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It's 16:00 in Seoul, they are all awake, why don't we have an entire bataillon of koreans explaining us things about the whole happening !?
We had only one guy who made a summary but he inserted some references to the "8 Godesses" secret society but there is no sources about this anywhere.

Stop playing Starcraft and give us actually some insight.
They got shoahd,

RIP gooks
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The princess of Korea apparently is a puppet to a group of people.
She's also been telling her friends national secrets. Friends who abuse the fact that they're connected with the president.
They're debating rather to impeach her or not (she has less then a year left)

People elected her because of her father.
But she doesnt possess one of his best quality. that he didnt care about personal gain.
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4chinz is probably banned on their nationwide internet firewall
To be fair regarding the first 2 posts
MMO is NOT "culture"
The 3rd is more open borders jew
Though I really doubt SK "forgiving" NK means anything considering politics there is not anywhere near whatever the West is trying/ resisting
(NK isn't trying for union)
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I doubt it.
Anyway I'm frustrated, could be a massive story but it will just sink as some minor news item in the West.
We just need more coverage from korean /pol/acks.
Thats because he was a men you tard.

Women only think about personal gain.
It translates in to social status.
Wew, that's one hell of a story. Maybe you should try asking on /int/?
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Nah. She's just pure shit.

If you'd like to know, the country's in shock right now. The president has lost all power and Congress has formed an emergency cabinet between the major parties to handle things while the Constitutional crisis gets sorted out.

She is beyond redemption now because not only has she been caught handing national secrets to a civilian without security clearance and extorting corporations illegally to pay her friends, she has been outed as a puppet of this weird religious cult.

This is serious because as Little America we have our version of religious nutters. A significant portion of the ultra-conservative right considers being Christian an absolute necessity for being eligible for office, and treat atheists like animals (much like amerifat teabaggers). They vote for conservatives en masse every election because they think every liberal is a Marxist devilspawn hellbent on enforcing Satanic rule upon the land.

Now that Park has been outed as a demonic cult worshipper, even her devout ultraconservatives abandoned her. Her approval rating sits at <10%. It's over.
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literally a conspiracy theory. a chick prime minister sent some emails to her buddy, they leaked, and now a bunch of wingnuts think it's proof of some cosmic mystic meddling and mind control.

sure buddy...
delicious. Imagine if this happened in america...
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Because the goddesses are justice
i wish i was born in corea so i could serve
heard they want to become part of best Korea to become ultimate Korea.

Stay safe Worst Koreabro
>she been caught handing national secrets to a civilian without security clearance and extorting corporations illegally to pay her friends, she has been outed as a puppet of this weird religious cult.

And yet, Hillary is running for president... WTF, man.
It's not a conspiracy. There is actual, verified, material evidence that the President handed TOP SECRET MATERIAL to an UNAPPROVED CIVILIAN. This is treason-worthy behavior. Imagine what could have happened if this kind of information ended up in criminal hands due to her actions. It's not just emails.
Fuck off retard rape baby
she actually came out on state media and admitted/apologized for all of it.
Would anything change with a new government?
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>mfw this will make Koreans super paranoid about electing a women ever again.

What is known about this 8 Goddesses group? Any ideas as to their beliefs or goals?

Thank you anon.
Do you have an article explaining links between Choi Sun-sil and the organization ? What is its name by the way ?
It's like you think most of them can speak English
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their main goal is to turn men into women

They've always had a touch of excessive government (to be fair, it's also what allowed their home grown companies to thrive), but this is beyond the norm.

Does anyone have any reputable English language sources about this? Has the BBC or the US State Department said anything official? Eastern language internet always seems to have a natural barrier away from the internet of the rest of the world, so it seems we've got a lack of info coming our way.
>Does anyone have any reputable English language sources about this?
no but all my gook relatives and friends confirmed it
Never heard of any 8 Goddesses. But I wouldn't put it past those crazy ladies to pull that kind of LARP shit.
Yeah the only sources I see are reddit (shudder) and abovetopsecret (cringe)

Google News brings up a handful of briefs from the likes of NBC and such, but they just mention the friend and classified secrets.

You know, I bet the Norks are absolutely loving the shit out of this.
Maybe I should search Google News, but on Google the top four are Reddit, Reddit, Reddit, and AboveTopSecret.
>Not being able to sniff the farts of the 8 Goddesses

Why must we suffer
>choi gate

can we stop using gate for political scandals? fuck. plenty of other scandals that were worse but we gotta stay unoriginal with gate because nixon wasn't jewish.
Good riddance.
>Anneli Jäätteenmäki fax scandal
Whole cabinet was changed after the incident. And those werent top secret papers either.
i'md runk off sojju leave me allone
Just checked... NOPE. The Inquisitr talking about K-Pop, Yahoo News talking about some goddess of water and China criticizing the US and SK, Trinidad News talking about relations with Trinidad and Tobago relations with SK,and Parent Herald talking about the Pan-Asia Beauty contest. Google has culturally enriched me.
get some of that potato salad banchan. shits good.
starcraft is dead in korea now desu
How goes the ladder crawl? Reach grandwizard yet? don't tank that rating too far while drinking, quit while you're ahead
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is this related in some way?
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It's the perfect time for the best Korea to Unify the country.
(((Google))) is backpedaling the fuck out of this

First 5 results or so are from NYTimes and such, blaming on the evil NK hackers (sounds similar?)

So going both extremes isn't the best idea and actually easily prone to be subverted and become an oligarchy?
Who would have thought?

What we really want to know is all the deal about the Goddesses
What the fuck. Why don't we hear about this shit.
do what canada did and rise a revolution and burn down the presidential buildings, go book burning and internet destroying stuff. Eventually end it with her either dying or getting in prison. I know south korea will do this if you get enough to rise.
Gee, yes it does.
Yeah apparently feminism is HUGE in Corea.
Perhaps is because too much exposure of the Western world feminists and their stupidity.
dont forget they can potentially make something come out of the shadows and make everything go bad, why is south korea doing this anyway, what the fuck happened with you guys why dont you impeach or just hang her, funny thing is some germans in her said she is in germany now meeting merkel i think.
I remember reading some articles about it on western sites like the BBC, but they obviously had a pro-feminist slant.
Because worse korea has a vice-grip on its internet with real-id bullshit.
so why did park admit shes a puppet? is that what the shadow govt wanted?

did she break her conditioning?

skorean soap opera/movies are shit tier.

you could'nt write something as fucked up as this.
>dat skorean soap opera about the powerful female pm who destroyed the evil patriarchy

kek kekkkkkk
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Holy shit, this is a thing?
What about the US embassy document stating that Park is under the control of the Choi's father ?
Can you find it for us ? I can't place my hands on it which is not surprising since I don't speak korea.
This is the biggest happening of the year imo, how can they keep a lid on this?
pyonyang gave a statement apparently. not sure what it was tho.
SK-friends, do you guys think this might be some sort of pretext for a war with NK?

Evidently Putin just got hacked - that entire region is getting destabilized REALLY quickly
So which foreign government is facilitating all this hyper feminist madness? Is this shit really home-grown?

Isn't North Korea under Chinese influence and South Korea under America's?
2016 has been one hell of a year.
can you or another anon give me a tldr im a little tired and might head to bed
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I imagine they don't want to get v& and sent to feminazi extermination camps.
Marxism is a hell of a drug
Koreans don't give a shit about anyone but other Koreans.
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>not only has she been caught handing national secrets to a civilian without security clearance


>extorting corporations illegally to pay her friends


>a puppet of this weird religious cult


Jeez, guys, any of this sound familiar?
North Korea WAS under the chinese, mini-kim basically told them to fuck off and is killing off all the chinese plants one by one.
any pics of the 8 goddesses etc?
they really are worst korea
>Why don`t we have more LARPers?
Fuck off cancer
i will find a way to destroy the fucking internet if this happens, i have almost no reason to live besides my hard will plus my family leading me on.
Gook crazy feminist cult starting violent protests and getting support from some big companies, since they probably have close ties with the people that manages the government.
so is this secret society responsible for the porn ban?
If only Americans gave a fuck about mishandling top secret information.
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>SK being a laboratory for western strategists to test control systems to be used on global populations in the future

it makes sense. KPOP is actually PSYOP
hmm is this the reason why the note 7s might be exploding and the south korean markets are going down.
And the recurring LG bootloop problem.

Scratch that, LG are just shit.
that sounds glorious
To answer people's questions, yes this is a major happening. People are just quiet because they're trying to get all the facts together before we get to pitchforks and molotovs. Personally I'm afraid and excited because it will put the integrity of our democratic system to the test, and it's always fun to see the oligarchy squirm.

I don't think NK or Russia or America has had any part in this, though I read in today's news that America was aware of our presidents strange behavior for quite a while but chose not to make a fuss out of it. At least there isn't any evidence of outside involvement... yet.

Feminism is big in Korea, and it's the disgusting SJW kind too. But I kinda understand their anger because women really take it up the ass when it comes to employment. It is very common for promising female workers to get thrown out after their pregnancy break because workers' rights suck in Korea if you don't work for the top 10 multinational corporations or the government. Thankfully we're extremely redpilled on the racial aspect of SJWism and we hate brownies or mainland chinks even more than the Japs do.

Park rode the girl power sentiment into power, but it probably wont hurt the feminist movement since her total sucking at the job forced many young SJWs to disown her as a feminist figure a long time ago.
>She is beyond redemption now because not only has she been caught handing national secrets to a civilian without security clearance
This sounds familiar.
move dude, your literally near a deadly nuke trap.

sk makes lg to?
Holy fuck, you're right. They actually need to use their SSN to use the internet.

The difference between Korea and America is that America has the 2nd Amendment to back them up. The founding fathers were the smartest motherfuckers to ever live.
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>sk makes lg to?
>she been caught handing national secrets to a civilian without security clearance
so this is what america will look like if hillary is elected
you're not a real womyn until you share tssci with non cleared persons
thats weird as shit, i thought that was chinese or american.

>Holy fuck, you're right. They actually need to use their SSN to use the internet.

what the fuck dude seriously
Holy fuck
Haven't noticed a happening of any kind, but then again I dont speak gook.
>The founding fathers were the smartest motherfuckers to ever live.

They weren't, it's more (mostly) right people, right place at the right time. Dumb luck, and even it's not going to last forever..
No, (You) fuck off

Here's a bump btw
Support best korea now! Worst korea must fall!

Down with the femenazis. All man must revolt.
most have moved towards using i-pin now, a middle-man between a kssn
For some reason The West pretends it is North Korea that is living under a dictatorship. I can't imagine what it's like living in SK after reading this shit
>It is very common for promising female workers to get thrown out after their pregnancy break because workers' rights suck in Korea

Japan does the same and they don't have SJW bullshit going, hopefully you guys get your situation sorted out, best of luck to ya
Yeah, I believe is probably becaue they never say they are korean anywhere and the english name can be missleading in a way samsung can't.
Same way some people probably don't know Sony is japanese but is obvious Suzuki is.
dude that sucks ass, its kinda reminding me of apple and ios 10 some guy on the plane told me that you have to use your finger print to unlock your phone now, other wise you just type in your pin after it fails for a few times, i have a bad feeling about this, i rather get nuked then live in some femnazi shit hole i will flip everything and probably hang myself or go out with some amazing death.
Is beat Korea going to use this opportunityto attack.
They have their own discussion sites and don't use 4chan.
they should. Put those poor south Koreans out of their feminism induced misery
Nice get. Fuck the system, we have to grab it by the pussy
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They're too busy watching Music Bank
Confirmed real korean, others are proxies.
When will based Kim nuke SK already?
Did Samsung tried to warn us?
he is constantly testing missiles every day now, i give it another month.
>NK hackers
>hackers from the internet black hole
>hackers form a country that barely has electricity
>hackers from a coutry whose leader is a macfag
How soon to North Korea attacks?
when i started getting into korean mmos i was super shocked at how bizzare it was that you have to provide your national identification for fucking everything, from playing games to posting on cafes (internet forum basically).

if you look at american websites thy are starting to require more PII (personally identifiable information) such as using your phone to text message, just look at sites like yahoo mail and microsoft mail

korea has good cinematography and video games, but an absolutely shit government
a lot of people criticize US intelligence agencies for their practices, but at least we have the 4th amendment
koreas NIS (nationa intelligence service) is basically nsa without the need for FISA warrants or 4th amendment to protect citizens

fuck korea
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>Korea, Japan
pick one
If they are not censured, they are on own sites. All those Korean and Japanese flags are American shills. Should be pretty obvious since Asians can't into proper English.
Did SK deploy the K-pop since this happening? They have to keep the population at ease, yes?

It's crazy that they ban chinese mangos but then they allow that shit which is arguably worse
do you listen to kpop when you get drunk
There aren't any reported riots happening yet.
It's starting to make a lot of sense, how much they push k-pop idols and all that shit.
It's not men vs women, it's rich vs poor. Feminism is just a distraction from the real threat.
Through K-pop?
I do

It's even better than Katy Perry
paco stop shitposting
Lmao it's like North Korea and Bizzaro Korea
Man, this is so fucked up..
very based

listen to this song for me will you

Why can we do this with Israel?
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yfw only femnazis have internet access in korea
yfw all men dead

So far there are no direct connections between the 8 goddesses, megalia, and president park.
The only K-pop I listen to is Block-B, because PO sounds like DMX.
KittiB is another favorite because she was fucking ruthless in a rap battle
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>Owl's rock
Can't make this shit up
this 8 goddesses shit is stupid. Like calling those autismo smash bro players gods.
Not horrible but nothing extraordinary either.

See this, this is why I don't need porn in Korea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwmSjveL3Lc
Religious morons doing what religious morons do best:
1.) stealing money, creating powerful billionaires
2.) produce degenerate whore culture to fuck nigger dicks
3.) blame communists for everything
yeah, I love PO's voice.

you might try Big Bang. TOP has a similar voice:



please support our girls MATILDA who recently released their third single

>treat atheists like animals (much like amerifat teabaggers)

Bwahahaha, been watching a little too much CNN, have we? Another euphorious atheist sitting on his throne of presumed intelligence.
So the Abyss is real. When can one gain own Gamer ability?

4ch got censored on gooknet

And you won't find one. Megalia is a red herring. The Eight are not though.
There is striking resemblance between Japanese and South Korea P-pop music, it's generic teenage crap to brainwash youth into American whores, promoting materialism and basically transforming men into trannies, since men alone are seen as objects, lesser objects to women.
It's interesting the Japanese worship whites, emulating our cultures, the Koreans seem to imitate gangster Hispanics. I wonder what the long terms affect on allowed immigration will be.
don't reply to me autismo

btw below is BEST female rapper in gorea

>There is striking resemblance between Japanese and South Korea P-pop music, it's generic teenage crap to brainwash youth into American whores, promoting materialism and basically transforming men into trannies, since men alone are seen as objects, lesser objects to women.

i only have one objection to this, it actually turns some girls into lonely autists. The tranny part is ehh i think more or less tumblard is doing most of the shit for that.
>/pol/ loves Trump for making anime real
>korea literally makes anime boys real
make up your mind retards
I agree megalia is just speculation for now. But it is strangely coincidental if you think about their recent rise. How did they get so much power and traction without help from the government?
Also do you have link for 8 goddesses? I couldn't find anything
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Go fuck yourself with cross faggot Christian.
>it's a /kpg/ invasion
You fags should've been banned from /mu/
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>They vote for conservatives en masse every election because they think every liberal is a Marxist devilspawn hellbent on enforcing Satanic rule upon the land.
And they're right.
>Japanese worship whites
>Koreans imitate gangster Hispanics
I don't know what you've been watching but you've got this shit all mixed up, dawg.
because its really risky shit, dig or download something thats wrong toward them you may get whacked.
sauce plox
fucking yaoi canadians get out reee
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You've never even seen a Korean, have you? You got it mixed up. Koreans are westaboos that are actually oktaus and love Japanese media.

They also can't watch porn which is why K pop exists.
>8 Godesses
nobody cares.
Waygook checking in. What the fuck is happening?
when you hear 8 goddesses and korea in the same sentence, you should think of girls generation
I haven't seen anything with Japanese imitating Hispanics, sure plenty of white worship in Korea but also plenty of dressing like straight out of L.A.
I can't imagine Japanese fawning over spics like they do whites but I have seen it with Koreans.
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>hear mean things
>jump off bridge
>be self, feel bad for being mean
>jump off cliff

You could probably invade their country with like 8 Australians.
And you're right, owls do rock
>trusting a chinese poster like you

okay leaf.

You won't find a link for 8 Goddesses. I might suggest some light reading into Chinese mythology, though. Barring that, you might want to talk to a guy named Scott Snyder- don't expect him to be happy about the call though..
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So let me get this straight. Korea's female president handled emails in the shittiest way possible and something leaked? And now you're telling me the country is having the same feminist shit we're having?

Whatever they're fucking gooks anyway
>SK-friends, do you guys think this might be some sort of pretext for a war with NK?
Some are guessing that might happen. I'm not actually sure.
>So which foreign government is facilitating all this hyper feminist madness? Is this shit really home-grown?
If it's from foreign government, like USA, there's gonna be a witch hunt
>Koreans don't give a shit about anyone but other Koreans.
>To answer people's questions, yes this is a major happening. People are just quiet because they're trying to get all the facts together before we get to pitchforks and molotovs. Personally I'm afraid and excited because it will put the integrity of our democratic system to the test, and it's always fun to see the oligarchy squirm.
>I don't think NK or Russia or America has had any part in this, though I read in today's news that America was aware of our presidents strange behavior for quite a while but chose not to make a fuss out of it. At least there isn't any evidence of outside involvement... yet.
>Feminism is big in Korea, and it's the disgusting SJW kind too. But I kinda understand their anger because women really take it up the ass when it comes to employment. It is very common for promising female workers to get thrown out after their pregnancy break because workers' rights suck in Korea if you don't work for the top 10 multinational corporations or the government. Thankfully we're extremely redpilled on the racial aspect of SJWism and we hate brownies or mainland chinks even more than the Japs do.
>Park rode the girl power sentiment into power, but it probably wont hurt the feminist movement since her total sucking at the job forced many young SJWs to disown her as a feminist figure a long time ago.
your country is known for a billionaire conspiracy for feminism and treason, you may joining the battalion of south korean revolutionaries if they piss you guys off long enough.
Damn... You may be right.
Wait, what is happening?
What the fuck are you talking about
google choi sun sil
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How are you going to fix flaming batshit crazy feminists?
Isnt this akin to trying to fix fundamentalists?
I know they are westaboos but they seem to love L.A gansta culture.
Just going off what I see at UW, Japanese foreigners love honkies exclusively. Koreans love whites and browns, still fear blacks though.
south koreas president has made the book orwells 1984 a reality network survelliance and thumb print scans for anything you do on the web, everyone is mad its basically the modern day ussr but without allyship
>yfw you'll never be japanese
>Japanese worship whites
I guess North Korea was always best Korea after all
Fk off weeb.
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well Japanese women worship our superior dicks at least.
He's just joking. We all know the japs only look up to those that have shown they have the true samurai spirit.
My korean buddy just says that's some of the teenagers. Unless you mean streetwear which transcends age. Shit I've seen more asian middle aged men wearing supreme gear than anything else.
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This scandal is on Best Korea's state news services.
>asian middle aged men wearing supreme gear
that's fucking adorable
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america has nothing to do with azn materialism
>my country
'Waygook' means foreigner, I'm a western English teacher. That doesn't necessarily rule me out of the draft though, I guess...

First the missile tests, then the earthquakes, then the typhoon and now this shit. Should I just go home?
>Leaf has no clue about anything
Some things never change.
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>I'm a western English teacher
All the ones at UW look like they are drug mules from Mexico that do crack on the side
Overly strong wording I suppose but I meant far stronger entrenchment of western culture thanks to our occupation in comparison to Latin stuff.
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How many state approved lollies did you tutor anon.
Just say it aloud, tutoring isnt illegal no?
>>my country
>'Waygook' means foreigner, I'm a western English teacher. That doesn't necessarily rule me out of the draft though, I guess...
>First the missile tests, then the earthquakes, then the typhoon and now this shit. Should I just go home?
If your country is involved somehow, then run.
yeah i would pack up my shit and run, before bad things happen.
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>I'm a western English teacher.
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>CNN covers this
>can't cover shillary leak
The normies won't ever wake up will they?

SKs can be pretty effay t᠎bh
Pic related
dat snake oil lmao
Have a planed trip there next month, should I be worried about something?
Are you white?
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IS this even really news? Women gossiping? Holy crap you fags have such a hard on for such a boring country
If a western country is involved and you happen to look like them, then start worrying.
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cancel, and go somewhere else dont touch them.
thank you, really appreciated
This is a new /pol/ meme for me.

I don't think so. I'm gonna stick it out, I have plans to go out in Itaewon tomorrow night.

That's illegal, also apologise for Srebrenica
So when are you becoming a colony of based North Korea?
I'm hearing reports that Germany and the US may be involved, can you confirm?
isn't your country really prosperous due specifically to its ties to western countries? I am curious about this 8 Goddesses cult thing. What more is known about that?
Why do you keep saying this? Are any other countries involved? I thought this was a homegrown scandal
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>>/pol/ loves Trump for making anime real
Nice buzzword, faggot . Im conservitive you double nigger. Just pointing out that its not really anything interesting.
Truly, North Korea is Best Korea. Don't worry Worst Koreans, Kim will save you all.
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>a state's government is being toppled
>ties to foreign governments
>huge scandal
>nothing to see here though goys
White, blond hair with Germanic roots so there is no gook blood in me as far as i know.
Just thinking if there might be riots or what not since I am going with my girlfriend and would consider not going to Seoul if there might be harm coming her way.
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I hope we won't have Gook refugees here. Fuck off Gooks. We don't want your Kpop, your archaic cuisine, your plastic women and your shitty cars and exploding phones
As far as my reading has gone, Megalia loves white men.
Hm, what is this savagery?
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>going with girlfriend
>throwing all that pussy out of the window
>tfw no german shepard
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>President of the 11th economy in the world with 50 millions people is totally controlled by a billionaire woman who leads a weird religous sect
>She breaks the conditionning and confesses everything on national news
>it's nothing interesting

Kill yourself with you concern trolling, disgusting shill.
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I want to keep that qt in a cage at the foot of my bed and take him out every night to savage his boipucci.
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Authentic Korean cuisine with Butthurt as main ingredient
what are they doing to that poor doggo
I dont find the gook ladies very attractive as my preferences lie with blonde girls that have a firm body. Currently dating a beautiful polish girl

Care to expand in to the Megalia thing?
What the fuck?
I suppose if you spend enough time around idiots with a disgusting interest in nothing interesting at all, you begin to follow their leads. Sheeple. Its really a crisis in america. Such boring lives lead by tv dramas and single mothers. Well, enjoy your "scandals" and women problems.
Megalia is so far a more extreme version of femen. Femen protest naked...Megalia on the other hand are known to be going outright misandry
Some militant SJW group in SK that do all the things feminists complain about to men, but turned up to 11.
They like white men though because they think all white men ave big dicks.

Come on Supreme Leader! don't disappoint us!
Good taste mang.
Feminism turned into a religion for the purpose of social experiment. Soon to be exported to EU and USA.
How is it such shit res while so big?
I'm the guy who got quads given to me by KEK.
I was redpilling yellow fever fags on asian women.

Just last night.
A few of you doubted me too.
Ask the guy who made it.
Pics or it didn't happen
Interesting. So what do you think would happen to a white girl running around alone in Seoul if i decided to bang the cleaning lady and send the lady shopping?

Thanks. Hopefully things wont go south. How do women look in Serbia?
They look erm....good?
Blondes are extremely rare though.
>any of that
Have you ever seen J-pop idol music? It's shit too but what part of it is anything other than selling a fantasy to 30 year old virgins?
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They show situation like this in every political anime and I thought it's normal for gook politics.
Is there any English speaking forums or subreddits (I know, I know, but threads come and go fast here and I want to keep up with this whole thing) that are talking about this shit shit right now? Only place I've seen it is here.
I know a few but most have brown hair, yes. Blue and green eyes aren't that rare though.
So... she pulled a Hillary?
4 square chan on /pol/ board. I am now officially off limits for korean girls
>the singaporean saying this
your girls are thirsting for Kpop dick hard, you know. I mean you probably won't accept refugees anyway since you have zero space for people but yeah
>shills are this incoherent

Don't you guys ever try and mix up your playbook? It's too predictable now lad.
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>Gooks are barbarians

Hilariously surprising I know.
This is good because girls actually think I look korean. More pussy for me


>A fucking leaf
Christian gooks are cancer
Here's a story that actually happened:
>bunch of church gooks invade a temple and literally shit and piss on the floor.
The end

Why christianity is a thing in korea anyway?
pretty much.
it's been a thing for a long time. to the point where zealots have started popping out.
>First 5 results or so are from NYTimes and such, blaming on the evil NK hackers (sounds similar?)
Can't find it, can you link them?
I have a feeling South Korea is going to go rogue after they kick put Park and straight up attack North Korea.
Reminder this is because NWO wanted to see if they can use fundamentalism as a tool.
It didnt work so they moved on.

USA is devoutly christian no?
>because they think every liberal is a Marxist devilspawn hellbent on enforcing Satanic rule upon the land.

are they not?
Park is one of the most aggressive presidents SK has had in a while
Maybe NK was going this apeshit lately because they were threatened by SK SJW craziness?

Things should calm down actually.
i'm also a western english teacher
this is now a /western english teacher working abroad/ thread
>USA is devoutly christian no?
only devout christians i know are old people that are gonna die soon
USA is devoutly learning to not give a shit about religion
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It doesn't help she was indoctrinated for at least twenty years by one of the members of the cabal.
And this is why SK Christianity was replaced by rampart feminism craze.
Or how about this : they fundamentalized Korea partially because those people would be older by now to represent dying fundamentalist breeds of USA.
Does being an English teacher pay well?
This is what I'm saying

Nothing feels like it's changed but apparently it's really happening?

I'm going to Itaewon with the gf tomorrow to find a halloween costume. Think I might walk out of gwanghwamun to see if anything's going on, get the translation, and then leave
The Christianity was introduced in just as retarded way. It comes and goes and the old truth is - Asians + Christianity = Problems.
If you're female they'll just think you're a prostitute

If your male they think you own prostitutes
Hello teacher, do you like kimchi?

Its all Jewish, NWO, UN population reduction programs.

They want one global culture and race so they can sell one propaganda to the masses.
Trump is the good guy
The group in South Korea is the bad guy
Remember gentleman

Beat your missus
It's fucking Friday night here man. Everyone is doing what they always do: getting shithammered with coworkers.

Patience. This shit is slowly unfolding.
start with Kikebook data centers and the likes first though, destroy that and you'll solve half of the problem.
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We need this guy back
So we've got South Korea, Ukrainian, and American elites tied to weird fucking religious cults now.

Who the fuck is running these religious cults?
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If Park Geun-Hye is going to be impeached, does that mean I have a chance at marrying her when she becomes a refugee in the USA?
Christian missionaries first arrived here before even the Japanese occupation.

The streamlined, two-faced American version of "Christianity" also melds well with the homegrown two-facedness
Everyone knows it's fucked-up. 99% of people under 30 hate this shit. They're trying to pass a law to ban dog soup and it will probably pass
How are the women? My one experience with Moroccan chicks wasn't particularly good, clingy as god damn fuck
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>8 goddesses control SK
>7th floor group control the west

w-who controls us?
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Also, how are things on Ilbe? They must be having a field day.
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come on lad, im being serious

im also very very scared that we're going to have to burn down Canberra soon
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>what is 5 eyes

And Hillary is a puppet to bankers and billionaires (globalists)

Kinda funny how it's pretty much the exact same thing; you can even throw in weird religious shit too with Moloch
calm down weeb. nobody even cares about korea other than their nigger-tier music
>5 eyes
>6 ---------
>7th floor
>8 godessess

what's 6?
the cheeki breekis?
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Its real this time.gif
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>We tried to warn you
>You didn't listen
>Why didn't you listen to me?
>Why didn't you stop it?
>I've tried to warn them
>You did nothing

>She is beyond redemption now because not only has she been caught handing national secrets to a civilian without security clearance and extorting corporations illegally to pay her friends

Nothing new under the Sun. I heard similar tales from Team Liquid members who went to Korea and all shared the same experience. The funny thing is, is that Koreans that live in the U.S. and are into gaming making youtube videos paint Korea as this holy bastion of goodness, they never speak of how the place is actually a fucking mess.
Iglesia ni Christo is our not-so secret society that is controlling us, Most of my countrymen DGAF as long as they get their paychecks.
I wonder if we can get Donald to tweet this?
>what's 6?
How many points does the shield of David have lad?
Give it a few more days to inevitably get traced to Soros or Hillary

don't they have sum hax to get around it... it can't be that bad
You better start new thread, Pierre
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Truly worst korea
come on guys, start fighting
I wanna watch a banter war

here, I'll help:
>rice crispy
>Japanese soldier's flesh light
Can we draw a parallel between this and Hillary and have the public buy it?
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i like where this is going

Ya go to Japan, the males fucking hate whitey. The women think we are cute, but are all virgins so good luck with that.
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That's what you get for trusting the eternal Yankee.

Why didn't you reunify with DPRK and appoint Kim Jong-un as supreme leader of united DPR Korea when you had the chance?

Stupid fucks.

> Not following the sage advice of Imam Khomeini
> Still being this bluepilled after being cUcked this hard by U.S.A. and the Zionist Entity
these radical feminists are the ugly ones. those plastic surgery barbie doll gooks are getting too much male attention to care.

people have to do something with their time:

alpha chads - fucking pussy
beta cucks - working, providing to family and the only group to have a net positive comtribution to society
HB 7, 8, 9, 10s - shopping with all of beta cucks money
HB 5, 6. - riding cock courosel
HB 4 or below - struggling with self esteem issues and join activist groups to boost quality of life for alpha chads and hot girls, while making life more difficult for themselves and beta cucks.

there is a societal shift towards beta cucks realizing this paradigm, amd without their productivity, nobody can hold the weight up of the other three groups of worthless people.

basically, world is fucked. asian, white. all the civilized nations are soon to be in for a rude awakening
>>bunch of church gooks invade a temple and literally shit and piss on the floor.
>The end

>Jewish faith does something crazy.

Not surprised.

Its interesting to note that India also has the policy of aborting or throwing in the dumpster their female babies. And because of this they have a huge imbalance of Male Indians

I suspect a UN population reduction program, but have yet to find evidence of that specific program.
if you're a foreigner teaching in a private sector , the payout could be good if you're planning to live here (the min monthly wage here is 250$, so a private teacher could get to 750$)
i'm not really an english teacher , i was just riding the bandwagon for the lulz
women here are pretty bad , but it getting better , 10 years ago women were okey with living with a mustach but people ran a campaign on jewbook shaming them for it and now it rare , but the're still a 6/10... there are a few 8/9 but it rare
So far there is only a faint link to her. More is required but traction by Trump can be the first step to bring wider attention to this

the chinks, they own all your mineral rights
Now would be the time to strike
Go, Kim!
many weebs online think that korean and nip women hate theur men so much that they are lusting for western cock but thats not the case at all. since the end of the 90s, these east asian societies have gotten weirder and more feminist. to the point of not even cari g about sex or understanding that a womans only purpose is reproduction. so these countries will die. they will not be replaced by immigrants or bred out of existence, their economies and worldwide influence will just rapidly diminish
Good riddance
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Goddamn. This America.
Not into most Korean girls, they seem entitled as fuck in Seoul and dont even have the ass or tits to act so pretentious. My gf is Korean though but I met her in China. Came here 3 months ago without a visa so I gotta fuck in less than 2 weeks, right in the middle of this juicy actual tinfoil happening. I know most Koreans look down on ESL teachers, but one thing you faggots need to keep in mind is its extremely complicated to be anything but an ESL teacher here, and basically impossible if you lack 5 years of exerience or have good connection s. Ill.prolly just go home , break up with my gf and spare my dignity rather than be a white clown for spoiled gooks and their spawn.
독도는 우리땅!!!
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fuck her and have an anchor baby.
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