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offical rage thread

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Thread replies: 337
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can we get a you rage you lose /pol edition thread?

i'll start
but she's right
Implying she knows anything about hard work.
How does anyone who isn't a "fuckin wyte mail" knows how it is to be one?
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"Oh no! And here I wanted to share that wealth with an obviously insane person that doesn't respect me! Darn."
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I am privileged to be intelligent so she is right
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well, all the beaners that I've interacted with are very hard working, problem is that they're illegal and have to go back. spics are family men, work long hours for shit wages, and would be fine additions to the US AS LONG AS THEY CAME HERE FUCKING LEGALLY.

case in point, look at texan mexicans- they're patriotic, fairly wealthy (in comparison), and hate illegals.

btw, i visited budapest this past summer and Im VERY happy to report that there were literally zero shitskins or undesirables (except for rough looking gypsies on the outskirts). You guys have a gorgeous capital.
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and she'll still marry/date him because she looooooovvess money
Is it bad if I feel nothing when reading those anymore?
wtf I hate white people now
The ones I worked with were lazy, incompetent, broke down multiple work trucks, and got off because the management and hr were mostly mexican as well. Some of them couldn't even speak any god damn english.
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thats literally what diverse means.You know next time a tv has a majority white cast {70%} then having an all black cast makes tv diverse,you know how many little black kids are inspired by seeing a black super hero?

have a little heart dumb burger
My ancestors did hard work, and any privilege I have is a direct result of it. I will continue to work hard to ensure my own descendants have the same "privileges". That's what's called "building a civilization".

Can you imagine the lives these people have?

> start job
> get fired
> racism

> think up business idea
> never try
> racism

> pregnant at 14
> father is 20 and leaves
> racism
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White men are equal to any other race. All humans are the same.
haha nice fucking try read this last thread never again
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She's right, privilege exists. I could've been born as a low IQ spic woman.
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What is bait?
is this real?
has she been doxed?
the only hard work she's done in her life is hopping over a fence so she probably shouldn't talk
Is this Homestuck fanart?
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Why exactly are we caring what this useless spic said on Twitter? Look at her feed, she's a fucking mentally ill druggie that has to blame whitey for her being a waste of space. She couldn't be more inconsequential if she tried.
curious, what part of the US are you from?
>she is very, very tan.
So the "rapist" wasn't even white.
No, you are just making the connection because most homestuck art and this are a distinctive style cultivated heavily on tumblr.
LOL I KNOW THIS GIRL but desu she's more based than most of you
she just says shit on twitter to get attention
Chances are she's the one that started this thread
grimm is wojack
wasnt this posted here yesterday or something?
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I didn't know I could get this mad. Thanks anon
funny that this is crypto rightist propaganda.
meant to be so obnoxious they realise their own reflection.
maddening, but satirical and on mission.
Shut up you fucking retard there's a reason why every single hispanic country is a shithole.
The average toronto couple
So I guess all rich black people only got there because of privilege, right?
And all poor white people don't have any privilege?
>post her tits or gtfo
seriously post proof or gtfo.
>Native Mexican Americans are the same as illegal immigrants!
no way this isnt troll
I wish I had wealth due to privilege. Unfortunately all the hard work in the world cant buy me enough of it.
You (and her) have to go back

Pretty sure even if you were blind you could feel that you were hugging a fucking circle made of lard.
Trash is trash cuck.
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Illegal immigrants are literally worse. At least some American hispanics came here legally.
She has a checkmark on her name.

Milo got banned for making a joke at Leslie Jones.
>Muslim says white allies are so garbage
>Muslim allies can't be relied upon.
They'd literally abandon position or straight up desert during fire fights. Hell, some of them would give the combatants info over the radio (since American troops didn't understand the language), and many of them would just defect to fight for the enemy. American troops didn't trust them one bit. They literally let Osama get away. They're garbage

Fake af.

If you get upset due to this, you're fucking retarded.
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Otherkin normalization grrrrr
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>My dad started jerking off in my mouth when i was a little baby

Do these people know how children are made?

this is an essential part of being liberal

cant take a damn joke
na senpai u are a toad
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I hate white people like this the most... They are the true enemy
Does she not realize she is white https://youtu.be/wYiQjYFZooE
most of these are funny in a way but this is something else entirely
Those degenerates should be burn at the stake
I still have yet to receive my "congrats you're white" check in the mail.

I assume it's just a small clerical error and it will be here any day now. I keep hearing about how my skin means I am automatically rich but so far it's been tough.
Wow, what a great dad. Just blindly trusts stepdaughter, instead of his own son. Holy fucking shit.
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>white woman
>crying about privilege


i bet she thinks she has just as hard as blacks when affirmative action plus her theoretical "white privilege" works in her favor lmao
>Native Mexican Americans are so much better because they legally collect benefits from the government, so they don't need to work, and especially not for less than minimum wage
>Illegal immigrants are so much worse. They can't collect the benefits that legal citizens can, so they're forced to work. And since they aren't protected under minimum wage lows, they're easy to hire for cheap labor
Who do you think contributes more to our economy:
A single Mexican mother with 3 kids who lives entirely off of welfare because she's legal? Or a guy who risked his life to get here knowing that once he was here he'd have to work to make any kind of living?

I'm gonna guess the one who spends more time in front of home depot, not the one who spends more time in front of the TV
A lazy legal immigrant is far worse than a hard-working illegal.
Privilege do exist, im not saying its the sole factor of succes as sjw implies, shit Im not even saying its something inherently bad, but it does exist, if you are white, middle class, a guy, dont take it up the ass and are born in a developed country then you basically playing life in easy mode
voice of a generation desu
Who was given the right to vote first:
Black men or white women?
White people do not know how to "work". They are just a bunch of lazy desk neanderthals who dress up like they're important for a couple of days a week.
What exactly is the "power" that white males have in society, because from an objective standpoint, we are continually shit on for every move we make. This is a serious question though, what power do I wield?
Puerto Ricans and spics are some of the laziest sacks of shit just like dagos and niggers

t. Butcher
But at least you are not a nigger

See? Thats how privilege works
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This one is a bit of a mix up - in this case it's the man that's being a degenerate, not the woman.
I liked Luke Cage
And we need to teach blacks to have honor anyway, an inner city vigilante isn't a terrible way to do so
This is fake, right? It's Reddit, it has to be fake... Right? RIGHT? An investigation would take place immediately and the police would see that the boy is innocent, and the college would apologize and revoke the explusion, right?
Isn't this hypocritical coming from a successful poet?
Nah bro. Gays are like, total alt-right don't ya know.
I dunno, I did check up on the post afterwards and everyone tore him a new asshole in the comments but his account is banned.
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Uhhh yeah, a Trans woman puts her feminine penis into a non binary, gender queerbixyzual vagina.

Any other form of reproduction is a rape.

Is she supposed to be somebody or do they just hand out checks like candy
Mandy is the jews
She's a stupid, self-important bitch and Black Flag is shit.
But I'm white, 6'4, attractive, a virgin and I'm poor as fuck.

Explain this.
Warhol was a virgin.
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why is it so hard for white people to accept this? There lies weaponized autism at Trump rallies reading: make america white again. Y'all really rage at this shit?
Yeah, no. That's how it should work, but more often than not it's "tough luck"

I read a story about a guy who got proven that his rape accuser lied. He was released from prison, but they refused to take him off the sex offender registry for another 3 years. He couldn't get any loans or a job or live in certain areas all for a crime that he was proven to have not committed
Mr and Mrs Bighead from Rocko are the OG Pepes.
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Yes, it's real.
Think about how entitled this beaner is.

Did your ancestors work hard?

How hard did hers work?
Anyone who says they wouldn't do this to is flat out lying.
Oh wait, none of you would ever have children in your life, so you wouldn't understand.
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Pol/ put this nigger lover in its place please
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Her father was the bassist of Black Flag.
why are punk musicians so cucked?
I love it when pale white bitches pretend that they aren't white.
No. Toadblaat was a neet sorcerer who got cucked by his students, maybe mr bighead is what he could hsve been had he been a normie.
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>a girl i dated for about a year and naively allowed myself to put me emotional well-being in the palm of (her hand) dumped me because she "lost feelings" for me"
though i sympathise with the degenerate, try having that shit happen after 4 years together, when you are looking at engagement rings, and whilst you are dealing with several months of depression, that's pain
>i'm coming back less degenerate than before at least
They're both bad
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she is right

much of our standard of living comes from having good parents who gave us the best opportunities to make something of ourselves

cue niggers and spics disappearing the second one of their 5 hos gets pregnant.

niggers grow up in shit circumstances because they make shit circumstances for their children.

white privilege: giving your children a better life than you had.
The more of a mayochugger these... "women" are, the greater proclivity they have towards feminism. Easy to hate men when none of them can look at you without eye bleach.
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>man imbibes his bodyweight in alocohol and get's laid
>woman smells some beer and fucks said guy despite having a husband
Which one get's charged with rape desu?
seriously, accounts or anything, this needs to be shown to child protective services.
What a joyless person
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>Not BTFO [ ]
>people evolved to their environments
>didn't evolve with the ability to drink salt water
>everyone on Earth is the same despite living in different atmospheres
hmmmm, how do leftist atheist race deniers even being to explain these mental gymnastics?
Lmao, if a rich white guy asked her out she would swallow her bullshit and throw her pussy at him.
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>but she's right
It is in fact crazy
She is holding a mirror up to herself isn't she? Cunt.

>reddit nerd gets an extremely rare catch - nerd girl above 4/10
>blows it because he thinks he's hot shit now that he had a cute gf
>thinks he'll ever get anything as good again in his life
and then use her female privilege of pregnancy to ensure she's entitled to half his wealth.
Fuck off Singapore.
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oh god, i hate fat people so fucking much.
>muh genetics
No that's rape as well pham.
you know he's right, though.

That's not the kind of ally they're talking about, lol. They mean the people who hog the playdoh in the safe space chamber.
Delete your account
Fuckin jew
You won a free helicopter ride senpai!!
She's whiter than my dick.
why do these cock try so hard, ?? do they get anything pussy money ?
We have to pay to watch shit like this

https://youtu.be/tyhmlS-CMsQ [Remove]
Because it's whiny, cucked music.
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muh racism

fuck u whitey

That's how.

What a retard.
Is Elon Musk based?
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The thing is - he is right.

Blacks are incapable of making for themselves anything stable. They don't strive to get good jobs or go far in life. They abandon their kids because they don't like responsibility and the successful white people will pay them to live.

White privilege is literally having parents that weren't 40 IQ gorillas who refuse to work or use even the most basic logic. It's not our fault they're like this, but it's like this anyway.


You meant white female of any class.
some people should just be executed publicly

White people are privileged in that they tend to be related to, be friends with, be neighbors of, and be in community organizations with a bunch of other white people.

Just imagine being a black man and actually wanting to make something of yourself to live a good and productive life, but the only social network and support you had access too was a bunch of niggers. Like, I'm talking a solid 50% of all the people you've ever even -met- are worthless fucking niggers. 25% are whites with a totally different background who you can barely relate to and who all start out vaugely suspicious that you're part of the 50% anyway, 5% are scary fucking cops and authoritarian teachers trying to keep the lids on classrooms and neighborhoods full of a bunch of niggers and the last little 20% is other blacks like you who at best are shellshocked from a lifetime of dealing with tons of niggers at every single moment of their lives.

Go to your friends for help? Bunch of niggers. Go to your family? Bunch of niggers. Make a little sign and sit on your street's corner asking for help? Bunch of niggers. Go to your church? Bunch of niggers.

It must be fucking awful.
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>White people
I think you mean (((white people)))
>Inner city vigilante
Yeah, that's just what we need, gangbangers to start calling themselves vigilantes and have kids look up to them.

Holy fucking shit this thread makes me want to kill myself. Will this race and gender baiting ever end?

/pol/ could start its own social campaign.
"Born black? There is no need to remain a nigger for you whole life! Call 1-800-NONIGGER today and you aswell can live long and prosper."
>implying she wouldn't suck your dick for 20 bucks
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Humans are capable of receiving hydration transdermally from sea water.
>Check-mate Ancient-sandnigger-novel-enthusiasts.

How does that explain why women are shit and math and science
Is that a Taylor swift song with switched up lyrics? Because those lyrics I feel would really throw off the rhythm a lot. It's kind of awful.

I guess not everyone can be a weird Al.
>a leaf

heres your (you)
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what the literal fuck
The thing is, who the fuck cares for spics or nignogs; the real issue here is why are we even talking about this.
>as if she wouldn't suck a rich white man's dick for money
She also wouldn't say her beliefs to someone's face.
no he is not you clueless idiot, yes that does have some part to do with it but white children even in fucking ghetto's arent pushed by other poor white children to go out and shoot tommy dead for messing with his girl, you stupid fucking shill

there is a fucking reason why africa is a shit hole
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Did you forget pic related?
These are the kind of replies I'd give if I was trolling.
>if you work for money, you're privileged
>if you have money stolen from people who work and delivered to you by the government when you don't work, that's social justice
"You're right, it is crazy. Being able to recognize how crazy you are is the first step to recovery. You're on the right track. I'm proud of you."
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Fucking Google's.....

They're poor helpless animals that need a master to get them back on the farm.
Your country is the sound a fucking submarine makes when it dives.
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submarines are mexican?
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You are smart
You are funny
You got dubs
>It was an honor to read your comment, good Sir.
It's fucking hard to get papers to go to the US

There's a fucking reason they don't want you shits coming into their country, but no, you do it anyway.

desu all hispanics should be deported, regardless of citizenship or place of birth
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Plz... plz prove this is bait so I don't go to Portland to kill people.
i think you cut the punchline out on the screenshot or something
Do what you want. I'm not there anyway
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I can tell just from the formatting what this is.
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>hahaha get fucked cishitlords
Protip from personal experience, if you want a nerd girl above 4/10, make one.
Step 1.Find male nerd friends who dont look like absolute shit
Step 2. Now that your group is approachable find a girl who can tolorate anything remotely nerdy
Step 3. Take them to a con, a more softly pitched "Hey want to get more attention then you have ever gotten before" works well
Step 4. Now she has been introduced to a large social group that awards nerdiness with attention
Step 5. Watch her cave to social pressures of her new friend group

Used this on my current D&D groups Barbarian, who was a cheerleader in HS. Used to be an 8 but nerd culture is more fat accepting so she's inflated to a 6.5-7. But now all she really does is rabidly consume anime, plays the shit outta Atlus games, and gets pissed at anyone who misses a D&D session. Downside is she fell for the 3DPD meme and now only has "Husbandos". It's not a perfect system, but its easy enough to start again with someone else if it fails like she did.
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This is what they teach these people in school nowadays and its all over in everyday life, on the news, movies and anywhere else in public shoved down their throats. They don't realized their just a bunch of useful idiots to the higher ups pushing this agenda.

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>white privilege: giving your children a better life than you had.
no its fucking not. thats privilege of not having shitty parents. has nothing to do with skin color. a black person born in a stable 2 parent household is just as likely to succeed as any other race in the same circumstance.
and a white person born in poverty is just as likely to be a piece of shit as a nig born in poverty
>a black person born in a stable 2 parent household is just as likely to succeed as any other race in the same circumstance.
>and a white person born in poverty is just as likely to be a piece of shit as a nig born in poverty
Empirically untrue
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dumping my rage folder

be warned this will make you lose
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This is retarded. There were individual native American tribes that are larger than European nations. This whole "they weren't unified" nonsense has to stop
>scared straight
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Guys i cant take it

What if my child becomes a fucking disgusting degenerate?
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I have something to contribute

Hmm really makes you think.
This one pisses me off the most.
When a Republican changes his position, he's a flip flopper
When a Democrat changes his position, it's because he has evolved and moved to the "right side of history"

Lots of good shit in this to rage at mates
>implying a post-apocalyptic society wouldn't revert to traditional values to ensure the survival of humanity

I'm gonna assume this shows ratings are in the toilet.
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omfg are they saying that robots aren't people???? BIGOTS!
I will always use my privilege to get the things i need.

What the fuck you gonna do about it?
I'm choosing to believe that this is roleplay and fantasy.
That's wrong and you know it.
>Immigrants and minorities are hard workers!
And yet they have the highest unemployment rates.

>B-BUT muh discrimination
There are laws in place specifically to help them get a job. Nobody chooses against hiring a minority simply because they're a minority. If anything, they'll hire him faster to get the government off their backs about racial discrimination
these look completely legit and not fake
It means that your children will most probably be closer in cognitive ability (IQ etc) to their mother and not their father.
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Maybe you should be on the right side of history and learn the Truth. That way you too can start to hate republicans and other wrong thinkers.
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>There were individual native American tribes that are larger than European nations.
no there weren't. The iroqois confederacy was one of the largest tribes Britain faced in North America, and it only had 50 - 150k members.
>History is about right vs wrong!
And here I thought Finland was supposed to have a good education system

When I am dictator, these people will be hanged from bridges.
>good parenting: giving your children a better life than you had
manlets, when will they learn?
>it happened!
>but it wont happen THIS time!
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Then why isn't the guy a disgusting hambeast as well?

>american education
well they haven't been going for hundreds of years yet, but South Africa and Zimbabwe are getting of to a pretty good start on those
I think I saw them on /b/ once actually. I even saved the pic. I won't post it though, because she was a friend to me.
But mostly, because fuck you
Too can double think
>It's increasingly clear that for women, being drunk excuses anything they do. For men, being drunk blames anything done to them.
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Absolutely PRANKED
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Bruh don't you know millennials are the hardest working generation?
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Mira is pretty cool. Lmao at anyone who came into this thread and got upset.
I should've said colonial aggressors rather than European nations. I'm talking in terms of combatants
I'm a child of the state. 37 placements and at 18 my arse was out the door. My current standard of living comes from my own hard work not my parents you fucking leaf.
Yup. The place where you learned about the supposed good education system is probably also where you SHOULD have learned about sarcasm.
Anon, never censor names. Faggot.
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Literally centuries of constant warfare with those two peoples in Europe.
>Example of a race trying to whitewash what they do
Nigger the white nations are shamed. The only ones "white washing" are the brown races in the middle East. They're the ones defending Hitler, not the whites
>He has moved back home
forcefully manufactures your contemplation.
But.....but liberals complain about america. Does that mean liberals are traitors?
so you have no idea what you're talking about, got it.
you know, I can't even be angry with him. I'm just so sad that our children have been brainwashed to think like this.

college experience my ass. Does anyone actually go to college to learn stuff these days?
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Based. Fuck Islam and everything it stands for.
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Oh my, I've already lost.
>bioware games over time, from bottom to top
In all honesty I'm multitasking and didn't read more than the first few words of your post. I didn't notice the sarcasm until I read it passed the first sentence
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And the rappers that don't know their dad?
That's some nice proof
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I'll just refer to them as bullet sponges from now on. I suppose they will prefer that to being called a white male.
What the fucking shit?
Why not use a gun to shoot down the books?
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You've gotta address the argument if you want to be taken seriously. Otherwise you're just as bad as Carl the cuck
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>most violent crimes
>>91905222 >>91906538

where is the empirical data?
america has the highest social economic mobility out of any country that has ever existed. so please tell me where exactly that a black person is being held down in a way that a white person would not be if in the same situation
Wow. Such art. Such spreading of ass cheeks. Such art.
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See >>91907361
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and people want to ban 4chan?

So why the fuck should we repeat it you jewloving manchild...
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>Implying SJWs retards are good at something

They can even make a proper sentence, now you ask them to make a good rhyme

Then don't take a pic that shows off your body you dirty whore
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>cant i just show people my arsehole without men talking to me?

Poorest counties in America are white. They have a lower crime rate than richer black communities. There's your empirical data.

Just because you're poor doesn't mean you're black, and just because you're rich doesn't mean you're white.

Dr Dre and JayZ have way more money than Will Smith, but they're treated differently because they act black and will Smith acts white. That's why people like will Smith more
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It's autistic enough, but no, it's just tumblr
little dora needs to go back
>Throwing your real son under the bus for a lying stepdaughter
LITERAL cucking
What color were Ashkenazis? Also, whta was the barbary coast? What were the Slavs, i.e. slaves? I guess I've been lied A LOT in my history books.
malta, very rare.
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Neither the original author of that article or the fb poster has a single fucking clue how genetics work
>blacks where enslaving and conquering their fellow tribes in africa long before the white man showed up
>whites where enslaving, butchering, pillaging, raping, their own fellow tribes lone before they ever stepped foot into africa
but hey lets all forget that shall we?

The books are instruction manuals on how to use the guns.
That's some next level Jewish propaganda right there anon.
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We know this because the kid is white
The word "slave" has no etymological link to Slavs. The word Slav comes from the slavic languages, it means something along the lines of "one who speaks our language".

The word "slave" has its etymological roots in latin.
fucking lost i hope they burn in hell fucking tweakers
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>White people have never suffered
The Barbary slave trade was bigger than the Atlantic slave trade...

Blacks don't want to learn about history, they just want to justify their beliefs. That's why everyone thinks George Washington Carver invented peanut butter, despite the fact that he was only 10 years old when it was patented (by a white Canadian).
GWC actually made leaps and bounds in agricultural productivity. His work improved the lives of millions. But what is he remembered for? Mashing up some peanuts. Blacks disrespect their own history more than anyone else. They ignore and lie about what actually happened, even if the history they ignore is more significant than the history they make up
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>not knowing that one of the two X chromosomes is silent
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>"Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe to stumble, it would be better for him if, with a heavy millstone hung around his neck, he had been cast into the sea.
>Mark 9:42

These people should be hanging from trees.
They hold themselves down. Look at the rare nigger that sticks around to raise his kids, he still acts like a nigger. He still dresses like a nigger. Still hangs out with niggers and still lives in nigger hoods.

If a black dude gentrifies and gets a decent job and moves out of the hood and adopts proper moral values then they make it. Otherwise theyre just raising more niggers.
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They look like they just shat their pants
That's because racism is an problem with society, it occurs on an institutional level. You don't have to be a racist to be a member of a racist society
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The nerve of these people
My dictionary does not agree with you. But I'm sure you're more trustworthy.

late 13c., "person who is the chattel or property of another," from Old French esclave (13c.), from Medieval Latin Sclavus "slave" (source also of Italian schiavo, French esclave, Spanish esclavo), originally "Slav" (see Slav ); so used in this secondary sense because of the many Slavs sold into slavery by conquering peoples."
the fat chick is amanda hackey. she runs a fb page
Well ifblack people accept egytians were black, then egyptians enslaved tons of people, oppressed them and claim it was for their own good.

So either Ancient Egyptians were not black people OR Black are also enslavers and bad people who can commit atrocities.

BTW there were tons of dictators in Africa enslaving their own people.
don't have children?
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You should check out the (((Snopes))) message board on this

>African American early educators hold students of the same race to a higher discipline standard.

Good, we need more good people like them.
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Wew, don't like the doggo's so much, but that is cold hearted.
That's already happened hundreds of times and she doesn't know about it because the media doesn't report it and she's a nigger.

>eat at Popeye's on Sunday
>to expose your daughter to more baboon men

that's when I realised this is a joke
>Implying the blacks actually enslaved the Jews
Let me guess, they also wandered in the desert for 40 years.
Not only is there no archeological evidence of Exodus, but the Egyptians kept extremely detailed records about their economy. The data suggests that Egyptian slaves were fine and happy, and didn't all up and leave at once.
If there's evidence for how much grain that was grown in a certain month for a certain year, why are there no records of their entire slave population leaving? It would've been a collapse, but the records show they just kept on chugging
Women who owned land had power much before 1870
What celebration is he talking about
accurate description of the migrant crisis
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Okay what's actually going on in that gif
because 1/4th of apartments in Stockholm will be paid for by the government and given to uneducated third world imbeciles, instead of the students that will have to pay for this parasitic class for the rest of their lives.

That's why I will never accept it in the state we are in, I and people like me are expected to carry the burden of everyone whilst we are being called privileged.
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It's like I have involuntarily entered the role of a provider with no benefits what so ever.

I get nothing out of this system other than being FORCED to pay for people I don't care about.
pls b trolln
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Reading that makes 4chan seem like a happy place of rainbows, kittens and love....which it is anyway
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