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Texas election fraud.

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Thread replies: 276
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You want proof that they're rigging the elections? Here it is. They're trying to paint Texas blue. This is why they've been pushing Texas as a battleground state in the media.



Somebody needs to shoot the bitch -- it's the only way I can think of that she won't cheat her way into the White House.
I wouldnt mind watching that on tv

BUMP THIS SHIT -- it seems /pol/ is unaware this is happening!
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aryan bump
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start a twitter campaign

"Stop Putin from hacking our elections, demand paper ballots. #ImWithHer"
>fucking Infowars

Trump is doing so badly because he's a shit candidate faggots
how about this:

>find a "miscalibrated" voting machine
>break it
>just smash the screen
>rinse and repeat everywhere

This is a miscalibration scam, which is very different from electronic voting machine fraud that is not visible on the screen to the voter.

By spreading meme stories like this, you're covering up the actual threat, which is that these closed source Soros-owned machines can, and WILL, report completely fake totals at the end of the day on November 8th. WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY DISPLAY THE FRAUD ON THE SCREEN FOR THE VOTER TO SEE WHEN THEY DON'T HAVE TO?

Since you're spreading this red herring, the idiot normies will now have a false peace of mind when they encounter a machine and everything looks accurate on their screen. They will thus be primed to shout down true accusations of widespread electronic vote fraud when it happens.
This is clearly a bunch of crap, since actual compromised software would never alert the user like this (since it doesn't need to), and would just silently add a Democrat vote to the database.

But I'm all for rallying up people to get up and vote with paper.
they cant cause there is none this is just all bullshit to make them feel better that there shitlord will lose
The idea is that if they succeed in making Texas blue, at least enough people will doubt it was legitimate so as to contest the result.
yeah vote with paper it is easier to lose or argue about remember Florida
but miscalibration achieves something different

it looks innocent

sure maybe it will only steal a few % but it does it while looking innocent (you can even blame users for pressing wrong)
Yeah all those people are just lying about having their vote rigged. An entire county having to switch to paper on emergency is nothing.

shills should pass a literacy test before CTR hires them
>Since you're spreading this red herring, the idiot normies will now have a false peace of mind when they encounter a machine and everything looks accurate on their screen.

Nice try CTR.

Hopefully they will just avoid the machines altogether and vote on paper.
Unless you want to have plausible deniability, which anyone doing it would.
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Florida 2000 was a meme to trick the goyim into accepting electronic voting machines.

Hanging chad guy was a Jew working for the EVM manufacturers to push muh it's too hard to figure out physical ballots. Jesus Christ, look at these exaggerated facial expressions. It's worse acting than dusty Syria boy or Robbie Parker
>The democrats rig the machines in key and republican states to swing democrat
>They don't bother in blue territory
>California goes red while Texas goes blue

It'd be a fun day.
it is also how bush stole the election
You don't need any plausible deniability when there's no paper trail. You just report the (((results))) on election day.
>make a vote rigging machine
>it shows the voter their vote being changed for some reason

Are American Republicans so retarded that they'd believe this?
And yet the error is ALWAYS in favor of dems. Care to explain that with your giant brain?
You do if someone says they want the source code checked at some point, which is what they do.
there republicans of coarse there lying its the only way they can win is to lye cheat and steal there way to the white house
The source code is not, and cannot, be checked in the US voting machines.
yes they are republicans can not believe they are losing cause there the Christian group and gods people never lose especially when they want a guy that does not even believe in god in office
Except it can be and is.
We had two threads earlier!
We informed them as usual!
It's closed source and cannot be checked.
The only way to check it would be to storm a precinct with an armed group on November 8th, unplug the machine, wheel it out to your truck, and somehow escape to a private location where you could reverse engineer it.
Alternatively you could pay off someone working for one of the EVM manufacturers to blow the whistle, or to hide a benevolent malware payload on the machines that disables the hidden fraud functions on November 8th.
If Trump isn't doing either of these things then he's fucked
Never post again

The "polls" are simply to plant enough doubt in the minds of the electorate - "oh, it was the millions of secret <whatever> voters who don't live near you who won the election for Hillary!" - that the public doesn't riot when the pre-determined results are declared.
>tfw live in nj
>tfw we have the mist hackable voting machines available from 1990

Never seen an exit poll, old ladies monitor voting.

At least they always ask to see ID
they could just alter a line or two of code and it would be completely invisible
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why the fuck are we trusting computer systems to count votes, how the fuck are you supposed to manually double check the results to verify accuracy and authenticity? fuck this shit we need paper
i too get really riled up over fake facebook stories and can't accept the fact that people do not want my rapey reality tv show candidate in office
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We're in this situation because this guy in Florida made funny faces 16 years ago. No, seriously

I'm not sure you understand how these things work. The code is very simple. It's literally counting in increments of 1.

It's less than 100 lines of code.
You don't know what you're talking about. Everything you post is trash. Stop posting immediately
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Watch the 8-min. money shot from Black Box Voting's "Hacking Democracy" - the machine tabulating paper ballots can have its results completely changed just with prior access to the external memory card.

In a country that counts millions of paper currency notes each day the only reason to have electronic voting machines is to make it even easier to steal elections.
>It's less than 100 lines of code.
no it's a lot more than that

and i'm talking about having one source code for the machine and another source code that they would hand out if necessary
>he thinks that a counter is complicated closed source material
see eg. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7R1_ixtlyc
yup and if Trump doesn't have a deus ex machina up his sleeve to deal with this or he isn't planning to use his twitter account to declare civil war on November 9th then he belongs in an oven because anyone could have seen this coming years ago. I tried starting #WeDemandPaperBallots in February and it's only now being given attention
no it is cause it caust less in the long run why do you think there trying to get rid of paper cash for cards
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Try this, it might make you feel better.
If the democrats where saying the voting was rigged because Trump was winning they would all say we are full of shit yet cause it is theirs its a big deal
>people in power don't exploit you anymore man, it's 2016
>you're dumb enough to believe this
>flip light switch
>No light

Oh the light must just be miscalibrated.
Your post is cancer
I don't think its just the Democrats behind this, because yea, its usually the Democrats that get hacked/rigged, whatever.
Yeah cause that guy making funny faces put the worst president in history in office
Bush happens to be a close friend of the Clintons. His dad was in the CIA at the time of Kennedy assassination and they are all anti-trump. they also have a shared interest in globalism. Bush sr literally said he wanted a NWO.
> using e-voting
We stopped that shit because a security audit found serious flaws. Why does the US still do this?
yeah the truth is like a cancer people hate it when its not in there faver
The voting machine companies have literally donated to Hillary Clinton, you fucking moron. Of course we wouldn't call it rigged when Trump was winning, seeing as he doesn't fucking own the fucking voting machines or have backers who do.
Trump is winning though. All signs point to Trump victory and all you have are fake, rigged polls. Give me 1 shred of evidence Trump is losing that's not a poll.
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Theyaren't even hiding it anymore.
If polls are not evidence what's left?
Getting rid of cash is to protect the banks - if there's no other means of money and commerce than banks' imaginary numbers then there's no way for people to ever own the fruits of their labor, there can never be a run on a bank, and the enslavement of humanity will be complete.

The "it's cheaper to do it the wrong way" argument about ballot counting is believed only by idiots.
if he is winning then how are the machines riged you stupid fuck
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In case you missed it. I am done it now.
For election rigging of course
You're not very smart are you. I'm saying if he's loses it can only be because of rigged machines, because he's winning.
haha most the poles that say trump was winning where rigged buy shits on /pol flooding them
Halloween mask sales. Social media comments / likes / retweets. Voter enthusiasm. Rally attendance. Professors who have predicted correctly in the past predicting Trump.
>poles that say
>rigged buy shits

low IQ, low energy post

oh but if he wins that means they where not rigged and yall where just pulling shit out your ass yea that the republican way its only rigged if i lose
So basically things that doesn't really matter.
Poppy Bush ran the South American end of the CIA guns-drugs pipeline. Slick Willy ran the north (in Mena, AR).

Anyone think them being President one after the other is some kind of coincidence?
>cherry-picking 300 people to cold-call (with meme landlines) and expecting honest answers when Trump supporters are being publicly witch-hunted
>massive oversampling of democrats every single time
>pollsters simply hiding poll results if they don't match the narrative they're trying to create, and just repeating the poll over and over again until they get a batch that looks how they want, then releasing only that one
>or just fabricating the poll results outright, it's not like an independent third party is auditing their process
People need to go around on election day and smash every Soros owned voting machine. It would send a very strong message as well as make sure the election won't be stolen.
>it's a "idiot who began programming last evening thinks he understands everything" episode
Managing databases isn't as easy as you might think, retard.
Uhh of course it matters. Unless you have some obscure, retarded, personal definition of "matter".
Wasn't there an article on here the other day about a guy that was talking about the software, and how they just switched the numbers at the end of the day?
The only thing more retarded than the idea of ISIS getting triggered by a Trump video is the people that believed it.
Never post again
You can just see her faith in democracy breaking.
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He actually went full retard folks!
Yeah, it is only rigged if he loses. If he wins it couldn't have been rigged, because why would a Clinton-donor want to rig their machines to make her lose? Fucking dipshit.
This is not good enough. A rally ouside poll stations which attract large crowds is needed to adequately expose the voter fraud. At best proofs are only enough to rouse suspicion instead of being outright scandalous. We need to take this further. Texan anons must get this out. Rally around the stations. And make sure you get big crowds
>voter enthusiasm doesn't matter
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they have been wrong before
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>it's a "idiot who began programming last evening thinks everything is really complicated" episode
It's literally an array of names, an array of booles and a pair of integers. There is nothing complicated involved in it.

>muh I need mySQL to access a 1-array
It doesn't, why would it? You can have 100 brimming with enthusiasm Trump voters and 200 who vote against Trump for Hillary. This is what happening in this election.
this. they've been at this a long time
That's the only reason.

I suppose there's also a short-term profit to be made on selling the people the rope to be used to hang them. If (((you're))) going to kill them don't wanna pass up the opportunity to rob them, too.

>A hand full of columns containing simple whole numbers that count up by one.

It's about as complicated as an excel spreadsheet you asshole.
More like they're wrong all the time. Most people here are too young to realize that, but even something as recent as Brexit proves it.
you suckers, get rallies outside polling stations and large rallies. This is the best way to expose the fraud
t. 18 year old babby in first election cycle
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Bumpa bumpa burning love.
I just spoke with someone who pronounced her name "Mareesa" but otherwise had a Texan accent.

Texas deserves anything bad that happens to it from now on.
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It's fine, I will have a good laugh when all of the Trump supporters will be crying here on election night. I will be here to laugh at you.
I doubt that a huge amount of people are going to drag themselves out and wait in lines for ages to begrudgingly vote for Hillary just to vote against Trump, nobody really likes her.
Can anyone explain to me why are people voting already? I thought the election was on the 8th of Nov.
you talk like a dog chasing his tails you just go in circles like a dumbass
You really don't know what you're talking about. Just stop. This isn't like your fizzbuzzes.
Yeah, I feel bad for her. It's hard getting red pilled when you didn't expect it.
What does voting "straight" Republican mean?

You either vote Republican or not, right?
>willfully ignores evidence
>still thinks trump is going to lose
Anti-intellectual scum
Do tell, what is complicated about what these machines do then? :^)
>all these scripted CTR talking points
kill yourself
States have different rules on early voting. Most people still vote on the 8th.
kek, retard calling me anti-intellectual. Keep wearing your conspiracy hat.
It's going blue because you voted for a chauvinist, racist, xenophobic, close-minded, protectionist bigot that espouses white nationalism.

The trump campaign will burn into the ground and hopefully all his supporters will be declared enemies of the state
haha Brixit biggest search engine after the results was what does this mean for Britain this is the problem people just vote what they get shoved in there face with out knowing how it will fuck them over later
Congress also has re-election every 2 years. Straight republican means you vote republican president & congress. It also plays into the narrative that people wouldn't vote for a straight R ticket because of Trump.
it can still be rigged just that they didn't rig it hard enough to overcome the real votes
It's a game to make voting more interesting - you try to find a Republican to vote for who isn't into fucking young boys.
There is more than just the presidency up for grabs.

Congressional seats, state and local seats, and propositions.
Yeah you are literally anti-intellectual. Ignoring evidence is the epitome of anti-intellectualism.

>believing something with evidence makes me a tinfoiler
Democrats sure do love this awful meme
>Brixit biggest search engine after the results was what does this mean for Britain
It's almost as if people that voted remain wanted to know what would happen. If this is even true.
According to google's adverts things like "how do i help refugees" was a popular search phrase.
So... approx. what percentage of the total population votes before the 8th?
t. brit brainwashed by BBC (big black cock)

Hillary is literally more racist and bigoted than Trump.
I told you to stop posting
Depends on the state. It's been increasing over the years, but I think it's something like 30%, just to give a rough ballpark estimate.
i already know its a terrible idea for a million reasons, i want to know who the fuck approved it and why people allowed it
states like Texas do early voting to see if it will go the way they want and if not can change shit to there preference for example saying shit is rigged and change to paper ballets that are eraser to falsify or move poles to areas where people that don't agree with there views have to travel farther and wait longer to vote than the people they want to
You're only encouraging them, you know.

Right, surely everyone would vote straight anyway. What would be the point of having a Dem president but Republican congress/senate?

That's how it is now, right, and why Obama has been completely ineffective and not actually done anything?
Learn to use commas and spell properly Jesus Christ your posts are hard to read
>It's literally an array of names, an array of booles and a pair of integers
Yeap, thanks for confirming my statement above about you only getting exposed to programming yesterday.
Do you even know how memory is organised in different architectures? Do you know what kind of problems you might consistently run in if you ignore those nuances? Have you ever been exposed to parallel computations and the problems associated with its implementation?

I fucking swear, the fucking couch experts on /pol/ who only have layman's understanding on whatever subject, yet instantaneously assume they have a full grasp of it.
Usually they do. I imagine not as much this election. As for the point... well, most people don't think that far ahead.
>completely red state is rigging the vote for Hillary
top kek
The state's not doing it. And it's not completely red. Oklahoma is redder than texas. It's still far too red to go blue, however.
I'm convinced he's being paid to waste our time. His comments are simply too stupid to be sincere, and he's acting so Jewish that he triggered an actual Jew in the thread.
sorry went to school in a republican state you know the ones that thing the bible is more important than learning
That's a good point actually. High Trump voter turnout = bigger lines = lower voter turnout for easily-distracted dude weed types.
Actually you just have low IQ. It explains your opinions.
Oy vey, delet this.
Generally the plan is to slow down the destruction of the country by voting in warring groups of thieves - in the hope they'll be too busy fighting each other to work together to loot the nation.

I leave cookies and milk out for Santa Claus, too.
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You've yet to tell me what complicated thing these machines do.

This is the most retarded post I've seen this thread, 10/10. Did you even think about this before you posted it.

>parallel computations
In a voting machine? :^)
What state would that be? I'm sure all of them learn basic literacy

That's why I think he'll win if it isn't rigged. I think it'll come down to low turnout for Hillary at the end of the day
All these deniers, when this morning on the news it shows a video of someone clicking on trump's name, then hillary's name gets checked off
true that

even then it could have a backup power supply and an anti-intrusion mechanism to wipe out the rigged code
Yeah, I'm going to have to call you on bullshit. Apparently, there's a lot of security mechanisms involved in making sure the transmission of the vote data is secure, including some form of a PKI (public key infrastructure), which has been mentioned on the news before. I'm sure there are also checks to make sure the software hasn't been altered (hashes and the like), as well as checks to make sure the program in memory hasn't been altered (video games use these "anti-cheat" methods all the time).

In short, you're a fucking moron.

>>94620126 this
>>94621084 and this
Stop valliantly fighting strawmen. No one is arguing about how complicated legitimate open source voting software would be.
Why are you still posting?
I don't normally watch mainstream media, but it was on last night and I didn't constantly watch but for about an hour it was clinton rallies, clinton signs, clinton 'voters', clinton supporters, and clinton. Nothing on Trump. This is in Texas and I have met VERY few clinton supporters here, nothing like what they show.
actually have a above average iq just suck at spelling
Texas passed one spelling test my whole high school life and made the ab honor roll quite often
You do know that voting machines aren't connected to the internet, right?
In every single comment you've made, you've argued against things no one ever brought up. Go sleep off your hallucinations
You do know that you can digitally sign something without being connected to the internet, right?

And this doesn't even include the device drivers, which also need to be validated. Someone could, in theory, surreptitiously alter the touch screen driver, for example.

How stupid are you?
all it really needs is a preset date and time to activate the fake vote totals
so two lines of code, an if statement and a variable change
Not stupid enough to vote for Dump, apparently.

Here's hoping Texas flips come November 8th. I'd rather have a crook than an orange dictator in the White House.
>things no one ever brought up
>making sure the transmission of the vote data is secure

>You do know that you can digitally sign something without being connected to the internet, right?
Maybe you should sit for a minute and think about what you've just written.

>surreptitiously alter the touch screen driver
You mean what I've said from the beginning?
>acknowledging hillary is crook
is this actually a new ctr talking point? I've seen it before
>orange dictator
>what is checks and balances
>im a political illiterate

>Cryptographic Methods for Storing Ballots on a Voting Machine
>The hardware includes voting machine models with voter-verified paper audit trail
>We describe the theory behind a practical voting scheme based on ... running on client machines. ...... be most natural to use that PKI.

Nimble America is getting desperate, it seems. Are the rubles not flowing free enough to your liking, comrade? Perhaps you'd prefer something that's worth more, like the peso.
>how do you do, fellow anons? I am not CTR trying to hit my quota for using a required list of terms like "orange" to earn my bonus this week
Yeah, no one cares Palmer. Fuck off back to your general.
what the fuck is nimble america
CTR has a list of cringey phrases they have to pepper their comments with to earn good goy points
Its a propaganda outlet bankrolled by Palmer Luckey for Dump. Literally all the stuff /pol/ says the Dems do, except with actual proof.

t. Increasingly desperate shitposter
that gay reddit scam from the donald. an anonymous "millionaire" wanted to create a superpac to put up autistic meme billboards in support of trump.
Those articles are about online voting. Voting machines aren't connected to the internet.
You're dumb enough to believe people would come to pol, a board that's been 99% far right for the past 5 years, to shill? We do it for free dumbass.
They're not articles. They're scientific papers. And they're talking about storing votes locally on the machine... I'm pretty sure you're just a troll now, so I'm going to ignore you. Either that, or extremely autistic.
To sign something you don't need any network connection. It's just a cryptographic manipulation.
>when shit like this happens it's always Republican votes switching to Democrat, never the opposite
Really sets my brain in motion
he's pretending to be retarded to waste our time
FBI here, please provide more information.
That would be all fine and dandy if we weren't talking about someone who was access to the whole machine.

Which papers, you gave me a google search, all I'm getting are guardian articles eg.
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share this.
Her name is Hillary Clinton, there's proof of voting fraud going on, she has shared classified information through e-mails and more shit like that
Do your thing based FBI

The election won't be rigged. Just watch the newest vlogbrothers video


It even links to an article by SmartMatic saying that Smartmatic won't be rigging anything.

Fucking tinfoilers.
Not giving this guy a view, but after seeing the thumbnail I really want to punch him in the face for some reason
people verbally assaulting a camera without viewers having the ability to debate them in real time is the same as a written propaganda piece where the comments are disabled. trash like this is not acceptable in the current year. never post again.
also if you want to blend in here instead of looking like you're pushing 50, then you need to stop using the word "tinfoil"

Yes please consume this lye so you will not post and die a horrible death.
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Ok, serious question for you autist. Have you ever thought trump is losing not because of rigged polls, but because of trump? Maybe people outside of /pol/ and r/thedonald don't like the shitty things he say? Can you people just admit trump is going to lose because of trump?
>he thinks manipulation of source code is always visible
Step your programming game up, nigga
Its on Facebook! It must be true!

Check out my Aunt's Facebook page! Donald Trump grabbed her by the pussy! Its true! And then Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster did it too!
>why do you think there trying to get rid of paper cash for cards
>can't own anything the government doesn't know about
>can't do anything the government doesn't know about
>can't support a black market
>can't pull all your money out of a bank in case of a crisis

The list goes on, and it has absolutely nothing to do with being cheaper than paper, you twit.
Occams Razor. The far right can't seem to grasp this.....
Is this y'all's first election? This shit happens literally every time.

Most voters are paranoid and senile, and have a tenuous at best grasp of technology, so every four years people bitch about how their R was changed to D or vice versa when the reality is much simpler:

You're retarded.

I laugh whenever someone says they're sick of politicians lying to them and then vote Hillary. At that point, they really deserve to be deceived if they're listening to words rather than seeing actions.
>smartmatic says they won't rig, so we can trust them goys, I mean guys!
>after all, it's 2016! people don't just exploit you like that anymore!
implying you retarded corrupt faggots are capable of investigating anything.
Serious question for you autist. Have you considered that maybe I'm right?
All the other sources in the description are hilariously biased, too.

It'd be funny if people weren't watching these videos and believing them.
>Visit site
>prompts for a donation to keep Trump out of the white house

This is literally the only reason they can come up with to vote for Hillary. I have not seen a single other argument from her supporters.

So what's to stop trump from demanding a hand recount?
You didn't look at all of the evidence.
Try looking at it again and maybe I'll give you a serious response.
Except there's not been one reported incident of "vise versa" yet. It's always R to D.

You're retarded.
What does that have to do with anything?
Give us an election without massive rigging and voter fraud going on and we'll admit Trump lost because of Trump, if he actually loses. Until then there's really no argument to be had
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Im not voting hillary, i was simply pointing out people can't accept that trump is losing, so they blame the jews or something.

Nice sources friend

I never implied you did. I was putting it out there as a general statement.
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nice brain friend
losing what?
The election is in November.
I'm saving this.
he's fucking bluepilled, but his video series on world history was fun to watch.
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Isn't he the same guy that made the cereal analogy when men said they don't wanna fuck a roastie?
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Oh ok, my apologies.

The most recent polls have trump down. Not by a lot, but still down.
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If the voting machine does this for you, murder every employee there, and burn the building down. Only blood can bring change. Voting fraud is treason, and dems who commit it deserve death.
IBD is only respectable poll and it has trump even
>God's people

I have bad news for you, anon
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get nuked, jew
>emergency voting protocols in place
>electronic voting machines being removed
>paper ballots it is

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Don't respond to CTR shills! They are trying to drag the thread and the entire board down with their low energy and low IQ!

Post Trump pics!
Your country is a joke.

At least we have nukes.
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Your welcome.

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Fucking commie jews ruined it from the inside, and international jews from the outside, I have your entire race exterminated for it.
Why is every /pol/ sampling more democrats even polls that are seemingly in Trump camp like rammusen/idb?

Why not just sample more republicans and show Trump winning by a lot? Or are even the ones siding with Trump also actually on Clintons side and thus why they are sampling more dems?

Phillip Farina should go to the media.
Because they all assume the same dem turnout as in 2012 or 2008, which is a massive folly.

Their argument is that there's no scientific way to prove otherwise, but we all know that this isn't going to happen.
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Why dont democrat tickets switch to republican. Why do we never hear of this?
So you admit we are superior and your race is inferior?

At least there we can agree.
Not all Jews are against Trump. Some just want to live peacefully in Israel. But Jews like Soros want to destroy Israel and force all of them to move to the United States. Its in both our interest to prevent that.
First, a candidate can't just get a hand recount of everything (should be available, but since the goal is to steal elections, it's not).

What happens is a hand recount is done in a *very small number of specially selected precincts*. Only if they show discrepancies is a recount of a larger number of districts done.

So of course the "hand recount" is done in the specially-reserved districts where the cheating wasn't done - precisely to act as cover for all the rest where it was.

Then there's the cheating done at the tabulating level (e.g. GEMS).

And if things get too close to the truth then the election officials can simply destroy the ballots to prevent a recount. (This is what won the Presidency for Dubya in 2004. The Ohio Sec. of State was also the state chair of the Bush re-election campaign. Rigged the vote, destroyed the ballots, and because that gave Bush the Presidency there was no prosecution of him. Nice, huh?)

This is not some middle school student council election. This is for stealing the most important nation in the world, and the people doing it are not fucking around.
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At most in "people skills" and manipulation. Jews are inferior in IQ, strength, and looks. Your people only got so far, because you have no morals that restrain you.
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Gotta keep this bumped until the next thread is up, then I can go to sleep.

oh yeah voting machines can't be trusted, we had their system's security questioned at some point by someone, the "questioning" itself was deemed a "menace to democracy"

how does it feel to use the same system my corrupt shithole, third world country uses?

good luck america
Have my bump.
You stupid goyim should start radicalizing people because otherwise everyone will complacently accept hillary clinton as their new lord and savior.
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Soros runs the voting machines....

You can do your part to prevent them falsify installing Hillary.....

Go to


You are CTR though, aren't you.

There's tonnes of proof they're active.

Stop being a loser, admit it, and get a real job.

No receipt , no verification of your Vote possible
"This is what you 'democratically' chose, trust us...now go back to your entertainment screens."
we are talking about this since a few days
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>including the mudslime IQ in the calculation
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western europe have the arabs and niggers included too, and eastern europe have the gypsies included, and baltic and notrhern europe have their migrants too that bring down IQ, double edged sword Schlomo....
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Nice goalpost movements ahmed.
>Conservative sites
>Info wars
>Alex Jones

You wish there was election fraud.
yeah, but it only "miscalibrates" when voting Republican
>only mainstream media is true
>only leftist shit is real

Please kill yourself with a fucking axe, piece of shit. Greetings from a country where voting fraud was commited this year.
>You want proof
>>>posts screenshots of Facebook posts

Yeah, okay Anon. I totally believe you. Trump shills getting desperate here..
bobama literally knew this was the strategy when he made his "what does that even mean" speech criticizing Trump. He specifically said, "When you're ahead in all polling and lose badly then we'll talk" [heavily paraphrased from memory sorry bros]

Which means, of course, he already knew the plan. Oversample. Rig polls. Steal the election. Now all that will be off will be exit polls, but they probably already know this and will make sure they have most of their plants working for exit polling groups.

The democrats are rotten to the core, top to bottom, and the establishment republicans are right there with them. They want to steal it? MAKE them steal it. Get out and vote. Make them cheat so bad the whole world can see what a sham our government has become, that bombing people all over the world and dumping billions on Israel while Baltimore burns and Detroit rots is NOT what the US people want.

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the is no proof that jews have higher IQ, if jews would have that, they would fill /pol/ with it. considering that they originate from warm climate, they are likely adopted to that environment, so less brain development due to no need to plan for survival at winters, now jewish genetics are deluted due whoring out their women to rich families, but they still drag forward their shitty jewish genes, plus inbreeding brings down IQ too, and jews tend to do that too, so jews are mediocre IQ genetic garbage
Because javadesis can't code without copypaste and there's no voting machine examples on rosettacode or stackoverflow.
facebook posts are fine, but until we see a photograph of the machine screwing up, it will be a hard sell.
>Austrian that believes shitty conservative sites

There are much better conservative sites out there. And guess what? The "leftist media" are not the only ones convinced that Trump is losing its numbers.

Also, you're from Austria. I guess it's excusable that you can't tell apart which sites are somewhat reliable and which ones are garbage.
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Texas you're under attack, push back faggots
>doesnt actually look at all the proof
>claims intellectual superiority
CTR shills getting desperate I see

SEE >>94622807
I live in Texas. The concerns are real. Are you actually denying a county had to switch to paper due to a "malfunction" just because it came from a site you arbitrarily deemed "irreputable"?
Facebook posts =/= proof
No shit dumbass. There's more than just facebook posts. How stupid are you?
HELP HELP HELP!!!!1!!!!!


sorry im bad with screenshots.
i found this woman on twitter last night
shes a clinton shill and a on the boe in florida.



Not him, but it stores their personal information AND their vote. It's NOT just a simple counter. They also have to handle security. I guarantee you these aren't running some shitty java code, they're running machine specific code which is a lower level language than the shit you're thinking of.
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So uh, you guys remember that "We The People" petition about the voting machines that was posted on here a few days ago? It's going places.
is it better to vote early or wait?
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Send to every redpilled board!!!

Send it to /b/ send it to /r9k/ send it to /tv/ /k/ and /fit/ NAAAOOW!!!! ONLY A FEW MOAR!!!
K-Keep me posted
new thread is up

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>Conservative sites are bullshit
>much better conservative sites out there

Are you having a stroke right now, or why are you contradicting yourself.

Also the sites you talk about are mostly conservatist. You faggot don't even know the terms you use.

>Also, you're from Austria. I guess it's excusable that you can't tell apart which sites are somewhat reliable and which ones are garbage.

Did you liberal pussy just try mock be because of where I live, because of my nationality? Yeah we low avg. IQ Austroniggers suck.

Probably at the same time you jack off the the thought of importing all those lovely sandniggers.

Do everyone a favour and piss off to redd*t. Your retardism is hardly baerable.
My god...Facebook posts and links to conservative websites.

At last, the truth revealed.
see >>94636454
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Wow it jumped 20,000 signatures since monday
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