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seriously how can nobody know it origin? nearly all students

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seriously how can nobody know it origin?

nearly all students drew this in school, in many countries, over decades yet nobody knows.
Team Skull
turn in 90 degrees, it's clearly just a segment of celtic knot drawing for manuscripts
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You're retarded.
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It's an urban version of the rune for Schutzstaffel.
The Jews did it to promote racemixing
let's go to PacSun anon, get some Stussy, maybe some Billabong too
litteraly an old meme
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why are dey bullying pepe?

Uh...that's where it comes from. I was a teenager in the early 80's. I remember. Sorry you're so angry, you should work on that. Id recommend going outside.
explain how people were drawing it in the 70's
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>tfw remember drawing thousands of these on my notebooks and on textbooks in elementary and middle school

please don't tell me it's a jewish symbol
that's how pepe became the fucked up person he is today
Skype subversion.
Drew it here too
Its the suzuki logo you paranoid fucks

Its an infinity symbol modified into an S you utter fools.
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Yeah but where did it come from

From your mom's ass.
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>tfw being a kid
>mom asks what clothes i want
>say i want stiimson clothes cuz thats what the logo looks lik
>dont get stussy clothes
Felt bad man
Suzuki you clods
A devilish sigil uploaded to the hivemind consciousness by demonic cultists.
It's S for Satan.
That's like asking where knock knock jokes came from
17th Street Surf Shop
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>utter fools
No, the whole point of the S is that it has 2 pairs of 3 vertical lines.
it started when kids were getting into Graffiti culture, with the letters drawn in that style and the S was pretty easy to make, just draw those 3 lines and connect them
where did sitting come from. we all have the aptitude to do things similarly because we're animalistic fags who share common perceptions of certain things
knock knock
yeah it's otterly ridonkulous
A lot of good comments in link below, dating back to the mid 60's to the band Styx. It is an odd case, I used to doodle it in my trapper keeper all the time in the mid 90's.

Go away hasam
It's known as "super s"
Band called Styx used it in logo in the 70s-80s.
Apparently it was from a puzzle book published by scholastic and caught on because it's easy to draw.

Refer to reddit
Stussy was actually contacted by VICE, and they confirmed that it had never been one of their logos.

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i drew it in elementary school, no idea why or when i first saw it.
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Growing up I'd always see NC State stuff everywhere and I thought it was related to them because this particular logo looked very similar.
its close
So we also had the same drawing process, isn't it strange ?
All of this politics.
It could be Marxist symbology
It's just a meme, some sort of social virus.
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The Suzuki logo
JIDF isn't even trying anymore

reported, kike
Did you guys hear that Marilyn Manson had 3 of his ribs removed so he could suck his own dick?
We have heretic radar.

Maybe it's an 8.

I miss schoolyard rumors.
Is this the elder meme?
Did you know Marilyn Manson was Paul from Wonder Years
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My theory is it started as a social experiment to see how far and fast it would propagate through children and schools
>letter S
>nickname we give to kikes is skypes
Wew lad
ahh its a maymay
this shows that you literally don't understand memes
From superman you dumbfucks
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Remember when you were a faggot if you didn't have one of these?
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It's a jewish symbol.
what the fuck?
Comes from fags with graphing paper in 7th grade.
This but how did become the oldest meme
What am I missing?
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lol it's on my wallpaper
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I always heard it was superman related.
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>German flag.
i allways thought it was the slipknot logo
>where did sitting come from
Holy fuck your post is one of the dumbest things I've read all fucking year!
The origin of something so universal, SITTING, does not compare to something that is unique the human race, isn't even something people would do naturally, and only exists for an inconceivably small fraction of our entire existence.
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Fuck you faggots
I stopped coming here
Till i seen these titles
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This thing and Kilroy are both unsettling as hell.

Symbols apparently devoid of meaning repeated endlessly. I sometimes wonder if they were intentional attempts at memetic influence pre-internet.
>buy Suzuki products
The Suzuki logo doesn't have straight lines, you mongs.
>no vertical lies
Try again, faggot.
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I think it comes from this.

If you want to draw interwinding ropes on square paper sheet, then this is how you do it.
We called it the shaq S in elementary school, like 20 fucking years ago.
I wish I had a Meryl
Didn't you read that it was infinite? I read in the new testament that jesus drew this symbol in the sand.
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Nigga that isn't Kilroy
im from michigan and thought it was the michigan state S
Some kid one day discovered that he could draw a cool looking S by drawing 6 vertical lines then connecting them. He told his friends, they told their friends, etc, etc.

Honestly for a website obsessed with memes you think you'd be able to recognize one, I know it didn't originate in the Internet but still

i created it

Remember when everyone knew the song was nigger stole my bike all across this country before the internet was a thing?

Always makes me chuckle when I think about it.
I grew up in India. I have no idea what this is.
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I have never seen this thing in my life. Am I too old or too young?
My theory: "S"es are not any easy letter to get correctly portioned in handwriting so you become obsessed with it and it's the coolest looking letter in calligraphy. Most of us would have seen the capital S in calligraphy.

can confirm being heavily influenced by Styx's version. Every time I tried to draw my version of the "super S", it always had a center line to give it that 3D "looking down on a triangular" look. Can also remember drawing the superman S when even younger and trying to make it fit correctly into the diamond outline pattern with correct proportions.
>"Superman s" = grade school
>"Super s" = middle school
Because with 7.5 billion people on the planet you'd have to be the densest motherfucker to believe that multiple people aren't going to come up with similar ideas even in complete isolation from one another.


You are literally the dumbest OP ever.

consider this a pity (You).
>first meme
>not first graffiti king
I grew up in Texas. I don't either. I have no idea what everyone is talking about with this symbol.
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This existed here in switzerland whne i was in college (hamburger high school), 2000-2005~
It is both
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I thought it had something to do with BMX or some shit. I was never into it when I was young but that's what I heard.
but does kilroy exist or is kilroy created by those who meme him?
We had this rumor too, along with the S thing.

How the fuck did these memes exist worldwide way back then?
I still have my old 2003 arieo doesn't really look like the S at all
You can't track this shit down.
Like, where did the practice of punching your friend when you see a VW Beetle come from? Or who invented rock paper scissors?
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This guy invented it. He used to roadie for Crosby, Stills and Nash.
It's very Jewish. The S stands for semitism
I fucking hate the xbox 1 remake its so fucking buggy and hard as shit
S stands for shart
Someone was bored and drew it on a piece of paper, it spread around

Trash why are you still paying for that
This was the first meme, pre Internet
whoa. i remember that
>I remember

>mfw stussy has said this has never been affiliated with them

You don't remember too well, ya smug fag
But it wasnt

Stussi is what I heard it was from as well.
Because I like unlimited LTE
During what years was this popular with students? I may be from a different timeline.
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hoooooly fucking shit it's like 2003 all over again

did anyone hear st.anger? is it any good?

It's shit, brah. That CD was a waste of money.

his giant fucking head
What about penis inspection day?
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I like old Metallica. that new album sucks.
Kilroy is a Jew behind a concentration camp fence.

>sad eyes
>huge nose
>thinning hair, sign of severe malnutririon
>Mr Roboto is a golem

That's helper you fuckwit, a Finnish meme.
I don't remember that but i do remember this rumor about marilyn manson >>91862545
it's a meme
i bet if he turns to the right some more you'll see voldemorts fucking face sticking out

It's a really simple and 'stylish' shape that has a trick to doing it, it's just basic psychology that it would spread.
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When did you first see it/draw it? I used to draw it back in 1994 (in Sweden) so I assume it's origins are much earlier. Like, the 70's?d

those are called runes
Did you guys know that they used Michael Jordan's sweat in his cologne?
perhaps it was a message from the future to our selves to tell us to prep for the mother of all happenings to bind us together with this common rope
Medieval English manuscripts often had drawings of knights fighting giant snails. Possibly the oldest meme in Western culture.
>Tfw name didn't have an S in it so couldn't write my name with that symbol
My mother once whipped out school papers with this S on them from the 1960's
So it's even older than I thought.

This "S" must somehow be deeply embedded into western culture.
that doesnt sound right
Hey guys I defeated classic mode on very hard with Link and 1 life without using any continues and I unlocked dark link!
it came from marxist think tank designed to promote satanism. EXTREMELY BASED Putin needs to ban this symbol from his high schools.

I remember both of these. And drew the S. Went to school in small town Oregon.
Did you know the guy who played McGyver died of drug abuse?

(This was circulating in my elementary school all the way up to high school. Fucking weird)

Haha, I am guilty of spreading this meme as well. SoCalfag here. How far does it go?

We all drew the "Stussy" S as well. I honestly believe the Stussi clothing company named themselves after the S and not the other way around.

"Stussy" was simply what you would call that S


It is an ancient meme, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it an elder meme.
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It's like the logo of our national railway and that's why people liked drawing the full S here but no one knows where it came from
Who /soaps/ here?
Did your friends not teach you how to disengage your caps lock?

hi's feel like trash cans but it may be my walkman either dunno
A meme, in the Dawkins' sense. The fascinating thing is how spectacularly infectious it is.

A prehistoric analogue might be the sun cross/swastika, which pops up in all sorts of cultures.
it's a easy way for children to draw a pretty complex shape that resembles a "S", pretty much the same as if you draw two interlooping squares you can connect the corners to produce a drawing of a seethrough cube.

Stop trying to force memes guys, KEK do not aprove!
Agreed. Everything after Ride the Lightning was shite. AC/DC all the way.
Did you know that Air Jordans actually have helium in them?
>it came from marxist think tank designed to promote satanism.
[citation needed]
There exist only so many "interesting" ways to connect two sets of three vertical lines using straight lines. I am positive this "symbol" arose purely from boredom and idle scribblings.
What the fuck, I thought that one kid in my class invented this. I gave him credit everytime I drew it, that asshole.
When I was a kid my mom told me it stood for Satan and was bad to draw. Drew it anyway

>bad as fuck
you guys are retarded

its just some cool shit kids drew, fuck.
It's a graffiti stylized S
Get over yourselves.
You don't understand. Kids all over the world drew this symbol. That's what makes it interesting- it's like finding swastikas all over Europe and Asia
Holy fuck, I drew this too

I don't even know why
fuck this makes sense

get educated white boi
I always thought it had something to do with Scooby-Doo
There's another one I've noticed myself but never seen anyone mention: A black silhoette of a man with outstretched arms in front of a fire or rising sun. Drew it myself in my middle school note book, and soon started noticing it on refrigerators of people I visited and whatever. The old lucasarts logo also counts, though it's stylized.
I actually agree.


6 lines (3 pairs of 2).

I wouldn't be surprised if it originated from freemasons teaching it to their kids and having them spread it
Wait a minute...you guys remember how everyone can agree that around 2007 it felt like we entered into a different world? Maybe...it's because we all drew this symbol as kids. Maybe it was some kind of ritual that transferred us into a different world come 2007. Fuck...
Kilroy = Kill Roi or kill the king.

French revolution mantra. Explains why it was part of cultural marxist counterculture.

Also note that many JFK conspiracies consider the assassination to be part of a ''killing the king'' ritual.
>Wait a minute...you guys remember how everyone can agree that around 2007 it felt like we entered into a different world?
yes, but it's because that's when I started going to (the equivalent of) high school and everything went to shit
Can Trudeau be next? Please?
Daily reminder lil bow wow got raped by his security guard and needed lots of stitches
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You fucks have over dosed on memba berries
Pepperidge farms remembers.
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Really makes you think.
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my art teacher taught me how to draw that in 3rd grade along with some other examples of 2D-3D drawing(pic related)

I'm guessing this one is the easiest to remember even if you forget where you learned it
We should make it the alt-rights logo. Imagine the butthurt from people that drew this in school when it becomes a nazi symbol

Yeah I remember this, I was in year 4 when I first remember seeing it, someone else showed me how to draw it.
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think ur safe
finn backup to the rescue
You guys and your racist frogs.

it was the first test in organic societal memetics.

PacSun has some nice stuff, to be honest.

No, those have controlling purpose.
heelies or bust, dork
Only over time. I'm fairly confident early mythology and shamanism grew organically before someone figured out they could use it to obtain and maintain power.

Giambattista Vico's concept of Corsi e ricorsi, explains it far better than I could.
was sponsored
I used to call it the Stupid S. I would always get autistically mad at people who drew those.

kek i remember hearing this at recess
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This was popular when i was in middle school. It was a fashion line during the post kurt cobain alternitve era.
do kids today know about the s?
I'd say so with the fact that a fuck ton of them still use the S.
maybe a stretch
did you guys also have to learn how to draw the star to be cool?
I drew one, usually fllowed by "lipknot" or "epultura" but whatever.
Wow it's like I'm really in high s hook again!

This thread is trippy
Thank you based anon, you unironically provided me with something that will really make me think.
Am I the only one who heard that he raped a guy on stage?
Junior high all over again. Dem feels, mang.
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Get in here!

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great granny here the S logo was invented by Wilfred Hamsworth along with Kilroy Was Here logo for the 1923 intercounty meme championships eeeehh Wilfred always could turn a girls head
Was funnybunny the miku of the 05 - 07? What about techno frog? Anybody remember the "who you gonna call, Autowave!" was then changed to "monorooney" or however it's spelled. I swear we have slipped into a different universe at one point.

i heard that too back in the days

wtf its not even true?
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