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Ndlozi hopes blacks won’t ‘have to slaughter whites’

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The EFF spokesperson says they aren’t calling for white genocide, but if people think blacks will continue to live in landlessness, then ‘slaughter will happen’.


“We are not calling for the slaughter of white people‚ at least for now … The rightful owners of the land are black people. No white person is a rightful owner of the land here in SA and the whole of the African continent‚” said the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Julius Malema.

“We will not chase white people to the sea. We will give them [a] portion. We will share the land piece by piece. And you can’t own bigger than us … you are a visitor. Visitors must behave. They must know that the land belongs to people of South Africa … indigenous people of South Africa.
White people living in SA?

well I guess they deserve it
This is just disgusting.
I am ready and I welcome their challenge.
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yet it's whites who are the racists
Why are you still there? Come home.
I have no problem with this. Africa is for the blacks, of course they should receive preferential treatment in their own homelands.
My problem is in forgoing this fundamental wisdom in white countries.
Yet leftists try to deny white genocide in South Africa.
South Africa was only good because of the white people. Just like Hong Kong
pretty sure most of SA was virtually terra nullius when whitey got there

i'm no expert of course, but weren't there a few scattered tribes that all got blackocausted by other subsaharans that moved south when whitey started building shit?
We'll exchange our blacks for their whites.
This is my home. The first kaffer I see skulking around is going to get a 7.62mm sized perforation.
Ask zimbawe how that turned out

i have some million dollars to spend there.
Come home, white man
There was pretty much the Zulu. Even the Zulu are pissed off at SA niggers since most of them aren't even natives, just nomads who came in later.
Why hasn't someone wiped out the nigger race yet? It should be relatively easy to go into Africa and set off bombs in villages.
Dude the niggers will kill and rape your family.
You're a good man for staying at home anon, be careful.
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It remind me of something, but what?
even a workin nigga can't stand a silly nigga from cross town

smdh phambam
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Fuck this guy. Everyone knows white people are cool.
>Indigenous to South Africa

Bantus and Europeans arrived in South Africa at the same time. The true natives are the bushmen.
I really hope Trump blocks all immigration from anyone but white people from Africa. Come home, white homies
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>pretty based to be honest
A diverse, well-reasoned, just position according to the left.

Say the same shit about immigrants in this country, and you will end up in jail. Fuck the left.

Maybe we should stop developmental aid. More than half of Africa will starve to death.
Indeed this policy of land redistribution worked great in Zimbabwe turning the bread basket of Africa into an open sewer

He is correct, why you complain, this needs to be said in capital of EU, black people, muslim people you are guests here, behave or fuck off
White people in SA are like Jews living in Germany in 1938 thinking they really don't mean this.
SA having their own nationalist movement, good for them 2bh
Most of my family is already dead anon. The only thing I have left is my hatred driving me, thus I welcome them to try to come and wreck my shit.
>indigenous people of South Africa.
The indigenous people of South Africa are extinct.
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>an open sewer
Unironically, that would be the best place in the world for agriculture.
i don't understand why anglosphere don't offer white south africans citizenship.
>pretty sure most of SA was virtually terra nullius when whitey got there

It was. It was virtually uninhabited until tribes came in from the North. And they genocided the fuck out of each other. As for the land rights, the Voortrekkers negotiated land rights with the Zulu. Then they got betrayed and slaughtered, allied with another Zulu prince, and completely massacred the treacherous one and his worthless army.

Modern SA is the future all leftists want for white people. It's not like I think Trump and Wilders are infallible heroes. I just think they're the ones who don't want to set up a situation where I become a minority in my own country, and a, acceptable target for racially motivated death squads.
>fighing the zombie hordes
>not letting the zombies eat themselves

seriously, get ready for a life change. a country run by black will not succeed.

they can´t accept their lack of attitude is the root of this shit, so they attack those that of course, have more than them. why would you die for that. the chimpout will happen, it is only a matter of time.
Fucking kaffers
How many of you cucks would come to the USA as real refugees? I think this should be pol's new focus.
And we get to watch as liberals rage that white people are victims/ see unprecedented levels of hypocrisy
I'm sure that there will be place for people like you in Europe in the near future and here you'd actually have a good chance of being on the winning side.
No one will back you. Leave while you still can. You will be slaughtered for nothing.
I don't remember asking to be backed. Let the cucks and the liberals run their fucking legs raw to get away from the carnage. I actually pity these pampered fucks that grew up in illusions, they are usually the first to die.
Malema says crazy shit all the time, nothing is actually going to happen.
I don't want to go anywhere anon, I am already entrenched here and I actually enjoyed living here. I didn't grow up in wealth and luxury, but this was home, it IS home.
If I were South African I'd be more worried if an American promised to help me because it would be an indication that he was lying and probably funding my destruction and the destruction of my people.

You have no conviction and you have no idea what it is to fight for your land. Go be a faggot somewhere else.
huh, so this is what getting triggered feel like
fucking niggers
i´m sorry to hear you are willing to take part in a chimp carnage, cause i got family around 3 corners there. well, best of luck, i guess.
There's a reason even fucking Gandhi hated niggers
>Africa is for the blacks,
>doesn't know history and geography or trolling

could go either way.
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Motherfucker, you're not a god of war or anything. Go to Europe or somewhere else where you can actually be productive and live a happy life with some white woman.
Staying in SA waiting for some race war is an insane deathwish.

this desu. where there is chaos there is opportunity and these nigs will never be in control. If the DA win in 2O24 then we'll be fine
is it actually so dangerous as everyone is speaking?
do you hate black people? have you any friends amongst them
dont worry if anything happens to ya , europe will avenge you
Make those filthy pavement apes suffer.
i wish you luck, if this was was happening is america/europe the leftist fucktards would be on the ships getting outta there faster then you can say "TOLD YOU SO"

fucking cowards, when the day of the rope come i'll gut the fucks myself
>europe will avenge you
lol you don't exactly have a good track record. Doubly so as a ex-Yugoslav.
>you're not a god of war or anything

I'm not sure you're aware of how hard the Boers or anglo-africans operate


if chaos broke out the few million whites would band together and defend themselves fine
>The rightful owners of the land are black people. No white person is a rightful owner of the land here in SA and the whole of the African continent

Bullshit. When the farmers colonized these lands no negro lived there. These negros are from neighbour countries. Still white farmers should come back and the UK and Netherland should take care of them.
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>europe will avenge you
did you miss out on the last 15 years?
We're on our way to bringing the US back to the way the founding fathers envisioned it. Now we need to strike back against the propaganda machine that is responsible for the misdirection and outright fabrications about Trump.

The media.

Whether or not it was motivated by the Clinton Foundation they still bear responsibility for the hate and fear mongering that we say in our nation today. Had it not been for their hyperbolic attacks against Trump we would not see aimless crowds akin to the Occupy Wall Street movement. Luckily for the nation these people are essentially harmless children having a tantrum, but the amount of bile and hate they spew is toxic. The intolerance that the media has bred is ironic considering the supposed ills these crowds are espousing

We memed Trump into the White House. Now lets meme corrupt media out of America.

>europe will avenge you

Captain sweden will take all the cocks necessary
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Might makes right. You just can't trust your enemies to behave humanely if you don't have the means to protect yourself from them. More so when you're the minority.

Even if most niggers are fine, it only takes a few to rape and murder your family. Eugène Terre'Blanche was murdered by his own employees he knew for years.

I wish some country would offer white south africans a way out. They should leave and let South Africa go to hell, fuck this place.
Never said you asked. You clearly don't understand logistics. Best of luck.

And Africa is a country too, right?
But Afrikaners are the indigenous people of South Africa
I can't even feel bad for them anymore. They chose their path.
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>you are a visitor. Visitors must behave.

They make South Africa a paradise on earth and then you niggers came and ruined it, now you tell them that they are visitors and they are not behaving?
What the fuck is wrong with these beasts?
if a racial genocide happens in SA there will be
even your cucked country will wake up
I get that and I'd encourage you to stay and fight back If I thought that you have at least a remote chance of success.
I am OK with this. In fact, I think it's pretty generous of them. Now if only western countries could learn from their example.
>a fucking leaf

If he wants to be a martyr for a lost cause he is welcome to it. Use a proxy next time you want to lecture someone about fighting for your country you Commonwealth cuck.
>if a racial genocide happens in SA there will be consequences

Haha nope. The world will sit and watch. No one will wake up. We will probably have to accept South African refugees after killing all the whites leads to a famine.
It's amazing to me that these people think they are somehow owed something.

Without the white man, they would still be living in huts and fighting each other for food.
Whites BTFO by Kek. Africa for Africans.
Makes sense.
>Africa is for the blacks, of course they should receive preferential treatment in their own homelands.
The San people (aka Bushmen tribe) lived in part of South Africa before Whites arrived, but most was uninhabited. The Bantu came as guest workers, outbred everyone, and have stolen the country. They murder Whites and San.
Not all blacks are the same....Bantu are invaders, coming originally from West Africa.
whatever they do to whites in africa we will do to niggers in europe
I don't get why everyone is so buttblastedly scared of death. If i believed myself to be invincible, I would be dead already.
Boers are in fact gods of war
>even your cucked country will wake up
no it won´t. it won´t even be covered by the media. and if so, they will tell our sheeple how these cruel white men provoked the uprising and how they merciless slaughtered these poor blacks. then, they will discuss how we can import more african (((refugees))). i have seen it before, we are importing muslims as we speak who fight asad, because he isn´t a fundament islamist and blocks them from having their islamic revolution.
Faggot, my family is Portuguese and I have vets of the Colonial War in my family. The same war in which your scum government funded and armed niggers to overthrow Portuguese colonies. The only support they got at the time came from Saffers and Rhodesians. If that anon stays and fights to defend his land and his people from thieving negroes then he should be applauded for his conviction and courage instead of being lectured by some fat American who knows nothing and has no dog in the fight.
Probably the same reason we accept Muslim refugees from the Middle East, but won't take the Christians who are being genocided.
>A burger telling me about logistics in SA.
Never meant to start a war anon.
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or this...
never saw on (((TV)))°tm

Well, if you ever feel like leaving, we have room for one more. Maybe we can bash Lebs together sometime. Good luck.
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The ignorance...thinking all black Africans are the same...kek

Admittedly, that's a great example of why whites should never concede to become a powerless minority. This shit is what you get when you drink the multiculturalism kool-aid.

Libshits might think they'll be ok because they're down with blacks but getting in a fight is not up to you the day someone comes to kick your white ass.
do you guys all think europe, especially anglos will
stand by if some shit (genocide) happened in SA?

the only thing that unites wholel europe is race, pretty sure if you take the % , europe is still like 80+% white
or am i just dellusional
Too bad you all didn't go full Domination of Draka a century ago.
Yeah that worked great for Zimbabwe.
White people should leave Africa. I want to see Africa collapse completely.
If things get too hot in the savanna and I need to bug out something fierce, I will look towards emu country anon. At least its close to home in ways.
>the only thing that unites wholel europe is race
if you argued like that in germany, publically, you would be branded a nazi. so yes, you are delusional.
The horror stories out of South Africa are precisely why I keep a gun and am going to flee the US for Europe if things ever start breaking down. I don't really feel like watching my baby get boiled alive in a pot or some shit for multiculturalism.

These are people who roam the countryside in gangs with machetes, going around carving white families into pieces. Fuck that.

Europe should build a huge ass wall and mount AI turrets on it. The US is already lost.
Can you believe your pathetic, weak country once nearly conquered the planet? You could had it all. Haha what a waste. The universe is a cruel joke.
Anglos already turned their back on South Africans before. The UK was extremely active in propagating anti-apartheid sentiment and lionizing Mandela. I wouldn't expect anything at all from the UK in the event of genocide, or any other western country for that matter.
>Still not classed as an ongoing genocide
>do you guys all think europe, especially anglos will
>stand by if some shit (genocide) happened in SA?
Just like America is for the Indians

Oh wait
It was the push from the West that brought down apartheid and led to the white genocide in South Africa and Rhodesia. If not for the West's sanctions, tens of thousands of white people would still be alive.

Looks like the West is going to get its poetic justice for that.
Germans didn't conquer anything.
technically whites own all of africa
anything they have came from white colonization
aside from huts

It all depends if you have family there. If you don't, it's all good, if you do you should be concerned about their security and wellbeing.

Why raise kids there when you could relocate somewhere safe and peaceful.

Good luck either way, anon.
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Ignore the pussies urging for white flight. I agree with you anon. Give them hell.

The Anglos are the ones to blame for the whole situation the boers are in nowadays.
You need to be colonized. And you know who really like colonizing? America. We just call it liberation instead. Maybe you can ask our new best guy trump if he would like to come liberate you?
Good luck Saffa, I hope your home remains always yours.
I love that white countries still basically have the same advantage over black countries that they had in the 19th century. We could all decide tomorrow to just go over and slaughter them all. They're so backwards. Fuck. We could make so much lebensraum.
I will try my best not to let you down guys.
>Can you believe your pathetic, weak country once nearly conquered the planet? You could had it all. Haha what a waste. The universe is a cruel joke.
it sure is. still, don´t underestimate the strength that slumbers in german people. we need to meme the uncucking of germany into existence.

I'd somewhat agree if it was a frontier situation but what if anon shoots a bunch of wild niggers and the government decides to make an example out of him ? That's not a fair fight, is it ?
You Europeans stay out of it you had your chance. Africa belongs to America. Your flag got taken down by the natives. The land rejected you. It won't reject us when we decide it's time
welp, fuck the anglos than
slavs may like to fuck each other but
pretty sure we could unite to fight a non european enemy
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Not a single one of those disgusting niggers' ancestors ever tilled a centimeter of land. I hope the whites machinegun them all when they come for their land.
>did you miss out on the last 15 years?

Did you? The pendulum is swinging the other way.
We will remember you anon

If whites are getting slaughtered in SA I guarantee there would be many Americans willing to avenge their death. You will not fight alone.
You die in vain.
>The pendulum is swinging the other way.
maybe. but it will at least take another 6 years.
4chan is mostly Anglo-Sphere. You'll need to do most of the legwork yourself.

Hans, I want you to seriously ask yourself what you still have to lose at this point. Your homeland is the most precious thing you have, and it's dying. Your people are being displaced and destroyed. If you got branded a nazi, sure they could throw you in prison - so what? They could slander your name, but why do you care what the cucks think?

I don't value my own life anymore, to be frank. I honestly want to die for my people. Once you accept this as well, you will be unstoppable.
If only Africa could survive without constant assistance from the US/Eurpope/China.
It took five centuries to turn Spain white and Christian again. Nothing is truly lost forever. That is a leftist narrative. They want everyone to think it's impossible to turn back their policy so people will accept it.
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>flee to yurope
i'm laughing too hard to roast you, you retarded dipshit
holy fuck you're so retarded! FUCK!
True enough. If you give the left an inch they will take your entire country, identity, and future.

I might end up fleeing to Croatia after the US goes down. Good luck, friend.
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Hell I'm in too. Never seen anything more disgusting in my life than those pictures of white families slaughtered by niggers.
If that is the case, then I wish you godspeed, son.
Eastern Europe you idiot. Maybe Ireland.

I'll fight if there's even a 1% chance fighting will let us succeed.
You should really try to hold on to that land. SOUTH AFRICA is th perfect name for expanding into ALL OF AFRICA. basically what I'm saying is, the white of South Africa are in the best position there is to be the leaders of the movement to colonize Africa. Remember, you have the power of the entire white race behind you
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>mfw President Trump sends troops to protect white South Africans
i love my life and i got plenty to lose. also, i live where the hordes did not invade. germany is fucking amazing, so don´t give me that retarded stormfront speech. true, europe might become southafrica tier, but i have made precautions for that aswell.
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unstoppable... until they stop you by throwing you in prison
or you know, kill you
really, you seem the farthest thing from unstoppable
niggerlover. Saw you on the gay interracal thread.
I rather die resisting, than survive by sucking kaffer dick, cuck.
Yes but there is no racism anymore
well if you really can´t let go i wish you one hell of a last run
Everything takes time. We've been working on this for a long time, Anon. I've seen it happen for my entire adult life. But believe me, it's happening. The socialist narrative is weaking. Even last night I saw one of the socialists say things that came damn close to making sense. Of course, his own side called him racist and islamophobe for even saying it, but ten years ago the things he said would have been considered the exclusive territory of the far right.

The left is being hoist by their own petard. They furthered identity politics, but stupidly forgot that being white and patriotic is ALSO an identity. And while they eat each other for not eating the right kind of rice, we are far more inclusive. Just look at them crying over how they lost the female vote with a female candidate!
The SAS is in WA, only a few hours flight. It would be nice to see Turnbull do something.
any more horror stories?
Kek. By 2050, the majority of births in Germany will be non-white. You're finished unless you act now. Take it from me.

So you get to become a martyr, so what? Who cares anymore?
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Can't you guys in SA get some machine guns and shit?

Don't you all live together? Just build a fort town or something f.am

I do know though that it is apparently really hard to emigrate from SA.. Wonder why that is.
because there's no white people to be racist
lol get ready for zimbabwe 2.0
This just fucking shows, this just fucking shows that if you let in these barbarian apes, you're writing your own death sentence.

And Germany let in an awful lot of them. Don't look to Africa, Hrvat brother we'll soo have to have a similar war just west of us.

This is why v4 must be strengthened and expanded into a real Intermarum cooperation or whites won't survive. This isn't just about sporadic chimpouts, this is now an all-out war against whites, so we need coordinated proper armies!
They're niggers. The number of fingers on my hand is higher than their average IQ.
>Man and GF in park
>Niggers force him to watch as gf gets raped
>Niggers then drown the guy and make gf watch
>Kill gf through drowning

This happened in a park
t. American who has never been to HK or met a Hong Konger irl
>implying you can say europe and mean eastern europe, and that i'm the idiot for making the mistake
all i needed to read was your
>I'll fight if there's even a 1% chance fighting will let us succeed.
and it started making sense. you know you're a nigger right? eastern europe is the white nigger hell. what on earth makes you think there's a better place to defend your family than in the US? that's rhetorical desu senpai. you're clearly too stupid to function in any useful capacity to a group out to protect itself, you suicidal pleb
Actually Africa belongs to china- they will handle it in their way.
lets hope it never gets to that point
all the best to you too
They live under a government that hates their race. If they defend themselves, they get ridden by the system in exactly the same way we would be, here.

One of my SA relatives shot a thief in the leg during Apartheid. The cops came around, and asked "couldn't you have aimed a little higher?"

Times have changed.

Aren't you outnumbered greatly? Dying a stupid meaningless death is just retarded. Getting hacked by savage nignogs for worthless clay is not a cause to die for

Run to fight another day
>you are a visitor. Visitors must behave.
based. now we do the same
>The horror stories out of South Africa are precisely why I keep a gun and am going to flee the US for Europe if things ever start breaking down. I don't really feel like watching my baby get boiled alive in a pot or some shit for multiculturalism.

Yes, you'll be totally safe from multiculturalism in Europe. I'm sure they'll even let you keep you're gun too.
3 niggers once beat and raped a white woman to death during the fall of Apartheid (she was trying to help them, hilariously). They were brought before the "Truth and Reconciliation Committee", laughed about it in court, and were given full pardons.

There was one farmer whose home was broken into by a gang of niggers. He was forced to watch all his sons get hacked to death in front him, his daughters/wife raped in front of him and then hacked to death, and he was left alive. The gang of niggers was never found.
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Also reminder


Top kek

If that ever happened I would go back to South Africa and fight
btfo lol
mate by 2020 germans aged 20-35 will be a minority 2050 is way off its already over
>get to become a martyr
yeah no, nobody becomes a martyr through their own actions. it's after you're dead, rotting, with no ball in the game anymore, that someone else, usually someone you'd rather didn't do what they're going to do, turns you into an empty political icon to further a goal you had nothing in common with.

who cares though is a good philosophy for you. i'm just having a laugh that you think you're anything other than a suicidal loser who can't, and won't ever do anything useful for anyone, except for me by giving me something to think about with a smile when I imagine you actually killing yourself thinking things like what you've posted.
If I was an Afrikaner I'd just go to the Nederlands, I'm sure it's easy to immigrate for them. Not worth clinging to that piece of land only to get torn apart by a black mob and having your organs crafted into magic medicine sooner or later.
>Actually Africa belongs to china

Lel and they thought whites were racist. China is going to use their continent as a cum rag. Our terrible, oppressive colonialism left behind schools and hospitals and society. China is going to take everything and leave nothing.

>inb4 it's still someone white people's fault
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>mfw China sends troops armed with flamethrowers to protect white South Africans


You're welcome to flee here though, if you don't want to be a partisan. It's not a shame to fall back and reorganize to strike again.

Soon there'll be a proper war against the anti-whites, anti-Europeans, and we're friends of all white nations standing up for our shared culture and blood.
>You can't own land on this continent because of your race
I'm all for this idea. Kick nonwhites out of Europe and lets all go back.
I actually hope it happenes, because blacks would look like evil people. NATO would have to bomb South Africa to protect the Boers.
The nigs are just doing exactly what gets preached here
>I'm sure it's easy to immigrate for them
>whites being able to immigrate to the EU
Run away and be haunted by my cowardly decision... Yeah, nah cunt. Thnx
That's great, kill them, but don't come to Europe either. That's the best kind of world, everybody minding their own land and people.
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any more?
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You are correct though
People like you are why the white race will be extinct in 200 years.

Just fuck my race up senpai
He's right. White people don't belong in Africa any more than blacks in Europe. Don't be mad that they have the balls to say what Eurocucks won't.
That's the kind of attitude Europe needs right now. Be careful out there Anon.
lots of people here support your border closing and wiring despite our media trying to make it look bad
just read the other day about an article how the wire around your country is killing wild animals and how its bad
had a nice kek
ps i was born in war i might just die in one too
>gets mad at monkeys
It's like deliberately staying in the rat infested sewer your gramps left you because it's yours.
You either exterminate the rats to the last or you pack up and sell it to the first sucker

Get the fuck back here, don't be stupid. If every white SA did that you would be able to enjoy the niggers destroying each other and starving in the street
>That's the kind of attitude Europe needs right now

Try again, Europe needs to think like Ndlozi.

Afrikaners are some of the best immigrants that come to our country. Hard working, good natured, down to earth, great accent, etc.

Also they aren't pussies
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What's the easiest first world country to get into? I'm an Anglo but the Anglosphere has turned its back on us
He is right and without the white man's help HK would had still been a shitty fishermen's village. Moreover after the Chinese handover HK has deteriorated very rapidly to the point that locals with a death wish are now dreaming of independence.

> tfw things were good under white rule
Once a gang of them systematically tortured and raped white school children. One of the fathers tried to help his daughter, but was actually arrested for doing so. Afterwards, the police covered up the crimes so as not to appear racist.

Oh wait, that was your country

God speed SA anon God speed
>I'm sure it's easy to immigrate for them

Don't bet on it.

My family came over for vacation, and they had to fill out forms like you have never done in your life. A middle-aged woman had to have my mother vet for her.

Our government is racist against Afrikaners. This difficulty is why many of them go the UK. BUT we have accepted more EU-relocated """"""refugees"""""" than any other EU country!

This sort of shit is exactly why I vote Wilders. The anti-white crowd must be run out of the country by fire and sword. This isn't just a distant fight for me. This is my family. And these fucking cucks are telling me I need to take in Africans who hate me that are picked up by the ferry service from the Libyan coast, but Afrikaners can get fucked... because they are white.

First chance I get to put the boots to these anti-Western communists, I'm taking it.
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but in this case, he WOULD become a martyr, since there are lots of weak faggots, who stand in the way of white nations standing up for white people, but in a case of open hostility, there WOULD be a serious retaliation.

This is the reason, why blacks are only committing "crime" and they haven't jumped the white communities. Because they don't want a war coalition doing the same to them, they want to do to the white minority.
HK didn't grow big because whites are superior but because geopolitical circumstance made it one of the only ports you could use to trade with China. All the wealth flowed in and out of that one port, so it naturally flourished.

HK is deteriorating now because China is hilariously poorly governed, not so much because the Chinese are inferior. Chinamen under a good government do fine, just look at how Asians have become a model minority in the US or the success of Taiwan.
pretty hot huh ;)

rofl you dumb fat kunt



Northumbria Police arrest 15 on rape offences in Newcastle's West End



Child sexual abuse ring in Halifax: 25 men charged - police reaction



Taxi driver and three friends sentenced to a total of 68 years for gang rape of drunk woman passenger

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2844528/Taxi-driver-three-friends-sentenced-total-68-years-gang-rape-drunk-woman-passenger.html#ixzz3TRvoCnfm

Utterly callous" gang who raped teacher on park bench after abducting her jailed for 68 years



Six men filmed themselves as they raped and sexually assaulted a drunk 15-year-old schoolgirl, a jury was told



Paedophile gang 'groomed vulnerable young girls through Facebook before plying them with alcohol and raping them'

Why didn't we help Rhodesia? Why did we choose this future?
They could just come here, ask for refugee status against the evil kaffers and get into Schengen all the same.
This is Rhodesia all over again, but this time the whites will have a lot more support.
muh racism
>geopolitical circumstances

That's a funny way of saying whites are politically superior and deliberately secured HK as a source of trade and income.
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its happening
soviet communism+cultural marxism
You live in vain, faggot Swede. Suck Jamal's cum out of your sister's cunt
They raped an old women in front of her old man husband them killed him. Raped her again and beat into her a hospital.

That was three weeks ago or so, two months ago they beat two old ladies inside their home.
You wouldn't exactly be alone if you came here.
I'm 23 with family already there. How do I get there m8? I can spin mad donuts on forklifts if that helps.
Get in contact with the polish mob in Boston if you need weapons smuggled. I think the Tokarzowskies are the ones you want to deal with.
Cantonese has to be the ugliest language in the world and they way some locals speak it by almost yelling, god it sounds barbaric and no wonder the British made fun of it during the colonial time.

Also pretty much all the good schools here are the English medium ones, surprisingly. Sometimes I feel HK is just better than mainland purely because of the British legacy, the locals have nothing to do with it. I don't know if it's truth, maybe it is.
Start slaughtering niggers now. Idgaf if you're outnumbered 1000:1 they're still niggers.

Quit telling them to run and come "home". The white man's home is wherever the fuck he pleases. SAbros stand your ground and wreck niggers. Livin the dream as far as I'm concerned.
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Have you considered moving to Namibia? It seems pretty nice and peaceful.
No, the Opium War just ended in a treaty where the Brits only got to keep HK as a trade port. If whites were as superior as you think, they would have just conquered China.
True that. Singapore is real ethnic chinese master race. English comes before Chinese, and chinese is putonghua and not ugly guangdonghua.
Has your family contacted immigration officials? Given the situation it shouldn't be difficult to expedite your biltong bum here.
dont play with my heart, come liberate the shit out of this place.
I'm sure whites had zero to do with securing that stipulation in the treaty. It was all random and whites got lucky, right?
South Africa needs an armed white separatist movement already. Don't ask. Take. Drive out all the blacks from an area and claim it as yours, and shoot any that approaches. That's how nation-states are formed and that's the only way you're ever going to have any peace down there.
Namibia is just a lesser developed version of SA
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Good luck, Based Boer.
fucking kaffirs

Sounds like rightful Dutch clay to me.
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The ones they already murdered and raped out of existence ?
we need this word to spread to other countries, that will piss them off
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wait what ?
there will always be cucks and race-traitors anon, this isn't new
>not revenge.....punishment
Bunch of kaffirs. All these niggers do is burn down there own homes and own infrastructure while the ANC sit back and get fat. Not all the blacks in this country stand with his kaffir. Many of them are civil and don't believe in this uneducated baboon who capitalizes off his hate. Lucky for me I can move to Europe if I want.. just deciding what country at the moment.
>assuming president trump wont send troops to help the whites in SA
fucking cuck
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Xhosa people are essentially a mixed breed of rejected Zulus and Khoisan. Besides, they must be delusional if they think the Western Cape is Bantu territory
What we need is to provoke an all west millitary invasion on South Africa. The niggers needs to start initiate a full scale genocide on Boers. It will than come to the UN Security council where an attack would be authorised.
I think you should read Moby Dick anon. I respect your goals but I feel you are only destined for destruction.
Is there anything valuable left there apart from the white people?

Why not just abandon the place?
Go somewhere with a large Afrikaner population so you can keep the heritage alive.
I think putting a bullet in that kaffirs head would start things off nicely
I think it's German since it used to be their colony, much smaller population than SA. If all the whites in SA moved there they would probably be the majority.
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You are one of the most based /pol/ters here. I wish you victory.
Honk Kong was a shithole with 0 history or importance before the first whites came to trade there.

>conquering China

For which purpose ? We were already owning America and Africa, the goal was to conquer a market, not destroying everything.
is that pupper a Rhodesian ridgeback ?
I've long thought we should pull out and glass the place clean, then try again when the fallouts gone.

I wish all white people would leave africa, they'd all starve a little bit quicker.
then they can get nuked or something idk
http://praag.org/?p=21279 LIE NUMBER THREE: ‘Blacks are indigenous to South Africa and first settled it’.
Singapore is shit tho, you cant even shitpost on 4chan unless you want to die or be humiliated in public.
This and
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There are actual white people in South Africa who support this party. Just let that sink in.
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Funny how the woman is the most ripped out of all of them. Probably because she does field work while the nigger men sit around and do nothing
I'm like 90% sure that's no woman
Literally White Genocide.
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tfw SJWs would actually defend this

It's not, it's an image from a film but it's actually what some tribal africans do.

They believe dressing up as women will confuse bullets.
>has an entire continent filled with about a billion blacks
>near 99.9% majority
>we need more land for our people or we might slaughter whites
Really? the gall of having 8 kids on UN food aid (literally produced and paid for by white europeans) in cases like zambia..

HOLY FUCKING THIS. Best idea I've heard in awhile
my black friend got wounded pretty badly while defending his white friends from a pack of crazed fucks

I'm glad they all left the country, jesus fuck
Somehow i don't think it's lack of "land" and lack of majority blacks in africa that is the issue here.. seems to be plenty of both.. with no threat towards that changing anytime soon.

Meanwhile http://www.salon.com/2016/11/08/if-trump-wins-say-goodbye-to-your-black-friends-a-modest-proposal/

this idiot in the salon article wants to make atlanta ”a capital of a black only nation” ”if” trump wins and refuse to be friends with whites.. Here's an idea go back to THE ENTIRE AFRICAN CONTINENT if you want a black only nation, there's PLENTY OF THEM ALREADY!!!! Total hypocrite all the way. They don't feel sorry for themselves not really, they just hate white people and want wherever they are to be majority black nations.. or atleast want whites to not be majority anywhere.. that's what they mean when they say "diversity"..And it's time we called them out on their bullshit..

blacks biggest problem? their own attitude and behaviour, especially towards eachother.
If they can't even be happy with a trump presidency which will tremendously help them.. literally getting afraid of a guy wanting to give them safe communties and job opportunities, then there's no winning with them and they should just fuck off.

And as the OP even if they are vast majority black in their nations, they still find some reason to want to kill white people..

The irony of being white.. even when you try to give non whites everything they want, quite a substantial portion of them still recent you because you are white/european ancestry.. they don't even have a legitimate reason for it that doesn't end up being total bullshit when looked into.

And then they turn around and pretend they are not massively racist anti white assholes the lot of them.. Hilarious..
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That article annoys me, but then I am reminded that Salon is a literal propaganda machine that most people ignore which is why it doesn't make a profit.
You said 7.62? If it's 7.62x51, and you're okay with khaki short shorts, both myself and all of /brg/ from /k/ will personally come over and help you defend your land.
The current blacks in SA slaughtered the actual native Bushmen. None of them had ancestors who are "rightful owners".
Why don't they set example and just annihilate this piece shit off the planet? They are just a bunch of niggers.
no one wants /k/'s autistic help
Yeah i know not all black americans are like that but it's a testimony to obamas terrible divisive legacy for the US that people like that have been given a piedestal.. i thought i would never see the day where people like him literally call for black only places in the US and on campuses, after their parents and ancestors screamed about unity and equal rights and decried things like apartheid (segregation) now they call for it themselves.. it's like a bad joke what has happened to the US under obama.
you can't explain that to them, if you try they get violent.

How about you go over there and try it tough guy?
it's pointless, there are billions of niggers in africa. just fuck off from this hellhole while you can.

Yes...blame a black man for white hatred even though it's been going on since this country was founded. White people...
You're right. Of course not!

...until they fucking NEED it.
>the company has been operating at a loss since 1995
Would be pretty interesting to look into who the hell has been funding these assholes? Something that runs with deficit from its inception yet spewing out this crap and giving assholes like the aforementioned a piedestal to do so and encouraging it reaks of a propaganda platform you're right about that.
no one needs jizz in their brownies
Jesus. These are the people we need to give refugee status too. Get them to the states before the chimps kill them.

They actually will integrate, and will contribute. It is our duty to our white brethren.
Are you an action movie protagonist, by any chance?
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Come home white people. Come home
Race, gender, and social status shouldn't matter anywhere if you have the skills and intelligence to overcome it.

Black people will always call racist that the majority of their people are left in the dust because of it.
>blame a black man for white hatred
>The US is founded on hate of blacks
really.. kkk which whites decried killed 3600 blacks over a period of 86 years.. this is the most extreme thing you can find that white americans have done to black americans.. But it was decided to not repatriate them and make them full citizens feeling that blacks deserved to be part of the US.. and americans have gotten nothing but shit for it since eventhough you have it 1000x better than how africans treat eachother back in africa..

Get a fucking reality check, blacks are far more racist towards whites than the other way around.. The reason kkk was founded was because they felt the blacks if not repatriated would cause significant trouble for 80-90% white european US which it has been since its founding and right up to 1965 where migration was changed.

You fucking assholes when will you admit that you hate whites far more than whites hate you.. and that you hate eachother in the way you murder eachother and treat eachother bad, far more than any white man possibly could..
>implying the new Chinese masters will allow this

Also if the EFF actually tried this, they would get fucked up by ex apartheid soldiers and private security companies.
Whites civilized SA though. That would be like handing the US over to the Native Americans
>blame a black man for white hatred
Are you even serious, obama has given these massive anti white racist divisive BLM a platform letting blacks riot and destroy their own communities and done nothing to help blacks in the inner cities, and you think obama should not be blamed for that? lesigh..

What should any black man ever be blamed for, it appears it's never any black mans fault when anything bad happens even when blacks do bad shit to themselves and their own communities, it's never their fault..
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Your life might be saved but not your ass virginity
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Hope so. Can we just start working on the Cape Party already? It's really possible, maybe not now, but definitely in the future. Why can't we get people campaigning this already?
Best of luck, I like your attitude.

If you become overwhelmed by the nigger horde, seek help here. We will welcome you with open arms in the states.
Well, i assume he went on a killing spree?

If not i call fake.
Charles Elliot, the man who made the deal with the Chinese government to cede Hong Kong wasn't happy with the deal. He is quoted as saying that Hong Kong is ""A barren rock with nary a house upon it. It will never be a mart for trade." . We shouldn't pretend that he had a master plan.
goblin army
great fucking pic
A burger speaks the truth.
First hand experience.
My aunt, in her nineties, beaten to death in her home, they stole her rings and some meat. School friend was followed home after a night out and brutally beaten, died in hospital. Neighbor's elderly brother (77) stabbed 16 times and left for dead in a random attack. There is no end to this ride.
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Whoever is saying germany is waking up:
Germany will never ever wake up.
The people of germany are so heavy dominated by the left brainwashing its completely unbelieveable.
The levels of brainwashing and Lügenpresse are far worse than during WW2.
I encourage every other nation to just invade germany and erase it.
Germany will not even defend itself, the germans are so brainwashed they would let their kids and even themselfs be killed raped and tortured over hurting some non.german.
This country is the most selfhating pile of shit in existence. STOP TALKING ABOUT WAKING UP IT WILL NEVER EVER HAPPEN.
he's right. China is destroying it though. Damn godless commie fucks.

t. Chinese-American with family that lives there

you can't rap in cantonese but you can in mandarin.

it sounds like shouting but in their culture, raising their voice shows their enthusiasm. when they are actually yelling, you'd know it.
Shut the fuck up Canada. Your country has never contributed anything worthwhile in war. Your country only exists because we've allowed it to. We should be annexed you when we had the chance.
May be blacks should go home then?
Godspeed anon and stay safe
Remember the Alamo.
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>dressing up as women will confuse bullets.
Man. I feel bad for that guy. He's going to get overrun.
When south Africa was settled it was a barren wasteland. None if the Africans lived anywhere close to it. They only cared when the white man came in and built the place up. Then they wanted to take it for themselves.
It's progressif. So shut the fuck up and pay reparations, now.
We will get out, brother.
The EFF will never be allowed to draw serious support. There's too much money involved that will be lost if the country collapses.

Slowly but surely Anon. Just wait until Hofer is elected and the people of Germany look toward their southern brothers and want the same for their country.
They are sort of right you know.

Now why can't we do the same in Europe?
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>indigenous people of South Africa.
No such thing.
We offered once, if I remember right
You have no clue, i'm sorry.
It will never happen.
I still dream of migrating out of germany after i become an IT specialist but i don't know if i could leave my family.
Once Russia has a proper government and not a thug/mafia state whites from SA and later the US should be resettled in the Vladivostok region to keep China at bay.
At least he'd have fought, unlike you Swedecuck
It's bullshit. The blacks have never historically inhabited the Cape. The only people who did were the Khoisan, and they're completely different racially and culturally.
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