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What country does your country hate the most? >Netherlands

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What country does your country hate the most?

Germany or Morocco
i can't speak for everyone but i fucking hate Cyprus
This. FUCK Cyprus and all Cypriots. They're the enemies of all mankind.
Mexico or Chyna
Why Cyprus?
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germany, obviously
I love all countries
Is this a new meme or do you care to tell why you would hate Cyprus? It is literally not even a country

I know it's technically several countries, but to us they're all the same.
Sweden, Germany and the entire Middle East including Turkey
Cyprus. We should drop the bomb on them.
Mexico,Canada,Europe,Russia,China,Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and India

Fuck those country's seriously they need to learn their place.
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Gostosa, posta mais.
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That's because you are all countries.
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why do they always scrimp on condiments.
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sage & hide.

Don't waste your braincells brothers


#pizzagate is real
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You can't hate other countries, nu-/pol/ disavows hatred and bigotry. Be nice, we're a board of peace now.
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why did you tear down your wall
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omg what a qt
Ourselves and Ireland
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Turkey or Greece
It's European world, you're just living on it. :)
stop autism
burgers are scum under my boot
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Chinks and most recently America
Sweden, denmark
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put burger under boot. wonder why tates bad.
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I'm really not sure. Maybe Iran?

I feel meh on everyone.
I hate the netherlands because I am jealous of the netherlands. along with switzerland, it's like the citizens get to live life on realitve easy mode: the govt gives you lots of free shit and there's white people everywhere. added bonus: living the life where you don't even realize how good you have it, wondering why everyone else around the world is so fucked up
i hate Morocco !
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Good pick but america is media drones most would say iran, but i hate saudi arabia so damn much.
What a cutie
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for the same reason i hate algeria i suppose
Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and more recently China

Fuck these foriegn trash coming into my country to be fucking leeches

Canada is a nation of tolerance, progression, and peace. We have no time for hate, as it is primitive. If you ever hurt anyones feelings, they win.
Argentina because we have lots of monkeys here, I feel a certain kinship like me they're Europeans that went the wrong direction when coming to the Americas
Serbia for edgy kids, and fake patriots.
Croatia if they have any brain and aren't Hercegovci.
> Hercegovci
> Any brain at all
Sorry germans but recently its you

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She is qt
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That's it we hate Canada now.

Allright I've had it /pol/ I'm sure we can all agree we are sick of the Leaves and their relentless shitposting THE DAY OF THE RAKE is close at hand and soon we will fill the streets chanting


Leaves you have been warned if I see one more fucking shitpost I will start THE DAY OF THE RAKE there will be rakes and leaf blowers everywhere Autumn is over and spring is coming it's time to RAKE THE YARD.
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Russia and Sweden
Fuck those guys. Dicks

You have to go wherever you came from.

People here dislike pretty much everyone
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England easily

t. Scotsman
HATE: Russia!
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Hungary and India
Nigeria and Saudi Arabia
The bloody French. Or the Argentinians. Or the Irish.

Despite the odd jibe about where they leave their towels when
On holiday, Germans are bro tier.

You have a warped view of my country. We dont have oil stashes like norway to pay for welfare the taxpayer gets milked for it
Unpatriotic shit
Personally I dislike Serbs but I don't hate them, I hate Yugoslavs and most Muslim countries
Germany followed by russia for some reason
I was here for the last confirmed 5 generation from both sides you cunt.
Just because you suck HDZ dick and get money for it and have "PTSD" without ever picking up a gun I'm supposed to pay taxes to finance you.
No thanks.
France or Austria

They are so cucked it's disgusting.
is it still mandatory to learn swedish, or can you choose now?

OY, VEY!!!!!
i wanna fuck that savage

You need to go back.
Peru and Bolivia.
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Trade for a hot Jewish chick?
Mixed marriage scum probably
fuck you man
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>which country do we hate the most?

Europe. Fuck europeans. Brits are alright, but your island is clearly been infected. For real though, if I were to judge based on our country's collective actions, I'd say we hate ourselves more than anyone else, and that's probably justified. Media lies and shit education keeping people dumb. False flags. Really awful stuff.
fucking christ, I hate Brazil sharing 100% native girls when we have half dutch half indian grown women baka
I cannot wait for the day of the rope when we burn you and the jews together on the same pile.
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>that soul crushing feel when no kuruminha gf

wat do huebros?
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start by not falling for this meme
Who are "we" and who are "you"?
We hate you too faggot chileno roto de mierda
Scotland or Sweden, both cucked to fuck
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We are Croatians, hard working, fair people.
You are Hercegovci. Brainless leeches. Welfare scum. Nigger-tier jews basically.
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Here you go
Yea fuck Syrup with all its stickiness and what not
Implying theres any country we don't hate other than our greatest ally
These look cute.

These have poor dental hygiene, but they seem fit!
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She looks Moroccan (Mizrachi) BTW
Dude, we just ask our brown gfs to put on some red mascara.

Don't break Ivan's illusions.
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>Anyone who loves his country even though it is kinda shitty is a Hercegovac
Personally my family has lived in Dalmatia for at least 400 years m8
The Fucking Cucked EU, yes we consider you idiots all one Filthy Muslim Nig. country. Except France ATM. You all took Thousands of years of art and cultured and turned it into a Fugee cesspool in less than 10years. Get you shit together od we will be back were we were 70 years ago. U.S, Brits, Russian Poss. France against the rest of you bastards. Why does Germany tend to fuck shit up every 70 or so years.
> Dalmatinac
That explains that.
You'd get up in arms over 1cm of propety or 1 lipa, but when one ethnicity is destroying the entire country you're fine with it as long as it doesn't affect "m-muh tourism"
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it's real in my mind.
This is just practice for the big one
To all gringos:

Brazilians natives are ugly, dirty, lazy, dumb, poor and dirty (yes, two times dirty) as fuck 99,9999% of the time. Don't fall for the Curuminha meme
Where are you from,mixed marriage asshole?
Probably Istria
Also Hercegovci are Croats too and neither me or my family do tourism
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the only right answer
Trudeau's guide to anal stretching
Not speaking for my own country, but I unironically and wholeheartedly think Saudi Arabia/UAE should be nuked. Turn the whole fucking region into one big glass bowl and hunt down every single one of the surviving scum and torch those fucks.
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It's another leafcaust
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Slavonia you cunt. I am not a half italian like you. I'm pure Croat.
If you had any brain you'd see what Hercegovci are doing to this country.
Truth be told I love Croatian land more than I love myself. But I hate this country because it destroys it's people and sells it's land.
Croatia isn't for Croatians. It was made to serve the 100 rich families Tuđman mentioned.
It might sound weird but we dont hate the krauts
None cares about the netherlands and same goes for morocco (even thought its a really beautiful country)
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Why? Those countries are comfy. Especially UAE.
> Netherlands, Germany or Morocco

'Tis all equal shit tier Europe
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Indonesia and China.

The ethnicities which exist here and are hated are Sudanese and Lebanese (Islamic) by a mile.
Sweden is gay
Just because I'm Dalmatian doesn't mean I'm from the coast.
>If you had any brain
You're not going to get anywhere with insulting me.
Me or no one from my family ever voted for HDZ and I hate Tudman.Also its 200 families.I don't understand the hate you have for Hercegovci,most of them here are nice people.But I have irrational hate for Istrians so I guess its OK.
Can Christians get with a hot Jew or do you need to have the Jew genes for them to even consider?
top kek at this gif anon
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This is probably the real answer
Don't know who the fuck these guys are:
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I sort of feel against few countries:
>Slovakia partially
>USA (cause a lot of people would vote Hillary here and she lost. I'd vote Trump, but I'll stay a neutral party for this.)
>Syria, Turkey (we know why)
Sweden and Romania.

Traitors who let Hitler through then got rich on trade with Germany like the jews they are and fucking Gypsy beggars.
thoughts on Merkel fourth term?
>Turkey invades
We defend them
>Cypriot student fails to enter a Cypriot university
Greek universities take them in, while the requirements for greeks are higher!
>Hates us
We hate you too
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New Zealand
The Commonwealth

USA (traitors to the Crown)
Europe (two World Wars to fight European expansion)
They made wahabism
Europeans often find our gutter girls to be the most attractive.
I'm not saying there aren't places where the average citizen is more well off than even your country. my problem is that people from your country seem the most cocksure of themselves on average based on the dozens I've met. your culture and society seems like a good mix, you guys get the luxury of believing you're superior based on a bubble of self-evidence
What is this native brazil meme?
>Swedish flag
>Thinks Arab countries are comfy
Could you not be a stereotype.
She shouldn't be voted, literally everyone who isn't 70+ yrs old won't vote her
>reverse google image search
>all links are to 4chan
USA, and whichever country is currently voicing their opinions about us.
Do you really want that huge forehead bitch?
I'm a German that grew up in Cyprus and I can say that it's a country literally run by retards. I don't understand the hate from the Americans though. What has Cyprus ever done to you?
They are really hot, but brazilians are tired of being fetishised and they get angry at it, like east europeans do.
>hate the most
Probably New Zealand

>love the most
Probably New Zealand
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>not comfy
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Probably something stupid like Mexico or some shit.

But it SHOULD be Saudi Arabia
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I hope a wahabI starts accusing you and you get sentenced with death
>implying no photoshop
Probably Scots.

Damned Scots, they ruined Scotland.
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America. These fluoride zombie globalist cattle fail to realize america is what's feeding this shithole.

Sure can't wait for trump to revoke wic and all the shit. People here are scared shitless

syria and turkey
US of A
Saudi Arabia
(Wahabi fucks)
So are you overweight or obese?
Don't worry, Palestine. You're right behind UAE.

I spent a month there and it was the most disgusting place I've ever seen, the people were rude as fuck and really pushy and we make better curries in the UK. Literally not a single redeeming thing about that shithole.

Why do you hate your people's origin country?
Our country is self loathing for the most part.
Messico. All it produces is shit.
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Sweden, Germany or any other country that sends refugees our way.
You did this to us, you bitch nigger. Modern Marxism comes from the US. Identity politics comes from the US. Get your own house in order, you fat cunt.
Germany, Morocco and Arabia.
I don't hate the Moroccans. They're just animals The Moroccans just act in accordance with their nature, and I can't blame them for that any more than I can blame a dog for sniffing another dog's butt or a shark for devouring a seal.
I hate our own leaders, as well as the leaders of Germany and the German people for allowing these savages into Europe.
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Ireland despises Israel
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>chileno roto de mierda
nice, another war 2v1?

Is there anyone you don't hate paddy?
>I hate our own leaders

Exactly. The lot of them are guilty of treason, and should be judged accordingly.
I channeled my inner self and came to the conclusion that I hate (YOU)
Fucking Hungary and Mongolia
lol. Fucking Sweden.
Sometimes no change is the better option.
With all the shit going on in the world its maybe better if german goverment takes an other brake for 4 years.
She isn't really good she isn't really bad she doesn't do anything at all.
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>she isn't really bad
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Turkey, America and England.
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Why even post them when you made them all go extinct anyways you fuck heads
i hate earth.

This. Slovakia is the worst.
They aren't extinct. They are a minority of population but you can find little similarities with them in many people who are mixed.
>Trade women
Good evening Abdul
Almost we didn't have the methodology canadians employed to kill native americans.

Plus have you seem the Amazon they just go deeper and we said fuck it, too many mosquitoes
they are growing as hell, since most tribes are getting in touch with modern medicine, also since we used to speak Tupi until the XVIII century we have documented their language and this is expanding as well, to the point that tribes that have lost touch with their language and culture are learning again due to government intervention
t. Tupi Language student in University
Why does that fucking red paint get me so hard?
Holy shit you want to marry them and live in the jungle?

Is your shit posting good using smoke signs?
I am a history student nigga, I need to learn that language if I want to understand pre-XVIII documents, specially related to revolts back then. Brazil didn't speak portuguese back then
You might think it should be USA, but traitors are always hated more than rivals
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No, we have more natives than you.
Canada isn't u.s.a, we didn't genocide them but we also didn't just go full race mix though there was some.
I am native and I see how race mixing equals extinction and I often use Brazil as that example.
Also it's interesting as fuck, you don't know how much we have inherited from their language into our language
To be fair you did let a georgian take control of your country and then let him holodomor ukraine, so there's that. They have a right to hate you.
usa and morocco, sometimes france/uk
Well, not him but wouldn't be the worst live ever.
They don't work 8-5 as the average brazilian and do nothing most of the day.

lol why? All the greco-roman culture and you are studying natives?
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What Georgian?
As much as I can tolerate turks moroccans are the absolute and utter shit.
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Wait seriously, do you think they had massive wood made civilizations in the amazon that just rotted away.

It's entirely plausible but my interest is mostly mining gold or whatever else we can find in the amazon
>Dominican Republic
United States
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>lol why? All the greco-roman culture and you are studying natives?
Because we already study that m8, also it's nice knowing the country we live in, also it's not that hard
All the sandniggers and castilians.
>tfw you realize that for any of Poland's neighbours, it would be Poland
In order of least to most hated
Least hated
Most hated
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I have a hate boner for Britain
But China is the absolute worse, fuck China

Also Arabia,fuck those camel fuckers

USA : Mexico :: Costa Rica : Nicaragua
What? No
I don't know about my country, but I hate Germany the most
But he ruled the USSR, not Russia. And we didn't really let him do the shit he did, it was the decision of the Communist Party, not ours.
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because red is the same color as baboon butt, and you are sexually attracted to apes.
I still think learning to shit post in smoke signs to BTFO the Colombian Cartels is a worthwhile cause
semi rare?
Probably Russia
I wanna be bros with Slavistan though
bongland, 90% upwards of all the english i have met have crippling autism. some can be sound but it feels like a minority.
Turk Roaches and something inside me compels me to hate romania and bulgaria. The sight of them makes me rage.
Irish, you dont want to be in a room with a paddy for more than 10 mins. Drive you insane with their retarded accents.
Glaswegians, not bad nice enough but surely can't be human.
Eu posso achar algumas índias fofas no máximo, mas não consigo engolir a história de que todas as culturas são igualmente importantes, mal vemos a antiguidade na escola e tentam enfiar na cabeça das pessoas que os índios são um dos maiores injustiçados da história.
Nada contra, apenas acho que tem coisa mais importante a ser estudada. Até a história da África seria mais relevante.
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But if you think that the people are responsible for Bolsheviks being so powerful, that they can let a paranoid mountain monkey rule this country and nobody can do shit about it, then Ukrainians are responsible too, since they were in the USSR.
Literally everyone. Fuck you.
USA and russia
Russians are the top tier cunts from my experience. All i've met stand out as great people.
Half those aren't countries but continents
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US and Netherlands.
square go then u autistic english cunt
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>Wait seriously, do you think they had massive wood made civilizations in the amazon that just rotted away.
uh no, they were literally in the paleolithic and still are, they don't know even how to make metal things. But with the Portuguese/Catholic Church allying to the Tupis in the coast of Brazil that changed and we managed to control literally all the coast in one single blow, also this pushed for the control of the country side of the country creating a language called "Língua Geral" which was mostly Tupi + some words in Portuguese + some words of other smaller tribes called the Macro-Jê tribes. It's awesome as fuck seeing how Brazil was created. Everyone that is somewhat nationalistic or interested in our country should learn it someday. Especially how the portuguese managed to conquer everything and gain the trust of the natives and how racemixing happened. The Tupi cheftains literally offered their daughters to the portuguese men so they could ally themselves with them
>Eu posso achar algumas índias fofas no máximo, mas não consigo engolir a história de que todas as culturas são igualmente importantes, mal vemos a antiguidade na escola e tentam enfiar na cabeça das pessoas que os índios são um dos maiores injustiçados da história.
Não é verdade em tese, porque a história do Brasil no século XV-XVIII passa diretamente por eles, ou seja eles são importantes para a história do Brasil
Russia, obviously.
>relocate to Haiti faggot
france for surrendering to the first chimpout in 1804
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>nobody fucks with Netherlands
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Did someone just bust your balls on promod hutho?
ogge :-DD

What's the fucking matter Netherlands? What's the problem?
Sure but is that argument good enough to make them forget and not care about holodomor?
There is no solving the problem. Communist jews did such massive damage and this is a part of that damage. Maybe Ukraine will one day blame jews instead of Russia.
Is that Hungary taking the piss out of scotland for some fucking reason?
Down to earth Ital.
Unironically Israel and maybe USA.
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looks exactly like my roach ex
ffs /pol/ you may be the reason i dumped her
Sudan, south sudan
Holodomor is so memetic I don't even know what the fuck is that
My guess is that it has something to do with soccer.
I would say France but in reality we just hate Paris, we'll still fight and die for the rest.
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What traitors want us to hate: Russia

What misinformed idiots want us to hate: China

What retards want us to hate: France

What people not from the US think we hate: Canada

What we really hate: Mexico
>Turk Roaches and something inside me compels me to hate romania and bulgaria. The sight of them makes me rage.
>Irish, you dont want to be in a room with a paddy for more than 10 mins. Drive you insane with their retarded accents.
>Glaswegians, not bad nice enough but surely can't be human.

I'm Scottish myself but you sound like you have a bad autism friendo.

The only country any of the home nations have a rivalry with is England. The UK as a whole has a rivalry with France, Germany and Argentina.

We hate England and Spain the most
China. Those fuckers just keep building the wall.
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Jokes not allowed in Belarus?
They got fucked into oblivion
That's race-mixing for you

Sure. That's why I always get laid in NL, fellow Kaaskop :3
fucking this
island niggers can fuck off
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They're the problem, and you're dumping them on us. The Germans can go to hell for fucking Europe's shit up three times in one century.
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What the fuck
Why can't we hate China? They are a Mexico for us in the form of a chink. The steal our jobs. They pour into our country and don't assimilate. They steal positions in our colleges and universities.
There is every good reason to hate China you chink shrimpdick
I always have fun with Dutchies on camping sites

>lekker Strand
>lekker meisje
>lekker vakantie
>lekker chocomel
>lekker vla
>lekker frikandel
>lekker neuken op de wallen zonder te betalen
We are all fighting a common enemy.
Correct opinion.
Still mad because we have stolen your fietsen?
Nobody here likes India and Indians. I punched one a week back.
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I'm from France and I'll go with Algeria. Fuck this Muslim monkey. Their national anthem is an open threat to us. Fuck em

And everyone hates a greek. Get fucked, poorfag.
Muh dick

Muh dick muhfucka
>What misinformed idiots want us to hate: China
Dude, chinks are heartless gommunist dog eaters. Give me at least one reason not to hate them
What makes Indians so niggery?
Suck my matjes, Geert!
Germany, USA, UK, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Austria, Greece, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland
Scot here,

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Be sure it's the least harm you get from the Chinese. There is way more vicious shit going on.
France 7.5% mudslime 2013, current year over 9%
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Albania and all other Muslim Countries, such as the UK, Sweden, and Germany.
Why not move to Eastern Europe?
Aren't you nipples the same shit? I heard most of you are hinduists.
We don't hate any country, we just look down on them all
don't know m8, it's all jew jokes desu but with scots instead
>implying I give a fuck about the rest of the world
USA baby. #1
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p-pls no bully, we dindu nuffin
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Don't tar us all with the same brush

>Scotland 96% white
>Wales 94% white
>n.ireland 98% white

And then there is England
>England 80% white

England is the only one who has shariah patrols and Islamic law courts
At least for me, in descending order

>Polish carjackers
>Turkish ne'erdowells
>Greek denbtors

More of a general look on the country as a whole, I know swell individuals from all those places.

Can't say.
With France we have more or less the relationships of bickering cousins. Bitching and competing a lot, but a lot of love as well.
We are mostly disdainful of Romania, but we get along. We are bros with Spaniards and Portuguese.
We are somewhat chill with most of other European countries. It's COMPLICATED with Germany and Austria. But while there can be hate (for Merkel for sure) not really for the country or the people.
We don't give a damn about any Scandinavian country, except for when they bring us pussy.
There's a lot of Anti-americanism but a lot of Pro-americanism as well. We usually laugh about the English and don't really care about the commonwealth.

Some time ago it used to be Albania, but now not really.

My guess it would be one of the mudslime country, unless you can name "Africa" and be done with it. So I'd say Pakistan, or Turkey. With Morocco and Kenya far behind.
Bring it our cholos have advanced weapon technology now we discovered steel lanzas
I actually have no feelings about your country one way or another, you never impinge on global consciousness except when you behave like feral animals
Hindu religion is not similarly practiced. Sure the gods are the same but Hinduism as practiced in Nepal is different than that in India which might be different in Sri-Lanks. There are hindus in Thailand (?).
We are racially different, culturally different and much more importantly think different than Indians.
There's one thing I've learnt from this thread and it's that we should enslave these Curuminhas for sexual purposes.
It's still mandatory. Fenno-Swedes doesn't seem to wanna let go of it.
Dominican Republic, 0.1% white
>16% white
Islam: 0.02%, Judaism: 0.01%, feels goo man
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