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Thread replies: 126
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Bill Clinton shoved a cigar up a 19 year old interns vagina and smoked it afterwards while she gave him a blowjob under his desk in the Oval Office.
Monica was actually 22 at the time
Damn I miss those days
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>trumpkins couldn't land a married hag and bragged about it
Bill is true alpha.
I would do the same.
...and Hillary defended Bill.

Trump says some naughty words and it's another shoah.
Bill was already in office.
b8 thread
Damn Bill Clinton would be the most alpha-president ever, if he didnt marry that sucubus, even thought he was a lefti
So Hillary Clinton will be allowed to sexually assault interns if she wins?
And? The point is Bill's old STD riddled cock is worshipped by libtards when he's been accused of far worse than Trump.
Bill Clinton shoved a cigar up a fat ugly skank interns vagina and smoked it afterwards while she gave him a blowjob under his desk in the Oval Office.


WTF Really? Hillary's Husband really did that !?That is it, I'm voting Trump!
>sexually assault interns
what is consent
He also cummed on her dress, and she didn't clean it. It was used as evidence lol
Being accused doesn't mean shit though. You can't compare actual real life words that came out of Trumps mouth, with the fanfiction that Alex Jones writes you retard.
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Thanks for correcting the record
You know he's been accused of rape by many women right?
Bill: success
Trump: failure

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"


I want to do the same
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do u think Bill Clinton grabbed her by the pussy???
i'm writing a book about Anime and Chinese culture, I need an answer.
That's fucking alpha. Meanwhile, Trump attempts to bang a married old hag by taking her furniture shopping. Fucking fails at it too. What a beta cuck.
How alpha can one man get? I wish he was running for president again, not some bitch like Trump who has no friends and grabs any random show host and brags about how he gets girls.
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>tfw no 22 year old presidential intern waifu
Yeah, cause if it was any other man but Bill Clinton you'd be calling all those women lying whores. Bill is more alpha than any other mainstream politician
Yeah, and it should never happen again. That's why I'm not voting for Trump.
I did the same thing to an 18 yo jew girl.
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I will never get my cock sucked by a jew in the whitehouse as POTUS and deny it on international media.

All my ambitions are shattered. All hope has gone.
that's nuts. meanwhile trump gets rejected after buying the bitch brand new furniture.
Don't forget about the time he had Monica suck him off while talking on the phone with a Senator.
alpha as fuck

wtf I love bill clinton now

But he didn't do it on a hot mic. Then expect everyone to vote for him.
All of the things with Lewinsky aren't accusations, retard. Cheating on your wife in the White House and lying under oath is far worse than professing your attraction to a woman.
i heard he's an anti smoker now. I don't know about cigars though.
So what?
that's fucking rad
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>ywn insert a cigar tube into a fat intern's pussy





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BILL CLINTON will be berried in the grave as soon as Hillary losses
No but for real, when are we repealing the 22nd amendment and getting this alpha back into the office
>trump cant fuck a married bitch even if he buys her new furniture and then brags about it to some random nobody
>bill smokes cigars out of a teen's pussy in the white house and keeps his thicc wife even after she knows
What a fuckin champ
Holy shit. Most based president ever, none can compete.
Pretty fucking alpha tbqh
>welcome to snap city, enjoy your stay
WTF is that woman in the foreground doing? Exercising with a sledge hammer? Is this what poor countries actually do?
What's your point?
Lol what difference does it make?
monica lejewsky is horrible looking, pale skin and jet black hair and tubby

looks ill
We dont rape underage girl on private jets either
>Clinton did all this and won against Bob Dole
>now his wife is beating Trump
How awful was Bob Dole?
Probably hitting a tire with a sledgehammer. It's actually a pretty alright workout she's just doing it like a mentally disabled person.

Arnold did the same thing with a shabby maid.

>pussy in the house is pussy in the pocket

Trump's just too beta to land it without paying.
..and is a rapist and Hillary knows and doesn't give a shit...now back to the Bill Cosby trial...
Most women enjoy being grabbed in the vagina, they just dont tell us that. I have tried this many times, it works great. Talk to them for a few minutes, maybe about your moneys, get them a martini, and then while they take their first sip, quickly shove 2 in the pink, one in the stink and just hold on like a bowling ball. Works best with skirts, but don't let denim stop you. The chafing is less arousing than the pure power move of realizing a man has just digitally commandeered her birth canal and rectum. Make sure to maintain eye contact. If they look concerned or try to pull away, just dig your nails in a bit until you feel a trickle of blood. This move signals your overpowering virility. If they continue to display discomfort, or scream, gently move your other hand to their throat and crush their esophagus like a can of beer. You will still have about 30 minutes to fornicate the corpse before it becomes fully cold and rigid. This method has never failed me.

at-least im banging girls at gym while you rant and rage about jews on a anonymous board

Don't bring Bruce into this.
sounds like some legit advice
Deperate trumpshills trying to pose as CTR to help trump

Pathetic, and beta. Just like your leader
There is literally nothing wrong with that.

Powerful successful men are entitled to young side pieces. It's the main reason men produce in society; to earn side pussy.

Plus other than preventing Serbias removal of kebab Bill wasn't a bad president.
5000.00 has been deposited into your account.
What makes you think Hillary would be responsible with the codes? "I just left the football on the counter at Nordstrom's. What do you mean, Security?".
Thank god Hillary is not Bill. Phew dodged a bullet there.
It's all good. If Hillary brings Trump's comments up during the debate, Trump will go fucking nuclear on her about Bill.
> Monica
There was more than one you faggot
Hillary has an ACTUAL vagina. She can just flash it at everybody and be done.

Trump is fucked
Hey, why don't you make this great post a few more times? We NEVER get tired of reading it. And I'm not lying.
You know even though he probably has a couple dozen cases of statutory rape lying around, at least he had charm.
What a fucking drought it's been since Nixon.
Threads full of fucking teenagers.
reminder that JFK fucked marilyn monroe when he had a top tier hottie at home.
Why should Hillary be responsible for someone else's mistakes?

If a wife committed a murder, we wouldn't also charge the husband.
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That's pretty fuckin alpha bro.
Who do you believe is the target demographic of this GINESE cartoon bored
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>AAAAnnnddd then lied about it under oath. He didn't get impeached for banging the white house sluts.
Yeah this. But I'm too much of a faggot to pull off some slick willie shit.

Alpha as fuck desu...

Also why do so many burgers care about her age? She was legal
Wow it's a trap, GG Trump. Opens the door up for all the corruption Bill was involved in.
It's just what boys like.
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So is grabbing a chick by her pussy.
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This is the third time you've copied and pasted this sentence in Donald trump related threads.
Could you tell your CTR managers to stop this shit before you push us too far, and maybe something will happen that you'll regret.
... but it's not alpha to go furniture shopping like a bitch and only talk about grabbing her pussy.
Why are Democratic presidents so based?
>furniture shopping like a bitch
Lol! What the fuck does that even mean?
>pol thinks comparing consensual acts of sex is the same as "grabbing dat pussy"
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Nigger tier shilling today.
/pol/ will always be right, and never be "backed the fuck up"


"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always."
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President Bill Clinton has been accused of sexual assault by two women, Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey. At least eight other women have accused Bill Clinton of sexually harassing them or making unwanted sexual advances toward them, with the allegations dating back to the 1970s.

Shit, really? I need to do this now.

What's a good cigar to go with that vagina flavor?

He took her furniture shopping and didnt bang. Sad!

>Trump is a beta who takes women furniture shopping
>Trump is a sexual predator who grabs women by their puss

Get your story straight.
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>Then he tries to kiss me again. And the second time he tries to kiss me he starts biting my lip … He starts to, um, bite on my top lip and I tried to pull away from him. And then he forces me down on the bed. And I just was very frightened, and I tried to get away from him and I told him ‘No,’ that I didn’t want this to happen but he wouldn’t listen to me. … It was a real panicky, panicky situation. I was even to the point where I was getting very noisy, you know, yelling to ‘Please stop.’ And that’s when he pressed down on my right shoulder and he would bite my lip. … When everything was over with, he got up and straightened himself, and I was crying at the moment and he walks to the door, and calmly puts on his sunglasses. And before he goes out the door he says ‘You better get some ice on that.’ And he turned and went out the door.”

Yeah, one was an actual verifiable physical act.

The other is words.

Again, your false consensus generation works on your followers, but not here.

I'm pro-trump. Isn't this what he said though?

They were two separate incidents.
>dude no one cares it was a long time ago!!!!
>so was trumps stuff
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Is this a shop? I don't even think feminists are this stupid... Really makes me think though.
Thanks to the new leak Trump will talk a little bit about Bill...

CTR why couldn't you just stfu until 2 days before the election? Now Trump has a month to talk about Bill...

Bill's not running for President. You need like for like.

Trump is very low energy.

Wants to be the bull, but just ends up buying furniture.
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>(they are)
It amazes me how short libcuck memories are.

Wild bill fucked all kinds of women, got his knob polished in the oval office, took flights on Epstein's pedo jet... And Hillary covered most of it up.
it's a joke
I heard it wasnt a Cuban cigar, but she is Cuban
Man, this will really wreck Bill's chances of being president again.
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how big of a cuck is hillary anyways?

On who though?
Clinton shills are the worst. I don't like Trump, but nearly everything I hear from people supporting Clinton is delusional, sometimes bordering on insane.

Imagine walking in your wife getting cigars shoved up your butt, then doing your best to discredit the nigger anally raping her. Spending your whole life defending her and then getting her put back in the white house. That is the level of cuck that she is on.

and he was impeached for lying about it

whats your point?
its a gif you retarded faggots
It would suck if something happened to those people.

: ^ )
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basket of cucks
his point was your mother is a whore
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>target demographic
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>Bill Clinton shoved a cigar up a 19 year old interns vagina and smoked it afterwards while she gave him a blowjob under his desk in the Oval Office

That's actually pretty lewd fampai.
So Monica Lewinsky never happened now?
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You call this politicts.
Thats just sad.
Bill got impeached for lying about getting his dick sucked.
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