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Why did Hitler invade sovereign nations?

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Thread replies: 103
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Hi /pol

I'm beginning to see now that Communism was the actual enemy and not National Socialism. I'm having trouble though justifying the multiple invasions of sovereign states. I am familiar with the concept of Lebensraum and I can understand the following conquests: Rhineland, Sudetenland and the Polish corridor. Even the Austrian anschluss makes sense.

But the conquest of nations leads to total war as seen throughout European history. You cannot simply successfully annex countries like France, Netherlands, Poland etc.. Were Hitler's intentions small but he had to go big to attain them. but the war ended up dragging on too long?

Please explain how Hitler can still be good after attempting that? Thanks.
>But the conquest of nations leads to total war as seen throughout European history. You cannot simply successfully annex countries like France, Netherlands, Poland etc.. Were Hitler's intentions small but he had to go big to attain them. but the war ended up dragging on too long?
Hitler never annexed any of these countries.

From France he took Alsace-Lorraine, which was majority German and lost in WW1. (The occupation of the north was not permanent and was for strategic reasons against Britain). Netherlands he took no land from. Belgium he only took the microscopic area of Eupen-Malmedy which was also majority German and lost in WW1.

Poland, he would have taken Danzig and Posen and then set up an autonomous Polish protectorate.
P.S. Danzig and Posen were also lands that were rightfully and largely-populated by Germans.
Stalin was as much of a fascist as Adolf and Hirohito were, but its not really talked about because it makes progressives uncomfortable
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>Posen were also lands that were rightfully and largely-populated by Germans.
You fucking moron... It's literally the cradle of the Polish state and it always had a Polish majority, even after Poland was partitioned by Prussia, Austria and Russia. Prussia/Germany only annexed it for some 100 years.
100 years is 5 generations dumbass.

Anyways, the offer Hitler msde to Poland before the war was the city of Danzig (which was majority German) and a REFERENDUM for Posen so that the people themselves would chose.
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>100 years is 5 generations dumbass.
And Poles were still the large majority, even in East Prussia.
The Polish majority areas were to be part of the Polish protectorate
>East Prussia
Good thing we're talking about Danzig and Posen then, huh?
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>t. Bolek Sczyzcszwski
Occupy would have been a better word choice.

So all the occupied states would later on be releases except for the parts owned by Germany prior to WWI?
Hitler had no intention of controlling all of france.
The invasion was in response to the French declaration of war
And the occupation would have ended once England negotiated a peace treaty
Churchill was a war monger though and without an effective navy to facilitate an invasion. The bits turned the war into a siege.
Hitler asked for peace talks numerous times but was rejected
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We did not mind to much the Germans where nice to us from what my grand parents tell me
Got a selection of good things, stranger.
Poles are not Gyppos Pepik.
That's because you're Frisian. A land of Germanic men...
yo this map is fucking bullshit, but i bet you can tell by yourself ahmed.
if he wanted danzig then why did he take over half of poland and then didnt leave once they conquered it?
Same reason the US does
You don't fight on your own soil
The moment you do you lose
You wreck the other guys nation not your own regardless of the reason for the conflict
Even though they didn't start the war Hitler wasn't about to let his beautiful Germany who just got done rebuilding itself go back to being rubble
Cry more French pussy
This is you
t. jamal d'quan a stormweenie
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Toilet cleaners vacation to cuckland?
WW1 memorial in Nowa Wieś Ełcka/Neuendorf, Masuria:
Ernst Wilimzik
Walt. Hermann
Otto Schulz
Gotth. Dombrowski
Kurt Palm
Ludw. Konradt
Joh. Stehl
Gustv. Koschorrek
Fr. Kowalewski
Wilh. Rogowski
Joh. Kudritzki
Fritz Czeczor
Gottlieb Lendzian
Karl Symanzik
Fritz Daschkey
Gustav Kurella
Johann Symanzik
Gustav Dolenga
Karl Deresch
Aug. Skelka
Aug. Reck
Emil Truskowski
Friedrich Sarzio
August Sarzio
Friedr. Reisenauer
Emil Czeczor
Friedr. Kudritzki
Joh. Sollmann
Fritz Borries
Karl Schütz
Gust. Walenschik
Rud. Sollmann
Joh. Orlowski
Emil Wascheszio
Freidr. Serwatka
Friedr. Stehl
Joh. Plenio
Paul Schäfer
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WW1 memorial in Witówko/Ittowken, Masuria:
Wilh. Badorrek, † 17.11.1917
Fritz Bloch, † 20.5.1918
Gustav Badorrek, † 19.3.1915
Otto Sczepan, † 26.10.1918
Otto Konietzka, † 21.12.1918
Aug. Merchel, † 17.12.1915
Wilh. Bannach, † 28.10.1914
Otto Gosdzienski, † 27.7.1916
Julius Janowski, † 1.9.1914
Johann Ksionsek, † 10.8.1915
August Lork, † 29.10.1914
Emil Blech, † 1.4.1915
Wilh. Sczepan, † 17.10.1917
Gustav Napierski, † 17.10.1918
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Former Protestant Church (Roman Catholic since 1980) in Nakomiady/Eichmedien, Masuria
WW1 memorial (bears the names of people from Eichmedien, Schäferey, Ballau, Salpkeim, Kotzargen, Langanken, Budzisken, Sczierzbowen)
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Church in Okartowo/Eckersberg, Masuria (Protestant between ~1525 and 1981, since then Roman Catholic):
Richard Pietraß, † 17.11.14

Robert Wietrek, † 20.11.14
Richard Kurtnik, † 29.12.14
Johann Glebba, † 2.2.15
Johann Oßa, † 27.3.15
Rob. Jastrzemski, † 6.4.18
Emil Kurtnik, † 21.4.18

Fritz Soboll, † 27.8.14
Gustav Sartorius, † 11.9.14
Paul Nagurka, † 29.11.14
Karl Slowik, † 28.12.14
Wilh. Bahr, † 27.3.15
Friedrich David, † 9.9.15
Fritz Drzewek, † 20.9.15
Gust. Sarzecki, † 30.9.15
Ludwig Lojewski, † 6.10.15
Gust. Möwe, † 6.5.16
Herm. Balzer, † 21.9.16
Friedr. Huser, 4.9.17
August Soboll, † 13.9.17
Ant. Wessollek, † 22.1.18
Gust. Sabor, † 31.3.18
Adolf Schillak, † 17.7.18
Friedr. Andrischewski, † 13.9.17
Paul Steffens, † 8.8.18
Eduard Prengel, † 1915
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WW1 memorial plaque and Heinz von Stwolinski's tombstone:
all german first names, more than half of them have german surnames.
you are proving exactly what?
>I'm beginning to see now that Communism was the actual enemy and not National Socialism
wew lad

Fascism is a direct response to globalism.

The depth of Nationalism that Fascism espouses goes as far as pursuit of Autarky, a complete self-sufficiency in terms of resources and a closed economy.

Germany felt the sting of embargo, so pursued Lebensraum in Soviet Union, they were also bitter losers when it came to WWI, so they wanted to wreck France and UK's shit, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and Norway were just in the way.
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>War declared on Poland by Germany
>oy vey we gotta start a world war

>war declared on Poland by USSR
>... Soviet union muh greatest ally

No anglo tricks going on here
>allied cucks will unironically defend kaliningrad
40% of Prussians were ethnic Poles.
Prussians = Germans, Poles, Lithuanians

P.S. Poland created Prussia.
P.P.S. Prussia was a mistake.
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The Prussian Poles (and not only) were forcibly Germanised after the partitions of Poland during the 19th century.
Ostrykół/Ostrokollen, Masuria:
Fritz Soboll
Fritz Gerlach
Johann Melza
Johann Brozio
August Janz

Rudolf Meyer
August Maslowski
Gust. Krause

Johann Fabritzki
Max Kruschinski
Gustaw Moysiszik
Herm. Doliwa
Martin Stanull
Ludwig Symanzik
Ludwig Pietrzyk
Adolf Komossa
Joh. Murawski
Gustav Dolenga
Ludwig Dolenga
Hermann Maczeyzik
Johann Wiersbitzki

Martin Sollmann
August Jenzelewski
Hermann Fröhlich
Karl Schwetzko
Jakob Waschkewitz
Adam Sobottka
Gustav Dombrowski
Joh. Dombrowski
Gustav Wernik
Joh. Glam
Ludwig Niklas
Aug. Bartholomeyzik
Friedrich Sdorra
Johann Lask
Johann Rafael
Johann Koczik
Ludwig Budzinski
Ludwig Woydak
Ludwig Wernik
August Borutta
Wilhelm Gallmeister
Martin Scheyko
Hermann Riesy

Joh. Sulewski
Rudolf Truskowski
August Maczeyzik
Emil Zielazko

Fritz von Glinski
Wilhelm Schattkowski

Paul Albin
August Donder
Johann Kornatzki
Friedr. Lukaschewski
Waldemar Marczinski
Adolf Olschewski
Karl Philippzik
Johann Walendy
Johann Olschewski

Friedr. Jestremski
Ludwig Czybulka
Friedr. Czybulka
Rud. Czybulka
Wilh. Czybulka

Gustav Borawski
Fritz Borawski
Gust. Borawski
Joh. Bannewitz
Friedrich Brosziewski
Michael Chedor
Gustav Cirnetzki
Karl Cirnetzki
Franz Gossing
Karl Heisel
August Kloss
Joh. Marczinowski
Gottlieb Marczinowski
Fritz Rabialski
Wilh. Schwidereck
Otto Smentek
Joh. Czech
Rud. Trustkowski

Karl Purwien
Ludwig Rogowski
Hermann Rosinski
Adolf Dubaschny
Fritz Piechottka
Ludwig Piechottka

Herm. Bartholomeyzik
Ludwig Borutta
Karl Makoschey
Karl Michalzyk
Johann Mozarski
Aug. Symanzik
Friedr. Willimzik
bullshit made up number.
prussians=majority Germans, some poles and a little minority of lithuanians.
brandenburg created prussia out of the remains of the teutonic order, which was a vassal of the commonwealth back then.
Franz Donder
Wilh. Kordas
Franz Kowalewski
Johann Olschewski

August Adamzik
Johann Bondzio
August Brodowski
Johann Brodowski
Bruno Buchholz
Karl Buczilowski
Otto Denzer
Kurt Doliwa
August Donder
Herm. Hartmann
Fritz Hellmich
Max Jasch
Gustav Karpinski
Herm. Karpinski
Otto Klimaschewski
Ludwig Kloss
Aug. Koslowski
August Krupinski
Herm. Kulschewski
Gustav Lamowski
Wilh. Losch
Gottfried Maslo
Ernst Neumann
Rudolf Neumann
Jakob Nikulka
Paul Nisch
Franz Olschewski
Gust. Reinhardt
Franz Schmidt
Friedr. Schmidt
Gottlieb Schulz
Joh. Stutzkowitz
Friedr. Wilimzik
Aug. Wrobel
Aug. Zielinski
Kurt Bergmann

Gottlieb Rukowski

August Plaga
Joh. Frohlian
Joh. Niedzwietzki
Ludw. Czubayko
Gust. Czubayko
Herm. Biernatzki
Gust. Dolenga
Johann Konietzko
Mich. Moskalewski
Alfred Zeysig

Fritz Rinnewitz
Paul Domscheit
August Gryzan
Martin Tachil
Reinhold Bickel
Hermann Kudritzki
Ludwig Kudritzki
Gustav Nikulski
Joh. Nikulski
Ludwig Nikulski
Gust. Pietrzik
August Trott I
August Trott II
August Wilk
Franz Zeisig

Ludwig Lojewski
Adolf Lojewski
Friedrich Katzbrowski
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>prussians=majority Germans, some poles
Second largest ethnic group was the Poles, Germans were about 50%.
Poles literally made up 30% of Królewiec/Koenigsberg's population during the 17th century.
>brandenburg created prussia
No, POLAND CREATED PRUSSIA. Poland invited the Teutonic Order to northern Poland and Prussia, then destroyed the order, then on its ruins created Prussia as a vassal of Poland in 1525.
Majority of the Prussian Poles living in Ducal Prussia were Protestant, just like the Prussian Germans.
>Poles were actually prussian
explains why they stole Germany's clay after WW1
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1. The German warrior monks were invited to Poland by a Polish prince.
2. Prussia was created by Poland.
3. A Polish king created the Hohenzolern line by giving them prince titles. >>94020371
4. Ducal Prussia was a Polish vassal and under its sphere of influence for centuries.
5. Royal Prussia (Gdansk) was a Polish voivodeship of Poland for 700 years, Polish territory.

P.S. Prussians were Poles as well.
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That's because the dutch are germans with gigantism
Polish people are the European version of Niggers. You even have your version of "WE WUZ KING AND SHIET".
>Why did Hitler invade sovereign nations?
Danzig and treatment of the German minority. No country would sit by and watch their people getting treated like this

They declared war on the Nazis, hence get your shit pushed in
Also attacked because they declared war

After it was inevitably shattered by the munich agreement, it's President Hacha asked to get German protection, i.e. become a protectorate (which was against the munich agreement, but the allies were stalling for time anyway)

British forces were landing in north France joining with their military, rather close to the Rhineland, Germanys biggest industrial area. In addition, secure the shores there and get anti air shit going against British bombers

Britain wanted to disrupt resources flowing in from sweden to Germany and started to plan/start an invasion of Norway for that matter. Germany prevented that by being just a few hours faster and sadly, this meant going through Denmark too.

The post limit doesn't allow me to answer this the right way. Tldr would be resources because Stalin supplied Germany with "everything" and was able to stop the resources coming within one day... which would have meant demise for Germany

I think there was a commie putsch and commies are big no no

Italy fucked up just attacking Greece and losing. As a result, Greece allowed Britain to land troops there. Germany had to stop this before a third southern front starts.
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>and treatment of the German minority.
Which was BS propaganda.
>No country would sit by and watch their people getting treated like this
Goebbels would be proud of your useful gullibility.
Because Hitler was actually a Kike and his only purpose was destroying europe, securing American hegemony over it and paving the road for communism (also a jewish invention).

Protestant germans (like the cattle they always were) fell for it.
Super autist, mega shill derailing the thread.

If Poland is so great, why are you living in Sweden anyway?
>Which was BS propaganda.

No its not you fucking spastic. There are whole books written about this. Before the war, even the British and French higher officials were talking about this, thinking it will lead to war. The French were mad that Poland did not listen anymore to anyone and Britain made sure Poland goes further full retard.

In October of that year, the future Minister for Education and the Arts,
Stanislaw Grabski, announced, at a delegates' conference, the Posen programme with
the following words:
We want to base our relations on love, but there is a love for fellow countrymen and
another love for foreigners. Their percentage amongst us is by far too high. Posen can
show us how 14 per cent or even 20 per cent can be reduced to 1.50 per cent. That
foreign element will need to decide whether it will be better o somewhere else. Poland
is exclusively for the Poles!
Following a few examples of the various means of displacement:
Withholding or withdrawal of citizenship, followed by expulsion from the territory on
the grounds of dealing with a foreigner, deportation of former civil servants, teachers
and other public employees together with their families, one-sided administration of taxes
especially of the enforcement of the tax regulations and of the rules for the Agrarian
Reform, withdrawal of the entitlement to practise one's occupation (by revoking of licences,
concessions, permits) with the eect of wrecking the basis of economic life, calls
for boycott tolerated by the authorities. 'The consequent feeling of insecurity with regards
to justice and the awareness of being at the mercy of an alien Power gave rise to a state
of panic amongst the Germans, leading to panic selling of property and emigration of
such magnitude that it even exceeded the consequential result of any Polish force brought
to bear.' This policy forced the German element of West Prussia and Posen to emigrate
en masse between 1919 and 1926.

In their biting attacks on Germany the Polish press did not even wait for the British
guarantee; rather they were satised with secret assurances from London in August and
September 1938, as well as the news from January to March 1939 received from London
and Washington. Already one month before Hitler's entry into Prague, on 15 February
Poland published, in spite of warnings from the Western Powers against doing so,
the List of Names of properties which were soon to be requisitioned for parcelling in
the course of the Agrarian Reform. The list contained an extraordinary large number of
German names. On 24 and 25 February there occurred serious anti-German excesses by
the student body.
While the land reform robbed the minority Germans in 1938 of two thirds of their arable
land, so the Frontier Zone Law and Agrarian Reform expropriated in February 1939 agricultural
land, of which 72% belonged to German people (in previous years the proportion
had averaged 66%). Within a 30 kilometres wide border strip Germans were no longer
allowed to own land; this concerned in the 85-110 kilometres wide Corridor nearly all
of the West Prussian region.13) In addition, there was the activity of the West Marches
Society, the only point on whose program[me] is extermination of the German element
at the Polish western frontier.13) The head of this West Marches Society, M. Zaleski,
was claiming at the same time, in a speech made at Kattowitz that Poland had made
the pact with Germany in 1934 only for tactical reasons, so as to prepare the ground for
a future conict; that it would be a comfortable screen for the Polish government to hide
behind while they could rid themselves of the German minority.

Just to name a bit
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies...
Those famous books written by the all truth-saying ministry of propaganda right?
>Poland is exclusively for the Poles
And under Hitler, Germany was open to everyone? Right now, Germany is for everyone (thank fuck), but I don't think nationalism was bigger in Poland than Germany back then.
The Polish government's oppressive minority policy provoked the ire of other European
states. Poland's Jewish, Ukrainian, and German populations suered legal persecution to
disenfranchise them, strip them of political inuence, or force their migration out. The
regime dismissed German ocials and employees from civil service. It conscated German
farms, closed ethnic schools and forced the pupils to enroll in Polish educational institutions.
These measures compelled many Prussian and Silesian Germans to move into
Germany. A quarter of the ethnic German population had left Poland by 1926. Heinrich
Brüning, German chancellor from 1930-1932, pursued a trade policy the Poles considered
disadvantageous to their commerce. Pilsudski responded by conducting military maneuvers
and massing troops near Germany's border. The Polish army concentrated formations
in a ring around East Prussia, geographically separated by the corridor from the Reich. In
1930, Mocarstwowiec (The League of Great Powers), a newspaper mirroring Pilsudski's
views, published this editorial: We know that war between Poland and Germany cannot
be avoided. We must prepare for this war systematically and energetically. ... In this war
there will be no prisoners taken. There will be no place for humanitarian feelings. The
Polish general sta had been weighing options for invading the Reich since 1921. German
diplomats considered the appointment to Polish foreign minister of Joseph Beck, an army
colonel and condant of Pilsudski's, in November 1932 as indicative of a more militant


Of course, the butthurt poles, completely void of any facts or information regarding their own country. But I didn't expect anything else from the Butthurt Belt.
Poles being the first to be butthurt and denying everything. I am shocked!
>denying everything. I am shocked!
Says the retarded "MUH THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD!!!" BS neo-Nazi.
Excellent lecture on this subject,

These info are from https://www.amazon.com/Hitlers-revolution-Richard-Tedor/dp/0988368226

But can also be found from other authors, i.e. French, British or US.

On the 24 August from Ambassador Henderson to British Foreign Minister Halifax:
Herr Hitler's reply clearly indicates that the immediate question is not so much Danzig
and the Corridor, which by implication can wait for a later solution, as the persecution
of the German minority. . . . . . there is no doubt that there is much ground for German
complaints in this respect. The expropriation law referred to in the Warsaw telegram no. 271 is to me, I submit, the basic indication of a very understandable but equally inopportune
eort to get [rid of] the German population in Poland under cover of guarantees of
the Western Powers.
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>tfw nazis can never source their shit
>when they do its highschool-tier youtube videos or bizarro half-assed websites
Nice to see the German play the "who calls out butthurt first" game.

It's totally not you being an edgy history revisionist quoting bullshit fantasy fried up by his buddies followed by fanfics authored by 14/88 sieg heil zaelots.

Let me guess, gleiwitz radio station was attacked by poles pretending to be nazis pretending to be poles attacking poor germans who dindu nuffin, did I got it right or was there another layer of false flagging just to stop the masterrace from setting things right?
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Sure you aren't mixing up Posen with Schlesien or Pommern?
I mean let's not pretend as if Vichy france wasn't a complete puppet
More buzzwords. Boring.

Honestly. Who even cares about Gleiwitz and other details? The Eternal Anglo used your country as a pretence for the war Churchill and the (((international bankers))) always desires, even if Germany had remained a democracy and Hitler had never been born.
Daily reminder that the Saxons were always expansionist thieves and murderous pigs.
Its funny you quote that, because he was talking about exactly what people like you do. Lie your ass off, call the history settled, then declare anyone with a different interpretation "discredited" or facts that don't support your belief "falsified." You're pretty much a cultist at this point.
Literally a Slavic name.
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The Polish and Jewish butthurt always brings tears of joy. Always just shitposting, ad hominems, strawmen and derailing.
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On the 28 August, Henderson receives a circular dispatch from Halifax, which was sent
simultaneously to Washington, Warsaw, Paris and Rome:

"His Majesty's Government agree that one of the principal dangers in the German-
Polish situation is reports of the treatment of minorities."

>inb4 yeah reports coming only from Goebbels himself fuckhead.
Hitler wanted Danzig and asked for a referendum for the citizens in Posen. The Swedish "man" then posts demographic maps of East Prussia for no apparent reason.
Obviously a post-war falsification by the global neo-nazi conspiracy.
>>inb4 yeah reports coming only from Goebbels himself fuckhead
More like reports coming only from out of your ass kek.

Don't forget to kiss the boots of the monument your countrymen erected to glorify the Slavic conqueror of German folk next time on your visit in Berlin.
>The Eternal Anglo used your country as a pretence for the war Churchill and the (((international bankers))) always desires,
You mostly speak and copy paste BS, but here I'll have to agree.
Oh kek, you damn retard...
Again From Henderson on 21 August to Halifax:

I had tea with a friend of mine yesterday (X or if you like W) [meant was resistanceadherent
E. von Weizsäcker] and he earnestly harped on immediate action. While he
admitted press exaggeration he assured me that what was taking place was a form of
enforced German migration from Poland, where no Germans were being allowed to nd
a living. That is the urgent question. I spoke of patience and he said at once the very
mention of that word would send Hitler into a frenzy. The crux of the question today
is not Danzig but the minorities...The Times correspondent here has just told me that
he telephoned yesterday to his opposite number in Warsaw who told him that the Poles
were being 'incredibly foolish'.
I copy pasted nothing so far.

But whatever. This thread is "DRUMPF BTFO" tier. Maybe we'll get an actual thread going another day.
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>Don't forget to kiss the boots of the monument your countrymen erected to glorify the Slavic conqueror of German folk next time on your visit in Berlin.
Berlin was originally a Slavic settlement...
>a heard

Wow you're so damn enlightened, i bet you think you can psychoanalyze people too.
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Shortly before his conversation with Ribbentrop, Henderson wrote to his Foreign Secretary,
warning him:

If there is to be any genuine peace in future between Poland and her powerful neighbour
grievances of latter which are not of Herr Hitler's making but national must be
eliminated. In my opinion in order to achieve this end City of Danzig as distinct from
port must revert to Germany; there must be direct and extra-territorial communication
between Reich and East Prussia; and German minority in Poland must be got rid of by
means of some exchange of population. On no other basis can there ever be genuine
and lasting peace between the two countries. No diplomatic compromise has a hope of
surviving indenitely. If we are ever to get German army and nation to revolt against the
intolerable government of Herr Hitler it can only be so far as Poland is concerned on
some such basis, since whole of nation itself and even most of moderate sections of it
would not regard any other basis as fair to Germany... In the meantime I can only urge
once more importance of Poland accepting at once proposal for direct negotiations and
thereby putting herself right in the eyes of the world.

Having only just written that Hitler would refuse such a basis, so Henderson must have
been rather surprised in his talk with Ribbentrop that the German proposal contained
precisely that which he himself had outlined as being the German minimum demands.
Hitler, after all, did accept this basis, and Henderson even described, straight after the
meeting with the Reich Foreign Minister, the German offer as "not unreasonable."


Your butthurt brings huge joy, trust me. You nourish me.
Another unsourced wall of text. Lmao
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>Literally posting a made-up quote that didn't exist before 2014 when it appeared in a RT propaganda reel
heres a better one
Hitler only attacked France because France (and friends) declared war on Germany.
Every invasion before that involved German majority areas within those countries.
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Here have the source for that wall of text:

125) Documents on British Foreign Policy 1919-1939, vol. VII, doc. 537.

Now back to your hole, slavshit.
Nice Thread until the (((swede))) sperged out.
Not created by me, so fuck off burger. Do you seriously need another one with the correct grammar or something?
>didn't exist before 2014
Fuck off you liar.
Of course it's LOGICAL that truthful propaganda is better than false propaganda... dumb idiot. He of course knew that.
Hitler made it pretty clear he was imperialistic

hell, he even somewhat respected Islam for how imperialistic it was
>Hitler only attacked France because France (and friends) declared war on Germany.
No you idiot, Hitler initially wanted to attack France first, while Poland would hold his back against a possible Soviet intervention, but Poland rejected Hitler's offer of such a pact.
>125) Documents on British Foreign Policy 1919-1939, vol. VII, doc. 537.
At last, something. Yeah, absolutely true, Adolf was a maniac and only satisfying his child-like obsession on grosspreuBengermania (ie gdansk) could slow down his aggression.

>Now back to your hole, slavshit.
Woah Woah Woah, not so fast there mate, some of you could be my distant cousins if my gramps was telling the truth. He was with the 1st Polish in Berlin.
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Because the world, is an ugly anarchic place where the biggest psycho with the highest capacity to inflict death at no or minimal risk is king of the hill.

The problem is is that we have social justice warriors trying to impose the world as they perceive it to be in their comfortable, almost all white, low crime suburbs.

>100 million dead to protect poland from the nazis which eventually went to the soviets anyway
>Fuck off you liar.
>Of course it's LOGICAL that truthful propaganda is better than false propaganda...
>dumb idiot.
>but all the things I believe are 100% the truth, I'm immune to being misled, and everyone who disagrees is a nazi :^)
the blissful ignorance of the swedes
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Fucking anglos, true devider and "conqueror" of Europe
Damn, if only Hitler didn't ally with the soviets and attacked Poland did he?

and ?
If only the poles had even accepted the German's diplomats, rather than forcing them to go through the English embassies.
If only the Germans stopped being butthurt after loosing the ww1 fair and square and ceased with their imperialistic ambitions.
>If only the Germans stopped being butthurt after loosing the ww1 fair and square

But that was accepted... Hitler was the first and only German politician who wanted to "finalize" the Post WW1 German-Polish border. Every other prior chancellor saw this border as "changeable". The only thing which was not accepted, was the US talking about self-determination for the peoples... and then create the borders in the most retarded way possible creating nations with huge minorities... who would have thought that this might lead to friction in the age of nationalism. Of course, they knew that from the beginning and did nothing (the allies).
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