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Did you get to see or visit them before they went down?

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Did you get to see or visit them before they went down?

yes. they were as boring as nyc can be, and that's pretty damn boring.
Yes, when I was 1.

My parents said they took me to the top too.
Stood on the observation deck in 1997.
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nice quads, me.

in this pic, the shoreline is pretty close to the construction site.
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but now there are huge buildings there.

did they use the excavated dirt to make that much more land, or are these buildings on the close side of that road in the other pic.
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I wasnt even born yet
Yeah, saw them in the early 1980s when I was a kid. First visit I got out of visiting them and made my parents go without me. Second NYC visit I kind of had to give in, so I actually went up in one of them with my parents.

I vaguely remember Windows On The World. Very 70s decor, lots of brown and gold. I was a shy kid, so I remember the carpet really well, kek. I was always staring at my feet back then to avoid talking to people. I was also afraid of heights so I was seriously uncomfy the whole time. Couldn't wait to get the fuck out of there, I mean it was really bothering me.

Now I wonder if my extreme unease was just all about the height thing, or if I was picking up on something spookier. I was kind of a spooky kid and would get hunches about people or whatever that would come true.

I don't recall the food at all. Vaguely picturing the waiter, a tall young guy with brown hair, very nice. I was just so happy to get back out on the street again. Looking back up at them--your pic reminds me of that feel so strongly--I just thought they were such ugly, foreboding buildings.
you need to be 18+ to post on 4chan
Went there in 99 with my dad. I was pretty high up looking down behind the glass seeing how the cars looked like little ants. Can't help but think if there were any kids like me that passed.
I didn't even know it happened that day. I was still an elementary schooler and no one thought it was important enough to tell me.
I visited the twin towers twice in the 90's and remember 9/11 happening live, very vividly.

They were the most imposing thing I've ever seen in person. There was an understated elegance about them that would draw you in, like you were trying to decipher some hidden meaning to it all. The more you looked, the more overwhelming it became. That was only topped by the sheer, unyielding size that boggled the mind. Other large towers have focal points, like the Burj. All the decks on the Burj break up the shape/pattern of the building and give it scale.

Not the Twin Towers. They were so large and unrelenting to witness, one was inspiring but two was overwhelming. They were so big, so uniform, that it was impossible for your mind to focus on any one part of it while looking at them from the bottom. I've seen the Burj, and I've seen the Twin Towers. The Twin Towers by far were the more impressive of the two. The Burj looks like a fucking space needle. The Twins were Titans standing guard over New York.

They were the most powerful monuments I've ever seen in my life, nothing else comes close. Those buildings housed a lot of fond memories for me. Luckily, the memories live on even in the absence of the structures.
tfw visited the twin towers on acid
went there in 1999 and 2001
Father had a business trip so he brought me along
Oh you...
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Never got to go to the top sadly. Only the base

Snapped this pic July 8th 2001
Nope. That year my brothers outvoted me and we went to Canada instead.

Fucking leafs.
Went there in August 2001, good timing.
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I did. The towers were amazing, but so was the underground mall.
I visited them when i was 5 or so. I don't remember them though.

One of my favourite buildings ever :/. Such a shame. The new freedom tower is utter shit. Every time i see it it feels like a symbol of the decline of the west.
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No, because I was smart enough to know they'd be a target again after the first bombing back in the early 90's.
why would you visit buildings?
Some people appreciate western culture. A mud shit nigger like yourself would not understand.
It doesn't mean he went in 2001
Saw them from the highway as my family drove up to MA to visit my grandparents.
Yeah stood in between them and then went to the ground floor of one of them. Too long of a wait to get to the top so we said screw it.
I didn't personally like the buildings, but this is a hell of a good description of them. They did have an overpowering aura and presence. There's literally nothing else like them.

I went to a trip to NYC 9 months before the attacks. I remember the underground mall / subway connect... also we never made it to the top because the line was fucking long as fuck
>next time

I actually said that

>next time im in NYC ill go to the top

Yes, i was part of the Mossad team that rigged them with explosives.

Didn't even knew these existed before they collapsed.

Pretty boring little towers compared to the Statue of Liberty or Empire State Building.

Well spoken. The towers were a testament to America's might. Once they went down, we went down. And now I have to live in a shriveled up, cucked nation that's a shadow of its former glory.

Feels bad man.
You wouldn't visit a dying friend in the hospital?
Yes, more than once. The first time I was too scared to go out on those glass things and look down.
>tfw visited the twin towers on acid
lol my friend had just gotten done with a huge bowl when the first plane hit while he was just down a few blocks

wew talk about getting the paranoia from weed
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reported, for the off chance youre not kidding
yeah. in 1997 i think

Is that a recipe for spicy falafel and jasmine rice or what the fuck is this Jew ranting about?
oy vey
Nope. Never been to NYC. Tallest buildings I was ever in were Sears Tower in Chicano ill and the Gateway Arch in St Loony. Sears was taller anyway wasn't it?

I did that in 2001.
Yep, took a flight there in 2001. It was pretty lit.

To joke there m8, didn't see that one coming
That wont help, ill be quietly released after questioning like my Urban Moving Systems team that were found with a van containing traces of explosives on 9/11.

My little brother had the same feeling in the arch and Sears tower. He was just a pussy. sry bro
After a while tallest isn't all that. Like for instance the top of the Empire State Building is fun, but it's funner to go higher. That bigass thing they have in Dubai is I guess worth it just to say you did it, but already so tall it doesn't matter.

Spend your money better and hit up national parks with canyons. That'll really put the fear into you very bigly.
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I don't even know what the towers were supposed to be.
Something about trading I guess.
>very bigly.

Is this a thing now?
I was dragged to a Dark Shadows convention there once. Never watched the show had no idea who these "stars" were. The big event was a group panel that packed the auditorium with the cast that showed up,and I cringed in my seat watching rabid superfans confessing their love for the show,for the cast,for the glorious impact it made in their lives,to the point of getting teary-eyed. A fucking vampire soap opera from the 1970s.

They had signings with other celebrities from that time,too. Bob Denver,in his red shirt and white sailor's cap,Gilligan himself. The most miserable son of a bitch I ever met. Had a puss on him like he just finished a shit sandwich and was expected to go for seconds. Can't blame him,though...the character destroyed his career,no one took him seriously as an actor after that. He hated being there,hated every asshole willing to shove a $20 at him to sign stuff,hated an unjust universe. I spoke with him,briefly, and pointed out that Gilligan's island will be one of Mankind's legacies we will take with us when we colonize the stars...

He frowned less,but might have been from slight nausea from the thought...
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Frankfurt is the cyberpunk city. It's beautiful!
Oh wait we're still talking skypes I thought it was DB from the thumbnail.
I didn't know the towers only stood for a year, or that they only accepted visitors the last year they stood.

They should have rebuilt the tower exactly like they were before, as if nothing ever happened. It would have been an hell more powerful statement than whatever the current tower is trying to symbolize.
Very much this. The symbolism of it and how quickly it were rebuilt would have been enormous.

Instead, Russia put up a 9/11 memorial before we could even begin to agree on what to do. lol Russia; they know how to play the game.
I got to work in them. Fortunately, my rabbi called and asked me to stay home that day.
The freedom tower doesn't fit with the architecture of NYC honestly, it looks more like those Chink skyscrapers
Seriously this. The first time I saw it I was like what the fuck is that am I in singapore or something?

It's an insult on top of injury.
You would never be able to rent that space to anyone knowing 1 accellerant fire can level the buildings in minutes.
If that's as deep as they dug, that foundation doesn't look all that secure. I wonder if the foundations got rekt by the jet fuel?
Saw them in middle school in early 90's during Statue of Liberty tour. Got an odd sense that I was looking at something more historic than SoL but didn't know why.
Did you get to go all the way into her head? I got so bored climbing the damn stairs and staring right into somebody's ass the only thing that kept me going was the thought of what would happen if I were to fart on the person behind me.
The only thing I like about the new tower is that if you look at a certain face of the building from below it looks like it goes up into space
Was August 2001, and was in the city.

Was asked by my dad whether we wanted to go up the WTC or the Empire State. We picked the latter.

I somewhat regret that decision...
Shit I meant to reply to >>91841796

Not to say your post wasn't also good, an-non~
I personally saw the empty foundations after they were cleared of all debris during the building of the freedom tower (think it was around 2008).

That fucking hole in the ground, that shit was like 8 stories+ deep.

Those empty foundations have since been filled with concrete. made into a "pool" and are currently the 9/11 memorial.

From what I saw, I don't think there was any chance of rebuilding towers on those foundations without literally ripping everything out and starting fresh (a multi billion dollar endeavor)

Yes they built that extra land there from the excavation materials so they could build the World Financial Center.

Yes, In the mid 90s. I have some video footage on VHS that I need to upload to YouTube still.
This guy gets it. And nothing hit harder than coming in over the GWB and seeing that huge gaping hole in the skyline for the first time. It was like Colossus had fallen, and your very identity had been taken.

I did that, too, some years later with a bunch of college pals. It was weird because so much time and space had separated it from us, and the whole thing was underwhelming. But one of us had the brilliant idea to go find the nearest pizza joint for ny pizza and we wound up telling stories about it to each other to sort of agree on the mutual meaning about it.

Met up with one of them just the other year. Didn't take long before it came up and we agreed the official story is bunk.
if you visted the twin towers you are too old for this board, go home grandpas
I was 11 (the irony) never been to the states m8
There is no irony in this.

>>very bigly.
>Is this a thing now?

it's pretty gay, so yeah, it will probably catch on. just wait for the guys who say "superb owl" to notice it.
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And it gets more traction every time I do it. Thanks fags :D
Look at the size of those cars... fucking boats.
>you will never feel the true power and might of riding in the back of a crown vic driven by a pedal-mashing insane east european over a collection of potholes pretending to be a road
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It was equally disorientating looking down from the top... seeing all those tiny yellow dots, the NYC cabs...

I would only add to your perfect description here, that to look up along the wall... those verticle lines created this optical illusion that no matter how hard you tried, looked away, looked back, shook your head, concentrated... didn't matter, they were so large that they appeard to be bowing outward over your head, they didn't appear to be straight verticle. Something that photos and verbal descriptions just really can't convey about them... they were something that you simply had to see in person.

I remember stumbling around work on September 11 like a fucking zombie. Everyone kept asking me if I was okay, I must have been kind of pallid. That was a fucked up day yip yip.
I was there in 99 i didnt like the top deck they had an elevated plateau in the middle to stand on and then a lower level around it filled with barb wired and razor type fences so you could not come close to the edge it did not felt comphy at all. The view was fun you could see small planes flying over the river at the same height, i liked the indoor deck that was a floor down it had windows from top to bot giving you that scary feel if you came to close to the edge.

I liked the empire state building more the deck had a classic style and a normal type fence with no barbwire like a garden fence and a better view as you are looking down into lower manhattan

got to go on the roof, and took the motion seat helicopter ride thing
Saw yes. Visit no. Honestly not special until they fell
WTF is with all these rares I've been seeing lately? Is CTR getting more creative with their proxies?
click-through rate?
I actually had an interview scheduled there for some shitty marketing job like a week after september 11. Really made me think
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Pic related
>look at flag before reading this post
>physically unable to read it as anything but tongue-in-cheek snarky Australian sarcasm

it really sounds like you're being serious and this post is very well-written but I can't ignore the voice booming from the back of my head saying "E'S BLOODY TAKIN THE PISS MATE"
Moved to NYC; had them in background for three years. Would visit 5 World Trade's Borders Bookstore. Had a change of heart to see the observation deck with senpai in early 2001. Regret not going up there.
No I was 5.
Ever go to Trump Plaza?

First time Trump gave an interview from the lobby that I watched I was like oh holy shit I know that water wall and mediocre food!

Used to hang out at that underground mall and the path train area. Good times.
have another one.
Went there the year before.

Took a picture basically just like the one in the OP.

Laid on the ground and still couldn't fit all of it in the picture.

You can't really describe how giant they were with words.

The observation thing was closed that day, so went inside but not up.

It was surreal watching them fall live on TV.
I remember seeing them from the Empire State Building when I was 9
Nope, I was in 6th grade music class, they told us to sit down and turned on the TV.
I never saw them before that since those early years were internet free (AOL doesn't count, it was garbage). I still remember how much I didn't care at that moment. I was too young to understand what was happening.
I was home for a lunch break. I was expecting a bowl of soup and and a sandwich.
My wife and sister were glued to the TV.
I asked "what's up" and they told me to shut up and watch. So I did.
Total wreckage in New York.

It was on the news My daughter was a baby at the time, and my sister was pregnant with her first child. My mrs and sis would often visit each other.
I didn't expect the US to go full on mental after that. Destroying the Middle East.
wtf? The British Empire had already
I'm ex miltary (Royal Signals) and didn't expect USA to go full on crazy after that.
The USA has very powerful forces. But they are not used effectively.

It's like smashing a nut with a hammer. Being sneaky and quiet is better. And savage in battle.
yup and ops pic is the view I got. We only walked past them and looked up. We went up the empire state building instead of those. This was in July just months before it happened. I was a young 6th grade kiddo that year
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It still makes me sad to think about it. I was in 6th grade and we had TVs in every single classroom. During second period I will never forget going to our social studies class with Mr. Petty. He was a true american and went to vietnam. he loved his country. I will never forget him writing down what happened as it happened.
all on the chalkboard. We even saw the second plane hit on live tv. it was surreal.

I'll never forget Mr. Petty shedding a few tears as he was writing all the events on the chalkboard. He didn't cry long, and I'm not sure if anyone even noticed. I was on the front row and watching how he was acting though and thought I should soak in how an adult was feeling on this situation. He was sad for his country.

was a sad hour of class.
>Be me, on Saturday, September 8, 2001
>Starting another semester at college in NJ, decide to go to concert with roommate
>Take a train into Manhattan, and then a ferry to Liberty State Park from WTC marina
>Spend an extended period on the ferry rides there and back staring up at the twin towers, in real awe of their size (at the time the tops were obscured by cloud cover)
>Towers come down 3 days later
>Mind completely blown by scale of destruction that had to have taken place
We had a family holiday planned and flew over two weeks after it happened.
Now I wish I got to see them.
nope did see the post 9/11 NY
my friend visited and went to the top when he was a kid. i wish it was 9/11 that day.
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Yep, I lived in NY in the 90's
would it be offensive to take a dip in there on a hot day?
Was there in 09.7.91
Yeah, my grandmother worked there when I was a child. I also ate at Windows on the World a few times as a youth.
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It's like a 50 foot sheer drop with a black hole in the Centre, the water is very shallow too.
I was six years old when 9/11 happened. My family visited the WTC the last few days of August, 2001, a few days before I had to go back to school.
I honestly have really clear memory of it and an even clearer memory of 9/11. I'm glad I got to visit them, because >>91841796 and >>91852631 are absolutely right about how it felt to be near/in those buildings.

Their beauty was hidden. From afar they just looked like featureless blocks. But when you were closer you could see their elegance, trimmed edges, polished metal exterior, pointed Arab-style arches. Then there was the interior that was designed to make occupants feel safe with arrow windows so you didn't feel like you were in any danger. All the architect knowing what he was building.
My family again went back to that place sometime in 2002 when the cleanup was still going on. Haven't been down to that area since then and not sure I ever want to go back. If not for some small changes of events, I -would- have lost my father and grandfather in 2001. Instead one of my friends lost his father. That thought terrifies me knowing how a tiny change can have a huge effect.
The could have redesigned the core structure.
I was watching some documentaries on the anniversary and doing some browsing on Wikipedia. Someone archived the restaurant's website from 2001.
I was just a toddler when they fell. My mother was sad but I didn't give a shit.
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Yeah I was there during the attacks.

Even snapped some photo's after the first plane hit
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all that damage. What did plane ever do to building
Isn't it interesting we're having this thread again.

But I guess I'll reply anyway. Traitors should get fair trials. And, yes, I was there.
Are these in the world trade center?
noice leaf

yid saved by the ID
>more animals were eaten in this single restaurant than humans died on 9/11, hiroshima and the titanic combined
>NYC boring in the 80's-90's

Yeah ok betacuck
It's odd, one of my childhood memories of the restaurant was the floor to ceiling marble bathroom and the attendant.
How many lesserskins got droned or bombed to no effect?

Thanks, PNAC.
I was 4 floors above where the first plane hit.

Fucked up the office next door so I went in and took pics of the damage, I genuinely thought a bomb went off
nope. Sand niggers blew it up when I was five.
What the fuck kind of camera is that to be honest?

Most people would not be taking stage photo shoots of it while dying and falling out of windows &c.
Why are people so mad these building went down? Wouldn't they have been filled with jews and bankers?

Yeah the plane hit so hard it blew a bathroom sink all the way into an office
This. I lived in Astoria, NY is now a family friendly theme park, the 90's were so full of promise. 9/11 was a bookmark for the downturn

You could have cleaned up on your way out you know. It's called common courtesy
>I genuinely thought a bomb went off
But there were bombs anon. Nano thermite based ones.
Fucking Big League, not bigly, and I know you already know this
ITT Shitty new yaawkers meme'ing over a shitty city
yep. my cousin was visiting and we went with dad to the top. when you got off the elevator theyd take a photo of you in front of one of those NYC skyline caricatures. I remember it was foggy/cloudy that day though, so you couldnt see much. still neat though. I was really young though so unfortunately I dont remember it too well these days.

I really want to go up the new WTC deck
That's just an empty office.
America died when the towers went down.
The also stored gold in the basement while the main player jews and the bankers got called home.

As for why we are mad, we'll leave that up to the public court hearings.
Get fucked pussy
Yes a year or so before I was a courier and made a delivery from Boston to One WTC across the street toward the River.. it shook me to think of how many hard working schlubs just like me were killed doing just what I had done that day...
My father was down there the afternoon of the 11th and helping dig through the pile. He saved a few pieces of marble. It not worth anything and there's no way to tell where it was, but he wanted to keep a part of the buildings.
Zoom in on the flag, click on the flag. Download the flag in another tab. I literally just did that.
Here's some massive photo albums of the towers and the interiors. Probably going to waste a bunch of my time going through them. Some of these photos are from 9/11, specifically one of the first images being looking outside and seeing fluttering papers. I don't think many photos were taken from the inside that day.

this, so much this. 9/11 marked the end of America as the top superpower. and we spent the rest of the decade in freefall.

on the bright side, the new tower is a whole lot better than half of the proposed designs. it has echoes of the north tower, which i appreciate.
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it's something about Creation
I saw them many times. I visited the top of Tower 1 as a child, before Tower 2 was even finished. At the time there wasn't even a protective rail on top, only a 2-foot high steel bar running around the sidewalk that circled the top of the building about 2 feet above the roof and 5 feet from the edge.

I also stopped by several times in life just to look up at them. To stand right at the bottom of one of them and look straight up the wall was a very humbling experience. SO much concrete rising so high, incredible. And a lot of people don't realize how big their circumference was, they were absolutely monstrous structures. There may have been some taller buildings in the world but for pure mass, they had to be the biggest by far. It was like being at the feet of God.
Something about huge structures makes your view of them warped. I've played an amateur game of Aussies rules on >pic related as it was filling up for a professional match. Standing on either side of the stadium was surreal. It didn't even feel circular, it felt like a giant C shaped ground. It was so insane to play the first quarter of the game with the seats nearly empty, the to walk out after a 15 minute break with the seats 3/4 full. People were getting into out game and their chanting was hypnotic. The stadium was full at the end of out game. To be surrounded by so many people and not be able to focus on a single one was amazing. I only wish I was good enough to play professionally just to experience that again. Even for one game.
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Forgot the pic

Are you old enough to remember what America used to be like? It was better before 2001.
And it came to pass Cl earth flap his brothers and Dbrim Ahdim. And it came to pass Bnsam Mkdm and Imtzao Bkah land of Snar and Isbo there. And they said unto Raho man: let us Nlbnh blocks set and Nsrfh Lsrfh, and Thi Lhm Hlbnh Labn and Hhmr upon a time Lhm Lhmr. And they said: let us Nbnh in us Air and Mgdl and Raso heaven and Nash in us a name lest Nfotz on top of Cl earth. And Ird God Lrat At Exit to the city and At Hmgdl Asr in us children of Hadm. God said: aye people mono- and Sfh eleven Lclm and Zh Hhlm make, and Ath not Ibtzr Mhm Cl Asr Izmo make. Let us Nrdh and Nblh there Sftm which had not Ismao man Sft Raho. And Iftz God Atm Msm on top of Cl earth and Ihdlo Lbnt it to the city. Upon sincere pumpkin Smh Babylon Ci there Bll E Sft Cl earth, and Msm Hfitzm God on top of Cl earth

wtf is this? Some torah verse?
That would be so cool to see.
yeah they also explained about different versions of greek columns to escape the optical illusion in elementary school here.
I don't mind the design of the new WTC because, as you said, it does echo the original in some way. But I wish they built two. One with the spire and one without.
Whenever I see the lone tower I just think something next to it is missing.
What bombing?
meant for him
crash team racing fucktard
Numerous times.
I turned down a job at Sun Microsystems in WTC in August 2001.
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yeah in 2000 but the smell of C4 and thermite made me sick and I left early
kek spared you
In 1993 the FBI failed it trying to set up a truck bombing. The patsy fucked it up and couldn't park the bomb truck in the right place.


The FBI has been part of most terrorist events in the last few decades, as a university study once found.
I was at them a little over a month before they went down.
Yeah, I was there three months before the attacks. Rode the elevator up to the top, which was pretty neat actually. Your ears pop on the ride up.

At the top was a gift-shop, a simulator attraction about a helicopter ride around NYC. The whole area is windowed so you can see everything around you. Then there's a staircase you can take up to the roof which had a really fucking big fence surrounding it to prevent basejumpers or suicidal idiots.

Luckily I have the agility of a cat and was able to dodge the incoming plane.
Whoa, I didn't even know about that.

Sorry about my shit typing. I am tired as fuck. Trying to avoid the caffeinated jew.
9/11 never actually happened, the towers are still there.
I didn't go inside but I visited them that year. My dad's been going to the latin alternative music conference in nyc since it started and he took my brother and me even though we were small children at the time.
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Going through those albums I linked earlier. These are on page 33-34.
/pol/ is a board of love and peace
5 years old on 9/11. Been to NY like 6-7 times prior.
Begged my grandparents to bring me there. (Was interested in architecture from a very young age)
They finally book a room at Marriott next to the south tower for 9/15.
Watched the second plane hit on TV live (daycare lady wasn't very attentive)
Pretty bummed but didn't expect jet fuel to melt steel beams.

Pre 9/11 NYC was glorious
Oh dear... It appears I have been mislead. I must go now.
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I went to the WTC as part of a school trip in the 8th grade (year 2000). They wanted us to see what a big company was like, so we had a meeting in the offices of Morgan Stanley-Dean Witter (south tower, I think). Very fancy executive office very high up. We all had to wear suits to this event. They served lunch and were very accommodating.
It was an interesting trip.
just sing yourself this in your head at night.

next best thing to cuddling
Dude you're bullshitting so hard. There's not even any furniture. Very obviously the first stages of a renovation.
That gold belonged to the Bank of Nova Scotia. The vault was found completely intact with the gold untouched. There's videos on YouTube of them opening it. Jews didn't steal it. It was just returned to the original jews.
I prefer the safety hat dance.
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I can almost smell the hope for the future and the promise of a better tomorrow that every American had in their heart leading up to September of 2001.

Race relations were good.

Relations with Russia were good.

We had work.

Fucking Muslims, man.
wow jew2 erased the land down under music video

>kukabara shits in the old gum tree, mighty mighty king of the shits is he
>laugh kukabara, laugh kukabara, GAY your life must be
learned that one in school

Have it on vinyl as well. I'll remember to crank that one up next time I'm home.
Thank you.

4 floors above? you couldn't have been in the north tower because nobody escaped above the planes impact

which building were you in ? the south tower ?
not the video yet, but I met a strange lady and she gave me breakfast.
It's a good thing I was so young then. If I was this age then, I would have immediately signed up to go kill the fuckers that did it.
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>He believes the WTC ever actually existed
Stop buying into Jewish hologram trickery
troll harder
Those photos that Anon posted are not from 9/11. There were a few unoccupied floors in one one of the towers, around level 90, that were given to art students. Most of the furnishings from the previous tenant were removed, others were throw about, broken, etc. for photographs.
Saw them in April 2001 with my parents when I was 8. Remember walking by them and being amazed at how massive they were
that's what Donald Trump wanted to do, just ten storeys taller
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of course, i was in NYC for six weeks the summer of 2001.

You could see them from miles away.

When i was in times square i realized the reason why someone would bomb this place.

i actually wrote on a post card "no wonder people want to bomb this place" and sent it to a friend in California. august 2001
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we blew up the towers once I say we blow them up again and rebuild them as they were 20 feet higher!
>see post
>see flag
>ausfailia trying to make us ride the dinosaur
>read post expecting to laugh
>actually impressed
Bravo Australia, Bravo...
When I was only a couple years old we went to the World Trade Center. Don't have any real memory of it but I've seen home videos of that trip. Really emotional to watch.

We pull it out once in awhile as a family, nobody usually walks away with a dry eye.
You misremember. Trump did actually want to put something back up, like anybody from the area would have wanted to.

You know what I did in fact smell the air. The dust blotted out the light, and I was flying our flag off my car at the time. Humans have long memories.
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did you mean to reply to me?
r u on an imageboard for ur first time?
i saw them once when i was 10 years old. i remember getting dizzy from looking up at them because i had never seen something so tall
what do you mean you caused it
I can't, I'm a hologram
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Brah, we have an icecream here called a golden gaytime.
For how many months did you worry about men in suits with badges showing up at your door? kek
I don't understand how this never became a meme
Yes, i went to the last floor in august 2000

I remember being amazed at how fast the elevator was going

My parents went back to NYC went back in august 2001, took a pic eating a hotdog right next the the big round sculpture...
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I noticed that too. I'm surprised I couldn't find a photo of Trump inside the WTC. I would think he went there at least once.
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It all makes sense now.
> at world trade center
> high
Well all of the new immigrants Hillary is going to have come in will need a place to pray. Good thing they were thinking ahead.
The whole complex was inspired by Mecca. That's why it was targeted in the first place.
never been to nyc and never will be to that shit hole
you fucking nogoodnick fucking kike
Fake photos Leafy. Those are all pre-demo photos from some random office building. All electronics and personnel items were removed. Sink on the floor. Posters and pictures not on the walls. Planes and bombs don't do that.
You missed your chance to visit in your lifetime anyway.
Never forget, behind every shitposting STRAYA CUNT facade there is a human being desperately calling out for acceptance and mateship.
Take a nap grandpa
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I was in there when they went down. I jumped from one tower to the next to using a steel beam that had melted partially across to form a plank. I thought I made it to safety after jumping from the 99th floor and smashing through the window of the 70th floor when the 2nd plane hit the tower I was now in.
I started running down the stairs but the Saudis emerged from the crashed plane and started shooting everyone in the office. I managed to escape using a rolling vending machine as cover but fell down the stairs with it. Soon after the building collapsed.
I fell through the floor with the vending machine over me but landed on a couch in the office below me. I then fell through the rest of the building but the couch protected my landing.
I blacked out for a bit, when I came to I could hear rescue efforts above me. I knew I just had to stay alive for what felt like minutes, but must have turned to days because I was starving to the point of death. That's when I felt a drop on my forehead.
The vending machine had been crushed by everything above it and the blood from all the bodies in the building had mixed with the snacks turning it into something I could consume. So I tilted my head up slightly to pour the liquid to my mouth. As it passed over my eyes I batted them to filter out the glass shards with my lashes. This unfortunately has left me patartially blind. The mixture tasted like cheetos and pennies. I have recently had children and they cry when they see cheetos or pennies so I may have passed the PTSD onto them
I will never forget the 7 million that died that day. And Americans can never let Saudi Arabia forget either.
Passed by then on my visits to NYC in '93 and 99.
worked there, last time i was there was night before when i left.
No, I was 15 when they exploded into 900 quadrillion particles of dust. I always assumed they would be there. Kind of like as a kid you just took it for granted that we landed on the moon.
>melted partially across to form a plank
wood planes can't carpenter kitchen supplies

Seen them in a lot of videos online
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Why didn't they fly the planes through the corners?
>is this phishing for old fags bait?

Yep, was up there with a friend who lived in NYC in 90something. We sat on the steps in the observation deck for about half an hour just before they closed till they came 'Would you please leave'. Lasting impressions: a) A really nice view. b) New Yorkers have a way of saying please combined with super aggressive body language. c) that super cheap carpet, I mean come on, you're calling yourself the world center of X and you have that super cheap throwaway carpet that's costs like 20% and lasts 10% of a decent one..
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wasted quads. NYC is boring for poorfags
Pic unrelated
saw it in the films
Dude most people on here were probably not born during 9/11.

I was 9 when it happened in elementary school.
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