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Heritage thread

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Thread replies: 119
Thread images: 40

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Post muh heritages here.
what part from belgium anon?
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>blue eyes with gook genes

bleh, i need to puke

what a fucking mongrel
your gramma got BLEACHED
Sorry but I think you need some gas.
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>/pol/ is home to a colony of happa's and halfbred manlet gundams
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Waste of Flemish blood, can't probably even pronounce schield en vriend.
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These really work better for Muricans
>Flemmish blood
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Don't lie strudel pie, there some Russian in you .Just ask your grandmother
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Klappe halten "Kriegsopfer"
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rate me
How's that Greater Germany going for you Hansov?
How are your colonies?

>Not knowing how recessive traits work.

Mom is from Geraardsbergen.
>American with Greek and Polish decent
Oh look, it's Saha grey


I'm 6'1".
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At least we had Colonies.
Atleast we still matter
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>Team Axis & Friends
Defender of Europa reporting in.

I can't. There's a huge gaping hole on my father's side. We have no idea who my Grandmother's father was, so we can't trace it back at all.

Other than that the last 5 generations on either side were Scottish, and go back to 6th on my Dads Dads family, you'll end up in Ireland.
Real mean start at 6'2''

I looked whiter than alot of Poles I saw when I visited Warsaw.

You guys have some swarthy motherfuckers.
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to Ahmed.
As a economy you matter, as people you are forgotten, thrown away by your government.
>stationed in Belgium

SHAPE or Chievres?
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newfie potatonigger reporting in

6'2" manlet detected.

The actual cutoff is 6'4".
>as people you are forgotten, thrown away by your government.
Let's be honest that's been tradition since fucking ever
t. Mohammed
easy lad, I was just being nice to the poor boy so he didn't hang himself.

I'm actually 8' 2''.
With 4 arms.
Only 3 fingers on each hand though ;_;
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how the carbon tax nigger gon affect you faggots?
I'm waiting for le Serbs.
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6'2" manlet detected

Real men are over 7 ft
why are there so many white americans with immigrants even 2 generations back

you guys are pussies, the real americans came over centuries ago
Angela would rather replace you with a migrant. You germans cant even defend yourselfs from your own government. You are a self censoring weak pathetic excuse for a people. Still not as bad as the Dutch though.

sure, sure, mongol bred
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Finns are white.
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Europe :D :D :D :D :/ :/ :/
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I was born there, senpai.
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>tfw full wog

want to die every day mates
Holy fuck, now I've seen everything, ugly blue eyed people do exist.

Did you happen to go the Canadian school there?
Why not post your face, phone, emails, and everything else so they don't have to keep coming back to datamine.
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Nigger are you fucking retarded? I've seen many.
Yes, I did. Just for 1-4 grade.
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Family Heritage.png
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Go to local walmart in rural NC.

Plenty of ugly whites and raunchy Nogs.
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tfw your tree is a /pol/ wetdream
All blue eyed people must be ugly to you, you filthy fucking Canadian. Go and oogle at some more big lipped bimbos in Ontario.
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people that never happened
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eternal kraut
>raunchy nogs
This is sadly very accurate, there is something about Walmart bargain bins that transform googles into horny, sex crazed maniacs.
Does anyone miss the GDR?
"The Jamestown[1] settlement in the Colony of Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas. William Kelso writes that Jamestown "is where the British Empire began ... this was the first colony in the British Empire."[2] Jamestown was established by the Virginia Company of London as "James Fort" on May 4, 1607 (O.S., May 14, 1607 N.S.),[3] and was considered permanent after brief abandonment in 1610. It followed several earlier failed attempts, including the Lost Colony of Roanoke. Jamestown served as the capital of the colony for 83 years, from 1616 until 1699."

>empire flag
wew lad
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looks like the cuck gene sneaked in there though
I miss when countries had their own currency, I have a bunch of marks and francs and leu around the house...
нy, чтo хoдитe cкaзaть?

lol no
You mean besides the former SED?
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USA 1.jpg
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dont try to bullshit /pol/)))) not your heritage))))
what a waste
it was a part of empire since 1795 till 1917, After 1905 jews were form some parties. So if his tree represent their original place of exodus to Israel why he cannot use a imperial flag?
He вcё eвpeи нeнaвижить poccию, или дaжe хoдитe быт eвpeйcкий, oни пpocтo хoтял ocтaвлят poccия тoгдa.
Знaeтe ли Изpaeль Шaмиp, Гилaд Aцмoн или Изpaeль Шaхaк?

My Russian is shit btw, I don't think my grandparents knew more than a few words.

B-but I l-look huwyte!
No one in my family has catholic background or is even religious.
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Dad was born in 1924 and continued the families pharma business after surviving WW2.
The company merged with a US based one and he later met my mom (born in 1955) while in the states, he died in '07.
I'm the result of both my parents second marriage, 21 years old and studying pharmacy in college.
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7ft manlet detected
8'10 is the manlet cut off, m8
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>female branching off from just you

what was this? you had a female clone of yourself made like wolverine?
>Nazi Germany fell in 1945.
>Israel was founded in 1948, before that the Yishuv was almost entirely Russian/Polish.

>A western European Jew moving to Israel instead of the US or just staying home.

>An Israeli marrying a German after moving to Georgia of all places.
I know Israel Shamir, wiki says he's an orthodox christian and anti-zionist.

>Son of surgeon

>economics student

Why? I can't think of a more worthless degree. At least arts is easy and law will give you a good parasitic lifestyle.

Damn /pol/ users seem to have much more diverse family backgrounds than me.

I'm portuguese (white);
Parents are portuguese (white);
Grand parents are all portuguese (white);
Great grand parents were all portuguese (white);
јeби хpвaтcкa

>Nazi Germany fell in 1945.

So? I could have put the flag of the Weimar republic or west Germany but he was a German WW2 vet so i see nothing wrong with that.

>Israel was founded in 1948, before that the Yishuv was almost entirely Russian/Polish.

I could have just put the dutch flag since she grew up in South Holland and only later moved to Israel before permanently staying in Florida after meeting my dad there, but this way it just looks more interesting

>A western European Jew moving to Israel instead of the US or just staying home.

explained above

>An Israeli marrying a German

that's the fun part, my moms family hated it and some even cut off contact with her.
Than why do you have the Vatican keys there?
copypasted from someone elses on paint, I dont know anything about Catholicism at all
Fucking Aussies
And here I was thinking they were Catholic Jews.
My aunts grandmother was actually redded durring the raping of Germany
Jesus christ what the fuck
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this triggers me

Behold! The future face of Germany!
Can't read Cyrillic cigan.
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These things make me glad to just be white and not some bizarro quadroon.
another Newfie reporting in. which part of Newfoundland are you from, mate?

Corner Brook reporting. too lazy to do one of those graphs, but i'm South English all the way down.
The sweden nigger surprise me.
>Feel bad for your mother side.
"fuck croatia" I think,
You should at least be able to recognise "jebi", you uncultured cunt.
half belgian here too! My family is from Bruges.
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>why he cannot use a imperial flag?
>why negger from zimbabwe south africa can't use rhodesian flag?
they were considered as subhumans and had biggest percentage of participants of destruction of the empire among all ethnic groups. niggers of empire
Is this legit? You have a nun and a serial killer in your family tree?
And a fucking train robber, he should be an aussie.
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croacuck btfo
American. I don't need anything else.
le test
Thread posts: 119
Thread images: 40

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