rolls
>white water rafting
>holler girl to fuck
>can conceal carry without a permit
>did I mention we're 94.1% white
>deer hunting
>no jews
>best football team

Need I go on?

I live in NOVA, Herndon, VA to be specific. It is full of military and intelligence based companies and employees. They want big government and they want a war hawk. Isolationists hurt them so they don't want Trump, they want shit blowing up, domestic and international surveillance, and war time contracts for someone planning on going toe to toe with Russia basically.
supposedly the running mate doesn't make that much of an impact as far as a "home state advantage"

Paul Ryan didn't do any favors for WI and neither did Edwards in SC
Last I checked, it was struck down in April or so when he tried to mass pardon hundreds of thousands, and he was able to manually go through the reported 70k over the months in time for elections, because apparently there's a difference between blanket pardons to large groups and manually doing it.

holy cucks

I worked for Obama in 2012. He spent a shitload of money targeting a very specific demographic in Virginia. Essentially these were "conservative-leaning government employees in their 40s." The swing was very, very specific and measures up to about 3% of the vote.

Look at the messaging we used to target them, you would probably conclude that Obama's team felt they could be persuaded to vote for the party of power. I think that's right. It was essentially persuasion to convince them to vote for their own job security.

The same demographic was likely appalled by Trump's flamboyance. "Conservative" is sometimes skin deep. Of all of the blue states in this election, Virginia is probably the most likely to flip back, simply because of these people who will support the government out of self-interest.
what happened to this key democratic stronghold?
>tfw have never whitewater ratfted in WV

Well isn't D.C. as crime ridden shithole?

That can only means it's FULL of minorities and liberals
Vafag here, this is the sad truth >>99985853

The shitty DC suburbs (that blue in the northeast of the state) are spilling over and ruining the state, along with the standard liberals, blacks and easily triggered college students in the capital city.

We tried our best to make VA red again this time. Almost made it.
I used to think Virginia was a rebel south, pro-merica state, but after visiting it, it is just a dindu cesspool.
federal workers, beltway cucks, and carpetbagger scum tipped it. Ironically, these were all things done because of Bush's federal buildup. Obama delivered the coup de grace by flooding VA with immigrants
When I was in Charlottesville, VA this past summer I literally saw grown ass men hugging trees on UVA's campus
It's called being educated. Fuck you and fuck Trump.

Enjoy this country's debt increasing by trillions more
Yeah I'm sure that awesome ponzi scheme the often lauded "New Deal" had nothing to do with it

so much for being educated
Northern Virginia is completely overrun by democratic leading government officials and their families, as well as lobbyists and business interests connected to the government. Hampton Roads has a very poor economy besides the Newport News shipyard Kama which is the second largest Shipyard for the military in the country.
Government job expansion in the DC area under president Bush.

Most new gov jobs in the area end up in NoVA because of the tax advantages for contractors. MD and DC are decidedly anti-business. Fairfax and Loudoun counties in VA are now dominated even moreso by leftleaning government employees and contractors which all benefit from a bloated fed gov.
Literally just niggers.
Her running mate is a Virginia native, was a politician there. People from Blue New England move down to VA and NC regularly, turning the voting population more D as time passes.
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>Smart People

Ding ding ding ding ding
More than 50% of the population of El Salvador has relocated to Northern Virginia - guess who they vote for
Damn, I was robbed of quads.
The nigs have always been there, and the state was solid red even with them. The problem is federal employee cucks spilled across the potomac
Our nigger population is multiplying exponentially, yes. Richmond could only contain them for so long.
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We are sick of dems shoving niggers down our throat.
We are racist as fuck!

When the dems elected a nigger prez we had enough.

Kingston Chase here.
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Its fun.
RVA here

the liberal hipster hellhole known as VCU combined with nigs and other liberals to turn this city blue.

to be honest i dont even understand how 7th district was turned blue since most of us are conservative.

NoVA is a known liberal camp and the GOP doesn't even campaign up there. It's literally a lost cause.
Literally two counties decide VA. Fairfax and Loudon
Educating voters favouring Dems moving to the suburbs around DC for jobs drowning out the country bumpkin vote.

I hate how partisan the country has become, before the ethnic/demographic shifts there were a lot more states in play

This. When I first got to college, I loved VCU. I very easily got tired of these faggots.
You can't openly call people faggots in this city anymore. Kill all hippies.
what happened with the shift?

from 1976, 1988, 1992, 1996
you voted democratic why did u change?

You just need to stay away from the northeast and the major cities. The western part of the state along the Blue Ridge mountains and in the Shenandoah Valley is a beautiful and generally non-liberal area.

Lol the only civilized area of the state is ruining it. Our exorbitant taxes support you stupid fucking hicks. Get back to guarding the nigs in prisons Cleetus.
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but Trump won educated whites, at least overall.

probably a good chunk of them were texans though

VCU is the reason i went to virginia tech instead.

Richmond is literally the hipster capital of the east coast now
blacks and establishment spillover from DC
It seems like the socially conservative electorate is more numerous than I thought
DC is unlivable due to niggers so all of the .gov faggots moved to gated communities in NOVA
So why don't you show a pic that shows that dipshit?

Yeah, all those 5 million dollar townhouses in Georgetown and million dollar condos near Nationals Park.. So many nigs.

It's not 97 anymore.. The city has been reclaimed.
Hillary told the coal miners they would lose their jobs. Big mistake
North Virginia is full of New Yorkers, Commiefornians, and other Yankee expats. Trump was ahead 10% with everyone counted except the yankee colony of north virginia.
T. Virginian who just had another commiefornian family move into the neighborhood.
but before 2000 WV was a democras haven what happened?

the democrats forsaken their key demographic: blue collar union workers

>North Virginia

Confirmed for never visiting or living in nova.

Fuck you Fauquier County
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We changed because we are poor as fuck and with the dems we just seem to get poorer.

It's a sad day in America when rednecks look to republicans for money.
Also, Hillary wanted to kill coal in our area and Trump wore a coal miner hat when he came here.
i apologize on behalf of charlottesville but i did my fucking part
You have no idea.
Virginia will go red in 2020.
WV is very economically liberal but hates abortion

abortion became a bigger wedge issue around 2000
thread theme

>Confirmed for never visiting or living in nova.
kek, I've been in Reston my entire life save my years at VT. If you think nova hasn't been overrun with west coasters you haven't been paying attention. Got three families of them on my street alone.

North of the state is flooded with Indians and Chinese fobs who came during the dot com bubble and have now naturalized to vote Democrat. Their kids vote Democrat too. Also D.C is expensive so all of northern Virginia are basically cuck hipsters who couldn't afford DC.

Illegals have been moving in and scurrying around Fairfax etc. as well. Gentrification of DC also forces out previous tenants who moved into M.D and VA.
How do we stop whites from getting displaced by the shitskins?
Don't get me started
I literally had cucks shaking my hand at work for being "right about Trump winning"
Up until the last days they were saying "Do you really think he can win?"
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They don't call it West by God Virginia for nothing.

lmao there are retards that ACTUALLY believe this.
It was ten years ago. It's been highly gentrified. Now it's the 4th most expensive city in the US and the only really bad part is south east across the river.
Virginian here. Nova is growing ungodly fast and people virtue signal hard in highly populated areas. I'm in richmond and out here the liberal cancer radiates from VCU.
he's a lot less interventionist than Hillary was. ISIS is literally the only thing Trump is keen on going after
Sounds just like western Wisconsin, but it's lame here too.
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as someone from WV how do you feel about this man since you voted for him in 1980
White flight from DC = several million government employees (97% democrat) moving into the suburbs in surrounding states. Leftist pieces of shit love diversity, but only in your neighborhood, not theirs.
If Trump can bring some factories to Hampton Roads, or the nearby area, then he will assuredly turn Virginia red. Richmond will require a little more work, however it is possible.
*breathes in*
Lol? White flight from DC maybe 30 years ago. Right now it's gentrification to the max in DC. Blacks and Latinos are being booted left and right.
Henrico here, niggers and liberals all over Richmond. I'm moving to Blacksburg for college. Is it any better?

Please explain to me in what way said "civilization" benefits people. The rural areas of VA are beautiful places - pic related - and I'm really not seeing any reason for you to be proud of having replaced this with endless strip malls, fast food restaurants and urban sprawl.

VT grad here, blacksburg is great. you'll never want to leave it.

I was born and raised in Herndon and Reston.

It's sand niggers.

Indians. Yeah there's plenty of transplants but go even 5 miles west of Herndon down rt 7 to South Riding and Brambleton and all those other Indian enclaves.

Herndon is all spics.

Reston is overrun with niggers..and spics.
god damn it now I want to go on another road trip

I get more PTO next year I'll have to drive through the south
yeah it's DC plague creep. DC's small, expensive and really heavily taxed. Those 4 really densely packed counties in the north are what pushed it to HRC.
>Reston is overrun with niggers
I haven't really noticed outside of Shadowood and that ghetto up near Dogwood Elementary desu.

Everywhere else is whitewashed as fuck with hippies.

I have heard that about Herndon though.
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I was born in 82 so I don't really know much about him.
I think he looks like a cuck, though.

Personally I miss Senator Byrd.
He hated niggers and doesn't afraid of anything.

i forgot to add: asians have killed more people on campus than niggers. beware the quiet chinese/koreans.
you niggers loved him though

Civilization creates dollars.

Sure VA is pretty. What the fuck does pretty do? Does pretty put food on your table? Does pretty keep the trailer parks fed?

All those strip malls and urban sprawl are what keep Virginia afloat. The tech corridor in nova. All those sand niggers here. The corporations setting up shop here. The defense contractors... All putting money in the coffers so that the bums working at Red Onion and Wallens Ridge playing babysitter to the niggers can feed their family.

If you're not in NOVA, you're my fucking son. You're welcome you backwoods ingrate.

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Fuck you.
You fucking coon dabloon summoning welfare wizard, go back to your hole in Virginia and suck on Jamals dick.
How am I supposed to know what my mammy and pappy like politician wise?

I will not be held accountable for their actions!

P.S....was he a good president?
Arlington / Fairfax is a suburb of DC

Shadowood, Cedar Ridge, Northgate, Becontree Ln, South Lakes Dr just south of SLHS, The Sycamores... There's nigs everywhere..

Yeah there's some nice ass neighborhoods off Wiehle and North Shore Dr...

But come on.
Probably something to do with all the criminals released from jail so they could vote.
how does a bunch of parasitic impermanent luxury consumption spending "create dollars" you dumb fucking moron
>2016 white vote map
>Massachusetts is still completely blue with white vote.

That is one state I would never want to live in.
i hate leafs
>What the fuck does pretty do? Does pretty put food on your table? Does pretty keep the trailer parks fed?

Well, considering that I work at a national park where that same prettiness draws significant tourist traffic then yes, I would say that pretty does all of those things.

But aside from that, I see that you've bought into the bullshit rhetoric that we NEED endless economic growth in order to survive. I hope you realize that this is the same logic that's used in pushing for mass immigration, for expansion of urban areas, for destruction of wild nature in favor of housing developments, and so on.

People like you won't be satisfied until every inch of the country looks like this. Because, come on, we need to make money! Gotta have more money! Living a self-sufficient life surrounded by natural scenery? Nah, there's no money in that, let's just cut down all the forest and cover everything in concrete. Otherwise, people might think we're backwoods ingrates or something.
tech industry is big money

>he's never heard of sales tax
>he's never heard of income tax
>he's never heard of NOVAs fuck astronomical property taxes

Don't you have a 12 hour shift at a prison coming up?
>tfw Colorado

Fucking Californians moving here ruined everything
There was some red there mostly in the middle. Trump could turn them red in 4.
those things aren't "CREATING" anything you filthy kike they are redistributing it to your misguided brainwashed liking
government jobs in DC attract northerners (cough Pennsylvania)
Its was hacks.

T. Computer expert
I'll take your word for it. To be brutally honest, I've spent nearly 100% of my time in Reston, all those years on Glade, Lawyer's, or walking to SLHS (Where I figured the ghetto crowd came from Shadowood and Dogwood.)

If I wasn't in one of those places, I was in a car going to a restaurant or RTC or out of town.

I remember going to Terraset, and the bus being filled to the brim with minorities. There were two stops: Shadowood, and my brother and I's stop. Bus was empty save us. Left an impression to say the least.
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