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Thread replies: 221
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What is a Federal offence?
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pacs directly interacting with a campaign is illegal my dude
>d-drumpf said pussy though
We have a CTR insider he said they are going to be spamming threads with insane /x/ tier crap about UFOs and ETs ignore these faggots
They knew these leaks were coming and have been planning for it.

It's okay, Julian. At least you tried. I appreciate the effort.

So Clinton's campaign manager takes the fall. Just like Trump has replaced 3 campaign managers for doing degenerate shit.

Are you that stupid you think Hillary is legally accountable for everything her staff do?
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>Hillary is legally accountable for everything her staff do
welcome to reality newfriend
>this it we swear
my hope, gone
Yeah, we all know that the buck never stops with Hillary. She will never take ultimate responsibility for any mishap and is always willing to throw a subordinate under the bus.
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Nah bitch. How we suppose to know tgat u aint the shill? We got proof of aliens, fuck Hillary.
>justice applies to hilldog
You retards don't even understand how high up she is. She could slit your throat in front of the world and laugh and she'd still become president. She was chosen.
What the fuck. I didn't even notice.
Could just be talking about household pets.
lol trump lost

Spread it around!

That's what childless women call their cats or dogs
I don't really understand the contents, who are these people?
I just want to discuss the leaks but of course, CTR is now raiding our board to prevent us from discussing their criminal candidate. Fuck leftists. They should be skinned alive, screaming and begging for mercy as they piss and shit all over themselves, then thrown into boiling saltwater. I'd fucking jack off to it. They are lower than fucking subhuman, they are lower than dirt. They should be rounded up and used as fucking torture experiments.
Would you, perhaps, correct them first? Maybe you would put all that in some sort of record. Really made me think.
All the implied 'moral' compass abilities on the left showing how paper thin they are. Albeit a failed attempt here, subverting the innocent misinformed voters does my head in.

If only there was a way to take these CTR posts, analyze them and factually respond to them in a way that might repair the dialogue...
Fucking spread this everywhere. We need this to be big.
You'd be better off arguing with a predator drone than a CTR drone.
>Just like Trump has replaced 3 campaign managers for doing degenerate shit.
Trump just fired them when he didn't need them anymore. They did their job just fine.
shills are sliding us hard. Come on /pol/!
You guys need to get out more and communicate with human beings instead of memes
What can I post about what I've foound concerning the people in these emails?

What's important is Trump revealed himself to be a misogynist with those terrible rapey comments. We can't allow a woman-hater who says "grab her right in the pussy" to become our commander-in-chief.

Hillary WILL win. It's guaranteed now.
How is furry children not a meme?
Huma Wears First Lady Dress
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Oh shit, he's in damage control mode!
about 6 jews there
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Forgive this stupid question, is it that mook reached out to podesta what makes this illegal?
Who's Brock?
Nobody actually cares about that.
>Are you that stupid you think Hillary is legally accountable for X

If we lived in a society where laws were enforced, and where people honestly wanted to end corruption, a sensible judge or investigation could rule that it the responsibility for the crime lies at the top. The military and many bureaucracies work that way. An honest effort could be made...IF we lived in a society which actually abides by the law and the law were enforced for those at the top.
David Brock, head faggot at CTR
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Yeah, Hillary is down with UFO's. She told Kimmel she would release what the government has. She's actually pretty knowledgable on the subject.
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Your face when CTR destroyed Hillary
Not the only time


>Feels like what Brock is good at.

>Oh that's a great idea. I'll get a chain going on that.

>personal emails hacked
>damage control mode

Yeah no fucking shit. maybe if trump even had a damage control mode he would stand a chance
Yeah, I like how people freaked over Trump firing Manafort when it was pretty explicitly stated he was hired for the convention.
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Anons, can't you see the easy spin?

>Marc, can we communicate with brock
They can just pretend that they are asking if it's allowed.
really goes to show how Clinton has a dislike for laws on so many different occasions
One world with open borders? Sounds a lot like a one world government. Sounds like the New World Order.
Say the ID of that mail.
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>not hillary
>one of Hillary campaign manager
>_before_ Hillary announced her campaign in April of 2015
>asking for a book from a lawyer, 2 literal whos, and VP from Dewey Square which is not even listed as a PAC on the fec.gov website

Wew OP, you really got hillary good
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if that's not a mindfuck, i don't know what is


Seriously, this is funny as fuck
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.02 Rubles have been deposited in your PutinForAmerica account
>b-by the russians
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Can someone explain what is wrong with that email?
And another one


>Shouldn't we attack the book or get Brock to attack the book as a Murdoch special. From the folks who brought you Fox News...

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>it's literally and figuratively nothing
Bye bye assholes.

Can't wait until SA and Neogaf are shut down for good.
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But goyim, you're supposed to look at Trump saying mean things about women. Just ignore this :)
huma looks like the retarded bird (vulture?) from looney tunes
team clinton is not allowed to work directly with the super PAC - Correct the Record and they say they don't (they do)
When will the Russians hacking shit for Trump meme end
The reply was obviously "no that would be illegal". Try again...
Hey UK CTR. I've seen you pumping this in other threads. You are obvious...as in obviously made for the gas chambers. Can't wait!
It's code for
>i fill the childless void with animals
>"grab her right in the pussy"
the way to a man's heart is thru his stomach
the way to keep a woman is with multiple orgasms
I can't wait until she is president then blames all of the problems she creates on the administration she made instead of blaming herself.
>it's the Russian spies!

Shouldn't the UN, if it does anything, at least hold government figures accountable to such slander without evidence?
The message suggests there may have been communication, but unfortunately it's not direct evidence.
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>you will leave the see the day that the democrats cannibalize themselves within the comfort of your own country
Sign me up. I love me some political drama. Can't wait till Hilary blames the incoming financial woes on the Obama administration.
live* why the fuck did I type leave
I got my mind on leafs today
They really grabbed her by the pussy on this one.
Never. so long as it could possible sway one 80 year old out of touch voter.
What the fuck are you so gleeful about you inbred goatfucker?
Do you not realize that if Trump wins, all the americans will eventually go somewhere else from you and you are left with serbs wanting to shove you into wood chippers and dump the goo into the Adriatic?
Youre fucked if Clinton looses.
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I wouldn't be happy too, if I was caught breaking the law I guess.
>implying she won't blame it on Bush
I don't think you realize just how deep the connection to your party is down here. A democrat would never attack another democrat.
Getting slid pretty hard here.
>all the americans will go somewhere else
>left with serbs
This makes no sense.
This really makes the think
>left with serbs
Good, George Washington was a serb.
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Yes. He is a shill. Shills are a republican funded lie.
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Give it time anon. It's going to be 1998 all over again.
>Has name all over it
"that's not my bag, baby!"
Have this Republican bump, faglord. Hillary will hang.
It's this. Libs are using pets as surrogates instead of procreating. That's that white genocide thing.
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breaks federal laws to get a 20$ book... thats some major league idiocy
Surrogate children I mean
m8 probably hardcover, those can be expensive
Did they want a copy of the book before it came out?
hes saying our troops will leave and kebab removal begins
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Mmmm fresh meat.
Throw them in jail!


charlie baker as in ma. rhinpublican gov charlie baker?
if so , goodbye ma. hello nh
go shill somewhere else

i love this

they're such shitbags. i hope every CTR member and all these shitty organizations burn.

Focus on THIS:


He directs his question to "Marc"


Look at the email recipients. Then look here:


Don't be dense, guys. Do your due diligence.
>Trump revealed himself to be a misogynist with those terrible rapey comments

yeah but women like assholes who hate fuck them, shit gets them hot, they just pushed this thing massively for Trump
How many times are you going to copy and past this. If you want shilling to work you can't let people know you exist.

after you grab the pussy you gotta crotch punch the fart box
Can I still ridicule this public figure though?
Nah, you're not sliding.

Stop paying these faggots.

>former hillary voter
There's no proof that they collaborated with Brock.. just suggestions that he'd be good at it

We'd need confirmed communication between the campaign & Brock, which there is none of (in this leak)

This is the most complete conversation about it:

Thanks for the tip anon.
This, among other emails, seems to suggest that they're trying to use this guy as cover.

Doesn't work that way, but the general public doesn't know that. We should really try to find as many email chains as possible with Marc Elias included but silent, then keep a list on pastebin or something to build a pattern of conduct making it clear that it's a smokescreen. Even better if we can see him comment without warning of the legal consequences, so we can go after his license to practice law.
Announcing that he's about to communicate with him is pretty definitive though.
The only chains with melias on them are those two brock chains, and a FYI of a release.
The literal head of CTR
at 8:31 he said: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/463

at 10:38 he asked the lawyer if it's ok for him to ask brock https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/1845

there is no proof they did
This chain is the closest, since they express a desire to "get Brock" to do it, which clearly demonstrates an intent to contact.
Lol no.

If people are blaming Russia for Shit it's okay, but if Russia accuses any other country it's fucking game on!
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Bump it all you want your boy grabbed the pussy and cost himself the election. Told y'all niggas to vote a real candidate but y'all wanted the memes. You dug this grave. Thanks for destroying America.
it's not against the law for them to check with their legal counsel if they can contact Brock

that's exactly what they did, and they'll say he said no and that nothing illegal happened.

there has to be definitive proof, and there is none in this leak
Sure, but look at the lawyer's only response. He asked if it was published or research. That to me implies that his answer would differ based on which it is (else why would he ask that?). Presumably published he'd say it's OK, research not.
Sure, still means there's no evidence of wrongdoing

This should be tabled until more leaks (
Only 0.5% of the podesta emails have been released, so there might be something eventually, but not now
Lets see

>created the migrant crisis


>grab her right in the pussy

Im going with option 2
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Can someone explain to me why these "leaks" always come out on Friday?
It certainly does show the kind of attitude that they're taking, though. They clearly want Brock, and want it to be OK to communicate.

ITT, deluded Yanks, they've all lost the plot. XDD
Everybody looks forward to Fridays! Workers, Students, Russian Hackers. Yay, the weekend is here!
It certainly isn't, but I haven't checked everything yet. Is this all we have on it?

Do you have a link for the lawyer's response? I can do some digging into the case law, which might be useful depending on what he's said if he said anything of substance (although probably not warranted by a very brief query).
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>Told yall you should have voted Hillary
>Thanks for destroying America by ensuring Hillary becomes president

You seem tired. Do they let you sleep in your cubicles?

It says he helped found it not that he owns it...
>It certainly isn't, but I haven't checked everything yet. Is this all we have on it?

there's stuff that confirms that hillary says one thing to the public and another in private, and that she wants a "hemispheric" market with open borders, but this is stuff we knew anyway

it's only damning for people who didnt like her already - her supporters KNOW shes corrupt and see her as a necessary evil at best, or a great leader at worst
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Why are people freaking out so much?

Neither these leaks nor the Trump recordings are that bad for either candidate.

The accusations of Russian hacking and the Syria stuff are much bigger news than either of these.

Assange played his hand but it's not a strong one, and the media/Hillary played theirs and it's pretty weak too.
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I don't see that did that get deleted?
>this is only 2500 out of 50k+ emails

Either naive or getting paid on a Friday night.
They've probably been briefed on what's still to come.
Things are looking really bad for Hillary. She knows more leaks are coming. Don't ask how I know, but this Trump video was their nuclear bomb and its just not sticking the way they want it to.
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I'd hunt down her Danger 5 if you know what I mean.
No, coordination with your pac is illegal.
And if you make it a super pac, legally, coordination is nigh impossible to prove.

And those emails don't do that. American campaign law is really, really stupid in that regard. You might wanna read up on citizens united.
I know where one is.. but the other???
>Are you that stupid you think Hillary is legally accountable for everything her staff do?

Using that argument, Hitler did nothing wrong.
>as if he did

Traditionally, releasing things on Friday near the end of the work day prevents the weekly nighttime news from putting a story together about it before the weekend. Fewer people watch the news on the weekend, so by next Monday the story is already 3 days old and was broadcast during a less active news time.

I think the melding of news with social media has made this less useful, but it works just as well for people who get their news the traditional way.
Nothing's going to come of this.

Even if it's revealed that Clinton's campaign did illegally coordinate with CTR, Hillary's proven that she and her cronies are above the law.

The left doesn't care that their nominee is an unlikable, dying criminal hack with zero political accomplishments. They'll drink the kool aid and believe she's "the most qualified candidate ever" and that Donald Trump is a racist xenophobic misogynist evil billionaire who'll start every nuclear war.

For a quick laugh, try asking a Hillary supporter what Hillary's accomplishments are.

I am quickly losing all faith in US political institutions.
Bump. Hillary and her cronies are fucking disgusting. We should try them and hang them for allowing the migrant crisis to continue unabated, and for mocking our democracy
>try asking a Hillary supporter

But there aren't any
That's what subordinates are for dipshit, the shit rolls downhill
Are you implying to want to grab her pussy
suck MUH DICK white boi!
кoнeчнo. я тoжe.
this is it.
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VERY insider here: this is why Robby dropped the load 2 weeks early. This was going to come out later on (after Okeefes video) but Robby freaked out and went LEVEL 10 and got them to leak the audio/video early. Here's the thing: His ego got in the way, as well as his fear of prosecution for literally colluding with PACS. He was heard yelling about "prison time" and get them off my back now.
All I can say is keep digging, they're slowly losing it and after the CTR leaks of names and addresses there's a huge exodus leaving the camp.

I'll be here for 15-20 so ask away. Not a shill.
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Hemispheric means the Americas

Brief in more detail
So Robby leaked these 50k emails? Or where did they come from? Certainly not the Russians?
It's meaningless spam, you don't engage with spam because they ignore any response and just continue spamming.

The correct course of action is ridicule and memery.

e.g. *tips fedora*

The grab the pussy leak will really kill Trump campaign?
This isn't assange "playing his hand"

There's still more leaks coming from wikileaks leading up to the election.

Each leak making it progressively more obvious that the democrats and hillary in particular are scheming liars and criminals.
He's not called teflon don for nothing. People already new he was a dick, they have already played that card, people aren't voting for trump because of his perfect clean slate they are voting because he is real.
is there a smoking gun that looks so bad in the eyes of the public, that a large percentage of citizens will accept nothing less than jail time for the Clinton staff?
wtf is the FBI doing, there is so much illegal shit going on and the FBI is pretending to be blind as a bat

I mean I'm not denying their are crooked republicans but the DNC is seriously corrupt where are the authorities?
>The Archons cannot create. They have no originality. If you give an Archon a blank piece of paper, it can do nothing with it. What they are good at it twisting and distorting the creative efforts of others.

and she's not balloooning out those pleats
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There are no authorities.

I dont know if you have noticed or not, but 4chan is largely doing the FBI's and CIA's job for them in matters related to exposure and justice.

We're all part of a historical event
Hillary is hiding her emails to cover up many more federal offences.
are CTR selected low-level staffers? what is/was the process like to join the program?
idk who the fuck robby is, but

>This was going to come out later on
My first thought about this shit was that they dumped it way too fucking early. Had this come out a few days before the election it would've been able to do something, but a few weeks gives voters enough time see / worry about other stuff and forget about it.

>after Okeefes video
I don't know what the fuck this is either, but I'm guessing it's the one I keep hearing rumors about where hillary goes full racist?
So, I found something interesting in Hilarys emails.

/u/Stonetear was looking for a way to delete information out of emails (the person sending the email, and the person who received the email, on Clintons private server. I searched "hidden" and found this:


Notice the entries marked only with -


There is no To; or From: in the emails marked -

is it something? The one linked is talking about an assassination attempt.
no of course not, he's said worse
Ben looks so out of place there. Why does Chad work for CTR?
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Nothing ever happens. Literally nothing ever fucking happens. You guys have been pulling this shit for 18 months. Can we get a real fucking happening around here?
The US government is so corrupt there's basically no real governmental watchdogs or investigators anymore.

It's no wonder there's been so few leaks over the past decade before the advent of the internet:

1. Government investigators are controlled
2. Media is controlled
3. Hitmen / assassins are effectively state-sanctioned

Now we have the internet, and entities like wikileaks are able to exist. Being outside the realm of control of the US government enables corruption to actually be done. Unfortunately the social control over the general public by the state and media is so strong it doesn't seem to make a difference what wikileaks exposes if it's not braindead-level crimes that your average moron can recognize as a crime and have an emotional knee-jerk response to it.

I'm convinced all the loudest anti-Trump womyn on faceberg are going to vote for him
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back, no no this was the card Robby Mook held in his back pocket for a few weeks before Nov 8th.

It's damaging to an extent but nothing that a Trump supporter and die hard will care about, and the only offended people are faggots who aren't going to vote for him anyways. SO no, no loss.

There's a video of Hillary disparaging black people that's about 10,000x worse and she's seen it and she knows about it. The guy who took down the tax pimp people with the video is the guy who took the video of her. It's legit.
this is pretty accurate. there's a huge break in the FBI though. Lots of people starting to ask for Comeys resignation.
Jeez m8 that's pretty damn edgy
It's suspected that emails sent to/from president obama had the sender/receiver stripped out entirely.

So that email you linked was probably received by a number of executive branch (and perhaps more) individuals, including Obama.
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Laurence Rockefeller gave Hillary a nice book once.
It's like a bizarre mix of Brave New World and 1984. Totalitarian government censorship combined with a population that has been biologically programmed not to care.
Realistically: Will anything actually fucking happen?

We've seen her flagrantly break US law time and time again, will this time lead us to any different of a conclusion?
no he leaked the video of trump.
they were going to sit on it until the election got closer but assange made him bust his nut too quickly.

strategically it's over for the clintons, now they have to sit and take it.
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>people thinking the ET thing is shilling/not important
It's clearly something that's being considered at these high levels. Maybe we need to start considering it, too.

Goddamn the swastika looks good on that flag
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Lots of smart, sassy young ladies on the Hillary team.

Like an episode of Sex in the City.
honestly, here's how I think it'll go down:

Nothing happens until after the election

If Clinton wins, nothing happens to her. Everyone involved with Trump, even tangentially related (including us here) gets removed in whatever way possible. Assassinations, lawsuits, bankruptcy, you name it the federal government will begin doing effectively a political purge. The US ends up in either a world war or a civil war. Possibly both.

If Trump wins, there'll be some bated breath by insiders to see what he starts doing. Clinton isn't guaranteed to go down, but she will probably be targeted by Trump with the support of other insiders within the government who finally have an outlet for all the corrupt shit they've seen and gotten really fucking sick and tired of. If Trump really pursues it, he'll be assassinated and insiders/democrats/corrupt bastards will make deals with republicans/Pence to look the other way and keep the gravy train flowing for a few more years. This might turn into a civil war scenario too, but world war is probably avoided and American hegemony over the world simultaneously declines.

If Trump somehow doesn't die, (Good luck to him, desu) we will probably see absolutely disgusting amounts of corruption and illegal activity being rooted out of the US government. The CIA may well get abolished. A lot of people will be going to jail, some of them won't live to see jail thanks to public lynchings, others will be getting the rope for treason. The US again loses hegemony over the planet, but it's a more graceful decline, civil war and world war are avoided, and the world more or less continues on as it does, but with a much better and less corrupt atmosphere within western nations.
It's big news, yes, but will anything actually come of this? It's my biggest concern that nothing will come of it, or be unable to be used as evidence because it wasn't legally obtained.
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There's nothing else Hillary can throw at him. She blew her goo and now he's gonna take her down with all the leak shit.
Bumping because too many shill threads
Who fucking cares if we lose hedgemony. I'm sick of having our military risk their necks to defend countries that stiff us on payment or don't want us there at all. I'm sick of wars in the middle east and wars over oil. Europe can go fuck themselves, I couldn't care less if Russia decides to grab their clay.


And Bill said wonderful things about Obama care
I'm not saying it as something bad, just a statement of what I think will happen.

IMO, the best course of action for the US is stamping out the deep state element fucking the country over (The CIA or whatever the fuck is going on there) and then dropping all the social machination bullshit, embracing western civilization, rooting out corruption, and gunning for the stars.

American hegemony will, quite honestly, be re-established with the exploitation of the solar system's resources and the evolution from Superpower to Spacepower that will completely supplant Russian/Chinese power on the planet. There's no need for a world war, there's no need for a civil war or all these strong controls on the american public. The US is effectively impossible for Russia/China to invade.
These are part of a long e-mail chain, where they discuss how to get somebody to make a move on calling out Republicans to open their private E-mails to the public, maybe to get them to back off, this is from when the republicans wanted to look into Hillary's emails closer.
How do we raise this higher and above pussy grabbing?
what else do shillary have? (some number of things?)

also any info on the wikileaks? will the leaks get juicier and juicier?
We don't. If you haven't figured it out yet, the MSM will NEVER touch Hillary. The only way out is to convince people the MSM should be discredited.
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>stiff us on payment
anon thinks other countries actually pay us for our services.
Also PS if you're who I think you are I honestly thought you died
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>he thinks the FEC will give a shit
>he actually thinks that an organization run by the establishment, for the establishment, will give a shit
This one shows a consideration to get somebody in the house or senate to introduce a Bill that would end congress' exemption from the Freedom of Information Act, they expect it not to pass so everybody would stop demanding a probe into the emails
>Trump supporters complaining about not being able to discuss email leaks because of shills
>said emails are discussed on every thread on /pol/ and /b/
The amount of butthurt on this board is phenomenal. I can't wait to see more in november
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Are they actually coordinating with the pac? They seem to just be suggesting it, and like someone else said there's no emails directly to Brock. Either way it's against the spirit of the regulation.
oy gevalt
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I've been in surgery lads, can someone give me a rundown on these leeks?
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Looks like they found a report made by our favorite Jew, it's short and about how they don't want to bring attention to the story he wrote
Hahaha, nice try guys, but obviously Trump saying that he fucks women is a lot much worse.
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