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> direct democracy (the majority can vote for whatever it

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> direct democracy (the majority can vote for whatever it wants)
> secular state (unlike the usa)
>405'000 CHF(=414'000$) average wealth of a swiss person in 2014
>big mac statistic thing, the most expensive big mac is in switzerland at 6.6 dollar but we still have to work much less than nearly everyone
> so many more points but why bother

how does it feel not being swiss?
Geneva is fucked though.
the german speaking part of switzerland is the best part, i forgot to mention

yeah.. your country is pretty based, i have to admit it... i have a friend living in there, from what he tells me, you guys are probably the best country in the world in what comes to quality of life.

still.. we have better beaches.. hooray...
You Mountain Jews get guns, money, more free time...

I'm sure there's some kind of catch here.
the catch is that there's no catch so people come here from everywhere and you can say goodbye to old switzerland and hello to multi-culti shithole until it's as shit as the countries everyone came from, but that's what's happening to every wealthy western country
you have the most expensive big mac only because our currency went to shit

its called boredom.

Switzerland is probably the most boring country in the world.
why you don't vote to close borders?
oh and we're in the middle of europe but not eu cucks
that's happening there too?

i thought you guys had strict emigration laws. and that you were required to have jobs to be able to live there.
thats why we flood your country and especially your fancy universities.
we did (Masseneinwanderungsinitiative) but it takes time until it's formally implemented
oh yeah and the germans. they're the worst
>still.. we have better beaches.. hooray...
>he wants his country accessible to the fishmen

i bet thats not even the longest word in your language Franz... kek
>irect democracy (the majority can vote for whatever it wants)

Uh oh :^)
>> secular state (unlike the usa)

wtf is this supposed to mean?

Multiple Swiss cantons have established churches whereas every state in the US is constitutionally obligated to be secular.

The retarded issues anti-religious faggots like to point to are abortion and gay marriage. Abortion is massively more restricted in Switzerland than in the US where it is pretty much on-demand at any point. And there is no fag marriage in any canton of the Swiss Confederation. Both of which largely because of the religious-cultural leanings of the Swiss people.
what is this about? about the gotthard tunnel?

>hesch no alli piranhas im teich kolleg?
> direct democracy (the majority can vote for whatever it wants)

This is a bad thing because it means no one has basic freedom. They only have what's popular.

What happens when being anti free speech and anti gun becomes popular? Freedom gets voted away.
10/10 guns are the only reason im staying in the us and switzerland does them second best. If Hillary fucks me in the ass i'll consider moving.
don't you have to swear on the bible in the court in the us?
whatever the opinion of the voters is motivated is irrelevant, the state can still be secular
We have a vote a few years ago to ban guns from every man who have finished the army or at least to put them in a place with surveillance. It's has been refused.

Deal with that.
majoritiy is stupid, yeah that's what i think as well, but it has worked out surprisingly well until now
come on over, americans are always welcome
>Majority rules is a good thing

Tyranny of the majority is not a good thing.
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I hope you appreciate a good dog steak :^)
It feels bad, and I'd immigrate, but I don't want to bring my Iranian genes into your beautiful country.
Still better than politicians taking away your freedom with no real input from you.
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It is for the majority so fuck off nigger.
>I'm sure there's some kind of catch here.
Lower purchasing power
Restrictions on how you can use your guns and ammunition
Higher taxes
Less to do
Less opportunities

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The Swiss are the type of people who would phone the police on their neighbours because their grass is too long.

Can 51% of the population enslave the other 49%?

It would be better for the majority!
>don't you have to swear on the bible in the court in the us?

>whatever the opinion of the voters is motivated is irrelevant, the state can still be secular

This is incoherent. You've yet to explain what you mean by Switzerland being secular. It is literally a confederation with the vast majority of cantonal governments having established churches. That is the opposite of secular. Read a dictionary some time.
yeah that's just a matter of definition, because the majority voted against another refferendum which could be interpreted to be against the other one but that's bullshit if you ask me
But how? You can ski, take walks, boat, you can find something to do. It is the current year, if you live in the first world then there is no excuse to be bored unless you have a huge power outage during the night.

Unless you think of crime as the spice of life.

No or Quebec would be independent.
How is 1% of the population enslaving the rest, better than 51% I'm confused what do people want here? What's better than direct democracy?
Quality of life is a good point, but there's literally nothing to see in your country apart from the mountains, it's so boring. At least Belgium has the peeing boy sculpture, Switzerland is just villages and villages and villages
Finland is best country desu.
t. a citizen of Europe
oy, we are the fishmen
higher taxes than whom? I pay my 13th pay, wage whatever the word is, as taxes
that's not much
What would you say to a white Australian with German descent moving to Switzerland for his gf?
Switzerland is one of the best countries in the world. If the principles that created the U.S. didnt prohibit things like peace time conscription for everyone, I would advocate following the Swiss example.

Of course it would never work here anyway since our culture isn't even close to being homogeneous.
Everyone in Switzerland is an Albanian and they are smelly so it feels good not being a smelly mongoloid "swiss"
But much worse than having laws no one can legally vote away.
Wise choice.

You country sounds nice.

One of you said the average worth of a citizen is 400k USD.

Could I travel to Schweiz und stehlen deiner Arbeitstelle?
The Swiss don't have a constitution?
>a fucking square
How far does Direct Democracy go? what happens if someone made a proposal like I want to go to space and it legitimately passes.
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Switzerland is alright. But your flag is shit. It looks like a first aid kit.
Sort it out. It's too small.

The flag of my country isn't even attached to this post. Pic related. It's my church. Flag of England - the Cross of Saint George.
We have lakes, mountains and horrible weather too. And we don't like the EU.

Maybe our countries have some common ideals.
if you have a job here then I don't care, germans are being provoked a little bit but not really seriously although they tend to take it seriously
HAHAHAHAAHA. Good joke United Kingdomian.
You can come over to diet Switzerland (New Hampshire) if you want to.
>gun licenses don't exist
>shall issue concealed carry permits
>Snow and Skiing
>Maple syrup
>land is ridiculously cheap
>Full autos are pricey and hard to get
>not nearly as great mountains
>French speaking cunts right next to us (true for you too)
>Only great colleges are close but in cucked states
I'm pretty sure they still have politicians, it's just that all of the citizens vote on things instead of a small group of officials. Swiss Anon can confirm if I'm correct or not.
Hiding away all that Nazi gold sure did you some good Plus sign
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DW I'm moving to your country to marry your women and get my duel citizenship there.
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if you're educated probably
you could probably even live of welfare, the immigration politics are way too lash for my taste anyway
>my country

The Isle of Pakistan? :^)
well, we have politiciany but if the people decide the state has to follow through, even if just one party (or none at all but that has never happened) is advocating it.
>barely higher than the forest

What were they thinking?
I am actually planning to start learning german so I can live there some day
I don't need to live off welfare lol. I'm educated in finance and communications. How hard is it to get job at a Swiss bank as an American who speaks English and German? I could work on the French if they need me it.
Why ruin whatever good they have?
>Stuck up shithole
>Toxic expats
>We hate your tourists here so much we rape them and kill them in the bush
These stupid motherfuckers don't separe the words when they are talking about something. Think about a really big and weird number. Spell it out. Remove the spaces. There you go, the biggest word in german.
our flag is not shorter in lenght, it's wider in width
Square Flag < Real flag.
As far as Europe goes,
Croatia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, are not cucked. The UK will be uncucked once brexit takes place. The others are all cucked. Shame.
Send the migrants here. We're already fucked, might as well save Europe.
shit is hard and evil

fuck off bacon strip
In Swiss you can modify any law that have been made. You have to reunite 100'000 signatures of other countrymen and a they're will be a vote even if you change a law in the constitution.

Majority could be a tyranny. Be here, we are a conservative people. So the majority made always the wise choice.
If you are outside the Shengen area you have to find a job first. Then your employer will make a demand for you for a permit. So I hope you have a degree and can find a kind employer.
>We hate your tourists here so much we rape them and kill them in the bush
Kek. It's always either Swiss of Czechs.
If this is true, then you deserve all the immigrants you get. Stay in your country, Hans.
Why are Kiwis the worst Anglos?
Is learning Swiss German worth it? Or should one learn German German?
>tfw it's the highest mountain in the northeast
>tfw only 5800 ft. or 1700 m.
>tfw 5'8k mountlet

So what stops a joke referendum passing. Like a referendum passes by 50.1% that states meat consuming is illegal. What happens then?
Glass houses, America, Glass Houses.
Hallo tzama

Prob doing Military next year, what can I expect? Will they bully me for being an American? I speak the language but my writing is ass.
Meat consumption illegal.
I'd assume they would have to gather signatures again and fix it.
You can hold a referendum that violates the constitution m8
There is literally nothing wrong in having a mountlet

your dubs generator is broken. Standarddeutsch
swiss german is more a strong dialect of german. Every formal text is in german so you'd have to learn german to write and read but learn to talk swiss german to not be an outsider

there's also loads of dialects within swiss german, influenced by french, italian or just the "farmer" german
Who works in McDonald's in Switzerland?
What happens if a referendum passes for leaving a commercial union who has been profitable for you since years based on false arguments because you were not in Shengen and the vast majority of your immigration were Paki and Indians ?

We enforce the law. And we don't have a part of our population lament over the result and we don't wait a year to enforce it.

I know that the concept of democracy can be hard to understand but thank god Brexit give you a good taste of it.

Then whats the point. You can have a vote and then delay it without it ever being enacted.

Can you imaging having an EU referendum vote every year? More than 100,000 would really vote to join but 5,000,000 wouldn't. What stops dumb shit from happening?
I didn't know people were actually so fucking stupid that the idea of real democracy and choice actually scares them.

I wish I was Swiss, fuck.
no they won't bully you i expect
I will do military next year in the summer, where will you go to?
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It is a country.
United Kingdom is composed of four countries:
Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
There are different legal systems for each nation.
For example, I can own a pistol in NI. It's banned in England. But I have two shotguns. In Scotland I would be arrested.

I'm English. My wife is Scottish. The law and political represtation are different.
Wales and England have very close links legally, but there are differences.
We are not one nation.

Except that you have voted limit immigration and the EU are saying no. So you will by law have to unilaterally suspend your deals with the EU. And your Government is already dithering on with it because they know it's economic suicide.

Have fun!
>What stops dumb shit from happening?
What stops the elites who decide all your laws from doing dumb shit?
foreigners and students lol

Nothing. And I get that. I would like a 2nd ammendment in the UK.

But your straw man argument doesn't actually answer my point. So...
Im good
I know. Getting out of this shit will be a hard fight and, joke aside. I wish good luck to you and for my country. I still hope that for both your nations the will of the people will be respected. It will be economical hard for both of us but freedom has its price.

Yours will be definitely respected but it's a dumb move. You don't have the political clout that we have. We can have demands and somehow get them. The EU depends on us FAR more than they depend on you. They can literally ignore you and if you implode, then wouldn't give a fuck because your economy is fairly small in the grand scheme of things. They can't do that for us.

You should have stopped at the "Swiss nationals" first policy tbqh. It's a good policy (although Italian Ticinos are pissed. kek)

We will suffer economically for Brexit but I agree, I cherish freedom more than anything.
People here still have some brain left so this just doesn't happen, we'll vote against less taxes and vote for more control of the secret service if the situation demands it
you're posting this in every thread but with a different spin on it every time. You're not an army ranger you're a faggot ranger.
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