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Thread replies: 158
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Reminder that FBI anon predicted this new investigation by Comey

Reminder that the implications and suggestions tie to the groups and people in inner workings of what he told.

Reminder that he said the FBI would do something like this by the near end of the election to make Clinton back off so they don't have to fully prosecute near the entire government and have Trump just peacefully wrestle power from their corrupt hands and set them down to lay away til they whittle from the system.

I'm seriously terrified and euphoric.
What happens if they try
to kill Trump in a last desperate act?

What if a false flag happens that opens a distraction war and a hole to open martial law?

What if a military coup takes place against Trump or against Hillary depending on who they pledge allegiance to?

What if it's shown that child trafficking and murders are directly linked to a whole portion of the political heads internationally and domestically?

This is the greatest happening of our time, as of now...
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Never forget
I know hatchetman said people in the fbi wanted Clinton blood, are we sure Comey isn't just doing damage control to cover up losing control of the bureau?
I'm pretty sure the military are more likely to support Trump than they are Hillary.
Foot soldiers are one thing. Remember that we have special op contractors who stand to lose a lot of money if we stop the endless war.

Black water and other wealthy defense contractors are a danger to our government right now unfortunately.
reminder for anons to not stop digging through wikileaks and such as today's development could just be a huge false flag.

don't stop shitposting, digging, and spreading what's going on
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Read my pic
The FBI anon said they wanted to prosecute her but it implicated hundreds of highly powerful politicians and international figures and would be a logistical and national unstabilizing event if they tried to pull all those people to face charges.

Not to mention they could have lead in their head if they even tried to go full out with the info.

The FBI anon said that they would sit on the content to maek the Clinton's nervous, might speak about it befoe the election if Trump didn't look like he would win, then would under a Trump administration help to start prosecuting and bring those figures to justice as they drain the swamp of the corrupt officials either on the low or publicly.

Does anyone have the thread where the FBI anon pretty much predicted this months ago?
>Black water and other wealthy defense contractors

Blackwater/Xe/Academie are a blatant danger to the Republic. Mercenaries always screw over their benefactors. See: ancient Rome.
If they kill Trump, please, Ameribros,

start American Revolution 2.0
I'm a little disappointed we didn't get option A
I have not met another than Trump Supporter in the Marine Corps yet.
>I have not met another than Trump Supporter in the Marine Corps yet.
All FBI Anon questions

He said every fucking marine loved the God Emperor you fuckstain.

Semper Fi
Rp fag

This is what I was thinking. If that anonymous foxnews FBI agent is to be trusted (I don't see why not) people were fuming mad at the top down decision not to prosecute.

Someone or some people brought this to Comey, and Comey felt propelled enough to not only reopen the investigation, but also to notify congress.

So we're either dealing with CRAZY evidence or Comey is doing some serious damage control/soul searching.

Either way it's fucking huge.
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>on it
Cheese pizza?
(((They))) probably accepted their loss.
The economy on life support will be detonated and they will blame it on "Crazy" Donald and nationalism.

It still has a long way to go.
We need to redpill people on the dying economy and the Federal Reserve.
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The work on digging through Wikileaks doesn't stop
Recent leaks show more Doug Band/Teneo involvement

FBI is doing something to force Comey's hand
Weiner fell for the "honeypot" & may well be ratting everyone out
If anyone gets whacked, it won't be Trump.
That'll just make him a martyr
Hillary and Bill are becoming a liability for all those connected to her...
Everyone in my unit except for some Mexicans and bull dykes have hardons for Trump. And I think the mexicans are voting him anyway.
Fucking newfag. Cheese Pizza = CP = Child Porn
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Memo from Comey to staff today.

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It's spooky how accurate this poster was. He said Comey would come back before November after the Clinton's.
>Blackwater/Xe/Academie are a blatant danger to the Republic


the danger is the people who hire them.
any link to the chat logs?
it's hard to care about gamer gate when you don't play western games, sucks that our education is fucked though, but that's the kids problem
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Here ya go: http://i.sli.mg/WuG4nP.png
My theory is Comey is FBI anon. The first investigation allowed him to block any outs for a second one. We just had to keep Clinton, CTR and Lugenpresse busy.
I think it's both.
Someone showed Comey Weiner's phone and said, "Look at this fucking shit. We have to reopen."
Then he realized he had a golden opportunity to redeem himself.
Am i crazy or are there a bunch of emails about scalia's death in the wikileaks files from way before it happened? Can someone else make sure im not going crazy??

but also remember that FBI (comey) was being pressured by DoJ (and the shadow government) to *not* prosecute Hillary...

they might be using Weiner as an excuse to keep investigating on her, without the DoJ trying to protect hillary...
nice try mr ctr copy pasta
If he hadn't said some super racist shit (Not saying I disagree) this theory would be plausible.
checked and spooped
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>former Trump voter

There's no such thing. Good try, CTR.
holy shit. everyone read this. now
Never go full retard
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>try to kill Trump
Do you understand the concept of martyrdom and exactly what would happen if Trump were harmed in ANY way?
shame he didnt say Correct The Record™
One step at a time. It'll happen as long as we don't lose sight of our goal: massive turnout for Trump.
The non-coms support trump, a lot of the coms support trump

but at the very highest levels, the career politician I mean generals and colonels, are pure deep-state traitors.
is it summer already?
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Comey does Comedy
Comey is a Commie

pastebin plz
There were a few references.

The most compelling one imo was the reference to "wet works" (strange pluralization of spook phrase meaning murder) just as Scalia headed to Cibolo.

That same email also contained a reference to the murder of JFK Jr, who was going to run for Senate from NY but was killed so Hillary could win and have a faux political background (just like Obama) for her upcoming turn as President. The phrase was "pool parties at the Vineyard" - JFK Jr's plane was crashed just off Martha's Vineyard, and the Navy was scrambled to recover the wreckage to prevent any investigation.

There was also a strange email about a film, that clearly was referencing merging the US & Mexico, but to me that connection seemed more dubious (still possible).

Scalia was killed because he was going to be the swing vote against in "United States v. Texas," a mass immigration case where the gov't was arguing Obama had both the right to issue Exec Orders telling LEO not to enforce deportation laws (thus allowing millions of illegals to stay) while simultaneously declaring it illegal for states to enforce valid immigration law with their own borders.

Immigration is the Trojan Horse. By bringing in an invading army of millions of voters - who are promised a new life as long as they vote Dem forever, i.e. mass vote buying using the public money - the globalists would be able to seize control of the gov't forever.
Lol that's interesting!
if you're trying to conflate OP and Comey's announcement, then you're claiming OP predicted the future. how da fuck is someone going to know in advance that Weiner's phone would have a smoking gun?
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it's crazy obv youre a stupid slut trying to sound like a man
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>linking to images on an image board
>how da fuck is someone going to know in advance that Weiner's phone would have a smoking gun?
That's just their excuse for re opening the investigation.

It took me 45 fucking minutes to read that. Jesus fucking christ we are completly fucked. The corruption of that fucking bitch is truly unprecedented.
>but at the very highest levels, the career politician I mean generals and colonels, are pure deep-state traitors.

IMHO there are two types of generals (and officers) ...
>The administrative careerists who've made their mark knowing who's ass to kiss and kissing that ass. These are the faggots that support Shillary.

>Then there are warriors. The men who have been fighting the fight and who really know what the score is. These are the men who lined up with Trump.
I was JUST thinking this.
Yeah I think Comey is trying to make up for past mistakes, he will finally put this bitch behind bars
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>This is how Marines communicate
Does anybody else feel like our country may be on the verge of a second civil war?
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>inb4 the election cancels and we get ww3

i think this will happen
rare. pic related.
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bump cause I've been waiting for this thread for a while. Please dump FBI anon threads, I only read 1 or 2
good read
1: https://archive.is/JEXOo
2: https://archive.is/pgLpf
3: https://archive.is/0nuFe
4: http://archive.is/Wt2T0
5: https://archive.is/Nct7R
6: http://archive.is/MsBIZ

i don't have the link to the last one.
What's it say? I'm on mobile and can't read it clearly
What? I'm not seeing anything.
So Comey was our guy all along?
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btw, how are you guys going to feel when it comes out that slick willy's meeting with loretta lynch was him making his own deal by ratting out on the foundation and other people higher up than him? catches more lucrative?
You have to read it yourself. It's absolutely damning.
>45 fucking minutes
you are a slow reader ;)
basically says how Clinton is one of the most arrogant politicians with a ton of hubris, they warned her a lot but she dug her own grave. no judge could keep a straight face if she tried to spin and defend herself with the charges coming. says before November Comey will testify in front of Intelligence, Homeland, and Judicial committees. says they didn't want to prosecute because it's such a hairy case but would if it looked like Trump would win. if Hillary got in she could be tried on her first day of office.
lol I thought y'all gave up

Why does he keep up his sham marriage, I want him to be happy again ;_;
Trolling is a art
trolling sure is AN art. that's more then i can say for your awful grammar. idiot.
owned :^)

God you dipshits are annoying
depends on how the next few months / years go.

Actually, you'll know within 30 days.

Prepare your anus.
You got me to read that whole thing on gamergate because I was expecting a connection.

Spoiler: there wasn't one. Still interesting read though. Thanks anon.

Any more info on Gates / Gates foundation and how he convinces the elites what the "greater good" is?
4chan heros

2008 /b/ creates anonymous
2016 /pol/ takes out the strongest political machine america has ever known
2017 /b/ cryptocurrencies take over and save the planet from the crash



It's kinda sad at this point
I predict we will actually know by Nov 1st, just a few days. Comey may testify Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. The 33k emails are looking like they will be released.
>2017 /b/ cryptocurrencies take over and save the planet from the crash
Do you think bitcoin will become a thing of the past or will it stick? I've heard it has vulnerabilities.
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>any form of currency being used in a post-collapse society

I am seriously going to enjoy gutting twirp-status motherfuckers like you once the Coastal Destabilization starts.
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Here you go
thas rite anon, real men trade old decomposing stockpiles of ammo they can't use, and run bottlecap factories.

fuck gold
fuck silver
lolis haet pizza
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>Coastal Destabilization

elaborate plox

Thanks in advance.
Semper Fi broth
>if we stop the endless war.
we need to stop the endless war. the rest of the world is aligning against us
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>elaborate plox

Read about it yourself, anon.


Semper fudge
yea. i have one.

i think there are about 4
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>and dubs

that's a nice post you have there, guy
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Bump, always on page 4
hahahaha good luck...the computers and internet will still work. I don't hate you, but I will rule you.

I think the only color Trump cares about is green, and that's a good thing for the country and all those in it. And he cares about good performance. He'll fire your ass politely and quickly if you don't perform.
They'll just work in Black Ops like they do now.

Thats because im on my cell phone trying to read that big ass pic on a 5.5 inch screen
I remember that tread,the 2nd one he said that we aren't alone in the universe after all
What about the ayyy's did he say?
is this it?

i don't think so
This guy said a couple of outlandish things but some of the other stuff he posted was 100% on the money.

Especially about how the email narrative would be pushed to draw attention away from the CF.

I think he was legit.
i don't get it
>said some super racist shit

Plausible deniability
im not seeing anything
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it's fucking nothing
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have to protect those Gov secrets m8

I know I hate it too if "they" are really out there why not tell the public at large
>gamergate throws the election

Reality is the funniest joke ever made.
the public at large couldn't handle it, I don't even know if I could handle it
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>Gamergate was the start of the conservative renaissance/resurgence

Some anon put it best: "Gamergate was like a bunch of autists wanted to talk about video games but stumbled into a CIA plot."
Can some tldr gamergate for me pls
Gamergate really is what got me into /pol/. It made me realize that all the conspiracy plots against us are true, that the msm is garbage, and that censorship and feminists are the weapons wielded against us.
They've started pushing "the Russians!" again.
>Due to foreign actions we'll have to suspend the election. The electoral college will vote based on polls from September.
Gamers find out about a female game dev using sex for mentions in gaming media like kotaku, discover that the media has all been colluding the entire time, most notably with the "gamers are dead" articles using very similar wording and syntax. This led to more ethical discoveries that have forever changed the ethics codes of the surviving games media sites. Sargon of Akkad saw a trail of breadcrumbs between some of the writers and a Darpa-made organization called "Digra" to push narratives in gaming, but he was too worried he was going into Alex Jones territory so he backed off from the digging.

Basically: The gaming media being corrupt was a mini-version of our government and media corruption re: the presidential election. All led by the same/similar Marxist/SJW cabal.
He also said Britain would vote to remain in the eu so fuck that guy
Thanks anon
>They've started pushing "the Russians!" again.
>>Due to foreign actions we'll have to suspend the election. The electoral college will vote based on polls from September.
There is a chance they might do it. The gravy train might come to an end if Trump gets into office.
Never heard it get used that way but CP=Cheese pizza makes it obvious.
What if we're on the ascension timeline and everything turns out very positively?
Back to plebbit faggot. You are literally wasting 4chan's precious CPU cycles. Kys
Was this posted on other boards?
video game journalists are sleazy fuckers that openly take bribes in the form of free shit in exchange for good reviews. we have always known this.

sjws dont like nice things and like take over fun stuff and use it to spread their message. we allready knew this too.

sjws and the media, specifically game journalists in this instance, are working together to take over video games and spread their bullshit with them. we didnt quite know this.

random dude gets back at gf for cheating on him. someone notices chick and one of the guys she was cheating with are semi important in indie game world. people connect the dots and realize there may be collusion happening. collusion turns out to be real, which then sparks more investigation which finds a rabbit hole that goes to china and back with how deep it is and how many are involved.
multiple video game blog/review websites host same article at same time by different people (the "gamers are dead" articles). obviously lots of people notice this monumentally dumb idea on the journalists part. this leads to people finding out about corruption in reddit and 4chan moderators, which leads to 4*2chan exodus, voat creation (reddits version of cripplechan), and other things.
also most of the gaming industry in the west is run by semi-extremist progressives.
>tldr: babbies first redpill on sjws and media corruption
I don't believe that aliens abduct people and shove cattle probes up their ass or anything, but my grandfather was in management at Pan Am during the late 40s and early to mid 50s.

Pan Am Clipper ships used to travel to South America (stopping over in Cuba), taking arms down there and bringing back money and raw goods. These ships had ex-military pilots (naval / marine aviators) and usually a marine guard, but on the stop-overs they were taken care of by the local Pan Am staff, who would clean and refuel and do maintenance on the planes.

One night he was sitting around the TV with my dad and my grandma and there was some shitty show about UFOs on TV, and my dad was laughing at how stupid and fake it was, and asking "How can anyone be stupid enough to believe that?"

My grandpa, who was a very laconic, reserved man, looked up from his book (he liked reading cowboy stories) and said "I believe it" and then proceeded to tell my dad about something that had happened in Cuba during the Korean War.

He said a clipper came back from Brazil one time and this one was really unusual, because not only did it make a full two day stop-over, but it had a full complement of marine guards and they would not let ANYONE from Pan Am touch the plane the entire time it was there.

My grandpa said he was friends with the pilot a ww2 vet from the Navy, who did a lot of stop-overs there, and the guy refused to tell him a thing, just said he couldn't say anything about it. So that night he buys a couple of bottles of rum and takes them to share with the pilot, and gets him tanked up, and asks him, hey, come on, you can tell me, what the hell is the deal with that plane? Is it the Russians?

No, no, it was a flying machine that fell from the sky. Was it a Russian flying machine? Nope. US secret project? Nope. Then what was it?

"It was not from this world."

what did they mean by this?
My dad said he just laughed at him, called it bullshit, asked why he was saying this if it would get the guy killed. He had died a few years ago, so no harm in it, and besides, who would believe this crap?

I knew my grandpa pretty well, he was not a guy who made shit up, he was not an imaginative guy, he certainly wasn't a conspiracy theory type. He liked drinking beer, watching football and John Wayne movies, and was a pretty typical henpecked old man at that stage in his life.

I'm sure this just looks like standard shitty pasta, but that's why I believe we aren't alone out there and that the Government's got something.

It actually slipped during the whole Hillary email bullshit. There is a level of top secret clearance that is higher than the President's, and it's because the President doesn't need to know. Jimmy Carter actually mentioned this at one point, that he asked about aliens and was told he didn't need to know. Why do you think Podesta is so obsessed with it.

I've never been a conspiracy guy myself but after everything that's come out this year, well, how can you not keep an open mind?
Thanks anon.
Everyone should know by now the leaks are an inside job. Its obvious.
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This gives me some hope for humanity thanks anon ,we may yet see at least SOMETHING from the stars out at night
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What do you mean by this? Why is it so hard to grasp the concept of other beings/life somewhere else in the universe?
cccombo breaker xD
thanks for sharing anon.
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someone spread this to /vg/ and get the chasing.

Those fucking autists would go to the end of the earth for this to happen.
don't feed the shills
Obama endgame. Suspend the election and cede control of presidential power and control of elections to the UN. Start ground war with Russia. Economic meltdown. Unprecedented moves leave congress and senate in turmoil. People don't know who to side with. No constitutional remedy. Patriot groups rebel - made pariahs. Controlled media hypes solidarity/unification under NATO. Obama ascends to US/UN 'intermediary' to calm the public and coordinate military involvement. Civil Emergency established. Military begins civilian draft. Supreme court appointees installed. Complete internet lockdown instituted under UN and US alphabet agencies. And on and on and on.
Reminder you can't do anything about the fbi investigation. Wikileaks still needs to be sieved and spread, memes still need to be made and distributed, people still need to be redpilled and brought to vote, and a dozen efforts more. If trump is to win at the moment, he needs all your effort still. Don't rest on your laurels. Go MAGA.
gaming and other irrelevant subjects that get reported on are used as training grounds for the big show.
Not gonna lie, former Hillary voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Hillary crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this bitch get the nuclear codes.
dubs of truth

literally sending chills down my spine

FBI Anon didn't say anything that anyone who had been paying attention didn't know already. He was a LARPer.
I was reading the FBI anon thread screencap just now, it kinda made me upset cause probably half of it is true but it makes you question the legitimacy when he spouts out like mossad was behind 9/11 with no explanation
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