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ITT: Say something nice about Romania

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Thread replies: 306
Thread images: 75

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or Romanians
I can't. You gypsies make me sick.
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>100 HUF has been deposited in your account by the HIDF
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The Hungarian architecture in Transylvania is cool.
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They steal the bronze medal for third most valid claim over Transylvania.
At least you guys doesnt have Argentina as a neighbor
Gas yourself, gyppo.
Fuck off Ivan rape baby.
They overthrew a dictator in a proper revolution. And they have a pretty interesting langue
You are the niggers of Europe.
If every Romanian would die this instant nothing of value would be lost. The only reason you guys didn't wake up, looked into a mirror and killed yourself yet is because you can't afford a mirror.
why moldova is unknown?
You live far away
You aren't nearly as bad as Canada
It's Andorra
I refuse to say anything nice about Romania until you collect the human refuse with accordions who can only play one bar of Kalinka on repeat with a segue into "When the Saints go marching in".

Chop chop motherfuckers.
They aren't jews - thats a start, isn't it?
They also aren't nig-nogs, though only barely better.
Huh. Yeah, sorry, thats all from me.
Fuck off you bitch ass american .At least we know how to use the metric system
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Vlad III Drăculești did literally nothing wrong.
What is your opinion of Nicolae Caecaueuescescaucucu?
more like Bromania
No. Fuck Romania. Incredibly cheeky posters acting like they don't live in one big shithole. Even Indians conduct themselves more modestly than primary color flags
Best neighbors. They hate bulg*rian and t*rkish kebab.
What's your opinion about Bush ?

They have potential: they are almost as cultured and advanced as Serbia, the Ukraine, us and Bulgaria.
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The fuck did you just say to me gyp-boi?!
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Some of you guys with and without german heritage joined us and welcomed us against Communism. You even gave all axis soldiers on the eastern front a special romanian medal for fight against communism

>pic related: book i suggest everyone to read, especially romanians

Great at being gypsys.
How do you deal with the gyppo's?
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Thanks for Inna.
You mad bruh ?
Our language is pure latin and we articulate words just like ancient romans used to
We beat the ottoman empire and russians in every single war
We allied with Hitler in ww2 and cucked the russians
We cucked the huns
Best country in Europe by far
Maia hii, maia haa, maia haha.
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All your women look very slutty and i like that

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Hey guys, hows it goin? Kripp here
I made this song for Hungary Bro
This is very, very accurate.
t. Ahmed
The cam whores I see on chaturbate from Romania are pretty hot..
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Send more AKs and RPKs pls.
They use to be ok at women's gymnastics.
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Damn right my nigga
I wanna fuck INNA even if it would be the last thing i do in my life
Vlad the Impaler had the best solution for the moslem "refugee-crisis" in his time. He should be a great example for today.
>insults romanians with gypsy
>1 post by this id

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They are all disgusting gyppos. But on the other hand the sound they make when they fry on exposed electric lines while trying to steal copper is funny as shit.

Also cheap whores, cheap sex trips to Bucharest. The things romanian girls will do with your cock to get a chance of an EU passport are beyond human comprehension.
One you could use right now Hans
You have godlike internet connection. I envy it.
t. """7"""Mbps connection user
Damn wtf is wrong with his body?
you bet
>6431 ▶
>>>91876261 (You)
I had a beautiful Romanian girl in my high school German class
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I love how we always trigger eggplant Italy bro.Every time i see Italy shitposting about us my heart grows.
They talk shit but after, they come to our country to build callcenters and we steal their fucking money again.

Keep it up.
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>They talk shit but after, they come to our country to build callcenters
Ah, they call it "call centers" now
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>hungarian national hero is a romanian

wew ragazzo
High quality posters that I appreciate dearly.

also hot prostitutes
>Start out neutral
>Oh those nazi guys are getting pretty stronk, better join them
>Oh the Allies are stronger after all, better join them instead
Glorious WW2 history indeed
about *Romania* he said. Not about Transylvania.

if all of them killed themselves, the town rapist would lose their job.

be happy with them. shit goes together.

this must be a bait. nobody can be this stupid and delusional. not even a roma-nian.

thats why incest is wrong
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based vlad tepes, skilled gheorge hagi
Hot easy women and kebab removal imo romania is pretty based
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See: >>91874523
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Hungary bro stop
did they actually teach you this? you "people" did a good creating false history.

>present-day borders of Hungary and its MOSTLY ARTIFICIALLY CREATED neighbours




Transylvania was always romanian majoritar and not even in 1919 hungarians and germans were close to majority.


all your personalities are non-hungarian.
based Kripp and Dracula

only things I know about Romania sorry bro
You Romanians are Brown Tier. You let us burgers waterboard muslims in your country.

Also Sarmale' is delicious.
They wuz romans and shiiiiieeet
Only good thing about Romania is that one guy on /sp/

>slippy G
sorry for being honest with you. i know you guys would rather to live in lies like you always do.
Codreanu. The only based Romanian ever.
Hungary bro
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they have the record for the heaviest building ever and they are also the inventor of the first jet engine.

they are hard workers and based people.

they have a latin based language, which is cool.

i love the old romanians ak with their handy stock...pic related
At least one romanian ain't a worthless piece of shit. Gheorghe Hagi is the muhfukken man.
I met a cool Romanian girl once
then why did you move to italy?
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>they are also the inventor of the first jet engine.
If they aren't the gyppos they hate the gyppos.

I love based Romanians (this excludes many Romanians though)
not all italians have the same opinion about you...i am quite far right person and I have nothing against Romania, but i must admit that most of us far right italians have a bad opinion...mostly because of the whole diaspora of romanian people in our country...i am quite ok with you...i am not really against immigration within european countries even if you are bringing gypsies with romanian passaports and even if you should stay in your country and make it great again.


in europe we ceausescu policies about demography.

I like you romanians, stop being self loathing bitches, plz.
I left Romania for glorious America and her gun rights.
negura bunget is an awesome black metal band
Pasta and pizza, what else do you need in life>>91879326
best country ever
The Legion of the Archangel Michael is the best flavor of fascism.

Codreanu was based.
>The Jews are our enemies and as such they hate, poison, and exterminate us. Romanians who cross into their camp are worse than enemies: they are traitors. If I had but one bullet and were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it.
>A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.
>We have studied the Jewish problem scientifically. Essentially it is an abnormal situation that the Jews should live among other races, whereby they violate the great natural law that every race shall live in its own country.
>If Christian mysticism and its goal, ecstasy, is the contact of man with God through a leap from human nature to divine nature, national mysticism is nothing other than the contact of man and crowds with the soul of their race through the leap which these forces make from the world of personal and material interests into the outer world of race. Not through the mind, since this anyone can do, but by living with their soul.
no, I am 100% italian
I am just this kind of strange person who really love every european country and that used to spend hours on wiki in order to gather knowledge on cool cultures.
I like all of them except the ones that have muslims roots.(bosnia kosovo).
no kidding
He was half german
He's alright
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There is a guy named Montgomery Clunk who used to make sick abstract hip hop beats and I loved his unique style.
The thing is Fabio , we knew they were shit, they were slaves until 1856.
Put down the cappuccino and think.
I don't care much about nationalities. Europe is Europe.

No he wasnt, only his grandfather from mother side was bavarian.
They're way better shit posters than the fucking Canadians.

I hate Canadians way more than Romanians.

If I walked by a Canadian on fire I would pour more gasoline on him.

If I walked by a Romanian on fire I might stop to spit on him or something.
It is nothing new for us we also have our gypsies
actually in rome the mafia is hold by gypsies(casamonica family) they are terrible...hollow beings and i mean that.
I live in a area with many gypsies Piramide in Rome
there is this family that constantly ask money and they do that with this rethoric and empty tone of voice...not even hiding that they are gonna scam you.
I refuse to pay and for this reason i have couple of them who hates me and try to fuck up with me...can t call the police, can t react because i will find myself against a gorillion of them... it is disgusting
>I refuse to pay and for this reason i have couple of them who hates me and try to fuck up with me...can t call the police, can t react because i will find myself against a gorillion of them... it is disgusting

Where do you live you little fag, we literally petrol bomb their camps as a local pastime
fuck them only hungary, always hungary, romanians don't deserve half the land they have
Everyday I wake up and hope you got nuked during the night.
They aren't Hungarians.
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It's about time you guys switch to fiber anyway.
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My dad's experience with renting houses to them was generally bad, but some were bro tier.
I also kinda knew a Romanian guy who went to the same high school I did, was pretty alright.
Cheap cigarettes
Anyone still remembers Ilie Năstase!?

lost to Vilas, great tenist. Also you have based Nadia Comaneci
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Thanks Poland! I guess?
hungry for what?
I have met about 50 romanians in my life and consider one of them as a good man!
they are extremely scary people and that must work to their benefit in prison situations. i would not fare so well.
At least they aren't Turks. Oh wait...
mamaliga, ally neighbours
Their barbarous gypsy life style makes for cheap prostitutes when their travelling circus comes to town.

And zero consequences in the case of conception.
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We are turks now?
They are in the other end of the world from me.
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You only have the second worst flag in the balkans
He spoke Hungarian, called himself a Hungarian and lived his entire life in honor of Hungary.

>Hurr no he wuz a gypsy
Kozmin Moti
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>Say something nice about Romania

1. Not all romanians are roma gypsies.
2. Romanian girls

your women are beautiful, sadly i don't know much about you

He spoke romanian also, and as first language, never called himself hungarian and people called him romanian and fought for both hungarians and romanians.

But this is irrelevant when we talk of his ethnicity.
But he was Romanian by blood!
My dad lived in the same apartment building as him when he was big.

The guy drove a corvette (which was strange because it was during the communist era) and constantly brought home chicks, multiple at a time.
I though you were supposed to be friends or something?
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
>m-muh orthodox bros
I recently learned about King Michael. Why doesn't Romania go back to monarchy.
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<Del> this
wonderful thing about puntctuation is that punctuation is a wonderful thing
and apparently i have dyslexia or some shit
>enemy of our greatest ally
You're not niggers

Well.. had a grandfather POW in Siberia for few years, few grand-uncles dead there and another grandfather dead immediately after returning (wounded? sick?)

I was thinking that you Germans will learn something from all that fiasco, but no... you're about to commit the 3rd act of aggression against Europe nations, this time will wipe us all for sure.

Hang Merkel already.
when you go deep in the communism, it's gonna take atleast 200 years to come out unless it's by an external force
so not in anyone's lifetime
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they tell the truth about gypsies


I literslly see you gypsyfucks outside every single store begging and Asking for free shit all the time, you cunts ruin Sweden more than Ahmed does.
I swear FUCK I hate you all so Much, i remember once one of you tried to crawl in to the backseat of my car to steal my shit when I went shopping because I wouldnt give you money, damn it felt good to spit that right in their fat ugly face
most vampires are portrayed as hot wimin.

I remember you, you are that dumb italian taking pride in nailing any syphilis infested gyppo for 20 euros.

I wonder if you had any sex with a normal woman before, if you find it so amazing a whore can suck a cock for money.

They can go in any EU country just by showing their ID at the border, no need for your pasta-stained passport, you dummy.
is that a tasty turtleberry?
I think there are no niggers, so you have that going for you.

And you are really good at stealing and robbing. When America is burned down by the Googles, I won't have a job anymore. So I'll have to find some Romanians in the mean time to learn how to rob and steal to support my family.
post beatufil swedish women..

You mean Gypsies and Romanians are not the same?
Fuck off you cunt, if I had the chance I would drown you in your oen shit you gypsy fuck, I wish Hitler would have gassed more of you
You're the niggers of Europe.
That doesn't make King of Romania Ferdinand any less german with ties to the Kaizer just because he lived his life in Romania and lead the Gyppos

Show me hot swedish girls from your facebook...
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They're the only country in recent memory (that's not just some banana republic in the Middle East) that actually had the balls to stand up for their rights, fight against their ruling dictatorship and win. Don't expect anything like that to happen again to any country of value anytime soon.
Petrol bomb?
You mean molotovs?
And who is "we", are you in one of those edgy fascist groups?
Here's one:
Antonescu was based.
he made kebabs..out of kebabs :')
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Well.. we were allied with Hitler for a good while, losing 100.000+ soldiers against the Soviets.

While you cucks were sitting on your ass, and still did not managed to build a healthy society

Why do you attract all the garbage there? Because you're limp cucks, that's why. How is Malmo today, any rapes?
The revolution and subsequent republic were both led by former communist party members who wanted Ceausescu to die with their secrets
Why should I you cousinfucking beggar shitstain of a paraside

Swedish women just CRAVE romanian men...
your good at shitting up my local train station.
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kek confirms
Are romanian girls qt?
Look none of us like the Swedes at this point but you pulled that out of your ass
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You... have small hair.
Gtfo romacunts, nothing good has ever come out of your gypsy ridden country.

Post colombian girls


I like swedes
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Sa traiasca capitanul si legiunia dragi romani!
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Ok, but what about romanian girls?
You don't even use the proper romanian spell...
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>i like swedes
well they hate you
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I don't know if you're an american who use translate (even translate can use the proper language spell) or an romanian expat.
Looks old and also like she used to be qt in her youth
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Hahaha haha, you fucking funny dude!!!!
So original, hahaha ha!

Proper spell would be "Romanian", first of all.

Stop being a dick
can't wait to see you guys die.

In general they look south-east european mix.Almost all are short(one of the smallest in EU).They are huge sluts.
Here's a real one dude!

I was talking about the word "legiunia", fag.
He converted to Catholicism.
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Thanks for all the dank memes
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Parents are Romanian

No, you're as bad as leafs sometimes
>Olivia Steer
Don't stick your dick in crazy.
Who even gives a shit about these slavic irrelevant countries who have contributed nothing to the world, literally no one cares about the Balkans. You all got raped by turks and are truly irrelevant nations.

1.Romania is not in balkans
2.Romania is not slavic
If countries in our region would start thinking about forming strong federations to become relevant instead of being irrelevant national states we might end up being friends.

Also John Hunyadi was based (even though it's not really certain if he was half or full blown Vlach), but in the middle ages allegiance to the king and religion mattered more than nationality, and he was a nobleman of the Kingdom of Hungary AND a Catholic. Do you actually consider him as a national hero or is he too bozgor and Catholic for you?
I curse the day gypsies discovered the internet.
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Dan Petrescu is pretty cool guy.

>even though it's not really certain if he was half or full blown Vlach

Nice joke, maybe hungarians arent ""certain"" for obvious reasons.

>Do you actually consider him as a national hero or is he too bozgor and Catholic for you?

Of course, he is in our anthem too, as one of the 3 principal romanian heroes.There is nothing bozgor about him, he wasnt hungarian, just ruled over hungarians.
According to the English wiki he did indeed. So we can safely say that the best Romanians (Vlad and the Hunyadis) were Catholics. When are you going to join your local Greek Catholic church, Radu?
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>gonna steal this though
During or after his imprisonment by Corvin, can't remember exactly.
That was not a revolution m8, but a coup.
So if you're born and raise in the U.S., I think that you prefer living in the US instead of moving in Romania.

>In the US there's no shitty hospitals.
>In the US the corruption is not that high.
>In the US there's no major social issues, and americans are not complaining that much about the social issues like romanians do (romanians are complaining every single day about these issues just like a bunch of crybabies).
It was a revolution, just because it wasn't the reason Ceausescu failed doesn't mean there was no revolution.
Best Romanians that lead you, not overall. We had Michael the Brave, Stephen the Great, Vlad Țepeș.....
I knew a Romanian immigrant once and she was the cutest girl I've ever seen. To this day I regret having not talked to her more and trying my luck.
Romania is cool and so are most Romanians. I dunno why the ones on /pol/ feel the need to start so much shit.

Pic related, a cool Romanian.
You are great at robbing shit

No he didnt and no they arent the ""best""(insulting word) romanians..And he could have been muslim/budist/catholic too, he didnt care about his religion, he cared about his people.


Those are a part of what is called slavic STORIESor other myths.Nothing is known officialy.
My parents are Romanian and they hate communists and Jews, so that's neato.
fuck romans and fuck bulgarians

I live in a housing community and these retarded sluts and brogarians just drink and waste their life and daddy's money on a shitty for-profit university
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>Be Amerifat
>See Eastern Yuropoors accomplish something
>Be mad
That's because they probably got to experience the wonders of communism.
And who invented communism?...
>Nice joke, maybe hungarians arent ""certain"" for obvious reasons.
There are even sources which say he is the bastard of Sigismund who was both a Holy Roman Emperor and the King of Hungary.

>Of course, he is in our anthem too, as one of the 3 principal romanian heroes.There is nothing bozgor about him, he wasnt hungarian, just ruled over hungarians.
As I've said before, nationality was not really important in the middle ages, especially in multi-ethnic states like Hungary. We have a lot of kings we consider successful, and some of them were Polish, Czech, Germans or even Italians. But he was a willing subject of the Hungarian king, he was a noble with estates in the Kingdom of Hungary AND he was a Catholic. So there is a lot of "bozgor" about him, not that we give a fuck if you consider him as one of your national heroes as he was based as fuck and he has saved us from the kebabs for 70 years.
Nice 6 packs. I think I will visit Romania one of these days. I want to go somewhere and Estonia isn't that cheap anymore.


it's art school and I'm living in a cheap 850 a month in san francisco

the point is that they arne't accomplishing anything, they're wasting their time and listen to shitty music
I don't know, Bulgars are bro-tier once you mention you or your parents are from a country close to theirs. Unless it's Turkey.

>There are even sources which say he is the bastard of Sigismund who was both a Holy Roman Emperor and the King of Hungary.

Thats not a source, but a RUMOUR started because the hungarian nobility did not wanta non-hungarian ruler.

> So there is a lot of "bozgor" about him,

bozgor = hungarian = people with no country

No one cares of his status or religino.Strictly ethnic is the discussion here, something you cant get past your thick skull, because hungarians even today have this arrogance.
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delet this

post swedish girls from your fb
We both know that transylvania did't had "romanian majoritar" until the türk wars from 1400s, when the hun population died out because of passing by armies.
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From all the nationalities making vacation here, Romanians are one of the best behaving.
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1.Not only romanians were always majoritar in Transylvania, but Transylvania-Banat border is Romanians Urheimat since Trajan collonised Dacia.
2.You have no linguistic,genetical connection with huns.Its a middle ages confusion from latin that you're not called today Ungary/ungarians.
3.Wallachia/Moldavia/Transylvania were vassal states under peace house.
4.There is no recorded migration of any romanian in Transylvania or anywhere.

You can keep your 20th century post-Trianon fantasies for yourself.
>Most of romanians are not willing to fight for their country.

>There's no popular nationalist party in Romania. Those parties that claim to be nationalist are either a joke or are dying.

PRU is just a corrupted party where the corrupted scumbags that left PSD are gathering. They took in the party a lot of corrupted MPs including Sebastian Ghita, the owner of the most shitty TV channel from Romania, which is RomaniaTV.

PRM is dying, they had very weak results at the latest election.

Noua Dreapta is just a very small party (former organization) that gathers confused skinheads and undercover SRI agents, their management is also shitty.

So, in Romania there's no nationalism.
The Hungarian nobility never gave a fuck about the nationality of the ruler until he left their priviliges alone or even strenghtened them. That's one of the reasons why our country went downhill in the 16th century.

And like it or not, Hungary has existed longer than Romania. You can come up with your Dacian history of origins, but it's shaky at best and bullshit at most. Wallachia and Moldavia did exist in the middle-ages which makes your country a real country (unlike half of Europe nowadays) and the loss of MOST of Transylvania can be justified with the Romanian majority, but coming up with WE WUZ tier sci-fi bullshit and being butthurt about Hungary for your insecurities doesn't really helps you in any ways, especially nowadays when Russia is quite hostile towards you, while their relations towards Hungary and the Hungarian right-wing is steadily improving.
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why do romanians shitpost so much? Does gyppo life drive you insane?


>The Hungarian nobility never gave a fuck about the nationality of the ruler until he left their priviliges alone or even strenghtened them

Yes, they didnt care of nationalities of catholic nations(germans,poles,slovaks,croats) but despised the orthodox, especially the "budos olahs" peasants that were considered subhumans.

>Hungary has existed longer than Romania.

Hungary exists since 1919.

>You can come up with your Dacian history of origins, but it's shaky at best and bullshit at most.

Romania obviously didnt exist since Dacia.

>when Russia is quite hostile towards you,

No its not hostile.Actually hungarians are just peons, Romania is the big fish they aim, for the Eur-asian union.
Woah, great source.
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>Hungary exists since 1919.

4 June 1920 to be precise.
They are very skilled thieves and bandits.
There is a actual ethnic Romanian girl at my work, who is really fucking hot. Kinda peasantish face but blue eyes and banging petite body. Talks about illuminati and hates gypsies so one step away from the red pill. My dreams of a cutie yuropoot peasant gf were shatterred when I found out she has a paki bf though :(

She always tells me actual Romanians are descended from thracians, and related to the Romans. Is it true romaniabro?
>Hungary exists since 1919.
And Romania only exists since 1866, when the United Principalities changed its name in Romania once with the adoption of the first modern constitution of Romania.
Before that, there was just Wallachia and Moldavia as independent romanian speaking states.
The most based in Europe.
"The highest levels of authoritarian populist views were recorded in Romania and Poland, where they were held by 82% and 78% of adults respectively." Source: buzzfeed, no less. https://www.buzzfeed.com/albertonardelli/extreme-views-are-becoming-the-mainstream-in-britain-and-eur
I did't say , todays hungarians are related to huns, i just used it to shortener and as a bait for you, what of course you took. Get off your high horse
And if you are so into originals, and genetics, lets see who is more europid, we or like the jerries...
>There is no recorded migration of any romanian in Transylvania or anywhere.
You are retarded, go back to the mountains and enjoy your weekend with your goats
he's literally a huge pussy who ran away to the Ottomans like a cuck
Fuarte bine
>banging petite body
That's most Romanian girls desu.
Also, they kept their gypsies away from Western Europe until the EU told them to knock it off.
You need to exercise your romanian
Beat the Ottoman empire? you fucking kneeled to them cuck
So the Kingdom of Romanis is the same country as Romania today, but the Kingdom of Hungary has nothing to do with today's Hungary? KEK.

>She always tells me actual Romanians are descended from thracians, and related to the Romans. Is it true romaniabro?

No population today is not mixed, did you see anyone score even 90% a specific part on genetic tests?


No.Romania exists since the foundation of Wallachia, actually Romania is just bigger Wallachia, so to say.Romania is the unnintrerupted descendent of Wallachia and Moldavia, while Hungary is not descendent of anything,unless they claim to be descendent of Habsburgic Empire and Ottoman Empire(which ANNEXED the territories before)


>, todays hungarians are related to huns

Not today or ever you were related to huns.And today hungarians are just politically magyarised germans,slavs,romanians and everything else.

>lets see who is more europid,

What is this term europoid?Genetically or anthropologically you mean?

>go back to the mountains and enjoy your weekend with your goats

I will go back to Apuseni mountains.


Wallachia,Moldavia -(UNITE)->United Principalities -> Kingdom of Romania -> Romania today

Hungarian Kingdom ->Annexed by Habsburgs/Ottomans

4 June 1920 Trianon -> Hungary
You were in a long union with Austria for centuries, though.


since 1867

before that they were a austriak province.
I like the language

other than that, Hungarians are superior desu
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>Is it true romaniabro?
What did you wanted her to say? Something about her Aurolac addicted brother staring at people from the sewer below?
The dollar used to go a long way there.
Iron Guard
Well i rather look like a slav/german mix than somebody who looks like a cigány.

At this point i gave up on you Romanians, none of you listen. Just scream bullshit at us.
I get you guys hate us, that's why you guys go so hard against everything we say, but when the entire word says we are right, even your "bro" tier polaks aswell, i think you guys should think about it, and not just end it like NAH JUST A BOZGOR AGAIN..
>Say you'll be Catholic to get funds for your army
>excommunicated when they realized he never intended to follow the tenants.
Is such a thing possible?
>but when the entire word says we are right,

Get your brain tested, gypsy.


those are myths that he became catholic.And he might as well become one later, it is irrelevant.
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You are a gypsy, don't deny that.
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We hit some deep levels of autism here.
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>25 posts by this ID
You just said we are slavo-germans, and now we are gypsies?
You got memed by yourself
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>6 posts by this id
This is deep

everything from germans to gypsies.

The only good thing about Romania is that I've never been there.

Kill yourself gypsy fuck
What happened to your flag Romania?
what is that thing on a leash
it seems that i dont know all stereotypes about romanians
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Come with me Vasily, i will teach you
I kinda like the name of your country.
Kys fagg, when gypsie clans are having wars between each other, first they always target the romanian gypsies, because they are the worst. Even the most filthy gypsie clans hate them, they are the lowest of the lowest, like romanians in the EU

> H hg roughly corresponds to the gypsy populations in Europe

who would have guessed.
You've got nice land whereever it doesn't look like a shithole...

She's hating gypsies but dating a paki? Hope the cunt will get gang-raped for 10 years in some mudslime brothel.

Hope the cunt get gan
How good is rumenia
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I don't understand your hatred Radu. She is obviously looking for someone with a similar genetic makeup, both poo in loo diaspora genes will finally merge to recreate the powerful low caste inbred Pajeet, your common ancestor

Get your anus prepared for commies
Export any remaining blue eyed qts before gypsys breeds them out
first place for decades doesn't sound just ok to me.
My Economics professor was Romanian. Good guy with awesome accent.
good boys
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Ceaucescu was a Romanian Nationalist who opposed Soviet influence. He supported conservative values like being anti abortion and traditional gender roles. He also had based allies.
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Best political figures ever
Romania is a proud Gypsy nation. That's about it.
The Habsburgs were the rulers of the Kingdom of Hungary since 1526, but almost all of them respected the rights of the Hungarian nobility and the Hungarian laws. And they didn't annex Hungary, though obviously some influential nobles opposed their claim in the 16th century and turned towards the Ottomans for help which resulted in a partial annexation. Then the same band of nobles founded their own state in Transylvania to resist muh evil Habsburg oppressors and to protect their Protestant faith by being an Ottoman vassal state.
You have less gypsies in your country now compared to a few years ago.
Pretty based country.

Nowhere near the baseness of their archenemy Hungary though.

good looking women though
>turned towards the Ottomans for help which resulted in a partial annexation
from the Ottomans obviously. Habsburgs were good boys, they dindu nuffin, praise the Pope und der Kaiser :^)
Their cam-whores are hot sometimes and they will do whatever you want.
Watch banel here teach us about muh authentic orthodox church the only one etc.

Ps: things like these make us look retarded in the west, besides the gyppo meme that no educated person takes seriously
The Legionaries were pretty cool
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Oh don't make me laugh. The only times Hungary was able to pose a threat were when they had a bigger brother behind them, like Austria, USSR or Germany!
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Vlad the impaler, was pretty cool. Shadilay brothers.
Nah a két Kurucz-Labanc megint egymásra talált...
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Highly flammable.
Why so many people hate romanians? Romanis =/= Romanians.
Hadd találjam ki, szerinted Petőfi és Kossuth is nemzeti hősök?
Because 90% of them are lying, backstabbing, stealing, niggergypsies. That's all
Petőfi egy nyomoronc ketyós majom volt, Kossuth sem volt sokkal jobb, de ő legalább próbált valamit tenni az országért
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Lost my shit
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The circus is back in town.
Hello clowns!
romans arent gypsies, they just have a lot of them
Thread posts: 306
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