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Liberal contradiction memes

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Thread replies: 322
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for normiebook
more more more
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How are these choices mutually exclusive? Genuinely curious. It seems to me that the white privilege is a part of the social construct of the white race?
The de facto leader of a country does need to take responsibility for the state of affairs in his country. That doesn't contradict the first statement (even though 99% of the bad shit that happens, happens because their "people" let them)

They didn't say they were "just like the pilgrims", they just said that they were refugees too. False equivalency. If the syrian refugees came bearing advanced weaponry and the literal plague, you might have had a reason to be worried.

I don't know who exactly claimed that "you don't need a gun because you have police" or that "cops are evil and rascist(sic)", but assuming that both those statements are true, is that why you murrikans hoard guns? To shoot cops? Or is it just to shoot people in general?
"I just don't understand how systematically depriving black people of education and opportunities and then allowing for ghettos to form in what can only be described as a literal apartheid would create a significantly more violent and lawless context! It must be in their nature, as I would not, nor would my white buddies, ever act so savagely."
The leader made the two statements, and the two are mutually exclusive. Nice Strawman, please refer to the sticky.

They came bearing rape rates that multiplied our old ones by ten, and have been caught smuggling guns and ammo and disappearing into the mist before mass shootings.

It's to shoot tyrannical leaders. Just in case, sort of thing. The country is huge, and corruption is both prevalent and inevitable. Thus, some people will die as martyrs while others die hated. It is the natural order of conflict.
>if they don't have the means to kill you there is no reason not to invite your murderer to your house
>what are jihadis
>what are sleeper terrorist cells
>what are """syrian""" niggers literally bringing cholera and pest
>black people are systematically deprived of education or opportunities
>blacks that aren't in american ghettos are less violent or lawless
>shit cultures that form in ghettos are the white mans fault even though white people in ghettos manage to not become degenerate criminals
>muh systematic opression myth is why niggers never succeed without whites pretending they do in every place in the world, including an entire continent full of niggers and nigges are force to becomedisproportional violence instead of building up their own shit, dont mind all the poor whites, chinks and other non-niggers who don't chimp out and commit crimes nearly as much as niggers and spics
>muh rapist immigrants
Yeah nah. Rape is a male thing, not a race thing. You can't both be a follower of a misogynist political doctrine and pretend to care about women, unless you just want your socially privileged monopoly to extend to rape as well.

>to shoot tyrannical leaders
That is not really going to happen in a modern context (and it has never happened ever before). It's just a misappropriation of an outdated amendment, where you allow for insane murder statistics to maintain your bang bang toy collection. Don't romanticize it.

If a proportional amount of white people lived in the same conditions (although they couldn't ever reach that point because at the very least they will never be as discriminated against as black people) it would LITERALLY be the same crime statistics. If you are told by society your entire life that you are a violent, worthless subhuman, guess what, you're going to be affected. It's basic psychology, read a book.

It's not a myth, you dumb shit. You deny systematic oppression and in the same breath you go ahead and explain why oppressing them would be the most fucking natural thing in the world, because apparently they are literal animals. To your memory, have you had even one rational thought in your entire life?
>privilege is a product of a social construct
That's not actually a contradiction.
>Rape is a male thing, not a race thing.

Yeah, so we're supposed to just ignore the fact that these migrants commit rape at vastly higher rates than the native population. It'll be okay, guys: just put up with it for a few generations and it'll all sort itself out in the end. Having more rape is totally okay, as long as it's in the name of tolerance and inclusion! Give me a fucking break.

>If a proportional amount of white people lived in the same conditions (although they couldn't ever reach that point because at the very least they will never be as discriminated against as black people) it would LITERALLY be the same crime statistics

How can you make claims about what the statistics would be in a hypothetical situation which you admit could never happen? You can't make statistical claims about a situation you've never studied.

>If you are told by society your entire life that you are a violent, worthless subhuman, guess what, you're going to be affected. It's basic psychology, read a book.

As opposed to telling these people that they're oppressed victims who aren't responsible for any of their own problems because they live in a "white supremacist patriarchy", which has been the predominant narrative in the West for decades? Don't act like these people are constantly being told any of that shit you mentioned - it's utterly false and you know it. People like you are keeping them down with your victimhood narrative which is constantly being fed to them through academia and the media. If you know shit about psychology then you should know that learned helplessness is a thing and that telling people in egalitarian, Western nations that they're poor oppressed special snowflake victims does nothing to give them a "can-do" mentality, and instead makes them feel like someone else is to blame for their failures in life. Fuck off.

You Binary logic about false equivalency can be debunked by the fact you are ignoring the well known implication Huffington Post its doing.
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Hello my name is the alt-right and In my spare time enjoy sucking bbc and chugging super male vitality made by the renowned chemist Alex T. Jones. I am fully aware of the zionist agenda to cuck me out of my beloved tobacco and firearms. I do not agree woth roe v. wade. I am a strong moral white male who enjoys trips to the shooting range and beers with friends. Fox news is a reliable source of news. I am sympathetic to big business, encourage open competition and firmly reject handouts to the poorest citizens. I am using a Dell computer. I drive an SUV and do not pay notice to fossil fuel consumption. Global warming is an unfounded claim, and I believe the Bilderbergs to ultimately be responsible. I am straight, I identity with CIS gender I like the sound of a good engine. My women are loyal, and will produce children that will defend my legacy, I am upstanding, respectable, and a model citizen. Build the wall
Yeah, you're right - I'm the one keeping them down. Get a fucking grip you absolute tool. This is not a problem that can be solved with happy thoughts. The structures in place are what is keeping them down, and they will keep doing that until you wretched smoke screen divisive fucks actually admit that they exist.
Dumb slut detected
Its So obvious from you have a slit
Wtf arre you doing on pol
Studying the racitst culture of the undeground alt nazi community for your species "sience" paper?

Also tits or btfo ,fat cow
Dumb slut detected
Its So obvious from you have a slit
Wtf arre you doing on pol
Studying the racitst culture of the undeground alt nazi community for your social "science" paper?

Also tits or btfo ,cow
And no, you dumb fuck, you have nothing to prove that immigrants rape women to a higher degree. You have statistics that show that immigrant rapes are reported more often, nothing else. As I said - don't pretend to fucking care about women if you only do it to proliferate immigrant hate. If it was true, and you actually cared about women (you don't) you would also have a problem with them raping "their own"
women - and sending them home would let them do so freely. You just don't give a fuck unless it can be used to enforce your narrative. Human trash.
Cunt, Your wilful ignorance is astounding. Please do go on.
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Having a problem with them raping their own is part of the judgment on a culture that you would call "racism."

The notion that cultures are fundamentally incompatible is abhorrent to your damaged kind and so some of you internally rationalize (self deception.) Others are so self loathing they project it to the culture around them and seek to annihilate it and so are willfully compliant in facilitating that, in this case the rationalizations are external deceptions.

In either case you are utterly full of shit. You loudly deride traditionalists and conservatives with exactly who and what you are. Hypocritical, deluded mentally handicapped shit-flinging mongoloids.

You have no idea how you entertain us.
Leftists who oppose this

Israel is a racist apartheid state who has illegal Jewish ONLY settlements in the west bank where the border walls are wrapping around them inside Palestinian in an obvious land grab.

This is why terrorism happens and why the rest of the west gets blowback from it.

Israel builds these settlements on top of Palestinian villages that they have bulldozed by the military.

If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.
>How can you make claims about what the statistics would be in a hypothetical situation which you admit could never happen?

This is literally what you are doing by talking about white people in ghettos. Their situations are not comparable and yet you try to compare them? Do you possess the enough intelligence to appreciate the irony of what you said?
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What """""systemic""""" barriers are keeping African Americans down?
Most left-leaning people support the claim of Palestine?
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"And no, you dumb fuck, you have nothing to prove that immigrants rape women to a higher degree. You have statistics that show that immigrant rapes are reported more often, nothing else."

What did anon mean by this?
Try googling it. Given your nazi pepe I doubt you're actually open to reason, so probably better if you just went ahead and lived your sad little life to the fullest
>Try googling it.
Not an argument. Stop talking out of your ass.
holy kek
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just out of curiosity. can you please name one successful black civilization in history?
'try googling it' kek this isn't reddit faggot argue your point right fucking now
Literally the same reason for memeing about Sweden being the "rape capitol" of the earth. Reporting a rape is way more likely to happen if the circumstances allow it. Opportunistic, random rape is way overrepresented in how often it is reported because the blame aligns with the perception of the society. White guys rape women? Twitter storm, victim ostracization, slut shaming, shifting the blame, not careful enough. ASSUMING it even was reported in the first place. I wonder if you're actually blind to this or if you just pretend not to see it to keep women in line?

>'j-just because rape is reported more than anywhere else d-doesn't mean it's occuring more!'

compelling and rich
> Reporting a rape is way more likely to happen if the circumstances allow it.

No reporting a rape is when it happens.

>White guys rape women? Twitter storm, victim ostracization, slut shaming, shifting the blame, not careful enough.
No source for this. Get off Tumblr fag.
I have already briefly explained the structure in this thread, why would I do it again? If you're really this interested in learning and my words are not enough I suggest leaving your brown little echo chamber and finding the information you need to form an actual accurate picture of the world.
Nope I'm pretty sure all you had to say was that blacks have a lower IQ than whites on average due to genetics.
do you realize that your arguments are so weak nobody here can even take positions against them? you're just full of snarky platitudes you fucking slant eyed chink mongoloid
So basically in your world a crime doesn't happen until it is reported, and you lack the imagination to consider scenarios when victims do not report those (non) crimes? K
A low IQ being systemic to blacks, mainly.
best meme
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>So basically in your world a crime doesn't happen until it is reported
How do we know it happens then, dumbass?
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Listen to people? Understand that social statistics are incomplete and way more likely to conform to the opinions and preconceptions of the interpretation of those who have power? As a pol retard have you not spent MONTHS condemning the statistics that showed Hillary on top?
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>systematically depriving blacks of anything

You guys sure do know a lot about the social constructs of america over there in finland, doncha?
Flicka lilla, lugna ner dig.

Here you go, the first and last scholarly, peer reviewed article you will ever come across.
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>if a proportional amount of white people lived in the same conditions ...

You're an idiot. Once again, you're not American, you've most likely never been to america and you certainly don't know what it's like to live here, so save your cookie cutter college rhetoric.
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>Understand that social statistics are incomplete and way more likely to conform to the opinions and preconceptions of the interpretation of those who have power? As a pol retard have you not spent MONTHS condemning the statistics that showed Hillary on top?
So you just want to ignore the statistics because it makes you feel good? You're deluded. Btw I supported Trump before the election and still support him, but I didn't ignore the polls because I'm not an autist like you. Those polls only made the victory sweeter.
Sug Jimmies kuk, permavirgin
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> Posts a biased, self citing, radical feminist source while mainting a smug sense of superiority

Literal embodiment of the modern left
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I like this book better.
No, you insipid moron. You don't ignore statistics. You learn to understand the limitations of statistics. You learn to interpret not only what is there but also what is not. You contextualize. I'm done with trying to spoon feed things to you that are so clearly magnitudes too complicated for you to process.
By talking out of your ass?
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>gib surce
>no not a suorce taht is well cited and recent
Love the guy, but not that way. Can you believe it, they're the biggest party now. Up over 4 points compared to the second largest in the latest polls. With 2 years left to grow before the election. What a time to be alive.

I'm assuming you're a student. If you're in social psychology you should pick up a statistics class. My sister did SocPsych, leaning on the quantitative side and she got a lot of mileage out of the statistics portion. Would help you make a good argument too. Ain't nothing quite like numbers, especially on here. Name-calling won't get you far dealing with anonymous people.
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It's way better to be poor than it is to be poor and black, fucking SURELY even someone as dense as you must understand this. Intersectionality, it's another thing for you white-victimizing bastards to disregard. It's 5 am here and I need to fucking sleep. I have an actual life to attend to. Have fun flinging feces in the continuation of this thread, you absolute philistines
>It's way better to be poor than it is to be poor and black

That's true, I'd hate to be poor AND a dumb nigger.
>It's way better to be poor than it is to be poor and black
Is an assertion that needs to be verified, and if found to be true quantified. You can't just conveniently pull it out of your ass and state that it makes up all the difference just because you say so. Science is not that convenient a process.
>It's way better to be poor than it is to be poor and black
better to be white than black, wow racist.
PhD researcher in a STEM field. Being a decent human being is just a hobby. Take your numbers and stick them up your white supremacist asshole, buddy
>Muh facts
How are you this retarded for a person with a PhD?
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Oh! Oh! I've got one!
No I'm sure your true-true numbers would agree and yet you're refusing to admit that the system is rigged against non-whites. The mental gymnastics are fucking astonishing
Okay lets debate.

You will say that blacks situation is due to whites historical slavery and discrimination which led to their socio economical status and developed a culture due to whites actions, as well as the witholding of education of blacks as cause of their current situations, did I get everything?
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just out of curiosity. can you please name one successful black civilization in history?
Well Englishmen did found the United States, but the decline of society mostly has to do with Marxism rather than a group of people.
>better be white than black across all cultures and income groups
>it must be because of a system
What gave you that impression?
What reference do you have of poor whites and poor blacks all over the world that led you to believe their differences are based on systems?
You have no idea how the welfare, education and employment systems in place favor black, but keep telling us how it is here.
t. American living under the poverty line
Obviously they don't run EVERYTHING. It's countries like Israel that have pushed the refugee crisis.
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but there's definitely white people and Jews who have fucked over white America big time.
Nurture > nature. Good night
>PhD researcher in a STEM field
Good on you, I hope you find it fulfilling. I hear it can be a real grind sometimes. But you do know social sciences aren't included, right?
>Being a decent human being is just a hobby
Don't be silly. A person's morality has little if any to do with his politics, but his thoughts on how economy and society works in reality. Everyone thinks their politics are for the best. I could profess myself a messiah based on my beliefs, but what good is that. I don't lift a finger for anyone but me and mine. It's just pettiness.
That's not even a contradiction. Why can't liberals into simple logic?
But there's no evidence for that, the nature of nurture is nature.
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No it doesn't, you worthless piece of shit. White men and their vile capitalism nearly destroyed America. And they're doing it again.

>Oh my god why can't we go back to the prosperity of the 1950s with the economic beliefs of the 1880s?! I can't fucking understand!?!
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just out of curiosity. can you please name one successful black civilization in history?
See my earlier post
Yeah, white men destroyed the West the moment they gave women the right to vote.
Actually we blame the fall of the west mostly on white numale genetic deadends and jews (which is the same thing just with more brains and persecution complex), at least the smart ones.
BOY. It's countries like AMERICA (aka Israel) who created refugees in the first place by turning the entire Middle East into a warzone for black crack. I'll bet you anything most CEOs of fossil fuel companies are non-jewish white men.
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Why isn't it? Don't just say "No u", give a reason, fag.

So in other words, white men did it. Thank you.

Wrong, faggot. I know you can't get laid, but give it a fucking rest already.

So, in other words, white men. Again.
>B-b-but the problem is SOME white men don't rape, pillage and plunder ENOUGH! Don't you get it!
Part of the problem, faggot.
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>system is rigged against non-whites
and yet he has no evidence for this. typical leftly over here.

>inb4 "g-google it you dummy"
>Good night


>i got proved wrong and completely embarrassed
>Russians openly influence american election
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>Russians openly influence american election
Interesting, because in reality it was islamic ancestors that enslaved african blacks and jewish whites.
Well if you count (((Jews))) as white men then yes.
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>I built and run my house
>An arsonist is responsible for burning it down

Are you even trying, martsharter?
This one doesnt really make sense to me. Both buttons are essentially the same thing
Are you a bit braindead? The numales are cancer, they are low iq, low genetic quality and think they can win a womans grace with their submissive inferiority, that is why they let all the immigrants in. They also are too weak to point out certain shit like central banking because their minds are too caught up, which is a psychological mechanism to avoid accepting certain basic truths, so they buy in to retarded thought concepts and ideas.
Has nothing to do with pillage, but even if they would have to pillage they would be to retarded to do so. They are like little dumb bots with a certain source code other people put in.
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>White men built everything
Nonsense, the contributions of East Asia and India cannot be ignored as I am sure most every other white nationalist would agree with, however the contributions of western Europeans are undeniably the greatest.
>the death of the west is everyone else's fault
We are absolutely at fault because we let it get this far, I doubt you could find so much as one white nationalist that would argue otherwise

Pretty poor memery lad.
Btw you're completely excluding the influence of minorities. You can't just say it's white men's fault, autist.
>Well since the sky is blue...
I'm going to do this ONE time. Then I'm done with you.






Now I just KNOW that none of these sources will be good enough because if you're a russia shill then your goalposts are BEGINNING at the fucking oort cloud.

No, fag. It's not just jews.

>All these fucking leafs

>Numales are low-IQ
But the south and interior are full of genius whites, right? I'm not sure you know what IQ means.

>We are absolutely at fault because we let it get this far
Oh my god, the obvious fucking truth spoken on /pol/?!?! I think I'm going to have a fucking heart attack.
I never said it was solely because of Jews fag, but my point is the decline of society is not solely because of white men. You're completely excluding minorities.

The leaks came from within the campaign, anon.
It is true that their the "south" has a lower iq, but they are at least people and they are smart enough to realize who is jewing them and who isnt. The liberal friends IQ bracket are the ones that are the must susceptible to this kind of sophistry, they can follow along but dont really understand the basics. The southerner will say that this is bullshit without giving it second thought, and the bracket above them will point out that this is a bunch of bullshit and tell you why. Imagine it as a party:
Imagine you want to fuck some chicks, at one party you have show off your new stylish car, have some tribal tatoos to get laid, on the other party you have to be a multimilionaire and harvard educated but on the liberal party you just have to talk a bunch of bullshit.
>Russians openly influence american election
Yup Marxism is a bitch

> probably better if you just went ahead and lived your sad little life to the fullest

lol say this to the blacks you're fluffing babe
So, in other words, white men didn't build and run everything. There are only two options here, you retarded subhuman: you can either claim white men are responsible for creating the west all by themselves or you can argue that the death of the west is entirely someone else's fault. You can't pick both. They're mutually exclusive.

>Faux News
Really, faggot? At this late date? Why not just use Wal*Mart as a source?

All you pieces of shit ever have. I have an amazing idea, Germany - STOP CONSTANTLY FUCKING EVERYTHING UP.
Make an argument any time lolz

Never mind thought you said you education instead of election
It is not an excuse, i m just a gleefull salesman and i know my products and i know my costumers.
>tfw used to think Finland was cool.
show me the server logs or whatever "proof" they have. Their is no proof. None.
It's like you have never met a nigger before in your entire life. Oh wait, you haven't.
And now you realize that even Finland has women.
You don't have to like FNC, but you do have to acknowledge facts. Assange went on Kelly's program and basically admitted that Seth Rich was his source.
Fuck off Swede, everyone hates you here. We liked Finland until today.
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All I said was that Englishmen founded America which they did retard, but that doesn't mean it they're are solely responsible for the decline of society.
Read the sticky retard.
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lurk some more until you can fight the urge to flag-RP, fag
Jews are actually the top, not white men.
Intersectionality demands we punch up.

Focusing on white past injustice is Eurocentrism = white supremacy. They ignore the Japanese crimes against Chinese. Cambodia. They ignore the Arab and African slave trade. Black people should really FEAR Arabs if they are being told to fear whites. It's Eurocentrism = white supremacy.

Holding poor rural whites under severe duress when they literally can't even help being in a white state, is holding whites to an inherently higher standard than PoC under similar deprivation - which excuses their criminality etc. Essentially saying whites SHOULD KNOW BETTER. Because they are inherently better. White supremacy.

Once you strip away white feminism, and all the other myopic views of feminism before PoCs were allowed a voice, and when you look across cultures, there is no universal, essential trait of womanhood or femininity. Thus it comes down to a simple power relation. Feminine = subjugation, masculine = domination. Traditionally masculine traits such as cool rationality, strength through adversity, etc. are demonized, and women are told they internalize misogyny if they adopt these traits. Thus they are expected to be weak, victims, emotional, etc. Instead of wanting to uplift women, it seeks to undermine them. It would be good if men were allowed to feel their emotions more too. But this doesn't help keep women down. It's misogyny.
mental gymnastics is still a thing I guess
I highly doubt you're from Finland. You know it's easy to spot shills that can't argue and use "read a book" as proof of it.
Guns will keep those trannies out of the bathroom.
Ever notice how whenever a leftist decides to pop up in a thread to debate people, it's most often just one leftist at any given point? Ever notice how they get demeaning and condescending basically right away? Ever notice how they'll be very economical with their arguments, always keeping them concise and offering very little substance? It's most as if instead of wanting to genuinely engage in a debate, they're trying to get as many people involved while stalling as much as possible. Kind of like if they were trying to waste other people's time while expending the least amount of energy. If I wanted to sabotage discussion, I'd probably do the same thing.
And then they just leave when things are getting started. Everytime.
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but that doesn't mean mean they're are solely responsible for the decline of society.*

Leaving a smuggie before I go.
That's the point. We are making a mountain out of an ant hill with these gender non issues. Who the fuck who you want to fuck? Nobody!
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Oops ignore my post. Meant to correct my previous post.
Have you never felt the urge to question why things are how they are? Getting to the very basics without iterating something other people say? To look at it and find it true or false, or if the answer isnt that clear cut, why it isnt that clear cut? Ever felt the need to view it from every perspective, to leave out what is unnecessary just to add it later, or getting a complete picture? Did you never ask yourself why the liberals parade their "liberals are more intelligent" stuff around, like it was an achievement of themselves and not someone eleses work or thoughts? Or why above mediocre isnt excatly a measurement for truth?
Did you ever feel the satisfaction to run down anyone and anybody? Or to take something and make it better or outright dismiss it no matter how perfect it sounded at first glance, did you EVER experience that, to the highest level imagineable?
Exactly, jesus these shills sometimes get so hyped up they forget how to shill effectively even though it never works.

I can imagine it, them going through all these threads trying to find ways to troll and making no stolid arguments and giving biased stupid studies and getting so angry one time they have to say something and then everyone just puts them down and they spaz out then leave. Why even do it I will never understand, I wish I had that kind of determination I could do so much.
You're not forgiven, your mistake will go down in /pol/ history with everyone knowing what a fool you were.
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Checkmate, Drumpftards.
Poor blacks and latinos and shit are racist and can be homophobic as hell. The cosmopolitan middle-upper class minorities are adopting a majority white culture and morality, which is held as OBJECTIVELY superior. Victorian ettiquette and morality is white supremacy.

See that famous video from like 2014 of the woman walking around getting street harrassed. All thru Harlem etc. It's a subtle form of racism. The funniest thing is the actress got jewed by the sleazy production company, totally ripped off and lied to about what the video was for and shit, and ended up suing them for 500k. LOL.
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I don't feel like putting it in meme form
Look at Jamaica, one of the most homophobic countries on Earth outside of Islam. These whites and white-acting middle class blacks welcomed into bourgeois white society are claiming to be superior to the savage Jamaican.
Oh look the same shill changed his IP how amazing.
> If you are told by society your entire life that you are a violent, worthless subhuman, guess what, you're going to be affected. It's basic psychology, read a book.

Isn't that exactly what the liberals are doing to white males right now, though? Every white person is racist, every straight man is a rapist.

That's the problem with the modern left. They don't want everyone to be treated equally. They want their group to become the new straight, white men and then they want to take the straight white men and rub their nose in oppression like a dog that took a shit on the carpet.
I don't think anyone says sexuality is a social construct, though.
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I don't think this is a contradiction, though.
>doesn't know the difference between insults and buzzwords
Why are liberals so bad at this meme
They are literally white supremacists and misogynists though. Demonstrably. You don't even need to play the reverse racism which they are predisposed to reject.

Systematic oppression of black people does exist in America. It's a complex structure. But here's the thing. The racist judges are on public record. It's supposed to be like 7x more likely to incarcerate ceteris paribus but thats average, in some areas it's closer to the same, but in others its like 30x more. These judges can be found, and removed. That breaks one link in the chain. Ending the drug war would be a good start too. It was ADMITTED to being a plot to suppress blacks and 'hippies' by Nixon's right hand man but the left knew this all along. Why did obama not bring the crack penalty down to parity? Why did he pardon only a tiny fraction of non violent drug offenders thru his token program? Weak dog.

The problem with the identity left is they don't have actual solutions. They have protests and discourse. Because they are full bigoted scum. Honestly on a building site where there's all kinds of races and they give eachother racist shit all day is far closer to the ideal than these leftist psychopaths who repress and project.
>and jewish whites.
The point is that if race is a social construct and therefor insubstantial then privilege based on race is also insubstantial.
When conservatives are complaining about "overuse of buzzwords" they often mention the terms bigot and racist. A word can be both anyway.

I am actually more sympathetic to your arguments than most here, but I have some questions.

I live near Baltimore. 3 of the last 4 mayors of Baltimore have been black. 3 of the 6 police charged in the Freddy Grey case were black. The police chief is black. The district attorney is black. The population of the city is 2/3 black. And Maryland leans heavily Democractic, and almost always elects a Democratic governor.

I've lived in 4 countries on 3 continents, and I've never felt less safe than I do in Baltimore. Since black people have so much control over the government in Maryland and Baltimore, how is it white peoples' fault?
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not in quite the same meme form
Reminds me of that Hitler quote where he explains how frustrating it is to argue with jews. It happens in real life too, so it isn't just shills. Never admitting to anything so you can never pin them down on an actual point, relying on disgust and shaming whenever possible without bringing a counter-argument, going back to arguments that have already been addressed, repeating talking points over and over, etc. It's almost impressive.

Not a contradiction you dumb cunt
The difference is that liberal buzzwords are frequently (though of course not always) used in contexts meant to delegitimize the opponents stance whereas "cuck" for example is just an insult.
If you can find me an example of the word "cuck" being used as the basis for an argument then please do, though I expect you would even given any biases you might hold find plenty of example of liberals using an accusation of racism as the basis for an entire argument.
Exactly. Of course shit needs to change. Like you said the war on drugs is a huge start because it causes the school to prison pipeline that the right refuses to acknowledge.

The fact is it's harder to be black in the U.S. than it is to be white, in general. That's where the idea of white privilege comes from. And if we really look at it, the reason that this is the case is because we've historically treated black people like shit in this country and in the 90's and 00's we started to correct these wrongs with making it easier for black kids to get into college and affirmative action. And these programs are a good thing if you truly want all races to eventually be on equal footing, proportionally.

But with the left (probably humans in general) if you give them an inch they're gonna take a mile. And that's what they've done with their hate speech and trying to shift the balance of power to their groups be it LGBT, blacks, hispanics, etc. This shit doesn't happen overnight and when you try to shame people into giving you power because you want it RIGHT NOW then you get a backlash like a Trump presidency.

Identity politics and the far left have essentially ruined the country by trying to yank privilege away from white people and try to take it for themselves without realizing that white people are still the majority in this country.
Please drop this whole "lol there are only two extremes of everything ecksdee" nonsense, it does nothing for anyone that isn't looking to radicalize both their own side and their opposition.
It's used as a way to legitimize your opponents in much the same way, implying they're a "traitor" to their nation, race, or something else.
The time is almost upon us
>If a proportional amount of white people lived in the same conditions (although they couldn't ever reach that point because at the very least they will never be as discriminated against as black people) it would LITERALLY be the same crime statistics. If you are told by society your entire life that you are a violent, worthless subhuman, guess what, you're going to be affected. It's basic psychology, read a book.
>what are trailer parks
It clearly is you retard.
Hardly, "cuck" exists to mock a persons masculinity or rather their perceived lack thereof, there's hardly such a context where that can be used as the basis as an argument. It'd effectively be like someone trying to say "I disagree with your argument and can prove that you and everything you stand for is incorrect because your dick is smaller than mine. LOL." That simply doesn't function as an argument, it's just an insult.
Accusations of racism however exist as a way to assert your moral superiority over another person, therefore they are incorrect because they're an evil scary racist. It's the "commie" of the millennial.

The two simply aren't comparable under any measure of actual examination.
Of course nobody thinks to examine it further because nobody thinks to examine fucking anything further it's all just "nuh uh you're just as bad as me therefore I'm justified in doing shit that I know for a fact is intellectually dishonest."
I thought the whole idea behind the cuck insult was that white people were being so overly tolerant that they were allowing minorities to do whatever the fuck they want in the name of diversity. In turn, minorities change the fabric of our culture (and race in the case of "race mixing") thereby cuckolding us in a metaphorical sense.

So when the term cuck is used what the person is saying is that the cuck in this instance is too soft and weak minded to be able to think rationally and only cares about the moral aspect of inclusion and tolerance. Therefore calling someone a cuck is in fact saying that the persons opinion is invalid because they've been indoctrinated with an ideology that doesn't have their best interests at heart.

When liberals use racism it's essentially the same thing. They believe that diversity is the cornerstone to a great society and that racists have been indoctrinated to think differently. So when they're calling someone a racist they're essentially saying "you value your own culture over others and it's made you blind to reason." Calling someone a cuck is the same argument but from the opposite position.
I think the government should stay the hell out of my life and I don't give a single fuck about fag marriage, abortion, and I'm an atheist.
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all leafposters should just burn
>refugees came bearing advanced weaponry
>what is a rifle
>what is a truck plowed into a school crowd,
>what is a featurlizer bomb.
Everyone is armed and always has been
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>If a proportional amount of white people lived in the same conditions (although they couldn't ever reach that point because at the very least they will never be as discriminated against as black people) it would LITERALLY be the same crime statistics.

This is demonstrably false. Race is a much better predictor of violent crime than poverty, income levels or education.
>allowing for ghettos to form
What. So it's whites problem, then it's not whites problems
Well I don't like people having their tongues cut out for eating ham so I guess therefore I have to tolerate a "trans woman" exposing a shriveled dick to my son in the bathroom.
>If the syrian refugees came bearing advanced weaponry and the literal plague
>literal plague

It's called Islam
Nah, it's effectively just a racially charged variant of "pussy" with more bite.
I'm afraid there's no more thought put into it than that, don't forget the alt right is a movement made up mostly of dumb kids (it's one that I sympathise with but that doesn't make the above statement is any less true).
The reason you see so many people trying to claw some deeper meaning from the word is because they simply can't accept that there's a growing population of increasingly nationalist, increasingly radicalized youth in the west, it mirrors too greatly the rise of the left over the last century which to the modern left is terrifying and rightly so.They want to believe that they're still fighting against the scary men in business suits that put millions into marketing their cause they simply can't bear the thought that the tables have turned.

Maybe not though, I've had a few beers so I couldn't say with absolute certainty that anything I'm saying makes sense.
The jews
Wow. Is that reported, taxed income?
ITT: Asshurt anon from """Finland""" tells everyone how much of a problematic shitlord they are while spewing actual garbage
>being a white supremacist is a bad thing

Ethnocentrism is a healthy and natural attitude that isn't going away any time soon. Even if you manage to beat it out of white people on the surface it's still going to be there, and other groups have exactly the same attitude.

Also, affirmative action is legit discrimination, no question about it. It's a terrible and inefficient band aid for the problem. The problem is the constant victimization of the black community. The best thing that could happen to them would be if they got responsibilized and started valuing success through legitimate channels, and a huge part of that is doing away with the uncle tom and fuck whitey prevalent ideas. And that change needs to come from within.
Also intereting to note there's a dip in the rate at the 25k-40k range for whites and asians and it's also the largest dropoff for blacks. I'm genuinely curious as to why that is
oh shit
It's actually way more complex than one p-value graph though lol
That's the point at which a person can afford rent in America
how are those contradictions?
Really makes you think m8.
It's not that complicated. Blacks are inherently more violent of a race on account of their lower intelligence and higher testosterone. Once you can accept that reality, everything in the world makes sense.
I like how nobody even tried to respond to you on this one.

Keep up the good work, friend.
>the finnish all stand 10 meters apart at all times
>this one is special though
>it has never been within a mile of another human being
then congrats
the comic is not about you

I guess if all the races mix for enough time, there will be no diversity left.
think about it...
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I'd have to agree with the other anon. Cuck is most efficient as an insult when used against people that claim to be conservative. It's closer to traitor than pussy and in those cases it is indeed used to invalidate their arguments.

Hey new here. Why do people always type "LEAF" at me in all caps?

Just trying to fit in here.

Thanks for accepting me into your community though. You guys look like a lot of fun!! Can't wait to get to know you all!!
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Can't Corner
Maybe you're right. Affirmative action working is contingent on black people and Hispanics assimilating once they've "made it". But there does seem to be a lot of cultural divide and distrust between races that might never be healed.

Then again, giving minorities slight benefits to counteract what position they're in now due to how they've been treated historically might make a huge difference in a couple of generations. We really will just have to wait and see and let the American experiment run its course.

Otherwise you're right, anything more south is kinda shit.
You guys do know that diversity is not just about race, right?
>you have nothing to prove that immigrants rape women to a higher degree
>You have statistics that show that immigrant rapes are reported more often

based finland

Canada: a red flower in the yard = a vote for Conservatives. a blue flower pot in the yard = a vote for Labour.

The de facto leader of the country only need take responsibility for shit that happened either directly prior to their assuming control therefore having them inherit an issue which they can directly affect or an issue that they themselves cause. They've no obligation to take responsibility for something that happened before they were born.
Furthermore the leader of a nation should NEVER apologize to anybody but their own people. I don't give a fuck what the circumstances are, I don't expect foreign leaders to apologize for shit that they did against my interests and the interests of my country nor should they, it'd be the ultimate offense to their country, their position and their people short of welcoming other nations to rape their people unopposed (lol Germany) (one worth apologizing for funnily enough) which is a fucking disgusting act for any leader, much moreso an elected one.

They weren't refugees though. They were settlers from more culturally and scientifically advanced nations, not cowards fleeing from their duties or people moving from their peaceful countries for an easier life (make no mistake, the act of immigrating to America alone was not easy, neither was starting over on a new lamd). You're just trying to be contrarian for the sake of it.

The point is that neither are true yet both are beliefs held by anti-gun "liberals" (it's important to distinguish as there are still a fair few true liberals). Again you're just being contrarian for the sake of it which is fairly autistic with all due respect.
My point is, they are crypto-supremacists, while claiming to be anti. The thread is liberal contradictions.

They claim to be non Eurocentric enlightened academics though. I have a problem maybe with Eurocentric bias in academic scholarship, as it is an obstacle to a full and accurate account of the world and its peoples, and has maybe some insidiuous effects as well. Not natural ethnocentrism everyone has, I don't care about this. Ethnonationalism is natural too. Supremacism is chauvinism to me, and seems like it's manifest destiny type shit, exploit the africans etc. Fuck that. I'll defend "racists" and "bigots" but that kind of chauvinism is actual evil to me. The left got it all mixed up cos their jew masters couldnt keep the story straight.
nice arguments faggots

>this is what stormfags actually believe
lol ok
The ancient Egyptians (the successful ones) were ethnically Coptic.

Those are all virtually extinct now
(And were never black)
My point is, they are crypto-supremacists, while claiming to be anti. The thread is liberal contradictions.

They claim to be non Eurocentric enlightened academics though. I have a problem maybe with Eurocentric bias in academic scholarship, as it is an obstacle to a full and accurate account of the world and its peoples, and has maybe some insidiuous effects as well. Not natural ethnocentrism everyone has, I don't care about this. Ethnonationalism is natural too. Supremacism is chauvinism to me, and seems like it's manifest destiny type shit, exploit the africans etc. Fuck that. I'll defend "racists" and "bigots" but that kind of chauvinism is actual evil to me. The left got it all mixed up cos their jew masters couldnt keep the story straight.
That doesn't explain why it goes back up at the next range, though
Your favorite colors are blue, orange, and green? Well I mixed them all together. What do you mean you don't like it?
I would suggest reading The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander.

Good book that gets into how blacks are treated worse than whites when it comes to crime.

It also doesn't try to argue that blacks don't commit a lot of crimes (like you might expect it to argue), just that their punishment is not equal.
Best lead post in a long time
Enjoy your (you)
I disagree simply on account of the terms origin.
Perhaps it might be used in an effort to invalidate the arguments of others but the closest example that comes to mind was Conservatives United For Cruz and Kasich but that was quite blatantly a joke made to offend or irritate conservatives rather than one to shame them or what have you.

I can see where you're comingn from with the whole uncle tom argument but I just don't know that there's anything to it.
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Nice digits
>wait and see
I see your point but this is hurting white students right now. Also, a lot of the affirmative action beneficiaries just drop out because they can't keep up. And there is also the potential problem that employers might start valuing black candidates from Ivy league schools less because they don't see their degrees as legitimate, thus hurting black students that would've gotten accepted regardless. I think that if you really want to help the black community from an educational standpoint, you're better off properly funding their elementary and high schools so when the time come they're actually ready. Charter schools help black people more than affirmative ction
Because race mixing homogenizes the people and with it the culture.
It can be argued as the greatest success of diversity but really it's its greatest failure.
Well not it's greatest failure, that would be the diversity itself which simply doesn't work, I just can't think of the right word for it.
>implying I don't have a gun too
>Last bit is control bit
>1000 0100
>84 in hex
>1984 by George Orwell
Liberals confirmed for totalitarians
Oh absolutely the key point of diversity is supposedly cultural diversity (which seems at odds with the leftists views on race but I digress) however there are examples all over the world that prove the key to diversity is division.
Look at the Middle East for example, there's actually a fairly large amount of diversity within different subcultures of Islam but that's because they all fucking hate one another, there's little to no intermingling which preserves the diversity of thought and beliefs (all of which are retarded but that goes without saying).
Another even better example would be the difference between ancient and modern China.
Division is absolutely vital for diversity, in that respect multiculturalism has been a fantastic success as it's lead to a world more divided than ever along cultural lines. Just look at the white flight phenomenon.
One simple example of how black people are systematically disenfranchised:

South of Chicago, no funding for trauma centers. Black people who are in critical condition often die in transit to nearest center on the other side of the city. In order to finally get a trauma center built, black people had to protest and put financial pressure on local institutions for years. Meanwhile, city is pouring millions of dollars in Navy Pier--tourist attraction for predominately wealthy white people.

Now apply this to public school systems, mental health institutions, local/state institutions that offer good jobs, etc...

Thur you fucking go. Critical thinking isn't that hard /pol/
That's fair enough and education K-12 definitely should be prioritized. Of course it's much more financially feasible to lower the standards for black kids but you're right it doesn't really fix the problem.

How do you feel about affirmative action in the workplace?
I have yet to see really good convincing evidence of this. Psychology is largely a psuedoscience to me. I take it with a grain of salt. At best it provides us with a shared language to talk about things we otherwise didn't have concepts of, like narcissism or projection. Psychology itself has been in a massive crisis in recent years when it turns out most of their garbage studies can't even be replicated, within the parameters of their own dubious experimental designs and constructs. IQ is fairly solid for psychology but I'm not exactly sure what it is supposed to be indexing. It's not clear. It's actually very complicated.

Environment and psychology affects the epigenome which is hereditable. Social structures determine both, and vice versa.

Psychology studies 90% of the time usually amount to a fucking short questionnare they give to college students. Then they massage multi factorial analysis and inflate p values to get whatever they want out of it. Psychiatry is even worse. It's a big Rorshaht test.

Social science has almost entirely been taken over by leftists now. It went from 50-60% liberal leaning to now like 95% leftists. Where you find leftists, you find Jews. Now ask yourself, who likes to divide and conquer us? Why do IQ tests show Jews with the highest? Jews want to tunnel into Asia right? Wow, Asians score high as well. Jews want to antagonize racial conflicts between whites and blacks?

I could write books on the problems with psychology and psychiatry. How can some be so dismissive of politicized and biased climate science yet take social """science""" to be highly credible?
>navy pier
>predominantly wealthy white people

top kek. its primarily tourists and mexicans

>south side trauma centers

the U of C has literally 0 obligation to host gunshot wound gangbangers
it must really be embarrassing to be a poorfag chink. Or maybe those a FOB immigrants
>I have yet to see really good convincing evidence of this.
>he has never read a history book
>he has never traveled to Africa
>he has never spoken with black people
>his entire experience is confined to his upper-middle class upbringing in pure white Australia

Yes, Psychology and Social Sciences are both meme fields these days. But you don't need science to tell you that the sky is blue.
This one isnt a contradiction.
Whitr priviledge is a social construct
So wait, you're talking about leftwing academics being eurocentric despite claiming otherwise? Might be because cultural marxism and critical theory originated in the West and that's the only thing they have going for them?

Honestly I might be completely missing your point here, because I'm not sure I get where you're coming from
Just out of sheer curiosity why is there so much /leftypol/ in this thread?
I don't have a problem with it, it's just fairly unusual is all.
Yes, white tourists.

So all black people who need emergency care are gangbangers? Car accidents dont happen, people don't have heart attacks, strokes, or other medical emergencies? All black people who ever get hurt, ever, are criminals. Ok ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I remember the old EU having the empire be a human supremist system which is why having admiral Thawn was such a big deal.

But the empire was just fashy in order to defend against the incoming Vong alien invasion
No to dobrze trafiłeś na pewno nie jest to możliwe to proszę o kontakt z nami na pewno nie jest to możliwe to proszę o kontakt z nami na pewno nie jest to możliwe to proszę o kontakt z nami na pewno nie jest to możliwe to proszę o kontakt z nami na pewno nie jest to możliwe to proszę o kontakt z nami na pewno nie jest to możliwe to
Here, have the biggest contradictions I could find:

>PhD researcher in a STEM field.
>in a STEM field

Hahahahahahahahahaa. Most generic "smart" answer ever.

A guy with a real phd would never miss an opportunity to accurately state its field and source of knowledge.
I still dont see how banning gay marriage was different than some states banning cousin marriage
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If I build a house, and a nigger lights my house on fire, who's fault is it?
It's almost like tourism is one of the biggest sources of cashflow for just about every consumer city on the planet.
The fact (assuming it is a fact and you aren't talking bollocks) that the majority of those tourists are white in a country that is majority white is irrelevant.
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It's funny that so many, many, many issues popped up after the empire fell apart that the empire could have swiftly dealt with and saved countless lives. The Vong being the biggest example. They would have been wiped within a single year at the most, costing only military and maybe 1-2 outer rim planets.

The Alliance was such a shit show that the literal capital of the galaxy along with like 1/4 of the inhabitants of the galaxy were killed. Goddamn morons.
im interested too
Honestly I'd be curious to see actually science on this. Use brain scans and measure neural responses to certain things on different races. It really could illuminate both sides on this matter.

Unfortunately there is no way in hell any study like that is getting funded any time soon.
oy vey goy diversity is the alliances strength we need wookies shitting in trees to have a strong and vibrant society
>white tourists
Top kek, I knew you'd say just that and feel smug while doing it

No, poo in loos, Yuropoors and chinese predominantly.

Sure you get some people from Ohio and the like. And they're black tourists, white tourists, and who knows where spanish speaking latinos

You literally don't know what in the fuck you're talking about and making assumptions out of your ass.

Navy Pier also brings in $50 million + in revenue per annum and is the state's top tourist attraction, whereas gangbanger morons do just the opposite

>gunshot wounds

>niversity of Chicago Medicine's announcement Thursday that it would add Level 1 adult trauma care to its Hyde Park campus culminated a decadeslong battle with South Side residents who insisted that the university had a civic duty to provide services in an area that suffers disproportionately from gun violence.

Literally the fucking reason the nogs complained dipshit

Ok *sips tea*
So essentially the main goal is to breed until there are no true white people born... interesting... I sense a conspiracy.

it's the JEWS that run everything. IDIOT
some states allowed cousin marriage others did not. the jews didnt shill marriage equality for cousin fuckers
It doesn't really fix the problem and it feels like people pushing those measures don't care about fixing anything, they care about political clout and securing a voter base.

As far as positive discrimination in the workplace, it's the same dumb idea applied to a different field. It just makes for a less efficient workplace. There is no such thing as equal candidates for a job so you're choosing the lesser one. Otherwise you'd be hiring the minority anyway.

Quick question, why does affirmative action benefit black people only? East asians have been discriminated against historically too, and it's not like south asians struggle to find well paying work.
If white people on the North Side were complaining that there was nowhere nearby for emergency medical care, the city would allocate the funds to build one.

Yes, tourism is a huge source of cashflow, absolutely. Navy pier has been making tourists happy for years the way it is, but the city keeps dumping more and more money into it each year to make it "bigger and better". Even just a fraction of that money could have been used, and Navy Pier still could be upgraded. It doesn't have to be an "either-or", but because of the way that black lives are devalued that's how it's framed. We can have a ferris wheel and make sure people on the South Side can see a doctor if they have a heart attack...for fucks sake Chicago is one of the biggest metropolis's in the most successful country on the planet, c'mon.
This is why we can't let them fuck up free speech and herd us into echo chambers, or drive right wing thought further underground where the real reactionary authoritarians are going to start activating as they are being legit persecuted and see themselves under threat by what does frankly amount to cultural genocide. Just because there IS a systematic bias against black people doesn't mean you need to be a BLM leftist retard. It doesnt mean whites are evil and bad, or all racist, any more than anyone else really. It's STRUCTURAL. It was built into the system by exploitative cunts who have been doing divide and conquer forever. Modern European racism largely came about thru slave traders being the only conduit of info about black people to Europe. Hmm i wonder why they'd propagandize about black savagery.

It's not about bad individuals who need to lose their job for saying a naughty word. Its about actually doing things that help the situation, actual justice. Not this bullshit Orwellian psy ops cult recruitment en masse to prop up cunts like Clinton, in some insanely misguided attempt to try brute force the culture.

I don't give a fuck if some working class shmoe doesnt like niggers. I just want to look at real and practical solutions to these problems for a better society for all. Hence why i dont support mass importing Muslims either.
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>depriving black people of something they historically literally never had

>committing crime because im in an environment in which im semi separate from another race is understandable


you must be a refugee because i don't want to live in a world where THIS is considered "first world education"
I was part of the effort to get the trauma center and disproportionate gun violence was a small part of why it was demanded. Obviously people need emergency care for lots of things. Using the gun violence statistic was often taken out of context by the university, and the local media, to frame the protests a certain way--and you clearly bought into it.

Whenever I was at Navy Pier, almost everyone I encountered was white--but nonetheless, even if it is mostly asians and mexicans, the South Side is mostly black--we're talking about anti-black racism, which mexican and asian people can (and do) engage in and benefit from
You underestimate how much money it takes to fund an already bloated city with a growing population.
You could well argue that they could stop funding Navy Pier so much at no significant loss and you could be right, but why take the risk?

Ultimately it's quite simply silly to just assume that everyone in charge is either working to nefarious ends or that they're retarded, in many cases they have good reasons to do as they are, in many cases they have bad reasons to do something that is for the best anyway.

Please elaborate on how it is black lives are devalued, I don't mean to sound like I'm being a smarmy prick or anything, I would just like to know how you came to settle on your perspective.
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Hurrr, "Facts and numbers hurt my head", muttered the defeated leftist cuck.
>Just because there IS a systematic bias against black people doesn't mean you need to be a BLM leftist retard. It doesnt mean whites are evil and bad, or all racist, any more than anyone else really. It's STRUCTURAL. It was built into the system by exploitative cunts who have been doing divide and conquer forever.
Yes exactly, it's structural. Meaning that certain demographics (white people) implicitly benefit from it, regardless of their character as an individual. Racism is a STRUCTURAL thing, not a personal attitude that individuals hold towards other groups of people (prejudice).

I have a lot of issues with the so-called 'radical' left, and I think it's important to build bridges across all of the working class, across racial lines. But that requires people like you and I have real dialogue

pick one
why are liberals so bad at these. the bathroom sign one makes zero sense.
That's one of the few that aren't contradictory. You're right here.
I don't believe the people at the top are nefarious or scheming or anything like that. Like you say, they're acting in the economic interest of the city. But that's exactly the problem. The way our economy works in this country is fundamentally built on the unequal distribution of resources. It doesn't matter who's in charge or how right/left leaning they are. Racism is a STRUCTURAL issue, as already stated by others here--it's not about the "evil white man" at the top and people on the right sound stupid when they try to frame it like that. Nobody but you is saying that. And maybe some high schoolers who have liberal parents and think Marxism sounds cool. But otherwise, nobody.
They don't seem to understand that the point isn't to argue a point, but rather to satirize the arguments.
Affirmative action should simply be: Everything else being equal, between a black and a white candidate, and it's a coin toss, you go black.

Implementation is another story. Quotas are bullshit. I believe it has been expanded thru grants and diversity programs and stuff. It's a big scam now.

I think a good solution is to make interviews fully blinded. There good evidence job interviews have zero to do with job performance. Its a face to face that really establishes nothing about anything, its antiquated and invites nepotism. It's harmful for business and capitalism because it's irrational to hire under performers based on subtle unconscious bias or favoritism. Most people just feel like they arent racists or whatever but it's unconscious, they're horrified to discover their biased when its pointed out thru data. Maybe even overcompensate. Hence you get shitty AA hires.

But the cultural focus of the left has got it fucking backwards. You get more diverse workforce on merit, it creates actual positive role models, it puts those people into the policy making realm of society, gives them more wealth to spend on charities that help their communties, doesnt breed resentment, etc. THAT changes the culture. Win win. Not some jews in hollywood doing subversion to try get inside everyones minds.
Why does the trans bathroom sign looks like a man with an erection wearing a dress
kill yourself please
>the joke
>your head
Cuck is pretty much the white term for uncle tom
Please do correct me if I'm wrong but are you now arguing that tourism and the money it brings to the city are in some way racist or at least that the support of the tourism industry is somehow racist?
Perhaps in regards to how it's frequently prioritized over urban development?
If so then I don't know that you have annargument there, perhaps you do but you really need to put more effort into presentation.
I should give you a word of waring that I've had a bit to drink so you're going to have to make your stances clearer than you would otherwise, sorry about that.
Gun free zone signs do work. That's what's so unfortunate about it
>faction runs thing
>faction therefore has power over thing
>faction ruined the thing they had power over
happens alot in history.
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>african american crime rate is irrelevant because they were born into degenerate, impoverished communities with shitty education
>rural whites' bigotry is irredeemable because they were born into degenerate, impoverished rural communities with shitty education
Just in case you're serious: Gay marriage doesn't cause birth defects.
The answer is that the discrimination still seems to effect blacks more negatively than than any other race. The prison to pipeline system, police violence, general fear, etc. And you could argue that black people have dug their own grave when it comes to these issues. For example, sure blacks are disproportionately killed by cops. But then again cops are killed disproportionately by blacks.

So then it becomes a chicken or egg scenario where we have to say are black people like this because of whats happened to them or are black people just like this?

Since I haven't seen compelling evidence to suggest blacks are inherently inferior Im forced to conclude that something external caused this. And from my limited knowledge of history and shit I would say that the root cause is slavery, as played out as that argument is.

Asians, Irish, Italians, etc. were never enslaved en mass like Black people were. They were indentured servants, sure, but they were eventually able to pay off their debt within a generation or two and then were able to preserve their culture. It took a while but eventually these groups were brought into the fold.

Black, on the other hand, were stripped of their culture for hundreds of years. Their culture was lost little by little, generation after generation. Then came the civil war and reconstruction and the US said "alright you're free. now go out pull yourself up by your bootstraps" after having cultivated a culture of dependence on white people for 200 years.

So I guess what I'm saying is that black people are like the neglected youngest kid of America that never learned how to fend for themselves. So now we have to teach them and help them (affirmative action) in order to make them ready for the real world.

And to clarify, I'm not saying black inherently need to learn 2 society. If we had enslaved Irish it'd be the same shit
>Whenever I was at Navy Pier,

Figuring you see white boogeymen everywhere it doesn't surprise me that was your spin on it.

>gun violence was a small part of why it was demanded.

Gun violence is a big reason why they shut the doors in the first place.
Trauma is a moneypit and throw that culture on top and you've got a sieve.

BTW, there are only 4 other trauma centers in the county so it wasn't like it was grossly underserving.

>anti-black racism, which mexican and asian people can (and do) engage in and benefit from

Cry me a fucking river
25k to 54k is the perfect amount of money

You still have to be tough but you are busy and you have money to live well
The fact that liberals are serious when spewing their arguments based on nothing, and then refusing to listen to reality is enough to make my blood boil.
I will personally skin and burn these cucks alive if I ever get the chance.
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>white (human)

You got that right squiddo
Exactly. I fucking hate most of the left and Im working class. I used to be able to talk to red blooded blokes about respecting women more and why it's bad to go to Thailand to fuck whores like they were objectss. etc. It was a conversation. We'd give eachother shit. I wouldn't judge them because Im not a saint either. But how am I meant to do that now with a straight face? The fascist left are toxic cunts who are bigoted as fuck, are trying to destroy our culture, the very culture that abolished patriarchy, abolished slavery, embraced multiculturalism for a while, etc. They are the worst cunts ever and I'll gladly support the far right just to smash them back, taking the risk of empowering the real bad bigots on the right by siding with them. It's worth it. Nationalism in 2016 is justice. """Social justice""", however many good ideas it may have floating around, is the current enemy.
Nah, "cuck" is just "pussy".
You could argue that "pussy" is a gendered form of "uncle tom" and I could argue that you're a fucking faggot.
I appreciate the engagement, honestly. It's a rarity on /pol/

I'm saying that the prioritization of tourism over investment in black communities is symptomatic of an economy that places more value in generating revenue than it does in black lives.

I understand the economic importance of tourism - the problem is that tourism is so much more lucrative to invest in than the communities of the people who actually live here. And conversely, the city would never consider the thought of having white citizens travel to Evanston or Skokie for emergency medical care, because they'd freak the fuck out. The economy can account for basic living conditions, but only for a select part of the population--everything outside of that demographic is an extraneous expenditure that the budget can't compensate for without being fundamentally changed.
>Nationalism in 2016 is justice. """Social justice""", however many good ideas it may have floating around, is the current enemy.
I know the thread is dying soon, but I want your opinion. In an ethno-nationalist state, like Japan, would social reforms based around class and gender be easier to administer successfully or not?
What about Africa?
Not all probkems with Africa can be explained away with colonialism. There's all manner of fuckery over there without yt.
It is false tho. There is active and massive anti-white anti-male anti-christian propaganda going on and trying to deny it is ridiculous. Step out side of the liberal bubble and hang out with some white people on the bottom. Don't just view the working class as some other bloc you need to get on side to win left government like bernie did. Fuck that. Have some empathy and open your eyes. The left are the enemy too.
I honestly am not informed enough on the subject to give an honest answer
It ain't nothin different, these same people crammin for equality will attack if you support incest, polygomy, etc. They don't give a shit about rights or equality, they just have superiority complexes, and supporting non-gay sexual minorities doesn't garner them any superiority points, those goddamn fags.
See, but that's why people are angry right now. Just to spite people who you disagree with, or who offend your sensibilities, you'll openly support white nationalism--which adversely impacts millions of people in measurable ways.

If you want to have a real conversation about race, gender, class, etc...most reasonable people I know on the left are down to do it. But your post is a perfect example of those who willfully and knowingly have a hyper-emotional reaction to ideas they don't like, even though you can acknowledge that we're both trying to dismantle the same system. And when people who hold a lot of power have emotional reactions, shit gets violent. Forgive me for being naive, but if you're a working class person I don't understand what's not to get here.
a sign will never do anything. It's about emphasizing and reinforcing social stigma.
> Don't ostracize and bully Muslims just because they have some backwards views, cos if you keep pushing them, they'll radicalize! Its human nature.. Thats what ISIS wants us to do!
> Ostracize and bully poor white males. If they radicalize it's proof white males are just as evil as we said they were all along.
No, leftistS CLAIM to want to have a serious conversation, but are SHOCKED when someone actually hold other views.
I can only give a partial opinion, but from what I've seen is that "foundations" similar to the ones the Clintons run take any money from charity and give it to local warlords. Yet again I am not that educated, but that is one thing that happens that isn't related to genetics.

That being said at least some of Africa's low IQ can be attributed to malnutrition.
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>the city would never consider the thought of having white citizens travel to Evanston or Skokie for emergency medical care, because they'd freak the fuck out.

Hey look there are red and orange areas on the northside in figure 2! Not so much in figure 1 though...

>everything outside of that demographic is an extraneous expenditure that the budget can't compensate for without being fundamentally changed.

There isn't a fucking "budget" for hospitals, you know, it isn't like the NHS.

U of C closed because they were sick of your bullshit.

They reopened it because you cried enough about your bullshit they cucked themselves into draining their pockets.

>an economy that places more value in generating revenue than it does in black lives.

I should hope the economy generates revenue, it isn't a black lives economic system after all, it is a financial one.
I grew up with working class white people. I live in one of the whitest/poorest states in the union--and I'm black (inb4 nigger hate)

believe me, I have empathy for you

and again, I'm critical of the way that the left has become a trendy outlet for angsty kids to spout shitty politics--but we shouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Get outside of your own bubble and actually show up to a BLM meeting thats open to the public. Not a protest, an actual meeting--and ask questions, talk with people. You might be surprised by what you find, that you wont see on any media outlet (left or right)

People on the left, that I'm familiar with, fucking hate liberals too--they are the reason you and I are so polarized right now, not the things we're actually saying, but how they've been framed by the liberal media
>implementation is another story

That's it though, that's just not how it works. There's not such thing as a coin toss. Also, how do you propose we make interviews blind? Going through CVs to decide who to interview, sure, but I don't think it's feasible for the actual interview. Also, if you do away with quotas, I don't think you actually get a more diverse workforce. You might actually get a more homogeneous workforce. Blacks are disadvantaged by education, remember?

Blacks have lower IQs on average than whites or asians. And to be clear, I don't mean that all black people are retards and hopeless, that's ridiculous. Thomas Sowell is a good rags to riches story that invalidates that. I'm not even suggesting that black people have an inherent tendency for violence. But as it stands right now, going for an equality of results without considering those things isn't wise. I'm all for teaching them, but propping them up is not how that works successfully. The left fucked this one up big time and Blacks need to fix their culture
It's /pol/. I'm blowing off steam. I don't take this level of discourse to the streets. The left do not help these people either. Many are repulsively ignorant, support the most brutally horrible shit, and feel they have the auto highground. They monopolized their righteousness and normalized callout culture so I feel like some of the worst zealots could use a taste of their own medicine. White nationalists can't really harm any more than the left are doing right now. It's not about spite: it's dialectics.
You're cuckoldry is threatening the existence of the entire European people.

If the immigration in to Europe, Canada and aussieland continue they will be in the same position as America in 50 years. America will be a majority nowhite by 2050.

If you wanted a sensible conversation and sensible politics you wouldn't advocate extreme policies
Well then let's have a conversation. I'm all ears.

The red and orange areas in fig 2 on the northside are not proportional at all to the southside. Count the neighborhoods and compare. Look at how much of the southside of the city is in black. I'm not saying everyone on the north has it perfect--but accessibility is disproportional, and this maps shows it.

I think it's also worth nothing that the green spots correlate with the wealthiest neighborhoods.

>I should hope the economy generates revenue, it isn't a black lives economic system after all, it is a financial one.
This is redundant. Yes, revenue is important. I already said that. But the economy, as it exists, is designed to benefit specific groups of people while simultaneously usurping resources from others. We can have economic prosperity and invest in black/brown communities the same way that we do with white communities. If our economy isn't capable of doing this, then it needs to be fixed. That's what BLM and other ongoing social movements are all about.
I'm curious. According to you, if black people were to somehow, as a group, become as well off as asians, would they still be subjected to this double standard as far as funding is concerned? Would black lives matter more if they were middle class or is it purely a race thing?
See, but that's why people are angry right now. Just to spite people who you disagree with, or who offend your sensibilities, you'll openly support globalism--which adversely impacts millions of people in measurable ways.

>Rape is a male thing, not a race thing.

Rape is also a cultural thing. Immigrants bring the rape, crime and poverty from their culture. There is empirical evidence to prove this.

>That is not really going to happen in a modern context
>It's just a misappropriation of an outdated amendment, where you allow for insane murder statistics to maintain your bang bang toy collection.
>I am an expert on modern military tactics and weapons and am certain that millions of civilians with small arms could offer no substantial resistance against the American military despite exactly that scenario happening in Afghanistan and Iraq

>If a proportional amount of white people lived in the same conditions it would LITERALLY be the same crime statistics.

Incorrect. West Virginia is one of the poorest and whitest states in the union yet their crime rate is below the national average.

>Systematic oppression is not a myth

Citation needed.
> But the economy, as it exists, is designed to benefit specific groups

You are talking shit because Europeans built and economy that benefits Europeans.

Do you really not see why literal Nazism is on the rise?
> What """""systemic""""" barriers are keeping African Americans down?
Man I've been doing real anti-racist work for years. I dont actually think all BLM is full on Soros psyops but its a shit show from what i can tell. Theres no BLM in aussie land. But trust me im not a resentful white. I'm Marxist liberal anti-dogmatist and I literally have no problem with conservative people. I feel like our politics has been virtualized across the board by propaganda, dividing us into these ideologies that try recruit rather than doing the obvious thing and starting political discussions simply with one's core moral values. There will be many overlaps, and maybe some incompatiblities, say on abortion. Then you work out how to best practically compromise. Maybe its best to leave abortion to the states, and then we can have busses and shit to make it as easy as possible for anyone to access them interstate. Just hypothetical. Then everything else is practicality. But it never starts from there. It's all X ideology bad, they're not REAL Y ideology, trust me Z, we hate Y too, even though you hate X more, join this party / this leader represents the truest form of Xa ideology. It's bullshit. It's the way they control and divide us. None of these ideologies actually work on their own either. That's why I'm happy to look into nationalism and right wing politics. Many conservatives actually genuinely do want to help black people and see the liberals and leftists as actively manipulating and hurting them. Which is a very valid view.
>I think it's also worth nothing that the green spots correlate with the wealthiest neighborhoods

I think its worth noting if you examine in the crime rate in areas such as the famed Owsley, KY meme that poverty isn't the correlation to violence you're looking for.

>usurping resources from others.

Are you that fucking daftly entitled that you think the U of C not wanting to dig into their own coffers to fund the fallout of black on black bullshit it is like a resource was usurped from you?

Dress up the problem with all the KANGZ bullshit you want, your people need to look a lot more in the fucking mirror and a lot less to others.
Keep those tears coming. Winter is near and I need more salt for snowmelt.
Thanks i wish we could have this discussion at a time whrn I wasn't quite drunk but it's thanksgiving so that wasnt going to happen (happy thanksgiving by the way unless youre one of those people that think thanksgiving is teribly racist in which case happy hannukkah).

See here's what I'm really having trouble qith and if you could explain it i would appreciat it but here's the thing:
You understand that this is a compoex issue
You understand that it's primarily down to the economic factors rather than social ones
You understand that the people in charge aren't all literally hitler
You understand that improving black community's is a huge investment
I presume (correct me if I'm wrong) that you understand that black community's are frequently hostile to outside interference (especially from the government).
So I'm left wondering what it is you think is racist here, it almost seems like you've settled upon a diagnois andnae now looking for symptoms to suit it.
Fuck leftist

Kek has spoken
>I'm not saying everyone on the north has it perfect-

Also you literally just said

>the city would never consider the thought of having white citizens travel to Evanston or Skokie for emergency medical care

Condescending to me with your opinions made out of feels, fuck outta here my nig
This a good question and I wont pretend to know the answers--but I think it brings up a big aspect of the problem with how racism works. Asian people have been, in part, able to accumulate wealth because they don't face the same systematic barriers that black people do. Having enough resources to invest in a community in the first place is a major part of economic development--when local/state gov'ts literally funnel resources out without re-investing, it's hard to get a leg up.

additionally, in most cases where black communities have tried to pool their resources or invest in alternatives they've been met with violence. look up black wall street if you're unfamiliar, or the history of black-owned economic cooperatives and food shares. it's a disturbing history.

Not sure what you're getting at. Who say's I'm openly supporting globalism? I was responding to an anon who literally said he supports the far-right only to spite leftists. I'm not trying to spite anyone. I don't support globalism, necessarily, but I think it's an inevitable part of the world we live in and so we should create systems that allow us to navigate it as sustainably and effectively as possible. The system we have is not capable of that. When life gives you lemons...*shrugs*

Europeans invaded a continent, imported slaves to build up this economy--and now the descendents of these native people and slaves and migrant laborers want an economy that's actually functional. And for the record, so do working class white people.

I see why Nazism is on the rise--because people who are easily manipulated react violently to things they don't like
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