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What kind of technology do you think the US Military has? Also,

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What kind of technology do you think the US Military has?

Also, please don't turn this into an ayy lmao thread
nothing special really

you don't need any better technology anyway to blow up sand niggers
Weather controlling machine, brainwash ray gun, smart guns and rockets, auto aim headshot mini drones and a time defibrillator
I work for the FBI and we have internationalist dildo guns, we can fire dildos into your leaf sphincter from 69km away

digits confirm

Perfected Biefeld-Brown lift and propulsion.
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alien technology
They have those dank rail guns, WEW those things are cool.
With most of the classified tech, they proto type something cool then lose funding halfway through
I'd say they probably have ayy lmao technolgy and acessories.
a lot of drone stuff...a lot

It's cheaper, at least as effective as manned platforms, expendable, and can be rapidly modified and fielded.

Expect to see midget tanks, subs and close air support that's all autonomous. We've seen some of that in the last decade, but there's a lot more in development.

Forget all the future warfighter platforms, they're junk. The army and marines have been working hard on changing their tooth to tail ratio and I think thats a reasonable expectation to see in the next engagement
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definitely alien technology
Theres most certainly a mach 6+ fast mover that looks like a green meteor thats nicknamed the 'Green Lady' due to the fuel type it uses.
Black Triangles made of graphine and plasma charged vacuums for space travel.
Space bound kinetic weapons such as 'Rods from God' that fire projectiles to earth is another.
Lots of black projects that we won't see enter the white world in our lifetime.
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Rail guns seem lit af.

Imagine a fleet of ships with thise blockading China
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>Ask about Ayy technology
>pls no Ayy answers

This. I think we should post some really good alien/UFO stories.
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this pretty much.

the only things that are still an american monopoly are aircraft propulsion and nuclear marine propulsion systems. also warhead construction
rail guns you say?

They don't have anything special. They stole the money to build underground installations where they will be safe from the nukes. They don't care if everyone in this country dies. They don't care about you.
>lit af
Found the nigger.
a design for a giga-ton nuclear warhead in case we need to blow a hole in the ocean for some reason.
Secret drones in shape of a big black dildo that brave American warriors suppose to carry up their asses?
guns that shoot different kinds of radio waves, which causes hallucinations and bath salts-like behavior including paranoia and hearing voices.

I'd say the secret weapons are probably stuff like this, shit that fucks with the normal behavior of the brain.
mind control directed energy weapons requiring significant infrastructure, making the US population the primary victims.

oh, and prototypes for weaponizing space.
>What kind of technology do you think the US Military has?

I dont know whats more gay -- using a buttplug or wearing an air force uniform over it
Used to know someone who worked for darpa. He went in a room one day filled with bees. He wasn't supposed to be in that room. His friend told them they all had micro cameras attached and they could somewhat direct them where they wanted them to go. This was 15 years ago.
Unless it's grunt jobs like Infantrymen and Marines the US military has some pretty neat tech

But if you are in the Marines or Infantry almost nothing you use will be newer than from the 80's.

Rangers and SF get all the new toys
they possess the technology to waste trillions of dollaroos on toys for retarded revolving door scam artists in our gubment
An airborne aircraft carrier.

That would be amazing even if a completely impractical and colossally dangerous idea.
Welllllllllll I don't wanna give away too much but let's just say we have actual rail guns and lasers. Not anti air lasers (those are obvious) I mean actual lasers that can burn and entire skyscraper or two ;). On our tanks, ships, planes and jeeps. Oh and this isn't a joke these weapons are actually equipped into the US military. We aren't gonna go showing any of it off in combat till its worth it though.
I heard you never hear those copters coming.
The only reason I haven't killed myself is the off chance that we contact ayy lmaos and can tour ayylmao planets and culture.
I try not to get my hopes up because it just leaves me morealize depressed in the end.
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This, and operation paper clip.
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Do you guys think the US govt has weather control tech?:^)
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They were toying with actual field stealth for quite a while.

That was 10 years ago, so I'm sure that shit is out there by now.

If they're still trying to use projection refraction though... lol.

it can cause earthquakes too
>Space bound kinetic weapons such as 'Rods from God' that fire projectiles to earth is another.
I don't know about this. There's the whole paper thin agreement not to militarize space - if Russia finds out that the US has RKVs dangling overhead, they're going to do the same. And as a deterrent, they don't do anything that an SSBN doesn't already do, so why waste the money?
So what do you think about Mathew a month before elections
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We have no idea anymore. Since WW2 ended we've invested in tons of military Special Access Programs that even the DNI probably doesn't know anything about.

I know that we have companies like Lockheed already working on another fighter that's still classified.

Not to mention all of the stealth satellites/near space/space fighters we probably have developed.

I bet we have some aircraft faster than the SR-71 now for sure.
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>alien technology
But Elohim, the old Testament and the Jews came first...
That one's bullshit, but DoD has been looking at a way to turn a large aircraft (either a transport or commercial variant) into an airborne aircraft carrier for small drones. Not having to fly a drone back to base to refuel & rearm would be pretty big.
Fake and queer
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theres already weapons in space

back in the early 70s they had cannons on satellites

who knows whats up there now
>What kind of technology do you think the US Military has?
Look at that edgy helicopter from the 80's
Hear, hear! The Jews are all that are, all that ever was, and all that ever will be! Praise the Jew! Praise Jesus!
>rail guns and lasers
That isn't a secret.



The rudders don't make sound, it's actually kinda neato.
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The Jews were a foolish people, who were slaves of the Egyptians (much like the slaves of Ukrainians of the Polish Gospodinov,kek). If Elohim has signed an agreement with Egypt - the Egyptians realized that the Elohim alien. But the Jews did not understand (education...) - so that was not a problem.
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The battle of Kursk and the UFO, which destroys the German tanks (lol, even the aliens favored the Communists!).
Without a doubt, they've got mind control technology. Army openly admits they have mind-controlled beetles which can be guided remotely, mainly for use in recon

a friend of mine's dad was an optical engineer, worked for raytheon (or some military contractor) w/ high security clearance. guy was fucking brilliant. anyway, he got into some shit at his work, ended up losing his job. became kind of a nut after that (would always film police, had news articles plastered all over car). police started following him more and more (least he thought, I believe him), last I heard he was in and out of court due to rape accusations against him. if you met the guy, you'd know how impossible such accusations are.

anyway, he would never explicitly say what he was working, but if you talked to him little tidbits of info would sneak through. basically, it was a 'pain gun'. from what he described, it worked more or less like a taser, but without any sort of projectile. it could be fired through walls, and the intensity of the pain could be adjusted in real time.
>actually believing the star wars program

top pleb

our nation is doomed
what not have a huge satellite that can move around earth filled with planes? can deploy anywhere at anytime

>inb4 atmosphere
do something smart so the planes can enter and exit and shieeeeet
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Which is exactly why we haven't fought an actual war on Earth in the last 120 years.
That is not a fake project. That was a Boeing project in the 90's called Bird of Prey. It actually flew.

There has been over 9 trillion dollars slid and unaccounted for in the defense budget over the past 20 years.
Lol. Only losers commit war crimes
I want to believe
I don't know, ask the Mossad.

>also warhead construction

Amerika>Jew Traitors>China
Disturbing truth bong, disturbing truth.
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>doesn't work
The Russians and Chinese currently have no counter to the stealth capabilities of the F-35

Don't buy into the same "doesn't work" meme that Trudeau is; it's a great fighter.

The RAF is buying it too
Stealth, unmanned vehicles and missile defence seem to be where the US has most of it's interest.

So probably some kind of unmanned stealth drone that can operate for extremely long periods of time undetected in hostile territory, and can carry a nuke.
Future wars will be fought with robots
the propulsion needed to get in orbit is ridiculously high, plus the short windows to get attached to the satellite are just ridiculously small.

so no.

Huge sums were diverted to a projekt in the NY metropolitan to enable the "exceptional class" to travel to a private airfield in Neu Jersey via diesel fueled tunnel transports..
sounds like an Active Denial system. uses microwaves to make you hot as shit so you get the fuck out of there. they've been used already.
Sounds like an Active Denial System, which we already have. Supposedly it can't pass through walls and it's a large system, but that's just what they tell the public they have. I'm sure they have another smaller system that can go through some walls.
In general technology is "hidden" in plain view, it's just most practical to do things that way because anything that needs to be manufactured is going get blabbed about by somebody.

If you want to have fun, look at technology that is public, well funded and looks ridiculous for the suggested applications. What other applications might that silly thing have?
The military doesn't make anything new any more. Most of the military uses are still from 70's - 90's technology.
It's predicted that military tech is a good 20 years ahead of market. They've been using quantum computing for awhile.
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Stop memeing and playing degenerate trash for kids.
Don't they already have a sniper rifle called Tracking Shot or something sold to civilians that is computer controlled for perfect shots like 2 miles away?

I can't even imagine what we have with nearly unlimited funds. Probably some Terminator type shit that is too effective and elegant killing machine so they purposely scrap it for something more expensive
The air density / pressure at the satellite altitude is very low so your average plane won't be able to generate enough lift to stay airborne and will most probably enter a stall/spin.
>those visible panel lines and glass seems
uh, anon, you DO realize that the picture was from the set of Zero Dark Thirty, right?

But in all seriousness, here's a few platforms off the top of my head that I'm 95% certain exist:

>A stealthier successor to the A-12.
There's a reason why it retired in 1968, and I'd bet money that the Convair Kingfish replaced it. This is also likely the black delta-winged aircraft that was spotted in the 80's

>An update of that A-12 successor.
Lockheed bought General Dynamics (Convair)'s aerospace division in 1993, and I'd bet that they gave Convair's old bird a "refresh"

>An all-new stealth supersonic spyplane
There's evidence from around 2011-on that the CIA/NRO/whatever have a new spy bird, one that likely combines the technologies from Lockheed's secret quiet supersonic demonstrator from the 90's with stealth and some 1960's ideas about how to hot-rod a jet engine to extract near-hypersonic performance from J58-like turbo-ramjets.

>Big, loitering stealth drones
Google Lockheed's QUARTZ program. I'm 95% sure that one or multiple designs with similar capabilities were built and/are still operational to this day. The RQ-170 and -180 are just newer, less "black" parts of this design lineage.

>Stealth tactical transports.
$100 says that the V-22 has a stealthy counterpart, likely a flying wing with in-wing lift fans, for use by SOCOM. Basically to the V-22/Chinook what the stealthhawk was to the blackhawk.

>A target designation aircraft for the F-117
There's tons of evidence that the F-117 has a still-classified counterpart aircraft that performed ECM, SEAD, and target designation roles so the Nighthawk could get in and out un-scathed.

>Lots of one-off demonstrators and limited-run niche aircraft.
Area 51 has likely played host to dozens of technology demonstrators and special-access prototypes, stuff like planform/propulsion/materials testbeds. Basically more aircraft like the Bird Of Prey or the Tacit Blue.
>parallel universes
That's just string theorists trying to get funding kek. It's not as if they're actually looking into parallel universes/have proved that they exist.
You're on the money with the green lady, and I'm 50% sure that the US has some sort of orbiting weapons system.

The triangles are a load of hooey, though.
There's some evidence that we might have something resembling the SOL from Akira.

Google the Dugway Lights, and and ignore the fact that it was UFO-hunting kooks who saw them. What they saw was real. Very real.
All the lights UFOlogists think are UFOs.
...the next engagement being against an advanced alien species, you mean?

t. Inside guy
Bird of prey is pretty legit and pretty spoopy all things considered.
Eh, it was just a technology demonstrator for UAV shapes and basic optical stealth.
An American nation doesn't even exist m8. We're just a bunch of unrelated people just chilling eating our McDonalds.
It didn't cast a shadow and didn't even need FBW. IIRC it also was a private venture and it didn't have a bloated budget.
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It's all reverse engineered and advanced blueprints of stolen German tech anyway. Advanced tech means fuck all when $25 bombs can take out $3mn tanks.
If you stay silent you can hear Russia laughing.
UFO's=Unidentified Flying Objects doesn't always mean Extraterrestrials.
Same with USO's:Unidentified Submerged Objects.
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Don't share this with anybody please
>What kind of technology do you think the US Military has?

Giant guns, and vehicles to place the guns on.

Global communications systems, and advanced radar systems.

And Nuclear weapons of all varieties.
>IIRC it also was a private venture and it didn't have a bloated budget.
Yup, same goes for most black projects. If anything, I'd argue that the bloated budgets for white-world projects are there to in some way mask/make up for the costs of the black ones.
>Don't share this with anybody please

That's from a movie, yo.
>With most of the classified tech, they proto type something cool then lose funding halfway through


So that Israel can buy it up for cheap?

Thanks feinstein!
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Also quantum teleportation and machine learning
>Theres most certainly a mach 6+ fast mover that looks like a green meteor thats nicknamed the 'Green Lady' due to the fuel type it uses.

Copper plasma?
>Lockheed's secret quiet supersonic demonstrator from the 90'
Please tell me more.
it still kills me that america has the best weapon delivery platform there is (icbm), in the thousands, but can't use them for fear of triggering a russian nuclear retaliatory strike.
I have seen one above a school in Bristol where I also saw a jet do a sonic boom barely above the buildings at 3:00 pm
Meh, I've reverse engineered most of their secret tech from first cause...

Some interesting shit, but nothing on the level of what one would expect from ayy lmaos
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Rail gun

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Since Roswell they get all the Alien tech they want .. they paid in kind ..

mobile burger king
Boeing has some good CGI, don't they?

Or is that the skunkworks?
Rumor time: in Iraq2, persistent drone surveillance was combined with facial recognition software(doubtful because of shitty video resolution but hey it's a rumor) and network analysis to build diagrams of terrorist social networks
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Also they figure out to make Ultra light armor you can carry yourself on the battlefield ..
>Do you guys think the US govt has weather control tech?:^)

Yeah, but it's not really "New" shit... and it's not really that useful either.
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It's on dreamland resort. Was supposed to resemble a longer, pointier XB-70.

Pic related that they're building for NASA is basically a 1/2-scale white world version of it.
>They were toying with actual field stealth for quite a while.

Shit, I know how to do that, son.
> I'm 50% sure that the US has some sort of orbiting weapons system.

>"USA 267 is a nightmare. You hide weapons or troop movements on the ground when you know a satellite is overhead. Non-stealth satellites can be tracked and their orbits can be predicted, and this allows you to plan in advance to avoid your movements and weapons to be detected. But you do not do that when you are confident that what it is overhead is just space debris. That is the key principle behind USA 267."

Not really weaponized, but it just works.
Navy vet here. Having spent 16 years active duty, 8 of those on west coast I can tell you with absolute certainty there is a underwater passageway about 1 mile off the coast of San Diego large enough for a trident class nuclear sub to maneuver in easily. I know this because the nature of my job keeps me privy to most fleet movements on a daily basis. I also know that in the 60's a variant of the nuclear assembly was fitted into a black project funded machine called a "subtereen" which could bore structurally stable tunnels by melting rock and pushing it to the circumference of the passage. We have thousands of miles of these tunnels now and some are miles deep.
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>stealth capabilities of the F-35
"stealth" because no one saw where the tax money went?
Oh yeah, the NRO has all sorts of toys like that.

I'm talking orbital precision strike systems.
But the Ultimate weapons of them all .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=My2FRPA3Gf8
meh, there are plenty of ways to do that, it's just the interface problem all over again though...

That shit's tough to do.
you do realize that´s a dummy right ? Where I originally come in Germany they filled the whole forest with those things and also cardboard airplanes and such to trick the allied to bomb those instead of the actual real German airfields in the area.
useless technology used to prop up the MIC

if the USA actually enters into a war again, they might find that the coffers are slightly too empty for comfort
You mean its all deception ?! like they do since 500 DC++ ??
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The tr3b, probably vehicles that can go into outer space that run on nuclear power, underwater and underground bases.

Probably have the ability to build moon bases, they had plans for that during the 1960s.

The USA pretty much dominates space and it's obvious that they have a secret space program.

it's pronounced Mog.
>get hit by other tank
>fly 2 miles
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>Being too dumb to realise that the target are military installations, i.e all static targets.
Kill yourself nigger.
is the US still working on achieving hydrogen fusion by means of lasers? that seems like such a bad idea to me, working on ways to remove the need for an atom bomb to achieve hydrogen fusion.
Ya they have big massive rods up there .. who care ?! not like we not used to there rods..
>trident class
LARPer please
so...what the hell is it?
What the fuck is the blast radius on a 1 giga ton nuke?
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NIGGER !!!!!!!!!!
Doesn't matter, boosting your projectiles all the way to orbit is fucktarded if all they're going to do is strike a target on the surface like any ordinary suborbital ballistic.
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sorry to break it to you lads, but the days of black projects are over in the US

we really dont have the means to fund super duper secret weapons anymore

the tech we already have is a good 20-30 years ahead of our most hated enemies, so we dont' need to invest in some of the bullshit thats in this thread.
plus it's physically impossible to make things like ray guns, plasma ships, or any other sci fi weapons in here.

Trust me, our military is not as high tech as we'd like to think. They get BTFO by simple Russian and Iranian jamming.
>There's evidence from around 2011-on that the CIA/NRO/whatever have a new spy bird, one that likely combines the technologies from Lockheed's secret quiet supersonic demonstrator from the 90's with stealth and some 1960's ideas about how to hot-rod a jet engine to extract near-hypersonic performance from J58-like turbo-ramjets.

Aurora, right?

I heard that they outfitted one of them with a nuclear propulsion system for orbital insertion.
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1 giga is 1000 killos
Imagine a crater the size of China. Could probably knock us out of orbit.
I would imagine that the logical next step for the space program (and obviously the air force) would be space planes that can fly from the surface to orbit and back again without all the fuel tank shit. Nuclear fighters seems like a tremendously bad idea since if you lose one then you've got a small reactor explosion whenever that happens. You can't just go around irradiating entire swathes of the atmosphere like that.
>There's some evidence that we might have something resembling the SOL from Akira.

You realize, of course, that would LITERALLY require a nuclear powerplant in orbit, right?
munest ISIS training video ever
What better place for one?
22km long strip miner, probably

nothing special

probably a head start in shit like combat drones, robotics, lasers
So what, the russians have lobbed plenty up there already.
Knocking us out of orbit would be the least of my worries. It would fuck with the tectonic plates and crack the earth in half
TBM using lasers instead of drill heads, powered by a small nuclear electric reactor, right?
A B-21 prototype/tech demonstrator. Possibly a hypersonic recon bird.
>yes HAARP

such BS- Begich was a crank and the meme of HAARP is based on the ignorance of Believers- you prolly Believe in "chemtrails" too.

OP said no LMAO thread...
>US Military has?

Warp drive.
that is the shittiest photoshop I have ever seen.
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cold fusion.
>1 giga is 1000 killos

No, a giga is 1000 megas....
>I heard you never hear those copters coming.

they did in Abbottabad when OBL got it- people were tweeting about it.
We know about the lasers and railguns.

>ordinary suborbital ballistic
True. With one exception they can potentially release the same amount of energy as a nuke without the radiation and it's fallout. Atleast that's what the wet dream was but, tungsten is fucking heavy and getting it up into it's preferred orbit is where it getting crazy in terms of cost.
>So what do you think about Mathew a month before elections

a hurricane at this time of year in that location?? how unheard of- must be a conspiracy!!

>Nuclear fighters seems like a tremendously bad idea since if you lose one then you've got a small reactor explosion whenever that happens. You can't just go around irradiating entire swathes of the atmosphere like that.

That's why we need fusion powerplants... they have a MUCH smaller risk of radiation leakage, even if they disintegrate into dust, because the fuel itself isn't radioactive.
A 48,000 dollar screw driver.
Weaponized cancer, polio and AIDS.
>Knocking us out of orbit would be the least of my worries. It would fuck with the tectonic plates and crack the earth in half

Nah, it doens't have enough power for that....

It WOULD cause nuclear winter though, and fallout for like half the earth, so it's bad either way.
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What's the point of all this space ship laser death star shit if we're just fighting arabs in the desert? Who is the US going to war with that we need to have star wars weapons to beat? The Russians? China?
Project Centaur. Man and machine working together. A lot of what Silicon Valley does is finding the right partitioning between what humans and machines should do in order to achieve a task. Palantir is one example. The Captcha on 4chan is a simple example. Right now it's men fighting with the help of relatively dumb machines. The future will be about teams of men and much more autonomous (though not completely independent) machines.
>I work for the FBI


[spoiler]how many boobies did you already inspect?[/spoiler]
We have uncle Sam's opsec course to prevent us from divulging military secrets to the eternal leaf

Oh and ay lmaos
>What's the point of all this space ship laser death star shit if we're just fighting arabs in the desert? Who is the US going to war with that we need to have star wars weapons to beat? The Russians? China?

ICBM deterrent and destruction.

If you can shoot a nuke out of the sky before impact, then say goodbye to M.A.D.

We're also good at networking systems.
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Special hardware with chameleon prices.
The price automatically changes by up to 10 times, depending on whether it is paid by taxpayers or individual buyers.
There's a credible outside threat. All the other stuff you mentioned is merely here to keep us occupied.
Lasers have some limitations to go along with the strengths, though. Line of sight only, no over the horizon, reduced effectiveness in clouds, could defend with reflective coatings, etc.
Star wars were scratched back in Reagan times, cause soviets found a simple and cheap counter-measure to it, that will still work even today.

>I'm the Marine who while working at the gate corrected THE Sergeant Major Kasal for forgetting his ID in his computer and told him to re do the uncle Sam's opsec course and bring me his cert. I also corrected him for calling me Corporal when I was in fact a lance. Zero fucks given that day and I didn't even get in trouble
>Star wars were scratched back in Reagan times, cause soviets found a simple and cheap counter-measure to it, that will still work even today.

Meh, DARPA's still doing that airborne COIL laser though.

Point defense against ICBM's isn't something that's going to go away.

No matter how much your IRV jinks, if you have a powerful enough laser and good enough tracking systems, that nuke is going bye-bye.
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Hologram projecting earrings that turn you into a pink-haired girl... or a surfboard
I'm not even touching that one, I'm in too much trouble over those fucking holograms as it is.
We have a secret space fleet. Look up Gary McKinnon.

Knock yourself out
Until you accept the Ayy into your heart and mind, your worldview will be incomplete
Sorry im not sure what you mean. We often refer to subs by the type of armorment they carry, in this case trident missles. Their are 3 variants of the ohio class submarine so we categorize by fleet projection needs. Dont believe that's fine, im sure its not too hard to verify these claims though its been around for over 40 years.

LARPer confirmed
Would you like to tell us what you made?
> us military
> technology
30 years lag from modern military technologies (Russian).
I work with a kid whose parents are from Lebanon, and our boss straight up called him a sand nigger. It was hilarious.
Yes no drill heads but I do not know the exact method used to melt the rock. The manifests I had seen were only a list of movements and projects these machines were doing at the time. These machines had much smaller windows of uptime and had to be refuled often so they were often in my updates.
Someone's salty
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We don't use fucking ramps.
You realize that such a weapon literally couldn't exist right?

t.Master of Science in Engineering in physics
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>stuff like planform/propulsion/materials testbeds.
Those are really neat to look at.
Ayy lmao fucking leaf
Haha yes my phones auto correct confirms whatever larper means I guess. ARMAMENT. Better? If I type all caps it doesn't change my words, easier for your weed addled brain to understand?
Nope I'm actually a boot ass 5 ribbon pog Corporal. Kasals a good dude and laughed it off and bullshitted with me for like 10 minutes then called up my CO to tell him I'm good to go.

That guys a fuckin legend, read his book shortly after. OP the craziest military technology we have is Sergeant Major Kasal aka robogrunt
You wouldn't believe how accurate some of the shit posting in here is.

Also, you'd be surprised how much of the shit posting is done by skunk works neck beards
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>airborne artillery
Who's gonna protect Earth when the ayylmaos invade ?
The rods were mostly designed for ground penetration capability, probably bunker busting. This isn't a funking anti-tank missile, you insufferable retard. And the guidance systems are feasible. We could guide ICBMs with reasonable accuracy 50 years ago.
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anti-gravity...real-life /b/ shit

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCWZnX3Q8_I
Neither will US have counter for T-50
>skunk works neck beards
Are you one of them?
Well does shooting nukes with lasers make them detonate? If anyone tries to launch a nuke then they nuke themselves. Even better than MAD
something tells me you have a very low IQ
>networking systems.

a what now?
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>how many boobies did you already inspect?
I'm a peacock
Your flag is a car battery
That's the least of the worries, and your lack of knowledge is showing. The space shuttle flew like an aircraft once it had re-entered the atmosphere, and that's the issue. The re-entry would be a bitch. The introduction of heat shielding would weigh the aircraft down immensely, affecting the maneuverability and payload capacity. Plus, returning to the satellite would be incredibly expensive. It would be a rarely-used option for pin-point emergency response to strike a single target with a few bombs in a few minutes notice. Global Strike program and all.

At that point, the aircraft carrier is pointless, and wildly inefficient. Just put a single vehicle up there.
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>Would you like to tell us what you made?

A few defensive measures against mind control tech, reverse engineered blue-beam, some new VTOL ground attack airframes, new types of stealth tech, systems to extract the US economy from the global petrochemical clusterfuck, Adaptations(logistics) to current Navy research programs to ALSO extract the US from the global petrochemical clusterfuck, personal soldier heating/cooling systems for extended duration usage, counter-psyop techniques, counter-propaganda techniques, a few novel ideas for increasing the cost effectiveness of aerospace applications, economic warfare procedures, etc, etc, etc...

I've been rather busy trying to defend myself from Israel.
STFU Tampon.
>You realize that such a weapon literally couldn't exist right?

A nuclear electric laser in space can't exist, eh?

Are you fucking retarded?

IS this something that we should expect from ALL engineers of "Physics"?
>Well does shooting nukes with lasers make them detonate?

No, nukes are notoriously difficult to make "Detonate"

A laser would just destroy the weapon, and prevent it from detonating.
So did you work pmo or S3
That's a microwave beam designed to heat up your skin, might cause blindness, can be lethal because it's literally the same thing as what you cook your food with. Range is limited due to inverse square law and interference with the atmosphere. Nothing about it is strictly secret, but the technical details of it would be.

Mind control technology you're talking about isn't really quite mind control. You can force a person to wave their arm around, but you're not going to be able to program them or anything like that, and you need an implant to do this - implants that need to be accessible and cause serious complications. They do this with chimps sometimes but they don't live longer than a few months and again, you can't strictly "mind control" so much as make the body perform actions by messing around with the brain. It's a little less invasive than stabbing the brain and observing the resultant spasms.

In insects, they're simple enough that we more fully understand their neural system and can give 'commands' like "Go forward" which the insect brain automatically translates into proper movement.
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F-35 Take off carrier.webm
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>Nothing to see here, foreigners, just a bunch of antiquated tech.
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>Parallel universes
Shows some shit hanging from a string.
Ok fair enough thanks for the answer. I'm assuming missiles will be able to deal with lasers quite easily though. Even just through force of numbers.

Lasers aren't too efficient at cutting through metal, and if they have some sort of magneto-optic to add onto that...
Noone I was fapped out
>mind control tech
How'd you make it?
>some new VTOL ground attack airframes
What were they like? Also, what propulsion system did it use?
>new types of stealth tech
Like what?
Depends on the nuclear bomb design. Modern nukes are complicated and require extremely exact timing mechanisms to detonate a sphere of high explosives at exactly the same time so that they compress radioactive matter to supercritical levels. If the timing is off by a few milliseconds you get a bomb that squirts radioactive material out in one direction instead of detonating the nuke.

Gun type designs, particularly older ones that slam radioactive material into each other, are less finicky and can more easily be set off by slamming it into the ground or setting off the high explosives inside.
>Mind control technology you're talking about isn't really quite mind control.

It is far more advanced than you probably are aware of, but it IS all sugestive on a subliminal scale, btw...

IT's one of the reasons why the put mercury in everything...

when the mercury gets into your brain, it makes it a better conductor for microwave radiation.

CIA has been messing around with artificial telepathy and bodykenesis for years (on me, I might add, unless that was just mossad)

Mercury is one of the things that the system uses to function, it works on a form of brainwave entrainment like voice to skull thing, that triggers muscle related endorphins, causing the person to think that they "Want" to move in th epredetermined way.

there is a lot about trauma based contitioning and subliminal classical conditioning through high tech delivery systems.

Most of this shit was stolen from the US military by israel, and is being used against us.

I'm pretty sure I was a test subject/attempt at making a wetware CPU.

I keep trying to contact people about it, but no-one takes me seriously.

Captcha: Edgewood

So, you know
Lasers have to focus energy on a specific point on the missile. Takes time to do damage.

There's two really really easy ways of negating a laser:

1. Coat the missile in an ablative layer, forcing the laser to 'dig' through material for significantly longer
2. Spin the missile so the laser can't easily focus on one point.
>Ok fair enough thanks for the answer. I'm assuming missiles will be able to deal with lasers quite easily though. Even just through force of numbers.

Ah, the battle of the spherical war cows... lasers vs missiles, that is an OLD argument, and it hasen't been fully completed yet.

>Lasers aren't too efficient at cutting through metal, and if they have some sort of magneto-optic to add onto that...

It's mostly about messing with the guidance/detonation system.

As previously mentioned, nukes are NOTORIOUSLY difficult to detonate.

You can DROP one from like 10 feet and it will be broken and never detonate.
is that a flying burger

You can. The Russians killed a guy with a little ricin filled pellet shot with a Co2 pistol in an umbrella. They could shoot the same pellet in a person containing little nano tech that could "attract" itself to the motor neurons in the brain and then receive and transmit electric impulses as necessary.

At the very least, you could both 'read' what a person is hearing and saying depending on how you direct said nano-tech to attach throughout the brain. Wouldn't take much to pull the strings of the motor neurons to get a person to move in certain directions or at the very least control inhibition.
Nobody takes you seriously because you have to demonstrate it and provide evidence, not simply say that it works because it works.
>>mind control tech
>How'd you make it?

There are three different delivery methods for it, but they are all based on the same type of technique...

Green Gif from above explains most of it.

>>some new VTOL ground attack airframes
>What were they like?

It's basically a series of airframes, a small one to replace the A-10, a larger one for logistics (cargo for naval vessels and the like)

>>Also, what propulsion system did it use?

Fairly standard stuff, just in a novel arrangement.

I was going for being able to use spare parts to make it.

>>new types of stealth tech
>Like what?

How about no?
>Nobody takes you seriously because you have to demonstrate it and provide evidence, not simply say that it works because it works.

Trying to steal my secrets, eh?

You want it?

Pay me, fucktard.
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Well I'll just assume we're fucked lasers or no lasers and call it a day.
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>Metal Gear is degenerate
But Kojimbles called out the Globalists back in early 2000.

US had a T-50 counter when the first F-18E rolled off the assembly line. Take your 4.5gen shit out of here
The point is to be literally unbeatable, the USA has plans that make where even if all of its superweapons were miraculously defeated your victory would be pointless because they would take down the world with them. And the USA has some seriously /x/-tier weaponry by the way, I know a guy who used to work on that shit and I wont say anything beyond that.
This stuff on this site has better demonstrations of it.
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Please, VTOL has been around longer than your mom.

>Well I'll just assume we're fucked lasers or no lasers and call it a day.

Only for today...

Technology never rests.
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we know the riddle of steel
the stuff you see and stupid shit that doesn't work quite as well as the stuff you see.

if it works, they use it.
> the USA has some seriously /x/-tier weaponry by the way

They really don't.
Do not forget the two space fleets!
watch the whole thing
>Please, VTOL has been around longer than your mom.

Actually, we do. It's called the F-22 and we created it years before the T-50, yet STILL the F-22 is better.
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>what they claim
>what they are capable of
Why you call t-50 pak-fa 4.5th?
CIA has virtually partitioned quantum powered AI, with personalities that you can hook input streams into to work on vast data sets, you can ask them queries about the data in real time and get human like responses based on the personality you've chosen. Cool shizz.
>Do not forget the two space fleets!

That's project Orion... pretending to have advanced space tech so that everyone else is scared shittless of us.

Israel does the same thing by implying that have nukes more powerful than <1kt
You know what the NRO is right?
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>What kind of technology do you think the US Military has
Something that worth billions of dollars but in reality gets shot down by cold war weapons
Israel has that tech as well, but israels tech isn't all compartmentalized like the US's secret tech.

And Israel is using this shit against us.

Can't say anything about it though, because the US govt will put you in indefinite detention, even if you are trying to save the nation.
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Is it my craft you see? Do I haunt you in your sleep?

Your worst nightmare(s)
TR-3b is bullshit, literally.

They put that shit out as disinfo.
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Been watching some random tin foil tier ufo shit on YouTube lately.

I have a feeling nazi tech and scientists that were nabbed by the USA got their hands on some cool shit.

There were reports from allied pilots that disc like objects they believed were nazi aircraft chased them once.

After the war, UFO sightings started happening. I think they started trying out "die glocke" (I think, 'the bell') project the nazis came up with. In the "documentary" I saw, they also hinted the nazis had the first jet, designed the first "jet powered bomber" as they called it, and even the stealth fighter.

Link: https://youtu.be/ljR1JlESJYw

Also another fun to think about theory is dropping 2 nukes on Japan caused Aliens to be curious, as in they noticed the jump in levels of radiation.

Of course, this is to be taken with a grain of salt. Without more concrete proof I can't believe aliens truly exist, but it's always fun to talk with people about that stuff.
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The Repulsin engine.


Would only be feasible if nuclear powered, the amount if Oil needed to fuel it would be uneconomical.
I could guarantee you that the US has military technology that we could never imagine, unless all out war breaks out with Russia.
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Manlets, will they ever learn?
>Testing by USAF (I think it was them) Revealed that the plane cant turn, it cant run, and its gun doesn't work. Neither does its engine function.
In fact when the fighter flew over the date-time barrier near Hawaii its electronics failed.
>But Muh Stealth
>I could guarantee you that the US has military technology that we could never imagine


Their tech is impressive, but it is literally just more advanced versions of shit we already have.

And not really that much more advanced, btw.

They have really cool computers, neat radar applications, psyop stuff, excellent guidance systems for ordinance, neat micro-tech stuff, some primitive stealth shit, and the greatest logistics on the planet.

And lots of nukes.

Nothing really special, to be honest.
This. Optical scanners have been around since the late 70s, and they still show up as sci-fi in movies today. Whatever technology you have on you or see the military has, is at least 4 or 5 generations behind what they have.

all of that "Star Trek" Ayylmao stuff is disinfo to prevent you from really knowing what is going on.

Same with the "Reptillian" shit.
weaponised black dick
We're making things you wont hear about for 30 years.
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>We're making things you wont hear about for 30 years.

No we aren't.
Do you guys have any idea how easy it is to figure out all of the "Secret Tech" from simple logistics?
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you realize of course that the idea of nuke reactors in space has been posited for like 60 years right?
Putins wondering how they got the suit on the gorilla
just lol
Thank you, Captain Obvious.
>you realize of course that the idea of nuke reactors in space has been posited for like 60 years right?


I'm curious how they planned on getting it past the "No nukes in space" treaty.
>this ATV is too loud

>my feet hurt
go away chink

John Madden
Guess its time to invade the middle east again
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Most fusion designs I'm aware of have literally no risk to human life, generally there's a particle accelerator in the mix to sustain the reaction so they're pretty much totally safe.
>What kind of technology do you think the US Military has?

Their ultimate weapon is memes. 4chan is the breeding ground for the most cutting-edge in memetic warfare
>Most fusion designs I'm aware of have literally no risk to human life

The only workable fusion design that I know of (power out > power in) is LENR.

But good luck getting that one to a commercialized design before rochafeller/rothschild scuicides you with 37 shots to the back of your head, to preserve their oil monopoly.

It's the same reason why all of the fusion research reactors are basically billion dollar piles of shit.

They aren't SUPPOSED to work.
>Also another fun to think about theory is dropping 2 nukes on Japan caused Aliens to be curious, as in they noticed the jump in levels of radiation.
>2 nukes on japan
>not the hundreds of tests before it and after


people who further murder this word are every bit as bad as CTR
at the very highest level: dimensional-shifting electronic technology

the ultimate stealth tech? phase between dimensions so there's nothing for radar to detect or other sensors to lock on to
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Anti-gravity technology in its earliest stages

Incredibly advanced drone AI

Smart soldier equipment, like built in radars and targeting software built into their kits

Wouldn't be surprised if we eventually had pic related
>phase between dimensions


Psyoped in the philidelphia experiment movie.

try harder, disinfo fool.
>people who further murder this word are every bit as bad as CTR

I used the word literally, correctly.

literally correctly.
>Anti-gravity technology in its earliest stages

No it doesn't, bifield brown is a ionic propulsion system, and it sucks.

>Incredibly advanced drone AI

Nothing that can fit ON a drone, and can't be auto-hacked by the NSA at this point.

>Smart soldier equipment, like built in radars and targeting software built into their kits

Not that advanced, but you are right about that one.

I got better versions of the shit, to be honest.
Why don't you tell us about your better version of the Bifield Brown propulsion system?
My sides are getting beamed up by the mothership.
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>mfw the military genetically engineer's mind controlled soldier bugs go fight wars for them.
Either your upset that your simple life as McDonald's top chef isn't as exciting as you thought it would be or you have a stake in shooting down credible info. Either way crom laughs at you.
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>42 posts by this ID
>Why don't you tell us about your better version of the Bifield Brown propulsion system?

I was talking about a better version of the smart soldier equipment, not the bifield brown stuff.

sorry if I didn't make that clear.
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