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Is there anything that /pol/ disagrees with in Islamic way of

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Is there anything that /pol/ disagrees with in Islamic way of life other than the "they wanna kill infidels" meme?
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I'm devote catholic but I still believe in separation of church and state which they do not

Believe in freedom of speech with they do not

Don't think you should circumsize women

Don't think alcohol should be banned

Don't think pork should be banned

Don't think women should be legally told what they can and can't wear by the state. I think it should just be social pressure
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Killing infidels isn't a meme. It's their entire mission.
FGM isn't an Islamic thing. Only very few people do it. Mostly Africans.
Blatant disrespect of women
Special snowflake meat
Dislike of dogs and other things with no rational basis
no respect for women
no respect for gays
war-mongering, aggressive rhetoric
disrespect for freedom of speech
allying with SJW-s

Total Score: nuke the goatfuckers
That false flag meme again
can't smoke weed
>no pork
>no alcohol
>having to spread my ass for a wizard in the sky 5 times a day
>have to give money to poorfags a.k.a. lazy derelicts
>have to go a fucking cube in the desert with millions of other shitskins at least once in my life
>other autistic limitation on my FREEDOMS

Bunch of spooks mate.
The way the handle women and relationship is respectable.
If you aren't married and have sex you go to jail.
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>pic related
Mujahedin smoke ganja like no tomorrow m8

"Marriage is a spook"
>Haven't contributed anything to society in centuries excepting political Islam, suicide bombings and global jihad

Ahmed, go to bed.
Depends where/which the Islam is

Muslims here are pretty comfy desu

Arabs, turks and pakis are disgusting subhuman filth and I want to keep them far away from anything I value.

I don't actually care about some goatfucker's meme religion. Just the people who follow it.
t. Achmedababa al Kashmiri

They want you to be retarded, for starters. Congratulations on your success.
>No bacon
>No Whiskey
>Enable pedos
>No shoe-string thin bikini
>hate doggos
>No outlandish sex positions
>If not a whore of one social circle, be exclusive to only one.
>No voice in the community without getting my throat slit Halal style
>All my male ancestors look like Franken-Abdul
>Be a surreptitious bitch by nature
>can't even beat a usurping Jewess in a fist fight
I'm an atheist who likes to smoke weed and engage in casual sex. Nothing in common with muzzies.
First of all, they too radical. And have a lot of bullshit rules in EVERY minimal fucking thing.

Second, islam is a globalist ideology which, in practice, implies in some kinds of arab cultural expansionism. Crippling severely the ability of a people/nation to preserve its culture, ethnicity, and way of life.
I do not want to pray to a rock five times a day. PIA.

I literally just hate brown people.
>no outlandish sex positions

You've no idea.
Islam is degenerate. They stone gays to death and throw them off building but at the same time raping young boys is a normal and accepted part of culture in some Islamic communities. You can fuck an 12 year old boy but once hes over 18 its haram?


Islam wouldn't be any worse than Christianity if the majority of them were actually moderate.
>subjugation of women
>imposing views on others
>unwavering belief that a 1000+ year old text is the correct way to live in the modern world
>most violent religion in the world
No, that's me surrender monkey
>Pedo's are bad

"didn't your prophet copulate with a nine year old girl?



>drift into the abyss.
Hey kashmiri. I'm the ex-Muslim that you argue with at times.
Decided to help you out a bit.

>Entire religion is just a power trip of the elites who run it
>Copies other religions and calls it their own

Yeah no
Wrong person mate
>help you out
I dont make pro islam threads

All of it.
Having to enforce control through barbarism.
Soft power is anathema to the durka.

You're right, I meant OP.

>arab cultural expansionism

I'm not too keen on that either. Totally foreign to my nature.
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Yes, they worship false Gods.
Dogs are shit and cats are great

>mugshits actually believe this

other than absolutely unquestionable devotion to a boogeyman in the sky, jihad -> end goal of "peace," mutilation for stealing, physical subjugation of women (mental is much more effective, jsyk), "men are for pleasure,"
>dealing with more than 1 crazy bitch is doable,
>Mohammed was the perfect man,
believing that killing kafir and gay people is "merciful," adopting an absolutely guttural (language), praying 5 times a day, no music, no alcohol, no psychedelics, no bacon, or separation of genders at all social events- nope

not a damn thing, anon

nice bait thread, though
They kill apostates.
Nice flag fag!

And you would Raj?
Please, enlighten us.

hahaha this is so hilarious going straight to r/4chan!

I'd still rape the bitch in OP's pic related, but germanon's right

their boogeyman is the wrong fucking boogeyman

99 names, and they're still all shit

you got 99

inbred fucking retards
I hate Arab expansionism, but Arabic is a beautiful language.
Especially when women speak it..
In bed.
ok, then I actually have no arguments.
the whole not liking dogs thing is kinda fucked but whatever.
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I'm up to 450

spamming harder
ITT: wanna be neonazis standing up for women's rights.
there are 2 active anti-women threads on /pol/ right at this very moment.

Why don't you amputate local kids and turn them into pit-whores to earn some Rupees?

You got that blade and poker ready?
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I bet you have Yosemite Sam mudflaps on the back of your pickup.

they do make fun noises
BDSM is default dynamic
I feel you
today is not monday australanon
op you a muzzi?
Is mutilation not a weekly routine? I thought it was daily.

my C300?
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>Is mutilation a weekly routine? I thought it was daily.

Fix'd your grammer skillz
>Decided to help you out a bit

I'd prefer social shaming too keep people in check, not this acid in the face bullshit.

Also stop worshipping made up people in the sky
no beer, no bacon, retarded praying five times a day, retarded fasts, covering women in bags, freedom of speech.
The people that practice it are ugly shitskin cunts destroying my country too.
Apart from that, and the violence, rape and terrorism that seem to go hand in hand, I'm pretty relaxed about it.
No. Apostate.

>stop worshipping people in the sky

fucking seriously
wtf is this shit
>decapitation , choppings hands , throwing acid , burqa , indoctrination on kids , still believing a pedophile was a prophet , can marry a 8yo old and / or fuck her , banning alcohol , tabacs , weed , can't play poker or any "hasard" game...
Nah Islam is pure shit ! not even talking about the most important fact , can't be at a party with mixed sexes , it's only male party or women party which is totally retarded and cuck tier.
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The way muslims act in the nations they voluntarily immigrate to. They don't enrich us, they don't add anything beneficial or beautiful to our societies, they just take, take, take, and some of the crime is just fucking subhuman, and then whine when people get rightly fucking sick of them.
I'm a muslim
the whole god thing, the stupid customs, the stupid clothes, the stupid ass traditions. basically everything about it besides keeping women in check

muslims- specifically arab muslims- have lower testosterone than men in western cultures

I'll let you anons be the judge of how that's significant
Polygamy. That means (you) possible dont even have a chance to get wife and reproduce because people who was born into weath took few each. Now you are to choose between fucking donkeys with your circumcised dick without even being able to jerk off properly, or go explode in the crowd if infidels and go to your 72 virgins.
>FGM isn't an Islamic thing.
Actually it is. It is obligatory in Shafi'i and Hanbali madhhabs. In other schools of Sunni jurisprudence it is merely honorable but not obligatory. In any case, it is the sunnah of Muhammad.

you read about that guy who beheaded a coworker in Oklahoma because she didn't convert?

really- just- the best fucking religion

how can we even compete?
are you in kashmiri?
any thoughts on pakiland?
>obligatory in Shafi'i and Hanbali madhhabs

>it is the sunnah of Muhammad
complete bullshit.
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Their koran provides a pretty clear mission statement. Complete Islamic domination is the ultimate goal. Sit down and read the damn thing and know your enemy. The complete irradication of Islam and all of its adherents is the only answer.
Get the fuck out of my country you piece of shit
Acid in the face...
But the prophet was so strict that you should never strike someone in the face. Or slap them. Or making their face ugly. These things are common in backwards countries like Afghanistan but they don't do it because of quran/hadiths.
I hate feminism, think women are idiots, and should take a more traditional role. However, I do not think they should be stoned to death if they are raped or whatever fucked up things you primitives do.

Is that anti-women, or am I standing up for women? (a rhetorical question, I couldn't give a tin shit what you think).
> they're too willing to follow a single fanatic leader
pakiland is not that big on democracy.
I don't like covering woman's hair. Their hatred of freedom of speech. The fact they can't handle jokes. Their hygiene habits. Lack of bacon in their life. No pet dogs. Pedophilia encouragement. Polygamy. The only thing I agree with is their punishment for crimes and no alcohol.
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Except it's not.
>I do not think they should be stoned to death if they are raped
how many women do you know that were stoned to death because they were raped?
got any source of that happening?
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to defeat the enemy, you must first understand the enemy

somebunny's fuckin triggered
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Nearly all the arguments against Islam here are full retard. All the extreme and violent examples people are using happen in all countries stricken by war, poverty and/or exploitation from outside forces regardless of religion. None of the example people use here are limited to Islam, heck our friends over in Rwanda are mostly Christian and look what they did in 1996, does it have anything to do with the fact they worship the bible? no, not really, and same with lots of the things happening in the middle east now, given the right economy and access to technology most of your radical ahmeds will be watching porn and smoking weed before Osama can say akbar, traditional Christianity and traditional religions in parts of asia went through radical social reform what makes you think Islam won't?
It's not obligatory wtf. Actually even male circumcision is not obligatory but encouraged because being uncircumcised is unhygenic and brings illness like phismosis. And female circumcision is not common at all in Arab countries. Only in Egypt and Yemen maybe. And Kurds at a VERY high rate, but you westerners love them so they get away with it.

CTR finally farmed out their shilling to Pakistan
>you heard it here first, folks

had to go all the way to grandma's faceboook for that one han?
Are you underaged, or retarded, or both?
The problem with Islam - apart from the fact it's the faith of suboptimal races - is simply whatever mechanism it is that causes families to inbreed like fuck. This is basically why Islamic society fails so hard: not just because of the deleterious genetic effect, but because it fragments and fractalises society so intensely that society as we know it effectively can't exist. You have no reason to care about the people around you when you can just fuck your tight little cousin.

Btw bitch in OP has an absolutely punchable face, dat cognitive dissonance prigwhore duckface holy shit would decapitate
You are cherrypicking things out of context.

all Ibrahimic religions are shit
no one's disagreeing with you ITT
if muhammad was a white man /pol/ would be full jihad mode.
you fucking retarded streetshitter
i think we still have more arabs than niggers muslims here , can't say which is worse.
But yeah both of them will rob you at 20 v 1 from the back.
Any muslims should be a dead muslims.
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pic related

I'm a bergerlord
are you feelin it now?
not my fault you'll die a virgin
you think hillary is paying me to shill for islam on /pol/?
are you mentality challenged?
listen you fucking cocksucker. when you have hordes of muslims coming into your country declaring parts of the city sharia zones where non-muslims are attacked and driven out of their homes, THEN you come here and lecture people about how muslims are peaceful.
to be honest i dont disagree with that.
I lost my virginity when you were like 11.
Go back to /b/ faggot.
Yeah--the no drinking alcohol and eating pork thing is kind of a deal breaker.
go fuck a goat you paki mudslime cunt
well technically christens are also not allowed to eat pork.
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It seems like their school of thought is similiar to extremists.
But if they convert to Islam they'll have to drop the supremacy bullshit because racism is haram.

you're certainly entitled to your opinion

In Oregon, they keep their fuckin heads down. Give us 50 years, and we'll have the same issues you do in France.

Deus vult harder if you want to survive, patriot
Also drunkness is a sin.
But they don't follow their religion.
why is this teanigger so triggered?
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I cant believe people actually fucking believe this shit til this day. What can I say about the blue pill size they swallowed??

shiiiiiiit. I'm 28 and lost mine at 16. you've got me beat there, finn

I've got 2 girls who'll carry on my genes. Please tell me that your genes will propagate further than mine
your shitty culture has brought nothing good to humanity, only terrorism and women dressed in trash bags.

You are shit people with shit moral value shit culture and that's why you're looked down and hated all around the world.
Disagree with
>arranged marriages
>honor killings
>Gas station culture
The worse is that you must pay huge sum to marry, a lot of guy in Egypt can't fuck because of that, and it create the rape phenomenon we know.
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You got bants
What's so wrong about eating pork if it is fully cooked to the point that it kills all pathogens and drinking a moderate amount of alcohol? Why does that warrant 50 lashings + jail time in most Arabic nations or some shit? It doesn't seem like a big deal to me compared to using and/or dealing heroin/morphine/opium or some shit.

Outside of that, I'd probably have no problem with Islam as long as it wasn't the insane "kill all kafirs" kind of Islam.
So all they are is dumb retards?
Thank God for the sickle cell

they don't. jordanianon gets it. if they're in a western country or have the right friends, they don't give a fuck what their imam says is halal or haram.

if they believe they're safe from the opinions of their peers, they do whatever the fuck they want

you make a good point. I had Saudi friends that lived more fast and dangerously than I ever have; maybe I only saw that side of them because they were like Amish on their Rumspringa?
Jesus turned water into wine for the lulz and everyone had a good time. Drunkenness =/= a moderate consumption of alcohol. There is a big difference between getting a little merry and being black out piss drunk.
islam represents everything that the modern world needs to move away from. muslims would make the world better by all disappearing.
Fucking parasites.
Utter cunts that can't fight their own battles.
delusional cuts.
They preach fisty cuffs non stop.
They hate mutts.
They smell like shit.
Fucking pieces of desert shit nigger retards.
Actually I was talking about Christians.
But yeah I'm aware of what Saudis abroad do.
What's exactly so wrong about arranged marriage?
You are now aware that vikiniggers had two wives each
[spoiler]and yes I completely agree with you[/sploicer]

Yeah, but again, the real problem is that incest stops the formation of geographic - as opposed to clan-based - communities. If you think of a community as basically a big dating pool, it explains why Arabs are constantly killing each other (too small), and why our own societies are basically falling apart in slow motion (too big).
>ur takin that verse outta context!!!!!!!
*puts verse in context*
holy fuck it's worse
>ur a rcist!!!!!!
India has the second largest Muslim population in the world.
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The westerners sure want to die alone. Kek'd
What? Are you saying that the natural reaction to people waging war on you is kissing them on their cheeks and spreading your asshole? Only Muslims have resistance concept?
And yes you are racists because no matter how much you claim to hate Islam you still share the major Muslim views with us and you really only hate foreigners.

>Not obligatory
>Gets done to you when you're a kid
>Some kids literally run away and are caught and pinned down while it's done to them

Sure sounds optional to me
Actually the Quran says something like "And isn't it bad when a cunt drinks and gets drunk a/f?" or something vague like that. Ie the action of drinking until drunk is implied proscribed, but drinking in moderation isn't mentioned. Muzzies can't into propositional logic.

But the hadiths say it's bad, and in effect stict Quranism (ignoring the hadiths) is heresy to 99% of Muslims soooooo lel
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>my governor pledged not to admit any Muslims into this state
>haven't seen a single one
>in a town that's majority white
>the town is white oriented
>Are you saying that the natural reaction to people waging war on you

And what is your definition of waging war? Disagreeing with your religion?

Saudis are fucking crazy when they're not in their repressed, backwards country. They're much more fun than when I've visited them back home.

Actually, Christianity is weird with the alcohol thing. Judge me all you want- here's all I see on the matter:

largely dependent on your denomination, unless I'm sorely mistaken

even then, they'll do it in private and pray it away every Sunday

if you're not hurting anybody except yourself, I don't see the problem

as for >>91842093,
boys and girls get to choose who they wanna fuck- who they wanna spend the rest of their lives with- who they think is the best-suited mate to help them raise their young

that's what's wrong about arranged marriage

doesn't depend on how well-connected your family is; if you treat a girl right, you balance one another out, and you're both dedicated to raising offspring better than yourselves- then you ensure that your kids get a better life than you had
Bombing your country for oil.
Shooting civilians for sport, like Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan were doing.
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>unjust corporal/capital punishment
>no freedom of speech
>trying to take over Europe
>degenerate culture
>worshipping a false prophet
>worshipping Satan and demons
>rejecting God
>rejecting Christ
>believing Heaven is a hedonistic paradise
>promotes hatred and desecration of the Temple, the human body
>satanic animal sacrifices (halal food)
>Women are third class citizens in Islam
>no alcohol
>no pork
>denying a person that which the Lord has cleansed

There's still very much to list
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Forgot pic
pretty sure the world would be better off if all muslims suddenly died
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>christens are also not allowed to eat pork.

9 On the morrow, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour:

10 And he became very hungry, and would have eaten: but while they made ready, he fell into a trance,

11 And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending upon him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth:

12 Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air.

13 And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.

14 But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean.

15 And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.
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>uncircumcised is unhygenic
>muhhh hygeniccccc

Meanwhile, muslims are the smelliest retards in my country.

Also if we would see pass all the violence memes, there would still be the dubious, highly contentious, caveman, un-inspiring philosophy behind.
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I support turning the the entire middle east into a sheet of glass and extracting the oil while wearing lead lined radiation suits.
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If you dont believe this is a miracle in it's own then I wish you are good 1 way to hell.

And it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it. (Qur'an, 51:47)

If Islam knew the space expansion 1400 years ago then you know Islam is the true Religion. No matter how hard you zio christcucks try to defame Islam, we will prevail like Fearless Eagles.
>All of Islam

I can tell youre a fag by the way you talk about fags
Specifically about the way of life:
Traditionaly values strength over intellect.
Traditionally disrespectful and degrading towards women, children and anything weaker than you. Compassion is a sign of weakness, when you try to prove something you have to at least try doing it by force, otherwise you are weaker than not being able to force your point through.
Tradition is more important than logic.
Mob mentality. Muslims are joining together "against" something instead of "for" a common goal.


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>unjust corporal/capital punishment
>no freedom of speech
>trying to take over Europe
>degenerate culture

Yup that's Christianity
Sufi Muzzie here AMA
Fuck off achmed al beuretti
Islam teaches us to wash ourselves 5 times a day before prayers through wudu.
Islam teaches us to do full body wash after discharge or sex or end of period for girls through ghusl.
Islam teaches us cleaning teeth with miswak like the prophet.
Islam teaches us cutting fingernails every Friday like the prophet.
Islam teaches us that it's obligatory to purify ourselves with water after pissing/shitting while Westerners in 2016 walk with shit between their ass cheeks.
Islam teaches us that not removing armpit and pubic hair and fingernails for more than 40 days will mean your prayers won't get accepted.
Islam teaches us that defecation in public leaves you cursed.
No booze, no bacon and no brain. I'm sure there are more.
Don't forget to cry about terrorist attacks later and how Muslims are naturally so violent and that terrorism is not at all reactionary to your country's ugly war crimes.
Wowowowowow. That last one went too far.
That flag looks like indian streets
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My fucking face when this as is accurate as it possibly can be. Yes I have seen people with shit on they're hands seriously without even knowing it.
kek is with us

nice try, mohammad
and there was a lady who shat herself too. Kekl'd.
tell me about the christian america pal?
Okay immigrant, how is any of that miraculous, exactly?
Also, what miracles did Mohammed perform? His mannerisms and life certainly werent pious, for sure. Christ, God in the flesh, rose the dead, fed the 5,000 (many more if you include the women and children there), was willingly crucified, died, buried, and rose again on the third day in body and soul fully. He is Risen and Alive. Mohammed was found rotting on the 3rd day of his death.
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Islamic (Satanic) violence is certainly not a meme, see pic related.
Do you have any facts from the Gospels to back up your claims? I doubt it, Christ did not teach such a mess, unlike Mohammed.
>Islam teaches us that not removing armpit and pubic hair and fingernails for more than 40 days will mean your prayers won't get accepted.
Want to know how I know your religion is false?
Awful sounding voices
Smell bad
Halal meat
Pray to an imaginary pedo God
Islam is not a race.
Muslim is not a race.
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Yes, there is.
Fucking kids
Ugh......even the "pretty" ones are ugly
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>that picture
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Based pooper in the looper
>given the right economy and access to technology most of your radical ahmeds will be watching porn and smoking weed before Osama can say akbar

Most European Islamic terrorist attacks have been from 2nd/3rd gen Immigrants. Try again, retard.
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Meme related.
This thing in your picture is repulsive.
If you consider this ideal then you need no post here anymore
>>worshipping Satan and demons
>>rejecting God
We worship the one and only god and that's it.
>>rejecting Christ
Jesus Christ (PBUH) is an important prophet and a massanger in Islam.
>>believing Heaven is a hedonistic paradise
Well good people have to be rewaded for their good deeds in life..
>>promotes hatred and desecration of the Temple, the human body
>>satanic animal sacrifices (halal food)
Torturing animals for any reason other than food is haram and we cut animals the way we do because blood is haram in our religion and not allowed to eat it.
>>Women are third class citizens in Islam
Not true.
>>no alcohol
>>no pork
>>denying a person that which the Lord has cleansed
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>Islam teaches us that not removing armpit and pubic hair and fingernails for more than 40 days will mean your prayers won't get accepted.

Why are we even talking about fucking Islam ?
>no respect for women
>no respect for gays
>war-mongering, aggressive rhetoric
So you mean the literal embodiment of /pol/ ?
You can cut it any time you want and your prayers will be accepted.
You can't be unhygenic when you stand in the hands of god 5 times a day. It's disrespectful.
Forgot to add:

Very bad drivers (speed all the time and don't seem to consider red lights a thing)
Women look like orcs (nothing like OP's pic)
>Well good people have to be rewaded for their good deeds in life

So you believe good deeds should be motivated by promise of sensory rewards in the hereafter.
Yes dog saliva is considered ungyenic. So what.
>the left love muslims despite hating what they stand for
>the right hates muslims despite loving what they stand for

Both sides are cucks getting manipulated. But by who? And don't say Jews, they are being manipulated too.
>mutilating your dick to please an illiterate Arab cave dweller
Enough reason to want Islam removed from the face of the earth Ï„bh
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faggot Saliva is an anti-septic you dumb fuck. You'd know if you've seen a dog lick itself after an injury.

Also, learn2write you nigga

Using the high-level tech of a twig to clean your teeth.

Are you guys children that Mo has to teach you this? We have kids songs that do it for us.

This is the way we brush our teeth brush our teeth
This is the way we comb our hair comb our hair
This is the way we wash our face wash our face
So early in the morning!
Most people on the right stand for free speech, minimal government and individual liberty. Are any of those things Islamic values?
If you think islam isn't bad you clearly don't have any daughter.
According to muslim scholars, muslims killed over 200 million hindus during conquest and rule of india
Are you sure you've put enough thought into this?
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I don't condone the massive rape of young boys currently going on in the mudslime world. It is sick and abhorrent mudslimes are pure scum.

Khaldun believed that humans are the most evolved form of animals, in that they have the ability to reason. The Muqaddimah also states in Chapter 6:

We explained there that the whole of existence in (all) its simple and composite worlds is arranged in a natural order of ascent and descent, so that everything constitutes an uninterrupted continuum. The essences at the end of each particular stage of the worlds are by nature prepared to be transformed into the essence adjacent to them, either above or below them. This is the case with the simple material elements; it is the case with palms and vines, (which constitute) the last stage of plants, in their relation to snails and shellfish, (which constitute) the (lowest) stage of animals. It is also the case with monkeys, creatures combining in themselves cleverness and perception, in their relation to man, the being who has the ability to think and to reflect. The preparedness (for transformation) that exists on either side, at each stage of the worlds, is meant when (we speak about) their connection.

Plants do not have the same fineness and power that animals have. Therefore, the sages rarely turned to them. Animals are the last and final stage of the three permutations. Minerals turn into plants, and plants into animals, but animals cannot turn into anything finer than themselves.
>Is there anything that /pol/ disagrees with in Islamic way of life other than them wanting to murder/oppress anything that isn't muslim?
I dunno India, demanding the death and enslavement of anything that isn't part of your group is kind of a dealbreaker to me.
>devout catholic
>believe in secularism

Pick one pal

t. traddy pro

also this.

Also, gas the Kurds

>tfw mixed anglo-irish + syrian who was never taught arabic by his insane lattakian grandmother so has to pay out the nose to learn it at university from some egyptians so i can one day, maybe, try and horde mineral bux and set up shop in Latakia and marry a nice qt3.14 SSNP or Baathfu who wants to remove yids and kurds as much as I do

Also, Greater Syria when?
No. If the dog saliva touches your plate you have to wash it 7 times. It carries germs. And they cause diseases.
Yes, we are christians, which your false prophet plagiarized along with judaism to create a death cult that worships the old arabian moon god...islam didn't work too well till the false prophet started murdering people en mass....all islam is good for is to de stabilize orderly societies and bring ruin to the west
No most of us use normal brushes with toothpaste. My point is it was popular from 1400 years ago.
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maybe if the age of consent wasn't 12 as opposed to 18 you'd see less people fucking kids you monumental retard
How does it feel to know that I take a taxi to Aqaba once a month or so to get your women drunk and fuck their asses?
WTF where is this from???
Nothing because these are not Jordanian girls.
Honesty the worst thing about shitskins like you is the kike circumcision meme
They absolutely are. They're all locals and I speak to them in Arabic. They think I'm American, they have no idea I'm an Israeli Jew.
Jidf pls go
It's more hygenic for males to be circumcised.
>Most European Islamic terrorist attacks have been from 2nd/3rd gen Immigrants.

so? all that shows is that the isolated ones that get some form of wahabi education do attacks.

>uneducated retard muzzie
suicide bomber, go to heaven 72 virgins ishallah

>University educated Muzzie
we got bare women and sex slaves and you're a loner so join us and make chemical weapons and bombs.

its 2 pronged recruitment, they use videos of Guantanamo prisoners, Palestinians, iraqis, afganis etc to say "look bad westerners, theyre doing this just cause they brown! omg XD"

>mfw people haven't realized how to fight terrorism in 2016

no alcohol, I'm out

whats the point of living if you can't enjoy a cold beer after work, a french wine with a good dinner, a quality single malt whiskey?

Just one example of how you fuckers take all the joys out of life nowonder you're all in such a hurry to martyr yourself
>I don't condone the massive rape of young boys currently going on in the mudslime world. It is sick and abhorrent mudslimes are pure scum.

>mfw greek talking about gays
Totalitarian retards controlling everything by brutal force

Abrahamic religions are pretty much for useful idiots that wish to be manipulated by jews.
Greeks gave up on their pedo ways long ago.
Afghans ars still raping little boy in the butt.
Just usual business of the time. People conquest each other. Many generals of those Muslims were Hindus. Hindus had Muslim generals.

I come from a place which was free of conquest. Islam came here through trade.
(First in India)
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>Athens 2500 years ago
>Pakistan and Birmingham yesterday

Really tingles your thingy

>y yew noe liek skittles
1) pedophilia
2) rape culture
3) demanding i pray on the floor when i dont even go to church
4) no alcohol
5) no bacon
6) expecting special treatment because they kill each other when other countries tell them to. some entitled as thinking right there

so?if they dont change, KILL them too

kill them at THEIR airports

slaughter them at THEIR shopping malls

bomb them at THEIR bus terminals

kill them in THEIR schools

kill them in THEIR hospitals

kill them IN THEIR HOMES

kill them wherever they are and wherever you encounter them

>eh can't tell the difference between making frog memes and suicide bombing people over an issue
>Don't let Muslims be uneducated or they will terrorist
>Don't let Muslims be educated because if they become ronery / hit hard times even after being educated or they will terrorist

Ok lad
American soldiers raped little boys in Iraq.
typical cuck from londonistan
Don't use protection, pollute their genes.

There is a huge difference between an isolated war crime and a systematic wide spread practice
If I keep posting will more die?
It's not widespread in most Muslim countries.
Maybe Afghanistan.
Can't argue with that.

Might wanna check out Yemen, Ahmed.
Yes unforunately Yemen has a problem with child marriage.
But most Muslim countries don't.

4)saudi arabia
11) kuwait

and no other islamic country carries out institutionalized pedophila
Burger liberated Afghanistan

Brother Jordanian is right though, however, even though it is not legal, you still find this practice made in rural parts of the shithole that is Jordan.
Yeah it's truly impossible for US soldiers of peace to commit war crimes...
American soldiers gangrape 14 y/o girl.
Shoot her mother, father and her 6 y/o sister.
Set her body on fire.
I'm not huge on all this slut-march shit, but I'm not sure stoning people without trial is really the mark of a successful society.
You have a godless religion. If you do not have the Son, you do not have the Father. Your religion godless, as it denies the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It's not widespread.
Maybe villagers and desert dwellers will do it but majority of the population think its repulsive.
>Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
>Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
>He begetteth not, nor is He begotten.
>And there is none like unto Him.
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In most muslim countries it shouldn't be a fucking issue at all.
I know people who are taught about Islam from a young age, is so anxious about straying away from the thought of Islam, that they've deliberately removed all sense of reasoning.
You are constantly weary of thinking bad thoughts, so obsessive about not contradicting a book, with your own thoughts, that you blindly allow for iron age doctrines and rules, to determent and hold your civilization in that period.

You are apologetic for your own religion, but when called out on it, you fly into a rage of internalized frustration because you realize the contradiction. Your logic is trying to break free, but your indoctrination has too strong a hold of your entire life and surroundings, that you convince yourself that what your subconscious is trying to tell you is wrong.

I'm so fucking pissed at Islam, because they ruined one of the most prosperous civilisations, and now turned it to a backwards ideology that refuses all advancements towards furthering a better world.
Hating dogs
No pork
Hating on people drinking responsibly (I don't even drink, myself)
Inferiority AND superiority complex
Perpetual victimhood
A political religion that destroys foreign cultures and cannot coexist with them
The Quran is awfully written
Very homoerotic
Loves kids of both genders in the wrong ways
Even the """"angel"""" Muhammad dealt with beat him up
Suicidal prophet
Prophet with likely temporal lobe epilepsy
A fucking flying horse

Must I continue?
I particularly like the teachings about having sex with 6 yo girls.
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Man pic looks like a fucking alien
Still less retarded than believing god fucked himself into existence with a young woman.
-Submissive women
-Stoning gays

-Sharia law
-State and church not separated
-Praying on the floor
-Child marriage

The cons list goes on and on
Actually we're just trying to come off as racist as possible so we'll become a stereotype and they would bring in even more. Just to shut up bitches n sheeit
We're not Mormons.
I thought that was milk on her top lip
>My book is better than your book
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have a read OP then tell me your answer
it was advanced wait tell quake 3 beta if on tv
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Can comfirm for the three of them. They also practice arranged marriage between their cousins.
You forgot male genital mutilation but as a burger you were jewed and are mutilated yourself while finding it perfectly normal.
I know there are child prostitute in Morrocco but I thought it was due pedo prying on poor family and not an institutional accepted legal thing.
Sorry I live on the West coast that is only on the East coast French bread.

My cock is perfectly fine.
You don't understand.

It's not about whether we agree or not, it's about whether we should live together. We are different. We have different cultures. Different languages. We look different. We behave differently. We simply believe that different cultural groups should live in their own countries where they can practice their own beliefs and engage in their specific cultural expressions.

If muslims could just stay in their own countries and live their lives I would respect and accept them, but I don't want them coming here and destroying my culture and my country.
>child prostitute in Morrocco
They aren't see as positive, but marrying young kids is accepted, anyway Maghreb is more islamized than you can think.
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nice repeating digits
define young.

16 years old ?
9 year old ?
Jesus... sauce?
>Is there anything that /pol/ disagrees with in Islamic way of life other than the "they wanna kill infidels" meme?

They want to rape "infadels" too.
I support gay rights, women's rights, separation of the church and the state, religious liberty and democracy.
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Child gang rape.

I wasn't prejudiced towards the muslims until Rotherham.

Consequently when you learn that they consider non-believers fair game, with no moral restrictions placed on their behaviour towards them, they don't strike a sympathetic chord at all.

If all 1.8billion were to suddenly die tomorrow, nobody would notice in terms of productivity, and in fact the world would be a better place.

You can't legit claim that about a lot of groups.
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The majority of muslims worldwide want to live under sharia law, want criticism of islam to be criminal, want to kill gays, believe multiple women are required to give testimony in court equal to one man, and think punishments such as stoning to death are appropriate for women who get raped.

TL;DR, islam has no place in the West, keep it in sand monkey land
Free speech
I believe in free speech and Islam doesn't.
The religion is hypocritical.

Early in the Quran Muhammad was war hungry and spoke of killing your enemy. He even encouraged lying if you have to.
Later he changed his tune and taught peace.

Peaceful Muslims say they listen to his later teachings. But, some say his early work trumps that. His early work says to lie to covert others if you have to. So how many lie and really believe his early teachings?

Not forgetting :

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Burn down your local mosque.
Do it.

yes. all of it.
its fine if you are going to stay home but these our our countries not yours so yeah.. all of it
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Can't do it alone.

Enslavement of free will
Promotes aggresision and punishes growth and development.

You choose contempt people "faithul" that prevent degenetion (even thought there is tons of degeneration in islam world)

Or degenerate free people that do great things , invovate , build , grow.

I'll choose freedom and degeration thank you, am smart enough to figure shit out and avoid crap.

Unlike getting acid on your face because you insult faith.
There was a time when the opposite of what you posted is true, but that was like 1200 years ago unfortunately.
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>Forced Religion or death
>Honor killings
>Slavery of infidels
>Mass murder
>Cant Drink
>Forced Islamic law
>No bacon
They can kill all the fags they want but I still will never join their evil religion.
That's the problem of you cucks, you respect women too much. That's why the West has fallen.
>Stereotypical badger eating a hamburger
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Why do these always have such low numbers? You could have typed in any number you wanted, it could have been a million
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Shut the fuck up Muslims
The whole fucking little boys part.
Just the fact that they worship a Semitic god is enough reason for me to hate them. It doesn't help that they're brown.
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You can do it. We know your potential. Your great grand father was an enlightened man.
Yea they are a theocratic socialist government. It has less to do with that it disagrees with pol and more do with that it disagrees with western civilization in general. Virtually all western nations are capitalistic and secular.
Besides the fact that they worship a false prophet who was a rapist, brutalizer, and slaver? Eh, a few things. They're far too strict and completely ignore the message of Christ. They are so foreign from God that I don't even think they can be called heretics, but rather heathens. They have lost his message in its entirety.

With the power of kek, I shall kill 150 mudshits.
The only thing I don't have a problem with is kebabs. I'll admit the arabs? turks? syrians? at the kebab shop have consistently made good food for nearly a decade now.
Look no further than your OP image. I bet you thought she looks nice wrapped up like that and that oh em gee doughs lips might give a positive impression? Hate to break this to you, but she looks more like a prison inmate. So sorry.
That's pretty rich coming from Sweden. Better get back into your cuck shed before your wife finds out you're using the Internet.
>Islam wouldn't be any worse than Christianity if the majority of them were actually moderate.

>Implying christianity wasn't the most valuable force for the western world and it's decline isn't the direct cause of the muzzie invasion.
lovely christian sister and brother
>Islam teaches us that it's obligatory to purify ourselves with water after pissing/shitting while Westerners in 2016 walk with shit between their ass cheeks.

>this rustles the americlap

>Islam teaches us that defecation in public leaves you cursed

>this rustles the pooinder
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