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This is not a drill. I urge anyone to get out of Indonesia before the 3rd of November. If you have any plans on visiting Indonesia around in November, you must cancel it right now. If you can't get out because of reasons, avoid any major cities, especially Jakarta, Lampung, Aceh, Bandung, Surabaya.

There will be a mass nation-wide demonstration by the opposition regarding the capital's election followed by a series of attacks towards the chinese and non-muslims.

Current status:
>The President is currently meeting ex-Gen Prabowo (the opposition leader) for the first time in 2 years to talk about the upcoming demonstration. A bold move in dire crisis.

>The police and military are setting some safe zones for the civilians around the capital if the demonstration ever breaks out of control.

Bloods will be spilt. Explosions will be heard. Heed my warning.
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Every click matters
You guys hated Dr Strange that much? damn.
Ah fuck I'm supposed to go there for work soon
>above australia

>polish flag

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>cyka blyat
So what's the low down on Indonesia?

What needs to be known?
So the island muslims are going to chimpout?
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>if the demonstration ever breaks out of control.
Please link to articles, m8.
Isn't 4chan banned in Indo? How are you posting?
theyre part of shitty slant-asia. about it.
My family is currently in Bali. What's going on OP?
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Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. I cancelled a trip to Indonesia weeks ago because I had a bad feeling about it. THIS IS FUCKING WEIRD!
shut up netherlands
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1. The opposition led by Gerindra Party is also supported by PKS, an Islamic Party that has direct connections to Muslim Brotherhood and many of its members are linked with terorrist organization like IS.

2.They are spreading false information, hoaxes and spins to make people start hating the government, the chinese and the non-muslims.

3. Yesterday, dozen of their supporters arrived at the capitals by boats and other transportation (pic related). Many more will come.

4. Their numbers easily exceed 2 millions all over the country. They will move 500k people to march for the capitals on the 4th November.

I'm currently compiling some data and articles.
Let's hope it gets bloody, we can dispel the
>le good not violent Asian muslims
meme. All boats WILL be turned back.
Fuck why are Islamists such an unflushable turd?

How safe is Bali? My family is there right now. Should I be scared OP?
I have a flight through Jakarta airport on Nov. 5th. The airport will be fine right?
>I urge everyone to get out of Indonesia

Unless you're a drunk Aussie fuck in Bali any human should not be setting foot in a third world subhuman infested island shithole.
Terima kasih. Got friends over there and want to make sure they are safe.
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>They are spreading false information, hoaxes and spins to make people start hating the government, the chinese and the non-muslims.

This sounds very suspiciously like a CIA op. Especially if they have direct IS/Muslim brotherhood connections.
> nonviolent Asian Muslims

Who believes this? Paki Islamists are bloodthirsty mongrels, as are Bangladeshi, Indonesians and Malaysian Islamists. Guess what's common between them?
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Is this how Singapore pays terrorist organizations to enact revenge for the haze for all these years?

Fuck indoniggers.
>attacks against Chinese and non Muslims

I'm okay with this. PRIBUMI STRONG!
Using google DNS

Bali would probably be fine, they are protected by local gangsters that even the radicals are afraid of them.

Yes, airports, embassies and government offices are vitals area, they will be tightly guarded.

Fuck my family is in Bali, they live there. How bad will it be in Bali? I know the Balinese hate Muslims
What about outside the airport? I have a hotel booked for one night (Nov. 4) about 5km from airport to wait for a flight the next morning.

So what's the deal with Bali? I know they're majority Hindu. Is that why muzzies don't like them?

> protected by local gangsters that even the radicals are afraid of

Fuck really? What kind of gangs? Mafia shit?
Better spend it in the airport leaf
Yeah dude mafia. They run the island. In Bali you respect the locals or you get jumped by 20 that don't even know each other
Bullshit. Most jakartans will support Ahok. The Muslim bigots have no power in the military anyway. Everything will be fine.
Fugg. Are tourists OK? My family is visiting.
>4. Their numbers easily exceed 2 millions all over the country. They will move 500k people to march for the capitals on the 4th November.
Like Mussolini did or more like the French do every 4 months?
Everything will be fire, check em
I don't know about what's going on right now. But generally yeah tourists are safe in Bali because tourism is the islands main source of income. There has been a surge in crime in the more touristy areas within the past 5 years though.
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So, what?
Examples of their recent hoax:
500 Chinese Troops Will Protect Ahok (The Chinese-Christians Governor Candidate) In The Upcoming Election

There are hundred of other articles, I'm too lazy to search for it

You can stay inside the airport.

It's true, they are a bunch of nice guys if you treat them nicely. But they have a puputan code (similar to jihad or bushido). They will fight to death to defend their ideals.

The Jakartan dont know shits if they are suddenly flooded by raging idiotic radicals from Sumatera and other regions. They don't know how crazyly barbaric these Islamic Radicals is.
Looks like it will be the bersiap all over again.
If there's one thing in abundance in Indonesia, it's people sitting around with nothing better to do that waiting for some shit to start then going batshit crazy. The term run amok actually comes from Indonesian - they invented it. I bet the Chinese are shitting themselves. Last time I remember this happening in the 90's, thousands of Chinese were raped, murdered and beaten up. Good times.
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Daily reminder Mudslimes are a cancer.
Yes, most people here are ignorants until shits start hitting the fans.

Can you elaborate?
Bro u could get arrested for posting that
Singapore is crazy. I have a singaporean friend that was critical of the government, now he gets followed every time he enters Singapore

indonesians go on semi-regular anti-chinese pogroms. last one i remember was in the 90's and they killed and raped thousands.

malays hate chinks.
That's when the Japanese trained death squads started chomping out and lynching British, Dutch and mixed people. I'm surprised you don't know about it. It was the whole reason for the police actions.
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Speaking of things people in this thread could get arrested for displaying on their screen..
>attacks on non Muslims

Sounds safe
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>malays hate chinks
So does every respectable person. Chinks are one category below sub-humans, they are flat out inhuman. Mindless, automatic drones, like ants whose only purposes in life are to work, feed a giant lazy queen (their commie govt) and breed, disregarding every other being even in their closest vecinity unless in direct harm, the only difference is that ants can form lines.

Chinks don't have the tiniest trace of respect for your country's culture nor the minimum intention of adapting to it, even 2nd generation immigrants won't speak the host language properly and won't even look at your eyes when you're talking to them.

Seriously, fuck chinks.
Then I shall go home and defend my country from the radicals. Indonesia is not and will never be a muslim country.
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Yeah, they sometimes talk like it was never happened and it was only false flags so people would sympathize with the Chinese. But, they are often made a threat of they would do it again. Just like /pol/ and the holocaust.

Oh, right, I forgot about that.

The President: Demonstration Is Your Right, But Don't Force Your Goal

Some news:
The President Ordered The Police On Alert For The Upcoming Demonstration

Munarman: The 4th November Demonstration Will Be Attended By 500 Thousands People

The Congress Speaker Worried That The Demonstration Could Be Toyed by Some Groups

The Police Won't Bring Guns On The 4th November Demonstration

Pic related is their piece of propaganda, they are inviting civilians, polices and soldiers to join them at the demonstration.
Yeah, come back home.
Some weeks ago they were making rallies about some Anti Shiites stuff. I wonder why the fuck the they hate the Shias so much. They are fucking tame compared to the radical muslims like the wahabbis or the salafists.

>get arrested for posting BASED LEE KUAN YEW dropping red pills

Fuck off Malay. Don't you have ITE classes to attend to?

so its basically a dumb mud shit uprise.
and the Indonesians will fight the mud shits, i got it now
stay safe faggot
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At least keep the thread up with some content man.
>hoaxes and spins to make people start hating ... the chinese

Yeah, like they weren't hated already. Whenever there is other fuckery going on the Indonesians don't waste the opportunity for some violence against the Chinese.
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have a karen bump then
Already better.
Why do the Chinese even keep living there? They aren't poor, are they?
>dad gone on holiday to bali with his mates
>melbourne cup tomorrow

p-please stay safe

For the same reason jews live in other places than Israel and the US.
Oh well i've got some "info" that this demonstration will be an epic fail. Don't worry mate 8^)
God there's nothing worse than Australians on holiday in Asia with their mates.
Not for the people who sell them off on fake cash scams.
I'm sorry, I'm on my way to the airport right now. Posting with my phone with shitty internet connection.
I'll be back up in 4 hours or so.
You can let this thread, I can make another one later and maybe post some background stories.
nothing will happen there, bali is too far from jakarta
You can let this thread *die.
Just wait for it, okay?
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Alright, I'm afraid I won't be around for that one though. I'll keep an eye on the latest developments the coming days.
Don't you slopey jungle gooks even think about coming this way
>tfw gf is chinese, living in a chinese neighbourhood in Jakarta

Oh don't worry. Most of the rich ones already have their slush fund accounts in Singapore. You can't stop the rich and the corrupt from going to Australia, white trash.
Why do ploppers and bogans hate each other so much?
Phew, thanks anon I was worried.
Casus belli acquired.

Also, more fuel to Trump's fire.
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You just made an enemy for life
Even if this is a hoax, fuck you OP I'm legitimately scared
Senpai lets do this together
>Bloods will be spilt. Explosions will be heard. Heed my warning.
calm the fuck down 2 biggest muslim organization refused to participate
we need to kick out all FPI Araboo and habib riziek retard from there and put a hard measure just like we did 30 years ago
and somebody please drag Prabowo to Den Haag for East Timor massacre we are tired of this power hungry manlet
>tfw i was in the original atoms thread
my sides is still up there somewhere
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>tfw I wish I knew what you were talking about
>tfw it seems awesome
>tfw nobody will probably reply to me to explain
>tfw I just want to understand atoms
Thread posts: 86
Thread images: 19

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