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Why are Russians so bad?

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Thread replies: 336
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>The survivor agreed to share her story with us.
>Elsa Schmidt was 14 years old when Berlin fell to the Soviet Union in early May of 1945
>"It was awful," she said repeatedly. "The worst weeks of my life."
>"We'd been warned by refugees fleeing from east Germany as the Russians advanced. They came and just murdered or raped everyone. They came and just stole everything."
>"I had two male friends my age, Hans and Lukas. Hans was a member of Hitler Youth and was terrified the Russians would kill him, because there were many rumors and stories about them rounding up boys and killing them. Hans stole my sister's bicycle during the night and rode west, saying he would surrender to the Americans or British because they would probably let him live. Lukas said he was stupid."
>"Lukas was killed by a drunk Russian two weeks later. Hans died in 1990 of a heart attack."
>"When the Russians came, I thought they couldn't be as bad as people said. I was technically right. They were much worse. They raped everyone. I saw a lady of seventy years old get raped. I saw a child of seven get raped. They killed anyone who questioned them, and many people who didn't."
>"There was a field outside of Berlin where they dragged us by our arms and sometimes hair. We called it the rape field. They raped us there. I was taken many times, and I was only stupid enough to resist the first."
>"Once the Americans heard about this. Five soldiers arrived in an army car looking furious. I thought 'at last! We're saved!' But then the Russians screamed at the Americans in their dog language and shot into the air, and the Americans got scared and drove away."
>"Despite this, I made it to West Germany after the country was split and eventually learned English. Americans are cowards, but Russians are monsters."

>l-lebensraum was just a prank bro
>how DARE they rape and murder when we did the same!

Old german whore
slavs are the most alpha race that are not colored
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>attacks russia
>gets their shit pushed in
>"pls stop y u so bad 2 us? :("
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>But then the Russians screamed at the Americans in their dog language and shot into the air, and the Americans got scared and drove away."

Yeah she forgets the part where germans raped, tortured and killed civilians too.


I dont blame her retardness, she just see her arm lenght but she should be greatfull they didnt torture her and killed every german like germans did to all nongermans and mostly jews and slavs.

>Americans are cowards, but Russians are monsters."
Yeah, those Americans should have started an future war to save our enemies from the current war we just won from our allies that helped us win the war.

Protip: If you don't like the consequences of losing a war, either don't lose or don't survive.
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kys kike
what is it with all these subhumans in this country?
>Russians screamed at the Americans in their dog language
>dog language
Female Soros?
Because it was retarded to attack Soviet Union you mongoloid fucktard.
>humans are monsters
consider your record corrected
It is true tho. What would you do as a slav when germans raped and killed your relatives ?

Germany got away way to easy t.b.h.
>Americans are cowards

There went all my sympathy.
did you write this yourself?
And to think we airlifted food into these commie's mouths after they were starving because of Uncle Joe
LMFAO dumb nazi bitch shouldn't have voted for Hitler then.
Did you read the part where we got scared and drove away? What was that if not cowardice?
I imagine how frightening must have been for the Germans to deal with the Soviets. They were already overstretched and no matter how many cunts they killed, more would pop out of nowhere. Their meatshield and shitty mass production of everything tactics worked indeed.
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23. It is a matter of the greatest glory to the tribes to lay waste, as widely as possible, the lands bordering their territory, thus making them uninhabitable. They regard it as the best proof of their valor that their neighbors are forced to withdraw from those lands and hardly any one dares set foot there; at the same time they think that they will thus be more secure, since the fear of a sudden invasion is removed.

- Julius Ceasar

Rmminder that Germans will not be satified until Europe lies in ruins, an unlivable wasteland.
Those russians should have slit her throat in that field, fucking german whore.
>invade other countries
>kill their population by the tens of thousands
>"w-why are they being so mean to us?"

I don't give a shit what happened to the Germans after they lost WW2. I do give a shit about the non-Axis aligned countries that also got swarmed with Russians. My great-grandmother pretty much never went outside of the house when there were Russian troops in Belgrade back then.
The US and Russia should ally, then kill the bad guys together.
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Patton wanted to not only race to beat the russians to berlin, but keep pushing to Moscow and was assassinated by Ike and the white house who wanted to fondle soviet dick. We should've let Patton be supreme allied commander
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>start war
>lose war
>get raped
>Americans are cowards, but Russians are monsters."

Yeah and you're a Nazi whore.
thats bullshit. soviets didnt had more soldiers but more tanks and planes(mostly used by peasants from the field or farm trained in 3 day course)

germans had shitty logistics and army based on mechanized infantry with tanks as main attack force(which needs lots of fuel and germans didnt had enough) also most tanks had 40 mm armour in first clashes. hitler was a military retard too and megalomaniac.
so you lost then?
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Almost as believable as the holocaust.
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>these replies
typical nu-male /leftypol/
and they say we are the bad guys top kek
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seems legit
>some dudes in a jeep(most likely unarmed)
>the ww2 russian army

sure is cowardice to me
link doesnt even work m8
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Are you implying there's any bias against Russia in the British media?
Bad america!!! You should have went in there all rambo style and saved them. WHY? American-san WHY?
>I saw a lady of seventy years old get raped
Seems legit, when they could have been pounding 7yo poon
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Kill yourself, Kraut subhuman.
You got everything you deserved. We killed millions of Germans.
Even when retreating (and losing in the West and in the South against the Allies), the ratio of Germans killed to Russians killed was favorable to the Germans. Even at that lower rate, the Germans barely had any manpower left at the end of the war, and the Russians were doing just fine.
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What a heartbreaking story. Fuck off mate, i would like to see the behavior of US soldiers in Germany if nazis did comparable to Russia's level of wreckage/killing/raping on the US territory.
4/10, made me respond.
tbqh my grandma always used to tell stories about how everyone feared German troops in WWII but everyone wished they'd come back when they were replaced by Russian '''liberators'''. They raped everything that either was female or looked female enough, regardless of age pretty much.
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not at all
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>They were much worse. They raped everyone. I saw a lady of seventy years old get raped
So much for my 14 days no fap streak

>What goes around comes around

Who woulda thunk!
I would deal with Russians any day over dealing with any Muslim from anywhere.

Also, I am a descendant of "White Russians" that fled to America when the Bolsheviks started taking over. It was the assholes of the Bolshevik type that were the problem, especially in scenarios like the one posted by the OP.
Turkish kebab get out
>A girl of 14 is responsible for all of Hitlers exploits.
Muslims pretending to be Russians, this is fucking new to me.
>So much for my 14 days no fap streak

No, but she benefited from the privileges afforded to her by the Nazi state's repression and warmongering, so she wasn't exactly innocent either.
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I'm English, lads. I just hate Kraut subhumans.
>I just hate Kraut subhumans.

We all do. It's what makes us human
God dammit I hate the French.
>>lose war
>>get raped

You talking about Germany or France?
Not all English are evil.
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Hell we don't even need that as an excuse.
>ome American forces may have killed German prisoners in retaliation, like the shooting of German prisoners that took place at Chenogne on January 1, 1945.[1]:261–264
>In the aftermath of the Malmedy massacre, a written order from the HQ of the 328th US Army Infantry Regiment, dated 21 December 1944, stated: No SS troops or paratroopers will be taken prisoner but will be shot on sight.[23] Major-General Raymond Hufft (US Army) gave instructions to his troops not to take prisoners when they crossed the Rhine in 1945. "After the war, when he reflected on the war crimes he authorized, he admitted, 'if the Germans had won, I would have been on trial at Nuremberg instead of them.'"

>Secret wartime files made public only in 2006 reveal that American GIs committed 400 sexual offenses in Europe, including 126 rapes in England, between 1942 and 1945.[26] A study by Robert J. Lilly estimates that a total of 14,000 civilian women in England, France and Germany were raped by American GIs during World War II.[27][28] It is estimated that there were around 3,500 rapes by American servicemen in France between June 1944 and the end of the war and one historian has claimed that sexual violence against women in liberated France was common.[29]
based russians lost 14% of their population and kept attacking, germans surrendered after losing 7%
really makes you think
>including 126 rapes in England

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We are the only force of good in this world,
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Here is the difference between 1945 and when we went into Russia during Barbarossa:

Russian Soldiers were rarely punished for rape
German Soldiers were almost always punished for rape, i have documents and pictures fromy my own family where one of my family members was with the 1. SS-Div "LAH" in East Ukraine and they saw a pretty ethnic russian girl who waved her hand at them during the march eastwards. One of the younger soldiers who was still in the rank of "Schütze" (Private in the US i'd say) jumped on her and tried to rape her. Others got him off, girl ran away scared, then the Scharführer (Sergeant) waited until the would-be-rapist stood up and shot him dead.
Since we Germans are all autists, this had to be documented with pictures, reasons, witness testimonies etc. which i own.
But for everyone on here who wants to read up on how harsh rapists or would-be rapists were punished in the ethnic german waffen-ss, wehrmacht, luftwaffe etc. you can chck countless of these out from the NARA but also the Russian Archives of German Documents as well as both countries "Foreign Military Studies". Yes, even in Russian archives it's stated that we Germans had a no-tolerance policy towards german rapists.

Now you might mention the "Dirlewanger" Brigade or certain Einsatzgruppen in the East. Those were by 90% majority not Germans, in fact, countless of Ukrainians, Poles and even Russians among those as well as German Criminals.

Now look at both the American and Russian Archives concerning Rape in the Red Army and how they dealt with it. Sometimes Russian Soldiers were also executed for murder, rape etc. but this was not as common nor an official policy.

>inb4 mad Russians

I occasionaly travel to Russia to help find MIA German & Russian Soldiers, ID them and get them transfered to military graveyards as voluntary work. And every Russian we find, we treat like German remains we find, respect

>pic related
Jesus christ you are scum. I hope you get raped to death by a pack of niggers crossbred with velociraptors.

They're subhuman.
Karma is a bitch.
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>We raped and murdered, but the paperwork makes it ok.
>The executions for rape in the Soviet army don't even come close to paperwork.
>Muh glorious third reich
>muh national socialism
>muh race

>b-but its wrong to punish someone who did nothing wrong only for being german!
>m-muh individualism

Germans wanted a race war and they got a race war. No one is innocent in a race war.
>She had privilege.
>The sentence is child rape.

I dont even know where to begin...
law and order is comparable to mob rule
>kys subhuman
I hope you get raped for your grandfather having been in the HJ. That would basically be the same as as happened to her.
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>I occasionaly travel to Russia to help find MIA German & Russian Soldiers, ID them and get them transfered to military graveyards as voluntary work. And every Russian we find, we treat like German remains we find, respect

Jesus christ holy shit who fucking cares. Hans you unworthy cuckold, don't waste your time with some old bones, get some local whore preggo and make sure she pops out a dozen of kids before Ahmed replaces your excuse of a population fucking hell
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>beat Germany so bad in WW1 they start a second war over the "unfair" treaty of Versailles
>Hitler's entire motivation for attacking France was because of his experience in WW1 and how we "humiliated" Germany
>waaaah France is nigging up the Rhine!
>waaaah Alsace is German clay!

Nigger I've read the Ford Translation, that asshurt faggot bitched about the French more than the Jews.
white privilege goy, plus she was a nazi
its basically justice
except that Red army had 5 years of experience combating the whole of wehrmacht while american army had 1 year of experience combating underequipped kids and grandpas under absolute air domination.
>I turn to Alan, a small grin on my face "Hey bud, what do you say we take on the Russian Army?"
He stares at me blankly, while the others laugh. "I'm not dying for some sauerkraut bitch."
"You a coward?" I snarl, fingers digging into the arm seat.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Max questions, whipping the car in reverse as a few of the vodka niggers pop off a few rounds.
I say nothing, staring behind us. A young German girl stands in the street, tears streaming down her face.
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Also to be fair to the Russians, most of the Rapists were hardly what i call Russian, as my relatives who are all eastern front vets and some are still alive called them:
>Mongoloid Animals

Ethnic white Russians were not remotely as bad as those type of "Russian Soldiers"
Same goes for the Morroccans that fought for France.

>pic semi-related, a pretty nice find while recovering MIA/KIA German and Russian Soldiers
Lookit, i may be a vitriolic racist, but under no circumstances would i go around fucking children. Not even in a race war scenario. Jesus fucking christ. If you werent halfway across the damn globe i would burn you in your bed while you slept.

Hurr durr ima kill all black people and rape their kids and women

No fucking way.
Stats would be different if red army would kill 92% POWs like germans did.
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English is not my native language but i think i'm pretty good so i'm baffled by your comment.
Either your english sucks or you're making assumptions on what i meant instead of reading what i actually said without interpretation

>pic related: Russian Soldier who we succesfully identified and handed over to Russian War Cemetary Authorities.
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t. Gercuck who enjoyed watching his wife and children get raped in front of him
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Never forget. Honhonhon.


>U.S. troops committed 208 rapes and about 30 murders in thedepartmentofManche


Still, American soldiers were angels compare to russian ones.
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>cucking for Kraut subhumans

Don't you American stormfags wait for le race war and le day of le rope?

fucking autists

>m-muh glorious Third Reich that fought against my own nation
The Soviets were releasing their fury after the massacre of 20,000,000 Soviet citizens at the hands of the Germans. Eye for an eye, kys stormfag.
When you lose most of your disciplined soldiers and commanders you're left with an army consisting of brats and scumbags.

Not saying russian culture had nothing to do with it but the massive amount of untrained men sent to war had a lot to do with it too.
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this so fucking much
How many corpses do you think are littered around Europe?
Meanwhile the Germans were just so tolerant towards the French

That would just make really retarded velociraptors.
germans deserved it. German are filthy subhumans and they must die.
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>implying i don't have kids
>implying i don't have a wife
>implying there are any Ahmeds around my region of Unterfranken

Sorry Luigi, stop projecting because most of your people cucked out and joined the "partisans"

>pic related

Yeah they were assholes but it was mainly the SS not the Wehrmart. We have been the real Poland of this war.
You benefitted from slavery and oppression of niggers white men you aren't innocent and deserve to have a pack of niggers rape you over and over again or kill you outright for justice.
>kill 25 million Russians, half of whom were innocent civilians/women/children, completely unprovoked
>Russians proceed to BTFO the invaders and rape all your women in response, having just watched all their friends and family die horrible deaths and their country be destroyed

literally tumblr. Germans got off easy. If Russians were actual mongols the German people would no longer exist today.
yeah 50 000 SS troops singlehandly killed over 60 civilians. wehrmacht did lots of bad shit too.
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>commies are innocent
Only when they are dead
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I'm doing this voluntarily since 2005 and so far we have found over 3000 MIA/KIA soldiers.
Including Americans, Germans, Norwegians, French etc. in France (Mostly Alsace) and Belgium (Mostly Ardennes)
and in Russia as well as Estonia, Lithuania and North Karelia (Finland/Russia) we even found corpses on the surface, not buried or anything.

To give it some perspective:
>As of 2015 there are still 1.1 Million German Soldiers alone still missing in East and West

So you can imagine
>completely unprovoked
They were preparing an invasion of Europe, fuck the commies.
Mate, nobody here cares about how it actually happened.

We're here to laugh at muzzies.
>talking bout justice for niggers

is that why you let them pound your bootyhole every night?
The Red Army was in fucking shambles by the end of the war. I'm not saying it would be bloodless, but the Soviets would have lost a WWIII.
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you're talking like rape is the worst thing that can happen
is this some kind of anti russian propaganda? At that time, the regime was jewish, the leader was georgian and most of the soldiers that captured berlin were ukrainians. when will jews and georgians pay reparations for this evil?
Quite the contrary, mate.

>not 30000000
remember, niemcy, the 30 million innocent ruskies you slaughtered!
I don't know if you know this, but citizens in the USSR had no say in their government, and anyone who rebelled was sent straight to the gulag.

Bullshit rationalization. Stalin was in no position to invade Europe. Their army was a joke in 1939, having just purged most of the top generals, which is why they suffered so many losses in the beginning.

Stalin wanted to avoid war with Hitler at all costs, which is why he begrudgingly allied with him.
>preparing an invasion of Europe

That's what Hitler said to justify operation Barbarossa, so automatically your point is a lie.
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Oh please, this is exaggerated about the Waffen-SS.
But, the stormfags are not any better claiming they were all stand-up soldiers.
I have 4 Waffen-SS Vets (1. SS-Div "LAH", 6. SS-Div "Nord", 17. SS-Div "Götz von Berlichingen" and 24. SS-Div "Karstjäger) in my family.
When you go on wikipedia and read about all 4 divisions you'd think they're all war criminals, yet none in my family nor their comrades were found guilty for war crimes. But, a friend of my granduncle who was in the "Das Reich" SS-Div. was in french court in Metz after the war, but it turned out he only killed french communist partisans, so he was set free.

>Reminder: Killing and executing partisans was not a warcrime

Also my wife is french (family from Luneville), stop being butthurt about the war, we are all friends Jacques, non?

>pic related
It's called fucking war. Everyone rapes during war.
A war that lasts years turns people into animals
>They were preparing an invasion of Europe
>So we decided to attack first
ayy lmao
Uh don't lose wars if you don't want your women to get such treatment.
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They did the same shit in WW1.

>invade France killing tens of millions
>get BTFO
>how could you be so cruel as to make us sign an unfavorable treaty

>bomb the fuck out of Warsaw
>Dresden gets bombed
>this is a war crime how could you be so cruel

>invade Russia
>scorch the fucking earth and massacre civilians by the millions
>get invaded by Russia in response
>waaaah they're being too mean respect our rights

>kill POWs by the thousands
>complain about mistreatment when captured by allies

>tell the elderly and children to fight to the death rather than surrender to the allies knowing Berlin was lost
>all the SS and Nazi party leadership commit suicide while 12 year old boys armed with pistols try to fight Russian tanks
Hahaha stupid velociraptors with t pain grills. I need a picture of this now.
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this dense kraut retard cant comprehend that there are far worse thing in war than rape. stop threading your body like some holy temple.
>lets talk about a pee pee in a bum
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>liberation """survivors"""
Looks like a jew. bet she is a liar, trying to make a few bucks on a book deal about her (((past))).
pls kys
it's true, my grandma said the same thing - germans were scary but civilised, they didn't rape women. russians on the other hand raped everything that was moving, russians are monsters
I like how she calls the American cowards.

Explain to me again why the Americans would risk war with the Russians or getting their ass kicked by their COs for entering Russian controlled Berlin or getting their own shit pushed in by a bunch of drunk angry slavs...for German women?

They had plenty of German women on the west side, and the Germans were their enemy. Why fight to protect the women of your enemy?
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How come you never read the rape stories of the Americans?

A French general once said that the Americans came to france expecting it to be a big bordello and behaved like it was one.
I feel sorry for you being this retarded. Hey, at least your mother did not abort you
She does for not strapping herself in a suicide belt and kill the madman.
Because they're subhuman apes
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>Hollywood education
The Forgotten Highlander should be mandatory reading, just to let people see how evil people can be.
well how many u boats were missing?

how many can fit on a u boat?

they went to antarctica
>the amount of anti-Hitler Jewish shills ITT

welp time to go to best chan
>a pole thinking anyone cares about his opinion.
>a fucking pole

I cant read that dead language. Talk american like a civilized man. We are not knuckle drags shit chuckers here.
>We have been the real Poland of this war.
Then what the fuck was Poland?
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There is nothing wrong with hating Kraut subhumans.

Are you an Aryan? I wanna punch you.
This is completely separate from my political views. It doesnt matter who does the raping it is wrong. Fuck you.

Interesting posts brother.
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The Russians had to fight through two army groups to get to Germany.

The refugees are invited to rape German women while enjoying a tax payer funded vacation.

Germany, how far you have fallen.
If the woman were russian, and the soldiers german, /pol/ wouldn't care or would just ridicule her.

>invade countries, killing and raping countless people
>cry when it happens to you

>mr 60% thinks his opinion is relevant
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>red army in 1945

pick one
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See >>91880686
This is so depressing. Also lol @ Britain thinking they won the war.
I'd fuck you...
>tries to be objective and discuss instead of sucking nat-soc cock
>gotta be a JIDF shill
/pol/ - the post
Fun fact: More French citizens died due to Allied bombings than under German occupation.
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>muh preventive war
Never said that you mongoloids.
Stalin had long time invasion plans for after the war, he didn't count with an attack of the germans.
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>loving the person who was solely responsible for the deaths of more Europeans than anyone else in the history of the world
>and who single-handedly ended nationalism and ethnocentrism as a viable political ideology in the West for the next century
>implying that the US doesn't have the only opinions that actually matter.

Don't get killed by the cartel before responding to me carlos
Germans deserved it though. Also this happens in all wars. Should I feel sympathy for Japanese comfort women too?
>we got away too easy
>p-please p-punish me oh strong slav man
You are fucking disgusting.
how does that compare to what the Germans did?
Fuck you bitch... Americans are cowards?

Is that why hitler shot himself and we came in kicked your ass
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Thanks, always trying to contribute despite this being /pol/
also contributing in the Anglo Threads when time

>pic related
> be German
>start shit
> lose
> Get raped
He'll no, just rape another gook...
sure mr 60%

Funny how americans are the most arrogant on the board, yet they aren't even white
>declare war on 1 (one) European country
>kike-infested west loses their shit and declares war on you
>push their shit in
>'wah, it's your fault so many white people died ;_;'
You're posting on a US image board paco
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Ahh good old ANGLO fascism

Not filthy KRAUT national socialism.
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>threaten Anglo supremacy
>expects to not get his shit get kicked in
Yeah those fucking gigantic pussy germans, fuck em right? Good thing you made the smart choice to surrender immediately to those massive faggots. Is this really how you defend getting fucked in the ass in WW2? You only beat Germany because you had 3 other countries helping you. Apparently when it's just the two of you going at it they wreck your shit in a few days.
Made to talk about japanese cartoons
At least it cost you your empire. While we get overrun with sandniggers, so do you. The Führer pulled you into the maws of racial death with him.
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>be Italian
>get cucked
>join partisans
>try to ambush 24. SS "Karstjäger "Division
>get killed by Erich Kühbandner

>pic related: Erich Kühbandner
>owner of gold Anti-Partisan Badge in Gold + 100 days clasp of close combat against italian partisans
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t. Prague tourist wageslave

Ignore the fact that the pacific veterans would have went jungle monkey savage on the Ruskies who were at their whits end in every category.

WW1 had already savaged the Russians in more ways than one and WW2 ass fucked the rest WITH the help of Stalin. Russia could not have sustained another fight against a now nuclear power. We would have dug in, build more bombs, and reduced the land of Russ to modern day Chernobyl.
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To be fair, the Anglo Fascists were classy as fuck

>pic related

You actually think this graph means anything other than opinion? I thought your country was suppose to be the crust of Germany not the ass.
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>British Empire


that's what you silly Germanics actually believe

Read LaRouche

The Empire is still existing in the shadows

Read about the Federal Reserve and how it got into existing
>le sad german women and children
Nice, From russia with love.
Ruskie are monsters so are Germans.
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Yes. Mosley is a secret National Hero for us.
Yeah, your people are truly profiting from your boogeyman shadow organizations, aren't they?
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>German middle-class women were the true victims of world war two
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but the soviets were used to being massacred by their Georgian khan anyway... think he offed more of them than hitler LOL
Meh. You cant even compare these few rapes to atrocities nazis did in Russia. 20 million civilians slaughtered by nazis.
I'm glad the partisans tried to fuck you k*aut subhumans
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Take the bantz. The Eternal Anglo is our friend

>pic related: read
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THESE are the "people" we're supposed to team up with to take down ISIS? I'm not sure one's actually preferable to the other.

Maybe we should team up with ISIS to take down Russia.
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The Eternal Anglo is still ruling you, Germ.

>The Eternal Anglo is our friend
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Kill yourself anti-Russian bigot
Ruled by another culture. We have so much in common, my friend with malformed teeth <3
Interesting posts, keep it up.
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They died like flies. Luckily many Italians were based and helped us despite half of you joining partisans

>pic related: A man every italian partisan feared
>he lived until his natural death in 1991 in peace
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JIDF meme

flags on /pol/ are cancer anyway
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Mosley is the personification of the beautiful Anglo soul striving to destroy the Aryan menace.
Damn BBC.

Gotta wake that old propaganda machine up for Soro's war against the east, amirite?

Glad I don't pay taxes for that horseshit anymore.

Ruskis were fucked back then though, yeah.
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Never trust a GERM

Once a Germ, always a Germ!
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your grandparents, circa 1945.jpg
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I'd tell you to kill yourself, but then who would Ivan have left to deposit his thick Russian loads in?
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>pic related: Dead norwegian Waffen-SS Soldier of 6. SS Division "Nord" found in Alsace, France this summer near Luneville
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When I think of those aryan broads the Nazi regime thought would bring upon a new generation of aryan purity to the fatherland being raped by hordes of pissed off vengeful slavs, my heart flutters with joy.
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Also I want to add

((((((((((((((1 post by this OP))))))))))))))))

really makes you think
Tbf, wasn't it Hitler who first espoused "total war" and killed the shit out of East end Londoners? Real what you sow, krautbros
>Hitler made me rape and kill little girls
t. lebo

Literally the excuse pakis use when they rape and murder little girls now.
>b-but muh American airbases in Saudi Arabia
Sure sign of a degenerate.

>Americans are cowards

Says the spineless little shit who let herself get raped repeatedly.
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Yeah we love you too
you enjoy taking bait?
London's city planning had ammunition factories and worker's quarters right next to one another. Civilian casualties were unavoidable. German cities on the other hand had their industrial quarters separated from housing quarters and Anglos still deribelately targeted the latter.
>america goes in to shoot the russians in Germany
>fuck american war pigs starting wars in other peoples countries
Why does everyone hate us?
Then why are you in Germany. Kill yourself.
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Those Russians were fighting on the wrong side.



>calling anyone else a faggot
Rape in War is literally nothing; its happened in every war since the dawn of mankind. You start a war, you lose, your women get raped en masse. Its standard routine. The germans should be glad the russians didnt go full Nanking on them
>what are nukes
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I'm occupying it:')
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you are right. they did not kill enough Germans to be considered the good side.
t. fat basement dweller who fled to Germany after Brexit vote to get his gibs.
the more i read /pol/ the more i love my country and its history.
and only to think 3-4 years ago i was a typical liberal
>Maybe we should team up with ISIS to take down Russia.
Eternal Anglo has been in alliance with odious Islamists against Russia since at least 19th century

Whole MSM shilled for al-qaeda in Caucasus for the entire 90s. It's just how the Anglo operates. And then they blame it all on some minority they had previously seduced with lies.
>siege Lenningrad and starve 600k to death
>kill 20m civilians
>get a backlash
>wut waz that for? he a good kraut, he dindu nuffin
Hi JIDF. Your tricks don't work on me.

>The group of high-profile opponents of the Nazis whose meetings Churchill attended in the 1930s was usually just called Focus.

>In addition to money supplied by the Czech government, Churchill was financed during the "wilderness years" between 1930 and 1939 by a slush fund emanating from a secret pressure group known as the Focus. The Focus was financed by a slush fund set up by some of London's wealthiest businessmen -- principally, businessmen organized by the Board of Jewish Deputies in England, whose chairman was a man called Sir Bernard Waley Cohen. Further details of Churchill's financing by the Czechs, as well as the facts of Churchill's financial rescue by a wealthy banker of Austro-Jewish origins, Sir Henry Strakosch, who emerged out of the woodwork of the City of London. When Churchill was bankrupted overnight in the American stock market crash of 1937-1938, it was Strakosch who was instrumental in setting up the central banks of South Africa and India, who bought up all Churchill's debts. When Strakosch died in 1943, the details of his will, published in the London Times, included a bequest of £20,000 to the then Prime Minister, eliminating the entire debt.

>Kevin MacDonald on Winston Churchill

Nah. There were munitions up in Enfield. Look at how much of London got fucked. That's Dresden level delusion
>I occasionaly travel to Russia to help find MIA German & Russian Soldiers, ID them and get them transfered to military graveyards as voluntary work. And every Russian we find, we treat like German remains we find, respect

Keep your work for the Volksbund up. Hopfully they will find one day my Granduncle.
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I'm on a beautiful military base with a beautiful Aryan Germanic GF :') too sad she will be the last of a pure German generation, so sad
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>country gets taken over by jews
>kills tens of millions of white Christians
>invades Baltics
>invades Finland
>invades Poland
>destroys half of Europe with communism for 50 years
>infiltrates the West with communism
>Russia a good boy he dindu nuffin
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>muh ebul churchill :DD fug britain! Hail hidler! :DDD

As long as it kills Germans and other continentals, there is nothing wrong with allying to jews. Jews have supported the formation of our empire.

Are you Aryan?
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You are completely right. Russians should pay for not destroying all other continental subhuman Aryans.

They had the opportunity and didn't do it. Sad!
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>Many women found themselves forced to “concede” to one soldier in the hope that he would protect them from others. Magda Wieland, a 24-year-old actress, was dragged from a cupboard in her apartment just off the Kurfürstendamm. A very young soldier from central Asia hauled her out. He was so excited at the prospect of a beautiful young blonde that he ejaculated prematurely. By sign language, she offered herself to him as a girlfriend if he would protect her from other Russian soldiers, but he went off to boast to his comrades and another soldier raped her.

A very young soldier from central Asia hauled her out...
>baltics, finland, poland
Rightful russian clay.
>destroys half of Europe with communism for 50 years
>infiltrates the West with communism
Yeee i guess that s pretty much equal to 20m civilians deaths... huh.
>kills tens of millions of white Christians
Russians? White? Pick one.
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Do you honestly think this has any effect on anyone JIDF? All it does is make people hate jews more.
was asked to capitulate, refused
same infrastructure problem as the Brits
revolted heavily
had no strategical or tactical value whatsoever
>this is how marxists and kikes think

that video is retarded. of course an ambulance is going to be clean and you can't tell if the blood on the boy i his or if he's even touching the wound that it's coming from.
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>h-he hates muh germans! he has to be a jew xddd

Europeans have hated each other for thousands of years. hating germs is only natural for Anglos.
The fact that there's so many kikes on our boards now just makes me feel the need to go kill them in person instead of simply shitposting awareness about them.

I doubt I'm the only one who feels this way too. I wonder if they realize exactly what they're creating.
you're probably one of the runaway unremoved albanian kebab then
Serious question (no bantz)

Why do modern Germans find it important to dig up the war dead and move them to Germany? In older centuries German burials consisted of dropping a few bags of lye in the grave and then reusing it after 20 years. What changed? Is it about nationalism, sentimentality or religion?

Also conventionally sea graves for example are to be left undisturbed, why is the approach so different for land? Why not just declare the relevant part of the forest a sacred grove and build a memorial by a nearby road?
Stalin is Georgian, fuck off. And if russians were white, Hitler wouldn't ve invaded us, or at least he wouldn't ve killed so many civilians.
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When will you be charged for treason to the Anglo empire? Why are you a traitor to your race so filthy Kraut subhumans can fuck you in the ass?
Hahaha fucking turd sucker slave.
You'll be gutted in the streets soon enough.
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Come up with something new JIDF. No one falls for this anymore.
>OP makes something up
>puts up a fake link
>everybody eats it up

this is why liberals laugh at us and don't take us seriously

How do you determine their unit?
The red army would have pushed Pattons shit in all the way to fucking Portugal. They had their artillery dialed in, and their offence was top notch. The G.I's would have been fucked so bad, they would have called in a nuke on themselves just to save face.
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Why are you anti-Anglo?
Why do you want to destroy the Anglo race?
Coventry? And we all know that the only reason bath didn't get hit I'd because Hitler wanked over having a bath there.
What? Why?
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Mfw JIDF actually thinks these memes do anything other than make Germans and Brits hate jews more.
After seeing the rape the germans inflicted on their women, what in the fuck did you expect?
Damn right, they raped and pillaged. The rape of Germany is called The Great Enrichment in Russian textbooks.
Stalin was a classic Khazarian Jew.
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JIDF actually thinks anyone reads his forced memes. Hilarious.
Name und Dienstgrad.
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Do you believe that Germans are superior to us?

Why would you support German subhumans over your own race?

Are you a filthy commie?
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Look around JIDF. No one's buying it.
The fuck is going on ITT ?
All the god damn shills on today, either we're being subverted again or for some reason a ton of newfags here.
Defending rape of underage women ?
Might as well join ISIS you fucking Ahmeds.


>was asked to capitulate, refused
Gosh, the nerve of some people!! They certainly deserved it then!

>same infrastructure problem as the Brits
They should apologize for not having a more easily bombable infrastructure.

>revolted heavily
Oh fuck, they revolted against getting invaded for no fucking reason? Fuckers.

>had no strategical or tactical value whatsoever
Yeah, Germans dindu nuffin
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Nigel Poundstone, Private, 6th Bomber Squadron "Arthur Harris" :')
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Pic related, it's you.
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>Defending rape of underage women ?
yes. Moral relativism, have you heard of it? If you kill my entire family, I will rape yours. You won't understand this unless it happens to you,

Germans started a race war with ANGLOS and SLAVS and no one is innocent in a race war.
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What are you doing in Germany JIDF? You're in the wrong country. You should be in Israel.
Dir ist klar, dass ich Dich wegen Hassrede bei den deutschen Behörden anzeigen kann?
Even your own Britbong historian Frederick Taylor agrees that according to the international laws regarding aerial bombing at the time, Coventry was a legitimate target.
That's fucking nothing you brainless cuck.

Holy shit pro-Putin Americans are so fucking unbelievably cucked. 14,000 rapes vs 2 fucking million committed by Russians. There's a world of difference despite your desire to suck Russian cock.
underage detected
consider suicide
>Dat 88
I heard the swamps of Belarus are still full of corpses, armor and derelict weapons. Every once in a while a story pops up of yet another tank being found and dragged out for a museum restoration.

"H-h-herr Polizist, jemand im Internet hat mich beleidigt! :'("

Typischer deutscher Feigling. Kein Wunder, dass eure Frauen euch nicht respektieren.
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>Moral relativism
That's only for jews like you JIDF. Nice clean white people have a thing called morality. It's not something you would know anything about.
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>There was a field outside of Berlin where they dragged us by our arms and sometimes hair. We called it the rape field. They raped us there.

>But then the Russians screamed at the Americans in their dog language and shot into the air, and the Americans got scared and drove away.
>One isolated massacre vs systematic Russian genocide of Ukrainians and other European people
>Mass expulsion of Germans
>Mass killings and working German soldiers to death in camps

The Americans and the rest of the Western Allies were SAINTS to the fucking Russians.
newfag cuck
Finden wir's raus, Du Großfresse...
>pro-Putin Americans
No such thing. He's probably a Russian using a proxy like 99% of people who defend the Jewish Federation and Jewtin on /pol/.

>muh savior of the white race

Fucking laughable.
Glaubste doch wohl selber nich, dass da was passiert. Wahrscheinlich kriegt der noch nen Preis verliehen von denen.
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Your shitposting is of very low quality faggot.

Guys, abandon thread, this is b8.
Firstly, only America had nukes at that point, so they could have nuked everything they liked with no retaliation.

Secondly, even in the entirely hypothetical and unlikely event of a purely conventional war, the red army in 1945 was exhausted and stretched well beyond their supply lines. They got as far as they did by looting eastern Europe, but if Patton had been allowed to do the right thing they'd have been in the same situation as the Germans after Stalingrad - retreating across thousands of miles of hostile territory that had already been stripped bare of everything useful.

Any conflict in the first year or two after WW2 would have resulted in the Red Army collapsing. They had already scraped the bottom of the barrel of their manpower reserves to defeat the Germans, and they simply didn't have the men or materiel to prosecute another war. To say nothing of the fact that their war machine relied heavily on American imports for certain things. It wouldn't have mattered how tough their soldiers were or how good their tactics - it was simply unfeasible for them to operate for any reasonable length of time on a major scale.
>systematic Russian genocide of Ukrainians
Fucking what? Systematic? Genocide? What?
hitler never claimed alsace
"What's the difference between being a target of strategic military value receiving a warning and the option to avoid bloodshed by cooperation and the indiscriminate slaughtering of thousands of civilians for the sake of a bunch of Jews?" for 500.
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(I'm currently trying to infiltrate the Anglo race by joining the AIDF for a limited time. This is a secret operation)

Oh wait, it didn't happen in the Russian textbooks, did it?

There is nothing more fucking cucked than slaughtering other European people for Communism.
Or you know, just like don't start one
>making us sift through the wiki page
Fuck you, post real sources you fucking idiot.
You with your ukrainian genocide bullshit again? Go suck off ahmed, you twink..
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You're not anglo JIDF. You're jewish. You're not fooling anyone.
>Russian jews didn't kill tens of millions of white Christians
We wuz oppressed by evul Russians and shiiiiet
Gib 6 gorillion reparation grivnas for Holodomor, katsapy!
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Patton had the right idea. Should've driven the jewish slave army back to Moscow and freed the Russians from the kikes. Unfortunately he wasn't aware that the US were also zog.
That's what they get for treating Russian POWs like shit just because Russia didn't sign the Geneva Convention desu senpai
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>Nice clean white people have a thing called morality.
So you confirmed that Anglos are not white people?
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I thought you said you were anglo JIDF.
Bullshit. My grandfather was marching to Berlin when he got the news that the war was over. They had hundreds of thousands of reinforcements coming to Berlin, because they were expecting an attack from the Americans.
If the red army was as weak as you claim, they would have not steamrolled right through the last of the germans. Pull your head out of your ass and see the bright light of reality, comrade.
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I'm an Aryan on a holy mission against the Anglo race
>Pick one..
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Nice one Ahmed
You sound like a sjw nigger
Americans are cowards though. No country knows true courage and bravery in the face of an enemy until their very survival and existence is threatened.
Burgers have never had that experience.
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>pick one

>Putin: 80-85% of the Bolsheviks were jews

>Churchill: communism is jewish
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If anyone's interested in what the kikes did to the Germans after the war, check out Hellstorm. Awesome documentary.


Can't deny the russians were the only ones dumb and backward enough to fall for it though. Whether they want it or not it's eternally associated with them.
>Ukrainian genocide didn't happen because I want to suck Russian cock, pls spank me daddy Putin.

Whole Union was starving, retarded shit w/o education. Only cockholes think it was genocide.
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>Implying Americans are going to stick their neck out for dumb German cunts

literally how delusional
Russians arent white.
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Wasn't Bulgaria communist for like 50 years?

The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party:

Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Lourie (Larine) JEW
Ouritski JEW
Volodarski JEW
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) JEW
Smidovitch JEW
Sverdlof (Yankel) JEW
Nakhamkes (Steklof) JEW

The Council of the People’s Commissars:

Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) JEW
Food Schlichter JEW
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
State Control Lander JEW
State Lands Kauffman JEW
Works V. Schmidt JEW
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) JEWess
Religions Spitzberg JEW
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Hygiene Anvelt JEW
Finance Isidore Goukovski JEW
Press Volodarski JEW
Elections Ouritski JEW
Justice I. Steinberg JEW
Refugees Fenigstein JEW
Refugees (assist.) Savitch JEW
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski JEW
you have to go back paco
>Take away farm equipment because hurrrr kulaks
>People starve
Russians are either retarded, or genocidal or (likely) both.
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According to Stormfront and the Nazis they are.

>"Who's White?" we answer: "Non-Jewish people of wholly European descent. No exceptions." What comprises "European?" Those areas north of the Mediterranean and west of the Urals corresponding roughly to what was formerly known as European Christendom.

>Albert Gorter, a prominent minister official gave the definition of Aryan as: The Aryans (also Indo-Germans, Japhetiten) are one of the three branches of the Caucasian (white race); they are divided into the western (European), that is the German, Roman, Greek, Slav, Lett, Celt [and] Albanesen, and the eastern (Asiatic) Aryans, that is the Indian (Hindu) and Iranian (Persian, Afghan, Armenian, Georgian, Kurd). Non-Aryans are therefore: 1. the members of two other races, namely the Mongolian (yellow) and the Negroid (black) races; 2. the members of the two other branches of the Caucasian race, namely the Semites (Jews, Arabs) and Hamites (Berbers). The Finns and the Hungarians belong to the Mongoloid race; but it is hardly the intention of the law to treat them as non-Aryans. Thus the non-Jewish members of the European Volk are Aryans.
Source: Eric Ehrenreich. The Nazi Ancestral Proof: Genealogy, Racial Science
Bulgaria wasn't communist by choice, dumbass, they were invaded and occupied.

>50 years commies

Occupation does that to you.
I doubt 3 times that will be enough to fix the damage, especially so if we continue to have such close ties to Moscow.
Please have cancer.
>When Russia sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to us. They're drunks. They're looting. They're rapists.

>I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively, I will build a great, great wall on our eastern border. And I will have Stalin pay for that wall. Mark my words.
>Russians had a choice
I don't remember the Bolsheviks winning any elections. A bunch of kikes armed their drones, killed the Tsar and took over. Did you know it was a jewish death squad that killed Nicholas II and his little girls?
It was the jew-bolsheviks who took it, not russians, dumb fucker.
According to Hitler - no, they aren't. Checkmate.
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I swear Goytschland is trying to win this award
Did she choose to benefit, did she choose to rape, did she choose to warmonger?
Hitler considered slavs to be aryan.
Oh my g-d /pol/ has gone to shit. Why are there so many kikes and trolls in this thread?
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It will take some time to redpill the influx of newfags.
No he didn't, dumbass.
>Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party movement regarded Slavic countries (especially Poland, Serbia and Russia) and their peoples as non-Aryan Untermenschen (subhumans)
>My grandfather was marching to Berlin when he got the news that the war was over.
you forgot - you're supposed to be pretending you're an american

>They had hundreds of thousands of reinforcements coming to Berlin
the Americans could have dumped millions of men on them. Not to mention that the rest of the allies were millions strong.

look at it this way - the Russians took roughly 20 million casualties during the war; ten million military and ten million civilian, as a rough estimate. The Americans took less than 400k total, and America started off with a bigger population.

and the Russians didn't have the means to feed or equip their army anyway. They stripped Eastern Europe to the bone as they advanced because their logistics were shit. There simply wasn't anything left for them to loot if they wanted to conduct operations against the Americans.

> they would have not steamrolled right through the last of the germans
the germans had almost completely collapsed by 1945.
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Mate. Didn't anyone tell you wikipedia isn't a reliable source?

You will get there anon. At least you're still white.
>One basic principle must be the absolute rule for the S.S. men. We must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to members of our own blood and nobody else. What happens to a Russian and a Czech does not interest me in the least. What the nations can offer in the way of good blood of our type we will take, if necessary by kidnapping their children and raising them here with us. Whether nations live in prosperity or starve to death interests me only in so far as we need them as slaves for our culture: otherwise it is of no interest to me. Whether ten thousand Russian females fall down from exhaustion while digging an anti-tank ditch interests me only in so far as the anti-tank ditch for Germany is finished. We shall never be tough and heartless where it is not necessary, that is clear. We, Germans, who are the only people in the world who have a decent attitude towards animals, will also assume a decent attitude towards these human animals. But it is a crime against our blood to worry about them and give them ideals, thus causing our sons and grandsons to have a more difficult time with them. When somebody comes up to me and says: 'I cannot dig the anti-tank ditch with women and children, it is inhuman, for it would kill them,' then I have to say: 'You are the murderer of your own blood, because if the anti-tank ditch is not dug German soldiers will die, and they are the sons of German mothers. They are our own blood....' Our concern, our duty, is our people and our blood. We can be indifferent to everything else. I wish the S.S. to adopt this attitude towards the problem of all foreign, non-Germanic peoples, especially Russians....
That was Himmler's thoughts about russians.
Plus Serbia was even an Axis power. Kek. These kikes think they can get away with anything.
>things Himmler didn't say
>Soviet Russia
They were commanded by the Bolsheviks/Jews. That's why.
Why don't you listen to Hitler's actual voice? He didn't have anything against Russians. He was trying to liberate you and Europe from jewish communism.

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Ironically, Russians are the most Aryan people after Mordvins.
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LOL, thats a pretty heavy form of denial. What links should i give you then?
Well ye, let's then massacre them, not the joos.
Uh no. Fighting in order to stay alive is what literally all living things do. Fighting when you don't have to but because its the right thing to do is bravery. You're getting your romantic ideals fuckup, canuck.
Kill yourself you sub-human kike.
Yeees, and he just casually killed 20m civlians and wanted to destroy Leningrad, literally leave nothing but ruins and ashes.
norway is accurate desu.
Jewmericans ARE cowards. You attacked the only nation standing up to the kikes and the globalist bankers and now God has cursed you for your sins by allowing the Jews to subvert Jewmerica.
Something official. Recorded or published. Don't you think it's funny how you never hear or see any of these statements in actual official speeches or texts? The recorded or published material always seems to contradict these secret statements that were conveniently "found" lying around after the war by the Soviets.
It was a siege. Why didn't they surrender? Because Stalin ordered them not to.
>20m civlians dead
>3m POWs dead
>dude listen HE HAD NOTHING AGAINST RUSSIANS, he wanted to liberate, he a good boy, russias white chill
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>believing Soviet statistics
Didn't you hear? They also gassed 6 gorillion jews too.
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