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How did abos evolve to be so ugly?

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How did abos evolve to be so ugly?
Isolation from humans for thousands of years
Didn't the girl on the right do porn?
>taking picture with ugly friend to look better
Living in Australia for over 500 years.

Its your future, Aussie. Just a white version of that.
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I sure hope so
they didn't
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How tall they are?
We evolved to be attractive. Everybody was that ugly.

Choose one
>How did abos evolve
They didn't. That's the point.
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Why are there no black people between Africa and Australia?

Because only a very small group went there, not a large movement of people.

So you have a very tight population bottleneck, leading to crazy amounts of inbreeding.

An abbo in Melbourne could dick an abbo in Darwin and it would be incest
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Because they bred with this:
>But when Jaume Bertranpetit at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain and his colleagues analysed the genomes of living Indigenous Australians, Papuans, people from the Andaman Islands near India, and from mainland India, they found sections of DNA that did not match any previously identified hominin species.

>These DNA sequences are not present in the genomes of living Europeans or east Asians, suggesting that the ancestors of these people met and bred with a mystery hominin in south Asia or the Pacific region, who left their genetic legacy in the area’s present-day populations.

>The unidentified hominin may be Homo erectus or “upright man”, says Bertranpetit. H. erectus is believed to be the first hominin with a similar stature to today’s humans, and the first to leave Africa.
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anyone know if she has been removed from campus?
literally a gorilla
>implying abos evolved

Didn't they interbreed with the local non homo sapiens hominid?

Gotta say it's hard to wrap your head around how they make niggers look human
>literally Don Cheadle
They are a simpler form of hominid life. They are ugly because they are not as evolved.
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Dump your ugly abo pics, folks

10/10 anon made my night
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No way this can be real
Any full blooded hot abos? Even just 1?
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Literally subhuman
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They get hotter the more you breed it out of them.
Cherry picking, there's ugly people of every race.
> hot
> abos
The only time you ever here those two words together is when they're sniffing gasoline.
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They tried to push a full-blood as a Miss World Australia representative. Absolutely disgusting.
The middle is the only one remotely attractive.

This is completely hideous.


Is that the best they can do?

Kikes do infinitely better than that without trying.

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Yes but all abos are ugly. Most other races have a number of attractive full-blooded people.
That is a noble humanitarian effort. It is one HELL of an effort. Perhaps we owe it to them.
they don't look ugly to me because they don't really look human. they literally look like mythological creatures.
Crash the IQ of your children too!

Theirs will end up getting 76 instead of 75, but it's for their good!
this, most indigenous women are ugly as fuck
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Yeah I think that's a 1/2, 1/8, and a 1/4

Once you get down to 1/8th abo you can get some reasonable looking ones.

>Its your future, Aussie. Just a white version of that.

>implying kangacucks will still be white by then
hahaha fuck me! look at that thing. she looks like she was taken out of a 1950's cartoon! she's so black it's almost racist! not to mention those long as arms that could give an elephant a reach around! my sides!
>How did abos EVOLVE to be so ugly?

They didn't.
What kind of beta faggot would have to fuck a full abo in the first place to get laid?
What us it about natives that make them all look so similar? Lighten up the skin on an abbo and they don't look much differnt than native Americans.

>still thinking the evolutionism meme is truth

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>implying this isnt their future
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She is beauty and she is grace
inbreeding depression most likely
they look like the hills have eyes monsters.
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You know you would.
No, I wouldn't. You sick fuck.
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Low population, people take what they can get, little selection pressure for beauty.
wtf i hate aussies more than leafs now
u got anymore of her? i love it!!!
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We should have finished them all off when we arrived and never mentioned it.

>"Oh there was no-one here when we got here. Just relics and cave paintings. They must have all left!

Now they're just a disease riddled, wife beating, child raping, petrol sniffing burden on society.
S-she's beautiful....
Cherry pick some attractive ones, then.
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Giss a suck on ya nob, you sexy white fella
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>implying abos evolved
How do you sleep at night?
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I don't consider dwarfs or goblins Ugly, cause I don't feel attracted to them
Don't you mean Asian?
which would mean they didnt actually evolve...
Its a hard fucking life living primitively. I actually have respect for the fact that they actually survived out there for all that time. Imagine all the other races and subgroups that died out somewhere that we never got to see.
Because Abos are from the first group of modern humans out of africa, before the Toba eruptions. Along they way they mixed with some more primitive humans such as Desnovian, erectus, and Flores.

Then for 60,000 years they were isolated on Australia.

meanwhile Cro Magnon appeared and mixed with the Neanderthal, Desnovian, and something else(in sub sahara africa). creating caucasians, mongoloids, amerindians, and negroids.

there is sort of a missing link in the Melansians.
how do you get an abo woman pregnant?
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I sleep well by avoiding subhuman abo cunts.
Give up your self respect.
link if she did please
You see them as ugly because in reality, they see you as hideous monsters, which you Bogan folks are.

T. Known Boss
jizz on her feet and let the flies do the rest
No surprise you're at 60% and still declining
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yeah, Abo hybrids are strangely alluring for some reason
the top half looks like mila kunis, the mouth and lips tho....
They didn't, they stayed monocultural and preserved their features.
they interbred with denisovans
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They can be saved.
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>fathers are Irish or Scottish

kek. well, i guess that answers who's fucking them. not surprised for some reason
Is the irony of the joke in that even though its suppose to be about abbos you are retarded enough to think that would work.
more ugly abbos and hot halfbbos please
>child raping

Wait what?

How is it possible to be literally worse than niggers?
They literally Rape their own children.

Will someone post the pic that's the excerpt about the Killer Mother's?
I like those lips mang. I got this half black chick I work with who wants my whitness.

Damn the way those eyes look at me.
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on their reservations or whatever the fuck they call them there are numerous cases of underage sex and/or incest
so bad the state had to step in
there's a wiki article about it
Just like a wookie
Australians trully are the master banters living with and dressing up monkeys while pretending it's human to tourists.
The leaves have to try harder.
I... I want to see interracial porn with abbo male on white female... where is abboed.com when you need it?
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are abos that bad? like nigger tier or something? or they are actually chill and just ugly as fuck? honest question since i dont know shit about them
They're just ugly and dumb. Not really dangerous
here she is under different lighting without the garish lipstick

would give her some of my Neanderthal dna if you know what i mean
looks like black and Asian genetics
i.e. worst of the worst races
Looks exactly like a chimpanzee
that makeup artist is a fucking idiot lmao

implying aussies were ever white
Back when Australia was still a prison it was just people that were completely fucking wasted to the point that beer vision made abo women look attractive
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I work for the courts in one of the states with a high number of aboriginals. I've been to plenty of their "communities". Some of the court cases I've seen of child sexual abuse would turn your stomach. They're fucking disgusting animals.

Children are taken from these communities to save them from abuse and they protest about "stealing children".

We should just give them a chunk of land and no support and let them live their primitive disgusting lives.
Who is the beautiful girl on the right?
put them in Tasy any of them try and swim across shoot them.
> How did abos evolve to be so ugly?
Inbreeding. Genetically (Y-DNA) they are just a mix of S.E. Asian (Vietnamese) and Papuan ancestry.
Who's the most ugly,
Aboriginals or people from Dallas?
When they on the alcohol they can be quite violent and abusive.
A few years ago a 52 year old white guy was walking past a park where they often congregate and he was beaten to death with a metal post by 2 teenaged abos (14 and 17).

Another teenager raped and murdered a pregnant woman in broad daylight a couple of years ago.

They're 3% of the Australian population and 28% of the prison population.

They're exactly like niggers, except they don't have guns.
yeah, she/they are pretty much the apes from 2001: a Space Odyssey

that's the main attraction

fuck actually fucking a chimp. they're pull your fucking face off

with this you got a animal cute being of questionable sentence that you can easily overpower and isn't fond of flinging its feces around

i imagine role playing her naked in a field and coming along in a loin cloth with spear and showing her the secrets of fire for a blowjob
> implying some girls don't do porn at some stage in their life
Planet of the Apes. Looks like the hot one.
Cherry pick as you need to, but I can't fucking find normal pictures of abos.

I'd recommend that you visit Texas sometime though. The women in the major cities are fine as hell.
>They're exactly like niggers, except they don't have guns.
Well at least you have that going for you I guess
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Bestiality is a sin my friend.
Abos are archaic sub-species of homo sapien sapiens. Or possibly homo sapien/archaic species hybrids. There is an amazing similarity between abos and the recent discovered 'red deer' cave people, that existed as recently as 10,000 years ago. The skull and brow-ridge almost identical. Abos never progressed past the stone-age.
We cannot admit scientific facts that not all archaic humans went extinct because of "muh feelings" political correctness.
Holy fuck they look like those south indians that work in IT
I always wonder

do the abbos see us as ugly and/or too different to find attractive? Or do they see us as highly refined and desirable?
all shitskins wish they wish they were white
hey thats an adult film actress
>wish they wish they
what did he mean by this?
At least Indians have a work ethic and are capable of technological advancement.

Abos were here 40,000+ years and achieved literally nothing.
I don't find this ugly in a man.

Any woman who looks like this would be horrendous.

I wonder why,
That's fucked up Australia. Putting your prom queens in blackface.
What race is the girl on the right? She kind of reminds me of that half Asian facial abuse girl, the one with the rich parents.
dallas salad
Even the "prettier" ones or the half- and quarterbreeds still got this unique about traits.
Not even in the most incestuous sub Saharan dung hut nigger village you'll find people all looking the same.
People always joke about how all niggers and chinks look the same, just because they lack white diversity in facial structures, but abos are a whole other level, they all look the fucking same, across the whole continent, even though they've probably been separated for centuries.
>fuck her

Maybe 60,000 years ago.
She is not that hot now that I see her insta.
I don't see any adult film
Is that Kathy Freeman???
You should take into account that a leaf made that claim.
Abos are good, Abos are great. Aboriginal tribes are the oldest civilizations of all time. The only reason abos suck now is because the damn whites oppressed them.

Kind regards

This is what they actually teach at unis

Maybe they were making a political statement about testing makeup on animals.
Probably not the first wave, as it's hard to pin down actual numbers of 'waves'. People trickled out for thousands of years. But yes the earlier more-successful waves of anatomically modern humans included Abos, Andaman Islanders, SEAsian Negritos, aboriginal South Indians (NOT Indo-Aryans, and even Dravidians are immigrants to the region, but you can clearly see in Tamils that they must be mixed with some uggo human/hominid).

So-called Cro-Magnon and early humans in Europe were also likely similar black-skinned/Negrito populations.
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and Melanesians btw are one of these waves. Basically they are another branch of Negritos mixed with a little East Asian and Polynesian genes, thought they also show tiny traces of Denisovans, IIRC. That's probably from the Negrito populations that roamed through central asia/siberia before dominating SEAsia (until in turn 'East Asian'/later Siberian humans largely replaced them).

oh, i see
Their ancestors did. Denisovans are basically just genetically distinct (isolated long enough) eastern Neanderthals. Roughly from east of the Urals and in Siberia. So if a population passed through there, they probably picked up some Denisovan DNA.

Neanderthals, Denisovans and at least one or two more early unnamed (but genetically distinct, possibly H.Erectus or descendent) humans/hominids all occasionally interbred with each other. It's worth point out that early hominid DNA and even archeology for East Asia/SEAsia is really rather understudied. Some finds are known, but not studied close enough, and there's probably more waiting in caves somewhere.

Only (most) Africans are 'pure' human, which only gives credence to theories of hybrid vigour...
They didn't evolve, that's the problem
Australian comedy TV series called "All Aussie Adventures" featuring a character named Russell Coight. Well worth a watch

>Why are there no black people between Africa and Australia?

There ARE.

But Abos are a rather different thing anyway. They are closer to the original type than black Africans are.
>Breed with abbos

Was it rape?
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Keep CTR away, apply filters today!

Rape is one of their specialities.

>An 11-year-old boy was attacked by two adults and three teenagers on three separate occasions at the coastal Arnhem Land community.

>During the screening of a pornographic DVD, the child was anally penetrated by an 18-year-old, and a 16-year-old before being fondled by a 15-year-old.

>Later that evening, the boy performed oral sex on a 19-year-old, while the 18-year-old rubbed his penis in the area of the child’s buttocks. His 13-year-old friend—who had been laying on a mattress watching television—then attempted to penetrate the young boy.

>On another occasion the group went swimming at Army Beach, outside the town. There he was sexually abused again by the 18-year-old and the youngest offender.
Thousands of years of killing your own family, eating people (including your own family), raping people (including your own family) and incest, among a few other things.

Abo culture is awful. Abo people are awful, then you couple this with giant inferiority complex and you have a permanently fucked up race. I often wonder what life would be like for Aborigines if they weren't so pig disgusting.

Thankfully they are so stupid they can never really be a threat, since they are too content raping their kids and spending their perpetual dole payments of evil whitey devil shit like alcohol, name brand clothes and cardigans for the wife.
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Jesus. That guy with the tongue out looks like something straight out of 28 days later.
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what in the actual fuck
underrated post
Yeah. All they teach about them in school though is that they were loving peaceful natives who lived in harmony until whitey came along and started slaughtering them all.
I'm hoping to see the porn of the one on the left
There's... there's no way this is real.

Serious question /pol/

How white is Austrailia ? Are the white mostly inbred bogans there in rooland?
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There's your problem.

Still not human. Sorry.
came here to post this, nice work leaf
>>over 500 years
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>Dave Chapelle with giant titties
She isn't exactly bad looking honestly, but very exotic. If that's your thing, I'm happy for you.
Abo threads always crack me the fuck up..
Is it true that the gas price hike a couple years ago was caused by an explosive boom in Abo population?
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Damn this is crazy, i uber and in my city we get plenty of people from dallas and holy fuck i cant believe i never put that together that they are a homely average frumpy people. Kek.
Really makes you think what goes on in their heads to do this.
They literally look Indian
Sounds like a gay old time.
Damn those traps tho
They should. Putting it simply, the modern Indians are more or less a product of invaders from the northwest breeding with this type of hominid.
Our left or her left?
I am slightly worried
Sounds like ostensible islam.
>hurr durr they didnt actually evolve...
Thanks, Obama -- this dumb fuck is obviously a product of the American public school system.
not even one bit, one inbreeding strain of humanity fuckin other inbreeds.

Next on Animal Planet Irish fuck half-goat half-Iraqi
I have fucked one before, poked a hole in the condom to. There's about 50% she didn't
get an abortion as well.
I've never seen an Abo pussy before. Would fuck desu
i remember coming across a study of abo remains in south australia that showed some crazy percentage of abo women (think it was around 80%) had suffered skull fractures. nearly all to the back of the head.
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Ah, the good ol' days, when abos would donkey punch their women to death
That "half blood" looks like a fucking trannie
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