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Cash 4 Clunkers

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>have reliable older car
>Obongo says you can get $4500 voucher for destroying it
>Destroy working car that a millennial could've bought when they came of age
>buy new car with loan and interest form jew banks.

Obama was the best president ever, gaiz!

-Every millennial ever

Also let's take a minute to remember the all the great things the incumbent president has done before he goes.
He did a great service by dividing the nation. Had he not done that, whites would never have voted for trump like they did.
He was like modern King George
>pass user since 2016
How rich are you?

if the car was reliable, then why did you turn it in?
Because throwaway society and idiots who would rather have a new car and be in debt rather than cruise around title in fucking hand. My mom has a 6 year car loan on a Hyundai sonata, we are very stupid here.
No point in buying the new kikemobile until we get decent electric cars or tesla starts mass producing.

Best thing to do now is to buy used for a while and deal with that.
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Remember when he announced to the taliban when we were pulling out troops, and got a noble peace prize, toppled Syria, and let ISIS take over Iraq and Syria?

Or that one time he paid ransom money to Iran, and that time he unfroze billions of dollars of Iranian assets for nothing in return. Or that time he "accidentally" made illegal immigrants citizens.
>be me
>have real shitty beatup pickup truck
>trade it in
>get $5000
>buy a halfway decent car
>still driving today

I honestly thought that was one of obongo's best ideas

I can't generate gasoline but I can definitely generate my own electricity

I don't use very much anyways, I could probably provide all of my energy needs (transportation and at home) with about $3k up front, or about 2 years worth of utility bills
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>>buy a halfway decent car
>kike kar
>halfway decent

Wait, the US gave them cash? I thought it was a check or gold or something
I seem to recall this move took a lot of low MPG vehicles off the road and reduced US gasoline consumption

so we blame the program instead of the stupid people?
I've made a shitload of money because of cash 4 clunkers, but it wasn't good overall, no. I'll always regret voting for Obama.
It was a pain in the ass for a couple years, but the market has corrected itself already. I see far, far fewer rusted out pieces of shit these days too, so it was a good thing.
>still have my 16 year old car
>keep that sumbitch running myself

Fuck Obama.
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>toppled Syria
meant Libya, but hey, he's doing both
>a 400 million dollar check
>implying we have 400 million dollars worth of gold that can't be tracked

Why would they not use the currency they can literally spit out their asses
Well it just sucks here, because with all those problem free cars in 2009 that likely would still be in the used market gone, the price of a good running used car has gone up, you can't spend 1-2k and get something that is really good.
i am mad at the program for allowing stupid people to fuck me now that I'm older and working.
do you know how much energy it takes to build a new car?
To "jump start the auto industry"
A fucking retarded plan..
>literally thousand of retards trading in their rare sport cars for priuses

obongo even managed to piss off /o/
This is the point where I knew I had made a huge mistake voting for Obama. Cash for clunkers was an insane waste of resources, I remember going to the junkyard and checking out perfectly good cars that were then essentially ruined, the engines could never be used again due to the silica used to seize them up.

Seriously fuck Obama.
Obama was better than McCain and Romney because with Obama we would never have Trump.
Yeah, its pretty bad what this has done

Used car prices went through the fucking roof
fools voted and followed the nigger.

just shows that the leftist indoctrination system, educations system, is really making an impact on the youth.

the walking brain dead

Not just cash, but in other countries' currencies. It'd be a shame if anyone found out that Obama gave all that money to them after all.
>This isn't a low key Cash for Chunkers thread

how is it fucking you exactly


so you were stupid and its someone elses fault?
Yeah. About 10% of the energy that it wil consume in gas over its lifetime. Another 5% to dispose of the car.

I maintain a 10 year old domestic light truck myself
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destroyed used car market punishing the poor and limiting their access to affordable transportation.

typical libral idea, sounds good but just ends up hurting people in the end.
>>Obongo says you can get $4500 voucher for destroying it
>>Destroy working car that a millennial could've bought when they came of age
>>buy new car with loan and interest form jew banks.
I'm still paying for that fucking new car because there were NO old cars left to buy... Nigger
A 16 year old car would have only been 9 years old when cash for clunkers was run. Unless someone really fucks up their car, it should last longer than that and wouldn't have been what the program was targeting. It was to get rid of the rusted out, gas guzzling cars from the 80s and prior

I bought a used car in 2011 and had no problem. The only time someone traded in their car was when it was an absolute piece of shit.

>rusted out exhaust
>no a/c
>every check engine light on
starts up, runs, and sounds better than 95% of cars on the road even after the oil is drained
>Also let's take a minute to remember the all the great things the incumbent president has done before he goes.

Pushed anti white rhetoric so hard that white people have become fascists.

Thanks Obama.
Man, the way they killed those cars was just heartbreaking too.

>drain oil
>fill engine with water & sodium silicate slurry
>fire it up and floor it
>wait for the sodium silicate to soften and the water to boil off
>eventually the engine seizes, stopping it dead
>As the sodium silicate cools it literally fuses the internals into a giant lump of iron and glass
>RIP car
>Can't find a $500 beater
>buys a brand new car instead

You're clearly retarded. You could have just gotten a loan for a decent used car.
That's anecdotal Anon, it doesn't excuse the rust free good running cars that got wasted for the lels.

>25 year old car owner reporting in
>how is it fucking you exactly
It took tons of cars off the roads, and raised prices on used cars. They are going back down now, though. Canada is way worse off right now, there's a lot of cars getting imported from Canada because of their weak currency.
Driving is privilege. Poor have no place on the roads.

i said "you"
This is my thinking as well.
You need a car in America, its not like Europe where you can take a bike for a ride and end up in a different country.
they gave it to them in euros and swiss francs
Cars would be less expensive otherwise, duh.
>This triggers /o/
there was a video of a bmw 530 that ran for over 10 minutes before it died. Was pretty impressive.

Also say a Maserati bi turbo get traded in.

according to what
why the fuck would they do that and not send them to salvage yards or something that's dumb as fuck

I'd like to thank him for this fully armed and operational police state he helped complete. Can't wait for its full force to be used against these antifa faggots.
Just remembered this drinkingwithbob video from forever ago when he made vids, good shit.

>You need a car in America
Not in the inner city.
Smaller supply raises prices, that's literally one of the most basic economic principles.
we had that same policy over here, absolutely shit for the environment and it's created a lot of R A R E cars
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>living in the inner city
To play's devil's advocate, you also have to take in the actual value of the car into consideration, KBB currently has that car with a value of around $800 in excellent condition. Dropping $450 on repairs would literally be half the car's value.
You don't understand guy, the city I live in is 34 square miles and the jobs suck anyway unless you can drive, I was stuck working retail until my grandmother started to get dementia and gave me her car.
Depends which inner city. Even then public transport is a joke.
>tfw bought my truck new
>tfw it turns 10 next year
>no plans to replace it for a least three more years unless something goes terribly wrong

Even then I'll probably buy used.

so you were in the market for poor running cars and you are upset?

if the car wasn't poor running, why would you turn it in?
the only reason it is worth so little is due to irrational consumers

they'd rather buy a big hunk of plastic run by encrypted computers because it has modern styling accents
Wasn't allowed buy the plan terms engine and tranny had to be destroyed
I couldn't find a running car for under $4000 when cash for clunkers came out. These cars would have been sold for $1000 prior. Most of the cars getting destroyed were better than mine.
I'm not the initial anon, but his issue was clearly that: because people turned so many cars in years ago, used car prices are still very high. I have no idea what you're getting at here, the program ended years ago.

I said earlier, I made good money because of the program. The price of scrap metal skyrocketed (because a lot of those cars would have been scrapped) and I chopped cars during the summers when I was in highschool. I still work in a used car business, the program changed the whole market.

so did you turn yours in or not
>the program changed the whole market.
Yeah it did, even in 2003 when I was a boy my dad used to drive us in rust free cars he got for 800-900 dollars with working AC.

It was millions of dollars in different currencies loaded on wood palettes and flown over on cargo planes
They literally destroyed the vehicles that were traded in, many of which would have been good for the used car market. really fucked a lot of people out of used motors and vehicles.
>It was to get rid of the rusted out, gas guzzling cars from the 80s and prior

Except they can be no more than 25 years old.

anything older than 1984 was not able to be traded in under this when it started in 2009.
>anything older than 1984 can live
That's even more shitty, taking the safer 90s and early 2000s cars so young people can buy them and die in an accident.
No, a working car in my possession is worth a lot more than a voucher for a new car I can't afford.

so whats the issue then
>Big govt taking tax dollars to give irresponsible fucks cars
>so whats the issue then

i don't follow
Want to trigger /o/?

Here is a list of what was turned in

>2004 Ford Taurus with 150k miles
>still running stronk

Got it for $4k back in 2008. Bretty good.
Anon pls, the sitting president thought it would be cool to take a bit if your cash to help someone get a new car.
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>Destroy the old cars and force people to buy new ones
>Fuck the poor
Good job there guys

New cars wouldn`t sell as well as they could. If you look around there`s a fuckton of such programs, policies, norms... Really makes you wonder.
To try and convince people to buy new cars and give more money to the car industry just after the GFC. Of course what happened was that the vast majority of people went and bought japanese models and the american car companies took a beating.
Newer model cars are fucking trash and will never outlast their predecessors, American car industry began to hurt because they design fucking gook quality heads that are shitting the bed at 150k miles like clockwork.

The electronics/emissions fail consistently and cost a fortune to repair, one fantastic example is Chryslers judaism with rfid key-chips/ecm serials. Cheaper to replace an engine than deal with ecm/chip errors because only dealership technicians can rewrite software for matching key, I'm sure that's fantastic on the goddamn environment. It's all about forcing consumers to buy a product that is cheaper quality for higher price and will not have aftermarket designs like older vehicles allowing it to withstand time, once the ecm is off the market, the manufacture owns the rights to the software and the engine in question will require several thousand to pull parts and strip down to pass emissions at that point, making a current vehicle unable to last anything beyond 10 years unless the manufacture continues to reproduce the ecm or you scrap ecm/match keys which would make them coveted/expensive.

t. white trash who doesn't like using shops.
After reading /o/'s Tales from the Dealership collection I will NEVER finance a new car. The idea of paying full price for a car that instantly loses several grand of value as soon as it's off the lot is idiocy.
Financing sucks, my mom will literally have to drive her car till it falls apart to get any value out of it after the interest.
It's illegal for us to give them US dollars, so we gave them over a billion in foreign bills.
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>poo in loo
>named 1776
How sad is it that Mad Max post-apocalypse is now impossible? No more fantasies of riding around a souped up hotrod made from junkyard scrap, everything is plastic crap ran by pixies and programmed to kill itself in ten years.
His name is Jonathan and he's posting from New York, you shitlord.
>t. white trash who doesn't like using shops.

Bro, my primary source for quality things are thrift shops and flea markets. Same for parts of all sorts, there`s a caste of dumpster divers who sell what they find, got a lot of gems that way. Not that I can`t afford new things, but avoid them on principle: they`re poorly made, engineered to break, have shitty design and still are overpriced.
This post is severely Underrated

By the way, don`t you think the fact that things dug out from the dumpster are of better quality than those produced today means that humanity already passed its peak and now it will only be worse?
It is you just have to buy pre mid 80-s shit. EFI/ECM market cucked the American auto-industry.
Not to mention chinks are actively ruining the carburetor market by flooding it with knockoffs that are indistinguishable besides quality, it really actives my almonds when I google a weber setup/jet size and see a cross-referenced gook brand with a shitty quality knockoff emblem.

This has to be effecting the Japanese industry by now as well, I can't habeeb the entire auto-industry is letting China, Mexico and Taiwan absolutely fuck us like this.
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Cash for clunkers is consistent with

TOD = Transit Oriented Development

Federal policy designed to "encourage transit ridership while dissuading the ownership of automobiles."

Cash for clunkers was so retarded

What a waste

Every vehicle before the late 80s could probably run indefinitely
>Get the citizen to destroy their property and be indebted to kike banks like JP morgan.

It's fuckin brilliant.

Global warming bs behind a lot of this.
i wonder what effect this had on the market for used cars.
i don't care what I drive, i'll never make car payments in my life if I don't have to.
>le electric car meme

Have fun getting stranded when you run out of juice in a city/town with no charging stations, let alone in the countryside.
All pro-cash for clunkers and pro-Tesla posts on this thread = shills.

Huf PO
>Be millenial
>Looking for a cheap car like our Gen X parents got at a young age
>Anything decent is really pricey.
>implying pass users are rich

dick move on their part. it's really hard to find used cars.
you can make the same argument for gas

if you aren't an absolute retard and try driving further than your capacity, you'll be fine
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I had a business rebuilding $350 volvos with blown head gaskets and bought them up to modern standards.
Cash for clunkers killed this day 1 of its existence.
This is why we are taking /o/ to the winter ball
Thanks, Obama
This user is right
Obama has been great from our POV
He fucked up foreign policy so much everyone is fleeing America
>really like older diesel Mercedes
>can't find one that runs for less than $3000-4000
Thanks obama
Holy hell, this, i really like the idea of driving a diesel in america but even the old ass TDI Golfs and jetta are like 4000 dollars minimum for one with a shit ton of miles on them.
This thread is pretty racist tbqh
You can probably find one here and have it shipped to you for that mich since our monopoly money is so fucking low right now
Pretty sure it took a lot of decent used cars off the street. It's hard to find a reliable used car for less then 5 or 6 grand now.

I was always convinced it was just a ploy to get people to buy new cars and prop up the auto industry.
remember those hundreds of millions of dollars that were so casually left in the Central bank of Mosul and ended up in the hands of ISIS?

This shit isn't new,they did it after the Invasion of Irak where containers filled with money dissapeared, you would assume it all went to the jew but money that's off the books is a very valuable commodity for cia/mossad disrty corporations ,goverment bribes etc. It's surprisingly difficult to get a decent amount of dollars off the books and into foreign soil without raising suspicion,esp since most money now exists in electronic format corporate level
fuck you nigger.
>Bringing race into it when we're talking cars
George Soros detected.
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I will never forgive Obama for Cash4Clunkers.
I feel
Old toyota goat
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> List of clunkers
> 3,500+ BMW
> 5,000+ Mercedes

Tell me again about that top notch German quality, bro.
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Why would post this?
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No one ever talks about this, even when discussing Obama's legacy. Same with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

You think they would mention either one when bragging about Obama.
>that list of all the rare low production trims of 80s/90s cars that were destroyed
nobody wants to buy your semen stained vehicle

Some of those cars would have been less than 5 years old at the time.
What the fuck was the reasoning behind the whole process?
>60 AMC Eagles

Christ, no.
Many of the dealerships never even got their money.

None of the cars could be parted out.

Many cars that should have been taken off the road didn't qualify (my oil burning piece of shit cavalaier got 1 MPG over the limit from the factory so I wasn't even able to cash in)

The used car market hyper-inflated for the next 4-5 years, 4K cars shot to 8K,

The people were dumb, and the program even moreso.

hope the new chrysler was worth it
>gasoline can't be synthesized
So crude petroleum just magically appeared?
Fucking pisses me off.
Stupid fucking nigger.

>The used car market hyper-inflated for the next 4-5 years, 4K cars shot to 8K

This was the whole point. King Nigger didn't spend billions bailing out the broken, defunct auto industry just to have it collapse again because people kept driving their old foreign cars that last forever instead of buying new cars that barely last a year past the loan expiration date.
>Cash for clunkers
>Trade in your old car for a new one and get $4000
>Can't afford new car
>Keep driving old P.O.S. while thousands of nicer cars are taken and destroyed

Thanks Obama.
>last gas station for 100 milles
>Huf Po
Nah, the car itself was junk.
>Cash for clunkers is consistent with
>TOD = Transit Oriented Development
>Federal policy designed to "encourage transit ridership while dissuading the ownership of automobiles."

Same reason that the Saudis, Wall Street and the US Gov't are pouring money in to Uber, despite that company losing billions of dollars and not being a profitable model.
Buy 99 jeep Cherokee sport in 06 for 3500

Still running today like the bad ass it is.
Still my daily driver
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Hurts doesn't it m8

Makes me glad our scheme wasn't as enticing or I may have never been partnered with my baby
Noice caah m8
So much tard In one post!
Obama is the first US President to execute a man without due process.
Cheers m8

They're actually illegal in the US atm

The cars could be parted out. The engines couldn't. I bought parts off of several C4C vehicles; the yard spraybombed the engines orange and wouldn't sell orange engine parts if you pulled them.
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