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Thread replies: 305
Thread images: 88

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>What did he mean by this?
>muh polls!

Daily reminder: CTR are an ORGANIZATION. They PLAN attacks, rather than just being here all the time.

Relax, for it will be all over tomorrow.
saying all of them are shills is wrong, but so is saying none of them are.
nice tinfoil hat, is it too hard for you to imagine that most of the people here aren't so dense that they continue to deny he ruined his campaign?
Stupid Nimble America. You tried to prop up that cardboard cutout that is trump for so long everyone gave up on you.

Donny stands alone. There isn't a single person to back his stupid ass up.
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Thread Theme
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxX-xEF7i7k&index=3&list=PL65110A4CE65DE144 [Embed]









>Wall Street Speechs
> Open instigation and says she supports open borders.
>Self incriminating documents pertaining to her cooperation.


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reminder that people are payed to shill, and they still can't do their jobs properly
thank you for correcting the record
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wew lad, you come here often?
you're talking about it, aren't you?
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manlet shills itt
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the flooding at certain times is very noticeable
feels like its currently at critical mass
I noticed this to based jew. But they are low energy, gone by tomorrow. Sad.
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wew lad
Thank you greatest ally
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you are trying too hard, schlomo.
Nimble America was some stupid attempted scam that literally did nothing and went nowhere.
There's a huge amount of people who bought into the god emperor meme, who've plunged all their hope and enthusiasm into the Trump campaign. So they're frazzled and delusional and hysterically calling everyone shills. It's genuinely weird to see people being so willfuly delusional. The Trump campaign was dealt its death knell today.
upset that drumpf is losing your what? you can't vote in the election anywa
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trump drifts.png
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did I hit a nerve? maybe you should post some more to express your hurt feelings haha
thank you for correcting the record.
>feels the need buy an actual 4chan pass
>not paid CTR shill
fuck you i giggled
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Trump Sprint.jpg
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Fuck the CTR shills.

Grab 'em in their pussy.

So Fucking Alpha

It will upset the cucked faggots, actual faggots, and nu-males who never played a sport, were never cool, never fucked a cheerleader or sorority girl.

It will piss off the dykes and SJWs to no end.

But, to actual people who aren't social retards and leftists, it is perfectly normal, if not awesome.

Blacks and messicans love alpha.

He just got an extra 20% from them.

He's gonna run away with this thing.

What a fucking badass.
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> "I don't like trump much..."

Shut up potato nigger
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>shills don't exist
It'll be quite funny when Trump loses and this board pretends that it never supported Trump at all.
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nah but you drumpfers seem pretty upset about this whole thing

ohh yeah look at this real alpha male right here
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anime makes trump real.gif
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>A man who says mean things versus GateGateGate: Scandal boogaloo
That shit buried Reagan, shills. It's over and you will hang.
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>Not noticing an increase in shills
How to stop the slide?
no matter who wins people will complain about riged votes.
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>Not noticing that people are legitimately turning on trump

I'll be shitposting for at least a week straight when he loses
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>shills don't exist
ant Trump is more alpha than Hillary could ever be.
like music to my ears pal

/pol/ is beautiful atm, all this delusion and butthurt
What evidence do you have that suggests people are legitimately turning on Trump?
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Isn't it time to pick one of the fags in pic related and send out a warning shot?

/b/ would have done this weeks ago, has this place lost it's edge?
A company pays its employees, wow!

I guess you're not used to that happening with trump, are you?
>0.02$ have been deposited into your wife's account

You'd have to be fucking retarded to think that this leak wont be used against Trump as a silver bullet. It doesn't matter if you think he's your lord and savior, assuming the elections aren't rigged already, the majority vote always wins.

By the contents of the statement alone, he's practically made an enemy out of all women, evangelists and moderates. The liberals already hated him, so this just adds to the fire.

But the most surprising part about all of this is you hypocritical fucks who turn a blind eye to degeneracy when it suits you. Where'd all the talk about moral values go? Is Trump too "alpha" for it? Even if he tries to retract his past faults and publicly apologizes, the hounds in the liberal media are ready to mount him at any given time, and this leak is that bone.

Either way, true /pol/lacks already know whats going to happen. Elections were always fake and planned. Rumors go that it's going to be cancelled. They're spilling dirt on both Shillary and Drumpf for a reason. Most likely scenario is Obongo staying in office and/or Martial law/ww3
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>a week
low energy
you do realize you are fooling no one, right?
not saying you are a shill, but saying shills don't exist is a false statement and you know it.

You are our greatest ally.
What job do the employees have?

Time for some pizza pies
kek he is an alpha
You can just tell they got their teeth wet on reddit but that is like preparing your soliders to fight jihadists with COD and BF4.
>not knowing pol is dogmatic as hell and thus shills, payed or not, are very easy to spot by polacks

>since 2016
nice try shill
The polls. All of them.
>he's practically made an enemy out of all women

when you have a something to say that is not retarded, be my guest
Thank you greatest ally, you are always there for me in need.

Where can I send my shekels as gratitude?
>the shills are here
>right in this thread
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Sure hombre

That's it
Have you Drumpftp fags decided on a method of suicide when he is inevitably crushed by Clinton?
>blatant lie
Cute pic. Too bad it's not going to save your candidate.

He's from Colorado. Definitely a lib
>implying you made an argument that is not "DRUMPF BTFO XDDDDD"
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>people are literally being paid to shitpost

where the fuck to I sign up?
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side orbit.png
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wow, that image is insanely hilarious


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It's too bad your shilling won't save your life.
he's been hitting up r/politics

have you ever been there? the self-righteousness is unreal, I'm surprised they can even type with how hard they must be tweaking their nipples
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So what? We're allowed to come here. /pol/ is for Clinton supporters to post in too, its not Trump's board.
>a 4chan pass has been deposited into your account
>waah abloo abloo someone invaded muh safe space

Trump is kill
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Thank you for telling the truth, you truly are my greatest ally merchant, i will definitely vote trump now because of you
we will blow ourselves in mudslim countries, how about that for a change?
how the fuck do you have an Internet connection anyways? im legit curious.
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the real problem is mods left us
It's too bad you never leave your basement.

Die hard trump supporters refuse to believe anybody can have their own opinion without being paid

> Well, I personally don't agree with what he said


Trump supporters believe they own /pol/

Don't ever dare formulate your own opinion or you're a shill!
>Trump is kill

you are pathetic.
posting an opinion is one thing, but spamming the board as a job is another:

What are you suggesting, to censor opposing opinions?

kek won't save trump if he isn't willing to save himself
>trump got BTFO
>hurr its this elusive nonexistent organization guys they're totally behind it
>and JEWS
Iran is a well developed and modern nation you dumb Jew
You truly are our greatest ally.
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you are pathetic.
posting an opinion is one thing, but spamming the board as a job is another:



Nice try JIDF
I'm not CTR, and I'm pretty upset over what he said.
you are pathetic.
posting an opinion is one thing, but spamming an imageboard with delusional fantasies of a trump presidency is another.
More bad news: Paul Ryan is considering cancelling his appearance with trump this weekend and not campaigning for him.
also because the only reason they're here to to get paid
no actual interest in any kind of sharing of ideas, just spamming what they're told to
Go for it.
What a stupid question.
>shills exist therefore everyone who disagrees with me is a shill
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confirmed by dubs
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You do realize that when the trial starts against CTR for breaking campaign laws for Hillary /pol/ threads and posts will literally be evidence in court
Does our meme magic know no bounds?
your "argument" was nothing but an exaggeration and had no facts to support it.
I mentioned you said Drumpf, because that's what most die-hard liberals use.

and I said something NOT retarded. Try agai
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Trump America Fuck Yeah.jpg
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When Trump becomes President, he is going to plant the America Flag hard in the ground signifying his domination as Boss Conquerors always have and always do.

Just like he plants his alpha cock in CTR's dream girls when he conquers them.

You'll scream and you'll cry, much like you are doing now.
i hope all of them drop dead

saying all of them are shills is wrong, but so is saying none of them are.
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>delusional fantasies
Sounds like something smug Shillary would say.
You idiots keep posting this image but none of the "shilling" stopped.

I wonder why...
>saying all of them are shills is wrong, but so is saying none of them are

BLT detected
Thank you for sharing your "truth"
Read the emails assange just leaked, you're feelings will soon turn to insatiable anger at clinton
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>Trump supporters believe they own /pol/
>Don't ever dare formulate your own opinion or you're a shill!
And some people just keep adding layers of irony

doesn't matter, it won't stop until the election is over, moron.
because they are literally paid to be here?
there is no way to stop something perfectly legal, retard.
No warnings
No quarter
When we hit we don't stop until they're all fucked
This is war not a shouting match you can just leave and never see again
So what are you going to do? Harass people for having different views than you to get them to shut up? You want to go beat them up and/or kill them? It's ironic that you would say liberals are so dangerous and hostile and yet you do this to target them.
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All of your posts sound like something a retarded trump supporter would say.
I can't tell if shill or not.

I posted information, didn't say what to do with it, faggot retard Hillary bot
Classic CTR.
I can't wait until she wins to be honest

Prove that they are paid to post on /pol/. I'll wait.
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liberal arguments against trump.png
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>even CTR's memes are shit
Of course he's a shill.
>shit image
>no argument
and your post sound like something a retarded, pathetic Hillary supporter would say. your statement is?
What do you want people to do with information about who these people are? Harass them? That's obviously why you posted it. You want Trump supporters to harass Hillary supporters with whatever means that they want.



Take a look in the mirror before you post.

Because you're a faggot shit-for-brains moron, that's why you support Hillary.

Keep collecting that welfare, faggot
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All news outlets dropped the same bomb in less than five minutes with fully typed up articles.

Made ya think!


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>tfw I'm going to making threads pointing out these leaks all night
I hope you'll all join me.

/pol/ is forever

shills are only til break time
None of those links say anything about /pol/. I'll give you another chance.

clever :^)

>keep collecting that welfare!!!
>how does it feel when your job is being paid to shill???
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>bought a pass to bypass captcha, thereby increasing shilling efficiency
>literally paying to shill

Good work, dick for brains.
why even bother
will he ever admit you're right?
its fact shills are paid to come here, and it is very noticeable even when the responses are coming from different IPs
just give them as few yous as possible

welfare or paycheck, you're a shill faggot shit-for-brains loser. Get a life, faggot.

I don't need to admit they're right when they're literally wrong.
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>None of those links say anything about /pol/. I'll give you another chance.

>implying they only visit one site
you are trying too hard to avoid truth.
Well no shit I am not making an argument. I am asking a question. If you can't answer then that is you being a faggot.
Which polls would include the response to today's "scandal"? Provide me one.
Can't wait enough for him to become the president just to piss off bunch of liberal faggots
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>I don't need to admit they're right when they're literally wrong.

>being this delusional
I can't wait till the elections are over and those sad idiots fuck off to reddit again.
I'll think about it.

>implying they only visit one site
So you're either making assumptions or you literally just admitted that you flat-out lied. congrats
if I won't bother, he will consider it a win.
i know tactics, and this one is tire the user until he quits from boredom and rage, then consider it a victory.

Glad you can admit that you need a life, Hillary shill faggot shit-for-brains
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>shills are posting like their lives are on the line because they actually are
>it'll all be for naught in november and they'll be swinging
The polls don't reflect this scandal, but Trump has a new scandal almost every day. It's wearing down on his supporters and it shows in the polls.
We have a CTR insider he said they are going to be spamming threads with insane /x/ tier crap about UFOs and ETs ignore these faggots
They knew these leaks were coming and have been planning for it.

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kek 3.jpg
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high energy
>/x/ tier shit
Well we've been /x/ for a while now, and that's okay.
>So you're either making assumptions or you literally just admitted that you flat-out lied. congrats

i never said they are only on 4chan, retard.
straw-man does not work in here.

and you do admit shills do exist, so at least we are making some progress.
You need to see a psychiatrist.
>So you're either making assumptions or you literally just admitted that you flat-out lied. congrats
You are putting an unreasonably high burden of proof for his claim. I doubt most people need a smoking gun in order to consider it believeable that a group that shills on one website with political content will shill on a separate website with even more influence than the other website.

The evidence, even if not a smoking gun, is plenty to convince someone with reasonable expectations that they are shilling here.
nah you did say they are on 4chan, which you have no proof of whatsoever

have some trouble with reading comprehension, bud?
memes are the DNA of the soul
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>scandals not including illegal activity
Hillary actually belives this
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>The polls don't reflect this scandal, but Trump has a new scandal almost every day. It's wearing down on his supporters and it shows in the polls.
Which one's? You are making a lot of claims and not showing much evidence.
oh shit you've got him on the ropes now!
>nah you did say they are on 4chan, which you have no proof of whatsoever

i said they are in 4chan, but i never said they are ONLY in 4chan.

and if you want to see them in 4chan: see >>91903662
learn how to argue, you pathetic being
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Why can't you just die?
Bad? For his poll numbers most certainly. They will be his downfall. That and his shitty performance at debates.

All of them.
The proof is fairly obvious

When he smugly banters about committing adultery, he's effectively pissing on the people that support him on a moral basis. I'm not going to throw fucking numbers at you, but most of trump supporters lie in the conservative traditionalist spectrum. And bragging about fucking a married women wont get you a pat on the back from these traditionalist-minded people.

This is not "Alpha" behavior. It's being prideful about being a manslut, and if you think I'm a liberal sjw cuck for saying that, then you obviously dont know /pol/ well enough.Trumps always been outspoken, but he's never had a caught-redhanded moment like this. Now, with this leak in motion, he has to defend himself for the rest of the "election".
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shill in a nutshell.webm
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>oh shit you've got him on the ropes now!
i see you brought some assistance...
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I've noticed this. It's easy to spot.

Yet they have no effect. It's laughable. Same shit happened when my country voted on leaving the EU.
This board was full of doom mongers. "UK is finished" etc.
Shills are not difficult to detect. /pol/ is a very popular board. Shills are not hard to find.
One of their favourite methods is to subvert the topic. "controlling the narrative".
They can fuck off.
>falling for the bait
what you posted means literally nothing, it's just someone responding to themselves. If this is the standard of which you hold your proof then I don't know what to say to you bud
One poll. If it is all of them, then if should be easy to find, correct?
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We do not forgive. Expect us.
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the man who sold the world.gif
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does anybody have that one screencap of an Anonymous twitter account trying to tell "4chan losers" to fuck off
i know for a fact that happened at least once
>but most of trump supporters lie in the conservative traditionalist spectrum. And bragging about fucking a married women wont get you a pat on the back from these traditionalist-minded people.

i love how a simple joke Trump made went completely out of context, and he is now called "the enemy of all women".

literally a pastebin that anybody could have wrote
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Genuinely weird? More like genuinely amusing. I'm getting great enjoyment out of watching /pol lose its shit in the face of reality, and I cannot wait to see it completely collapse on election night.
it always fucking happens, Trump says something, and the media will do everything to get is completely out of context. the argument that Trump supporters are
"bragging about fucking a married women wont get you a pat on the back from these traditionalist-minded people." is nothing but retarded.
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You guys are so obvious, I feel bad for you now.

Here's some free shitposting tips from an actual anon:
>Don't shill the board at the same time. Your posts always show up in bunches
>Don't use terms like "morally repugnant" or "sexist" or any other >le reddit shit
>Acknowledge the dirt on Clinton to give you a semblance of credibility
>Use #CURRENTYEAR memes instead of shit we dropped years ago

Good luck and enjoy Correcting the Record!
bam! its over. isreal can never recover
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Looks like Nimble America is in full force today
>isreal can never recover

I hope so, isreal deserves to be wiped off the map
>literally a pastebin that anybody could have wrote

i know that no matter what proof i will bring, you will always say something as the following, but the fact that you completely deny the fact the CTR will not act in the "alt right" zone Hillary put, is nothing but retarded.
He's fucked. There's no one else to blame but Trump himself. He is a grown ass man and nobody forces him to say that shit or act like he does. I cannot believe that the Republican party actually nominated this man. After the elections Republicans are finished.
>Majority of the board thinks he's done

Unfortunately not.
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sure we are, Ahmed.
are you mad that you won't be able to invite your friends from the middle east to rape white women after Trump wins?
wow, someone copied something from a reddit thread and posted it on 4chan! I guess that means there are definitely shills here
Alt right wasn't invented by Clinton. Hell, I knew what the alt right was before Hillary announced running. Believe it or not there's also evidence of a CTR type PAC for Trump, so don't think your shit doesn't stink.
as said in >>91909948

i know that no matter what proof i will bring, you will always say something as the following, but the fact that you completely deny the fact the CTR will not act in the "alt right" zone Hillary put, is nothing but retarded.


>shills don't exist

>Believe it or not there's also evidence of a CTR type PAC for Trump, so don't think your shit doesn't stink.

present it then.
Sauce or >/out/
>i know that no matter what proof i will bring,
except that none of it whatsoever constitutes "proof"
This is the Jo Cox moment, they've leaked this out too early though it seems and trump will play it down as campaign banter.

Can't see people caring too much in four months time.
but the fact that you completely deny the fact the CTR will not act in the "alt right" zone Hillary put, is nothing but retarded.

we already agreed that shills DO exist, and that they are payed by Hillary, then the fact that you completely deny their presence in here, the "alt right", is retarded.
Guess I'm staying then
pretty sure it was debunked here more than 10 times. if you stayed in here for more than a day, you should know that.
why shill somewhere full of people who are already steadfast with their convictions instead of somewhere with more malleable voters?
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Grow up.
/pol/ has always been more to the left than to the right.
Anonymous, which 4chan is best known for, is anarchistic and heavily pro feminism.
Mmmhm. Just because you don't want it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.
because they want to:

A: destroy the "alt right"
B: take advantage of the recent popularity this site achieved, by attracting newfags before they will stay here for too long.

To disrupt.
>Mmmhm. Just because you don't want it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

it does mean if it was debunked more that 10 times only yesterday
There are people pretending to be shills. The proper way of dealing with them is ignore.
Why would they need to destroy the alt right when Trump is doing it himself?
>four months time
The election is in a month, retard.
Exactly this. Trump is ruining our movement. It's time to support Hillary.
>Why would they need to destroy the alt right when Trump is doing it himself?

because its one of their primary targets from the start. plus reason B.
This board has an over-inflated sense of self-importance.
>Exactly this. Trump is ruining our movement. It's time to support Hillary.
This, we can't be on the losing side, you wouldn't want to vote for a candidate that lost would you?

Vote hillary and you can be on the winning side
Oh was it debunked? Oh I'm so sorry then. I take your word for it just like I take Donald's when he denies that he believes that climate change is a conspiracy made up by the Chinese (despite his tweets). I'm sorry you don't like bad news. Just keep repeating to yourself that it's not real and you'll be OK.
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Thanks for reorganizing my soda can collection
if someone will break in your house, wouldn't you try and stop him/her?
That is by far the dumbest analogy I've ever heard.
Oh fuck he's kissed women and been sexually active its fucking over bros we'll never recover
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you mean just like Hillary denies using a private server to store 33k Emails? and how she denied her illness? and did not co-operate with law?
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>all these niggers upset that someone's getting paid while they're literally doing it for free
That's like saying "oh shit lol someone shot a gun and the bullet happened to find its way into someone's skull lol not a big deal he's just shooting a gun!"
>Being sexually active and kissing a woman is the same as cheating on your wife with a married woman

What board are we on again?
>a FUCKING leaf
Wow, you really opened my third eye!
I am now with Her
To all americans celebrating this: how do you plan to spend the last month of your lives? Just curious.
good for you, is it because you don't understand the basic idea? or is it just because it does not fir in your frame of mind quite well? if you don't have anything to counter it, then stop arguing
That is by far the dumbest analogy I've ever heard.
Nobody is breaking into /pol/, nobody is being paid to infiltrate /pol/.
very clever, got any more zingers up your sleeve sven?
he ruined his campaigned 11 years before it existed?
fucking shill
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lmao, this thread is peak denial

Your brains have been memed to mush
>tfw im talking to a brick wall

you already admitted that shill exist, and now you return to the start like nothing happen, are you retarded?
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It's already on front page of CNN.com

It's all ogre now.
yes, that is literally what has happened. Who would have thought that if you want to be president one day you're going to have to act presidential?
>shills don't exist



are you a bot?, what is 84+523?
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clearly not Hillary
>b-but what about h-hillary!!!

lmao this is reaching pathetic levels of denial
Noice pivot away from the matter. Your straw is weak ans low energy... pretty much how I imagine Trumpians will be when they see a landslide for Clinton.
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>lmao this is reaching pathetic levels of denial
You just summed up her entire campaign
This is hilarious to watch.

God bless him, He is saying what many of us think and do.
>how the fuck do you have an Internet connection anyways? im legit curious.
Because of Obama. Sanctions have ended
Every time a trump supporter loses and argument they pivot to the "but hillary did x!!! hillary did y!!!" strategy.
i gtg peace
Unemployment rate is 78%. Source - Donald J Trump
Look who has been run down.

Given the size of this board I'm going to answer NO.
>lost the argument
kek, don't make me laugh
no, i need to fucking sleep
Yes they do because they have no other choice. Don't worry though it will be over soon.

Claiming that you have already won an argument? SAD
>Why can't you just die?
This fuck Ireland. I cant wait for Norway murdering you all.
Get some rest then. Dream of Ronald Reagan I mean Donald Trump.
size doesn't translate to reality buddy, remember the bernie rallies?

don't cry yourself to sleep, okay?
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>He's fucked. There's no one else to blame but Trump himself.
Fuck this defeatism. Follow through you basterds!
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Well, time to read some e-mails that were leaked then. You know nothing of fury, til then.
It's not defeatism. It's being logical and collected.

I can't wait until he loses. All of this work on /pol/'s part and Trump's part for absolutely nothing.

Are you on payroll?
How much do you get?
Do you accept anymore on boat?
I could use some money.
Schlomo, we have dirt that could sink CTR. Of course they'd brigade the shit out of /pol/. This is their fucking Alamo
>/pol/ has always been more to the left than to the right.
I'm quite sure you are very alone in your view, maybe time for you to take your meds.../pol is fashist and have always been fascist. It a fucking containment board
Its a bot.

Its ctr lad

I just survived a hurricane and FIVE trees narrowly missed my house. I am shielded by kek and do not give a fuck
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see you on November.
your tears will bring me joy.
It's a shame kek won't be able to save trump, isn't it?
>I cant wait until he loses
No one talks like this ctr.
>But, to actual people who aren't social retards and leftists, it is perfectly normal, if not awesome.

I talk like that with my friends. And with some girls too.
>tfw bot

what's 694+85
Its a shame you think anyone in this thread doesnt know youre ctr
Nobody is denying or defending what trump said but it's trivial given what we are voting for and who he is running against. It's not a "who was nicer 11 years ago" contest.
I could roll with this, how does it feel to have wasted your night arguing with a literal computer?
It may not be, but does it matter to the voters? That's the real question. You may not care but plenty of others do.


Holy shit 42 post, get a life.
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-D, See me after class.

>thinks he is somewhat smart
>votes for Hillary
>buys 4chan pass to not look like a new fag
>4chan pass accuses him of being a new fag

your teart will be delicious on November
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Hillary is the best.
>goes off on my pass instead of the content of my posts

>goes off on my post count instead of the content of my posts

I'm not surprised, really.
If you were the kind of person to legit not be a Trump supporter, and not CTR, then you wouldn't be in /pol/ in the first place.
he's hard at work making the benjamins
holy shit, after those sexist comments, Drumpf is finished
I disagree, there are genuinely betas browsing this board as well who are probably jealous of Trump, it isn't always CTR.
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he is finished and it's amazing. looks like the trump supporters in this thread are getting burned out just like their candidate
This is a reminder that someone is CTR if they espouse very pro-Hillary views. If someone just doesn't like Trump, it's not CTR.
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You shills keep saying this like it has a 1% emotional critical chance to destroy our foundation for Trump and make us abstain or vote for Hillary.

If you want us to vote for her, give us solid reasons to, like any sane candidate like Trump is doing.
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Not gonna lie, former Drumpf voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Drumpf crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
>this is a reminder that anyone who disagrees with me don't real
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he is so BTFO

based H-ROD will wipe the stage with that clown during the Sunday debate
the shills aren't real man!
can you imagine if they were?
it just doesn't make any sense
Hi faggot. Kill yourself immediately. That will correct the record.
My neurons are in orbit
This is financed and armed by Clinton & Co
and many people who know it will vote for her anyway.
How does Hillary's 30 pieces of silver doing for ya traitor?
>former Trump voter here
kek, I might get a proxy just to do that
bots and pasta at this point, anon
It is more important what someone said (>muh sexism) in 2005 than what someone actually did (actual illegal stuff) for many years.

You Americans maybe deserve Hillary and another 4 years of slow and steady decay.
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Oh boy fucking CTR but if your not then are you fucking retarded? the same shit is being spammed with the exact same wording or copy/paste text if each post was different then I would assume that some anons are typing this shit but right now we have some kinda CTR bot typing the same exact shit over and over again.
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This whole country is gonna be Chicago if she gets elected.

Hillary supporter here.

The actual shills are active with news organization, facebook, twitter, general normieshit.

/pol/ has become a neo-nazi imageboard. They are not wasting their time pandering to obese neo-nazis, half of whom aren't even old enough to vote, and of the other half, at least half of whom are not even registered to vote.

The people posting pro-Hillary shit are a mixture of honest trolls, and actual Democrats who have been on /pol/ / /news/ / /new/ before it became a fascist circlejerk, and are reveling in Trump's spectacular failure.

See you in November :)
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Don't forget.
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This is the first ammunition against Trump they have had for months, and it's literally 11 years ago nothing. They are so desperate at this point it's hilarious.
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Begs the question...why are you here?

Remember anons, the audio "leak" was the counter-attack. The real shit is in the emails.


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Jesus Christ you're worse than me
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meant for


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>spectacular failure

How's the Middle East doing these days thanks to Hillary Clinton?
If this is the best thing they had, the thing they were saving, then we've got off pretty easy. We knew there would be some such thing.

But the entire thesis of Trump popularity has been anti-PC. So he said something anti-PC and that's their big reveal? If the thesis holds, this won't destroy him.
lame. even you could kick his ass.
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>and actual Democrats who have been on /pol/ / /news/ / /new/ before it became a fascist circlejerk

Actual former democrat who fought the long fight for years on both /new/ and /pol/, and was airlifted in to repel the /new/ diaspora invasion of /int/ before finally embracing the red-pilled.

You're full of shit /n/ /new/ and /pol/ have always been fascist.
kill yourself you fucking faggot
silverback gorilla
You don't know much about how the world works.
>fucking blithe idealist Murican thinks destabilizing countries is an accident

UNIFORM CHECK: Is your hat on backwards?
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holy crap what is happening to this place

it is literally overrun with shills.
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Redditors and shills come here pretending to be defeatists all the time.

>fuck guys... it's over... this is the end of his campaign... i'm with her now...
>$0.21 deposited to Paypal
Thank you for correcting the record!
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>They are not wasting their time pandering

They aren't here to pander, they are here to lower moral and disrupt the board by sliding threads and posting spam.

It's not going to work, but it's all they can do. It only invigorates my support for Trump even more.
I know it wasn't an accident.

It was a failure in that it did a lot of harm to the world.
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Why the fuck would they bother coming here? 75% of the posts aren't even from potential voters.
>so fucking arrogant
But it makes a lot of money. You're going to stop that from happening with your idealism and /pol posts?

Either get on board or get left behind.
No. I'm not on board with that.

Hillary will lead America to its death.
>I don't like Hillary
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