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Why did we vote for Brexit again?

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Why did we vote for Brexit again?
To leave the UN
Wait, shit EU

Please delete this
>money is all that matters
No proofs.

No link.

Thanks OP!
Pound has been in freefall for 4 years.
I knew faggots would only look at it after Breixit.

Anyway, good for me as I work for British exports.
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this is the one thing you asshats have done in the past 20 years that you can be proud of, and you're complaining because u dont understand basic economics
stfu. On the long run its better. It will fix EU.

This is now Nigel Farage appreciation thread
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For the banter.
To end the influence of "Brussels bureaucrats".

I'm 90% certain brexiters don't even know the EU is a representative democracy.
Pretty much. But in this case they traded prosperity for leaving a federation.
Because we're not snivelling cowards who place our whole value on the current economy.
Please explain these "basic" economics.
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every british person knows deep down that we are snivelling cowards
Because the EU has turned from "Economic union that works to make work and effort between countries easier and more profitable" to

"Making sure Germany's economic bubble doesn't burst "
So I could explore the wonders of HP sauce only to find out it's manufactured by the Dutch and pretty much the only thing in the entire grocery store made in the UK is malt vinegar.
For the sake of a functioning democracy.

worth it for this alone
>Used to rule the world
>No needs to be apart of a support group in order to function

England is a fag country
weak currency is good for export.
Didn't the empire vanish as soon as the savages had guns too? Sounds cowardly to me XD
Because culture, history and identity mean far more than any amount of money.
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for pic related

Needs more Muslims, and other assorted Third World trash.
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Freedom and bantz.
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The Brits traded prosperity for the right to control their immigration. It's their right.
You're not British, though. You have to go back, Ahmed.
>Why dont we let globalists ruin our economy and culture

Yeah, anon. Short term gains are totally worth having no future. You fuckhead.
>implying we're actually going to be able to control migration
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I voted leave because the EU was sold to us as an economic union, and played out as a political one. I don't care about what laws might or might not help some farmer in the middle of Slovenia, I care about my country and the laws that are enforced on it by other nations that I have zero investment in or relation to.

Also bants.

If you lose the common market and still won't be able to control migration, then... Well, you've fucked up.
>Why did we vote for Brexit again?

To prevent britons from being replaced by merckels rapefugees.
Sometimes things need to get worse before they can get better.
The Euro was dropped too because of this meme and nothing happened.

fucking jews
That is the root of pretty much all problems we are having in the Western world right now.

Our politicians unironically believe that skyrocketing crime rates, social tension and so on are all acceptable when they can get another 0.5% in GDP growth in exchange.

It's super obvious from the way the media writes about it, too. Every time they come up with an
>Everything turned out great in the end!
article to try and calm the people it focuses exclusively on economic growth, more generated taxes or some shit like that.

They seem to be completely incapable of understanding that people do not see this is an acceptable trade.
Most Brits were taking into account that a Brexit would result in a economic decline. However, adjusting the nation's resources will probably result in an even more prosperous outlook in the long run.
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Because now you're the fastest growing economy in the world.
But you haven't left quite yet, so wouldn't the blame still be on the EU

Sadly, our economic system and future pension obligations leave us little choice. We have to keep the GDP growing, or, at least, constant.
It's going to blow up eventually, all you've done is make the inevitable that much worse.
>People called the fall
>Brits actually grow
>Predicted soon to become top growing eu economy
>Deuchebank about to implode

Calm down Hansel
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To stick it to the un-elected law makers in the EU wasting our money
To stick it to our bankers who bonus'd themselves while spiraling us into austerity.
To stick it to Soros wanting to flood us with immigrants.
To stick it to multinationals content to take our hard earned cash for profits but pay not pay into our tax coffers.
To stick it to the dirty foreigners robbing our welfare system paid for by our taxes.

It will be tough, glory doesn't come without a fight my brothers but from this period of change we can emerge more sovereign, more democratic and but most of all we will be in control of our own destiny.

So prepare to make do and mend, prepare to dig for victory and prepare to help your fellow British peoples. For the Banks, The EU cabal, The power-playing Elites and the international corporate world are prepared to go to far and wide in order to suppress and subvert the children of this once great empire in order to control us once more for their own selfish ends.

The pound is at the lowest level since decades. And they haven't even left yet.
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>someone actually typed this and possibly even believes it
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It's only the short term. things can changes.
Yeah, France can't into economics this is why so many of your fellowcountrymen and women come to CH.
Pic realted to prove you wrong
>implying economy and currency rate against a basket of currencies on the long run are not strongly correlated.
I didn't. But I can't wait until Scotland leaves the UK and the idiots in England and Wales get the suffering they voted for.

Some of the immigrants we imported were a net win for us. Many a net loss.
Nationalize DB and take it into receivership. Tell the US it can fuck right off with its derivatives contracts, and tell London to go to hell.

You'll blow up the whole world by doing this, but you could potentially retake the continent like usual. The kikes will be very verklempt.
Okay, maybe I was wrong. There's also a second root and it's that believe that no one ever has to face the consequences of a bad decision.

The pension system was always doomed to fail because it depended on either constant growth or regular catastrophes to thin out the older population.
Even ignoring the fact that those foreigners they are shipping in will never pay into the system, they are only making things worse by refusing to draw the obvious conclusion and face the consequences.
The only thing they are trying to do right now is to push the problem of dealing with this unsustainable shit onto the next generation to avoid facing any consequences from their fuck ups.
Crashing this economy WITH NO SURVIVORS
Most of them can't even read.
>Ever leaving the UK

Whatever you've been smoking, lad, share it with the class.
its the asian markets that are destabilising currency markets. China is pretty much close to a catastrophic inflation event.
I don't get why people are upset about the British dollar sinking after Brexit since the German's economy is about to crash and collapse the EU.

The shitty thing about Brexit is that British politicians aren't going to stop immigration.
>le lol 4 le epic bane memes XD
Is this really a Brexit thing?

I feel like every time anything goes wrong in Britain now all the losers blame the Brexit.

I'm not talking about the refugees. Germany always was the 2nd most popular destination for immigrants after the US.
they literally won't control migration. All their poos and muslims came through the commonwealth, it had nothing to do with the EU. Brexit means no more Polish and German migrants and the gap to be replaced by more poos, blacks and muslims

You don't know much about the financial system, do you?
If we let DB fail or ignore its obligations, there wouldn't be much left of Europe to retake.
>I'm 90% certain brexiters don't even know the EU is a representative democracy.
The people you vote to represent your country are not the ones who get to make policy decisions.
Shaved 10% by not doing anything. I wonder who is behind this.

People panic and sell. Soros buys. Soon turns on profit.

Probably yes.
Every developed nation will import hordes of foreigners to keep the economy growing, sadly.
>the EU is a representative democracy.

Not really, it's a bunch of appointed bureaucrats that make all the decisions
Or we could just not fill that gap at all, and actually have reasonable levels of migration.

300,000 net every year is a strain, regardless of whether they're normal people or shitskins.
It's not like the people and resources are just going to evaporate. You'd just continue to be the primary economic engine and dominate all the poorfag nuthuggers.
Because you got baited into it by an outdated party that was becoming irrelevant and needed to attach itself to at least something to stay remotely relevant

I guarantee you that you will regret this when the liberals keep winning your elections and keep importing shitskins ANYWAY without the EU, at the cost of your economy that you just ruined


Sorosses always profit, we always lose. That's how the world works.
Literally everyone I know wants independence now. Cameron promised that a Scotland inside the UK would be in the EU no matter what.

England and Wales can fuck themselves over, but we don't to be a part of it. We're leaving.
>> yeah fuck it I dont wanna be free
>> i want to let muslim invaders murder me and my wifes son
>> i have no spine

Evolution will swallow you back up soon enough
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>comparing the 60's to 2015+

there was a reason the immigrants back then were called it was mostly work.

this time it is just mix of lies between "muh feelings", "they will save our retirement" and "if you don't agree with mutti you are a racist nazi xenophope cis white male sucm".
How is it a strain? We've managed fine.

All of the Europen enterprises are financed through banks an credit. Not a single company can function without intact banks.
Additionally, receivership means that the government backs the important obligations, much like our various forms of bankruptcy. DB is in fact bankrupt, after all. It's not an ideal way to run things, but that's what the government is there to do when a corporation runs out of control.
Actual legal immigrants present a similar problem as "refugees" in the long run though, as least ones that are visually discernible like blacks and asians, because it frays the civic structure of a society. They might be better than the stinking hordes you've plagued yourselves with, but all you've done is introduced another societal bomb to slowly detonate over the coming generations.
Literally everyone I know is blaming Thatcher for all their problems and think that slaving themselves to Brussels is the greatest idea since Scottish oil

Scotland is fucked, I'm leaving ASAP
That's correct. So instead of chanting alles ist en ordnung to yourself while it's clearly not, then you knock out the malefactors to ensure that credit can continue.
The stock markets are a shitty measurement for your actual economic success anyway since they value things by trying to estimate their future development, not really by looking at its current status.

Since none of those people owns a crystal ball, they do not have to be right about it.

Sadly, they can still cause a lot of damage.
Your land isn't going to get any larger, and the poos and blacks aren't going to stop having 50 children that you subsidize.
Is that real?

It's still mostly work, even though there's less and less work to do. The actual reasoning behind immigration hasn't changed.
It's just that the justification has. You couldn't justify thing with "muh feelings" in the 60s.
Because the right wing media in the UK is good at scaring old people into voting against their own interests.
The NHS is on the verge of collpase, the welfare budget grows every minute, unemployment is at 35%+ for under 30s, but yeah we're doing fine

Just raise the taxes again, put out a couple back to work initiatives and bury your head as deep as possible
An artificially low currency is a good thing. It boosts your exports and lowers unemployment.
Exacrly. OP is obviously a nigger. Niggers have no ability to plan for the future
It was overvalued in the first place, and is recovering now anyway. Silly thread really.
Immigration is completely irrelevant though for this discussion because it has been totally eclipsed by "immigration", i.e. politicians shipping in asylum seekers illegally to let them bypass the immigration system they would have never been able to pass.

You're speaking as if we (Germany) were the pioneers in this process, when, in fact, you are. And most of the western world is the same.
>unemployment is at 35%+ for under 30s

Like, really?
>hey lets send billions of pounds to Poland and Greece in exchange for a couple shitty public art installations and a shit ton of legislation designed to strangle industry
Thatcher destroyed Scotland. There's no question about that. The cuts, the austerity...unforgivable.

>Scotland is fucked, I'm leaving ASAP
Good. Fuck off back to England. We don't want you here.

t. Daily Mail reader.
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>It's still mostly work, even though there's less and less work to do.

where are the rapefugees working? how many of them are just here for the gibs me dat?

>You couldn't justify thing with "muh feelings" in the 60s.

and that is the point. false premisses were used to get those fucks here. majority of them aren't even real refugees.
Shit for brains. You will never be personally successful

Yeah, but whatever the process may look like, legal immigration or illegal immigration - the reason our politicians are pushing for it is our pension obligations.
I'm talking about the factual increased pressure on social care, infrastructure and the job market that comes from high levels of immigration. You may not have felt it in your local area, and sure things are for the most part fine where I am, but if the population grows by an extra 3 million in a decade ON TOP of normal population growth from births/longer lives, it's very difficult for public investment in those things to keep up, or to plan for the future.
Said credit must be backt by somthing or its wortles.
No. He's pulling numbers out of his arse. Real figure is closer to 13%.

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2 child policy
Time for a CON+GRN partnership
Delete your account.

Shitty source, but the official number is 14.4%. Which does not include people on disability for "depression" or "aspergers"

>The ghost of thatcher is literally raping nicola every day

And yeah, keep burying your head. The NHS is FINE, it's getting BETTER EVEN! Just import more Nigerian nurses and Bengali doctors, we'll create jobs by employing translators for them!

The German government actually has little clue how the Deutsche Banks balance sheet looks like, just as your government found recognized the financial crisis months after it started.

We don't know whether and how much DB is fucked.
And it won't solve shit because these people will never contribute to the system.
Even if they do end up finding work, it won't be a job where they will actually pay more into the system than they will take out of it over their lives, most of them didn't even finish anything you could consider to be a secondary school.
It is currently not backed by anything other than the government and mass psychology. The mass psychology is falling apart, and the government isn't stepping up to fill the void.

To destroy the EU and begin the long journey towards purging ourselves of muslims.

Say, what was the proposed alternative to austerity for Thatcher?
Was she supposed to subsidize unprofitable miners forever?
*In exchange for a huge economy boost from not having borders with your neighbors and importing/exporting things for basically free.
Fixed that one for you lad

The same boost also covers up anything you pay for the membership, up to actually even making it profitable for your nation

I just want to remind you that this decision was so retarded and will have such a huge impact on your nation that your prime minister decided to resign just to not have his name historically related to it
14.4%, and again that's just those on jobseekers, not on ESA, not on child support and not those that are in education doing their pre apprenticeship in arse wiping

My mate is currently on ESA for "depression", since all he does is sit around and smoke weed. He's technically not unemployed, despite not having a job.
>or its wortles.
Or whole financial system is backed by nothing but the believe that it actually represent value. Banks speculate with fantasy money that never existed to begin with.
>*In exchange for a huge economy boost from not having borders with your neighbors and importing/exporting things for basically free.

No tariffs is a terrible idea, why make ANYTHING in the UK when the minimum wage in Poland is 1/3rd and there's no cost to export?
Until you take DB out of the mix, you will be a geopolitical slave of everybody else who has big financial contracts with it, especially New York and London. Doesn't matter how fucked it is. It matters whether or not this is a viable situation for Germany and also Europe at large.

It's not viable.
Scotland is a nation of welfare leeches so yes, that would have been his solution.
That's literally what they wanted, unlimited gibs for worthless mines and dead industries that went on strike for the tea being a little cold

Thatcher made cuts that had to be made, that were going to be made in the end no matter what. She only gets flak because Jimmy can't go to his job and carry a toolbox for £12 an hour anymore
Maybe the NHS would be in a better shape if the Tories weren't so hellbent on cutting it to the bone then privatising it.

She did nothing to give opportunities for miners to find work in other fields. She just destroyed their livelihoods and communities, and gave them nothing to rebuild with.

That's how capitalism works, m8.
That's what Thatcher has done with your North. Since it was unprofitable, she stopped subsidizing it. A tariff is a tax subsidy.
>why make ANYTHING in the UK when the minimum wage in Poland is 1/3rd and there's no cost to export?

Because exactly that lmao - its 1/3rd of the cost and your product is now quite competitive globally. That competitiveness results into capital being earned by your companies, which is then taxed by your government, resulting in your nation being wealthier.

The USA manufactures a huge portion of its production overseas, yet look at their economy. It's simply how the world is supposed to be in a globalized economy, trying to run from it is retarded and results in a loss of efficiency, with your place being instantly assumed by another economy
>this decision was so retarded and will have such a huge impact on your nation that your prime minister decided to resign just to not have his name historically related to it

Afaik Cameron resigned because his policy, in a sense, voted out of office.
thanks for the riches britfags


just got back from shops lads

glad 2 say a bag of crisps is same price it was yesterday
Good cheap uk holiday and i can invest more in pound before euro collapses in summer 2017.

When Deutsch bank has majour payments due .

Also cheaper whiskey gin yes yes
You're an idiot NHS sucks because it's filled with over payed middle managers by your labour friends privatizing parts of it is the only way to fix it because it is not sustainable.
>unelected law makers
You elect them yourself you twat
The European Parliamentary elections ring a bell?
The heads of the EU are also whoever your heads of state are
>resulting in your nation being wealthier
And the average guy being poorer.
>everyone I know

Oh will if it's everybody YOU know, then there must be something to it.
It's imports that will suffer, though I'm loving this because being paid in dollars means I can buy cheap British goods.

My leave vote pays off again. *le scheming hands*

Trump became a presidency candidate by critizing free trade, so not everyone is happy with the results in said US you mentioned.
Our economy is powerful because we have the biggest stick

If we didn't we wouldn't have this money

Would you lend your money to a stone bank or one made of sticks

But that's what Blair also did. Both Labour and Tories were hell bent on cutting costs.
Based on the media, the only reason anyone voted for Brexit was because they're racist.
>labour friends
I've only ever voted SNP, dickhead.
This is correct. America is relevant because of the petrodollar deal with Saudi Arabia. That's why anyone who decides to trade in another currency has to go the way of the native Swede.
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btw. is it true that scots get free medication and the rest of the uk is financing it?
Because we aren't total fucking scum you kraut shill, kys.
>Our economy is powerful because we have the biggest stick

No one would continue to pour money into the US economy if they didn't have to worry about being "liberated" as soon as they refuse to accept the dollar because of unsustainable debt on the side of the US.

National sovereignty. It shows that you bongs still have a little spine left in you. I'm proud of you!
>stocks = economy

when will this meme die
>fell for the Farage meme
Well all racists voted for Brexit, there's no doubt about that.

You would be relevant with or without a strong dollar. With a weak dollar, you would've exported more and imported less, it wouldn't make you much poorer.
>I've only ever voted SNP,

holy shit i smellt it miles away
>Was she supposed to subsidize unprofitable miners forever?

Funnily enough, that is what our government is attempting to do by shipping in millions of illegals. Trying to keep a system alive that has clearly failed and is to the detriment of the country's long term well being, just because they don't want to face the consequences.
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ITT: underage brexit fags on damage control patrol because they got BTFO

>expected short term economic difficulties

Get fucked OP you giant pussy
The unelected European Comission proposes the laws while the elected European Council and Parliament don't.
A weaker pound is actually very good for the british economy.
With a weaker pound, they will have to import less while trade partners will want to import more from the UK.
With a weaker pound, more people will spend their vacation money within the UK.

Why do you think Japan and China try so hard to keep their currencies devalued?

Anti-Capitalist sentiment always sounds good, but Capitalism is the reason German unemployed have a better life than the middle class in many parts of the world.
Legislative power in the EU is vested in the European Parliament and it's members, which you vote for directly, and the Council of the European Union which is made up of your national ministers which was appointed by your head of state.

Which body of the EU are you talking about?
>And the average guy being poorer.

Nah. Again, as in the case with the USA, those companies wouldn't exist in the first place if they didn't export their jobs, resulting in even less of an economic gain. Having a company inside your nation doesn't necessarily mean that it should be forced to employ in your nation - be happy that it chose to pay taxes to your nation in the first place, instead of establishing itself directly into the country it exports the jobs to.

>Trump became a presidency candidate by critizing free trade

Trump is lying to get himself elected. Every single billionaire is absolutely aware of the fact that either the US exports jobs for a boost in efficiency, or it gets dethroned. You CANNOT force a company to employ inside your overpaid nation because another one will pop on the other end of the world and become twice as efficient as it, with the only difference being your company now being bankrupt and capital being redirected towards the new one. You just lost a huge asset for your economy.

Partly because of this, but mainly due to no domestic wars and geopolitics. Can get into specifics but cba. Military is probably the last reason why you're wealthy
No, it's literally a representative democracy. All its members are either from your national government - Chancellors, Prime minsters, national ministers - or directly voted for in the parliamentary elections.

And I thought I made abhorrent posts
everyone rooting for brexit on /pol/ was american

we could care less either way
To prevent from being controlled by the EU.
>be happy that it chose to pay taxes to your nation in the first place, instead of establishing itself directly into the country it exports the jobs to.

But isn't that exactly what's going wrong? That companies are able to sell in the US consumer market, without giving Americans the jobs to buy the stuff they're selling?

Why have working class wages stagnated or even declined over the last decades? Whilst inequality skyrocketed?
I hate, everything is "oy vey muh shekels" from everyone, everywhere, every god damn day.
>Maybe the NHS would be in a better shape if the Tories weren't so hellbent on cutting it to the bone then privatising it.

Funny that the NHS is a protected budget then isn't it? The NHS is fucked because of all the "managers" being paid £50K to stamp paperwork, and the monopoly it has on healthcare which drives up costs, cause the pill suppliers can charge whatever the fuck they like

As for Thatcher, what did you want? Her to build an entire new industry in the middle of nowhere so that Jimmy didn't need to move out of his 2100 population mining town?
Just wanted to say OP is a massive faggot bender
>I've only ever voted SNP, dickhead.

Well that's no surprise. The complete economic illiteracy and rabid defense of Scotland (which is a shithole) was a complete giveaway
Well why don't you hire a jew and pay for a lawsuit
The NHS has no monopoly on health care. Private medicine isn't outlawed in the UK.
>those companies wouldn't exist in the first place if they didn't export their jobs
Yes they would.
They would be running lower profits, that is true, but they would still exist as long as the market is profitable and there is no way to satisfy it from the outside.

What you are doing is throwing most of the population in front of the metaphorical train to get higher profits for a few elected.

>be happy that it chose to pay taxes to your nation in the first place, instead of establishing itself directly into the country it exports the jobs to.
That is exactly what is fucking the economies up though. One country offers an advantage in exchange for some obligation and through lobbying they ensure that they can take the advantage without having to deal with the obligation at all.
This is not sustainable in any way and just because I profit from a bunch of companies doing it doesn't mean I don't get fucked over ten times as badly by other companies doing it to my disadvantage.
Funnily enough with young people, 10% voted leave, 30% voted remain and thus 60% voted 'don't care'
That should be "virtual monopoly"

I don't know the actual numbers, but I doubt more than 5% of the population has ever even visited a private hospital
>But isn't that exactly what's going wrong?

Not at all. That company must exist as it is. If it starts paying higher wages, it goes bankrupt.

The reason that happens is because there are lots of other countries around the world that not only have lower taxes, but also tend to NOT force you to employ people from the country.

You'll force Apple to produce their entire supply chain in the US. Fine, they'll stay and comply. Three years later, the iPhone is so expensive that it is basically irrelevant, with pretty much every other smartphone being not only cheaper, but also better (since the excess profit those companies derived from being more competitive went into R&D). Five years later, Apple is bankrupt.

Trump is absolutely aware of the above, as he himself does exactly that, and is only using it to get elected. I guarantee you that he will do NOTHING to interfere with the freedom of the market, especially protectionism
>isn't that wrong?
Your post makes no sense. How is America importing this stuff when no one has any money to pay for it?

>why have working class wages stagnated?

Why would it rise? The value of unskilled, uneducated labour remains the same. Everyone else - the engineers, the chemists, the CEOs, all have advanced their knowledge, skills, captial et cetera.

They're free to visit a private hospital, if they like to, that's the point.
They don't do, because they already paid for health care with their taxes and don't want to pay twice.
To end the era of Political Zionism and start a snowball effect that the rest of the world will follow. Now if you dont mind I got my carrots to munch on for the rest of my days. Cheers matey
>monopolies raise costs
Lel what? You mean by not being market efficient? If you're the only buyer you have absolute power over at what price you can buy the pill at.
True although the Brexit vote has sent a pretty strong message that everyone is fed up of mass immigration of all kinds. In light of this we will be drastically cutting immigration down to only what we need.
>with pretty much every other smartphone being not only cheaper
That's why you have tariffs.
To not be ruled by Brussels
They don't do because of high taxes and low income the vast majority cannot afford quality healthcare, and have to settle for the cesspit that is the NHS

>Government mandated monopoly
>Pill provider hikes pill price from £3 a bottle, to £300 a bottle
>NHS has no choice but to keep buying pill as they MUST provide healthcare
>Taxes go up to pay for this
>Pill provider laughs all the way to the bank
Well... in Europe, violent crime and rape have skyrocketed by 900%, the indigenous people are being replaced by illiterate military age foreigner men, unemployment is at an all-time high, the welfare system is overloading, divorce rate raised, the number of virgin males aged 35 increased, racial relations are low even for German standards, white women are increasingly choosing non-white partners and Islam is slowly gaining traction... but at least shoelaces production went up by 28%, or was it buttons?
>NHS has no choice but to keep buying pill as they MUST provide healthcare... Actually they could just copy the pills themselves now we manage our own laws. Fuck copyright over life and death.
>low income

I have no clue what typical wages in the UK are, but I thought they ain't much lower than here.

>because of high taxes

Top tax rates have never been lower than today. And yours are also far lower than in Germany.
In the US. What about the rest of the world? And what about it also raising tariffs against the US, further damaging their export capabilities?

>but they would still exist as long as the market is profitable and there is no way to satisfy it from the outside.

You don't get it - it WOULDN'T be profitable. Every single other nation would immediately jump in and seize the opportunity to attract the running capital to their nation. The US will have to either enter full isolation (somehow), or have the stock market shrink by a huge chunk

Stay salty bulgaria.

Youre just made that we're not gonna be propping you and your filthy slav mates up anymore.

What's good for us is bad for you lot and that's why so many of you are pissy about it.

And you can keep saying our economy is ruined all the ding dong day but it doesn't make it any more true. Go ask the IMF how our economy is doing relative to Europe.
Are you retarded? That is one thing you literally can't argue with. The UK isn't a huge exporter though.

So what about the effects on the US consumers, which are also US workers. What do you think would an US worker prefer -cheaper smart phones or a stable, high-paying job?
You can leave if we get to sever your landmass and kick you into the Atlantic.
And why doesn't your government just change the price? Anti trust laws are a thing.
>responding to a FUCKING LEAF
>Trump became a presidency candidate by critizing free trade

LEL KEK JEJ, please tell me you don't actually think that.

He became a candidate by convincing Memepublicans that the US has become a 3rd-world hellhole, and by scaring the shit out of old/stupid people who believe the illegal immigration problem is 999999999 times worse than it actually is.
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>I have no clue what typical wages in the UK are, but I thought they ain't much lower than here.
Benefits don't provide much income (£51 a week when I was on JSA a few years back, I think its £55 now)
>Top tax rates have never been lower than today.
Top tax rates largely don't matter, it's the middle class that gets fucked. Pic related, if you're in retail (which I believe is the most common job in the UK) you'll make at most, £22,000 a year, probably much less, of which a lot goes to income tax, national insurance, TV license, living expenses etc, which leaves relatively little for health insurance (Bupa seems to be about £33/m or £400/y)

They're in bed with, or perhaps actually are the pill providers
>Youre just made that we're not gonna be propping you and your filthy slav mates up anymore.

I'm mad that a potentially unified Europe now has one less member, equal to a state seceding from the US - both sides lose in the process. The immigrants would've stopped soon enough and you know it, but you allowed yourself to get baited by an irrelevant party's propaganda.

>What do you think would an US worker prefer -cheaper smart phones or a stable, high-paying job?

They don't care. The majority of people are incapable of thinking like this. And again, the proposed "stable, high-paying job" is temporary and short-term. The longer your country spends under protectionism, the more time it gives to other countries to replace its position by opening their markets. When that happens, even backing off from protectionism wont help you as you now have to wait for them to enter protectionism for some reason so you can repeat the process. Probably works when half the world is in ruins and the other half in communism. Definitely doesn't work when almost all of it is a capitalist democracy.
>TV License
>actually falling for this
No wonder your nation is in such a state.
twas clearly good for business. I'm looking at you The City...
You are incorrect in every way. The trade deals are perhaps the most critical factors of his platform, and the "wall" is a crucial component of enforcement.

All he talked about during the debate was
>muh Mexico
>muh China
>muh trade deals

He didn't promise to combat inequality, he didn't promise to deliver the benefits middle classes all over the world, with exception of Americans, have.

All he did was criticise free trade. And it seemed to get him points.
>I'm mad that a potentially unified Europe
A united Europe is retarded, why should my laws be voted on by the Polish?
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>The NHS is on the verge of collpase

Since the Tories are trying to destroy it, because the health insurance game is insanely profitable in the United States, and the string-pullers in the UK want a share of that loot.

But 20% isn't much, anon. The German middle class could only dream of paying a 20% tax which includes health care.
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>Nu-male spotted.
Because you prefer Somali immigration over Polish immigration
Because the Polish would've enlisted in your army and kept your citizens safe? Or because of cheaper production and workforce there, or maybe because of their raw materials that your country also needs to be successful?

My vote had nothing to do with immigration the the UK because that's hardly even going to change.
My vote was about getting off the ship before the rats chew through the hull and sink it once and for all.

The only way to keep it functioning the way it works now would be raising taxes significantly. And that would've killed the Tories, since tax cuts are the only thing they can present the middle class.
>the cesspit that is the NHS

It's widely regarded as the best healthcare system in the world.

Keep sucking that Daily Mail cock though.
Just nigger it you Google.
Do you not follow news at all?
Yeah it's bullshit, I personally don't pay and there isn't much they can do to make you pay, but most still do

Notice how timeliness of care is lower than the rest, and is continuing to drop. I also question the actual quality of care, since MRSA is fucking everywhere in our hospitals

Sucks to be you, and 20% is bullshit for the terrible services we receive

Not my army, the "EU army" which wouldn't protect my borders but rather suppress dissent. >Or because of cheaper production and workforce there
Doing my people out of jobs
>or maybe because of their raw materials that your country also needs to be successful?
Trade is a thing you know. A united europe would be like Yugosalvia, an unstable multiculti state that ends in a massive war 50 years down the line

>It's widely regarded as the best healthcare system in the world.

It's fucking terrible if you've actually used it
For the lulz, just like it always has been here and just like it always will be.

We are also about to get a man you might of heard of elected, it's not even slightly a good choice (And i'm a fucking righty) but we will do it anyway for the lulz.
What I'm telling you is that Germany is doing rather good, despite paying almost two times the effective tax rate.

So you have other problems than taxes.
>>It's fucking terrible if you've actually used it

You think that now, but you really don't want a healthcare system like what we have in the States. Trust me.

You bongs should be doing everything you can to keep the NHS solvent and functioning as effectively as possible, including but not limited to raising taxes.
>So you have other problems than taxes.
Alcoholic culture, unemployment, lack of industry, poor economic growth, rampant crime, welfare addicts etc etc

Much of it funded by bullshit taxes

Nope, since we don't have as many problems as you, despite twice the taxation.
>It's okay, pay a 100% tax so you can get """"FREEE""""" healthcare so that you don't actually need to pay for healthcare

I'd rather live my reasonably healthy life and pay for the rare occasion I need healthcare, rather than pay ridiculous taxes so Muhammad an get his daughter free hymen reconstruction surgery
Yeah, you have other problems like 1.5 million pakis a year, mass rape and being jailed for having the wrong opinions
Exaggerate more.
>sink it once and for all.

Nice delusion. The EU isn't going down anytime soon. The unified economy is working flawlessly, the interstate is continuing its expansion and your leave now triggered the administration to start coming up with ways to prevent future such occurrences.

An example is the recently proposed free tickets for exploring the entire EU for lads who recently became adults, which will make them like it even more and reduce the likeliness they'd vote for an exit in their nation, with a statistically expectancy of 5 (five) million using it yearly and technically indoctrinating themselves to how great a unified EU is.
More will come, as the recently established unified police force that will be positioned on our border, the proposed unified army that is waiting for you to drop out and finally establish it without you vetoing it, so on.

Truth hurts lad

>Trade is a thing you know.

Not for your economy that is so dependent on EU membership. The roots are so tightly ingrown with the EU that the rapid separation and the imposed tariffs for import/export that will follow will force capital to flee your nation towards the EU. They employed cheap EU labor, well, they wont stop doing that anytime soon as that is equal to bankruptcy, and will simply relocate their HQ to Germany.

Watch as your pound drops massively in the future, further fueled by your government HAVING to rise inflation because it cannot support its current economy and policies without printing a lot of it. It's a shitstorm I wouldn't want to be a part of, and if you can migrate to Canada or the US, do it now.

All memes. Life in Germany is good and I'm glad I was born here.
dumb mudslime, stop fucking your cousins and you may have a chance at raising mudslime IQ levels.
>Not for your economy that is so dependent on EU membership.

It's a two way street, the EU buys more from us than we buy from the EU.
>The roots are so tightly ingrown with the EU that the rapid separation and the imposed tariffs for import/export that will follow will force capital to flee your nation towards the EU.
Perhaps, perhaps not
>hey employed cheap EU labor, well, they wont stop doing that anytime soon as that is equal to bankruptcy, and will simply relocate their HQ to Germany.
Probably not actually, many companies have already increased their UK presence since the vote
>The unified economy is working flawlessly

We have up to 40% youth unemployment in all of South Europe, in part due to the common currency. Germany is exporting at their expense.

If you call that flawless functioning...

I'd be glad if I was a German as well. Merkel will have to leave the office soon, and it is statistically improbable for the same copy of Merkel to keep winning the office. At some point, they will do a 180, and you must be retarded to believe in a permanent, linear status quo.

What they have now is nothing but a temporary crisis that will pass
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depends how you look at it.
what went on in britian in september?
>Germany is fine, I'm okay so the entire country is AMAZING

I live in a nice part of Scotland, people have jobs, there's very little crime and it's generally a nice place to be

Most of Scotland is a shithole however, it's a welfare fueled perfect storm of alcoholism
I am almost blind in my left eye because referrals to specialists take 3-6 months. Told my doctor there was something wrong years ago and his response was basically "No, you're young so everything is OK". GPs here don't even listen to you. Getting referrals is like getting blood from a stone.
>What they have now is nothing but a temporary crisis that will pass

But the UK is DOOOOOOOOOOOMED because the EU is going to rebound to be AMAZING AND PERFECT FOREVERMORE

Bulgaria pls, you only want the EU because your country is literally irrelevant without it
>What they have now is nothing but a temporary crisis that will pass

Well, that's debatable. The immigration crisis in Africa will only get worse and our population is ageing at a more rapid pace than everywhere else.
>filename fail
good for exports
>Go to GP with intestinal pain
>He says its just gas and will pass
>It does, then returns every 3-4 weeks
>Go back
>Started shitting really dark shit yesterday, probably blood
>Going in tomorrow to get appointment, in 6 week the doctor will tell me ITS JUST GAS ITLL PASS
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Let's be honest here, Trump and most politicans get popular by emotional appeal. Practically none of the voters have an understanding of the effects of tariffs, the number of manufacturing jobs lost, when manufacturing went into decline or even a reasonable approximate of the effects of a decline in manufacturing.

Do people even know the terms of TPP?

>the left relentlessly attacked the bankers and the financial sector for years
>brexit happens
>'omg the FTSE is falling, stocks are dropping, big business isn't happy, we should have listened to Richard Branson this is horrible!'
>GPs here don't even listen to you. Getting referrals is like getting blood from a stone.

It's not much different in the States (notice how the US lags behind the UK in "timeliness of care). It took me multiple months to see an ENT for a ear problem I was having, and that's with a employment-provided insurance plan. Then I had to drop hundreds of dollars out of pocket for the appointments & tests... again, despite having insurance. I can't imagine how long someone with private insurance or no insurance would have to wait/pay.
No, the TPP is so secret that even if you're special enough to see it, you have to go into a special guarded room and not take any notes or pictures. And that's despite it being a "living document" that isn't going to say what it says now anyway.

You're right about emotional appeal, but those folks who do know what's up know that he's running his mouth generally in the right direction even if the exact details have yet to be determined.

The next two decades is more than enough, as that will be the Space Age and being a lead economy in that age is critically important. A hundred times as important than being one during the colonial age

Also debatable. Robotization exists.

>If you call that flawless functioning...

It is. Other nations on Earth have FAR worse issues, like Russia (and China/USA soon). The only government I admire and is obviously working more effectively than ours is Japan's, since they timed their deflation perfectly. They will profit the most in the incoming crisis, and they will also be one of the few nations to not be majorly impacted by it
>the TPP is secret
You can download it from most of the governments involved.
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>>Also debatable. Robotization exists.

>Import millions of low skill labourers
>Replace them with robots anyway
Please elaborate why other nations have far worse problems (especially the US) and how deflation is a good preparation for the things to come.
For this
Replace Schemingfrog with Nigel Farage, and then you'll be onto something.
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I once downloaded printed out and hilighted the leaked draft of the copenhagen treaty, but even the people who I could convince to read it just said la la la la la not it's not true conspiracy theorist!
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because you're dumb Aatheists
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With any luck all the EUrotrash will fuck off back home now they can't make five years wages for one years work over here.

Hopefully Westminster will take the opportunity to cut housing benefits some more.

Manufacturing exports up just in time for the rounds of new FTAs. Sign up while it's cheaper.

What personal benefits does Garage reap from the Brexit?
Had he betted on it happening?
>I thought Americans were the ones with hate.
Good. Don't be a bitch.
We don't need money, all we need is British spirit.
fuck off, they're full
When's the last time you tried to drive anywhere?
Because I'd rather have a weaker short-term economy, and then watch it improve through time, compared to a stagnant economy as we slowly pay mudskins through benefits to outbreed us.
He wanted it to happen.

Now it's happening.
To crash european union WITH NO SURVIVERS

Using your mates as a stand for your MG

>can't handle these tekkers

Ah, well, maybe people are still doing things because they believe in them.

Farage believed in a better UK outside the EU ;____;
Russia, aging population and lack of educated workforce to support their current economy. Most people into geopolitics predict that they will be forced to become a member of the EU in 10-15 years or face disintegration due to a return of communism, except that this time Germany has already conquered the entire Europe in advance.
It then becomes a decision between dependence upon China and direct rivalry with the entire EU, or membership inside the Union to prevent the rise of communism in the first place. The second is far more likely than the first, as the primary victims of a rise of communism will be the oligarchs, and the current regime is basically theirs.

US. Everyone is well-aware that pretty much every company in the US is overvalued to some extent, some hugely so. Companies like Facebook, Alphabet, Microsoft, and the entire IT sector as a whole are a huge bubble that was riding the recent advances in it. It can basically be described as a massive over-exaggeration followed by a huge disappointment. That's just how the IT sector works worldwide.
Well, the problem is that that sector, unlike any other nation, is a huge part (the biggest sector) of the US economy, with a huge portion of the most valuable companies being a part of it. That's just the IT sector.

The other sectors will slowly erode as well, since a lot of emerging economies (and specifically the EU) will slowly start replacing them in efficiency, especially the energy and industrial sectors. The current market cap of the US (~20t) is expected to "ground" itself at about 13-15t, upon which the next cycle of growth will very likely be far slower than before as there's just too much democratically-capitalist competition around the world, which was the major asset of the US so far in attracting capital.

Another thing is the deteriorating foreign policy, which means that regional powers will start popping up soon, as the only thing preventing them in the first place was the US
So some institution's that hold large stocks of sterling. Have decided to dump that sterling at a loss. To attempt to cause a panic and influence negotiation. They are banking on a panic, but if the panic doesn't happen, they lose heavily. I hope they have plenty in reserve.
Because you are literally retarded and wanted to see further diminishing of the once great United Kingdom. Bye bye financial sector and EU exports.
Thanks for the explanation.

But I don't really share your optimism. The EU will face the very same problems the USA faces, as it lost its manufacturing to the same extent. Italy, Spain, France all lost ground in the last decade or so. And Germany is selling shit through an undervalued currency that damages the rest.

And how will Japan benefit from a deflation?
Stiff upper lip, Abdul.
Then what exactly is the benefit for poorfag nations
Is it going to put a dress on and run off to France.

Without the entry-level industrial jobs, these folks would be unemployed.
>The EU will face the very same problems the USA faces, as it lost its manufacturing to the same extent

Sure, but not to the same extent. The EU will work as the magnet for the confused capital that will be fleeing the US. Especially after Cl*nton wins and rises taxes, which at the current state, is basically shooting yourself in the foot with a railgun.

>And how will Japan benefit from a deflation?

It is usually expected to have a reduction in inflation rate during a recession. Therefor, straight up deflating before one is incredibly efficient as that reduces the deflationary effect during the recession and allows you to stabilize your economy easier. Unlike most other economies during the crisis, you will have the ability to subsidize critical industries and basically come out far more stable out of it, allowing your economy to directly jump in after the crisis ends and seize most opportunities, while the rest of the world recovers.

It is like infecting yourself with flu on purpose, so your organism develops a temporary immunity to it, and when the wave of flu hits worldwide, you'll already be healthy and pretty much immune to it.
Those poor bulgarians, I better make my lower classes unemployed so they can have jobs instead
sasuga aussnigger
I really thing you're far too optimistic. Again, half of the European youth in the South is unemployed. Growth in Europe has been extremely sluggish. Germany is the only country able to balance its budget - at the expense of others! Your country, amongst others, is beyond demographic recovery. No amount of immigrants will reverse the trend of Europe dyuing out.

The US has the younger population and will still have lower tax rates than Germany or France under Clinton. The US has always been the haven for fleeing capital, hence the dollar is the global reserve currency.

And Japan is trying to combat deflation, as far as I am concerned. Not to allow it. They have the lowest interest retes in the world.
You do realize that the pound is going to return back to normal as soon as you start trading with the EU and other countries, right? It's just a big panic from investors.
>I-I thought america were the people filled with hate, not us baaaaaaaawwwwwww

fuck you too cunt
> Breixit
>Why did we vote for Brexit again?
for her
>Most the economists/make businesses/small businesses/government officials/NHS directors said brexit would be a bad idea.
>It was a bad idea

Whoa, who would if known, certainly not be that's for sure.

Why would i off believed all these jidf, in still amazed that were right.

Honestly who would if thought, people who had years of experience with this stuff would get it right, and a load of NEETs would get it wrong.

Seriously makes me think.

He didn't ask about that.
Erm, how much are the free tickets going to cost your government. Does Bulgaria have a big army, your going to have to pay for a bigger one. That and the expanded police. All those things cost penny's. Your taxes are going up.
Do you have many gypsies in Bulgaria, I thought it was more a Romanian thing. So what's with the Crystal ball, fortune telling shit.
You think it might have something to go with $db shitting the bead and the UK still technically being part of the EU? Euro recession incoming. Swedecucks, send your women my way. You're not using them anyway.
Umm no. Someone hacked the algos. Took a few minutes for the human to flip the switch off.
I thought so myself, I wonder which government was behind that.
Someone made a killing on dollar vs the pound yesterday. I'm guessing Soros or Clinton foundation? The usuall suspects no doubt.

>follow the money if you can
Dont know but anglo suffering is honey to my soul.
Key word is appointed.
Honestly the quote in Germany for under 30s might be about 20-25%. The only reason it appears so low is because "One Euro Jobs" and 450€ jobs don't count as unemployed, even if they are barely enough to sustain one person.
to be free of the global jewish economic system
The Council of Europe, The European Commission. Stay in Singapore gook boy
Doesn't know how to delete posts...
What do you mean got it right? The pound has continued to fall. Like it has been since 2014. It accelerated a bit. DB literally seems like it could collapse. In any case, Brexit voters all predicted short term economic downturn. I thought it would be worse by now tbqh. So how exactly have brexiters been proven wrong?
> britshit money overvalued
> sharp decrease after the people vote to leave eu
> followed by more when the pms wont pull the trigger on that nigger article 50
> suddenly you can export more easily
> great news for economy
> people who are literally retarded keep thinking john oliver is intelligent, and not some retarded sjw dipshit cock gobbler communist
> b-but i can't buy me kinder eggs as easily

let the better economy wash over you
wtf i hate liberals now
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Another possibility was that someone Updated their Algo software and the result was unexpected. Then it took the human a minutes to flip the switch. There was probably some serious screaming going on.

I would have loved to have been a fly

>on the wall

For that one.
Not to mention the German government constantly ties to get more and more money. Shit that happened since the refugee crisis started:

>medical insurance rates went up
>energy taxes are constantly on a rise because LOL Atomausstieg
>flexi tax on gasoline

I love this one. If the oli is getting too cheap, causing the gasoline prices to sink the German state wants to increase the taxes in turn, making sure that the German car owner will never benefit from low oli prices.

Not to mention that there are huge cuts in the public spending, causing schools, roads and public institutions to rot away.
british industry is poo-in-loo tier. They don't make many products, they are a services economy. Devaluing their currency won't help them
Look sure it's a momentary down turn, however the U.K. is already trying to get the trade agreements as close as possible as it was. The real issue is immigration and EU trying to federalize Europe.

UK says hold on, they take in their fair share of brown folk. Look how many Asians, Jamaicans, and etc, they take in. They don't need EU demanding that they share in Germany's stupid decision to open the flood gates.

All the money going towards integration could've been spent on sending aid to Syria's neighbors. They have roughly the same cultural and linguistic background, and the £/€/$ would go much further there than in Europe.

You now have true independence. Which UK should look into making an Anglo Union, something similar to what the EU original was suppose to be. A shared economic union, for the economy only. Leave politics and the affairs of each country to themselves.
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...and soon every britbong will have more money than they can carry.

it will work though, >>91848759
>there wouldn't be much left of Europe to retake.

the only thing with value there is the people and their goods and services, so long as you don't permanently destroy those you will be fine, but yes a self sufficient economy is a necessity, grow your own food, spend your money only in your community
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So we can stem the decent in to third world status. Like Sweden.
the jock didn't answer so I will, yes it very much is true, it's also true the Ginger fucks get free university.

Scotland is an anchor on England. A beautiful country no doubt, but economically it's shit tier, which is sad as Capitalism was pretty much much invented there, but for some bizarre reason they are all now socialists.
I would fully support and anglo union, at least we have shared history that isn't murdering each other
>because it is not sustainable.

well nothing is sustainable in an economy that tells people not to try and lets them sit around drinking swill in a pub, you need to reach out to involve everyone, if they commit crimes great you can arrest them and probably deport them, refugee catches an accusation of rape they're deported, just for an accusation, you'll get value out of those people who can deal with that, the rest fuck em it will be work but it will create profit, connecting different global markets together can be very good, if done properly and fairly
I missed that one, yeah it's true, I'm getting paid £73 a week to go to uni, at 22

Brexit was a bad move; pic related.
hi jew
always thinking in terms of money money money
like a money grabbing kike
temporary. Globalists just trying to punish the UK.

But they're all pussies. One global crisis and the pound will skyrocket. Buy, buy, buy.

Syria shit might be a happening. So it's all good. It's a game of chicken.
>m-muh money

The unelected bureaucracy literally wanted to ban kettles and force migrant quotas on its people m8. The pound was overvalued anyway, this is good for exports.
Because a right-wing loony using racially-charaged statements convinced you to, despite not having a plan for what to do after accomplishing the first step. And let's not forget all the apathetic voters who thought such a lunatic would never have a chance to get what he wanted.

Really makes you think.
why the fuck are you so retarded?
it sure does
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