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If civilization fell apart tomorrow and the world devolved into

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If civilization fell apart tomorrow and the world devolved into a state of complete lawlessness, what would be the first thing you would do?

Personally, as a virgin beta numale, I would go out and try to find 9's and 10's in their early 20s/teenagers and rape them all. Without any fucks given at all.
protect helpless women from people like you
>virgin beta numale
>forcing himself on anyone

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nah just fucking with you, convert my car club into a raider gang and control the donkey oil refineries in southern California
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Go on an extended camping trip in my back yard innawoods. City fags stand no chance.

You know women can fight back.
>if civilization fell apart tomorrow

like I would give a fuck
got my 8'4 tablet filled with NES,SNES,GBA ,N64 roms and Tom and Jerry cartoons and a solar panel charger.

The world may now cease to exist.
After you cut a fellow beta in half, she'll remark what a weirdo you are and run into the arms of Chad spikeshoulders and Jerome thunderdome
Acquire a boat and sail for Japan, on a quest to save anime from the apocalypse. I'll bring a bunch of gas too, and I'll put up a banner in multiple languages warning pirates that the boat will explode if anyone attempts to interfere.
You would be hanged in someone's back yard. They wouldn't even waste a bullet on your sorry ass.
You sound like a massive edgelord faggot. If there was lawlessness everywhere the first thing id do is round up fucks like you and hang them 1 by 1 and you will hang the highest
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>virgin beta numale

I haven't killed anybody since 1984.
I would go out and kill people who rape and murder.
What kind of nigger are you that the first thing you would do is rape?

Are you from middle east or somali?
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>Tom and Jerry cartoons and a solar panel charger.

you bastrad
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lol who wouldn't
nah he's just american

the place was built on rape and rock n roll ... oh and heavy drugs
Form a right wing deathsquad.

Play WoW until they cut the servers, probably.
First thing I would do? Take a bunch of large garbage bags, run to the grocery store, and fill them with as much chips and junk food as I can.

Then repeat the run as often as I can so I have a bunch of tasty food.
What many people don't realise in that situation is that the Army and the Police would simply become the dominant gang of wherever they are congregated. Just like ISIS was formed of mostly Ex Iraqi Army members.
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I'd rob a pharmacy
Probably shoot looters and rapist niggers take their shit off their corpses as compensation.

Start working on a little project
I'd be fucks because I have no guns. Only those with guns will survive.

I really should stop procrastinate with that.
Rob the local stores of all their cigarettes, sell them at insanely over inflated prices, shoot anyone who tries to pull any bullshit haggling or theft from me.
First thing I'm doing is breaking into the pharmacy to steal the meds I need and some of the meds I don't need if you know what I mean.

Now is not the time for rape.
That comes later.
That's the very first thing I'd do when the looting started. Sooo many things that are worth much more than their weight in pure gold.
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Hide in the woods and probably die eating poisonous berries/mushrooms after failing to find food.

Barring that, I'd join up with the inevitable /pol/ warband for laughs.
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shoot your gun, you draw attention from kilometers away

Shoot a compound bow and the pricks wont even know whats dropping them dead.

thats how you roll , fuckboi
>If civilization fell apart tomorrow and the world devolved into a state of complete lawlessness
...the first ones to reform like a T-1000 of shit would be the political elite.
Sure, inside that poltical elite a few people will kill each other, but to regular people (read: people with no guns) it won't make much of a difference.
>not owning silencers
wannabe daryl dixon fag detected
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I would probably go to /pol/ and shitpost.
Because everyone will shit out arrows for your hi-tek bow, right?
Bows are a meme. Even in deepest shitholes of Africa everybody uses guns.
Gather my friends. Gather arms, food, water and seeds. Find a large boat. Stay isolated until the large die off is over. Stay the fuck away from cities. Find a place to establish ourselves.

>tfw roaming gangs probably kill us anyway
These arent zombie that are attracted to noise. These are humans that are only willing to take the easy loot, raping and pillaging the defenseless.

Hearing gunshots will only detract people from coming in my direction in irder to avoid danger.
>implying silencer actually makes you silent
You are both cringy autists.
Worst case scenario , you can recycle those arrows, bullets meh
>implying disease and cold won't kill you first
You will ne slaughtered and fed to the wolves. Faget
you can literally make your own arrows, retard,

to each his own

My bow is my weapon of choice

of course I'd have my Walther on me as well as secondary

I would try to aquire at least one gun.
Arrows are pretty fucking useless 2bhmm
Unless you've been firing them into small game, your arrows are one-use.

And it's easier to find bullets than arrows, even in nogunz countries like mine.
gather friends, some of them even know swordfighting and have swords, occupy a castle in Gelderland, create plenty of defence mechanisms and be comfy with solar panels and wildlife in the area.
>arrows are useless

maybe you should like fucking try using them before claiming your stupid shit.
>Chad spikeshoulders and Jerome thunderdome

Top fucking kek
This better be bait.

SO fucking edgy. You goddamn numale.

1) Arm yourself

2) Find several hiding places to store your future loot and sleep, preferably in the wild

3) Nothing of this would be needed because people are civilized and can work something up before shit goes down the drain

4) Mad Max started with a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran (all the keks!)
I'd round up my friends, some of us have hunting rifles, but we'd try to hit the hunting centers fast.
After rifles and ammo are secured we'd hit a pharmacy and rush to our cabin in the mountains.
That's where we'll hold up. It's a nice large place, we have 6bunks, a fireplace, radio antena and a few old car batteries we use for power from time to time
we also have a ton of canned goods up there and some tools (we don't keep much since who knows if people might break into it when we're not around)
our mountains are still wild, so it's a good place to stay
This, when the Soviet Union collapsed it was basically a free for all for the elites.
grab my pistol to rob all gold from my neighborhood.
Turkish people have more gold then fed reserve under thier pillows.
Break into my sisters apartment and smell her panties

one of the keys to surviving is spotting the other faggots around you before they spot you.

fire off your little pea shooter and your cover is blown
Good luck making precision arrows for your compound bow without a proper shop. You'd be better off throwing rocks over using arrows made by a pollack.
Yeah, that makes sense if that's the only way your genes can be spread since no girl would voluntarily have sex with you

It would be a short life though since you would be kiled probably within a few days. But your gfenes don't care, they did their job and spread themselves
You got a good innawoods rucksack layout?
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Even niggers can make more ammo for a primitive bow, there's a reason they're still around after 10,000-20,000 years of human use.
I agree, there won't ever be a global and overnight collapse.
However, there will be gradual decline. World's been circling the drain since the 70s, and there is no reason for it to stop yet.
>easier to find bullets

Everybody would go for bullets ,
I'm with Witcher bro,
A good bow and a secondary pistol.
This. Grab my funs and 4 wheel into the middle of nowhere in the mountains here away from anyone and anything. Luckily southwestern Colorado still has some desolate areas. Maybe somewhere in Utah or New Mexico too.

Also this.
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My bow
Not really. There's a reason why we shoot into hay bales, unless you shoot into something designed to catch them most arrows are going to be damaged on impact.
Yeah, and now we are basically under same gomunist party elite.
Good thing they had a lot of expendable KPSS officials to go through!
it's literally no big deal, I've crafter my own wooden arrows and shot them

sure I have to lower the poundage to a minimum on the bow otherwise they snap but they still fly straight

it's not rocket science
i would probably get murdered by looters in the first week or so
So all the immigrants in your country?
Fuck around with a huge-ass bow and a fucking quiver, and you will be noticed for sure.
Do you think bydlo won't single you out because of your narutard bow?
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Already prepped with food and water for 5 months, bow + arrows, potassium iodide tablets, at least 30 lighters, sterno cooking gel, long screws ready to secure doorframes, plywood for the windows, and a few other friends/preppers ready to bring their firearms here if anything happens. I think I'm pretty set.
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Run to a farm with guns and ammo.

Make a deal with neighboors about protection. Build a wall and form a militia.

Fellow bow bro reporting in.

Bow's have certain tactical advantages, especially for stealth.

But for assaulting somewhere full on, a rifle and handgun is what you'd need.
>shitpost on /pol/
>watch TV
>TV is out
>/pol/ is out
OH WAI-- aha, it's too late. Told ya guys.
Good thing I live in bumfuck nowhere with probably like 10 police in my town tops
I'm gud
im with this guy

Western society would break all liberal policies before reaching total collapse and Asia would dry.

He's Anglo.
How do you make one? With a lathe?
U might be able to get one shot off before you're ass is blasted/axed. For hunting game u may have a point. But a 22 with koibri ammo is even quieter and thas what I'll hunt with. Good luck
/pol/ war band sounds pretty rad
Just unsure how stable people here really are
Wait a minute, do you people really not know how to identify wild edibles in your area? Like, you've never even checked it out?
Id go out and shoot people like you and enjoy the thank you sex and your now omega sou went to the void
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You play the "sneaky fucking russian" game.

The guy with the AR still wins lol

>Although its a fine argument for a poacher o_0
Not having ammo press. How long do u intend to survive exactly?

It's effective
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Bug in for awhile
Good plan
Obviously. Every Western country is going into fascist mode (save for Switzerland and maybe Isralel). Every non-western country is firmly there already.
22 primer ammo wins every time, very quiet. These things exist and not researching them will get u in deep shit.
Bows are great for game hunting if u have skills
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Best time to start a religious cult. I'll attract farmers and healthcare professionals, and a dedicated troupe of sadomasochist shock troopers. We'll proselytize to the helpless, for a hefty tithe of course. A shield of flesh, made from the directionless masses.
Why the fuck don't you eat mushrooms? You just have to know poisonous ones in your area and you're good, just boil everything first for 30-50 minutes. You can even make mushroom wheat for digestion.
if you did that, the families would probably hunt you down and hang you
>But a 22 with koibri ammo is even quieter

aint no fire arm going to be quieter than a bow, unless it's with a high quality silencer.

Look at the flag burger.

Our cops consider a butter knife a "Lethal weapon", its suprising they allow me to own archery equipment.

Getting guns here is difficult without breaking the law
The law of retaliation rules in a lawless society. Only the powerful can do what they want.
>what are suppressors?
Fucking eurocucks.
Thank God for huge stockpiles of ammo and an occasionnal jar of weaponised Ebola hidden in some old general's freezer.
Russia will reform as it was, as a colossal turd of perma-misery, because while only the government has guns, they have a lot of them.
And I'll be conscripted too when shit hits the fan, so I will have something to blow my brains out with.
Argentina unironically more white than OP

I'd head for a hamlet somewhere and make myself useful in the community.
True enough, dunno if u lived in countryside or not. I take living rurally for granted.
>supressor makes me silent
You are all idiots.
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>complete societal collapse
>roving bands of thugs and raiders
>ask what the most important priority is...
>find hot chicks and lose my virginity via rape!!

It's because you think like that in the first place that you never got laid.

In reality, you'd run up on a smart, hot chick who would pretend to be interested in you and play coy... just enough for you to drop your guard thinking you actually are hot shit and that she's really "turned on" by your pseudo-aggressiveness...

JUST LONG ENOUGH for her to grab that piece of broken glass you didn't see and jam it straight into your neck.

You don't really realize what happens either until the side of you face goes numb and the confusion sets in as to why your body isn't grabbing her and slaping her across the face even though you mind is screaming at it to do so...

and then you realize you are gonna die as she rifles through you pockets and spits on you... which is the last memory of this world you carry with you into the great beyond.
What would I do?

Raid closest grocery stores, acquire canned foods, seeds, shovels and axes. Steal gas from the closest gas stations, as much as possible. Since the roads will have never ending traffic jams, see if I can trade some of my canned food for cement in in my neighborhood. Since I live in a 'no gun' zone I would lay low for the first few days when things are particularly bad. Depending on the behavior of my neighbors, I would either raid their houses and kill them and take their food or would attempt to establish alliances, establish a militia to prevent raids and pool resources to survive. Since most people where I live don't have guns, baseball bats will be the weapons of choice.

If I am on my own, I would probably take food, warm clothing, books, backpacks and some tools (axe, shovels, crowbars, knives, etc) and drive outside the city before things get particularly bad and get as far from civ as I can. Establish a base, hunt, gather resources, try to work the land for food (hence seeds) and see if I can acquire a rifle and bullets.
You're the only other person here who I think might actually survive

I do live in the countryside but I'm renting property.

To go through the tough process of getting a gun, you need to own your own place. (You need to drill two safes into the property to get licensed)

Our gun laws suck and everyone is so cucked if you mention owning weapons, they treat you like you've just murdered a child infront of them.
Kek U'll be just fine, a sense of humor goes a long way bro
Start up an opium and weed farm with mushrooms too. In New Hampshire we have such a bad opiate problem that being able to control that flow of drugs would make me a serious player in the area.
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Have you ever seen a store during rioting and looting? Now imagine that times ten. Good luck bud.

Protip - Prep before anything happens
>Grab funs.
>Load my preloaded duffle bags into my Ranger and head out.
>Pick up friends and hit drug stores, gun shops, and gas stations(gas and food.)
>I have 3 friends that I know won't turn on me.
>Kidnap qts and use them for stress relief.
>Head innawoods with food, meds, and funs.
>wait 4-5 months at my hunting camp/lodge.
>Go back to town and restock.
And a VERY serious target.
I live in the mountains, I'll be fine.
You could do that now you huge faggot.
nice, is that real wood though?
Pic is smart, damn
Steal some domestic animals and seeds. Find some bitch and go to live with her in the countryside where I will farm my own food, have lots of kids so I establish an inbred dynasty that will rule the lands for the next centuries.
Please God do not do this. Your kidneys and liver will thank you
yeah assuming he spots me first, and I get him with one shot.

that's a pretty large tablet
Have you ever listened to a gun with a silencer? It doesn't fucking silence anything, it mostly muffles a shot so your ears are blasted with instant tinnitus. It is still more than capable of being heard quite a distance away, you CoD level cringy faggots.
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I personally know which mushrooms in my area are edible, sounds like he does too. (I also don't need to worry about just eating mushrooms, I've studied wild edibles quite a bit) No skin off my back if someone else eats poison. I'm not going to.
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hearty laugh there m8
Its actually really funny how people assume it actually silences a FUCKING GUNSHOT.
COD playing faggot
Nah you'd have drug addicted people hanging around willing to fight to maintain the normality of their daily dose of opium.
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Acquiring guns and ammo.
Go on store raids with my m8s. Gather as much food, money and jewelry as possible. Steal some smooth expensive clothes.

Then we go on the mudslime hunt.
Professionals only. no degenerates.
>especially for stealth.
You're assuming a well armed group of people wouldn't want to know/own whatever it is thats pulling every drug addict in the area to visit.
this is even quieter

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bb gun, jesus christ dude. You're dead already.
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I wanna make my own shop.
It's..my dream.
I wanna be a trade hub.
>Mfw it will never happen
Imagine being pelted by that with only a shirt on.
>produced between 1942-1945
>very rare
>that's a replica his buddy made

Brb, robbing a fucking museum
look at him fucking those things up, imagine getting 50 bbs in your gut you punk, you'll die painfully

and it's quiet as a bird's fart
you're assuming we wouldn't have the manpower to defend such an operation.

You wouldn't be able to get it up, let alone have the courage to go commit the rape act.
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Eat people that i kill, i always wanted to be a vampire of some kind
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Whats the range on that thing? I don't think you understand how guns work. Is it an ambush weapon or what? Are they going to flee because its not going to kill them, then what? They come back because they know all you have is some goofy wild bb-gun.
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Go to ground for a few months with the supplies I already have. Which will likely be enough time to separate a good portion of wheat from the chaff.

Emerge and check what the situation is first before making any kind of contact and decide what happens after I have more information.

Then it's either band together with likeminded people or start small acquiring supplies and eventually form a small group.

As many firefights as I've been in though i know there's a chance that it'll come down to luck. Sometimes you can do everything right and still get your ticket punched.
Establish Imperium Romanum
you make me sick.

I hope the police catch you.
A guy who is a beta in one of the pussiefied eras of humanity thinking he would be an alpha in a lawless society. The hot women would be claimed by other alpha males while you would die within the first couple days.
>Are they going to flee because its not going to kill them

maybe you should test it on yourself to see if it tickles you to death
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Is your name carl by-chance?
>unnoticed quads
Welcome to 4chan.
Get used to it faggot
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you would get shot as the women will flock to the nazis who will throw you rapists in the oven

Quads of truth, Underground Harem
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>as a virgin beta numale, I would go out and try to find 9's and 10's in their early 20s/teenagers and rape them all. Without any fucks given at all.

You'd probably just freeze in place when they turn to look at you, raise a finger, open your mouth like you were going to say something, then shake your head and walk away.

I would probably starve to death, would try to set traps to catch stray cats and birds first though.

What would i do if the world devolved into a state of complete lawlessness?

>craft a boat (or steal one i guess)
>sail all the way to italy
>steel a donkey and ride it to vatican city
>If Vatican city is completely overtaken by raiders, i would gather up some crusaders and overtake back the vatican
>Sit on the papal throne
>Become pope
>Wage holy crusade on all of middle east and africa
>Deus Vult

We can't properly rebuild society with so much arabs and africans.
Follow the biggest and baddest around

>Wellington Barracks, London
>300yrds away from the Royal Family to who they are loyal in the absolute
>new fedual era incoming
You wont last long
What police?

This. I have never understood how in every world apocalypse show the military forces seem to simply vanish or not splinter off into entire little fiefdoms. Sure a lot would die trying to keep the peace etc but entire battalions wouldn't. They have arguably the best positions with the most preparation for outlasting any civilian breakdown and could easily walk over any civilian based gang. Yet if they are mentioned at all its always how there are literally only a few small companies left and they do not last long. I would enlist the first day of the collapse for a warm meal and safety from the "anti riot" squads. You can fuck off into the woods if you want there is no where to fuck off to here unfortunately, and the cities are giant human corrals.
just go live with the abos and huff petrol
Since I'm decently intelligent and quite smooth talking I'll probably get surrounded by people, start a new religion claiming to know how and why all happened and I'll start all over again just like in 1500 with dark skinned being spawns of Satan or smthg . Also I'd make a lot of children to gift my superior genes to humanity.
Militaries are tiny. The US has 320 million people and only around 700k are military.

Like Florida has 20 million people and 9000 National Guard. Any major collapse of society would sweep them away
They will probably have families around, you'll have to kill them first.

Since I live in a rural place and we still run on a system of families ties, we'd probably consolidate ourselves in a type of clan system. Then we go out raping in force, under cover of night. Seriously though, if I'd did happen, you'd see groups around here splitting up like that and naturally falling under a family with the most land.
>not a judeo-fascist state
i bet it 50% of soldiers would pull out "i got to find my family" , rest would desert
His genes would likely be removed with a clotheshanger or a plan B.
Almost all of the leadership have families that they care about. So when they left it would be faggy as O-1s and dumb fucking privates. So basically useless.

>I was in the Army so that's my opinion of it from that perspective
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I'd be readier than most

but not as ready as I'd like

I'd adapt and thrive

My apocalypse name is Bowser

See you on the wasteland

Maybe in the US, but here due to our distance and few population centers they would be king. Even if everyone is armed we do not have artillery and an airforce, they could easily siege out any major city and demand tribute/withhold precious resources by land or sea.
so long gay bowser
Well, looks like joining up could be the best thing for you. That and I'm sure post-apocalypse military would be looking for civilian scouts and the like, if you're any good at reading and marking maps, knowing your way through the bush, etc.

no, gay bowser is my cousin

I'm King Bowser and I drive a 4x4 named Bones. It will come equipped with a flame thrower. Gay Bowser will be the flamer because he's expendable.
Find someone to distribute my fish and produce we roman empire time to make my mark.
Pay people to protect our farm.

Start a nation.

oh and have fun with your bow


I've got more guns than your entire village
Probably Rob a pharmacy. Sell narcotics to degenerates for whatever the going currency is. Keep antibiotics and useful shit to give to ppl that need it
start up a harem
Goods and services produced by commune distributed equally to all important members mainly security and producers/administrators.
>oh and have fun with your bow

always do :D
Don't pay anyone to do shit, initially, make it a quid pro quo. Payment suggests that you are obligated to them, and if you can't deliver, so much the worse for you. Mutual benefits, nit a payment. Don't think about doing this if you don't have a decent amount of family, including in-laws.
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i would rob the pharmacy and keep the narcotics for myself until i eventually overdose on opana and dilaudids.
Why would they do me any harm?

Its mutual benefits, I can farm and pay tgem the profits produced, distribute hoysing and such, someone has to protect the source of our very lives and independence.


Cops and military would go rogue almost immediately. They are human after all. Officers would lose control over their men as conditions deteriorate. Warlords would rise as war would be the only solution to their problems. Those with the big weapons survive.

Which is why every red blooded American man needs a big truck and a big gun.
After all our necesstities are equalized in profits and stablized then we can increase our mutual profit margins by paying distributors and such flat fees.

Who would be with me on a commune?
Nah, raiding is non susytainable, all officers and enforvers would have the same career but elsewhere, probably as local guards of communes.
There are literally billions of bullets manufactured per year.
Oil distribution and food disttibution would be fucked up, thus youre stuck in your locality unless you can fuck off as a border guard in midwest to stop the hordes of nigs and beans who are unsustainable.
Get my guns, raid the local pharmacy, go innawoods
Baisically if you frame it as a payment, it's not hard to imagine someone else wanting to be collector and distributor, the boss as it were. It's not the plan that's bad at all, just be careful how you present it to others. I would frame it as effective allocation than ever suggest its a payment. I know it's splitting hairs, but it matters.
Once reorganozation of land and labor is done the suply chains amd suchvwould be restablished.

Each commune contacts each other and establishes trading links.
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>probably as local guards of communes

Why would they need guards? Because they'd be raided?

Raiding is sustainable if you find people to raid. And if there ain't anyone left to raid, that means one thing- there ain't anyone left.
Youll die and fuck up food production.
Communes farm, youre paid % of profit produced, military guards are paid same % of profit produced, trade with other communes and establish links with them for a union.

Unify all the communes.
Build houses, hospitals, military bases, schools, church, roads, factories, resource extraction etc..

How will the raiders die when they got tanks and machine guns?
Syria's population is what? 20 millions? 20000 of jihadist hold 80% country under control. Most people would just do nothing and alone they could not provide any meaningful resistance against groups not bound by any rules.

these communes you speak of would be 100% military run and operated. In a starving world, there's no incentive for strong men to be generous men.

and these men would fight weaker "communes" to strengthen theirs
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Boris, my friend, perhaps you have never heard a real silencer in action, coupled with subsonic ammo.

You pretty much only hear the action of your bolt sliding back and forth.
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>My apocalypse name is Bowser

holy fuck this is awesome

I live in SAN Francisco.

I would rove out alone and quiet and kill any hippies and liberals I see. I would also go after any numale "tech" workers. I would also operate out of a hideaway in either Big Basin or Purissima Creek trail. Shits dank and Christmasy as fuck year round.
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Round up other /pol/acks and start rebuilding.
Create a micronation in my own room then annex the local school and mall to create a totalitarian dictatorship.
AJAJA DE BENGAZHI XDDDDD HE!1!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111!!11 KEK!! KEK!! KEK!! WHATA FUCK MAN xD i just fall of my chair cuz i couldnt and i CANT stop laugh xDXDXDXDXDDDDDXXXXXXDDDDDD OMGOSH DDDDDXXXXXDDDDD DDDDDD LOOOOOOOLLLLL FUCKIN HOLY SHITTTT I CANT JUST STOP LAUGHING CAUSE HE HE HE HE HE JUST TO FUNNY MAN!!!1!11! HOOOOOOOOLLLLLLYYYYY SHIT i just fall of chair!!!! simply le epic so ebin dae le epin win xD pwn’d ftw le bacon narwhale xP upboated good sir i tip my fedora to you! tips fedora, le any1 athiest? LOL GOOD MEME SORRY I MEAN GREAT MEME GR88888 FUCKING MEME BRO I WISH I COULD STOP LAUGHING BUT I CANT MAN!!!! NICE MEME IMMA REPOST TO REDDIT LELELELELE TY FOR LE KARMA XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD XD LE UPBOAT XD WAIT TIL LE DERPINA HEARS ABOUT THIS XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD EPIC MEMEING /b/ro BAZINGA BAZINGA BAZINGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ZIMBABWE is this a le new epic meme? screen kapped for dat sweet karma xD. FUS ROH DAH!!!!!1 i used to be a christmas but then i took an arrow 2 da knee :^( BAZINGA BAZINGA ZI
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a leaf.jpg
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