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Lots of talk about pizzagate. Can someone post actual evidence

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Lots of talk about pizzagate. Can someone post actual evidence in this thread? Bonus points if you don't call me a shill because I asked for proof before jumping to a conclusion.
Ok, no evidence? That's what it seemed like.
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No solid evidence but this pic is just Horrifying
I think it's just tinfoil, tho they way channers and redditers try to find real proof is outstanding.
We have a lot of imagination i say
I'd say the way the media is trying to shut it down is more outstanding. If there was nothing to find, why try and bury it so much? Just let people waste their time digging into nothing.
What the hell could that even mean other than pedophilia? Can a normie clue me in here? So cute you could eat him up? Is that it?
But people have been digging into for weeks, and there is zero evidence at this point.
We can't post proof here or else we will get banned. Go to infinity chan for a better picture.
I see a lot of references to "pedophile symbols used in the menu." I looked at their menu online and there's nothing out of the ordinary?

Can someone show me what the pedophile symbol is? I'm guessing that's another bullshit claim.
Yeah, they should at least be somewhat curious.. They aren't even trying to suss out the bs from the truth. They're just in "shut it down" mode.
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over there, they just say that pizzagate is a troll that they started to fuck with 4cuck and the media.
Pizzagate threads are posted by CTR. It's just revenge against the pizza owner for blackmailing the CTR head, Brock whatever his name is.
Do you prefer playing domino on pizza or pasta ?
>i don't get out enough to understand "just eat you up" is a common phrase for cute kids
it's just bad publicity and they want to avoid it.
Just like when some compagny has crashing stock exchange because of a fake news about it being sold or something.

Here it's a family restaurant that could go out of business with that kind of news getting wide. They just play it cool and don't respond in order to calm everybody

There are pedophile rings but this is just tinfoil pushed by trump supporters who have too much free time and no jobs
That's your evidence?
Perfectly normal family restaurant throwing a kids pizza party.
My friends with kids are always saying shitty things about them.

They've called them everything from tard babies to organ farms. It's just a fun game
Comet pizza and ping pong has the pull to get the NYT and 14 other publications to release articles claiming their innocence on the same day? How good must that pizza be?
Andy why the hell would you write ''cheseepizza'' over a picture with a child? It's totally fucked up
There is none, just /x/ tier pattern matching
Maybe because you sell cheese pizzas for a living.
Just like the emails.
Just like rigged vote.
Just like they took all the guns away.
Just like Obama was a Muslim Kenyan.

On and on and on it goes. How could evidence possibly matter when you have such JUICY stories to pursue. When there's always a new, DEFINITELY TRUE scoop waiting just around the corner.
They also do private party just like that hot dog fund raiser with obama.
They are litteraly friends with the elite yes, but it's not proof of a pedophile ring, it's more a proof of how trump web community leaders can push topics to channers and redditers

For me CTR was always less dangerous and powerfull than the trump communication team
Here's a spoonfed explanation for you to give you the background of the allegations

Post the salient points here, the ones with evidence
Yeah, but what the hell does it mean that he "found" the child? And fucking #cheesepizza?
Alright bud, well agree to disagree, I think there's something being hidden here worth searching for. And I find the coordinated effort by organisations that have acted as propaganda platforms for the past year to be highly suspect.
Are you expecting someone to give you a video of Bill Clinton butt fucking a child here?
So pizza it's a way of life for them, pretty exaggerated
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That's what's up, people create stories out of pictures or videos without taking any context before that. They just past if right to their conspiracy theorie and it works

Just stop being a manchild, get a job, get a life, get a gf, have kids. Live a fucking life and don't spend your time being controlled by some shitty trump supporter
Most of that is about a totally different pizza place. The closest thing to evidence is an email from Podesta talking about a handkerchief - and I'm not even clear on what that's supposed to prove.

That page is long as shit, but literally 95% isn't about comet ping pong.
Nigger where have you been. There was pizzagate general before the election. Keep up retard
i just checked his instagram and this comment was not there... did he delete it?
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Like an organism trying to preserve it's well-being.

Being accused of taking part in a child abuse/trafficking/pedophilia ring is serious, whether you're guilty of it or not. What if some opposition started accusing you of being a child rapist/trafficker? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't stay quiet about it. You would AT LEAST put out a statement saying it's BS/not true, right?
I wish someone would send me a box of delicious cheeses for christmas
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I haven't seen a single raped baby pic on 4chan since this shit started.
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I would, but my statement wouldn't be made by various news organisations on my behalf defending my innocence.
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You can dig and post those yourself

Comet Ping Pong is just the door opener that got everybody's attention because of Alefantis' instagram page. The real lead is the Haiti/Monica Petersen connection, and the Clinton Foundation's work in other countries as it relates to their human trafficking initiative.
Oh shit, a handkerchief?! LOCK UP THESE MONSTERS
Fuck the deniers and sliders! Hell is the only place for you!
Read this!


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Yup, they deleted many things. even changed their logo. pretty strange
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Go away, nobody cares about you.
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>actual evidence

Literally pick ONE (1).
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>we have no evidence yet, therefore there is no point looking for evidence

Never shocking some of the things that other people think. That's why I prefer to be alone.
Except when paired with "#cheesepizza".
This. As (((they))) often say: If you have done nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide.
I hope you're enjoying your trip in Thailand !
>No thank ya
This video is weird as fuck dude.
there is a fuckton of evidence, just no proof, no smoking gun
Thanks for correcting the record. GW Bush IS the antichrist and I have all the proof I need to show that he will extend his terms and use the war on terror as an excuse to do so. If you dont believe youre delusional
Redpilled anons know that the government sex trafficking ring has been reported on for 30+ years.

Hell Forbes made a report about CP in the Pentagon around 2010.

As much fun as playing detective with the wiki leaks emails was, you will never get your hands on enough hard evidence for pizzagate to get anywhere. Same reason why Hillary won't be persecuted.

Pizzagate is a dead end. Please realize this before you get v &
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HERE is twittergate evidence which links to pizzagate

now believe, faggot
I saw all those instagram caps. If this isn't pedo shit I sure as hell have no other way to explain it.

Neither would mine; however, these scumbags are in bed with the MSM. Pretty much a phone call away for doing stuff like this to make them look innocent and to discredit opposition. With confidence, I'm sure most that post here know the MSM is bs, but the masses will still eat it up when multiple news outlets have the same narrative.

If you cant read the blatant and obvious predatory inuendo in that post then you are braindead.

This kek board is litteraly filled with manchilds and trolls.
Most of them have a low energy social life and can't into high statuts.

That's the only reason why they all support trump, hate people who are different from them and belive in wacky therories. They don't have jobs and they get too much free time to lurk 4chins
Exactly. this thing is too big. unfortunately they will never get caught.
Thanks for telling people that pizzagate is a dead end and not worth investigating. That is a winning attitude.

You slimy piece of shit, you make me sick. If this is really going on, do you want to just turn the other check? Even if the entire thing is untrue, investigation is still warranted because we want to prevent these types of crimes. You fucking do nothing bitch.
don't get baited bro.
Again it's just taken out of context, just like all those mails that containt private jokes.

It's ILLUMINATIZ all over again

I remember people here saying that they will never believe any happening on 4chan after 21 12 2012. Tho it keeps happening
Here OP, sorry they're Plebbit links but this should give you a big chunk of the important information. Ignore the shills, there is some legitimately troubling stuff here even if you don't buy the entire thing:


It's not for them, it's for everyone else to see how wrong these do nothing indolent people are.
Then why the Fuck are you still here you frenchy shill faggot

You people are insane.
because i've been here since a shit ton of time but only come in rare occasions.
Also 4chan is avant-garde
just btw, in this post I found a direct reference to PIZZA on a pedo twitter account.


Loli = little girl if you didnt know, think it stands for lolita?
Because the NYT cares about the little people. The poor innocent hipster ping pong pizza place owner is in danger. They are only trying to protect him from this witch hunt. They'd do the same for any of us, I'm sure.
We don't need you. Go fuck off and let the big boys investigate. Even if the whole thing turns out to be untrue it was still warranted. And because we care about people we will investigate. You have nothing to bring to this but mockery, go mock people on a video game instead.
Every time there's a thread like this, the pizzafags can't post any evidence and instead call everyone doubting them a shill.

Hmmmm, it's almost like it's some kind of orchestrated response by the pizzafags. Reminds me of CTR for some reason... really makes you think.
want to be my gf?
you're not even making sense, worm.
why not pepperoni pizza or margherita? I doubt cheese pizza is that popular that a pizza store owner would be using it as his #catch-all without it having ulterior meaning, which coincidently there is plently regarding "cheese pizza".
Yeh.. go die in a fire, filth.

kek, take it easy my man.

I don't agree with >>99976801 because what makes the present day different than 2010 is that we're more 'connected' via the internet and social media. The older generation is still slipping up on technology and practicing cyber security today, and hackers/leakers/whistleblowers are going no where. We will only become more connected in the future, so one could say it's more so a matter of 'when,' rather than 'if' when it comes to nailing these fuckers.
ayy no

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Holy shit literally what?

Boys this faggot is def CTR. Check his posts. Same words over and over again. Been here the entire thread desperately trying to tell everyone not to pay attention. Long ass posts. Lol

Day of the Rope is coming mother fucker
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>just taken out of context
Why the fuck are you so interested in this? If you think the investigation is unwarranted then don't take part in it. You are taking an active part against the investigation. I don't think you are a shill, but I can tell you that that is the reason why people think you are a shill. Maybe if you spent 2 seconds thinking about that you would have realized that.

>kek, take it easy my man.

I don't want to, I love this.
No. Brock is pedoscum too.
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I found a guy who worked on Star Trek who I have causally linked to a pedophile account on twitter, all his friends are in hollywood. his daughter has a big red pentagram in her cover photo.

Fuck off shill
Go find it your fucking self, we post it in the pizzagate threads but there is always some cuck like you DEMANDING we spoon feed him information.

This is why the world is fucked, people like you not willing learn but more than ready to take on a opinion fed to them.

Yeah it's weird shit, but the way you 'connect' and interpret the evidence is schizophrenic and/or retarded.
>don't destroy my fantasy world!

Fuck off shill. You pizzafags are here to false-flag the trump movement, and we are resisting. So go fuck off back to SRS, JIDF, or whatever shithole you all came from.
This is why you're alone.
>shows me pics litteraly taken out of context.

Pablo you have to go back
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Fuck off shill
>There is no point in investigating the priest! I mean, we have no evidence of it, so why should we look for evidence with an investigation? This one priest got investigated and it turned out that he was not molesting people. Therefore all priests are innocent.

he has some other videos too about it, pls watch them
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also you can find out evidence on youtube since society has finally started to pick up on this

>a dishwasher that works at Comet Ping Pong is facebook friends with someone who had a myspace friend who once posted a symbol that, if you squint, kind looks like an obscure logo I found online related to NAMBLA. Clearly, this is proof that Hillary Clinton has child sex slaves in her basement.
Go away, you will not hinder this investigation. The people who are competent enough to investigate, and who are competent enough to see the value of the investigation are already doing it. They are not going to be convinced by the lack of evidence that they are currently looking for. I am not going to get a job because I don't have any money left. You got garbage logic. No one is listening, no competent person at least.
Cry harder. Ignore the threads if you don't like the subject.

Nobody is demanding you believe, but an awful lot of shills and concern trolls seem to be demanding we do not.
You literally are the one who came into my thread. So take your own advice, fag.
I'm no shill i'm just trying to put out real facts.
Everything is taken out of context and I feel like this is just some trump communication team statregy (trump ctr if you'd like) to put out shitty theories and hurt democrats.

You are litteraly puppets to their games, just put your shit together and open your eyes

Think about me in 4 months when this theories will have dissappeared and replaced with something else.
/pol/ has been compromised by this American election with real shills from both sides. The trump side won but you are still being their bitches.
do you really think you're doing yourself any good, shill? guerrilla journalism is fueled by doubt. we will find you. we will expose you. you and your sick friends. your life will crumble down around you. your friends and family will distance themselves when they find out you partake in the "pizza" and the "pasta" and people will do their best to forget you ever existed. this is what kek has willed
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pedo shills kys
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pizzagate threads are always 80% trolls, 10% people wondering wtf is this all about, and 10% impressionable retards eating it all up
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watch this video as well as his others
even though you people are in denial about Trump being a bad person, you really should watch this jewtube channel. hes a good guy that spreads the truth
>You literally are the one who came into my thread. So take your own advice, fag.

Holy shit, this anon is so dumb that he thinks people will believe this. Fucking look at the poster ID's. There are many people here right now. 46 unique ID's, it says on the header of the page. Baby bird brains, fuck you.
wtf man haha
You gave me more than enough to lock my thoughts about all this pizzagate. I know my 4chins don't worry i'll stick around.
I like the thread though. It's fun how u mad.
This is the "evidence" of the opposition.

I bet you are the type of fag who says that everything is subjective.
>interpret the evidence is schizophrenic
gaslighting now? I'm pretty sure those investigating this shit are far more psychologically sound then those that are desperately trying to stop any further digging.
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Fuck those 4chan crazies right?

It's totally normal for a pizzeria owner to post pictures of an empty underground refrigerated room, with red stains, under the hashtag #killroom on Instagram.

It's totally normal for women to refer to little girls as "entertainment" on their email correspondence.

It's totally normal to host "spirit cooking" events with bloodletting rituals and bands with sexual lyrics on a kid-oriented pizza place.

It's totally normal for a single male homosexual adult to buy artwork of children in bondage, featuring a man abusing a little girl while wearing a panda mask that looks exactly like the real panda mask he owns.

It's totally normal for a pizzeria employee to make child-sized coffins and post them on Instagram.

Yeah, there is nothing suspicious about this at all, just common everyday pizzeria activities.
So would you like me to start finding bodies, collecting fingerprints and DNA and bring in suspects?

How would one go about this when the people in question are some of the most powerful and influential people on the planet.

>you know what a conspiracy is right
a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

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Nigga why are you here?

Get woke.
Notice how the pizzafags will do anything they can to distract you from the lack of evidence. They are insulting, call you a shill, make obvious logic mistakes to bait you into replying. Basically, they'll do anything other than talk about actual evidence. These are well-known SRS and CTR tactics.

>bottom left

That loli in that position is actually pretty hot.
>He never been around liberals and their shitty sexual no-shame jokes
>He takes everything out of context

Call me a shill I just don't care, you're all getting near the flat earth grade
Their logic they are using is this; we have no evidence, therefore there is no use for an investigation. It's not even silly logic, it's criminal logic. It is the type of mindset that enables people in positions of authority to keep on abusing that authority, abuses such as child molestation.

These people are the reason why priests got away with extortion for so long. Why they are able to molest the little boys. No, they do not leave us alone either, they actively fight against us like they are a battered wife defending their abusers.
What's the most compelling piece of evidence that leads you to believe an investigation is warranted?
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Nothing suspicious at all.

i want to save thic pic for my pizza gate folder , just in case i want to inform others abut it

but its just too sick
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Nothing worth investigating
>thumbnail so small you can't read the text

Wow, how ominous.
Hey baby brains, do you know the objective of an investigation? It is to find evidence. You do not find the evidence if you don't investigate.

Why don't you do some homework and research some of the proven child molestation rings that actually were proven true. You will find that the reason they get away with it is because they are in a position of authority and that people do not wish to investigate them.

Is it true or false? The only objective way to find out is to investigate. We stay vigilante because we do not enable this abhorrent behavior.
All this is common in the pizza trade according to the New York Times

Actual bizarre facts that tied together create a scene of horror
There are enough videos and collages by now, in 10mn this aforementioned scene appears

End yourselves pieces of shit shills
Except that you've gone out of your way to post on a thread you think is a shill thread to say it's a shill thread. Instead of adding to the discourse.. or ignoring it like any normal person would. I wonder why..?
What's the most compelling piece of evidence that leads you to believe an investigation should take place?

By your logic, we should be investigating trump for travelling to Epstein's island, because it might turn up evidence.
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Read it
Duh. This whole thing got started because of the use of pizza in pedo slang.

A direct link to Podesta, Comet Ping Pong, or one of the other known people involved would be useful.
It's a walk in cooler. I'm not sure what is supposed to imply pedophilia about this...
wtf. who types shit like that.
But they are investigating this? Why do you care? If you don't want to be involved why even bother bumping the thread? Your literally adding nothing except for "hurr durr CTR hurr durr waste of time"
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everybody, watch this video
its undeniable proof regarding pizzagate
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkmT4O0LGYQ [Embed]
>What's the most compelling piece of evidence that leads you to believe an investigation should take place?

The one that we find if it turns out to be true. And if it is not true then that's great, no children harmed. But we do not know this until after the investigation. But if competent investigators listen to you (they aren't heh) then they will not find it.

I hope you end up living in a society which does not do any investigations at all. That would be a suitable fate for someone like you.
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I just hate people like you man. You think we're all just memein.

They CHANGED the pedophile logo when they got spotted. Isn't that fishy to you?

A thank you letter for a christmas gift. They're going to demolish the assorted cheeses.


She's talking about her kids. Reread the whole thing, you're enjoying confirmation bias.
So you admit you have no evidence to even start an investigation. That is exactly my point.
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Maybe the employee that commented #killroom, who also enjoys making child-sized coffins in his spare time.
>a very enjoyable night
That's not even Comet Ping Pong
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that adult-child love symbol looks very similar to the 4chan logo... makes sense considering 4chan was what originally spread cp to the masses.

>tfw its now used to expose the pedo underworld
>get called out for being a pedo trafficking ring
>have to spend over 9000 hours in mspaint
So you really think some international pedophile ring has a dude that makes child caskets and posts pics of those caskets on instagram? So you think that this top secret satanist pedophile cult just likes to give their victims a nice christian burial? kek
You've made 20 posts in this thread to try and actively discredit everyone else. What the fuck makes you so interested?
Is 4 h a pedo organization also?
Would make since since it revolves around kids
holy CRAP, you may be onto sth here.....
So a good amount of people decide that something is fishy going on. They decide to make group efforts to investigate. They turn up fishier shit, they continue. No skin off their nose or your nose. WHY DO YOU CARE ENOUGH TO KEEP POSTING IF THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE?
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forgot pic
If only a fraction of this is true then all involved should be hanged publicly - or burned to death. Also publicly.
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I'm John Podesta and I approve this image.
What is the most compelling piece of "fishy shit" that you keep referencing?
yeah, its besta pizza. lmao
Spot the pedos in this thread
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I keep on telling you that you don't investigate after you already have the evidence, you investigate to get the evidence. Can't seem to get that simple point across to you, and you seem to be putting a lot of effort into telling people to not investigate. Most people who don't care would be doing something else with their time.
watch this video, youll realize how silly it is to deny pizzagate
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No, much simpler... I think deviants who upload sexual content involving pizza to their Instagram account and make child-sized coffins should not be allowed anywhere near a child-oriented pizza place.

Don't you?
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>a bunch of emails from podesta talking about lunch

What a joke. If talking about lunch makes you a pedophile, you're probably pretty busy with your "investigations"
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Here's your proof, taken directly from a campaign image. Guess what she's reaching for...

Red (black?) handed.
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Faggot spic.
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what exact evidence do you want? Bodies of the children with James in it? Actualy video evidences?

All in all, this shit ain't going anywhere. I was around when besta pizza all of a sudden decided to change their logo when the shit was starting to blow up.

Whatever it is, nobody has the juristiction to actually do anything. These pedos are too powerful
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Child molesters are usually pretty open about their tastes when they are emailing their fellow child molesters. You are a joke. You village idiot.
>normal person

I just want the one thing that made you think "hmmm, this might point towards a secret pedophile ring. I should look into this."
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Rainbow girls is also suspicious as fuck - Masonic youth group for the daughters of Freemasons. By the look of their logo (spread legs with a handshake underneath) it seems they are into pimping out their daughters.
wheres that photo from?
I'm not going to lie, the World Wide Pedophilia ring surfaces from time to time, there's a bit of public out cry then it all vanishes and people forget .
I give it another month and no one will care anymore. The Ring has been around for over 100s of years,these fucks hold all the cards
For me personally the fishiest thing was the logo change of besta pizza, the almost automatic media storm of "nothing's happening here" once this shit got further than 4 and double chan.
Oh and the dismissal of a child trafficking case of a Haiti charity worker by bill Clinton who's name is referenced in emails which spurred this investigation in the first place.
In general that started this or for a given person? The start of it all in general was the Podesta email about kids in heated pools for entertainment.
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who the fuck talks like that about cheese and pasta you fuckwit?

You're either just retarded as shit at this point, or are looking for someone to post CP on this thread as "evidence" or something.
Child molesters usually don't try to hide the evidence, they share it for everyone to see. What is wrong with you? I think the word is, trusting?
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Order of the eastern star is an associated group with obvious satanic symbolism
So a different pizza place changed it's logo, and that somehow led you to believe that Comet Ping Pong might be harboring a secret pedophile ring?
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You speak like a shill, no matter what someone gives you; you just write it off. Ofc there's not 100% proof yet, however you can't deny how fucking odd his instagram pictures are and some of the other shit.
They need to put a slice of pizza in that star somewhere
You just posted a weird picture. I guess that makes you a pedophile, too.
I guess you didn't put in the effort to read the second part of his post.
>I guess that makes you a pedophile, too.

Bad argument right there, you are losing this one.
Did I mention comet ping pong?
Are you trying to say it's not even remotely suspicious that a company with a known pedophile logo becomes mainstream talk and then almost instantly changes its logo to remove the pedo symbol?
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This is 4chan, there's no pedophiles here
I don't think it's a secret pedophile ring. I think that it may very well be the more ordinary drugs and hookers that they're using pizza and hot dogs as code for.
nope, only guilty people have the intentions to hide things. If besta pizza believes that this is a big coincidence, they wouldn't have changed the logo.

This whole thing looks like one of those FE society/9/11 was an inside job/ reptilians
By using this context, you can see how it is a major turn off for normies. The inforwars video talking about pizzagate isn't going to do shit.
She called her kids "entertainment" for these old ass men.
Nah, people doing illegal activities have no reason to speak in code. They can just be open about what they are doing in their emails. Nothing to see here anons, move along!

>I don't think this investigation will turn up anything useful and I am not interested in it, therefore I am going to spend hours trying to discredit the investigation
>Waaaah, why do people think I am a shill?

People, fucking other people. Wish they could think.
">> With enormous gratitude to Advance Man Extraordinaire Haber, I am popping >> up again to share our excitement about the Reprise of Our Gang’s visit to >> the farm in Lovettsville. And I thought I’d share a couple more notes: >> We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be >> Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and >> almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in >> that pool for sure. And with the forecast showing prospects of some sun, >> and a cooler temp of lower 60s, I suggest you bring sweaters of whatever >> attire will enable us to use our outdoor table with a pergola overhead so >> we dine al fresco (and ideally not al-CHILLo)."
I need a better picture, but we all know they kidnapped that girl
I was a skeptic and this is the one that did it for me


What's the connection?
James Alefantis, the man in the mask, owner of Comet Pizza, a childless single male with an Instagram full of creepy children pics, sponsors the artist, Matt Sesow through this event:


>you own a business
>you are a business owner, not an artist
>you pay some company $500+ to create a logo for you
>you have a rough idea what you want it to look like going in
>coming out it looks totally different than what you started with
>the artist explains what its supposed to symbolize
>nothing said about liking little boys and girls for an adult fetish
>looks cool, you run with it
>get word that a bunch of nerds are wrapping your logo into a 'pizzagate' pedo ring
>think WTF
>go back to the start and pay for a new logo
>hopefully avoid the nerd and sell pizza
Keep pushing this. I guess people here didn't donate to the Trump campaign. I think it was a couple weeks before the election and the subject of the email was simply "pizza?" and the email was just a typical asking for more donations. It's clear the Trump campaign have a big eye on this. Katrina is here all the time (verified), so is Don Jr I believe. They know something is off here with all this pizza shit. Keep pushing this.
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Jesus Christ, /pol/, what have you uncovered? This is beyond anything that I have ever seen. I can't take anymore of this. This is too much for me to handle. The rest of you will have to go on without me. I will pray for you, that is all I can do. May Jehovah God and his son bless you on your quest for exposure of evil and seeking of justice.
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this one has links
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Be gone vermin.
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God sees you.
the anons in here who are denying the causal evidence of this are either deeply retarded or shilling for CP. Pizzagate is just a tiny fraction of what has already been uncovered about these people througout the decades. Difference being the normies are hearing about it.

Child abuse is almost a core tenant of the dark illuminati, it is about more than money or feeding sadistic fantasies. victimising children is part of their spiritual practice.

you dont fucking understand... so may of you are asleep.
Thank You anon
I'm grabbing that
and there may be reason to believe that Podesta was a regular in the area (pic related)
The real question is why the fuck toddandclare was fucking buried!

It wasa plot to frame assange as pedo, linked to dnc, with fairly hard evidence
/pol/ cant verify anything unless its an actual agent behind the anon

they will happily eat anything up as long as it involves chaos and happenings.

Its like making a retard believe in your doomsday prophecies lmfao
Or maybe it's because every bit of social media they have you retards post "hurr Durr you're a ebil pedo imma gonna kill u" and shit all over it. When you're investigating someone you don't fucking tell them you're investigating them.

If there was any truth to this tinfoil shit any real evidence you could've got is probably well gone now
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I find it hilarious that these pedos are so cocky that they start posting shit on social media to show off.

Sort of like when a stoner takes instagram photos of his bong and stash of weed.

Do you think those words will make all of the compelling emails go away? Maybe you can go away, but other anon's will be investigating.
No one, this will all bow over then it will be back to business as usual
Those fucks are all laughing at us, and the are sadists so they are going to do something to punish us
I don't think so. There have never been public accusations like there have been about the boy scouts.
They're using the language of fucking pedophiles in these goddamn emails. That is proof enough and that's before you get into the creepy ass instagram that's also loaded with pedophilic imagery and language.
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So a well known and well established company needs to change its logo because a bunch of "nerds" are linking it to a pedo ring. The only thing they risk by not changing the logo is a bunch of redditors/4chan users don't go their for pizza. You do understand the part about an established business right? It's part of marketing to have a recognisable and recurring logo. There was no logical reason to change it from a business perspective especially if entirely innocent.
And the funny thing is Normie's have taken the bait on the fact they changed their logo more so than the original logo. Smart business move Mr business man.
c.mon anon

cat caught your balls?
Well both in Jewish and christian beliefs 13 is when a child becomes an adult.
18 has only been considered adult hood for the past 100 years ,well in the US anyways
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is that a fuckin frog surfin on pizza there?
Are you having a good time? How fat and lonely are you? I'm generally curious.
>compelling emails
>a handkerchief
>kids playing in a pool
psychopaths love to show off their twisted victories in some way, its compulsive for many psychos, some are more careful but its actually rare. hence pizzagate.
Where did you find that pic of me?
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You're welcome, anon.

Here's a link to the top left email in the pic
Not exactly, this same shit comes up every 5-10 years. Nothing has been done yet ,there's whole documentaries about it some of witch were banned before release

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go to bed neil
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Nah, another skelly
even if it seems disjointedly crazy

remember, as the saying goes
> /pol/ was right
Yeah I believe this. There was a video of some autist who ambushed James at comet PP. He literally had no evidence nor hard hitting questions, and he made the whole thing look like an entire joke. The MSM is already painting this thing as an entire joke. Like the reptilians/911insidejob/FE. We need real life vigilantes
Fuck off Texas, nobody loves you anymore
This idiot thinks child molesters are open about their activities. This idiot thinks that unless a child molester tells what he is doing, then there is no reason to investigate.

I think you missed the
>think WTF

It probably wasn't entirely changed JUST because of this pizzagate thing, but because the owner could see how it could be misconstrued and didn't want to use it anymore for moral purposes.

And no, a bunch of 4chan nerds not eating their pizza didn't hurt them much. The bad publicity and word-of-mouth hurt their reputation though. And that in turn hurts the business.
>Not exactly, this same shit comes up every 5-10 years. Nothing has been done yet
Very true. The corruption goes very high up.


But I think people are starting to wake up and question more. I think it's the responsibility of us good-hearted people to push this and demand answers to our questions. And to demand justice.
I never understood child crap, kids smell like shit and dirt. They have horrible personal hygiene and they only care about themselves
Also they are poop machines
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So far the only """""evidence""""" of this are people joking in emails and stupid liberal art projects

Call me when you have something that doesn't sound like /x/-grade schizos LARPing
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In order to summon a meme god you need meme heroes
yeah I saw an earlier thread. Why are they trying to push boundaries. It is as if they are trying to normalize pedophillia.
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this looks like everyone in California under 30, makes me hate where I live.
np. I'll definitely hit u up f a m
As I said in the last part of my post, the part that has gotten them the most negative attention was changing their logo almost immediately after this shit hit the regular media and social networks.
>They have horrible personal hygiene and they only care about themselves

A parent who only cares about themselves is likely to not teach their kids how to bathe or how to be compassionate, resulting in a smelly rude child.

Children are great if you raise them in a good environment (that means not molesting them).
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I'm not sure what you're talking about
>current year
Fuck off
>Children are great if you raise them in a good environment (that means not molesting them).
> (that means not molesting them).
Child molestation leads to poor personal hygiene
I saw this in a MSM magazine but forgot about it until now. Probably not linked to anything, but...

And as I said, maybe it wasn't changed entirely because of pizzagate, but because the owner didn't want to use anything that closely resembled what got them attention in the 1st place. Maybe it was a moral decision.
No they dont you pedo defending shill faggot
The point is these "compelling" emails don't prove shit. It's all normie shit and inside jokes.

Until you find some vids of them fucking kids or a victim escapes their "torture basement" with an ass full of podesta cum you guys just look like schitzos
I wonder if all this is why drugs are illegal and they implemented and actual adult age
It would makes since ,to stream line their blackmail agenda
It all seems to revolve around drugs and kids
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Fuck, didn't realize the image was cut off. It's spending by candidate on pizza.
Kids have escaped, they have gotten evidence. But when the people that are kneedeep in this shit control the rule of law they just seal the evidence with a court order and charge the victims with perjury
>Artwork on walls of comet pizza

Nope nothing to see here goys!
the only difference then and now is now the word is getting out more than it has ever before, and the response of the media has been instantly dismissive, showing bias, showing concern, if this is indeed an absurd conspiracy theory
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It's a meme you illiterate fuck. Guess i hit a nerve so hard you changed your proxy and tried to insult me. I hope there is eternal hell and i hope you and everyone one you so much as love rots in hell forever.
I can make a case for that. If a child is about to get anally raped, the best deterrent would be for the child to shit his pants. Bad hygiene. We must stop these child molesters or we will have a nation of pant shitters.

Yes, I have been over this many times in this thread. We are doing the investigation to find compelling evidence. You don't get the evidence if you turn the other check and don't investigate. Telling people that they look like schitzos is basically an ad hominem attack, it has no pertinence to the actual inquiry and investigation into this matter. And only idiots listen to bad arguments like that. Go work for BBC once you get better at namecalling.
They have a pinned thread you shill. Gtfo
Where's the hotdogs?
I feel offended that hotdog acquisitions were omitted from that chart.
I hope you are right
Shitposting on my way to koh samui m8. Life is good when you aren't retarded

And know about boys town. I can believe that case since one of the victims did time for not changing their story but I've not heard of any kids escaping a fucking hipster pizza joint
The extent you go to rationalize utter gibberish when taking out paedophilic implications in context is absurd.

Nobody talks like this, and there's multiple emails like it that reference the same words, cheese, pizza, pasta. All falling under codewords pedos use which the FBI explained.

Admit it sweden, you're playing devils advocate for child fuckers.

You are not looking for proof, else why are you trying to hinder the investigation?
Not only that, we are at one of the highest points in information technology. We are able to access data faster than we've ever did before. But none of these matters if we don't find hard hitting "evidence". Everyone is going to be dismissive about pizzagate and it will just end up like another ayylmao or reptillian or FE . psyops at its finest
I posted the proof in the form of a documentary
It has prosecutors and high ranking US government officials at the time saying just that
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This seems thin at best :^)
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Sure, it's POSSIBLE that pizza and hotdogs were flown in from Chicago to DC...hmmmmm...
What does evidence matter if the courts can just seal it?
Them must be some good pizza and hotdogs
Show them on the walls of the pizza place. If true I'll agree that's creepy as fuck but anyone can put those images together and claim it comes from anywhere
>unfortunately they will never get caught.
I wouldn't be so sure about that
It's not exactly what I'm saying, what I am saying is we need to spread this evidence as soon as we find it . and I wouldn't know how to do that
Got to the fucking pizza gate general you retard which has it all in the god damn OP

Stop asking to be spoonfed
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It shows how much of a problem mental illness is in this country.
listen up goyim nobody in history has ever secretly fucked with kids behind the scenes

there is nothing to fucking see here you fucking schizophrenic racist bigots
Fear not. The Guilty will all be punished.
Alefantis had the weird murals painted on the wall at comet removed recently

its in the video the spergs 'interview' him
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Yeah pretty odd that disappeared.
surely there is more than just fucking children, is it a cult thing or just some sick people in power?
The infographics like >>99982982 reveal that y'all don't really know what you're talking about. It says "pasta" means little boy but earlier the series said "pasta" mean prostitute. This all seems made up.

There might be something here but I don't trust nerds on 4chan to crack it.
Child molesters in government have been caught before, I am sure it can happen again. But to the bright lads here, the investigation is to find the evidence, do not cease investigating because some shills and or shitposters are telling you not to investigate. Their reasoning is that there is not enough evidence to warrant investigation, which was true before when no one cared but is not true now after these email leaks. But the objective to the investigation is to find evidence so a lack of evidence is not a good excuse to be a lazy shit who does not investigate. It makes no sense, I think it is the logical move to continue the investigation.
The documentary mentions Hillary, podesta and pizza joints?

Like I said I know sick shit goes on with powerful powerful but the evidence for this pizza shit is weak. The Haiti connection needs looking into more
Jesus fucking christ... and people still call it "a coincidence".

For the love of GOD these people need to pay for this.
>I think it is the logical move to continue the investigation.
agreed 100%
Link to vid? Those paintings make me more inclined to believe
You are under the false pretense that this is a new organization I am talking about the Pedo ring as a whole, not individual players in it.
There are hundreds of legitimate documentaries about this ring from around the world, over 40 years worth of documentaries, this isn't a new story
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>do not cease investigating because some shills and or shitposters are telling you not to investigate
trips of truth!
Who designed 4chan logo?

moot is a fucking pedo?
Dude, he was into loli

It's a conspiracy theory, but remember just because it is a conspiracy doesn't mean it is wrong.
meant for
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What is it with these rich degenerate fucks and having Instagrams filled with creepy shitty art?

Like what the fuck man
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I thought he was just a furry, and that being only a phase too

So I've literally been spending all these years on a pedoring... that was designed as such from the start?

This is too much
Those artworks weren't on the walls of Comet Pizza. The creepy murals and shit of Comet Pizza are still there.

Those paintings are from a woman who apparently experienced rape and abuse as a child by a trafficking ring in England some decades ago. I forgot her name. It was Susan something.
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If _any_ of this is true then we need MORE than just some stupid investigations. We need a nuclear war to get rid of these pedo-occultists. Nuke them from orbit, purge them, blast them, if necessary. If these creepy occultist sex perverts are to be considered to be part of the elites, then the elites must perish. #totalnuclearwarNOW
It's pretty sad when you come across these accounts of people who were clearly abused before and have completely scarred psyche's because of it.
I really wish there was a reset button on the side of the civilization
IDK what to tell you bro, dude was into loli
I don't understand the thought process there.
"I was molested as a child so now I draw representations of child rap and molestation and display them where little kids can see."
moot was into anime loli, that much was known. While I don't know anything else beside that, those into anime loli usually find real kids disgusting.

The biggest revelation is he wasn't into little boys. Honestly surprising considering all the other shit.
holy fuck shit do you live in your fucking computer chair? Have you honestly never interacted with an adult? Holy shit.
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