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American Christian Preachers try to talk to Icelandic Pagan Atheists

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so this Christian American couple wanted to spread the word of God with some teenagers who just wanted to play some basketball.

The Icelandic teenagers answered back with the "Viking clap" and then calling the police on them.

Which one is in the wrong here /pol/?
Christfags spreading their faggotry of course.
You can't be a pagan and an atheist.
Paganism is pretty dumb desu
I appreciate the effort to establish some sort of religion but unless you have something that is effective and can replace Christianity, I just don't see it working out longterm.

Feel free to redpill me on Paganism, seems like a pretty meme religion.
>pagan atheist
>Christian American
Come on mang
I love MC Hammer
Clearly, Island needs more of this:
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How is that different from MUMUMUham'd shoutting infidel should convert?
Because he's white?
Beware of what you're pulling there.
Pic related

I think you mean theist or deist or agnostic because calling yourself a pagan atheist is one way to royally piss off Odin
>pagan atheist

That's redoundant. The moment someone identifies as a "pagan" it is already known that person is a LARPing fedora
Obviously, that's like someonecalling himself "goy" or "kuffar" :^)
>Can you spare a minute to talk about Jesus?
>Piss off cunt
>Okay, sorry to bother you

>Death to all infidels!
>No, please, I have children

literally no difference
hello icelandic poster

can you tell me about your country

>Hey goyim, stop following the ways of your ancestors and follow the ways of Hellenicized Jews!
>No thanks
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>live in iceland
>dirty christians try to spread their silly religion
>viking clap at them
>go home
>invite girl over and have accidental incest
>invite girl over and have accidental incest
They won't be clapping at judgement day. But those 2 trying to spread the gospel are going about it the wrong way. They are alienating those kids even further. There's a special place in hell for them as Apostole Paul warns us
Fuck off, Torquemada.

Scandinavia does not need the impaled jew.
They're healthier than either of you.
there is a serious need of diversity and inclusion. I see only ugly nazis.
I'm from western Norway, Same shit, just larger population.
Why do christfags and mudslimes feel the need to constantly push their shitty submissive religions onto everyone?
christianity is paganism, catholic that is
protestantism its an abomination
Hmmm both descend from the Jewish religion
I wonder
Christianity is the slave religion for the jewish owners. Israel even gets scores of free labor from christians every fucking year because "God's chosen people" and all that fucking nonsense.
I think Christianity would be a great religion if we could remove the Abrahamic aspects of it

If you know anything about Christianity you would know it's been subverted hard by kikes with a thing called "Replacement theology". It says very plainly in the Bible that it is ok to kill in war.
The bible is contradictory as fuck between OT and NT.
if you did remove the guilt ridden Judaical mess and the rest of the quagmire it would be just european paganism lol
Does anyone have the Talmud quote about goyim serving the Jews and thanking them for it?

I want to combine it with http://www.jpost.com/Green-Israel/People-and-The-Environment/American-Christians-plant-trees-in-The-Promised-Land
>I think Christianity would be a great religion if we could remove the Abrahamic aspects of it

What would that look like?
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Look it up retarded faggot. Christianity has historically been super anti-Judaism. Kikes subverted the religion to make gullible, well intentional Christians support Israel. They printed Bibles with Jewish-friendly footnotes and hijacked Christian media to print pro-Israel messages.

Now whether you think Christianity is beyond saving since its subversion is another matter entirely.

pic related
>Christianity has historically been super anti-Judaism.

...so? I don't care about their religion. The atheist jew is as much an enemy to me and my people as the one that has some holy water sprinkled onto his hooknose and says "amen" while rubbing his hand with joy because the goyim fell for his show once again.
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”

“In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.

“This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”

— Weekly Saturday night sermon in October 2010

Ovadia Yosef was a twisted motherfucker.

It's way too late to unfuck that mess. Abrahamic religions need to fucking die.
You don't think the morality aspect of Christianity is beneficial? It's one of the better models for building and maintaining a healthy non-degenerate family. Don't conflate modern degeneracy with rebellion to Christianity when kids have been brainwashed by Jew media.
its true, in the 20s and 30s americans were just as antisemetic as german nazis

hell, even the fucking president wrote books to warn to the jewish problem lmao
Well, in the christian religion ( a lot of the sects of Christianity in the US anyways) it is a part of the faith to spread the word of God and to save others from Hell. Many missionaries are taught that they will be scorned for professing their faith and bringing the Word of God to others but they should do it anyways if they truly believe. By bringing the word of God to others they'll have fulfilled that requirement, and by being scorned and threatened with authority they're resolve is strengthened and they'll probably do it again, with more persistence. So really, nobody was wrong because the Icelandic teenagers helped strengthen the American Couple's faith and helped them fulfill a requirement to their God. Now, I wonder if the Icelanders will do the same when preached to by Muslims - hopefully they'll show the same respect.

>Pagan Atheists

>There's a special place in hell for them as Apostole Paul warns us

Hey, no worries. We don't believe in hell. We're all going to the Elysian Fields.

Sorry you picked such a bum religion with eternal torture and all that nonsense.
You don't need religion to form a basis for morals. That's the oldest lie told.
>You don't think the morality aspect of Christianity is beneficial?

What aspect of it is "Christian"?

>I think Christianity would be a great religion if we could remove the Abrahamic aspects of it

So remove 90% of it? Have you ever read the fucking bible?
That chick looks like my sister in the thumbnail. Upon further inspection the girl in the picture has a bigger nose and sharper chin.
Is that Vanilla Ice?

Being serious
The best thing about Christianity IMO is the morality aspect of it. You have to have a moral template for society to follow. If you don't then everything is relative, and then you end up where we are today with low birth rates and people passing dog dick sucking laws in Canada and faggots trying to poison boys with transgenderism.

Show me a European pagan religion that can be applied to all European people that follows a good moral template. It cannot be an ethnic religion exclusive to Nords or French because all that will lead to is war and Europeans fighting amongst themselves.
You'd end up with secular humanism if you remove the abrahamic aspects of it.

Nothing wrong with secular humanism, they're pretty cool guys. It's not a religion though.
>The best thing about Christianity IMO is the morality aspect of it.

See >>91874556
I believe that simply having common roots with islam and judaism makes christianity unsuitable for Europeans.

I mean, why should we care about people like Abraham or Moses? Adam and Eve? Why should Jerusalem, a jewish city be of any significance to us? They're just a part of jewish folklore and replace our own mythology that has roots in 5000 year old Indo-European tradition seems like the most pathetic thing to do.
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papist cuck
Proof that Christianity is a tool used to destroy cultures.
You mean like altar boys getting fucked up the ass by the priesthood? Those are some great Christian morals.

Humanism > shit > religion.
>The Icelandic teenagers answered back with the "Viking clap" and then calling the police on them.


Cucked beyond repair
>I believe in spirits not gods!!!
Yes you do. You have to have a printed moral code that says THIS IS THE LAW OF SOCIETY, set in stone. If you have laws of a particular community, they can be changed through legislation and whatnot. It's retarded. Then you end up with moral relativism which is exactly what we have today with everyone arguing over "what's moral".

How about the 10 commandments and being anti-gay, anti-bestiality, etc. Read the post.

>people not following the teachings
>this is the same thing

Are you illiterate retards even listening to what I'm saying? I'm talking about Christianity as a moral template for society. You have to have morality that everyone adheres to or else you end up with modern faggotry like we have to day since everything is "muh relativism"
>Cucked beyond repair

Remember when some sandniggers killed over 100 people and the French response to it was playing "Imagine" on a piano?
So you'd rather they chimp out like niggers instead to prove how "non-cucked" they are?

Oh wait, you're from France. Have a nice day, Abdul.
>viking clap

wait, is this real? holy shit, I was not expecting this level of faggotry.

>A couple that represents a country which will be minority white in a decade or so
>Trying to impose their values on a bunch of peaceful teenagers where there is not a fucking google to be seen.

Gee I don't know
>Which one is in the wrong here /pol/?

Street preachers are often morons, but ICeland is in the wrong also a nation of bastards like literal
Societies existed and worked long before your jew overlords fucked your ancestors for eternity.

Morals do not need religion. If you need the fear of a bearded dude in the sky to behave like a nice guy, I fear for your fucking neighbors.
>sticking up for yourself and your culture makes you a nigger
you're a dumbass. for talking shit about Christianity you sure have the "turn the other cheek" cuck mentality. I wouldn't expect anything less from modern Nords.
>How about the 10 commandments

>being anti-gay
That's currently more a muzzie morale than a Christian one.

Is that it? Because that's pretty pathetic.
Pagans are some of the biggest dipshits on the planet.
The original Icelandic settlers were fleeing consolidation of christian power in europe. In the year 1000 it was decided Iceland would become a christian nation allowing pagan rituals in secrets. If we had not officially converted we would have faced starvation through sanctions and even direct military action from Norway.

Vikings did not have real written language, runes were advanced magical tools to mark the world with not something to meme with. 100 years after christianity we were producing the Sagas, some of the greatest works of art known with cross generational insight into christian and pagan minds.

Christianity was a crucial part of our cultural development like the rest of the western world.

Meaning depends on context, describing these kids as "pagan atheists" in contrast with those cringey nutjobs does evoke what is happening there in broad strokes.

In most contexts I would still describe those kids as Christians.
here I'll repeat it for you again Varg since I know you didn't get a lot of fresh air when you were in prison
>if you don't then everything is relative, and then you end up where we are today with low birth rates and people passing dog dick sucking laws in Canada and faggots trying to poison boys with transgenderism.
You forgot the burned mosquees, the muslims beaten, and the two muslims killed, although this is still not enough

But this is still way more based than the austrian cucks who let pedo shtiskins rape their children
Calling the cops to remove them from the premises is legit. Not like they were anything but a nuisance. If they were threatening people, I'd be all for kicking their skulls in.
If I was Varg, I'd be posting with a surrender flag.
Ok so you're a faggot then? No point in arguing with a Leftist faggot nigger lover like yourself.
>muh open society for everyone

kill yourself
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keep kissing black feet my c*ristian "friends"
googles aside
these snow monkeys are autistic enough to spit with a passion at christianity (even if its on their flag) but then they welcome and embrace islam in their neighborhoods

But you're already posting with it

you surrendered your women to the shitskins :)

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there is no doubt that


but street prechers are often there for drama

Believe in Jesus!
>kill yourself
Did Jesus teached you that?
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mhm i believe so hard *kiss kiss*
That's a really legit source you got there.

Christfags are in the wrong. Why?

Because public Harrassment and disturbance of the peace is a crime in iceland too?

As for the ethics of it, I hate ads on park benches. Why the fuck would I tolerate a living ad telling me I'm going to burn for not believing? Let alone yelling it. The answer is obvious.

VIKANGZ reading comprehension


No, thats not how Norse paganism works or what the theology states.
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>mfw just want to play some ball and Christians start cucking near me
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That guy looks like Vanilla Ice. Pretty sure that's him.
Missionaries of all religions should go fuck themselves.
>But this is still way more based than the austrian cucks who let pedo shtiskins rape their children

You mean that one story of the Serb boy that got fiddled by a fellow refugee in a pool? Oh no.

>Ok so you're a faggot then?
No. It's just that anti-faggotry isn't really "Christian" as it is Jewish, since the other religion derived from it has a divine law against it too.

We used to just drown them in bogs because it's a shameful act

>>muh open society for everyone

>kill yourself

It's not me that has to allow EVERYONE on this planet to convert, Christcuck.
I went and found the source.

It claims 1 in 10 has been raped. Not a single word about immigrants, refugees or guest labourers.


Feel free to put it through a machine translator.
it's both the best place to live in the world but also pretty terrible at times.
We have problems but they seem minuscule compared to the rest of the world.
Iceland was fun while I was there, your women super forward too like to unsettling levels. It's really like visiting a small town in country form.
Where do you get the idea they are American? That isn't a US accent.
>anti faggotry isnt really Christian
"do not lie with a man as you would with a woman, that is detestable"

you don't even know what you're arguing

Considering how reserved women are in this country that sounds like a breath of fresh air.
The Christians. I'm a Christian myself and I fucking hate evangelicals. The idea that I have to be annoying faggot and save people is stupid as fuck.
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your country has already been surrendered for you
350k population, it is a small town.
this preacher sounds like Pickles when he's yelling at the kids
That clown fortunately doesn't have any power.
but that is the essence of christianity, just bend over my sad excuse of a "man"
he has symbolic power
But they do believe in gods
"That is not a camera, that's a piece of junk, like religion." - Based Icelandic youth
The kids even seem to give them a chance to "preach" in the beginning but the "Christians" just ramble angrily and everyone loses interest.
Based iceland. Fuck christcucks
>"do not lie with a man as you would with a woman, that is detestable"

Straight out of a lawbook for the jews.

>you don't even know what you're arguing
My argument is that that's not a Christian morale but a jewish one, and currently it's mostly enacted by muzzies instead of you. Maybe we should convert to Islam if anti-faggotry is what you care about?
is that vanilla ice?
He does hand shakes and cuts cords for new bridges and tunnels.
Also he's hopefully dead soon, stumbled and nearly faceplanted the other day.

If it were up to me, those german/danish welfare faggots would be kicked out long ago.
It was pretty nice, didn't have much time there though so dodging advances was actually pretty annoying tho.

Ya I know, it almost seemed like tourism season for them was just a chance for all the locals to snag fresh foreign sex before they go back to drinking in the dark for the rest of the year.

Really liked Iceland tho, people were nice, weather was great, etc. Houses though, at least near Reykjavik looked like concrete soviet apartment blocks that shoulda been full of stabby junkies but instead just friendly happy people in these giant ugly gray concrete buildings.
It's like a less introverted Norway. It's pretty nice, I agree.
Dailystormer provided a source proving that 100% of the rapists were muslims.



>kissing black feet

Never gonna happen

Based christian

Atheicuck WIKANGZ

Sorry dumbass whitebagger. Witney is married now. To a MORON

What's the best national food in Iceland?
Lol Romans were pagans dumbass. It's not a religion it's just polytheism.
I was supposed to visit norway also but didn't get around to it because friend was a fuckstick. In other news 16 yr old norge girls really seem to like fucking 28 yr olds that look like fanatical arabs even though they are just autistic mexicans.

I felt great shame on your behalf.
I love how it's always the countries that are in the demographic toilet that just can't help themselves shitting on other countries.

The only reason you can be so full of courself is because your joke of a nation doesn't even allow your data to make ethnical differences.
Dude like lmao I'll just buy some indulgentia from the local pastor. Won't have to go to hell then.
>Dailystormer provided a source proving that 100% of the rapists were muslims.
No it didn't, it provided a link to one of its own pages with a youtube video of the former police chief of Oslo talking about a wave of assault rapes that happened there. That was some somali shits or whatever.

The study included men and women in almost equal measure and found the rapists to be primarily friends, neighbors, colleagues, partners and ex-partners. Hardly roving packs of raping mussies.

The reports of our women being conquered by mussies are strongly overhyped. Of course we have white trash as well.

have you read Jeremiah? That prophert talked a lot about multicultural invasion

jer 5:15
>Behold, I am bringing a nation against you from afar, O house of Israel," declares the LORD. "It is an enduring nation, It is an ancient nation, A nation whose language you do not know, Nor can you understand what they say.

>9"It shall come about when they say, 'Why has the LORD our God done all these things to us?' then you shall say to them, 'As you have forsaken Me and served foreign gods in your land, so you will serve strangers in a land that is not yours.'…
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Pastor Anderson BTFO of Icelandic fedora tippers
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That's why they have the inquisition, to root the cryptos out
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Anderson is based so are his sermons and docs but that church kind of feels like a cult

great sermon on Iceland also
Go feed an elderly jewish widow, neekeri elefantti!
Has (((Pastor Anderson))) married any white women to niggers or advocated for open borders because most of his church are spics recently?
bergele :DDDDD
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Iceland is so cool. Wish I could leave my communist cuckland and move there ;__;
>but street prechers are often there for drama

That's bullshit and you know it. At least 99% of them genuinely wants to save people from hell.
Based Iceland
And look at how well that worked out.

Why do you people so desperately want us to go back to something that failed?
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Praise Ukko the true god, not these jewish imposters!
>At least 99% of them genuinely wants to save people from hell.

far from true, doe street preaching is a legitimate method of spreading the Gospel often people just go out do the drama and act like duches until police removes them so they can say hurr durr they hate me because of God, saw it IRL
fucking this
I don't really care for the content of his sermons, but he's a really gifted speaker. Very fluid and engaging.
Neither KYS
iceland doesn't look very diverse desu, we should change that
There were always mixed feelings about the soviet apartments. They were cheap buildings to raise living standards of as many as possible at the time.

Traditional food is horrible shit for starving snowniggers. We have a great cooking culture and restaurants but it's all stolen from other cultures. Hot dogs are apparently the real national dish. We associate them with grilling in the summer as kids.
I mean I dunno man, a literal autist fucked 8 of ur girls while there in a week while he couldn't manage one in 20+ yrs back home.

Then why the fuck do they always practice snake oil salesmanship and fake healing? As long as we're throwing out bullshit statistics, 100% of street preachers (or preachers in general) know that they can't actually do anything supernatural but are glad to take people's money and time pretending to do so.
Iceland so based! By far the best country atm
>something that failed?
Good for him? Like I said, we have no shortage of trash just like any other nation.

Ugly and fat chicks need the cock too.
I agree!
you're also suppose to throw the OT out when you get the NT.
Sure thing, kike

I was going to say street preaching is harmless and no need to call the cops but then I listened to the video and as soon as I heard the shrill screechy american voice ranting about rainbows like that youtube meme I lost sympathy
>why the fuck do they always practice snake oil salesmanship and fake healing?

very, very few do this.
>The only reason you can be so full of courself is because your joke of a nation doesn't even allow your data to make ethnical differences.


There are 10-15% shitskins in France illegals included, everybody know about it.

Anyway as Germany and Sweden, Austria is a Raperadise
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>Mfw they're doing outreach in Iceland
>moral relativism
>not part of today's christianity, where people argue over what's "christian" or "fits the bible"
>Has (((Pastor Anderson))) married any white women to niggers

sadly yes

>or advocated for open borders

not once, he preached against illegal immigration

>because most of his church are spics recently?

most of his church is white
Aint no kikeing the viking!
Said the one worshipping the kikes.

I'm well aware of that, the guy I responded to apparently didn't.
How bad would I stand out as an Asian person?
If you look like an inuit, you might be able to pass yourself off as a distant relative of Björk.
He endorses race mixing. He's an anti-Semitic globalist.
10% immigrants, mostly white but the majority of non white immigrants are Thai people I think. Asians don't stick out nearly as much as blacks but it's hard being a very small guy I think.
>Icelandic Pagan Atheists

Icelandics need religion, otherwise they just degenerate into Sweden
but it's a win-win solution - the kids can play the ball, and the christfags can humble-boast to their peers about the martyrdom and the persecutions they endured for their faith. you really can't argue with stupid.
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>Morals do not need religion.
I don't really care about morals. You do however need religion to make the majority of men to risk life on a battlefield. Thus religious people are usually superior warriors to atheists
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its all over for everyone meine freunde
Bullshit, people willingly throw their lives away for nationalism. It's simple tribalism.
They need christianity, it worked for a thousand years there is no reason it will cease working now.
i also watched Varg Vikernes' video this morning
shut up what we all need is weapons and balls and the christians can go back to middle-east to suck arab ass.
>calling the police on them
how very viking
>people willingly throw their lives away for nationalism.
are you sure it isn't the love for one's people?
Jews still existing after the Inquisition.

>There are 10-15% shitskins in France illegals included, everybody know about it.
"everybody know about it" isn't really that great of a source. How do you explain how prevalent sickle cell anemia is in your country if those are the numbers?

>Anyway as Germany and Sweden, Austria is a Raperadise
Your link included that one Serbian boy I mentioned (why should I care about another leech trying to get in here?). You act as if there are no rapes in France, when there was one just last week or so right under the Eiffel tower.

Plus, let's compare rape rates:
>39 Austria 10.4
>27 France 16.2

Again, why is it always the country in the shitter that just can't stop derailing threads with their constant projection?
>Vikings did not have real written language,
You are a fucking retard and should know better. The runes represent a complete alphabet. That said: They didn't produce books, but there's hundreds of runestones in Scandinavia which tell the story of the men which they commemorate.
Yes it is, Vanilla Ice. (Check the teeth.)
Who's the broad, though?
Considering your number 1 in single motherhood out of all the nations on the planet..... Having some Chiristians telling your women not to be whores is no grave crime.
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>not once, he preached against illegal immigration
>illegal immigration
I bet he loves the legal one though.

>most of his church is white
Pic very much related.
unfortunately Protestantism has created this distinction between "religious" and "non-religious" people. Prior to this "saved through faith" bs, you were born a Christian by virtue of being born in a Christian country. It didn't matter if you had doubts in God or whatever- that's just a part of life. It didn't make you "not a Christian".
What the fuck do you think tribalism is?
Yes, look at how well that worked out, Spain went through a renaissance where their greatest contributions to art were had while they built an empire that would last for over a century


The moment you remove the jews is the moment of your salvation.

Look at the nations where the jews take over, oppression, degradation, social and artistic decay.
Vanilla Ice could be a nickname for Iceland.
It sounds so uncivilized.

But I looked up the definition and it seems that you're right.
>Also he's hopefully dead soon, stumbled and nearly faceplanted the other day.

He will just be replaced by his kike son
>The moment you remove the jews is the moment of your salvation.

That's why I want to remove the institution that would grant them a place to hide and regroup in, so that we can finally remove them for good.
>go to Iceland
>speak English
I know English is the universal language but somehow this bothers me.
If you want to get a message across in a foreign country, at least have the decency to speak the native language and don't just assume everybody will understand you if you scream around in a schoolyard
Not necessarily true in general but in more thwn A few specific instances this has been the case.

But it's not a good thing.

Look at isis for example. Or the crusades.

Religion can create selfless killing machines in war but it's nothing to be proud about. In fact we would be much better off without this phenomenon that contines to perpetuate this type of nonstop voilence.

And tribalism/nationalism is a different kind of religion the produces the same devastating effects. Death. Suffering. Etc.
At least he's not quite so inbred and senile.

I'd rather those Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-GlĂĽcksburg whatever the fuck they want to call themselves got the fuck out of my country. They weren't even Norwegian in the first place.
>I appreciate the effort to establish some sort of religion

Stupid burgers
This. I always get bothered when I speak English in another non English speaking nation.
>I agree!
Iceland is like Swede after gender reassessment surgery. Their women are whores, their men are introverts. and they have a small country syndrome
>Your link included that one Serbian boy I mentioned (why should I care about another leech trying to get in here?). You act as if there are no rapes in France, when there was one just last week or so right under the Eiffel tower.

An outcast raped in the night by german shitskins is the same that average austrian women and kids raped in daylight
Wew lad

>Rape statistics from 2010
The migrants crisis started in 2015

>"everybody know about it" isn't really that great of a source. How do you explain how prevalent sickle cell anemia is in your country if those are the numbers?

Niggers and sand niggers make more kids i don't deny it, but i can find the same for austria.

As of 2011, Statistik Austria official estimates have shown that 81% of residents, or 6.75 million[5] had no migration background[clarification needed] and more than 19% or 1.6 million inhabitants[5] had at least one parent of immigrant background.[clarification needed] There are more than 415,000 descendants of foreign-born immigrants[5] residing in Austria, the great majority of whom have been naturalized.
I agree with this. I think they'd be a little more receptive to their message if they bothered to speak the language.

Also, wtf is up with his English? He's got a really strange accent or way or speaking.
Christians are fucking obnoxious.
Ice ice baby too cold
it was an ironic (((i agree!)))
if you couldnt tell by the video.
>They need Christianity, it worked for a thousand years there is no reason it will cease working now.
Christianity doesn't work anymore because people can read the bible. It used to work because the church decided the interpretation of the holy book. Making Crusades and other wars. This is no longer possible, at least not since 1918
>The runes represent a complete alphabet
You are the retard who can't read context and jumps on any excuse to be autistic.There were no "literate" Vikings only those who knew rune magic and they only used it for practical spells like honoring the dead or leaving a log of travels.

>They didn't produce books
Bingo retard. No literary culture except verbal stories. Point is don't think runes are just an alphabet, they were not like what we consider written language today.
>An outcast raped in the night by german shitskins is the same that average austrian women and kids raped in daylight
Again, the boy was a Serbian refugee - why do you care so much when they rape each other?

>>Rape statistics from 2010
>The migrants crisis started in 2015
Feel free to provide current sources then.

>but i can find the same for austria.
Not really since our people with migrant background are mostly Piefkes or people from the former crown lands.

Those percentages in my pictures are shitskins however, which leads me again to my question: Why is it always people from countries like yours that start this cuck competition? You're the US of Europe demographic wise, so why don't you just zip it so that this thread can stay on topic?
what else they expecting, you don't initiate a religious conversation by accusing people of sin and claiming they'll go to hell when they shun you.
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next time they should send some nigger christian missionaries and see if they viking clap in protest.
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The crusades were justified and still are.
>Bullshit, people willingly throw their lives away for nationalism. It's simple tribalism.

I am not going to die in some war for Norway are you going to die for Deutchland and leave no children behind? Dying is for idiots. We need them, but they are idiots
You may not want to die for Du Gamla Du Fria, but there's no shortage of not religious canheads in your country who are.

You're just being retarded.
lol christfags are mentally ill

viking clap was cringy as fk though
Exactly, I used to think I was an atheist but claiming I'm not Christian is just a lie.

I have a christian name, language, flag and nation, I was baptized, confirmed and a cross signed on me daily as a baby. All my thoughts are most strongly influenced by Christians, my ancestors and the great thinkers that influence my life and culture were Christians.The largest building in all the towns are churches and they are the centers of the community and until recently of art.
>took centuries of muzzies raping Europe to even start off
>then had the soldiers sell their whole belongings for some arms instead of the rich church providing them
>then, instead of killing muzzies, they fucked over European heathens (despite fighting together with them earlier in Tours - [honorary jew intensifies]) and the Orthodox in Constantinople
>whole of North Africa and Middle East still muslim

Crusade LARPers are the worst desu

They're all crypto-kikes who bought their principality with cash during the early 1800 and married into the danes. We have shitload of their kind here n Sweden, the royals and nobility are kikes from the french revolution
Your royals are from the same inbred fuckery.
I promise there are some non-degenerate Christians out there mayn

try not to throw us all in the same basket
As a christian, I would say both .Especially the couple.It's not their duty to approach strangers and try to convert by annoing them.This is not how it's done.
>You're the US of Europe demographic wise, so why don't you just zip it so that this thread can stay on topic?


France is still 85-90% White while Austria is 81% and the stats doesn't count the thousands of refugees living in your country, imo you're already below 75% White
>The crusades were justified and still are.
Sure, what ever justification, but It won't work with current Christianity. We will need to change the current interpretation of the bible. Right now Christians wont fight because the are waiting for starship Jesus to arrive and teleport them painlessly into heaven. The call this bravery and spend their time raising nigger children to gain good will from God (Morgan Freeman)
that can't be true. Nice try, Pierre.
You are almost right.The only exception here is that in islam, if you are an 'infidel' means that you have a target drew on you.
>France is still 85-90% White
Where's your proof? Oh wait, you don't have any because it's fucking ILLEGAL to collect that data.

>while Austria is 81%
(You understand that there are white migrants too, right?)
yeah..das right bro,,those christians are not intellectuals like you and me,,, they don't know science&shit
>drink bleach
>France is still 85-90% White while
Are you blind? Funny that you are pulling numbers out of your ass that doesn't exist. Race census is illegal in France. Using you eyes is still legal
wrong post quotation bro
>tfw you will never live in Whitopia Iceland
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Here, from the [5] source, pic related.

Can you stop being a retard now?
>>tfw you will never live in Whitopia Iceland
I already live in a 99% white town. It's full of leftist Swedes so it's kind of hell
dont be like that bro
>tfw recently became a pagan and want to go to Iceland and get paid monies by the government to fuck pale girls
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>While YUROP is slowly dying Christianity is taking over China
There is hope just make sure those chinks are Catholics.
>Viking Clap
A what ?
dumb meme from sportsball
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I want you to look at pic related and read http://forward.com/news/326875/jews-with-asian-heritage-pose-growing-challenge-to-american-jewry/ and think about what it implies in combination with what you said and maybe reconsider whether or not this is such a great development.
>no authentic mexican food

eh, I like it where I'm at
>France talking about surrendering
>slave morality

Jew is not a race
fuck humanism

im not pro-human im pro-white more specifically high intelligence whites that do not commit crimes
so, Icelanon, when are you going to shoot them?
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>Why are you people atheists?

Firstly. The worshippers was wrong about one thing. Nordics are not atheists. No one actively denies or reject the existence of a god. What your are seeing up north is called APATHEISM. Yes as in apathetic. Nordics without a religious belief is just uninterested, indifferent, unconcerned, unmoved, unresponsive, passive, detached, uninvolved, disinterested, unemotional, emotionless, dispassionate, lukewarm, uncaring and half-hearted in the whole idea of a god.

That's apatheism.
Hello Varg


It is the religion of your forebears you numbnut.
There are values, like honour witch are associeted with certain gods.
Bad things happen if you fuck up, good things happen if you act correctly.
Spirit hierarchy
There is so much to it...
And Jesus "Let everyone come to me" McDeadKikeOnAStick is a better option?
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Thanks for showing the world how stupid you Icelanders are!
It is when it's convenient for them. It's not when it's convenient for them.
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Mostly kosovar, bosnian, and turks

Thus Turks, and turk rape babies

America talking about surrendering

it actually started out bretty gud, but its overused like in OP video.

rare nationalistic meme
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Agreed. The viking clap. Lol.
>Pascal's wager

Are you retarded?
all north praise their shitty thor
they are all dumb

at least be barbaric and pillage and rape other country, but no, full of cucks

That's only for Christianity though.

What if you're wrong about all of the other religions?
"This rainbow was over there and now it's over here."
Not even Christfags can be this stupid.
>judgement day

Lol shut the fuck up you crazy faggot.
You just smack that nerd in the face and it's done. Nothing niggerish about it.

Or they could have just ignored him instead of standing around like faggots.
I'm amazed how fast a post can water out in just a few scrolls.
Attacking randos is the very definition of niggerish.

You should be very familiar with niggerish, clog.
>calling the police on them

I know to you mainland cucks a police force that actually serves the people is a strange concept but I'm proud of these kids for handling these harassing douchebags correctly instead of it turning violent like it would probably have when I was a kid.

Under US laws a large group like this would be an unlawful assembly and a danger to public safety. If someone would have called the cops they would have dispersed the group and probably felt the need to shoot someone.
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>Paganism is based


Pic related is what the Pagan Pope of Iceland think about ethno-nationalism, racism, and so on

(((Christians))) BTFO
You're a naive unworldly sissy from a country of autists.

Not every white people has that cuck mentality.
>after getting BTFO on the demographic issues of France he has to divert the topic once again

Come on, Pierre.
>the ways of their ancestors
but their ancestors were Christians....

For a short period of time. One could almost call it a phase.
I see a lot of Americans flags in this thread and they're praising this faggots. Fuck off, you aren't Europeans and paganism obviously isn't your religion, Christianity is.
The world would have been a better place had this taken place in America and that happened.
Not an argument. Especially when you're part of the same sinking ship.
Yes we're fucked too.
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>American Christian
>Topic on paganism
>Abdul speak about demography
>Deny it
>Allahakbar himself because he is butthurt
You can't really force yourself to believe something you don't believe.

I mean, you can fake it. But, if God is all-knowing, wouldn't he also know you're faking it?
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>go around yelling at people about why theyre atheists
>get butthurt when they dont respond well

gee I wonder why they didnt like them
I don't have to choose. All the great prophets of religions were intellectually capable and had a basic understanding of their environment. They used metaphors to communicate advanced concepts that we didn't have the language to communicate before they introduced them.

The bible was always descriptive not prescriptive. It describes the writers view of the world. Jesus even made light of the 10 commandments. Obsessing about details of these fallible writers is what in real Christian terms is called idolatry. That is when instead of seeking God/Truth you believe you have found Him in some conceptual gilded box you constructed around yourself.
Mate all incest is strictly intentional
>>Get BTFO
Where? The one source you had contradicts you and I'm still waiting for you to explain how you can say France is a 90% white country when collecting that data is illegal.

>Allahakbar himself because he is butthurt
Isn't that a bit disrespectful to all your fellow countrymen that died just recently in muslim terror attacks? How many was it, over 200 in sum?
>Stop, collaborate and listen, ice is back with a brand new edition, something grabs a hold of my tightly something something nightly bla.... VANILLA ICE ICE BABY

Christianity clearly isn't working since it got us into this mess/couldn't prevent secular humanism from replacing it.
Bíddu, ert þú ekki gaurinn úr Fossvoginum?
nei svo er ĂľaĂ° lĂ­ka leyndĂł

dat ass

got more of her?
I like her heels.

I read that the government made an app to avoid hooking up with a relative.
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It was students at HĂŤ, the government is too full of old people to ever produce an app
Af hverju er ĂľaĂ° leyndĂł? Ertu kannski hann Kristinn Ăşr VMA?
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>Where? The one source you had contradicts you and I'm still waiting for you to explain how you can say France is a 90% white country when collecting that data is illegal.

Dividing the french per nationlity and religion is illegal not collecting data, when demographs speak about foreigners-shitskins they use the term migrants or descendants of migrants.

>Isn't that a bit disrespectful to all your fellow countrymen that died just recently in muslim terror attacks? How many was it, over 200 in sum?

According to data compiled by the Austrian Interior Ministry, nearly one out of three asylum seekers in Vienna was accused of committing crimes in 2015. North African gangs fighting for control over drug trafficking were responsible for roughly half of the 15,828 violent crimes — rapes, robberies, stabbings and assaults — reported in the city during 2015.

There are so many allakbaring in Austria they aren't in the press, anyway, how are your wife and your daughter Hans did they enjoy their daily rape by our colonial troups ?
>avoid hooking up with a relative.
You can't avoid that. You know your closest family from gatherings but beyond that it's all good.

After you can look her up and see HOW you are related, it's almost never further back than around the year 1700.
I'm catholic myself but I disagree over thsi myself. Historically speaking the first centuries of the church did not agree with Replacement theolgoy. Jews are certainly not the chosen people they determined like you say, and I agree with, but the passages in OT are too specific sometimes to speak about a spiritualized Israel, simply because I the prophetrs go on and on about fucking geography, with new rivers and mts in new locatiosn all across israel.

Instead the church ruled that the jews taht did obey Christ, like Peter, would get their own Christian israel one day that belonged and was ruled by Jesus.

This would happen during the millenial reign, which also has lots of very specific passages, like "the young will die at 100" and shit like that. Only Alexandia disagreed for centuries and that's because they had the whole "it's all symbolic" tripe going on that led to gnostic heretics and kikes,
>hurr pagan is a viking guy, r-r-right? :^)
you are just straight forward retarded
What I find interesting is that Icelandic people have such a small population but they all look "normal" relatively speaking. Even beautiful. But then Britain is full of really terrible inbreeding.
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Iceland YES.jpg
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The only thing Icelandic girls want to worship is BBC

Man Arrested” (I. E. Nigerian Asylum Seeker) in ICELAND for Giving Women HIV


Ef þú býrð í Reykjavík er landsbyggðin líka morandi af þremenningum, sem er gott fyrir mig þar sem ég hef blæti fyrir sifjaspelli
But I'll have to add that even in the earliest days thre were those who did agree with Replacemetn theolgy IN FULL. Meaning there was no more Israel forever and ever and ever, literally for all eternity thr country of israel would cease to exist and the people cut off for god knows how long, they instead replaced every word "Israel" in the bible with the "church" but most of the fellows at Antioch and the like were literalists so they stuck with a middle ground like I stated above. This became the general church view with no Millenial reign. If you have a millenial reign then full replacement theogly goes out the window. But I remember one of the church fathers stated the popular church position was while jews are no longer god's chosen (it's christians now), Israel had still some place in redemtion nationally and politically. Lots of church fathers disagreed with the majority view and stuck with replacement theology.

Although that's based off what I've read. I may have misread their stuff but people liek Justin Martyr seem to be pretty clear that there is no mor Jew Israel , only the church in OT prophecy
>Brits calling other countries BBC worshipers
>everyone with a telly in Britain has to pay the BBC money
>Solis, a marketing company, recently estimated the numbers for ethnic minorities (immigrants and 2nd generation) in France in 2009 as 3.26 million Maghrebis (5.23%), 1.83 million Black people (2.94%), 1.08 million Sub-Saharan Africans and 757,000 French from French West Indies) and 250,000 Turkish (0.71%)

Those are non-whites, not you dismissing Balkans as "turkish rape babies" just because it doesn't suit your argument.


The only thing we have "more" of is police officers. Maybe that's why we don't have regular mass executions here.
>american education
For island people the 1 drop rule means we need just 1 drop of your blood to diffuse into the gene pool to counter inbreeding pls

There were regular scandals with foreign sailors depositing their drop. I am from the northwest where people are slightly darker from french sailor influence.
Enjoy your new diversity. Aids is just the start
why dont i see more iceniggers posting on pol?

choose only one
Not sure why these faggots are acting like their vikings, they're weak compared to their ancestors.
My position on the church fathers is they're around 80-90% correct depending on the church father. They're not aways correct but I value their opinion very highly. It is one of the few things I have disagreed with them on.

Tertullian is another example of a church father that was in disagreement with the majority view of the church at his own time, yet these same people still highly respected him. Tertullian is famous for having a much more skeptical view towards women and would go full /r9k/. Anyways taht's what I know
I post on Trump general decently often, but other times I just shitpost on icelandic boards
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Why are Iceniggers playing basketball?
For the international championships?

Its like those kids who live in the middle of the country surrounded by woods and greenery moaning that the government NEEDS to make an ugly gray skate park because that what they do in America.

Do something else retards.
Poor man was arrested simply for having a disease associated with black people.

He was not even granted asylum. We have a long way to go before we are as progressive as Sweden.
Because there's nothing else to do since the tourists invaded the South
because posting on anonymous indonesian gourd forums is a degenerate activity for autists, neets and schizophrenics

>Do something else retards.
like post on pol?
Longer than they were pagan.
Can I come to Iceland?
>Longer than they were pagan.

1000 years of Christianity isn't longer than all those millennias of non-Christianity before.

Why do you love the jew popsicle so much that you'd lie on the internet?
bring monies and leave pls
>cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck

KeflvĂ­kingur detected
But.. I'm a native of Iceland :(
Give back clay sigurd
that's Slick Rick you retard.
I'm sorry, I can tell by your flag you have been brainwashed by the jews. We can't let you come back to spread hate speech here.
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>American education

They had pagan religions for thousands upon thousands of years before your Semetic religion ever took off. Christianity's only saving grace is that it is mixed with pagan tradition and greek philosophy.
It's funny because my dad said something similar. I said I wanted to go where my parents used to live, he laughed, said something in Icelandic then told me "You spent too much time in America, you shouldn't."
Is Iceland very isolationists?
No, people mostly enjoys foreigners but for good communication most things need to be left unsaid, a common context established called culture. Even though we all speak english foreigners in the group tend to get kind of isolated.

The video is a great example of americans ignoring all cultural cues and assuming their own narrative until police are called, it's not a-typical. 90% of those kids are babtized and confirmed Christians.
The idea is to understand the necessity of searching out God, which I see no problem with.
I meant in a civilized society.
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