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Convince me the Wage Gap doesn't exist.

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Convince me the Wage Gap doesn't exist.

which wage gap? Men/women, upper/lower class? minority/white?
convince me it exists. Burden of proof is on you.
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The burden of proof lies on you, my great shitposter.
As long as women have free will there will be a wage gap between the sexes.
It does, it just isn't manufactured by some overbearing oppressive patriarchy
Convince me why it shouldn't

it is however manufactured by the upperclass which is predominately male
What is it manufactured by then?

Men/Women was what I was referring to
100 male surgeons making 100/hr
100 female nurses making 50/hr

"women only make half as much as men!!!!!!!!"

This is literally the wage gap argument.
if the gender pay gap exists ie women who do equal work as men are paid less, why wouldn't profit maximizing firms only hire women?
>wage gap
>Men/Women was what I was referring to

It's illegal to pay someone less based on gender so both will get the same wage for the same job. Done.

When you say "wage gap" what you really mean is "income gap." These are totally different things.
>It's illegal to pay someone less based on gender so both will get the same wage for the same job.

ah yes, because business owners are world renowned for their staunch adherence to rules.
The wage gap does not account for the type of job or hours worked.

Take it from a cucked liberal woman.
Is that Boxxy?

Yeah, I'm sure some shady corporate scumbag is going to arbitrarily single out women rather than save even more money by paying everyone less than they're worth, you dense cunt.
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If women are paid less, why would anyone hire men?

lol damn your a sensitive one aren't you?
Yeah everyone gets ripped off. how is this a defensible position?
you dense cunt
There might not be enough women in that area, such as STEM because they're all taking Liberal Rights courses
If you correct for hours worked, years of experience and job title, the wage gap practically vanishes.
>Yeah everyone gets ripped off. how is this a defensible position?

I didn't say it was, so stop moving the goal posts. We're talking about the supposed existence of a gender wage gap. How is the fact that corruption exists even remotely relevant to the subject at hand? Christ, you are all kinds of stupid.
Name 10 companies that pay women less for the same job.
you first
>so stop moving the goal posts
lol your already rolling out the logic nerd vocab?

>How is the fact that corruption exists even remotely relevant to the subject at hand?

Your first post supposes that since the rule exists then the existence of the crime cannot. You dense cunt
It does exist and it exists due to different interests and ideas/job choices, not discrimination or hate

There is no reason a business should discriminate unless they want to earn less money because there is NO way of benefiting it. And if you say "But Jom Crow!", Jim Crow was a law and mandatory. In Alabama it was required you have a 7 foot wall separating races.
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>Convince me the Wage Gap doesn't exist.

No you keep believing on boogiemen it's hilarious.

Makes me hard seeing people like you who still check under your bed for creepy clowns.
Not every job requires a $40k piece of paper, friend. Why aren't women pushing men out of the workforce when it comes to unskilled labour, service industry jobs, sales, etc.?

Again though, burden of proof is on you my Melbournian neighbour.
>against logic
I'm not surprised
Some people will only be cured by a ballistic lobotomy.
he just demonstrated a tremendous lack of logic dumb dumb

also I'm not against logic I'm against the tedious ways you idiots argue. Saying debate club buzzwords doesn't make you sound smart. its like when a weeb shouts japanese at normies

so your argument is the wage gap exists because there is a jew somewhere singling out women to save some shekels?
No but if that were my argument I'd be surprised if /pol/ didn't agree with it. most of the posters here blame so much else on jews
>same bullshit stats 30+ years later


you've still yet to produce any evidence, taking the average earnings of women and comparing it to the average earnings of men is not valid
Then what is your fucking argument? As far as I can tell, you've offered absolutely nothing besides "lol it's possible that business owners might be able to pay women less, so they totally do."

lmaoooo when logic nerds get owned with logic they get sooooo booty bothered.
my argument was that your argument of "the rule exists therefore the crime cannot" was stupid. You dummies
*dense cunts
That wasn't my argument, and it's not the argument I'd use. Do you have anything you'd like to actually bring to the table - since, you know, the burden of proof is on you - or are you going to just scream like a child about how owned we all got by your logic? Epic pwnage bro, totally owned.

women and men are paid the same for the same job and it's already illegal to discriminate based on gender in most of the west

women earn less than men OVERALL because women choose to be employed less, choose to work less hours and choose to work less dangerous jobs
Yeah your argument was to bring up a different argument. or to "move the goal post" as it were lol.
>le it doesnt matter if its illegal
then everyone would be hiring women cause we """pay them less"""
no memetic response here

wage gap is undeniable even when considering the exact same careers with exact same qualifications. however, women up until the age of 40 can get pregnant, and take considerable time off work.

I am not saying thats a bad thing, but you will get less if I am counting on having to replace you if only temporarily with someone while you are pregnant.

Sadly, this is also the reason why women get less pregant so the West is dieing.

And if you want to resovle that, the right has to respond with something other than "lets go back to single breadwinner", because thats unaffordable for modern families.
Sure, say that all women should be fired and their wages go to men -- where exactly are men going to find another 160 hours per month to offer to the employer in exchange for doubled wages?

Working 16 + hours per month wont work.

Not shilling, just a small business owner telling it like it is.
Convince me that it does

The fact remains that it doesn't until you have proof of its existence
Nice flag.
men are more likely to work overtime
men are more likely to take more expensive physical jobs
it doesnt account for different jobs
doesnt work like that.
its a nightmare for me to consider having to replace a valuable employee for six months while she is pregnant, and another three after she gives birth. (serbian laws)

I dont want to hire women to pay them less, I want them to not take that time off. But thats also why birth rate is plummeting.
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Women go to university and study gender studies, then bitch around there are too few female engineers.
the survey for 70 cents by the dollar did this:

>Take average of the hourly wage of all men working in the US
>Take average of the hourly wage of all women working in the US

>Then compare them and call it the gender pay gap.

This is retarded for two reasons. There are virtually no women working the "dirty" jobs. The sewer cleaners. The electrician. The plumber. Etc. The blue collar/untouchable jobs all go to men and so there are obviously significantly more men working than women. you can't compare the money earned by all men and women and compare the two to call it a gap. its been illegal to pay women, a specific race or religious persons less than their counterparts in anyway since the 1960's. The "Gap" doesnt exist because it would be illegal as fuck if it did.
Women as a whole make less than men as a whole due to the decisions women tend to make as individuals. Women with the skills and more importantly the drive can and do make it to the top.
women studies is a north american meme. in europe we dont have it. although i guess sociology in general is equivalent.
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>There might not be enough women in that area
You do realize that by the law of supply and demand this would make their salaries actually higher, right?
thats what im saying, nobody is hiring women to pay them less
thats why the wage gap is false
although they may earn less because of their own choices(birth, inability to work hard physical jobs) they are basically worth the same as a man
Ok OP. First you have to tell me what it is that you think the wage gap is measuring. Please be as specific as possible.
You claim it exists, therefore the burden of proof is on you.
why do you idiots think this is a worthwhile observation/response? does it make you feel better for not actually knowing if it exists and being to lazy to research it
Actually they don't do it by hourly wage, because half the gap disappears. They do it by "full time job", even though men in full time jobs work on average 4 hours more per week than women.
We don't believe it exists because we don't see any evidence for it. Why would anyone take the position that it de facto exists? I wasn't born with that kind of knowledge and I haven't seen anything to make me believe in it. Do you still believe in Santa Claus?
>in europe we dont have it
And when you talk about Europe, you actually mean your Serbian town, right?
>Convince me the Wage Gap doesn't exist.
>they're all taking Liberal Rights courses
oh brother. Op asked you to prove it doesn't exists so then prove it doesn't exist. If a child asked me to prove santa doesn't exist I'd at least explain why and how he couldn't exist. Yeah I get you can't build a santa radar but you can at least make an attempt you dipshits, that or shut the fuck up
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mmm...I bet those 3 boilermakers are real cuties
You're assuming your conclusion and that's not how any sort of knowledge is gained. We're trying to help you become a more well rounded person who can think for themself.

When you want to prove something exists you post evidence. Otherwise it doesn't exist. If you post evidence and I refuse to review it then you can tell me to shut up.

Jesus Christ, you retarded fucking faggot, this is BASIC debate code of conduct. If YOU make a claim, YOU need to provide evidence of its validity. Do you not know how basic reason and logic work? Fucking mongoloids like you make me want to become a mass shooter.
I'd love to see this data cross-referenced with sexual orientation to see if there's any correlation there too.
Do you have a degree?
The equal pay act proves that it doesn't, and can't, exist
> BASIC debate code of conduct
lol again with the debate nerd shit.

>Do you not know how basic reason and logic work?

lmaoooo just explain how it doesn't exist to OP or shut the fuck up. Nobodies asking you to prove it just cobble together an arguement you inbred.

>Fucking mongoloids like you make me want to become a mass shooter.

yes most mass shooters were forged in debate club lol
Not sure if >rare, but first time I've seen it.
ah yes. once again all /pol/ can muster is the broken logic of
"Well a rule exists so the crime therefore cannot"
Why do you insist on believing in something you have no evidence for? Tell us why you believe it exists and we'll tell you point for point why we think you're wrong. I'm not here to assert any claim about anything except for my lack of knowledge of any piece of evidence to support a wage gap.
Jesus you are stupid.
It doesn't exist because males and females are required by law to be paid the same for the same job, and women can sue for millions and make careers off of being discriminated. Now off yourself you fucking mongoloid
this, people have a hard time discerning wages from earnings. Over all, women are paid less per hour because they choose lower paying jobs.
*debate club voice* ahhhhh ad hominem. I am the clear victor. thank you very much
Wage gap exist because women generally far less capable than men in going things that bring a good wage. Brain is too simple, that's the problem and you will not fix it with government policies.
lol once again all /pol/ can muster is the classic
"the rule exists so the crime cannot"

you guys are the apex of dumb
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This idiot thinks he won lol.
If the crime existed there would be punishment when it is committed, yet you have no evidence of said crime being committed
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you have the argumentative capacity of a pineapple, and the demeanor of a 12 year old.
You belong on /b/, not on /pol/.
The "wage gap" exists because women choose a career in hairstyling or feminist dance therapy instead of electrical engineering or anything else that actually pays
*debate club voice* ahhhhh yet another ad hominem. You have made your argumentative capabilities very clear to me huehuehue.
It certainly exists in the Clinton Foundation.

Did you ignore what I said about suing? Courts and the media suck women cock harder than even blacks or muslims.
Hey guy so here's a location you could look for a wage gap why don't you look at some companies and how they pay their employees

I heard a piece of shit story on NPR, which I've stopped listening to completely, about how a professor at a university was shocked when she found out that many male professors, not necessarily within her own department, not with the same reaearch or colleagues or field or anything, just the same title as her in the payroll machine, were making more than her. Ask yourself how that could be. Basically this is a university professor who is so obsessed with labels that she's trying to create government policy to restrict job titles and the pay that goes with that title. These nutjobs are teaching our country.
Ah yes. Because all crime is brought to justice and nobody ever gets away with anything. this logic is infallible and I have clearly lo- oh wait. thats not true
It is illegal to not pay people equally for the same work faggot. Women just are not as productive as men, so if you sum up their work done at the end of the month and compare it to work done by men, you get a productivity gap and accordingly, a wage gap.

Wait, there's some more

Men working 42 hours per week at $17/hour
Women working 35 hours per week because kids, at $17 hour

Anon, how much do you want for a starting salary?
>Im worth 52k and this is why
Femanon, how much do you want for a starting salary?
>I don't know.
How about 42k?
>ok, fine
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The common misconception liberals have is they think wage gap denial is literally denying the statistics that women make overall less per year then men do.

Absolutely no one denies this. Wage gap denial is about the CAUSE. Not the basic existence.

What we are really saying when we say the wage gap is bullshit is that the causes of the wage gap proposed by liberals is bullshit. Libs say it is discrimination, privilege, evil white cis oppressive men, patriarchy, and a whole slew of bunk.

The reality is that wage gap is caused by precisely the opposite of discrimination. Women earn less because they can get away with earning less because men give them free shit. This is proven by the fact women control most of the wealth - over 60% by most studies. This statistic alone would be absolutely impossible if the wage gap was discrimination based. But it goes much further than that.

-Hours Worked
-Profession choice
-Degree choice

Every single statistic when looked at points more and more to the fact that women are earning less because of free choices they make. Because they have the additional social safety net of just marrying a richer guy and expecting to be taken care of, women can afford to be more flakey in terms of their direction in life. Women grow up knowing if they fail they can always be a housewife. Men grow up knowing if they fail they will probably end up as a bum on the streets. Women are absolutely not victims in any first world country. Women have life on literal easy mode. They earn less because they can.

TL;DR wage gap is caused by hypergamy, not patriarchy. It's not the wage gap we deny the existence of, it's the phony ass female victimhood narrative.
All the women in the US put together make X amount of income.

All the men in the US put together make Y amount of income.

X and Y are not equal.

If you take the US population and cut it approximately in half based on Gender, the chances of the two groups making the same ammount of income is an impossible expectation.

This isn't even considering the fact that women have only recently entered the work force, and at a great cost to societal health. Women making as much income as men would only be achieved by the complete death of gender roles and the destruction of family.
So all you're saying is that the gender income gap could exist. We all agree that it could exist in theory. Now it's up to you to show that it indeed does exist in a way that demonstrates unlawful discrimination. We'll wait.
Its proof that it doesn't exist, unless there is proof of its existence then there is no counter and its a /thread, the ops received what they asked for

>Confuses ad hominem for people just calling him a retard

Liberalism probably causes more brain damage than mixing Krokodil with Meth.

I'm satisfied with you agreeing that it could exist. I say this has been enough progress for today.
If the wage gap existed, wouldn't companies hier women only to save those precious '28%'?
Are you just going to ignore everything I've said about suing and female oriented news media?

>Be Company that pays women less than men
>Competitor pays women the same as men
>No women offer to work at my company because they get better pay for the same job somewhere else

A rule doesn't even need to exist dumbass. There is no reason to pay women less than men for the same job.
what did I say that was liberal? ever. I didn't even say I thought that the wage gap existed or not. you guys are just so shitty at arguing I didn't even have to.
That wasn't the point of the thread, the point was to prove that it doesn't exist and its been irrefutably proven to not exist

You don't have to say shit m8. The way you type, structure your posts, make no sense, and have hardly any idea how reality works let alone how to argue your points shows that you are a liberal.
So what? Unicorns could exist. Giants could exist. I believe in those just as much as I believe in what you're saying.

No one is going to validate your feelings it's better to get used to being wrong. I used to think it existed just like I thought santa and the Easter bunny existed. Our society is making emotional decisions and people like you are legitimately scary.
I addressed that already dummy. I made a sardonic comment on how every crime is always brought to justice and then I made fun of the absurdity of that
ah so in other words you *debate club voice* you have no hard evidence mehoi.
Not every crime is brought to justice but if crimes are happening there would be proof of them regardless
>Not every crime is brought to justice but
you can stop right there dummy.
If you really think that that was an adequate defense then saged.
Prove him wrong

I don't need evidence for pointing out you are a liberal. I just cross reference you with other liberal posts from stuff like tumblr and plebbit.

And again you have brought no evidence to the table this whole thread. At most you brought a hypothesis that could be possible, yet would be incredibly retarded.
>convince me that this preconceived notion I have that contradicts basic reasoning is false

Nah m8
>I'm too dumb to make an argument so I'll stop reading

Good job, dummy
why? I don't care if he thinks I'm a liberal. Most of you guys don't even know what a liberal is. You think Marx and communism is liberal lol
Based gypsy
So he's right and you are wrong, great
I read the whole post it was a pointless observation dummy.
so it goes
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Did you just admit you're a commie?
Opinions like yours are a diamond dozen.
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no I'm grey fox
In the progressive authoritarian equality sense yes
At least you can admit it, I'm satisfied with the progress you've made today
I can't refute that. my opinions are like a dozen diamonds
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Holy shit cringe.
me too :)
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It's illegal in all developed countries to pay someone less for the same role based on gender. A female accountant will earn the same as a male accountant in the same role. A female neurosurgeon will earn the same as a male neurosurgeon.
What wont happen though is females lining up to work on rigs, underground or in primary industry where pay is higher, then when women's income is broadly compared to mens, they'll piss and moan about getting paid less despite not willing to do the same type or hours of work to compete.
Hey pink poster serious question do you ever question your sexuality?
You're obviously an idiot, and this conversation is guaranteed to go nowhere. https://www.eeoc.gov/ has all the info of what someone experiencing wage discrimination can do legally. Beyond this, they can contact the media who will gladly report the story and damage the companies reputation. Any significant company has human resource and legal departments dedicated to making sure they are staying within the law, as potential costs significantly outweigh benefits of underpaying women. 10/10, you've collected (you's) like a god.
More like cubic zarcarbias.
If everyone with a vagina was 20% cheaper to hire than their male equivalent, why not just hire women everywhere and slash your wage budget by 20 percent?
women want equal pay for equal position. not equal work

PNG is an Australian vacation spot
because women work 20% less. at least. and are more likely to gripe and complain.
Am I pink poster? If so then yes. Every day I perform a dark ritual and summon the dark lord satan and we six six sixty nine
I just couldn't deal with all the periods and bitchiness, so I shelled out the extra 20%.
Hey bro I want you to stick around on /pol/ for a while we could use someone like you

Not really. Liberal has become a Cultural term in the past few decades for the Western World. It has lost all political meaning. What was liberal a century ago is now Libertarianism, And all modern political liberals are just Neo-cons pandering to LGBT rather than Christians.

As for culture, well Liberals are the modern day middle and upper class hipsters that want to live in fantasy land where everyone gets along and "screw traditions and my culture because I want to rebel" mentality going so far the deep end they might cause a replacement type genocide..

Outside of Mathematics and Engineering, there are more women in STEM than men.
nah you guys are tedious and boring. I'm just here cause my plans with satan fell through.

Is biology part of SETM?

>ah yes, because business owners are world renowned for their staunch adherence to rules.

If a woman knows for a fact that she's being paid less for equal work, then she can take a business owner, no matter how shady, to court.

But, by your logic, there is literally no way to stop the wage gap except maybe communism.
As I said, he's a fucking commie.
If your so smart how comes you sound so dumb?
>by your logic

lmaooooo the classic mantra of the debate club nerd with a pointless observation. never change /pol/

>inb4 notanarguement
could be me american accent m8
Its a prettier coalburner version of her
No, its defiantly the mental retardation that does it
Haha ok man. Happy talking to ya
>calls me retarded
>spells definitely wrong

ahhhh... you guys are so cute I can barely stand it sometime
>lmaooooo the classic mantra of the debate club nerd with a pointless observation.

Pointless observation? The way you're putting it, as long as there are big business owners doing shady shit, there's always going to be a wage gap.

I don't understand what you're getting it.

>inb4 notanarguement

Well it kinda isn't. I mean, do you disagree with what I said?
If this shitty thread is going to refuse to die, how about you give me an answer pinko.
The point still stands: you're a feminist retard.
Sorry kid, its nothing personnel, I don't care that you are retarded

Though I do think you shouldn't be aloud to vote
I never even made a single feminist point lol.

Once again the logic is stupid. Cops exist too, does that mean every crime is brought to justice? You need to think your posts out at least one more step otherwise I'm going to keep ignoring them
Are you saying Americans sound dumb?
You're literally parroting feminist talking points like MUH WAGE GAP.
Oh are you using the speech to text feature on your phone? They aren't typos it seems just like a miscommunication with your phone.
>Though I do think you shouldn't be aloud to vote

Yeah, guys like him are a diamond dozen huh?

I literally never did lol
Those are memes you goddamn dip
He spelt defiantly right though...
>I never even made a feminist point

Feminist never make points so you are obviously one

And who said every crime is brought to justice?

Well thats the reason then.
I'm familiar with the nothing personal kid meme but not the allowed = aloud meme.
I'll give you points for that.

Thats what I'm told
>Not even checking out the website I linked to "educate yourself"
>not even addressing my point about the media
god bless
What is with you? Why do you want my attention so badly. every attempt you made to own me has failed miserably. If you want a friend to just chat to then maybe we can set that up but other wise shut up already
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If women did the same amount of work as men, but companies could get away with paying them less, why would anyone ever hire men?
Can we be friends?

Why can't we be friends?
I'll be honest I was just shitposting
Because if you get too many women in the workplace they all organise their periods to start at the same time.

Is shitposting the hipster word for trolling?
I only date logic nerds

Why do you date your friends?
so long space cowboy.
maybe we'll meet again in another life
I get the feeling that we should start giving benefits to mothers in family units,

or perhaps flip it around and give bonuses or tax exemptions for working men with wives and children.

This problem is just going to keep growing, since the fact of the matter is that society is simply not built around women being a provider.

No wonder women in their 30's end up marrying the first piece of shit they can lockdown and having lesbians and numales for children, it's bad epigenetics.

This is why the west is suffering.
Something along these lines, from NPR

"When examining women CFOs, (because of the positions' status in a company, and the power it holds) we see that women are, on average paid 20% more. This is commonly used as an indication of the gender pay scale showing that the trend to pay women equally is working."

What I got from that is that is women are getting paid more for the same work.

>stop being pussies.
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I don't know is kraut the hipster word for autistic?
he s a slut

sorry man, I didnt meant to hurt you. How could I know that shitposting is probably the only thing in life your good at.
>Get Job
>Congratulations you won't starve to death
All you need
Why can they do this? What evolutionary advantage was there to giving women the ability to synchronize their bitchiness?
It's a form of magic. Their innate witch is communing with Satan and they get better signal if they all bleed together.
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