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How exactly is Trump racist? I know this is a bad place to

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How exactly is Trump racist?

I know this is a bad place to ask because none of you think this to be true. But I have no contact with libtards.

Why do they think Trump is racist?
she's pretty cute
asuce on cum dumpster
The media said he was.
we have a good trap vocabulary, sadly some people don't

media jews lied about shit.

news at 11
I'm gonna need that thing to lift its skirt so we can confirm it's plumbing.

that's a cute girl (male)
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Idiots forget that ILLEGAL immigrants are literally criminals.
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i got bad news for you friendo

or good if you know what i mean
if that's a trap then i guess i'm a fucking faggot
The media told them that he is racist.

Their favorite celebrity, late night talk show host, or comedian may have also told them
Standard herd mentality and being unable to think for themselves.
He's white, male, and doesn't bow in worship of political correctness. That means he's a monster in the eyes of liberals.
He's only "racist" because that was the media's narrative.
faggotry is sin
faggotry for mentally ill degenerates even worse

I hate you guys
This, and he said Mexicans and Muslims.
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He's not racist. The media is at fault.
who girl?
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congrats for accepting it, so progressive

it is a boy
>Says something about non-whites not being individual second comings of Jesus
Literally just the left, media and Jewish overlords. Only reason it's seen as bad is because they made the new rules. Ever wondered why right after a scanning of the site where supposedly a bunch of Jews from WW2 were buried came up completely clean with no touched ground there's suddenly a law in Europe saying you can't be anti-semitist or deny the Holocaust in any manner?
He is a racist, but not in the crazy white supremacist way.

Many times when talking about deporting Mexican illegal immigrants and Islamic radical Muslims he makes the mistake of generalizing the entire group those minorities belong to.

This has the benefit of bringing the majority to his side to the detriment of minority groups.

He also attacks China by making stupid statements like 'I beat China all the time', which is highly arrogant and rude, but has no grounding. At the same time, he does have a lot of respect for China. He says he loves China a million times. He also hasn't made any comments on South China Sea issues, sino-Japanese relations or CCP Human rights violations, which makes him a bit ok for China.

Trump talks shit on purpose, he has a straightforward personality that he uses cunningly. He talks shit to make people think a certain way and avoids certain issues, just like a smart businessman.

People underestimate how crafty Trump is and takes all the shit he does at face value. Charisma on command on YouTube did many analyses on trump to explain why he would win the election. Trump has interesting tactics to gain popularity.

Liberals twist his racism to make him look like a nazi when he's just racist, but not in the kkk level. As many mentioned, trumps got no issues with trans and lgbt rights. He's a businessman, if things prosper and Are peaceful, he doesn't give a fuck what you do.
who girl with dong?
I wouldn't call her a beast...
Haha, that's pretty good.
This- the alpha male or even beta white male has become "the witch." Not quite as extreme obviously because of this life of privilege that WE are ALL experiencing because of Anglo-saxons. Who else has these standards of living and we can somehow make our issues about race, sex, death, money, and drugs- how fucking basic. Most of our first world problems are luxuries, it fucking sucks
post benis pls
They think Trump is racist because that's what they're told.

I am yet to come across a single instance of actual racism by Trump; a single fucking one.

If you ask me, Trump should promise a million bucks to whoever can provide an example of him saying/doing something actually racist.
To give you an actual answer...
He said he wanted to ban muslims from entering the country, and that a bunch of mexican immigrants were drug dealers and rapists.
That's it.
All accusations of racism root from those two statements, as far as i can tell. In the eyes of the liberal media, that basically makes him Hitler.
I don't know. I've been waiting for someone to tell me something he's said that is racist. I still haven't gotten an answer.
And "Muslim" and "Mexican" aren't even races, so there's that.
We don't call them libtards. We call them Leftists. When we do call them liberals - we don't feel the need to change the name... because liberal is an insult enough. "libtard" makes it seem like we don't have evidence to support our dislike, and so we name call.

My advice to you, young one, is to go speak to liberals. Go. Don't say anything about what you think, just listen to them and ask questions about a wide array of topics. Tell them to convince you. Then you need to do critical thinking on your own. You, Google, and montage song playing the background. Find out for yourself if what they are saying is true. Find the actual statistics.

Then you go back to the Leftists and get more of what they have to say, but now you are asking more informed questions. You are not "debating" them - because you will never change their minds. No, you are listening. So then you come back and do more research.

Do this a dozen times and you'll be on your way to understanding questions like the one you asked.

Welcome to /pol/
Study the picture I posted.
Make the board better, not worse.
Closest thing to racism he's ever done to my knowledge is when he disqualified bunch of asian beauty queens from participating in Miss Universe competitions because they were halfbreeds.

He explained this by stating that:
"The goal of Miss Universe is to choose a world beauty that represents her country to the fullest extent. Having a half and half candidate from a participating country is not keeping with Miss Universe Ideals."
He also said that it's not about racism, but rather about celebrating the purity of diversity.

To me, it seems more like that he believes different cultures have value only because they're different.
Especially this. They say he's Hitler and racist, but everything they cite as being racist isn't about race at all.
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would hit
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He was accused of housing discrimination in 1973

Not sure about the validity of it though. That's just what I heard.
He wants to enforce the countries immigration laws
Who is she?
post more pics of OPs girl plz

>To me, it seems more like that he believes different cultures have value only because they're different.

That gets me so hard. Pretty much the definition of nationalism right there. When is he going to start literally fucking globalists to death?
Well their new word is just calling him a bigot. To which, nothing he's said is bigoted at all.
there are none more of this trap. sleep tight
That's what happens when you run out of other peoples' money.
Same reason they think he's homophobic and sexist

Mental retardation
>Many times when talking about deporting Mexican illegal immigrants and Islamic radical Muslims he makes the mistake of generalizing the entire group those minorities belong to.
He talked about deporting criminals but the media tried to say he was speaking about all Mexicans.

As for Muslims, I'm sure he knows that not all Muslims are terrorists. But the liberals keep pushing their anti-American agenda of flooding Western countries with radicalized Muslims.
NO ONE ever called him a racist until he decided to go against the Clintons.
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>How exactly is Trump racist?

Sure, he has lost several racial discrimination lawsuits in which he had to pay out millions.

He also specifically requested to his casino managers to not schedule black people to be on the stage when he went to his casino with clients.

>said he hated blacks counting his money
>said he'd prefer Jews to count his money
>said laziness is a trait of blacks
>accused Obama of not being an american citizen
maybe not inherently racist but pretty retarded you must admit
>he lied about seeing Arabs celebrating the collapse of the world trade centers on 911
>refused to outright denounce the support of the KKK

But you will ignore this since it doesn't fit in with your world view.
Everyone is racist and everyone with the slightest capability for self-awareness and introspection can see this. White people, left-aligned especially, are determined to bury their head in the sand with regards to this and just flat out deny that they could be racist. To this end, they go out of their way to condemn and act outraged by anything that could be construed as racism. Trump doesn't do this, so he must be racist.

>Look at the racist!! I would never say anything like that! That's what racism is!! Not me! Look how mad I am!
-every white person I know

I hear it's better outside of Canada
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He's no more or less racist than any 70yo man of any particular race.
Fuckin hell i was just about to comment "muh dick" only to read a few posts below and realize its a fucking tranny. I highly endorse a fucking holocaust on all of them, these fucking degenerates should not be allowed to live
I kind of get the opposite impression. They like to say everyone is racist and bend over backwards to apologize for every little thing they say that could be construed as such.
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Weak bait. Arabs did celebrate 9/11, he denounced the KKK many times, and all the others are hearsay with no quotes or evidence.

You mean settled. The department of justice settled.

Oh and nice lies

Ironic how you're criticizing us for having a fantasy "world view" when yours is quite obviously fantasy
I hate this stupid fucking website i can't save any image of "girls" because i never know if it's a trap or not because i can't tell if these >she posts are just shitposting

fuck every single one of you if the ass with a nigger dick
He's supposedly a bigot for trying to enforce national borders and sovereignty, but that's just not how it works.
If that were bigoted, every single country's laws are bigoted for simply having border laws at all.

They also call him "sexist" for the "grab them by the pussy line".
By that logic, any woman who ever said something like "kick him in the balls" or "punch him in the dick" is equally sexist.
it's a trap kid, get over the tiny girlpenis
I prefer it when they're boys.

I want more.
the suit from what i've been reading involves a fact that there were less than 8% black people in his apartments. the majority of the apartments were in high income districts. he was then forced to announce vacancies in low rent areas to his high rent apartments for a couple of years. his black occupancy didn't change much.
>>he lied about seeing Arabs celebrating the collapse of the world trade centers on 911
I saw it with my own eyes you fucking millennial underage retarded piece of shit go fuck yourself and deport
>This is how liberals actually think
Is it racist if he had blacks steal his money? Is trusting one race more because they've demonstrated trustworthiness racism? Are you saying blacks can't be lazy?

It's not like there has ever been any reason to doubt Obama's loyalty.


Are you kidding me?
Even better news
That sounds like the same idea pretty much. Just in my experience, left-aligned whites are mostly saying "All whites are racist except me and my pals in the fake-outrage club"

You experience them owning up to the fact that they are racist and apologizing for it?
I hate this meme so fucking much
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tfw I voted for Bernie and that still made me laugh
its no meme lad
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>google this semen demen hoping for a name
>"the best suggestion for this image is "sissy trap""
pathetic cuck
I wonder if liberals are aware of how incredibly racist and xenophobic Asian countries are. They hate black people and every other Asian ethnicity.
That image is of a horror worse than a trap.
That image is of [spoilerz] A TURK
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Most the time it's not a meme.
I am very upset at my hairy Greek penis
Yeah, I do. But the only lefties I really hang out with spend their time online at tumblr and they're really indoctrinated there.
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Trump is "racist" in the sense that there would probably not be a problem he would be responding to if Canadians were flooding the northern border to steal American apologies and raise the property values for local homes or radical Swedish salesmen were entering the country plotting to sell furniture for the modern home and meatballs at a reasonable price.
Go away Turkish devil woman!
im not sure i follow ameritard, she's hot as fuck would drag my dick in the desert just to claim as my waifu tbhfam
>deport undocumented immigrants
>ban all Muslims
They probably think draining the swamp is offensive to some minority as well.
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Clearly Trump needs to first deport all these Turkish temptresses, especially the ones living in Japan.
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CNN told me.
>bra through the shirt

gets me every time hnnnng
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Oh no. I don't trust any bargains you are a part of.
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anzu is always sucking invisible dicks

I wish my dick was invisible
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he can deport them to my dick
what are you talking about
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Yes. Let's get this thread back on track.
Why does Trump hate traps?
dear lord, its like a real life anime character, anime is now real
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I'd love to suckle her very feminine penis.
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Is there pics of anzu without makeup?
To Liberals anyone that's a Republican is defacto racist, so even if Trump wasn't the nominee they'd still be flinging that shit.

And in their minds for some reason talking bad about criminals from Mexico that immigrated illegally equates to talking bad about all Hispanics. To them Muslims are a race too, and somehow women are a minority.
>implying rose is a trap
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I remember I knew a Lebanese girl who was into sweet lolita and a weeb. That brings somewhat less shame to my family than a Turkish sweet lolita weeaboo.

As a professional racist living in a country famous for it, I can tell you with 100% certainty that Trump is not a racist.
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Does she eat?
thats what I'm talking about
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she starts all her makeup tutorial videos with no makeup
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It must be really weird to be a net idol. The thought that half a million men would gleefully rape me to death would keep me up at night.
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Anzu IMG_3562.jpg
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I'd say she's shockingly pale for a Mediterranean, but we bleach to shit when we are neet hikkis.
>Let's get this thread back on track.
>Why does Trump hate traps?
No thanks. I'm much happier allowing whoever is Anzuposting the continue occupying the spotlight
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"Do black lives matter?" is a trick question for any illuminati controlled shill.
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will do~!
>wins Japanese claw machines
>eats eel donburi with you
stop. my heart can only take so much.
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please enjoy this special song by anzu


Don't you know, all whites are born as a racist.

Evil white men.
hmmh id let her haunt my dream
Anzu top qt.
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stop blogging about your morning routine
Media says he racist so that why how he is racist
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do you think the trap dilemma should be treated how infertile women were in olden days?

basically that the man would stay married to them but could take up a concubine to continue his legacy?
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He's not. He's a political rorschach test. He can be center left on many of his policies, yet /pol/ can support him and leftists can hate him.
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Allow me to cure you.

still would hit it
No cuz I saw and heard with my eyes that he is racist on CNN
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Godspeed, you magnificent bastard
fo sho damn come cure me
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Why is everyone posting traps?
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end this meme right now
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>tfw you'll never wake up to a disheveled sleeping anzu draped across you and snoring lightly into your ear
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i really hope you stop putting these thoughts into my head
God, that thread was hilarious
Where's smug anime girl on that diagram?
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he's not. it is just a mainstream media narrative that was propagated by clinton to help her smear campaign.

libs think trump is racist because they cant think for themselves and take whatever CNN tells them as the gospel

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That's a trap and you can't prove otherwise. Just look at that boy face.

If "SHE" isn't a trap, then post "her" vagina.
we're getting to the uncommon anzus now
>refused to outright denounce the support of the KKK
>accused Obama of not being an american citizen
Just like Hillary then.
>Why do they think Trump is racist?

They really like listening to the LARPers on TV who pretend their words have anything with reality to do what so ever.

MSM. Not even once!
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why not?
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When you have to start asking why, and they begin making up new terms for everything to justify their bullshit, you can be sure they suffer from doublethink. The actual, factual Orwellian kind. They know what they're doing is wrong, but they're already devoted to a lie, so they do what they do in the name of a greater good they know is, at the very least, flawed, but not enough for them to care. So when they don't get their way, they flip shit, because they think evil has defeated good. See 2 Thessalonians 2:11. The delusion is real.
>there'll never be a romance-horror film about anzu revealing her inner-true makeup-less monstrosity to her shocked and traumatized love interest ;_;
Everyone is racist, the question is how racist and what kind of racism.

Clinton was a "Exploit niggers for votes by promising gibs and then not fixing any of their real problems" kind of racist.

Trump is a "LOL I don't give a fuck." kind of racist.

He won't do anything specifically to help Black people, but he won't do anything negative either. The media blew his comments out of proportion by taking advantage of the fact that most young people don't realize that illegal immigration is a matter of national security which has nothing to do with race.
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Haven't you heard? It's now racist to say anyone brown is capable of committing crimes just like white people. Clearly all brown people are perfect angels, like innocent children, they know not what they do.
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Stop posting traps, faggot
that "thing" needs some serious chapstick
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>you'll never be watching a movie with her when she falls asleep on your shoulder and then suddenly wakes up and looks at you, confused, with a little drool on her cheek
>tattoed whore over anzu

lmao, go back to r/cuck
did you just blow in here from stupid town
Has anzu posted anything since Erdogan declared the Turkish Caliphate?
Its this
plus he is fucking a white male
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I really, REALLY want you to stop doing that
You know media controls the distribution of info, right?

They thought labeling him racist would destroy his campaign.
i need a smoke
He wants to deport the scumfucks who came here illegally and he wants to protect this country from the imminent threat of Islamic terrorism. Those things go against the media's agenda, so the media have assblasted him into oblivion to the point where everyone somehow thinks he's racist.
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woops i thought that gif was this gif but that's ok
Looks like Josie Jacobs, old porn blogger.
I want to fuck that Turkish rabbit.
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spell icup.jpg
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He denied housing of black people in his apartments and allowed whites around the 70s.
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Stop posting that coalburning attention whore Anzu, you disgusting weebs
Does it even matter if you can't tell the difference?
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Sorry friend I have already claimed her
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This. It's not gay unless you see the penis.
she has never had a sexual thought in her life
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Somewhere along the way the left got it in their heads that everything is racist. Borders, listen to music made by someone that looks different than you, they even started rewriting history to suit their egos.

Honestly it didn't matter who the republican nominee was, they would have been racist.

The joke is no one but a few fringe leftists even care.

Most Americans are to the point were they would just like to go one day without hearing about race. Just. One. Day.

Election night on CNN, the nigger couldn't wait one minute before he started bitching about white people.

It is exhausting.
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>she'll never try cooking breakfast for you, make a mistake, serve it to you with a sad face and slightly red eyes, and then give you a hug when you say it's delicious
>and it really is delicious
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I'll break it down for you:

He wants to deport all 11 million illegal immigrants and he called them rapists or something. He also wants to build a wall to cut off more Mexicans from getting in. To me, that isn't racist, but Chicanos see it that way.
>Middle Easterns
He wants to temporarily ban Muslim immigrants and identify Muslims living here until we can sort out the whole terrorism thing. Again, I don't see that as racist but Middle Eastern people do.
I have literally no idea where this comes from. I don't think Trump has said anything even remotely negative about black people.
Yes she has. She's a self-claimed bisexual/pansexual slut
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why are you doing this to me
>imolying she's not a whore, too

I don't get it either.
>wanting a girl that's not confident in her cooking skills
he has said "WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO LOSE?!?!" in regards to choosing him over the democrat
Mods, do your job. They're just shitposting at this point and derailing the original thread with their weeaboo faggotry
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Anzu is a guy.
yes my man i did in fact visit her tumblr page and saved a shitload of pictures
>How exactly is Trump racist?
Because the mass media said so and as we all know they are never wrong about anything and would never lie to us, who rely on them in order to be informed about what's happening in the world.
Their obsession with generic women is a mystery to me as well
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>you will never watch on as anzu is gangraped by fully bearded islamists when the islamic state expands into turkey
Stop my dick can only take so much!
If a woman implied that she could kick men in the balls whenever she wanted because of her level of fame or privilege, that would absolutely be sexist towards men.
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>visiting Tumblr ever
>worshipping a Tumblrista

Rope yourself
She is even worse than a trap. She is... a Turk.
>How exactly is Trump racist?
His rhetoric attracts racists. It doesn't matter if he's racist or not. He's willing to court 4chan and their ilk to win elections, and he has no problem with that. Take for example who he surrounds himself with. Does anyone remember 4chan /pol/ - and the right wing in general - when Obama was tied to Rev. Wright, who had said, among other things, that 9/11 was "our chickens coming home to roost"?

There were hyperbolic attempts to link him to Obama's presidency, screams about how Rev. Wright proved Obama was an anti-white racist, and so on. It was volatile, it was a campaign issue, and it followed Obama into the first 2 years of his Presidency... EVEN THOUGH he disavowed Rev. Wright and stopped associating with him.

So we're calling Trump racist because you fuckers called Obama racist for far, far less.
Sexism has nothing to do with privilege.
Why is she so obsessed with looking like a little girl? Is it because her fan base consists of nothing but pedophiles and weebs who think being sexually attracted to 2D lolis is okay? I hope Trump puts you all in FEMA camps
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I got you, Anon.
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>hurrrrr l'epic site wars
in you are unwilling to visit a site such as tumblr for the sole purpose of saving nice pictures then i just don't understand your thought process perhaps you are a redditor trying to prove yourself and overcompensating like a manlet? we are posting anonymously
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They think anyone who criticizes anyone lower than straight white male on the victimhood heirarchy is racist/sexist/homophobic/islamophobic/whateverelsephobic. Theyre just too emotional to be able to recognize the difference between criticism and thinking a person is subhuman because of their race. Theyre actually the ones who are the most racist, because they expect minorities to be losers who can't do anything to help themselves, so they can't take responsibility for their own decisions.
They're gay and they don't even know it
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Is this some old meme?
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I'm well aware of what she said
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The only minority of losers who can't take care of themselves is the Trump minority.
Sorry, did I hit a nerve by insulting your pedophile-inducing, coal burning, weeaboo degenerative slut of a Tumblrista Anzu?
>nice pictures
Try again, faggot.
By pretending to be to get the nazi votes.
The racist votes.

That workd so well that he and his famely are branded racist.

Good job trump, your heritage flushed down the suwer.

Dont forget.

Baron Trump= mengele

Attack his child. Destroy him utterly. Psycologicly, phisicly do what ever is necesery.

Not trump is the target. His famely.
Not one senator. There famelys.

Social outcasts and freegame is what they are.

Only this way change will come.


Yes you can.
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>being this new
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no i'm perfectly content with my tumblr-gotten images
aww you still crying? You know liberals make excuses for minorities every time.
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Saged because you are spamming this thread with your faggotry and disgusting obsession with a Tumblr whore
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btw technically it's the majority. They found 3 million illegals that voted for Hillary, and even before that Trump ended up winning.
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The same way Donald Trump is a rapist. He's not but Liberals promote it because he's not part of the thinking collective.

When Donald Trump was accused of rape in the the most questionable way possible: nobody had evidence of it, the timing was a coincidence and the woman coming out to say it apparently never told anyone UNTIL that moment. YET there is evidence of Bill being a rapist. From more than one witness who said the same thing the other victims said. Nobody fucking cared because "Bill isn't running for president." So while liberals want to end rape culture, they will defend it by no doing anything about it when there's evidence, so long as the person who is guilty is within the echo chamber.

Hillary hasn't done shit for black people, the only reason they don't think she's racist is because Trump was taken out of context about one group people knew had a problem but didn't want to say it in fear of political correctness; which Trump is not for.They will defend racists, like rapists, or murders or sexists as long as they have someone that opposes the will of the collective. They don't care about consistency or logical breakpoints.
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>he thinks we don't know it
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Anzu has xx chromosomes
You can almost see her left armpit there, from the armpit its just a short journey to tits
Actually they found 4 million legitimate votes that over-wrote the 3 million illegal votes so she's ahead by even more now, and that's before they even have called Michigan. We still don't know from all the liberal counties that are left, they said Hillarys' final pop vote win will be the biggest in US history.
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anzu getting bullied.webm
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she was joking she is not a boy

That is called creating a safe space.
Now you're just lying, go figure, a liberal making shit up.
Waiting for Pence to enforce electrical conversional therapy
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>How exactly is Trump racist?

He's not.
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/pol/ stop I'm trying to do nofap
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>there are msm "journalist" lurking this thread right now thinking of a way to write an article of /pol/'s obsession with Anzu
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Glimpsing at the thumbnail I thought that was John Candy as Barf in Spaceballs.
I know reality hurts your feelings and that's why you picked a brain-dead ego to win the electoral college sans popular vote, but you need to just get over it. I mean, he won the electoral college, and I'm not begrudging that, even if he will lose by 3 million or more popular votes.
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i'm down
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100% he lets gangs of dark skinned men use that throatpussy daily.

It's because Mexicans and Muslims and blacks are all the same to white liberals.
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bosting in an ebic brap bhread.
Over 200,00 dead people voted for Hillary and millions of illegals did as well, so that's really not saying much
those fuckers better not
it would be cruel to her
He is.

Hence why kkk supports him and not hillary.

Check mate.
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die in a fire
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>implying that wouldn't just make my dick harder
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Im not worried about it at all, Trump won, and I havent heard a thing about 4 million new votes, I wouldve seen something if it was true, not a peep. It's funny how much you idiots can't stand the electoral college now that it didnt work out for you once. Hey, why arent you bitching about superdelegates? Oh that's right, because you're a child.
How much do you want to bet that some depraved fat saudi prince pays her to fuck german shepherds
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>ywn find a cute girl who just wants to do cute girl things

Fuck someone tell me if this is a dude or not
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>Post-Trump world
Go on...
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no it is not


He is a guy.
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ignore this faggot, i'm an expert
nice disguised waifu thread you losers

All of us? Including anzu? Where is my FEMAle CAMP CARD?!
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milhouse meme1095198861331.png
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I just want to know
[spoiler] Am I a meme yet?
No way that's a trap, stop memeing
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>ywn go shopping for cute things with a cute girl
That one is actually a female roach.

Sorry to spoil the fun
If one stretches the word racist to the point where it applies to nationality or religion/ideology, it will apply to literally anything negative a politician says about it. Libtards, in their crusade for "liberalism", have tried to incorporate minorities to try and boost their agenda.

When anyone tells you Trump's racist, just ask them against what race he discriminates.
Islam is a religion, there are white muslims there are black muslims, not a race.
Mexican is a nationality, not a race, and Trump doesn't want to block people from Spain, so he's not targeting Hispanics.
He wants to bring back jobs to America that you lost to China, this will overwhelmingly positively affect black people.
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anzu (179).jpg
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shine anzu hater
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I'm legit fascinated with her just for the fact that she's so white for a turkroach.

God I want to destroy that guy's mouth ass and feet.
And yet you post pics of insects you find sexually attractive

How is roach sex better than boipussi
Don't call it a grave.
This is the future you chose.
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she is clearly of european descent
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I'll admit though, anzu is proof that through dick, unity
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anzu (161).jpg
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That's it. Enough is enough. I can't bear the thought of her being leered at by the roaches of her home country, alternating between jeering her for being different and lusting after her for not being a hairy brown Turk like the rest of them.

Gallipoli 2 now we rescue Anzu and depose Erdogan.
Hey you fucking faggot do you realize Mexico and China are a nationality and NOT a race? Do you realize Islam is an ideology and not a race? Saying let's have the border security we need to stop illegal immigration has nothing to do with race? Fucking regressive left dickhead
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She is not a guy and I want you to stop spreading this meme
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you'll feel much better when you break the conditioning

I would shove that finger up her ass and watch her lick it off while I replaced it with my fat black dick.
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I know what you mean friend, I worry about her

she says she gets catcalled and harassed

Hi Anzu. Will you be my gf? :3
At the beginning in his campaign he said he wants to stop illegal immigration (legal is no problem) because some bring drugs, rape and murder with them.
This became in the mainstream media "Trump said all mexicans are rapists and murderes" idiot liberals bought that and no matter how many times people tried to correct them on it (neofags) you only get accusations back.. They are really that fucking stupid.
I want to fuck this boy.
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no thanks
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stop posting faggots
This really activated my dick
Thank you for your service based anzuposter
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It does make me worry also. You're invited America, we need to make sure this invasion succeeds.
np you can probably find me every day
Part roach is full roach it's like being a nigger and you know it
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anzu (181).jpg
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have some succubuszu
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is a nigger born in europe white? no, he's a nigger, just like anzu is a white person in turkey
I actually want to know, is she still posting even though the islamist creep is spreading in Turkey?

One of these days she might literally be attacked for being a whore by salafists.
yes you can find her on tumblr and twitter and all that other shit
>scanning of the site where supposedly a bunch of Jews from WW2 were buried came up completely clean with no touched ground
link plz
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We must protect those persecuted for their love of anime and dressing up in the middle East.
Didn't she move to Japan or something?
uhhh muslims celebrating on 9/11
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> "libtard" makes it seem like we don't have evidence to support our dislike, and so we name call.
I like you, anon. Not nearly enough people like you in this world.
i believe she lives in ankara
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You should see the shit that's been pulled in Southeast Asia, where indoneebs mix with hardcore sharia supporters in equal numbers.
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a lot of leftists recognize their own inherent racism but try to subvert it by treating other races/genders/sexualities better than they treat their own kind

it makes sense on some level. i think /pol/ and alt-righters in general bury their head in the sand when it comes to racial/sexual discrimination (usually ignoring their own bigoted tendencies in the process) and refuse to believe that a solution that patronizes minorities can help said minorities in the end
Maybe she has a little Greek in her.
If not. I can help her with that.
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Shit, you reminded me we also need to save Bannerlord so it can be released before more anons die without playing it.

Good thing their team is in Ankara too.
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>be roach
>rape euro
>euro has baby because it's just his culture caused by evil whites
>roach and rape slave move to roach hive

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Malaysia too. The war on weebs is the true undocumented conflict.

More likely Celtic. Ankara was the capital of a Gallic tribe who decided that the mountains of Asia Minor were a great place to live. Look up the Galatians.
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>this thread
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Thread posts: 372
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