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Please help, South African here.

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Hello /pol/

I have actually never been on this forum, but i heard on the internet that many of you are God keiser Trump's people, i am writing to you as a cry for help.

At the current moment we are facing great struggles in south africa and the other countries, we have build our own cities and we try to hold our ground but we are not winning this battle, we need to get out, we need to get home. Please sign this petition so that we atleast can force people to hear our cry for help.

Thank you for your patience, i will reply if anyone has a question or anything like that.


Fok... Ok i will just go to work then lol
Bump for OP
22,340 needed to reach 75,000
Thank you, you all seem quite preoccupied with the United States of America election.
Signed, friend.
Thank you aswell sir! Yes we are almost there, important part is that it is 75 000 people OUTSIDE South Africa that have signed (I am cheating since i study in Noorwey)
shouldn't have invaded the black mans territory in the first place
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Much appreciated friend! My hopes are not high for help but if people atleast know that we are dying then i am happy, the foking worst is that nobody knows.
Come to the US too.
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Fuck off cunt

I await your return brothers
u fckin w0t cunt

I'm with her you little shit.

back to centrelink with you, coon

signed it for you OP
This shit needs to get out there.

What has happened to the whites of SA is criminal. They have been blacklisted by the west because of some misconstrued idea about 'much raaaaycism'. What we are doing by letting this happen is leaving them to be slaughtered.

All that want to leave SA should be able to do so without impedance. A quota system could be set up, for instance US take 20%, UK 5%, NZ 2%. Its a no brained as we would actually be taking in people with skills who can actually assimilate quickly and make an immediate contribution to their new nations.

I'd happily sponsor a white Saffer to relocate here. Unfortunately the only way you can do it is by pretending to be a faggot and telling the authorities you're in love and need to live together. But hey, money can change hands, you've got a bro to hang out with, get pizza and swap girls with. And after 2-3 years once he's been able to bring his family safely over have a divorce.
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Yeah nah cunt, plebbit is that way aye


Get ucked m8
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Thank you Krokodil
The whole world is now in trouble. Can't you remove the googles? Nobody would care.
I hope they take notice of this, but it might help if you say 'persecuted ethnic minority' instead of 'white' you know how the euros are about hating white people.

Would you mind going into more detail about the situation in South Africa? Things that we may not know about. It's not really shown much on the news here.
are you a boer
signed, i hope niggers will not use this to come to Europe with you
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this is Australia's real flag.
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>bump for justice
No one is gonna mention that OP is in Norway?
Hey yes but ons built this place, suid afrika was nothing, foking nothing before we got here. If we did not get here then it would all be desert today. You troll.
I'm not sure Europe is where you would want to be, seeing how the EU is turning it into South Africa. But I'll bump, and good luck.
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Fuck them. After seeing the south African students attack science and talk about witch craft they've made it clear that civilization is not for them and they can fuck off into aides town.
yeah but I signed it anyway
Ja you know if ANYONE opened the door we would come at once, even if it was in north africa.
Thank you
Thank you so much, everyone is important in this struggle.
Why do you have a Norwegian flag?
Thank you brother, Anglo and Nederland are the spine in our white community!
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Does Europe REALLY need any more refugees? You're white. Start acting like it and fight back instead of running away. If you lose it to a pack of niggers, it wasn't yours in the first place.
Get this out /pol/. Schengen visas and a weak currency are keeping us at a stranglehold. We are not as rich as the media points us out to be and we are at a cultural dead end. White culture can't be freely expressed in our own country anymore
I will sign for you, godspeed anon.
Signed, hope you can return. Where in Europe does your family originally come from? Germany?
man, white people in europe are already forgotten by their government, so imagine South Africa
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You think you so sterk? Say your tricks to my face and see how werklike you really are!
Germany? lel why don't you try Netherlands or UK first those are the most likely countries.

Why are amricunts so fucking dumb.
Thank you so much! It warms my heart that you took your time too sign sir.
One part of my heritage is German.
Indeed and the deepest regret will be those who deared set foot in in a white mans country.

What skills do your people have? Ranchers, farmers, brick Masons, hunting, ? Serious question, could help narrow down options.
defend your land with force
i have heard a decent amount about the situation, libs let shit get out of hand. subverted into believing multikulti utopia bs.


thread theme
All I'm saying is that I don't care what color they are, I don't want any Africans in my country and I'm not going to sign a petition for them to be sent to any other country if I don't want it in my own.

Besides for every one based South African white refugee, I'm sure that are a dozen degenerate white nigger refugees that would go with them.
Fuck off back to Redfern faggot
It was just a guess Anon, settle down before the sharia police come.
Hold on a little longer and the nationalist parties will be eager to accept huge swathes of productive white people.

You're what immigrants and refugees are supposed to be. Not millions of neolithic savages imported as a civilization-ending humanitarian effort.
>shouldn't have invaded the black mans territory in the first place

actually, what's interesting about that is that europeans reached the southern tip of Africa before africans did.

South Africa was literally built by europeans. It was not "colonized" by them.

Africans came later and they saw that european agriculture and governance had made something great.
If it wasn't for apartheid, blacks wouldn't buy the communistic BS and you wouldn't get troubles.
You create your problems by yourself.
Also fought against based Hitler.
Excatly! The system is foked, suid africa is not a third world country but that is just since many of us hold the economy up! Life is crazy no especially for us born after the power change, millions in slums and nobody thinking about us, devil be blood we really need help.

It showes good strenght from you that you are willing to go so far to help us! :D Here take some Yo Landi as a treat
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ahahahah your people have been tripled fucked. all your good for now is to be skinned and kills by niggers


Also signed. Normally id tell someone to stay and fight for their country. But SA is a different situation.

I'd imagine 99% of whites are redpilled and realise there's little left for them there. On top of that most of us in the west have already formed an incorrect opinion about their beliefs, motives and situation.

Id also suggest we allow the few remaining Zims and Swazis in as well.
The Dutch should take the most, after all Afrikaaners are a Dutch heritage. After Afrikaaner SA is anglo and Germanic.
I'm cool with the USA taking 20%, but Britain and the Netherlands need to be taking 20% and 60% respectively
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My googles? Why? i need to be able to see while i live Transylvania, when i am dead or in another country with welfare i can have eye surgery :D
Get the fuck Outta MY country chink
It would be so satisfying to see South Africa implode if all whites suddenly left.

I often fantasize about what would happen if all whites suddenly left the US and the 'minorities' would be left to fend for themselves.
googles mean niggers here
Yes ofcourse i can tell all, but i must be honest to begin with, i am part of the lower classes and i live in a krotbuurt (Ghetto) and not in a nice white town like Orania (I wish i could afford to move ;____;)
What exactly is the difference between a farmer and a rancher anyway? We mostly just say "Bauer" to mean both; is it something to do with what they specialise in?
source on this info?
Also yeah much nicer wording man, i never get you other white people you are so mythical, next time we will try with a different wording in the petition.
You sure about that timeline? can you cite?
I guess you could say that, i dont speel any game here but i speak "English" as i have been told by other people.

but will it even do anything

militias when?
Thanks friend, no this is just for us nobody else, we want a special status so we can APPLY for refugee so we can go away from South Africa, South Africa is rich so you can not become a refugee when you are south african. This petition is for all white people in south africa, but also in other countries in africa.
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More important than the world knows and cares about, we're too concerned with saving shitskins who hate us. Come home white man, get out or you'll all die there within 2 generations.
You would probably be better off going to Russia, or one of the good white Slavic countries that refuse to accept blacks and Muslims, like Slovakia or Czech Republic.
Good noticed ;D Currently studying in Noorwey
Why the fuck is a Norwegian LARPing as an African?
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come home white man
Sorry that the world is such bs, SA anon. We are fighting hard here to reverse the poison of Marxism/Globalism and usher in a new wave of Nationalism, and I think we are going to win here. If you guys can hold out long enough, we should be able to help you, but this shit takes decades.. Feels bro, I will be rooting for you.
Also, OP welcome to /pol/.

Your first time here you say. Stick around, I'm sure you'll find things you like. I think you'll learn a bit too.
There is alot of harsh terrain between central and west africa and greater South Africa.
The dutch didn't encounter any native populations for 100 years until they expanded up the eastern coast and came into contact with the Xhosa - who lived in hilly northeast south africa.
When the British took control of the colony in 1806 they didn't come into contact with the Zulu until some 20 years later - when the Zulus were expanding southward and the British expanding northward

Nah, I don't think this is a Larp, he's pure newfag, doesn't even know about the Googles.
I was under the impression all of the white population of Zimbabwe fled to South Africa
When I think rancher, I think live stock only in massive quantities. Famer I think of mostly fields of crops with maybe a side live stock operation.
Thanks, but i tell you dont you ever say that again. I live in hell and when i go back there it will still be hell, I am in Europe now and i tell you this is a dream, everyone is so nice, niemand are trying to sakkeroller me or kill me, yes there are niggers but man if they try anything there will be blood.

What i am trying to say is that this is home and this is safe, if anything think about that we will bring with us the experiences of living under black rule, we vote good.
We subverted social media filters by using common company names to refer to various demographics :^)

I signed your petition though does a change.org petition ever actually accomplish anything?
thank you friend it is very good of you to sign, thanks so much.
HAHA! Yes and that is just a little taste, i am still being called priveligeeg even tho i got here only on my school grades.
Thanks also for signing sir!
Thank you then, when we can leave we go and never come back. Black man can have it.
Since i study in Norway, very nice country but the temperature was something to get used to
Man dont be like that.... You live in USA? Why did you not win CSA civil war? Same thing, not my fault that international community strangeled South Africa and Rhodesia until the ANC won, no white rule anymore only survival.
If he's that much of a newfag, he should lurk moar.
Duder types like he's a 16 year old girl. I'm not buying it. He's either larping or he's a proxyfag who's larping and calling it trolling.
If he's the real deal then he can fuck off. I don't want any more refugees in my goddamn country. Sure they're white but they're Africanized nonetheless.
Ja man vertel die world! Everyone asks if my family was pro or anti apartheid and if it is so nice in South africa as in the movies, i tell them i dont know i am poor, they dont belive me ;__;
Thank you so much sir!

I was too. I honestly believed all the whites in Zim had fled. But recently NZs cricket team toured Zimbabwe. There were plenty of local white families in the stands.
The so-called confederates were traitors. Their officers should have been hanged and thrown into unmarked graves and their wives raped by the niggers they used to own.
That makes sense. Thank you.

I know you have it worse down there and I feel an apology is in order; but that still literally is the idea behind the EU. Stay safe. Norway is still safe. They are not EU.
Netherlands friend :) But we must also save the Germans in Namibia, the Deutschnamibier. They are also in danger.
Thanks friend for signing, everyone is one block on the road towards victory!
Hey thanks for defending me but friend he just asking questions, he meant no harm.
Hei Norge :)
>Invade our land
>Take our resources
>Take and Enslave our people
>Push there culture on ours
>Mfw "Why are they killing us? WE DIDN'T DO NOTHING!?"
Good question sir, a wide spectre. Some are good educated and have many skills in sciences (We are the motor in SA science industry) but society has been put on its head after the blacks got power, many of the people i grew up with are dead or just living in poverty, my best friend is guarding my home while i am here in Norway, he lives behind the wall of my home and his skill is that he can shoot and fight, so not all of us are of "value" but we can do easy jobs like cleaning and farmwork, above average intellect and easy to follow orders, the white african is a hardworking person and with a deep respect for authority, sorry for not being highly educated population anymore.

Well, i screwed up.

The indigenous people in what later became cape town where the Khoikhoi. And the europeans did displace them. That society basically vanished.

The people who are the current blacks in SA are descendants of the Xhosa and the Zulus.

The Xhosa people settled eastern south africa, and got about as far as the Fish River.

The europeans established cape town, and moved eastward, and ran into the Xhosa at the river. Fighting ensued.

"The Xhosa are part of the South African Nguni migration which slowly moved south from the region around the Great Lakes, displacing the original Khoisan hunter gatherers of Southern Africa.

Xhosa people were well established by the time of the Dutch arrival in the mid-17th century, and occupied much of eastern South Africa from around the Port Elizabeth area to lands inhabited by Zulu-speakers south of the modern city of Durban.[6]

Xhosa people, 1848
The Xhosa and white settlers first encountered one another around Somerset East in the early 18th century. In the late 18th century Afrikaner trekboers migrating outwards from Cape Town came into conflict with Xhosa pastoralists around the Great Fish River region of the Eastern Cape. Following more than 20 years of intermittent conflict, from 1811 to 1812 the Xhosas were forced east by British colonial forces in the Third Frontier War."


So, it's true that the europeans displaced one group to found cape town, but the Xhosa people, and Zulu people, who later engaged in multiple wars with the europeans, had never reached the cape.

In fact, the Khoi for a while fought with the europeans against the Xhosa.

The modern blacks in SA are primarily descended from Zulu. As such, they have no claim to the cape colony. They post date european settlement.
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Yes but what difference? i got a geweer and pistool but what then? I kill some niggers and then what? I tell you we are stuck in the system in a cock situation! We try with white only cities and towns but thats the upper class and the middle calss, my class, the lower class, we have no way out. either you stay in the ghetto and fight the eternal war or you get out with education like i am trying to do.

Americans are really uneducated media controlled fools.

What a retard.
I'd sign. I imagine a country of nigger dominance would bring a bunch of Die Antwoord types over there though.
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Why these Africans never developed and chose to love in harsh terrain?
Or a Shit ton of future republicans
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You tuff in real life? Sure many of us are wild but fok we must still be better than foking niggers.

If they won they wouldn't be traitors. Lincoln would be clearly.
Thank you that was nice f you to say
If your mother had a dick, she would be your grandfather. They lost and therefore they are traitors.
The Whites are losing in South Africa. Whatever is happens to them is their own doing. May God have mercy on them. History will not.
YES! That is the truth! it was foking nothing here before we came, badboys want to say that it was african before us but there was NOONE here, only in the north of South Africa was there anyone atall before us, its like Israel, before when it was palestinia it was desert.

Alright here are the sources, now prove all these wrong by that /pol/ logic yall got here.
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... Lets BOTH try to fight todays fight instead of yesterdays fight please.
Thanks friend

Change back to strict segregation. Make the Boer Republic great again.

black history top kek.

Signed, it's time to come home boys
You are a waste of white skin
>History will not.
Why? They didn't do anything wrong. It's the rest of the Western world that went full SJW on them.
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Noone cares about online petitions. The apartheid was your only chance for a safe homeland. You lost. Now you will either leave or get killed. Sorry.
Thanks for signing and understanding our plight sir!
Signed. Godspeed friend!
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Why did Europeans want to colonize shit African country and not great historic country like Egypt? And our women are at least more fuckable than blacks. The Brits were only here for 30 years and it wasn't anything but a military base.
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Now i want you to get killed there, Like i was going to sign now i know your as Trash as everyone here. Get Skinned fucker.
resources, nigga.
Hah, i think it would fall apart very fast lol, even tho we also are poor the loss of all of us will cripple the economy.
oh thats cool then
Just claim that you're all black south African refugees from Syria and they'll let you right in.
>Why did Europeans want to colonize shit African country and not great historic country like Egypt?

wasnt Egypt under the Ottomans during the height of Colonialism?

At that time that part of the continent had no nignogs and mudslimes.
We are surviving but there is no future, militia in white only towns, white gangs in white krotbuurts both protecting and harassing.
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NO FUK HEAD YOU DO WHAT ISIS IS DOING, with car bombs and terror, fucking sand niggers have more courage than cucked jew controlled whites. War is Literally LIFE according to white ancestors, This is simply true, your brain washed and stupid. ISIS rejoice at the ability to fight and to die, you just want an easy life. are you a cow ? NO you are far worse, because a cow cannot conceive of any other way.

The moment when living is all that matters, you cease to be a man and become an animal. Simply true
Also thank you for signing! It is important since it is going to the EU and they need to discuss it if we get 75 000 signers, also it goes to UN. We just want refugee status so we can apply for living in other countries. as it is now we need to be RICH to move anywhere
Sorry but you're not brown or muslim, the EU doesn't want you.
New fag is still thinking about the UN, when the UN is the people who fucked you to beginning with.

Here we are trying to dismantle the UN so that people can kill each other without outside interference. if this were to happen. it will be the liberation of the white race.

I'll help. Become an assassin and learn to take care of your problems instead of being such a whiny little bitch.
dont be an edgelord

not even australia likes you. you are supreme assholes. why don't you just do what everybody else does and establish a foothold in the countries you want to move to and bring eachother over? works here in america, every ethnic group has done it
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Yes we go when we can, everyone who gets rich move out of SA before it to late, i am planning on finishing education then get citizenship or something in ANY country in Europe, then if she still wants or is still alive i will marry my childhood friend Anke and get here togheter with me whereever what country i live in
I know a few springbok and proteas supporters, and none of them want to leave south africa, even though they admit the economy is in the shitter.
What is your problem?
Signed. Thankyou for bringing attention to this OP
White people just wanna get away from warmongering scum, work hard, and live in peace. We fight only when necessary and just build up our communities otherwise. You'll never understand.
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Principle of Polarity

The Principle of Polarity embodies the idea that everything is dual, everything has two poles, and everything has its opposite.[6] All manifested things have two sides, two aspects, or two poles.[7] Everything "is" and "isn't" at the same time, all truths are but half truths and every truth is half false, there are two sides to everything, opposites are identical in nature, yet different in degree, extremes meet, and all paradoxes may be reconciled.[8]

Middle Pillar Jews; so sneaky.
Yes please any country in Europe or ANZAC/USA/South America. We cant just move anywhere, you need money to move and very few of us are in a position to just move anywhere. We need refugee status then we can move, when i grew up all i knew was the hood and the street where we played, i never saw the sea before i was 23.
WTF I hate whitey now. Cuck.
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You know OP, I agree there are alot of white people in South Africa that are getting killed by blacks or Africans and it is a problem there, i sympathize.

But, You just seem like a trashy person. I kinda thought you'd be a guy who didn't know much about the internet and you stumbled apon some stupid forum, but no you sound like you practically belong here and thats terrible.

You having the /ss/ flag and all that "Niggers ruin everything shit" Then the cultural superiority complex too. You don't deserve to be around people.

Your family can Come to Switzerland or whatever but, you can get skinned. We don't need anymore /pol/ men.
Fok you man, just sign the petition or fok off
You're gonna make it brah
One more signature for the cause. Best of luck to you.
Ja please help us by signing the petition sir!
Thanks sir
Youre born there fucking stay there and die protecting your sovereignty
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Huh. Andre 3000 kinda looks like Frederick Douglas
Thanks sir, yes things are turning in the west. Just by being here i have seen many thing, you have the French and the Austrians, ADF and Hungary Jobbik, much is changing. If we dont get refugee status within the next 20 years we will still be there but it will be only 1 million or something like that, those in white only reservations and guarded cities will survive, what i am worried about is the poor whites that have no options in life, it is a hard fight just to survive in streets of blood.
Nogs outnumber us 10 to 1
Thanks, you seem like a nice and very diverse crowd. Many topics on the first page and many opinions :) I will keep koming here and looking at the discussions and maby participating.
There are around 20 000 left, some who lived to far out in the countryside to be influenced by the war, they stayed and toiled the soil even until today.
Wtf South Africans are the best bros of all. Better bros than fucking usa by a long shot
Thank you that was informative, also thanks for signing the petition. Yes when it reaches enough people we can send it to EU and UN and they have to atleast discuss it, if nothing people will have to see that we are asking for help. (Important this is petition of people outside SA, so it is not just us who are whining about things)
Kill yourself faggot
Yes but just like most of the empire, Europeans preferred the land to be in ottoman hands as some kind of stable buffer zone. British only occupied at end of 19 century so they have the new canal.
You can say that, this is your forum and that is cool. Listen dont fok me, dont you ever fok me. wh-no wait i will not get mad you are not worth it your foking mental i dont WANT to come to your country, i bet you are a black girl.
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Fuck no, I don't want to get flooded with white trash with no education or work experience.

I signed it for you. good luck. I doubt this goes anywhere though.
Wow, my people fought against the English settelers many times but damn you are cold, i would never say such a thing about the Anglos even tho they took the country from us, you are so full of hate.
Thank you, no apology is needed i understand that you meant no offence.

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I notice how rednecks and militia's are mostly mom violent even though arguably just as retarded as urban black gangster. Even though white trash with 2nd amendment machine guns, they still not all that violent and prefer to live in isolation doing fuck all, just shooting cans and getting drunk. They are racists but rarely act on it unless you really do something stupid. Maybe biker gangs but even they are not all that hostile.

Whats wrong with whites?

nah, it's just that cuck loving yankee.
So it's a fair fight
Dankie vader!

Why do you need permission from the EU?
No he is just a swartneger vader, dont waste time on him
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Heeey my vriend wat my konfyt and melody! :D That is the hottes thing in my hometown, not wanting to scare you but most of us are like that except the upper classes who live outside the slums and the big cities.
Since they are lazy, its like how the USA developed Alaska, also hello Egypt i heard that they say you stole their faraoes and kings
Yes ofc why would any vote for Hillary?
Great man
Bumped and signed
I wish but we are 10 % of population
You made yourself look like a complete retard.

Please take this as a learning experience and an opportunity to learn about South Africa's history.
Dankie Vader! Lank lewe Geert wilders.
Thanks Leonidas
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>tfw our jungle is poorly inhabited
>tfw want to give some of that land to the Boers so they can have their own country
>Remember that I'm too nationalistic and giving our clay away is a bit cucky

Wew lads better luck next time
Yes we leave, when we become refugee status we can leave.
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Ok Leaf bitch, Give me a brief summary of South Africas History Detail-to-Detail. You act like a know it all type of person so you explain this shit to me then. ill even fact check it.
Thank you friend! Every bullet/vote is of value when fighting for survival.

This, if Trump wins it needs to be a priority of his administration importing tens of thousands of white South Africans to re-balance the declining demographics of swing states and perhaps change some others. Make them all settle in the southern states and Florida.
You cant colonize Egypt, there are humans living there lol
How? Since i said "Hey man thats cool and all but lets not fight"? Wow words out of my mouth gets me killed ion your mind, wow you are .. well enjoy your life choices
Thank you so much sir, your help is very helpfull
Hah yeah, i dont hink a trek across africa with 5 million whites would end with victory
i signed, good luck white man


Blame your failed education system. Do not come cry on /pol/ oh show me..blah blah blah. Educate yourself.

Imagine we could import all of those into our most 'diverse' towns and cities. Just that many into London would make it majority white again.

It definately has to be priority of nationalist governments and parties in Europe to use this to shore up the demographics of some of the worst hit parts of Europe.
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>Old /SS/ flag
>"Le this place would not, have been built without my people" arguement
>Cultural superiority complex
>Says "Nigger" probably outside of this place
>Fits in here way too fucking much

There are so many good people in your country that are actual bros and help everyone like the Doctors, and Shelter people and you want me to sign a Document to save your Faggot ass?! Might ass well tell Vlad to shove the spear up my ass.
Put your family on the ship and you stay there with the Black panthers and there AK-47s.
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Mein Neger
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>Most Irrelevant country in the world trying to give me a lesson

Lol honestly thought The Netherlands didn't even exist anymore.
White people are like apes. We can fight viciously to establish the hierarchy (only if necessary) and then exist peacefully from there. Darker skins are like chimps non stop fucking and fighting. Only a constant threat of violence keeps the dark animals in line.
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>t. your government actively suppressed whites in Africa
You dont know me. Dont ever think you understand! I aint not scared of shit! Barre moenie naai met my Ek sal jou gesig smash, fok you bitch i dare you to survive one week in a krotbuurt on your own, you will get dead. I grew up with plastic windows and a simple wooden door, we always have guns and that was how you keept safe, now listen there is no foking around, i know everyone in the street. they know me and when you someone that do not live there you get him if he tries something, foking lazy you are, i bet you live in a nice apartment in a block. I dont know if your white but if you are you are my bloed but you are so onnosel, so stupid. "Become an assassin" lol you for real bloed? Just sign the petition dude. i hate you.
Why can't you save for a tourist visa and go to Poland or something? Once in, go to Germany and claim asylum.

Better yet why doesn't some rich boer offer "flight deal packages" for $100 supplementing the costs so everyone can do it?
Yeah what is the deal
>Give me a brief summary of South Africas History Detail-to-Detail

>Invade our land
>Take our resources
The land was "populated" by a few semi-nomadic hunter gatherers. Nothing was stolen from them.

>Take and Enslave our people
Untrue, it was deemed improper to enslave the locals; Europeans imported slaves though.

>Push there culture on ours
What? The locals were left to their own device, though trade probably occurred?

>Mfw "Why are they killing us? WE DIDN'T DO NOTHING!?"
The few natives populating SA prior to European settlement actually fought on the side of the Europeans against the Zulu invaders.

The niggers currently occupying SA are literally invaders.
You tuff
Man that is their choice, we other who live in the shit need to get away.
signed. I wish your people all the best, but I know we will soon be fighting for our survival too, unless we do something about it now
No sir, thank you for signing! It is the least i can do, afterall i was born in the krotbuurt, i want to help my people to get away, not everyone has the brains to study and get out.


Yes, just let us in and we will be eternally greatful. Sure we are a bit ruff and unpolished now but give us some years in a safe enviroment and we will be just like you!

Signed. good luck dude! listen to dia antword maybe they will get you a plane ticket

t. forced decolonisation along with the Soviets

Hang yourself murripig. You 'people' have more responsibility for how things are now than any other country on the fucking planet.
God luck friend
Geh arbeiten, Mehmet
Signed. I guess SA is proof of what happens when whites are the minority. A grim future for Europe in the next 100 years.
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My friend, that was a picture of a Namibia German holding the flag of the German Empire, the Empire that his forefahters came from, trash? Yes people say that but everyone would be trash if they grew up in the conditions, this is the first time i even have had my own pc.

If you where the king and the one that decided things i would accept your judgement and be happy that my family got out, but luckeliy you are not the king.

I am just a white guy with glasses, trying to give something back to my people since i did good in school even tho there was no bus or no electricity when i learned to read.

If you think that makes me trash, then i am TRASH and proud. You weet niks about me.

Btw i found this site while looking at the USA election.
Thanks broer
Thank you! Every signature is a step towards the final victory!
22,268 needed as I am reading it

that means that after 221 replies from 87 posters, only 72 people at most actually signed from /pol/, not to mention the unrelated signatures.

god damnit why is aussie primetime so cucked

Thank you. You just have proved my point.
This is a thing i hear alot, but you guys dont get it, not really. Have you seen Chappie? Elysium Or District 9? You think "Ay man that was a good movie" ... We see those film and think "Eh bloed did you see your house? Nah broer but i saw Kurtz in the background, yeah where we used to play sokker when we where kinders"

You see what i am trying to say? THAT is the everyday life for many, when you go out of the moviehouse you go home to your nice home, when we go out the movie does not end, the DVD just ended but we are still in the movie.

No point in arguing with people who think Africa is a country.
Thanks, it is good to hear commonwealth countries still care about us
Ok you are nie my pa.
Thank you!
this is true, just do a bit of basic fact search and you will see.
Ah ok thanks
agreed, you really need to evacuate SA of whites (and all living things, really).

What is your personal plan? You realize that if this petition gets enough signatures, nothing will happen, right?
Since if they see us as refugees we can just come in, as it is now we get sent back when we try and hide. With refugee we can stay.

just kill the subhuman niggers
Thank you sir! Greetings from across the other side of the T-Rex
Heeey we are only 5-6 million, surely you can help us and give us a little slice :^) I can even guarantee a picture or a Brazilian of your choice in every Brazil-Boer home! Vargas? Pedro II? Take your pick and we will drink to him
You made a small spelling mistake there let me help you. Its not "thousands" its "Millions*" :^)
Thank you so much!
Yes please
I feel bad for you--assuming your story is legit, but 4chan can't really do anything unless our stupid hivemind is rallied behind a general cause (like lulz or electing a meme). This thread will go nowhere, man. I hope you realize that. Good luck to you, regardless.
Jesus stop complaining about the German holding the fokking German Empire flag. Not me, i am the guy with the glasses and the green suit, you clearly spend more time wathcing asian cartoons than reading, GUESS WHAT? I AM SAVED! I got education and i will get my closest out just as everybody else for SA is doing but i want do not want you to sign to help me, i want you to sign so that small girls age 12 do not need to sell their own bodies to support heir drug addiction! I want you to sign so that everybody can go to school! I want you to sign so that no white african needs to go hungry! I want you to sign so that people are not murdered because of thier skincolour! "Put your family on the ship" you belive it is that easy? Do you even have a FOKKING PASSPORT!? I bet you are one of those that say that you will move to Canada f Trump wins, thats not how borders work man, you can not just pack your shit and MOVE!

Great you actually got me mad.
Also, I recommend that you head to Germany as soon as possible; you can possibly explain your situation to them. I think they have some sort of constitutional amendment that proclaims that they cannot turn down a refugee that is fleeing a hostile government. Maybe a German anon can elaborate further.
Sorry ... Stuff like this happens when you live in a krotbuurt
holy shit you goober you don't have to reply to every single post
Hallo kameraad, i never meet a real German but i have talked to Namibiagermans on the internet, they miss you, you should visit more, you should go to Swakopmund, they only get liberals tourists and it really hurts German-German relations man, viel gluck broer!
i am okay with south africans of british origin coming here, but you should go to the netherlands if you are dutch t.b.h

I know one who wants to come, but needs sponsorship or something. It's not that they don't /want/ to get out.
>those few white people in South Africa managed to produce this
god damned embarrassment.
Signed good my good sir
Signed, good luck OP

Wat beteken 'sakkeroller'? En Engels, asseblief?
you do realize that the only thing or person of any importance from Macedonia in the entire historical record is so distant in the past that he predates the concept of the ethno state, right?
Signed as well! Any hopes of redeeming SA tho? Is there a chance for a new Boerstadt?
>we wuz have right to kill 'em becuz their ancestors sent some farmerz and improved our land and shieeeet
Good question sir, the thing is your country of ORIGIN = The country where you are a citizen, if it is NOT a flagged country then you can not seek asylum, as in if you go to Canada or mexico and apply for asylum you wil get rejected and get a notice that you need to leave at a specific date, if you overstay you will be gotten by polisie and they will escort you back to your country.

NOW if your country is FLAGGED as a refugee country you can apply for asylum, even when you are not in the country you can contact the UN or red cross and they will help ypu with the application.

As of now i am studying in Norway and when i am done i plan on getting citizenship and then getting my childhood friend and my closes family here, most likely only my friend since South africa is NOT flagged as a refugee country so only way i can get somebody out is with marriage, and in norway (Ihave checked) i need to be a citizen and i need to be able to support myself for 3 years before i can apply for marriage reunion.

That is how the real world works.

Yeah i would do it but it seems that the upper classes are comfy as always and we are talking about 5-6 million people and i paid 1100 Euros for the ticket to come to Norway and study here.... I did everything for those money and several of my friends helped me get enough money.

your parents should have shot you.

Czech repulic is full of them, and I have only met one that didnt try to sell me drugs in my time there.

His friend did.
Thanks sir! Yes we must soon all fight, our today is your tomorrow! You better vote right in the election and do everything you can to help your country.
signed from Oslo
Thanks sir! Yeah those are very popular in my circle, if you want to see my africa you can just see their music videos. Very realistic and authentic life, except they never film in the real 100 % slums.
Thank you friend!
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Signed ftw.

Maybe we should get boats and bring them home lads?
Thank you, every signature is valuable. Yes take my peoples suffering as a warning and use us as a excample when someone says "what is the worst that can happen?"
>Ireland seems to take a fair few south Africans in. If I was Taoiseach i'd take all of you in. We need more whites here.
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>Also fought against based Hitler.
>Russian Flag
I signed. A twitter campaign should be started desu.
78 is still more than 0!
never going to happen. It would be racist in there eyes to only let white people from africa imigrate
European Logic
>Easily accept visa applications from Mudslimes, poo in the loo's Chinks and grant them citizenship
>Make people who are your own blood wait over five years and better yet reject them half the time.
Our South Island is full of Afrikaners. It's partly thanks to you guys that we're keeping this country white.
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>ruin your own country to show the world how tolerant and not racist you are
>now you want to come here and do the same thing again
The Whites who voted to end apartheid were mostly of British heritage, and the people who want to go back are mostly of Dutch or French heritage. There is a diffrence.
>not Jewish
Come on Poland, I thought you were more red-pilled than that

is this ironic shitposting?

the fuck

Wait, since Africans invaded South Africa and took the white mans land, and are invading Europe now.

And are essentially enslaving the white people of those countries by taking their welfare and assets.

And are destroying European culture by negrifying everything...

are we in our rights to now genocide black skins off the face of the earth?
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I don't fucking want them, all of them. They will stay there and be genocided as per their original wish.
20 years and the same is going to happen to Sweden. You will see white swedes emigrating en masse and asking for asylum in EU

Same applies to them. They can fuck off and die in the country they've ruined themselves.
Their genocide will be an example
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All we need is to get refugee status, then we can get out and that is all.

My personal plan is to get done with my education (i am currently studying university in Norway, i saved up money, i borrowed money and i stole fokking money to afford the ticket) and when that is done i can get citizenship here in Norway and after that i will get married to my childhood friend Anka and then we will try to build a life here... Very simple stuff, i know i am very lucky and blessed by god to have a solid mind for school stuff, even tho my english is below the level that is the gold standard in the west. Maybe after that get some children and just watch them all go to school and always have food in the fridge and playing sokker without a parent guarding them with a automatic weapon since they will not get kidnapped, you know since the town and the country is safe ... I just want what "you guys" have, what my people lost.
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>i stole fokking money
Enjoy south african jail and being Mbotumbe's wifey ;^)
Also after this petition we still have our own petition and letters to the UN where we are proclaiming our plight, and after that another petition and another until one day we either get it or the ANC starts killing us and then we get refugee status.
>Whites dying in SA, former German colony.
>We take Algerians and "black Syrians" by the metric fuckton instead.
i fucking hate this country! it is hell on earth for a white person. every fucking sunday my maids only come in after church and i have to make my own coffee and breakfast. I cant take it anymore.
Thank you friend, i am happy nomatter what, we have gained several signatures from outside South Africa and that is worth gold for our cause.
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signed. although i would prefer to live here, if it was white :/
Sadly not that easy, our country is not flagged as a country where your life is in danger.


A short infolist for USA.

>posts picture of black people outside their natural mud hut
>complaints how bad white people made their lifes
It is the least i can do when they take the time to sign the petition.

>enslave our people

kek, who the fuck was enslaved?
I'm pretty sure that the Whites in South West Africa are not in that awful situation as the Whites in South Africa. They only have to ignore that the street names are being more often called after Communist bastards as Fidel Castro, but i visited Namibia, went to some German restaurants, and the People there told me that they are treated well, because the kaffers know that they need them because of economics. They miss Apartheid, but still don't wanna migrate back to Germany, because they treat that land as their own.
Yes that is logical, but keep inmind that we have interbreed much and it has really degenerated into skin colour.
Takk Norge :) Hvit mann!

>South African

Not surprised.

Also, I refuse to sign your petition. South Africans should not have divine right to live in European countries because you are white.

South Africa has got to be the only country in the world where the non-whites are better than the whites.
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Ta disse sote jentene du har, er minste jeg kan gjore som takk.
Thank you sir! God bless
You speak good, It means when somebody tries to take something from your pockets.
I know the struggle broer, but tell me where do you live? ghetto or nice place?
Google is 'nigger' because it makes Google censor themselves.
ooooooh epiese burnwound!
Well, he is American so likely not white.
The reason the niggers behave so well in norway is because they adopt the culture. It is not because it 'will be blood', if a nigger robs and kill someone here he gets 18 months (they call it two years because one prison year is 9 months) prison in a comfortable prison. The worst thing about prison is that they might get orange sorbet as desert two weeks in a row because they bought too much.
Thank you so much sir! Well maybe, we could but the numbers do not add up, we are 10 % of the total population, much of us are living in slums or ghettos as you say and are either badly educated or with no education.

Many are also out in the countryside, in small colonias roughly around 300 - 700 people, these small communities have closed the catches and barred the doors so they know what is happening, others like Orania are 100 % white town and many people dream of moving to one like that, i myself grew up in the krotbuurt and i did not even see the sea before i was a grown man, If i was a tactician i would 100 % pull out, we could in theory all move into one town and create our own country but the ANC stops all big adventures into such thoughts, the whites of SA are strong but there is systematic oppression and black empowerment stopping whites, like me i did not get a scholarship to attend uni in Norway. I had "voorreg" or privilege as you say, i was white and i should not get funding, even tho i live in a shack... So no there is no future, our culture and society has stagnated and without escape we will slowly die out or get massacred in a ethnic conflict, it was even then when i grew up "Us" VS "Them" Its just depressing man.
This right here, this is the truth.
Takk Norge :) Hvit mann!
Thanks! Yeah just remember to hide us so the police does not send us home again.
Thanks! I must apologies in advance if they cause a mess of things, many of us have never had a real home.
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make a new thread

bump limit is reached

past this >>95178384 #1

and post an alternate msg becouse the board might register it as spam if you copy everything
Bump. Start this thread again later so you'll get more US signatures. The current US time zones are from midnight to 6 in the morning.
Thanks! Yes that is a good idea, i would love to do it but i think i am not such a good image. Afterall 50 % of the replies are people calling me trash lol
No our tribe is in danger from a much larger tribe, same rules for everybody!
Thank you! We are good at that thing, 16 year old pregnancies ftw.
Fok you your entire country is build on irony

Only ISIS has the full support of the Jews, the same bastards are turning SA into a prison camp all with the help of the cucked govts. of the west.

>UN Reveals Israel’s Support for ISIS

>How Israel and ISIS are joined at the hip By F. William Engdahl


>Saving their sworn enemy: Heartstopping footage shows Israeli commandos rescuing wounded men from Syrian warzone - but WHY are they risking their lives for Islamic militants?

>ISIS: a Frankenstein monster created by the US and Israel

>Israeli commando filmed rescuing Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria

>Why Aren't ISIS and Al-Queda Attacking Israel?

>ISIS Proven to Be a Creation of the USA and Her Colonial Master, Israel

>The Fraud Of ISIS Exposed: Iraqi Forces Seize ISRAELI Supplied Weapons From Captured "ISIS" Positions

>The US/Israeli Created Fraud Called ISIS IS At It Again: ISIS/ISIL Documents "Found" In Pakistan State How ISIL (ISIS) Will End The World

>Analysis: ISIS poses no immediate threat to Israel

nigger are you actually replying to every post

MAKE A NEW THREAD >>95199484
Yeah .. enjoy trying to report a crime you fokking homoseksuele
South Africans deserve everything they get, ever since 1934. You want to live in Europe? Too bad. You could have had British citizenship but now its too late.

Have fun getting raped and murdered, traitor.
Haha baie snaaks Mister geld.

lets spice it up

Moenie huil nie, sal ons oorleef bloed, Ons tyd is nog nie verby broer!
Maybe you could contact the based South African that runs the History Reviewed Channel on YouTube. He also has a few websites. Maybe he could help get the word out. He's probably about ready to jump ship himself. I think he's originally from Zimbabwe so he's seen a good bit of shit go down.

History Reviewed Channel
In die hel brand England, but thats ok il fuck you up when i see you ;)
>free pussy riot shirt
You ain't helping your cause here mate with that shit. I'll sign but we don't need anymore white niggers. What is keeping y'all from killing all the black trash?
Yes thank you i understand now
aaaaaaah my bror dette er det galeste jeg vet om Norge! Fengslene er bedre enn skolene jeg gikk på i Sor Afrika.
Die Antwoord is just another kike invention to try to make being a poor drug addled nigger loving slut seem cool.

It isn't.
OP i want to thank you for your explanations throughout this awesome thread. I hope you will post this again and give us /pol/acks even more possibilities and options to support your cause
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